Paint the Town Red

Paint the Town Red

37 ratings
Level Editor Guide (Unofficial)
By Kersher
In this guide I'll explane how to use level editor for Paint The Town Red. This is Unofficial guide, but I'll try to make it as well as possible.
so true

Each player knows that Level Editor in PtTR is a perfect tool used to create totally different levels with any way you want.
However, when creators begin editing, the majority of them face with some issues, because it might be quite tricky to start up, if you don't know some basics.

This guide will help you meet up the level editor, it's controls, detalising, settings and everything else that can come in handy on the way of creating your own map.

So, here we go. I know, that there is an Official Level Editor Guide, but it's not updated for a REALLY long time. That's why i'm here.
Basic stuff

First of all, let's look at the main panels and toolbars of the editor.
Our window consists of 3 main parts:


Toolbar Menu contains all editing stuff, such as editing rooms, stairs, platforms, characters and everything else.

Main Menu allows you to save, upload, rename and edit global settings of the map.

View addons just make it easier to look trough the level. Here you can make the walls invisible and make transparent rooms.


Main Menu Functions

From Left to the Right:
  • Editing name of the level
  • Play level
  • Upload level to a workshop
  • Edit main settings of level
  • Save level
  • Load other created levels / Create a new one
  • Quit (All unsaved changes will be lost)


Controls in Paint the Town Red level editor are the same with other editors.
Most of effects and actions are controlled with hotkeys.

Main Controls

V - Camera Modes
W - Object Move Mode
E - Object rotate Mode
LMB - Select Objects
Esc - Deselect Objects
Delete or Backspace - Remove objects
Ctrl + D - Copy selected objects
Tab - Switching between options in toolbar menu
G - Switch the Grid
+/- - Change the size of grid
F5 - Fast Save
Ctrl + Z - Undo
Ctrl +Y - Redo

Selecting Controls:

LMB - Select Object
Esc - Deselect Object
Hold & Drag LMB - Select multiply objects
Ctrl + Clicking on the Object - add / remove an object to the selection

There are two Camera modes in PtTR Editor:

Isometric Camera Tool

This camera mode allows you to watch at the map from the top. Also, it allows you to move fast between different rooms and zoom in. To be honest, Isometric Camera is not so useful as the second mode.


V - Change camera mode
Hold RMB - Rotate Camera
Hold MMB - Pan Camera
Hold RMB + WASD - Pan Camera
Scroll Mouse Wheel - Zoom


Free Perspective Camera

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. This Camera mode allows you to move at each corner of the map and easely fly trough the different floors or even look at your map upside down! In my opinion, it's better to work in this camera mode all the time. It's perfect for setting details, props and characters.


V - Change camera mode
Hold RMB - Rotate camera
Hold RMB + WASD - free move
Hold RMB + WASD + LShift - move faster
Scroll mouse wheel - Zoom
F - focus on selected object
Alt + RMB - move camera around selected objects
O - Toggle & rotate axes


For now, that's all of the controls you should know. Also, there are some custom controls for each editing mode, but we'll talk about it in other sections
Level Settings

You can change some global settings in the Main Menu. Select Settings bar to edit them.
Global Settings Helps you to upgrade your level atmosphere or edit things you have to do to win.

So, here it is:

Level Options Menu


Ambient Light - adjust the brightness of your level using RGB parameters from 0 to 255. The lower the numbers - the darker your map.



Fog - fog at the level. Changing the parameters of RGB allows you to change its color. The higher the parameters, the thicker and brighter the fog. The lower they are, the less fog and the darker it is.

Color of the sky depends of the fog more than on the light.

No Effects
Fog & Ambient Light effects


Game Setup - these setings allows you to change some global stuff.
  • Have to kill everyone - You won't be able to exit the map before killing each enemy. If option in disabled, then level end zone will be aviable all the time

  • Have to enter End zone - you have to enter the zone to finish the level. If option is disabled, then your game will be finished automaticly after killing all of the enemies

  • Friends become enemies - That's it, you also have to kill your friends to complete the map. If option is disbled, then you won't have to do it to finish the level.


