103 ratings
■ ■ ■  Resolution Fix + Ultra Setting + HiDef  ■ ■ ■   without micro stutter + CVars List + upd. 02.2022
By ovd_masterkey
Troubleshooting and Configuration with Ultra-,HD-,Widescreen- and EAX Sound-Setting,
for the best look and sound of Vanilla Doom 3 without micro stutter and still be "Vanilla" !                          

══► Plus:
    • Mouse Weapon Zoom! (MouseButton 2)
    • Third Person View (e-Key)
    • Flashlight Toggle with last Weapon (q-Key)
    • Completed Doom 3 Commands List
  • And best, do not change the origin game, mod´s !
  • Tested with Windows 10 64bit Ver: 1803

With the cfg file, I've created a Doom-3 configuration with Ultra-Setting and with
everything turned off, which could make problems on a new PC with Windows 10 64!!

.....three things to do...

  • With the cfg file, I've created a Doom-3 configuration with Ultra setting and with everything turned off, which could make problems on a new PC with Windows 10 64!!

    You need my autoexec.cfg, because doom 3 will often not start if some settings are not set!

  • You need a profile for your graphics card as we use "Driver Feature ( AMD or Nvidia)" instead of some disabled features in the game.

  • You "must" LOL, you should install "Doom 3 bfg Hi Def mod" for "Doom 3"!

    You don´t have to load it like a mod. It is more like changing old textures with newer sharper ones from BFG edition.

    You can use it with all other Mod´s!!

......the rest is optional......

1) autoexec.cfg
  • Go to:
      C:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\Doom 3\base
    ---> If you use a mod or a extendet Version use the Mod Directory        e.g. C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 3\d3xp
  • make new Textdocument with Windows Editor - notepad.exe
  • rename in autoexec.cfg
  • copy and than paste my configuration values in the autoexec.cfg:

      1- adjust memory(1) and resolution(2) and number of speakers(3)

      2- set the FOV You wan´t or let it be in the stored value (in both lines the same!!):

      A) bind "MOUSE2" "toggle g_fov 99 70" // Weapon Zoom toggle! ---(4)
      B) set g_fov "99" "70" //-----------(5)
      ══> I like "99" for normal and
      ══> I like "70" for zoom
  • Remember, make a profile for your graphic card, after making cfg file.
    ══> more next point at 2)

