World of Tanks Blitz

World of Tanks Blitz

149 ratings
How to be Considered a "Pro"
By pzhda'tan and 1 collaborators
Here we are gonna share some tips and tricks that might drag you out of the noobiest dungeon and make an ace tanker out of you.

We Will try to update this trashcan of a guide as frequently as possible.

TD Part has been Updated go check it out!

Welcoming Party
Hey tanker, do you happen to see that light bulb shining 30 seconds after the match start and then all left of your tank is a smoking pile of scrap? It's all okay. In blitz, losing is your key to victory
How to be a pro Light
As a light tank, you're fast and agile, sometimes might have a good gun, but you always lack armor and have low HP. Your main objective is to spot the enemy advancing forces for your allies. You can do this either by driving close by the middle areas of the map and making sharp turns (kiting) or by hiding in a bush and waiting for the enemy tanks to appear in your scope. You should keep in mind, you can not stand alone. You shouldn't drive to a flank without friendly support. If for example your team only consists of heavies and tank destroyers you should scout the direction they're headed to. Going to the other side of the map is not a smart option and will pointlessly get you killed. You're rewarded every time you spot an enemy tank and that vehicle takes damage by your team. Focus on that.
How to be a pro Medium
I call medium tanks the jack of all trades. They can handle most fights and perform well in most situations. mediums of each nation vary from one another. Soviets have good firepower, Brits are fast, Germans are well armored, Muricans are a mix of good armor and firepower, and the Japanese are glass cannons. As a light tank you play many roles in your team. if there are no lights in your team, you gotta do the reconnaissance work, if you're low on HT's you should face enemy heavies face to face at one point, but you more likely want to flank around the map with the lights or other meds to distract the enemy's attention and let the bigger guns do the work.
always keep something in mind. No tank is garbage. When you first buy a tank you suffer extreme firepower and maneuver ability. you almost feel like a useless team member sometimes, but as a medium tank you have a lot of other options. You're still fast, look for the enemy light tanks and hunt them, for bigger targets load some HE and try to deal some damage if AP doesn't get the work done.
Keep in mind you're rewarded for the damage you deal not the number of kills you get!
Usually as a stock medium tanker you might find your reload and aim time to be ridiculously long. Make sure to use your spare parts to research gun racks to reduce your reload time and cokes, choco bars or pudding to reduce aim and reload times both and get a lot of other bonuses alongside with it. They WILL reduce your credit outcome but they allow you to deal more damage, thus more xp and silver coins.
How to be a pro Heavy
Heavy means meat shield. You gotta advance and take all the shots so maybe your team mates can kill something. although stepping on the gas pedal is not your best option in the paper made french heavy tanks or outmatched Tiger, you have the highest HP amongst other types of tanks.
Heavies usually have big guns(except the glorious KV-2), and that means you'll sometimes take +10 seconds to reload depending on the cannon and the crew even though you have equipped all consumables and equipment. This is where adrenaline comes to use. Using this consumable will increase your fire rate and is a boost for big heavy guns like the 122mm D-25T when being outnumbered by multiple enemy tanks at once. For tanks like a Tiger that have short reloads, this will increase DPM significantly.
How to be a pro TD [Updated]
To be a pro TD one must really pay attention and be map aware to know where your team needs you the most to support them. Ideally follow the few steps below and you should be on a good path.

Cover is everything. Cover is life. Know your cover.

Cover (camouflage) is the one thing that will save your tail and make your life easier as a TD. In fact, if anything it's the most important thing for a TD to recognize and utilize. By their nature, Tank Destroyers are ambush hunters. Meaning that you don't go out looking for the enemy. You pick a spot where you think the enemy will come, and you wait. However, there are some misconceptions when it comes to Camouflage, which I'd like to touch on.

IF you are inside the bush, you are not in camouflage. This is jokingly called by some the "If I can't see me, he can't see me" attitude. Realistically speaking however, this isn't how things work. WoTB actually uses a pretty complex system to figure if your tank is Camouflaged or not, and interestingly enough if you're INSIDE the bush or tree crown, it actually gives you a lower camo value than otherwise. The best position to be is about 5 meters, or roughly 15 feet behind the bush. Since that's hard for people to figure out, here's an easy way to sort it. When the tip of your barrel touches the bush, you're far enough back.

Shoot then scoot. Don't let them pin you down.

It's tempting to sit and just camp one spot behind a bush, picking away at the enemy. Even I have fallen victim to this temptation, so don't feel bad when you have it happen to you. However, this isn't the best way for a TD to behave. Ideally, you should fire no more than three rounds from any one location. Once again, with Camo there is a reasoning behind this. Keep in mind that if you fire more shots from one place, it's easy then for the enemy to figure out where you are and put you in a world of hurt. Therefore, you should always move after several shots. Even if you move to the next bush over, or just roll back to a new position, you present a problem for the enemy. That problem is quite simple. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE! If they don't know where you are, they can't hurt you, but you can hurt them. That's the goal of the game guys. Make the enemy bleed.

If you are spotted, MOVE.

And last but not least this is the most important step playing a TD Let me Explain.
Sometimes you'll get a great position, hunker down to start hunting, and then an enemy light tank zips past lighting you up. New players often make the mistake of staying in their position after that, only to be drilled by the enemy tanks. As with Shoot and Scoot, remember, if the enemy knows where you are they can hurt you. Don't stick around if you've been spotted. Above all else, if you are spotted, move. Once more, it doesn't matter where you move to, so long as you're not where you were when the enemy spotted you.
Teamwork is the backbone of blitz. Not having someone to get hit before you do will get you killed quicker than you can imagine. Besides, being a nice team worker will earn you military honor points :)

Being a team player is pretty simple, see where the majority of your teammates are going and follow them. But if you're a heavy tank you don't need to follow the lights/meds or you'll lose an entire flank allowing the enemies to easily snipe you from across the map (only do this if necessary for example you're the only heavy tank, same applies to meds).

