

92 ratings
CS:1.6 Console Commands
By ǝʇᴉₗ Ɛ and 1 collaborators
fps_override (0-1) = Allows you to override default fps with your own.
fps_max (0-999) = Sets the maximum framerate. NOTE: The higher the framerate, the better recoil control you will have.
fastsprites (0-2) = Sets the complexity of smoke sprites. 0 looks the best.
max_shells (0-999) = Sets the maximum number of shells allowed at one time.
max_smokepuffs (0-999) = Sets maximum number of smokepuffs allowed at one time.
rate (0-20000) = Sets how much data you receive from a server.
cl_cmdrate (0-105) = Number of data you send to the server.
cl_cmdbackup (0-10) = Number of data that is buffered for server.
cl_updaterate (0-102) = How many server update data you receive.
bgmvolume (0-1) = Toggles CD audio on or off. 1 is on and 0 is off.
brightness (1-3) = 1 is darkest while 3 is brightest.
gamma (1-3) = Sets gamma correction. Warning: may require a restart.
cl_weather (0-3) = Sets weather quality. 0 is off,3 is highest quality.
gl_cull (0-1) = Toggles rendering of visible objects only. 1 is on while 0 is off. NOTE: 0 will lower fps.
gl_spriteblend (0-1) = toggles sprite blending. 1 is on, 0 is off.
gl_ztrick (value) = Changes the size of pixels.
gl_smoothmodels (0-1) = Toggles model smoothing. 1 is on, 0 is off.
gl_ansio (0-16) = Sets value of anisotropic filtering.
gl_vsync (0-1) = Toggles video syncing. 0 is off,1 is on.
hisound (0-1) = Toggles high sound quality. 0 is low quality, while 1 is high quality.
r_drawviewmodel (0-1) = Toggles weapon model viewing. 0 is off,1 is on
r_dynamic (0-1) = Toggles dynamic lighting. 0 is off,1 is on.
snd_noextraupdate (0-1) = Disables extra sound updates. 0 is off,1 is on.
viewsize (value) = Resizes pixels. WARNING: May change hitboxes.
quit = Exits game instantly.

cl_dynamiccrosshair (0-1) = Sets crosshair movement when moving. 0 is off,1 is on.
cl_allowdownload (0-1) = 1 allows you to download custom server content,0 doesn't.
cl_dlmax (value) = How fast you download in-game. EX: Server mods and skins.
cl_crosshair_color (value,value,value) = Allows you to change the color of your crosshair.
cl_lefthand,righthand (0-1) Changes weapon alignment. 1 is on,0 is off.
cl_nosmooth "1"
cl_vsmoothing "0"
cl_smoothtime "0" = Makes players look choppy but shows actual positions instead of estimated.
cl_radartype (0-1) = Changes radar from transparent to solid. 0 is transparent, 1 is solid.
cl_himodels (0-1) = Toggles Condition Zero player models. 0 is off, 1 is on.
cl_minmodels (0-1) = 0 is default while 1 makes each team only use one model. Great for beginning players.
say (message) = Let's you type a message through console, plus you can copy and paste a message.
say_team (message) = Allows you to send a team message through console, plus you can copy and paste a message.
hud_fastswitch (0-1) = Toggles fast weapon switching. 1 is on, 0 is off.
hud_deathnotice_time (value) = Sets how long death messages stay on screen.
hud_saytext_time (value) = Sets how long chat messages stay on screen. Spammers beware!
hud_drawhistory_time (value) = How long hud items stay on screen.
hud_centerid (0-1) Centers player ids. 1 is on,0 is off.
m_filter (0-1) Toggles mouse filtering. 1 is on,0 is off.
m_rawinput (0-1) = Toggles raw mouse reading.
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_exponent "0"
m_customaccel_max "0"
m_customaccel_scale "0" = Turns off mouse acceleration.
motd = Displays Server's message of the day.
hideradar = Hides the radar.
drawradar = Shows the radar.
s_automax_distance (value) = Sets distance of hearing.
bind (key) (function) = Binds a key on your keyboard to do a certain function.
unbind (key) (function) = Unbinds a key from a certain function.
voice_maxgain (0-5) = max voice gain.
voice_overdrive = to dampen sound.
voice_scale (value) = sets volume of voice.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio (value) =Sensitivity while zoomed.

god = Makes the player invincible.
impulse 101 = Gives all weapons and ammo.
impulse 102 = Splatter bones and tissue.
impulse 202 = Allows you to spray blood.
kill = Player suicide.
thirdperson = Sets viewmode in third perspective.
firstperson = Sets viewmode in first perspective.
cl_forwardspeed,cl_backspeed,cl_sidespeed (number) = Increase or decrease player speed.
give weapon_(name) = Gives player weapon.
skin-(skinname) = Changes player skin.
sv_clienttrace 999999999 = Enables extreme auto-aim.
mp_footsteps (0-1) = Toggles footsteps. 0 is off,1 is on.
sv_gravity (number) = Changes gravity. Try entering negative values.
-Third Person Mode-
Enter these commands before starting a new game.
sv_cheats 1
cam_command 1
cam_idealyaw 0
GOLDEN- 25 Mar, 2021 @ 12:00am 
PoJeHaNy [] 24 Apr, 2020 @ 10:29am 
plz defulat settings voice cs 1.6
Stone 13 Nov, 2019 @ 4:57pm 
:like: Nice, don’t forget to drop a Like and Fav mine, have a nice day. :mind_rose:
Paranoid 16 Mar, 2019 @ 1:26am 
javs like wut ?
z lEvil Kaos 29 Dec, 2018 @ 10:29am 
super mario you most have to add and files into /cstrike folder, just follow other guide.
Lemar Sullivan 21 Dec, 2017 @ 11:18pm 
it's a shame that i can't add bots to my empty server, and that i have to download a program to gain the ability to do it
blink speed 20 Dec, 2017 @ 8:45am 
sv_headshot 1
☭Murph☭ 19 Dec, 2017 @ 9:56am 
dont forget cl_wallhacks 1
OFFFF AVRAT 15 Dec, 2017 @ 9:41am 
feline 15 Dec, 2017 @ 3:08am 
GeorgeSter14 the command to add bot is bot_add_t/ct