Autoexec.cfg: .................................Ver: 1.2 28.07.2018 = better sound
........................................................Ver: 1.2.3 30.08.2019 = new Key´s + "best" for render
bind "KP_PGUP" "modulateLights 1.1 1.1 1.1" bind "KP_PGDN" "modulateLights .9 .9 .9" bind "KP_STAR" "toggle r_lightScale 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0" seta com_allowConsole "1" seta logFile "2" seta com_machineSpec "3" seta com_videoRam "1024" //--Your Memory on graphic card( 64/128/256/...1024....)--------(1) com_videoRam seta com_showFPS "0" // 1 = Show FPS on bind "MOUSE2" "toggle g_fov 99 70" // Weapon Zoom toggle!----------------------------------(4) bind "e" "toggle pm_thirdperson" // Third Person - Ego toggle! bind "q" "_impulse11" // Flash-Light - Last Weapon toggle! vid_Restart seta r_mode "-1" r_mode seta r_aspectRatio "1" // [0,1,2] 0 = 4:3 (normal), 1 = 16:9 (standard widescreen), // and 2 ;= 16:10 (nonstandard). seta r_customWidth "1920" // ---------------------Your Resolution---------------------(2) seta r_customHeight "1080" // ---------------------(1080/1920....2560/1440..) seta r_colorbits "32" seta r_clear "2" // force screen clear every frame, 1 = purple,2 = black, rgb = // custom set g_fov "99" "70" // viewing angle def 90 40 ---------------------------(5) seta pm_thirdpersonRange "80" // ....60.....100..... seta pm_thirdPersonAngle "0" seta pm_thirdpersonClip "1" seta pm_thirdpersonHight "20" seta g_nightmare "1" seta in_toggleZoom "1" seta in_toggleCrouch "1" seta in_toggleRun "1" seta in_alwaysRun "1" seta in_freeLook "1" seta s_noSound "0" seta s_clipVolumes "1" // removes sounds which cannot be heard seta s_useOpenAL "1" seta s_libOpenAL "openal32.dll" seta s_numberOfSpeakers "5" //(2/5/7) 5.1=5 same number as Win=>missing audio channels----(3) s_numberOfSpeakers seta s_decompressionLimit "6" seta s_useEAXOcclusion "1" seta s_useEAXReverb "1" seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150" // reduce vol tance when going through a door seta s_globalFraction "0.8" // volume to all speakers if not spatialized seta s_subFraction "0.75" // volume to subwoofer in 5.1 seta s_playDefaultSound "1" // play a beep for missing seta s_meterTopTime "2000" seta s_reverse "0" seta s_spatializationDecay "2" seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0" //0= no limit seta s_useOcclusion "1" // muffles sounds not clearly heard behind walls/objects seta s_volume "1" seta s_volume_dB "-21.507936" // volume in dB, going to 0 = louder eg:"-16.507936" seta s_musicVolume "0.45" // 0.85 seta r_useStateCaching "1" seta image_useCache "0" // if 1 crashing with windows 10 seta image_cacheMegs "256" seta image_cacheMinK "32768" // Assuming you have 1 GB of system RAM seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best" // best = arbfp1 // arbfp1, fp20, fp30, best seta r_cgVertexProfile "best" // best = arbvp1 // arbvp1, vp20, best seta r_forceLoadImages "1" seta r_renderer "best" // best = arb2 // best, arb, arb2, cg, exp, nv10, nv20, r200 // ARB2 was the render path that Carmack had intended for // NV30/R300 and newer cards to run on anyway...... seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1" seta r_useStandardGL "0" seta r_useIndexBuffers "0" // if 1 crashing with windows 10 seta r_useVertexBuffers "1" seta r_vertexBufferMegs "1024" seta r_useTripleTextureARB "1" seta image_useCompression "0" seta image_useNormalCompression "0" seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0" seta image_useAllFormats "1" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" seta image_downSize "0" seta image_downSizeLimit "1024" seta image_downSizeBump "0" seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "1024" seta image_downSizeSpecular "0" seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "1024" seta image_forceDownSize "0" seta image_roundDown "0" seta image_preload "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipAmbient "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "0" seta r_skipOverlays "0" seta r_skipBlendLights "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipDeforms "0" seta r_skipDiffuse "0" seta r_skipDynamicTextures "0" seta r_skipFogLights "0" seta r_skipFrontEnd "0" seta r_skipGuiShaders "0" // 1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 = skip drawing but // still handle events, 3 = raw but skip events seta r_skipInteractions "0" seta r_skipLightScale "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipRender "0" seta r_skipRenderContext "0" seta r_skipROQ "0" seta r_skipSubviews "0" seta r_skipSuppress "0" seta r_skipTranslucent "0" seta r_gamma "1.0" // seta r_brightness "1.8" // use in game setting: Options.... seta r_lightscale "2" // Default g=1 b=2 l=2 max4 seta r_useLightPortalFlow "1" seta g_skipFX "0" seta g_skipParticles "0" seta g_skipViewEffects "0" seta r_shadows "1" seta r_useTwoSidedStencil "1" seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_showPlayerShadow "1" seta r_useShadowVertexProgram "1" seta r_useShadowProjectedCull "1" seta r_useShadowCulling "1" seta r_useDepthBoundsTest "1" // 1=supports NVIDIA’s UltraShadow II seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "1" seta g_showBrass "1" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "1" seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" // NEAREST = bilinera, Linear = Trilinear seta com_fixedtic "1" // 0=60 fps cut, 1= 60 FPS out + fix micro stutter with // vsync=on, -1= 60 FPS aus -no work in this version! seta r_displayRefresh "60" seta image_lodbias "+0.65" // sharp -2 ..0.. +2 faster seta r_swapInterval "1" // 1 = vsync on seta r_multiSamples "0" seta image_anisotropy "0" // AA und Anisotropy over GRACA (ATI/Nvidia controll panel 16) seta r_useLightCulling "3" // [0,1,2,3] - Determines the light culling method. 0 is no // culling, 1 is box culling, 2 is the exact clip of // polyhedron faces, and 3 also includes areas. This should // be set to 3 for optimal performance. Other methods can // reduce visual anomalies with lighting but will reduce // performance. seta r_useCulling "2"

Remember this Buttons:

"Mouse2"_______toggle Zoom In-Out
"KP_PGUP"_____modulateLights +
"KP_PGDN"_____modulateLights -
"KP_STAR"_____toggle r_lightScale 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
"e"____________Third Person - Ego toggle!
"q" ____________Flash-Light - Last Weapon toggle!

