Devil Daggers

Devil Daggers

122 ratings
a guide to help mike get 200 seconds
By Bintr the #19 saDD Boy and 1 collaborators
mike has .3 hours in this game and he ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks, i wrote him a bunch of stuff to help so if youre in a similar position heres some handy info im just copy pasting
the stuff
ok mike ive reviewed your devil daggers record
gonna send you a bunch of notes about it to help you get to like 200 seconds

stream firing = gems don't attract to you
shotgun fire = blasts nearby gems away
no shooting = gems attract to you
spiders = ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who suck gems up and turn them into baby spider eggs
other unimportant info: gems only attract horizontally, if youre jumping or gems are bouncing over you, you wont collect them

you start with level 1 (2 fingers)
collect 10 gems for level 2 (3 fingers)
collect 70 gems total for level 3 (4 fingers)
collect 220 gems total for level 4 (5 fingers)
oh also, gems despawn after 10 seconds if theyre not picked up

scratch that

squid 1/2/3 = those floating goat skulls that gush clumps of skulls
skull 1/2/3/4 = skulls with different behavior
spider 1/2 = ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
centipede/gigapede/ghostpede = wormy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with lots of body segments and gems

skull 1 or "baby skull" is a little jawless skull that floats around, theyre faster than you but turn slow so run in circles, easy to avoid
skull 2s are smooth horned jawless skulls that wander around the arena, they avoid enemies so they'll fill up empty areas and they will ♥♥♥♥ you from behind if youre not careful, they don't target you at all though
skull 3s are ribbed horned skulls with jaws that laugh or pant while chasing you, they turn faster than skull 1's and are a high priority to kill
skull 4s don't spawn until like 250 seconds, theyre basically big scary fast skull 3's with lots of health
oh yeah ill cover health: 1 HP = 1 dagger (falloff damage isn't a thing)
skull 1 = 1hp
skull 2 = 5hp
skull 3 = 10hp I think
skull 4 = 100 hp I think
squid 1s have 1 gem, they gush a clump of skull 1's and one skull 2
squid 2s have 2 gems, they gush a clump of skull 1's and one skull 3
each gem so far has 10hp
squid 3's don't happen until 250 seconds, they have 3 gems of 25hp each I think, they gush a clump of skull 1's and one skull 4

0-30 seconds: 4 squid 1's
39 seconds: spider 1 and squid 2 (they'll spawn at opposite arena sides)
39-100 seconds: waves of squid 1+2's will spawn (opposite sides), you gotta get good at dealing with these waves
115s: spider and centipede (they'll spawn at random arena sides)
125-170: waves of squid 1+2's (like before, but faster, you have 5 less seconds to deal with each wave)
175: 3 spiders and a centipede, ♥♥♥♥ you
alright so with that knowledge under your belt

-begin by shooting at the tentacles on top of the squid 1's, this is to pre-fire the clump of skulls that come out
-if the wandering skull 2 escapes ignore it, focus on killing the skulls and squid first
-when a clump of skulls comes gushing out, they'll all fly down and stick to the floor soon after, stream fire and shake left and right to easily kill them all
-repeat for the first 4 squid 1's and youll have a clear arena
-at 39 seconds spider and squid 2 spawn (note: push tab to enable the timer, useful for knowing when enemies will spawn)
-the spider has some interesting behaviors, just deal steady damage to it until it dies, then whip your neck around to deal with the incoming skull 3 and grab a heating pad for later
-note: spider hitbox is weird, its best to shoot at the skull circle above the gem, not the gem itself (aim for the part that lights up when you shoot it)
-now its a bunch of waves of squid 1+2's
giving this ♥♥♥♥♥ its own section

as soon as you hear them spawn, look around for where they are, and have 2 plans depending on which youre closer to
squids rotate clockwise, so its best to move around the arena counter clockwise and youll get more chances to shoot gems off

if im closer to squid 1:
-prefire it (skull 2 should die)
-move to the right of it and rape its gem
-turn around and head towards squid 2
-shoot the incoming panting skull 3
-stream fire its two gems off while moving counter clockwise
-dodge and kill any leftover skulls
-stop shooting and collect gems

if im closer to squid 2:
-shoot its first gem off
-prefire it (skull 3 should REALLY die)
-rape its second gem off
-turn around and head towards squid 1
-ignore the wandering skull 2, its escaped
-shoot squid 1's gem while running at it
-kill leftover skull 1's and skull 2
-stop shooting and collect gems

you can do both of these without having to stop shooting, and youll collect every gem
by the way, if you do everything right, youll have 10 gems and level 2 hand at about 45 seconds

play with headphones
enable the HRTF audio setting
put your FOV up (default is 75, I use 108)
you can push M < > / while watching replays to do cool things
push R to restart quickly (don't try to reload with R it will just make you sad)
that about covers it
Bentel Inside 1 Mar, 2024 @ 7:16pm 
Appatenrly default FOV is 90 now.
Mangu 30 May, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
my best is 84 secs
⎛⎝ casedistorted ⎠⎞ 23 Mar, 2022 @ 9:52am 
I can get to about 380 seconds but then it gets really hard.
DarkGamer13 18 Mar, 2022 @ 4:31pm 
Read this and got to 135seconds on my first try.
poopy man 16 Mar, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
i reloaded and it made me sad :steamsad:
Sortanis 20 Feb, 2022 @ 1:55am 
my name is mike. i feel targeted
loser 12 Aug, 2021 @ 7:29am 
good luckj mike !!!!!!
GEB.Rosé 6 Jun, 2021 @ 9:57am 
you have to have 70 homing daggers saved up. if you dont waste any of them, thatd be 220 gems.
Acid Dipped Cigarette 4 Mar, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
Sciviam 22 Feb, 2021 @ 3:04pm 
reloaded far too many times so switched it to like v or smth