Music - the choice of music for the map. Pre Combat music and the combat music are selected separately. You can listen to music right away by pressing the ► button.

There might be only one music for each part of the scrypt. In the future, there should be an option to upload your own music


- Player - Editing player skin.There are 5 aviable skins:

  • Biker
  • Disco
  • Prison
  • Pirate Cove
  • Arena
Editing Rooms

To go to room editing, select on the main panel Edit Rooms bar, or press 1.

Room Editing Controls:

Click + Drag LMB on corner - Move corner
Ctrl + Drag LMB on corner - Move room
Click LMB on wall center - Select wall for door type editing
C + Click LMB on wall center - Split wall and add corner
X + Click LMB on corner - Delete corner
Shift + Drag LMB on wall center - Move/Connect wall
Delete or Backspace - Delete room

As you can see from the controls list, there are 2 main parts in each room: wall centers and corners

Selected Room



You can use corners to give your room the right shape. You can add as many corners as you want, but always try to have only the nescessary ones.
Each created corner adds one new wall center.


Wall Centers

Wall centers are used to connect rooms and add doors or remove the whole walls.

Also you can use wall center to move walls, but it can easely cause issues, because that if you are trying to do it near an other wall center, most likely they're gonna connect.


Room Properties

Other room settings are located here.

Y position (from -50 to 50) - Y position of the floor
Wall Height (from 2 to 100) - the hight of walls
Ceiling & Floor options - Remove / Add Floor or Ceiling
Paint - Select a part of room to paint
Allow other room overlaps - usually you can't make walls of different rooms to overlaps. This is good, but you always can turn it off if you need
Draw Ceiling From Above - Makes Ceiling visible from all sides (basically you can see it only from the bottom). Quite helpful If you're working with an other floor.


Editing Doors

You start door editing for a room wall by clicking at the wall center. Then, you'll find a new Door Type bar in your Properties list.
Each wall has a Wall door type. You can set 3 other types.

Changing door type to a Single door or a Double door only creates a doorway. If you need to add a door, then you have to chhose it from the list below Door type bar.
Editing Props

To go to props editing, select on the main panel Edit Props bar, or press 2.


C - Add prop
Delete or Backspace - remove prop
W - Moving mod
E - Rotation mode
Ctrl + D - Copy


Editor says that there are 2 types of props. But in my opinion, there are 6 of them (because of their different settings):
  • Melee Weapons
  • Guns
  • Furniture & environment stuff
  • Traps
  • Lights
  • Timer & Button props

Also you can select 2 other types of props: the ones with physics and the ones without it.


When you're working with props, you have 2 modes to do it:

Move Mode (Press W)
Rotate Mode (Press E)

In each mode you're working with XYZ axes, so it shouldn't be tricky.


Weapon Properties

Can be Picked Up By Enemies - Allows to set if Everyone can use this weapon or player only.
Fixed in Place - Allows to lock your weapon and prevent it from falling down.
Unbreakable - Makes your weapon infinite

Guns have 2 more different properties:

Ammo (from 0 to 10 000) - Allows you to set the number of bullets in your gun
Unlimited Ammo - Makes your gun infinite.

Well, moving objects around probably takes most of time in level editing, but believe me, this is worth it.
Editing Characters

Finally we reached to the most interesting part of the map creating.

To go to characters editing, select on the main panel Edit Characters bar, or press 3.


C - Place character
Delete or Backspace - Remove character
Ctrl + D - copy selected characters

All of the placed characters are generated absolutely randomly and have a random set of characteristics and skills, random type and random weapons in their hands. So you have to modify each one by yourself, if you want to achieve a good result.


Enemy Properties

There is a huge set of different parameters, lets check this out:

Enemy Type - this parameter explains who your enemy is. All of the other generated properties depend on Enemy Type. For example, you chose Disco Katana Boss enemy type. That means he will have better health, damage & attack speed, he'll survive the head damage, etc.