"KP_STAR"  =  

num   /    *     -
   7    8    9    +
   4    5    6    +

----> over the 9! ----> " * "

2) Graphic Card Configuration
The engine of Doom 3 is very old and it has many problems with Antialasing AA and Anisotropic Filtering AF. With my cfg-file we have shut up AA and AF. Therefore, we have to activate them over graphic card.

- Don´t use supersampling, dosen´t work very good with engine!!!

- Vertical Sync always on....(tripple buffer on)

-Framerate target on 65 FPS if possible!
(In game we set 60 FPS cut off, than game is to fast, so Vertical Sync must be on!)

NVIDIA new Driver-Options:

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / 16x
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / On
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Override Any Application Setting
  • Antialiasing - Setting / 8x
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / 8x Multisample
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive

NVIDIA Profil-Inspector:
With the new Nvidia drivers, a frame rate limit can now also be set via the Nvidia Control Panel, the Profile Inspector is no longer necessary, but for the experienced user it still offers the best access to the graphics card and the possible software settings

3) Mod´s
    If you use a "normal" Mod, you will have a subdirectory with the Modname under Doom 3. After first start of the mod = doomconfig.cfg will be done by game, than you can copy your autoexec.cfg from ...Doom 3/base in this Mod SubDir. To start a mod, you have to start "Doom 3 ", then you can find your mods in "mod " as a menu item directly at the bottom right. Or you can start "Doom 3" with command line extension "doom 3.exe +set fs_game %modname%".
  • "Doom 3 bfg Hi Def Mod" isn't really a mod. So you don't have to load it like other mods. It's more like replacing old textures with newer, sharper ones, like those from the BFG edition.
    You can use it with all other Mod´s!!
    I think it is a must have!!

  • "OpenCoop" is a cooperative multiplayer modification for Doom³.
    Up to 4 Players can fight over Lan or Internet the Id Software campaign, the Addon "Ressurection Of Evil"...........

  • Weapons are to weak in my opinion, so i found the "Doom 2 Style Weapons and Sounds v1.1", it has the same not mod behavior like Hi Def. You can use it with all other Mod´s!! I like it.
    But: No more reloading. No more hissing Imps. No stamina problems. Only fast paced action and brutal death screams........
  • Or you use the realistic weapons mod. Weapon definitions, weapon scripts and weapon sounds have been changed. Doom 3 weapon sounds have been replaced with sounds from real guns.

  • I love Doom, so "Classic Doom for Doom 3", what a question!

  • Only for fan´s from "Descend", a little memory........
    Into Cerberon aims to bring the gameplay of the definitive 6-degrees-of-freedom game, Descent, into the industrial gloom of Doom 3

  • "Doom 3 German InGame language Pack" is not realy a mod. So you don´t have to load like other mod´s. It is only copying one file in the "Base" directory.
    You can use it with all other Mod´s!!
    I think it is a must have for the most German´s!!
3.1) Doom 3 Hi Def

Doom 3 bfg Hi Def mod to vanilla Doom 3, ROE and Sikkmod

caught up to the bfg version of this mod. issues I had before are fixed, all textures improved including the dds files for a lower setting. all custom zombies and zsec from the bfg version added into the map files, full shadow map files.
Unzip to you doom 3 directory, and run doom 3. enjoy"

doom 3 hi def 3.1 patch

*New Version was not tested jet.
3.2) OpenCoop Doom III mod | Released 2007
OpenCoop is a cooperative multiplayer modification for Doom³

Up to 4 Players can fight over Lan or Internet the Id Software campaign, the Addon "Ressurection Of Evil" or one of 42 custommaps as InHell or ClassicDoom for example.
You can customise you playermodel with 13 individual heads and tint your amor over a colorslider.
Every player can pick up weapons and armor once. Collected health from medpacks or heathstations goes into a heathpool, where you take HP from when respawning after dying.
The AI got tweaked to act smarter with multiply attackers and the strength scales depending on the number of players.
In "Hellwave" gametype you fight against waves of monsters on the original DM maps or on one of 3 new custommaps. "

OpenCoop Alpha 2.0

OpenCoop Alpha Patch 2.2*

* Thanks to GX-980:
3.3) Doom3 Weapons and Sounds Mods
3.3.1 Doom 2 Style Weapons and Sounds v1.1
by Killatomate

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Doom3 had Doom2 weapons and sounds? Play the original Doom3/RoE campaign (or any custom map) with Doom2 style weapons and sounds. No more reloading. No more hissing Imps. No stamina problems. Only fast paced action and brutal death screams. Ready your weapons and make your enemies scream in pain! All weapons, scripts and sounds have been changed. Many monster sounds have been replaced with Doom2 sounds (or similar custom sounds). AI scripts have been reworked to make enemies scream in pain when injured. Even door sounds have been changed. A lot of time has been spent on balancing to make sure difficulty level remains the same despite high rate of fire and the absence of weapon reloading.

