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6.8 hrs on record
Short little game of the Expanse tv show. I'd say it's sort of fan service for those who have watched the series and wishes there was more of it. Game has so much of it's lore and character dialog references from the tv series, so anyone who has not watched it will not understand most references or the backgrounds of happenings, so they will most likely rate it lower and have a "what are they even talking about" feeling most likely. You play as Camina Drummer, so character with background from the show, again, unless you have watched.. you gonna not understand many things she says and thinks about.

For me, who has watched the whole series and is a fan, the game was good and enjoyable. Yes, it's one of those typical Telltale games where it is more of an interactive story episodes, like watching a tv show, but few interactions and choices here and there that makes the story change a bit.

Short (all 5 episodes done in just about 7 hours) but atmospheric, zero g suit control makes a lot of the game with couple "puzzles", but mostly it's just a story with a vibe. The main theme music from the tv series brings nostalgia. Wish they would make some Spin off show from The Expanse. I'd watch it. The world it has is one with nice potential for story writing.

Bought it during winter sale, so was not expensive, totally worth it during sale prices for fans of the original show. :)
Posted 13 January.
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13.8 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Got this on 2 platforms (PC and console), and having good fun so far on 2 classes. Enjoying the gameplay and it works nicely for EA game. The challenge is just nice and feels actually playing a game, compared to D4 (bad) that is like autoplay easy.. so i prefer this.

Honestly 9/10 arpg enjoyment even on early access so far. I use controller and play on big screen, so comfy relaxing fun. Controller feels like very natural choice to use for the action combat while gotta kite the enemies fast to not get boxed in on death traps. ^^

Will update later, but so far can recommend for any arpg enjoyers who like a bit of challenge. It's not hard though, and even i managed to make working builds without any guides. And i am known for wearing cat ears and doing meow sounds while playing and not for theory crafting talents. :D So anyone can do it if they spend a few moments checking the options.

Have fun and login to PoE2 everyday! <3
Posted 8 December, 2024.
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3.4 hrs on record
This is a cute visual novel game, with very stylistic look, reminding me of some of old animation films from childhood, that were old already then. But in a good way.

Very trippy journey into the most important mission ever, to save the world so it does not end.

And all you have to do is to SLAY the Princess! I might or might not had done just that.. okay i did, i am known to be ruthless when the world needs to be saved. ^^

Took less than 4 hours to get to end credits (or one ending, it has more than one), so game is not long. But it felt longer, and it was engaging experience. That i am happy i went through. And will very likely play another round after a while to see if i can get to different ending.

Can only recommend for those who have weird imagination like me and likes visual novels as a genre. Cute, very stylish and the voice acting is awesome. I hope to play more like this from same Developers in the future, or whatever they come up with.

Much love to you dear reader, and remember that we have all eternity..

- Princess Catya♡ (please don't slay me)
Posted 5 December, 2024. Last edited 7 March.
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23.5 hrs on record
Will be a bit weird review, since i like the game and think in general it has potential to be 9/10 game, if only it would not have very huge balance issues, that looks to get even worse in future updates based on Devs statements.

I like the combat, action, sounds, weapons, music, character designs (cute girls, gigachad guys, so it's not "westernized", i give bonus points for that and cute cosmetics and being able to paint them, different makeups etc) and the general gameplay vibe is really good, effects voice acting all blend into a GREAT fun game.

That is when you have normal classes playing or when solo and playing a normal class yourself that is not Ultimate Freyna, that has skill that can destroy every enemy from whole map in seconds and no one else gets any hits even in and that class turns the whole game into auto-clicker tier afk gaming, ruining the content to trivial and ruining whole gaming experience to the rest of party also, no one gets to do anything when that one class destroys everything in sight, and apparently they do not plan to correct that, but make more classes/skills like that.

So cannot recommend, unless you want to play 1 class (that probably they just make new OP class each season to sell it, then another next season.. i dislike that kind of game design), so even if i think the game is great and has potential, they ruined it themselves by clearly wanting to sell artificially created meta OP destroyer class that wipes out everything like it has admin command console that can delete all mobs with one command (1 skill/passive) and everything just gets wiped out. Yes, i am not exaggerating, it's that crazy and i luckily found out this early.. when joined group contents and did one evening of group stuff and like 70% played that same class just to 1-button everything.. and everyone else had miserable time, and even they also for sure.

