Section 8: Prejudice

Section 8: Prejudice

Section 8:Prejudice multiplayer gameplay
@-=ABI=-@ 11 Jul, 2016 @ 12:01am 
ich habe es gerne gezockt leider hat windows das game gekilt das game hatte alles geschwindigkeit und teamplay und mufment :D
BluntOfCinder 2 Mar, 2016 @ 1:25pm 
i would really want to play it but i cannot for windows 8
IcyDec 11 Jan, 2015 @ 12:21pm 
they put the multyplayer back:tongue:
gecubed 7 Apr, 2014 @ 9:46pm 
Oh, so true. Makes me sad just looking at the community hub ;(/ R.I.P Section 8: Prejudice... <3
Rudiniki  [author] 2 Nov, 2012 @ 11:36am 
Yeah, it's sad that such a good game has flown under so a many people's radars. From time to time you can catch people on, maybe we could set up a game and see if we could get people on.
HBone 2 Nov, 2012 @ 7:31am 
I loved that game but unfortunately the multiplayer is dead