    Version 1.0 has been released. Many things have been improved since beta.Here is the list of changes:
  • general changes:
    -reworked D3 hud (now displays total ammo count and max ammo count)
    -reworked RoE hud (now displays total ammo count and max ammo count)
    -added d2 player sounds (pain, death)
    -higher quality sound
    -reworked spread and damage
  • machinegun:
    -reworked machinegun script so that the game can display total ammo
    -reworked machinegun gui (now showing total ammo and max ammo)
  • chaingun:
    -higher quality sound
    -reworked chaingun script so that the game can display total ammo
    -reworked chaingun gui (now showing total ammo and max ammo)
    -new screen position
  • plasmagun:
    -reworked plasmagun script so that the game can display total ammo
    -reworked plasmagun gui (now showing total ammo and max ammo)
    -new plasma projectile sound
    -increased damage (was too weak against bosses)
    -decreased rate of fire (to make it less overpowered)
  • Imp:
    -new sounds
    -faster ranged attack (Imps not challenging enough)
    -fireball has d2-like sound and ballistics
  • Vulgar:
    -firing sound is more d2-like
  • Cacodemon:
    -added d2 pain sounds
  • Revenant:
    -reworked missiles
  • Zombie Commando (tentacle):
    -changed zombie commando AI script to make it scream when injured
  • Zombie Commando (chaingun):
    -chaingun zombie now uses shotgun sound just like in d2
    -changed chaingun zombie AI script to make it scream when injured
  • Hell Knight:
    -added sounds from d2
    -changed hellknight AI script to make it scream in pain when injured
  • Mancubus:
    -added sounds from d2"
    -changed mancubus AI script to make it scream in pain when injured
  • Bruiser:
    -added sounds from d2 mancubus
  • Vagary:
    -added mastermind scream
    -switched pain sounds (the original ones just didnt sound right)

3.3.2 Doom 3 Realistic Weapons v10
by Killatomate

  • Enjoy the original Doom3 / RoE campaign (or any custom map) with reworked and more convincing weaponry. This mod changes all weapons to be more realistic. Weapon definitions, weapon scripts and weapon sounds have been changed. Doom 3 weapon sounds have been replaced with sounds from real guns. (HK USP 45, 12 gauge shotgun, 10 gauge shotgun, FN P90, frag grenade) This mod does not alter the game's weapon balance or difficulty level. Creating this mod took more than 95 hours. Includes a target range map for weapon familiarisation.

3.4) Classic Doom 3 Doom III mod | Released 2007
Classic Doom 3
Doom III mod | Released 2007

The Classic Doom 3 modification is a remake of the original Doom game, by id Software. The main emphesis is that of brining the older game up to date in a modern graphics engine. The project makes use of all of Doom 3's advanced
graphical features while retaining the feel and gameplay of the original game.
    The project will only cover the shareware levels due to many reasons that include the following :
  • We are bored of converting over peoples stuff and want to create something of our own.
  • The mod started off as a fun way to learn how to mod for Doom 3, and we all feel we have learnt
    what we need to make our own project.
  • A more minor reason is the legalities of remaking anything past the freely availible shareware episode.

3.5) Descend: Into Cerberon Doom III mod | Released 2007

Into Cerberon
Doom III mod | Released 2007

Into Cerberon aims to bring the gameplay of the definitive 6-degrees-of-freedom game, Descent, into the industrial gloom of Doom 3.
Fly around the interiors of mines, refineries, research centres, and other industro-technical environments with full six degrees of freedom control: roll, tilt, yaw, and slide in all directions. Battle with your friends in pitch-black tunnels in the multiplayer action, or take on robots infected with a terrible nanovirus plague in the singleplayer campaign. An array of powerful weapons are at your command; from the humble lasers (not so humble once upgraded) and mundane concussion misssile to the fantastic Fusion Cannon and tremendous Mega Missile. Awe your foes as electric bolts leap from your ElectroHull, or give new meaning to the phrase "bad sunburn" with the insidious UV-8 Ultraviolet Emitter. Feel the kickback of the powerful AutoCannon as it hammers your target, or the heat from the Flamethrower as it fries armour plate like chicken wings. Pummel enemies with the Hephasestus Cannon, and melt what's left with the Plasma Cannon.
Featuring claustrophobic environments and gut-wrenching action, with enemies coming at you from every which way, Into Cerberon will scare you like Doom 3 couldn't. Hide in the shadows if you're afraid, or run and gun if you can aim. Turn on your headlights to see, but be aware that they make you more visible, too.
Into Cerberon will alter your perceptions of multiplayer DM. Think all those frags you racked up mean you won the match? Think again. In "Meltdown" mode, dead men collect no rewards - you must escape the mine before the reactor blows to make it to the winner's circle.
We recommend keeping a fresh pair of pants handy. Fire up your afterburners, check your quad lasers, and prepare to descend... Into Cerberon.

