Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

63 ratings
How to Copy Emblems On BO2!
By Exotc
Guide to help anyone who dosen't feel like making their own emblem and instead wants to copy one that they like from another profile.
Do you remember the fun old times on BO2 when KD was everything and having a lit emblem made you cool. Well in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to copy emblems from other profiles for all you lazy people out there.
  • Open Slots in Your Emblem Library
  • Profile that You want to Copy MUST have a screenshot
Note All Keys I tell you to push are based off of the default keybinds
Step 1
Find a Profile with an emblem that you like.
Ensure that they have a screenshot on their account by going into their player channel and scrolling down to the screenshot library.
If they don't have a screenshot then this glitch won't work for that account :(
Step 2
If the Profile has a screenshot back out of the player channel and hover over it
Step 3
*For this Step You Will probably have to repeat it a few times to 50 times depending on how well you catch on
  • Click on Player Channel
  • Go Down to the Emblem Library and Don't Allow the Screenshot Library to Load
  • Press R on the Emblem you would Like to Copy Then ESC immediatly
  • Press Up on your arrow keys and Spam the S Key
  • AS SOON as you think that the Screenshot will load (make sure you are still spamming S) go down back to the emblem library by pressing down on the arrow keys
If you did it Correctly then something like this should pop up on your screen
IF NOT that means you hit down on the arrow key too late or early
This is what it will look like if you are too late
And if you are too early you will just be staring at the emblem that you are trying to copy
In order to retry you must exit the player channel (so the screenshot can re-load again) and Do Step 3 over again
After Emblem is Copied
Once you have your emblem copied there is a certain way to apply the emblem
To Apply the Emblem you copied, you must press the letter o key on the emblem and click apply to playercard

If you apply the emblem to your playercard by clicking on it and selecting, Save and Apply to Playercard then sometimes there will be a glitch where it will turn the emblem back into the defualt emblem like this
Closing Notes
Keep Trying, I know it's aids if you don't get it on your first few tries but you willl get that sexy emblem eventually!
Big Thanks to this boi as I used his account as an example for the Pictures
Have Fun Getting Them Emblems!
Please Make Sure to Rate this Guide if it helped you out and feel free to Add me if you would like to copy emblems off of my profile!
CHampionman008777 11 Feb, 2023 @ 9:02pm 
can somone make me one my steanm is and password is fartsandkises
EC-34 10 Feb, 2023 @ 9:35pm 
does this still work?
AxCxExFxHxJ 5 Feb, 2022 @ 3:21am 
tokyo drift give me your account and I will make you one...
gunna 4 Feb, 2022 @ 9:28am 
how do you guys find ppl with screenshots... I've searched over +50ppl and no screenshots it's frustrating lmao. If someone got a cool emblem and got a screenshot could you add me and i might borrow it?
i hate this game 8 Apr, 2020 @ 8:10am 
Working great lol
Sundry65 3 Jul, 2019 @ 10:17pm 
this was really confusing at first but I got it
k3n™ 2 May, 2019 @ 2:57pm 
Conyderodry 4 Nov, 2017 @ 11:36am 
shake da joycon
lewkiss 28 Oct, 2017 @ 2:23pm 
thats my shit lmao
Mangolorian 22 Oct, 2017 @ 3:11pm 
Good answer, point taken.