Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

569 ratings
Graffiti Guide 100% Achievements w/ pictures
By jfnoxus
Guide to show all graffiti locations in life is strange before the storm
Episode 1 - Awake
1. Recreational Vandalism
Walk behind the RV before entering the mill.

2. I See U Saw
When in the mill walk up to the saw blade hanging on the wall.

3. The Last Unicorn
After you get up from the bed walk over to the unicorn poster on the wall. After you look at the poster you can tear it off.

4. Home Unimprovement
When grabbing the tools for david, as you take the tools out of the toolbox the graffiti option should appear.

5. Rock Idol
When you get to school head to the left side. There is a wall you can draw on.

6. Dramatis Personae
After you grab Rachel's belt, head straight into the changing room and you'll see a Tempest Poster

7. Mulligan Stew
When you get on the train move the crate you're supposed to sit on. Now that the crate is out of the way we can explore that section of the wagon. Have a look at the wall and the graffiti option shall appear.

8. Pioneer Spirit
Look at the statue behind you.

9. Face Your Anger
When you have to smash things in the junkyard, smash the pole and then the cans of red paint. Don't smash anything before you do this.

10. Lucid Writing
Look at the poster on the seat in front of you, then move it. Now you can interact with the graffiti option but we have no marker. Look at the wine bottle and take the marker.

Awake, Dear Heart
Complete episode 1
Episode 2 - Brave New World
1. Stagehandwriting
Before meeting mom in the school parking lot there's a white car with a box of lights in it.

2. Radical Piratical
In the junkyard there is a boat. When you try to climb onto it Chloe fails to do so. To the left of the boat is a pallet you can move, now you can climb up the boat.

3. Feels on Wheels
After fixing up the car in the junk yard you can get this one.

4. Canon Wall
After chatting with Rachel in the car Chloe goes to her junkyard hideout.

5. Wishlist
When you're in Frank's RV he asks you to get his notebook. When you're looking for that look at the shopping list on the kitchen counter.

6. Tread Harshly
At the dormitories walk through the wet cement.

7. Friendly Forest Friends
Once you've lured Samuel out of the janitor’s room in order to grab his keys, look at the white door.

8. Permanent Record
When you get into the dormintories enter the first room on the right. This is Elliot's room. Snoop around in his room and read his journal inside his computer desk. Now you can erease the whiteboard outside his room and graffiti it.

9. Vanity Fare
After you're forced to participate in the play check the mirror in the dressing room.

10. Creature Feature
In Rachel's house look at the piece of newspaper on the fridge. In order to graffiti it you gotta help Rachel's mom to get her to move away. When Rachel's mom asks you to light the candles you can get the graffiti done. Don't actual light them yet as that will start the dinner cutscene.

[Thanks @Roland for the correction]

Mind you, the crossword puzzle on the kitchen counter is not a graffiti location.

O, Wonder!
Complete episode 2

Episode 3 - Hell Is Empty
1. American Graffiti
In Rachel's room look at the map.

2. Extra Credit
School planner on Rachel's desk.

3. Peer Review
There's a picture on the shelf to the left of Chloe's desk.

4. Monthly Masterpiece
In the bedroom of Chloe's parents immediately to the right as you walk in is a calendar.

5. Spit Take
When fixing the car in the junkyard blow out the air filter. It is important that blowing out the filter is not the last part you repair or you won't have the option to add the graffiti.

[Thanks @linnoff for the info]

6. Venting Machine
After getting the candy bar out of the machine you're supposed to interact with it again and the graffiti option will show up. For me this didn't appear immediately. If that happens walk around a bit and it should appear.

7. Hello Nurse
walk towards the exit of the hospital and you'll come across a wash your hands poster.

8. A Penned Appendage
If Drew is in the hospital: challenge him for his pudding. If Mikey is in the hospital: play tabletop with him. After you've finished, ask to sign the cast.

9. Drunk Drawer
In Rachel's dad's office open the left drawer in his desk.

10. Messed Up
Grab the knife stuck in the wood beam and move the metal sheet.

All the Devils are Here
Complete episode 3

Before the Storm
Complete all 3 episodes.
Vinnchen 13 Dec, 2024 @ 4:01am 
great, thanks
Vegetali-647 20 Oct, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
Thanks! i love
jaspurr420 7 May, 2024 @ 9:37pm 
komi 6 Sep, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
malu 26 Nov, 2022 @ 7:32pm 
thank you for share your guide, help me a lot! :LIS_pixel_heart:
Harold Gillies 6 Jun, 2020 @ 6:02am 
Sorry man! My fault😞🔫 I did not read the last part of that in your guide.
Superb guide by the way🏅👍
jfnoxus  [author] 6 Jun, 2020 @ 3:07am 
@Harold Gillies If you follow the guide you smash the correct things.
Harold Gillies 5 Jun, 2020 @ 3:32pm 
VERY IMPORTANT: This guide does NOT mentioned a very important thing concerning nr. 9: Do NOT smash the figure before you smash the sign!!!
Gvyomar 2 Jun, 2020 @ 1:52pm 
Thank you for share your guide, @jfnoxus ^^
zero2dash 10 May, 2020 @ 4:33pm 
3.5 should be fuel filter, not air filter. Just FYI. Thank you for the guide!