Don't be that guy who blocks his teammates because he doesn't want to miss his shot > :|

I'm sure we all have seen that one dude who fires HE rounds at a heavy tank in his light tank.
Carrying HE rounds is a must but you should know your target, shooting heavies with HE is only reasonable when you have a stock gun or can't pen at all. Shooting at thin metal plates on some tank destroyers or the rear armor of light tanks with HE can sometimes deal maximum HE damage which is more than you'd otherwise deal with AP, but it depends on the angle. Always try to fire HE at a 90 degree for highest damage output. Be careful to switch before firing at your next target if you have to.
To know whether you should fire HE or not verify the color displayed on the cursor. If it's yellow then think about it twice.
APCR or HESH are the ez no skill type of shells but are rather expensive. They have better penetration than your average AP but deal less damage. If you're worried about your end game cash outcome, learn weakspots on different vehicles so you can still pen them with AP from up front or flank them.
There is something in this game called side scraping which imo is broken af. You basically use cover between you and your enemy and try to show them your side armor by reversing while you try to take a shot. The enemy will end up hitting your side armor which can bounce depending how well you angle. However this method doesn't always work. You can't side scrape against targets like the KV-2 or SU/ISU-152 or any howitzer based HE firing cannon. Keep in mind that HE rounds will always deal some damage due to their splash AOE, less than hitting with a 90 degree angle but still.

Money and free experience
Credits in this game is what you require the most. Feels pretty cool to buy a tank you've just researched but doing that without having at least +200k silver coins is not very pleasant.
Stock and newly bought tanks need a lot of credit to be kept running. you might lose a lot of games and lose a lot of cash, so you will need some to back you up. It's kinda hard especially when you're affording your first tier 5 tank, but from there on you should always plan a step ahead and save cash. there is a concept called the money making tank. it means having a tank that you like and matches your play style and playing it not to grind but to make cash and free experience. the Tier 5 tanks are very good to make cash.
Next important thing is free exp. Playing a stock tank is gross enough as it is, so why not upgrade it quicker?
You use free exp in such situation or sometimes to buy event tickets(sometimes). Free exp is gained in every battle whether it's a victory or defeat, the better you play the more you'll gain.
Something to keep in mind is that playing higher tier tanks will gain you much more free exp.
Thinking of how important free exp is, you should always try to get a few thousand free exp before researching a tank, in my personal opinion 3-4K when unlocking a tier 5 tank is enough, increase the number by two thousand for every tier up ahead.
Driving a fully upgraded tier 4 tank is more enjoyable than messing with a slow, annoying tank that shoots cotton.
Platoons are a great way to shine well(totally the opposite in my case).
Having someone who watches your back and has you covered is really appreciating in a game like blitz where a hungry TD might pop out of nowhere or when light tanks start wolf packing you in a TD, your platoon mate can always be a helping hand(well maybe not always either)
If you're in a clan, playing with a platoon mate will increase the xp gained to increase the clan's accessibility level to supply drops and even your personal access. Keep in mind you should play in tanks of tier 5 and higher.
On the other hand, playing in a platoon will gain you a bunch of fancy medals you could be proud of.
This is a little bit of a bonus here.
I don't want to advertise for anyone or any specific group but I've realized there is no safe source for wotb mods and most of them interfere with the game.
If any of you is interested in sound/layout mods for wotb you could check out madwotbmods. I've tried most of its mods and they're safe to use.

Look up the community before installing mods. You might receive an account ban if the game updates.
CaviaLP 18 Sep, 2024 @ 11:28pm 
I see. Thanks for the quick response anyway, considering this guide hasn't been commented on for nearly a year.
Ascerrion  [author] 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:21pm 
This Guide is old and the meta has changed, so as always take it with a grain of salt.

That said we offer apologies if it's not up to the current standard but neither me or my fellow author play the game anymore and for good reason, best regards. keep tanking :WoTB_tank:
pzhda'tan  [author] 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
I'm sorry if something is out of date. I originally wrote this guide 7 years ago and Angel edited it 4 years ago. I haven't played the game since I wrote this and probably won't play it again.

If there's something wrong or outdated please let me know so I could tag it as such.
CaviaLP 18 Sep, 2024 @ 6:23am 
The TDs part is really really dangerous. It will cause things like a sniping Tortoise, a camping Jaeguru, a Minotauro trying to shoot and scoot (which gets it killed more quickly than sitting; if it moves it will probably expose its armourless sides) :steamfacepalm:
WZ 5200 6 Oct, 2023 @ 3:45am 
whoo helpedd me allot
RidiculousUsername_03 18 May, 2022 @ 9:41am 
the problem with the lights is your teammates dont actually get those enemies and get the 1 guy in the lowest tier
Rikko_Paw 22 Nov, 2021 @ 12:45pm 
never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Ascerrion  [author] 17 Apr, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
Lol To be Honest even I barely play blitz anymore. :trolol:
Dec. 17 Apr, 2021 @ 11:10am 
pzhda'tan  [author] 17 Apr, 2021 @ 10:56am 
Holy shit this game still exists