Appearance - that's how your enemy looks like. Appearance explains which texture does your enemy use.

Body Type - nothing to explain. For now, there are 3 body types: Normal, Muscled and Big

Animation - explains what is your enemy gonna do before a fight. We'll have a walk trough all of them in the next section.

Fraction - In order for NPCs to start the fight personally with each other (or vice versa, they did not start, if they are in the same team), they have to be in different fractions.

For now, there are 8 fractions (including Player fraction (friendly characters) and None fraction)


Personal Skills:

Attacks Player First - Enemy will attack players immediately when the combat starts.

Can be knocked down - explains if your enemy can fall down after a KO kick or not.

Survives brain damage - your enemies won't die after a fatal headsot

Drops weapon on knockdown - if enemy falls, he drops his weapon

Can pick up weapons - nothing to explain

Has weapon - eplains if enemy starts with his own weapon in his hands or without any.

Has Shield - same with a previous skill


Other parameters:

Also, each character has such properties as Health, Damage and Attack Speed.

(From 0 to 50)
If you set 0, then your enemy will be dead right from the start. In this case, combat will start immediately, too. If you set 50, then good luckin killing this person (for exmple, Disco Katana Boss has only 15 health points).

Attack Speed
(From 0 to 5)
Well, this parameter is not so important. If you set 0, then your enemies won't attack you at all.

Attack Damage
(From 0 to 15)
If you set 0, then enemy attacks won't hurt you, but still might take some of your special powers. if you set 15, then enemies will one shot you.


When enemies have animation, the level looks much more lively and interesting. However, you should remember that it's not that easy to find the desired option, because there are a lot of them in the Animation tab.
In this section, we'll look at each animation so you can easily find what you need.

Don't forget that you can use any animation for creating different situations, but not only the ones animation got in it's name.

The Table

Default Idle
Bar Lean
BarLeanDrink / BarLeanDrinkRight
BossChairSit / ChairSit
CouchSit / CouchSitSmoke
DansingBasic / DansingIntolt / DancingTravolta
Guitar / Guitar 2
PoolIdle / PoolIdleComplain / PoolLineUp
StandDrink / StandDrinkDrunk_ClayMug
*Glitched animation, don't use it* StoolSit / Stoolsit
TableLeanDrinkLeft_Mug / TableLeanDrinkRight_Bottle
ThreatenChokeDagger / ThreatenChoked
WallLean / WallLeanDrinkCoctail / WallLeanSmoke

Enemy Texture / Atributic / CustomSkills

In addition to Health, attack power, animations and textures, each character can have his own accessories, according to their parameters.

To add any accessories for your enemy, you need to choose custom Enemy Type Parameter

Example: The boxer does not have headphones. But if his type is DJ, then he will have headphones

The Table

Enemy Type
No Custom body types
Disco Pimp
Pirate Captain
Disco Katana Boss (This enemy type doesn't give any accessories, but your enemy will walk slower and have unbreakable bones)
Editing Logic

To go to Logic editing, select on the main panel Edit Logic bar, or press 4.

First of all, Logic is about zones. You can create 3 different zone types:

1) Level End Zone
2) Starts General Combat Zone
3) Inactive Zone

Zones are created in the same way as rooms. That means they use the same controls:

Click + Drag LMB on corner - Move corner
Ctrl + Drag LMB on corner - Move zone
C + Click LMB on zone wall center - Split wall and add corner
X + Click LMB on corner - Delete corner
Delete or Backspace - Delete zone


Y position - Height of the zone above the floor level

Height - the height of the walls of the zone

Starts General Combat - If the parameter is on, then if you'll trigger enemies once you entered it.

Level End Zone - the zone will be the exit from the level. It will appear when all enemies are killed. You can have several such zones using this type.

Trigger On - Logic effect will be triggered on entering or exiting the zone. So you need to make a choise.

