

462 ratings
(v1.0) Lazy Bastard Achievement Guide - Hand Crafting Challenge, Craft no More than 111 Items.
By KatherineOfSky
Tuned for 1.0, this guide has a clean and concise checklist, and a walkthrough filled with tips & tricks to make your achievement hunt super easy!
The Lazy Bastard Achievement is named rather ironically, since automating EVERYTHING needed for the factory is hard work! However, when you can start ordering items through the logistics system and your robots respond to any shopping desires you have, you can indeed, finally rest on "Lazy" laurels!

The achievement is not difficult to get, but is a bit tedious. With this guide, I hope to make it less so.

Firstly, we'll start off with the all-important checklist. Following are tips & tricks for progression, and materials needs.

Crafting Checklist
First of all, go to your Achievements list, scroll down to the bottom, and select the Lazy Bastard achievement. Pin it to the screen with the magnet button. This will allow you to easily see the number of crafts you are producing.

x numbers are number of CRAFTS, NOT required items, (some items produce more than 1 item per craft). (Check the recipe for required numbers of items). As you craft each item, compare the numbers to the total count on the achievement pin.

Small electric pole (2) 1x copper cable 1x small electric pole Offshore pump (8) 3x copper cable 2x electronic circuit 1x pipe 1x gear wheel 1x offshore pump Boiler (5) 1x stone furnace 4x pipe 1x boiler Steam engine (14) 8x gear wheel 5x pipe 1x steam engine >>> Power setup: 29 Lab (40) 15x copper cable 10x electric circuit 12x gear wheel 2x transport belt 1x lab Science pack 1 (20) 10x gear wheel 10x science pack 1 >>> Science: 60 Assembling machine 1 (14) 5x copper cable 3x electric circuit 5x gear wheel >>> Machines: 14 29x Power 60x Science 14x Machines ------------ 103 Total
Short-form Checklist
1 Small electric pole (2) 1 Offshore pump (8) 1 Boiler (5) 1 Steam engine (14) >>> Power setup: 29 1 Lab (40) 10 Science pack 1 (20) >>> Science: 60 1 Assembling machine 1 (14) >>> Machines: 14 >>> Total: 103
Walk-through / Progression
  1. To make your life easier, turn biters completely off. They are not required for the achievement. (In Start Settings, set Resource Settings > Enemy Bases > Size > None)

  2. You have a few extra crafts beyond what is necessary. They are good for "oops" moments, OR you can use them strategically to craft items you might need.

  3. Start off with mining coal. Place the miner down, and use the furnace as a chest to collect the produce of each mining. Prime the miner with a piece of wood or coal.

  4. To use the absolute minimum number of crafts, (using up your first furnace), you will need to stockpile exactly:

    Iron 118 (150) Copper 34 (50) Wood 1 Coal 100 (200) *Add 5 Stone if not recycling initial furnace ** Numbers in parentheses () are recommended amounts, to have a little bit extra when you start to produce with your shiny new assembler.

  5. While your miners do their work, do some work, watch YT, pat your cat, write e-mails, or other activity. Once you have the required amount of items, move the miner/furnace to the next patch. Doing other activities while AFK makes this section of the game significantly less boring.

  6. If you have an itchy crafting finger, you can rebind the crafting key from left click to something else. Go to Options > Controls > Crafting tab > Craft 1 and Craft 5

  7. When you've gathered all the materials, start crafting things and mark them off the checklist. You should do everything until Assembling Machine 1, since you will need to process science for that.

  8. Build your tiny factory -- place down the power structure, set up the lab, etc.

  9. Your first research tech MUST be Automation. After researching, craft one Assembling Machine Use this machine to craft all applicable intermediate products, (wood, copper cable, power poles, gears, etc.).

  10. Your next researches should be Electronics, followed by Automation 2, to get faster assemblers (Assembly Machine 2).

  11. Now craft several Assembling Machines 2 to make the process faster -- use them to craft gears, belts, circuits, etc.

  12. Carry around a couple of machines on your character and plop them down when you need to craft on the fly. Change production frequently to produce what you need.

  13. All you need to do is launch a rocket and you'll win the game! Good Luck and have fun!

Additional Tips/Notes
  • In Multiplayer, crafts from ALL players are counted. (Though each player gets their own miner and furnace, which can make the start of the game much faster!)

  • Save the game before each crafting spree, and fairly regularly in case you make a mistake! (Autosave can also help you out in this regard!)

  • If you have an itchy crafting finger, you can rebind the crafting key from left click to something else. Go to Options > Controls > Crafting tab > Craft 1 and Craft 5

  • You can also use the permissions command:
    1. Open the console (~ key), type
    2. Click on the Default group, then "Edit Selected Group".
    3. Find "Craft" in the list (alphabetically arranged), and untick the box. (You can also use the Search function).
    4. When you need to craft again, reverse the process.

    Note: using the permissions command will NOT disable achievements.

Check out my 0.15 playthrough of the Lazy Bastard Achievement. Because of recipe changes, the achievement has fewer required crafts than when I made the video, making achievement easier to get!


My dear friend Aven1017 has also made an updated playthrough here:
messi 15 Mar @ 10:24am 
✞⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀✞ 29 Jan @ 8:13am 
Ryan Gosling 29 Nov, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
DiscordiaXXIII 3 Nov, 2024 @ 7:03am 
For anyone coming to this in 2.0, 101 is the new number of minimum crafts. The offshore pump recipe changed from 2 green, 1 gear, 1 pipe to 2 gears and 3 pipes for a net of -2 crafts.
KatherineOfSky  [author] 29 Oct, 2024 @ 9:43pm 
Glad you got it!
Asquil 25 Oct, 2024 @ 4:31pm 
Thanks for the guide, it worked in Space Age too! (With only 101 manual crafts)
✞𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠✞ 3 May, 2024 @ 10:42am 
KatherineOfSky  [author] 4 Jan, 2024 @ 1:07am 
You are very welcome!
shbouwhuis 1 Jan, 2024 @ 1:10pm 
It has been 3 or so years since I played this game.
Thanks for keeping this topic up to date @KatherineOfSky!
Tolga 8 Nov, 2022 @ 5:17am 