Salicar Barkas   Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
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+ The art style is absolutely beautiful. It's distinct and unique. Very different from the other metroidvanias. No wonder the game got an award for it.
+ The main idea for the game is interesting and intriguing. Most of the stuff you encounter forces you to piece the story together on your own.
+ While the game has a narrative, and it does tell you what to look for, it's up to you to find the places and the people on your own. No holding hands whatsoever.
+ The combat is fluid, can be approached in A LOT of ways and gives you a lot to experiment with. Plenty of weapons have their own unique attack and basically everything can be enchanted and upgraded. There are 4 skill trees: ranged, axes, swords and bows. You can use them all at the same time. It's also possible to specialize in throwing weapons (which can be busted if you invest enough in them) and magic. Don't worry, you can respec your character mid-game.
+ The music is splendid, each and every track fits the theme perfectly.
+ The bosses are great! All of them are very different from each other mechanically. It's possible to beat them using whichever style you decide to use, but once you start fighting a boss, you can tell which style you're supposed to be using. Some of them are weaker to some elements, and they also use elemental attacks, so it makes sense to gather items that provide resistance.
+ When you die, you are transported to the last saving spot and you lose ALL your progress. Items gathered, levels etc. Some people may not like this, but I found it stimulating, as it made me play safer and not rush in blindly.
+ The game isn't hard, so I advise you to play on hard difficulty.


- Some quest resolutions are still buggy,
- There are still some bugs in the gameplay. For example, infinite falling down, damage not registering. It can be very frustrating when you make a lot of progress and then just randomly die and lose it all.
- You can very easily lock yourself out of dlc and, as a result, lose A LOT of content. They should've made access to the dlc more straightforward.
- There are no voicelines in the game, which in a way adds to the game's atmosphere. However, it also makes it harder to identify with the main character.
- Some achievements are bugged, and you may need to get to NG+ and try getting them all over again on the replay.

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