Sao Paulo, Brazil
       ★ W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ★
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原画与作者信息: 作者:MORE_EDU 侵权必删,转载须注明出处及原画信息,勿做商用。 各位能看到的小伙伴们!我在创意工坊这片创意天地里默默耕耘,一心想为大家呈上更多独具匠心,一路全凭热爱 “死磕”,纯粹为爱发电。 只可惜,疏于宣传其他平台视频号导致起步滞后,目前还在艰难 “攒粉” 阶段。我全网同名,不管是在 B 站,还是抖音,搜 【孟婆干杯】 就能找到我。 在这儿诚心求大家给个关注,对我而言,您的这一关注,就是最大的支持,足以让我怀揣满满动力,持续输出更棒的动态壁纸!感恩有你们!
1,782 ratings
Created by - 孟婆干杯-MPGB
Andúnië⁸⁷ 13 hours ago 
May your Sunday morning be as beautiful as a garden in bloom. May you find inspiration and peace in its vibrant colors and delicate scents.

my tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I

got out of bed at all

the morning rain clouds up my window

and I can't see at all

and even if I could it'd all be grey

but your picture on my wall

it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad
a Gabriel! Santos, Mariano. 10 Mar @ 6:54pm 

I’m so calm I could kill you but I’m gonna kiss you and love you until I don’t hate you

I’m so calm I could make you the martyr but I do what’s harder this is my departure

I’m so calm I could write you a letter my knife is a pen it gets better and better

It’s subtle the way you measured every detail

Until I was small enough to hide in plain sight

Everything inside me’s all been ours

I’m angry but I’m staying scary calm
a Gabriel! Santos, Mariano. 10 Mar @ 3:12pm 

When did it end

All the enjoyment

I'm sad again

Don't tell my girlfriend

It's not what she's made for

What was I made for
Andúnië⁸⁷ 7 Mar @ 6:19am 
Let your worries drift away and allow the weekend to gift you with moments of pure bliss and contentment. May it be a time of happiness and relaxation!
Andúnië⁸⁷ 2 Mar @ 6:30am 
Happy Sunday! May this day bring you the inspiration and determination to achieve all your goals for the upcoming week. Believe in yourself and all that you can accomplish.