Logic Effect - There are 3 types of logic effect: Toggle (switchs between on & off for lights and traps), Turn on (only activates) or Turn off (only deactivates).

Logic Works Once - If parameter is active, then your logic effect will work only once. For example, if your zone turns on the trap, trap does it's job and turns off, then you won't be able to turn it on by entering a zone again.

Zone can start general combat and be an exit at the same time.

If the check box is not checked for any of the parameters, the zone will be inactive. However, it will still be possible to tie the characters to it.

You can link characters to the zones, so that they won't start fighting befor getting triggered by player attack or entering the zone.

Linking characters:

If you want to connect your enemy to any zone, then you need to:

1) Choose the zone you need (pick Edit Zones option and click on the zone)

2) Press T

3) Choose an enemy / trap / lights you need and click on it.

You need to press T every time you need to lick something to your zone.

Character may be linked to a multiply count of zones

Making a Path

Also, you can create enemu paths so that your characters may move before getting triggered.
If you want to make a path, then you need to:

1) Create some Path Marks (located in Edit Props --> Props --> Others)

2) Go to Edit Logic option

3) Link your character to the first mark (by pressing T)

4) Link other marks to the first mark (by pressing T)

Well, these things have their custom settings, too.

Total Properties:


Timer Based - If parameter is turned on, then your trap will turn on in perions. If parameter is turned off, then your will be triggered once someone comes close enough to it.

Play Sounds - If parameter is turned off, then your trap will work silently.

Active TIme - The time your trap stays active

Inactive Time - The Time your trap stays inactive

Inactive Progress (from 0 to 1) - If you set 1, then your trap will be turned on right from the level beginning, so you don't have to enter any zones to turn it on.

Traps may be linked to zones, timers and buttons


Well, things here are pretty obvious, you know.

Timer also may be used to turn off the lights from the beginning by simply setting maximal Frequency.

And also you may use it for creating waves of enemies.


You may find button properties if you click on it while being in Edit Logic mode. Button uses the same list of logic effects as a zone, and also it has it's own parameter:

Can Unpress - an analogue to "logic works once"

Custom Paint

You can use paint function to change a color of your Rooms, Platforms or Stairs by simply picking a color you need. But also you may use Custom Paint function to create different colors which can't be found in a main list.

You can switch between two Paint types simply by using arrows.

Color set panel:

You can pick the color you want by using a palete from the left side of color list. You can use RGB color picker to get different grey colors or other ones.

Also, you may pick different Specular & Smoothness parameters to get other cool textures like mirrors:

These cubes use the same color but different Specular and Smoothness
Editing Platforms

To go to platform editing, select on the main panel Edit Platforms bar, or press 5.


LMB on the corner + Drag - Move the corner
C + LMB on the center of the wall - Create a new corner in the wall (divide it into 2 parts)
Shift + LMB on the center of the wall + Drag - move the entire wall
Ctrl + LMB on the corner + Drag - Move the whole platform
X + LMB on the corner - Remove the corner
Delete / Backspace - Remove the platform

First of all, it is worth saying that editing platforms allows you to add new furniture and structures to the game.

So, the platform is a "whole piece" of textures that can take almost any form, depending on what you do with it.


Platforms are painted and edited in the same way as the rooms.

The platforms also have corners and centers of side walls. To give the platform the necessary shape, you can tighten and stretch it in corners and add new ones.

Y position is responsible for the height of the platform above the floor level.

Height is responsible for the platform's own height.

Using Y position and Height, you can already effectively use the platform. For example, by reducing the height of the platform to a level of 0.1 (minimum) and lifting it up, you can get a carpet, a table top, shelf, etc.
Editing Stairs

To go to stairs editing, select on the main panel Edit Stairs bar, or press 6.


LMB - Create staircase
W - Move staircase
E - Rotate staircase
Delete / Backspace - remove staircase

Stairs are needed to connect different floors with each other. However, you can find many other uses for stairs.
For example, stairs may be used for creating stands, roofs of buildings or grassy hills


Rotation - the turn (in degrees). I do not advise you to use this parameter, since it is much easier to rotate the ladder with the mouse and E

Height - the height of the stairs.