4) Troubleshooting Hints for vanilla Doom3 Steamedition
    1.) If you have problems, do not use the source port, if you are using Windows!!!
    2.) Test your files! -- Use Steam error check for local files!
    3.) Test first without mod´s!! (Doom 3 bfg Hi Def Mod is 99,9999% Error Free)
    4.) Use my Guide and my cfg-File!!
    5.) Make a profile for your graphic card! Ingame AA and AF are off with the .cfg
    6.) Look into log file 'qconsole.log' in
.....STEAM\SteamApps\common\Doom 3\base\qconsole.log
    7.) OpenGL must run!

The autoexec.cfg is always the first try to fix problems after filecheck!
The second thing is to look for doomkey.
Than go to Doom 3 Support and work down the list, you can use the Link at the end!

You need my autoexec.cfg, because doom 3 will often not start if some settings are not set!
The autoexec.cfg is a config file!!! All ingame settings and more can be done!!!
With the cfg file, I've created a Doom-3 configuration with Ultra setting and with everything turned off, which could make problems on a new PC with Windows 10 64!!

to 7) read in qconsole.log:
----- R_InitOpenGL ----- Initializing OpenGL subsystem ...registered window class ...registered fake window class ...initializing QGL ...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded ...created window @ 120,41 (1928x1111) Initializing OpenGL driver ...getting DC: succeeded ...PIXELFORMAT 11 selected ...creating GL context: succeeded ...making context current: succeeded

Doomkey and ROEkey files:
If you use the RMB in your Steam Bibliothek at "DOOM 3" left side or LMB under "LINKS" right side, you finde something like "show productkey" or "productkey"!
This key must be in "doomkey" file.
Normaly it should be there after installation, done by steam.
If it is not, make it !!
Maybe deinstall and new installation may help!!

  • Only for not starting DOOM 3:
    look for textfile "doomkey" without extension in
    .......STEAM\SteamApps\common\Doom 3\base\doomkey
    Your key must be in doomkey!! - if not copie your key into doomkey!!

  • Only for not starting DOOM 3 Extension ROE:
    look for textfile "xpkey" without extension in
    .......STEAM\SteamApps\common\Doom 3\base\xpkey
    Your key must be in xpkey!! - if not copie your key into xpkey!!

Content of "doomkey" or "xpkey" :

%YourKey% // Do not give this file to ANYONE. // id Software and Activision will NOT ask you to send this file to them.

DOOM 3 Support:
If you meet the game’s requirements, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

- Update Graphics Card Drivers
- Remove Additional Launch Options
- Verify Integrity of Game Cache on Steam
- Set Primary GPU
- Get Latest Version of DirectX
- Check Firewall or Anti-virus
- Change In-Game Settings ==> Done with my autoexec.cfg!

If you do all you can read in the guide, first without mods, it must work! 99,999999%
Tool´s & Sound and Archive

Doom 3 - CVars and Commands List
Doom 3 Cvars and Commands FAQ

by William "Cloud" Scott (

Sound and EAX Support:

  • For those who have an OpenAL capable sound card, Doom 3 has no problems, as OpenAL was switched on via .cfg file:

    seta s_useOpenAL "1"
    seta s_libOpenAL "openal32.dll"

  • For those who have no OpenAL capable sound card, you need ALchemy and you need to set "OpenAL = off" via .cfg file:

    seta s_useOpenAL "0"
    seta s_libOpenAL "openal32.dll"

Thank you for the competent explanation:
Originally posted by Choum:

You need ALchemy for all game that use Directsound3D to restore surround sound and/or EAX effect since Windows Vista, if there is no OpenAL support.

