Timothy Ferguson   Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
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Review Showcase
71 Hours played
What a fantastic remake! While I enjoyed the original a lot, there are a plethora of notable improvements. I preferred the remake versions of Luis, Saddler, and Ashley. The dark opening is much more ominous and the village fight seems much more desperate in harder difficulties. The Separate Ways DLC adds an INCREDIBLE amount to the story. This game is worth playing a few times and really makes me excited for a Resident Evil: Code Veronica remake in the future.
Review Showcase
429 Hours played
The best WWII game I've played. Fantastic with friends but easy to make friends as well. The new developers had a rocky start but they seem committed to working with the community going forward so I'll be replaying often.
Es liegt der heiße Sommer, Heinrich Heine
Es liegt der heiße Sommer

Auf deinen Wängelein;

Es liegt der Winter, der kalte,

In deinem Herzchen klein.

Das wird sich bei dir ändern,

Du Vielgeliebte mein!

Der Winter wird auf den Wangen,

Der Sommer im Herzen sein.