
Последние обзоры CourtJesterCowboy

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0.0 ч. всего
This is supposed to be the better DLC, but wow did the main story fall flat for me. In fact, I kinda hated it. The entire DLC rides on you not being allowed to kill the antagonist when you encounter them rather early in, then you spend the rest of the experience wondering "why couldn't I have just killed them then?" The vampires in design I dont care much for, as if they are doing too much to try and make their vampires stand out as special. The main characters introduced in the DLC are all pretty lame too. Just lame people in general.

There are some redeeming qualities. Decent side quests, new character mechanics, a new area that is very aesthetic, a proper home to live where you have a proper ending if you Romance Yennefer...

Definitely a super sale grab
Опубликовано 22 августа.
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0.0 ч. всего
It was a good DLC. I enjoyed pretty much every thing about it. No plot holes. No annoyances.
Опубликовано 22 августа.
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87.2 ч. всего
This is a hard review to make. The Witcher 3, and the series in general, holds a highly captivating story with plenty side content... Unfortunately, it is locked behind a slog of traversal, clunk, and mid combat.

I tried getting through The Witcher 3 probably 5-6 times unsuccessfully, first on PS4, then repurchasing on PC. I loved the themes and the story, but just could not stay interested. I installed 40+ mods, changing mostly graphics, making the game pretty. Still couldn't stay interested.

Well recently, I decided to give the game yet another try, but this time, I launched it through WeMod, which allowed for me to essentially trivialize the combat, and give myself an actual fast travel. WOW, did this make the game so much more tolerable. With all this fluff traversal and hacking at enemy after enemy countless times out of the way, I actually became hooked and binged the game, and I am so glad I decided to play this way, because really, I would have never played at all.

TLDR: I cant genuinely recommend The Witcher 3 in its base, vanilla state. The amount of fluff travel/combat you have to slog through to get to the good stuff is unreal. However, playing the game with mods that trivialize combat and allow for quick travel allow the story elements to shine, letting The Witcher 3 truly feel like the 9.5/10 that I always hear about.
Опубликовано 22 августа.
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13.4 ч. всего
Dude, the game is phenomenal & timeless classic due to the creative storytelling with classic fairy tales and the art style aging very well.
Опубликовано 22 августа.
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15.2 ч. всего (12.1 ч. в момент написания)

-Graphics are upgraded quite nicely.
-Mechanics are improved and feel nice while also staying true to the retro game
-The audio is great
-The setting and story are great if you can push through


-The game is stupid difficult on all levels. The enemies on normal will kill you easily as if you arent already struggling with limited ammo. They brought new faster zombies in. The puzzles are convoluted and widely dispersed. The amount of items you have to manage with such a small inventory is not fun and that could have been changed. Limited saving is stressful.
-Not being able to mod the game means no fixing issues like the constant door animation cutscenes that waste a lot of time.

All in all, the game is great, but the just sheer difficulty makes it feel like they didnt give any reasonable updates to the remake on purpose, maybe to sell physical guide books or something. I have had fun with the game, as frustrating as it is, but I would recommend emulating the original before playing this if I am completely honest.
Опубликовано 18 июля. Отредактировано 19 июля.
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0.5 ч. всего
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Went into the first dungeon, was given zero direction on anything at all, saw no other players to ask for help, fought like 10 of the same exact goblin enemy, the movement was slow af, the combat was slow af, the combat was also janky af with weapon going through the enemy but relying on cursor location instead...

Terrible experience. Even if the game is good down the road, at least hook me on it a little bit. Wtf was that?
Опубликовано 14 июля.
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0.8 ч. всего (0.5 ч. в момент написания)
Very simple idea that is executed quite well... I just cant find players? Bot matches can only go so far.
Опубликовано 7 июля.
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5.3 ч. всего (0.3 ч. в момент написания)
Classic digital puzzle pachinko. Easy $1 pickup. Played so much on Xbox 360. Great game to pop in and out of.
Опубликовано 7 июля.
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0.2 ч. всего
It is unfortunate, because I think its likely one guy made this, and they likely put a lot of love into it, but the overwhelming reviews led me to believe I was going to play something on the level of WarioWare, Incredible Crisis, or Feel the Magic: XY/XX... but McPixel 3 does not come even remotely close to that caliber.

Probably a great buy if you are looking to entertain your child or something.

Опубликовано 7 июля.
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0.7 ч. всего
Genuinely one of the worst games I have ever played.
Опубликовано 7 июля.
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