So why even play? Good game, ruined by greed or incompetence, or both. Sad to see wasted potential, it was fun to play until found out the sad reality. They just want to sell OP class until next OP class that will be even more OP, making content trivial and un-fun. No gaming in a game.. cannot even shoot anything when 1 class explodes whole map faster than you can aim at enemies. You would think this is exaggeration. But go try yourself and see it with own eyes.

Potential: 9/10 game of actually fun and amazing vibe.

Sad reality: 4/10 game made of greed to sell OP class for 1-button gameplay. And those 4 points comes from my cute character, not the gameplay sadly. Only when you play with other "normal characters" it's fun. But when there is Ultimate Freyna in your party the game becomes 0/10 auto-play trash. Sad.
Posted 12 November, 2024. Last edited 12 November, 2024.
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90.3 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Quick review after 10 hours of day 1 gaming (will update later):

Okay so.. i thought before playing (not had done Beta test or KR server, so fresh first timer) that would maybe regret spending money for a risky Korean MMO Early Access, you all know why, but now after playing all night: i actually gonna leave a positive first impressions to my surprise.

Game has run smooth for me besides the servers were swarmed with players at start so there was a login problem for couple hours as is mmo tradition for pretty much any game in MMO history that were interesting enough to get people playing. My server been full of people everywhere i go. The game itself looks VERY pretty, effects and everything are nice and voice acting and cutscenes are well done. Story is not FF14, but then again.. it's also is not BDO, so something in between, slightly better than average Korean MMO, but nothing insane.. gameplay and combat is chill & fun. Combat is not "complex", but quite simple (some like that, some maybe wants more), but many things can tune your build to be interesting.

It has cool atmosphere to just do chill stuff around the zones and surprisingly, the Battlepass is not bad, even the free half of it gives decent stuff, if someone plans to play this Free to play soon, then for sure it's possible, easy to collect same materials and stuff by farming them. The Battlepass, paid and the Leveling "pass" bonus thingy is kinda just for the 1% who needs to compete with their guildies to be in best gear in record time, normal players gets there fast enough anyways i am feeling so far.

There is actually good potential in this game, and their roadmap seemed interesting and they plan to do both pve and pvp content. So game MIGHT have promising future with stable enough player base. I'd say it will scoop up some players from other older MMO games. I'd give this game a chance and try (since can soon for free) as pve player, just do the leveling content. It's better than New World and ESO etc that are dead games. Can recommend to try Throne & Liberty when it's free on 1st day next month.. since, it's free. :P


P2W: Not so bad, actually legit decent when learns how it works. You can earn Lucents by playing.
Graphics: 10/10 (for an MMO game, looks more like single player or few person co-op)
Combat: 8/10 Chill and simple with like 10ish buttons, like 5 skills makes your most active rotation, mostly.
Feeling: Relaxing, game looks stunning, weather and landscapes and effects, characters looks detailed.
Co-op: Fun with friends for sure.
Free to play? There is lots of stuff to do as free to play solo gamer also, and lots of cool Morphs etc that can find for free just by playing (doing quests and exploring). And can find currency coins by exploring everywhere that can use on store for materials and cosmetics etc.

So can recommend for MMO enthusiasts that likes to try and play all the special ones, this has potential to get into the top10 and stay there, the current version we did get is better than the Korean original based on what did hear from friends, and yes, it shows. The monetization etc feels quite decent now if one is experienced and plays the game for a bit for free and notices how easy it is to get everything by just playing. :) If the pvp and pve future content is good and plenty, future can be positive. Lots that can improve though still, but so is always in any mmo. I had just positive vibe the whole 10 hours i played so far. ^^ I mean.. having fun while playing is the point right?

Have fun testing this yourself! <3
Posted 26 September, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Ooh nice, a free DLC from Owlcat! Thank you! <3
Posted 5 September, 2024.
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285.6 hrs on record (209.2 hrs at review time)
This game is a legit masterpiece. Would recommend for anyone who likes the classic crpg (like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, this game has many things making it very similar in feeling of BG2) with a true power fantasy feeling, where your character and your party grows as the heroes, or heroic villains, the world deserves. Party banter is very much like in BG2, you have funny little chats when you rest and your party members have different comments often on things happening through the story, the story is varied a bit by your choices clearly, and you can become a true power, ascending to greatness. Your mythic path might lead to becoming an Angel, Demon, Lich, Gold Dragon.. and you can rival the gods eventually.

You will lead your party, and you will lead and manage armies in sort of Heroes of Might & Magic type of minigame mode also on the side at few points of the story, that i personally like. You can skip/automate that if wanna just focus on the traditional party playing.