Depth - height and length of the stairs

Width - Width of the stairs

Open Underneath - adds / removes the sides of your stairs. If it's turned on, then the stairs will have only steps, and you can go place something else under it. If it's turned off, then the entire block of the ladder will be a continuous monolith.

Painting stairs is identical to painting rooms and platforms.
Bonus Section

Here we'll be talking about some tips & tricks you may use during your creation!


Better Preview Images

Maan, these arms! >:(
Much Better!

You can easely make your map more attractive in the workshop if you upload a preview image without these fists, bragh.

You can simply do it: Take a small melee weapon like a pool ball. And then, press LMB and take your screenshot while your melee is out of the screen. Easy.


Creating different writings

For now, you can create signs only by using different properties. If you want to make a sign at your map, then you should use pool balls, because they are small enough to write different words.

I strongly advice you to write on the floor, because it's much easier to write in XY axes and copy your symbols, than write in XYZ.
After that, just select your writings and put it at the place you need.


Put Animations in a good use!

Improvise with animations, so you that you always can show people something new!

poor examples:


Other Helpful Guides:

If you don't want to face with lags after creating your map, then you should follow there advices

1) The number of enemies on the map should not exceed 60-70 people.

2) If that's possible, try not to use "heavy" lighting, such as disco ball or LEDs. They take a lot of FPS, try to do without them.
Also, never add a lot of lights in one place - it causes awful lags.

3) Do not make too narrow passes and too small rooms on your map.

4) The most "heavy" object are, oddly enough, platforms. And the more of them, the worse. Use them only if that is necessary.

5) Approach level creation seriously. Do not litter the workshop with extra rubbish, it's already enough
Uploading to a Workshop

Don't forget to save all of your changes before uploading. This Icon in the upper right corner will remain you to do that.


You need to follow some rules to upload your level:

1) There Shouldn't be any unsaved changes.

2) You must play trough and complete the level by yourself.

3) You need to make a preview screenshot for your map in the workshop (press F8 while playing)

4) Your level's name has to be unique

5) Your level shouldn't be the same with already existing one.

You'll be able to upload your map after all of these rules are met.

Don't forget to follow your map at the worksop to add it some staff, like Description, Screenshots or even a video! This will make your level more attractive.
Kersher  [author] 28 Dec, 2023 @ 11:27pm 
Human enemies have a custom size option, just scroll down to their properties
DarrelTheDumb 28 Dec, 2023 @ 9:53pm 
Very cool! I have one question though, is there any way to resize enemies or make them smaller? Thanks!
TheLastBreadCrumbs 22 Oct, 2023 @ 1:37pm 
hey Kersher, do you know how to make custom thumbnails for levels?
Kersher  [author] 23 Nov, 2022 @ 10:12am 
This guide is outdated, so you better leave comments in official level editor guide
Kersher  [author] 23 Nov, 2022 @ 10:11am 
And if you want to set appearance from some custom pack, you go to setup custom textures, select heads and bodies which you need and which are in one line . Then you check the number on the very right of the table, it's gonna be from 1 to 12. For example you set up heads and bodies for appearance 1. That means you select any character, and in appearance option you scroll down until you find "custom appearance 1". Select it, and this is gonna be it.
Kersher  [author] 23 Nov, 2022 @ 10:11am 
if you want to change appearance to any person, you do it via appearance option in character props. So you just left click on whoever you want and edit this parameter.
Jack-o-Bonnie 22 Nov, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
I have 2 questions, 1.How do you select the person you want to Re skin.
2.I have a issue where no matter what even if i select a head skin and torso skin nothing happens.
Jack-o-Bonnie 22 Nov, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
I know this might not be related but i have no other idea.
ShellShock :3 31 Jul, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
also. me whos making a huge map with over 70 enemies and a lot of platforms:
intense sweating