Dove >:)
Dove   United States
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violatedurmom 23 Sep, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
The instant your gaze alights upon my member, these dual states converge into a singular truth. You may have surmised the quandary at hand; when but a single photon, reflected from my form, penetrates your eye, your inclinations may take a most curious turn. The sole means of evading this predicament is to refrain from observing. Yet, if you avert your gaze, you shall remain unaware of any impact your insult may have wrought, thus rendering it devoid of meaning. As you have cast the aspersion, you too are ensnared in a state of superposition—either in error or embracing a new proclivity. Alas, it is a most unfortunate fate; you have unwittingly excavated a pit for yourself. All that remains is to accept your condition and glean wisdom from this experience.
violatedurmom 23 Sep, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
What if I am, perchance, already indulging in such a lascivious act? Beneath this seemingly simple affront lies a universal paradox that may indeed call into question your own inclinations of desire. Let us engage in a modest thought experiment: envision us in the presence of one another. I, naturally, am attired in a pair of trousers, protecting my modesty. You then decree that I should "go indulge myself." It is quite possible I am already engaged in such activity, or perhaps I am not. Until the position of my member in relation to my posterior is observed, it occupies an ambiguous state—simultaneously within and beyond.