People often ask things like "This or BG3?" Why "or" is my question? Play both. For different reasons. WotR is more complex what comes to combat and how differently can build classes/archetype/multiclass combos, but BG3 has fancy cutscenes and everything is voiced. It's almost interactive movie. In WotR there are no fancy cutscenes, it's more like BG2, and not everything is voiced. So it's like comparing a classic book against a movie. But what people with imagination know, with books some things are left to your imagination to fill in the blanks, so things can be what you want them to be and how you vision some thing things. People still love Lord of the rings books even after there are movies about the books. Still, all the spell effects, sounds and music is 10/10 in my honest opinion in WotR, looks and feels good to play, but yes - it has that "classic look" of BG2 era, and for me that is a good thing, it has nostalgic feeling, that you are playing a game, that you played years ago, it might have been old already then, but it feels nostalgic.. i love BG2 because i learned to play it from my big brother, same as we did play some old Heroes of Might & Magic cames in co-op together, good times. ^^

Enough said, top3 game for me among ANY crpg ever. There really is no other game like this, and i REALLY hope Owlcat makes us Pathfinder 3 someday, their team did so awesome work with this and i love it. I usually dislike some "Special Edition Early access giga bundle for 100eur order now!" gimmicks, but if Owlcat would announce Pathfinder 3 that would be more of this same, i would instantly order and pay that 100eur and would be like "You don't even need to explain what's in the box.." :D Not joking, i'd just buy it. Because this game is so good, and it has good replayability also, but still i just want more of it after this. <3
Posted 31 August, 2024. Last edited 28 November, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Edit: 40 hours in now on the new content of Machine Age DLC launch, loving the new added stuff so far a lot. Top 3 favorite DLC on Stellaris and i'd say a "must have" for anyone who enjoys this game for sure. Can recommend! <3 Probably most fun update/DLC so far for me in big picture (i own all DLC), it even feels the AI is slightly more dangerous (more challenge always better) in higher difficulties. Like it has done a few decisions/actions i had not seen it do before, so it played a bit smarter, so it's like something was done to AI this or last update that (i did not play much, so have better view on current update) makes it feel slightly better. As said, it's a good thing. Still, i like extra challenges from mods tho on top of that. ^^

+ New Origins
+ New Civics
+ New adapting portraits are really cool and increases the RP feel of it
+ New crisis.. well, not there yet since i play a long run (1000 stars galaxy with max AI etc, and no max speed, but fully min-maxing so prolly this run gonna take a few days time, plus random being sidetracked on other stuff as per usual lmao)
+ Love the new music tracks ^^ Synthwave vibes, fits the theme.

Hmm.. pretty much everything is great in the DLC so can recommend to any Stellaris enjoyers for sure. Not can think anything bad really, well maybe they could have put some extra stuff into Synthetic Dawn DLC, since this unlocks some things it did previously, so some increased value to it would not had hurt. Also costs 25eur/dollars, but well worth it imho, or if not feel that way, wait for sale, then for sure worth your money. Probably one with most content and effort they done head to head with Utopia DLC and people think that is a must-have, i'd say this is there also. Lots of replayability value increase with this DLC if you already done many playthroughs.

PS. Really, really love the soundtracks, now i listen to them sometimes even when not playing. <3
Posted 8 May, 2024. Last edited 15 May, 2024.
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11.5 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
I don't have a job, boyfriend or life - but at least i can play Last Epoch and become a mighty Warlock.

Good: Everything. Awesome game that will get you addicted and if you have a family you will lose them and your job, but who cares as long as you get good gear.

Negative: There are no cat ear cosmetics in the cash shop. I need them for immersion uwu

Conclusion: Recommending this fun game. Start was a bit rough for the server, but that bad memory will surely be erased when cat ear cosmetics and/or a catgirl polymorph is delivered to the cash store. Do it. You know you want to. ^^

Also, Last Epoch works very well with a controller, just as info for those sofa + big screen enjoyers, did not need any gimmicks like some games, instantly worked from plugging a controller to USB and moving with controller is so chill and the skills went immediately to good buttons. Very comfy for those relaxing sessions under a blanket. <3
Posted 21 February, 2024. Last edited 21 February, 2024.
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108.4 hrs on record (17.9 hrs at review time)
What a great game! Can recommend! <3

Legit masterpiece, already from the start, loving it! ^^
Posted 11 August, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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