OpenAL can ouput in 3 different way :
  • Native hardware : if your sound card has a native OpenAL drivers like creative card (their driver support all EAX version).

  • Generic hardware : This is a directsound 3D output for openAl, to use it you will need Alchemy on modern Windows OS.

  • Generic Software : Default output for OpenAL game, avalaible for all (limit to EAX 2.0 max or EFX).

  • Generally OpenAL game check which output is avalaible in this order (Native -> Hardware -> software and use the first avalaible.
EAX Unified is for sound card that do not support EAX HD(3/4), the dll will downgrade EAX effect to previous version supported by your sound card, so you have some kind of sound effect(EAX 2.0 is supported by all card).

EAX with creative card : Normally you need to do nothing with Creative alchemy, as all creative card comes with native OpenAL drivers or Host Open al drivers (Post X-fi Card) that both fully support all EAX version out of the box, exept if you have a very old Creative card like Audigy 1 or before.

For other card, you can use Alchemy (without EAX unified) to make use of the directsound 3D output though OpenAL of the game.
Or also use an OpenAL drivers like the eaxefx from bibendovsky (Github) that will Convert EAX 4.0 effect to OpenAL EFX (EAX successor at that time).

He also created a fix for the screen shaking problem when using EAX (eaxefx_app_patcher), the patch is now a standalone one and can be used for all cound card.

  1. EAX Unified ---> with "old" Creative Soundcard with only EAX 2.0 or all other Soundcards for EAX 5.0 to EAX 2.0 Support                                                                                                               

  2.  Creative ALchemy Universal 1.00.08 ---> for all Soundcards without OpenAL Driver Support
GB202 (mutmaßlich: RTX 5090)
GB203 (mutmaßlich: RTX 5080)
GB204 (mutmaßlich: RTX 5070)
GB205 (mutmaßlich: RTX 5060 Ti)
GB206 (mutmaßlich: RTX 5060)
GPCs und TPCs
12 GPCs mit je 8 TPCs
7 GPCs mit je 6 TPCs
5 GPCs mit je 5 TPCs
3 GPCs mit je 6 TPCs
2 GPCs mit je 5 TPCs
SMs (2 pro TPC)
Resultierende Shader (= CUDA-Kerne)
ovd_masterkey  [author] 25 Feb, 2022 @ 8:52pm 
Thank´s for the information, Guide is UPDATED! :cleancake:
Phobos 25 Feb, 2022 @ 3:43pm 
Doom3 HiDef has been updated recently, grab the more recent revision that improves a lot on the previous one !

There also is a additional pack for Resurrection of Evil available !
ovd_masterkey  [author] 14 Dec, 2021 @ 9:06am 
[*] "Doom 3 bfg Hi Def Mod" isn't really a mod. So you don't have to load it like other mods. It's more like replacing old textures with newer, sharper ones, like those from the BFG edition. :steamthis::steamthumbsup:
Forsaken 14 Dec, 2021 @ 12:19am 
fyi hidef does not include bfg textures you are going to get me in trouble lol
vldra 20 Aug, 2021 @ 11:16am 
Thanks for the response, appreciate the feedback
ovd_masterkey  [author] 17 Aug, 2021 @ 5:18pm 
The BFG Version is a "newer" Version of DOOM and should not have as many problems. Better Textures and higher Resolution are integrated and should be useable over ingame menue.
I think you can not use mods! Is not Vanilla Doom and I do not like many of the changes.
The autoexec should work but I can not test, because I do not have the BFG Edition.
vldra 17 Aug, 2021 @ 3:15pm 
I tried this out in the BFG edition and it didn't work, unfortunately. I've been trying to get it to work in fullscreen 1920x1080 without any success. Do you know of any work around for BFG edition? I followed your instructions to the letter.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 15 May, 2021 @ 11:52am 
Thank you for your interest and feedback. :cleancake:
Maréchal Miraak 15 May, 2021 @ 11:49am 
ye thats why i put " on the error word but ye your right
thx for your answer
ovd_masterkey  [author] 15 May, 2021 @ 11:47am 
Thank you very much, but I wouldn't say "errors" more empirical decisions, I'm usually not a fan of FXAA either, but I choose from game to game, in this case I've tested with and without and personally I think with FXAA it is better here, mainly because the textures of Doom 3 are a bit blurry before. I think that the theoretical aspects of a profile setting should take a back seat to the practical ones.
Everyone should do it as in the guide first, because in my opinion it looks best and it definitely works well, but everyone can then make changes from this "safe haven". :cta_emo1: