car in the drive way / with the head lights all full on / wont start come morn
"#52 +(6301)- [X]<Tsk> oiuyniyu98h987h89yh87y98yjn987j987y897yhkiuk;''''

<Tsk> sorry.. there was a spider on my keyboard.
#389 +(-16)- [X]<High`> its ko myabe uoy cuodl noe dya
#797 +(326)- [X]<DarkSun> I ask for a n64 emu and a big nerd syz me go to http://www.emu'

<DarkSun> Anyone have a good webpage with EMU????
#913 +(531)- [X]<matt`> dear god freshmeat looks like ass

<matt`> probably making use of the html 5 <ass> tag

<matt`> <ass tables><hard to read text>blah blah blah</hard to read text><more ass tables><gayness></more ass tables><some gay color></gayness><ass tables>
#1383 +(342)- [X]<Guilty> Thank god I'm sensible and had myself neutered
#2244 +(589)- [X]<Asmodee`> ibm said they were investing 1 billion $ into open source projects

<DAL9000> Asmodee`: do you know what happens when you invest money in opensource projects?

<DAL9000> NOTHING! it buys the coders some beer, nachos, and porn to watch instead of coding.
#3377 +(332)- [X][20:21] <Wabajape> how many gbas did you buy?

[20:21] <KidHype> 2

[20:22] <KidHype> his and hers

[20:22] <Wabajape> none for the kids?

[20:22] <KidHype> we are the kids
#3568 +(178)- [X]<KoS-> what the hell is a civic hx?

<matts> hx =hax0red
#4208 +(40)- [X]<JacKnife> well wats a good game to play?

<bucshott> pocket pool

<bucshott> ;P

<JacKnife> i'm an expert at that game

<bucshott> see told ya it was good
#5418 +(196)- [X]<Guilty> Now I see that your Utopia is more of a Fruitopia
#6159 +(353)- [X]<Seph][roth> Mike doesn't like it when I ban whole countries.

<Seph][roth> Subnetmasks and ISPs are fine.
#6737 +(45)- [X]<dav^> uncola: man im in big ♥♥♥♥♥♥ trouble

<dav^> uncola: help

<uncola> dav^: what did you do?

<dav^> i haxed my schools web page and i accidentally used my friends login/pass

<dav^> and they ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ looked at the log, bastards

<uncola> haha
#6781 +(494)- [X]<^o-o^> somebody told me once never to use the words "I", "myself" or "me" in a resume

<^o-o^> anybody here follow this rule ?

<DeLorean> No.

<DeLorean> It sounds wishy-washy.

<cafuego> I myself have never applied that rule to me.
#7090 +(282)- [X]<CrashCat> I could never place a personal ad.  I would live on p0rn and irc before I got that far.  oh wait
#7455 +(144)- [X]<Scire> Yeah well I haven't been IRCing much lately

<E-vangelist> Scire: finally figured out you could masturbate with your other hand, eh?
#7783 +(297)- [X]<u238|duhasst> pdf's suck for reading on the toilet
#8077 +(277)- [X]<z_evil1> does _anyone_ on IRC update the topic field of a channel to suit the actual topic of conversation?

*** Madeleine changes topic to '♥♥♥♥ all, as usual'

<Madeleine> set that to keeptopic, forever
#9342 +(113)- [X]<dream> five girls.

<dream> and he's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all of them behind all of their backs.

<@reflexive> that's a lot of poon.

<@plutonium> and herpes.
#15457 +(1456)- [X]<na-dragon> Who would win in a fight?  A Z-Fighter from dragon ball z, or a jedi master?

<jonblake> Well, thats a good question, there are alot of things that need to be factored in

<jonblake> Z fighters can fly, shoot big balls of energy, go really fast, and releport etc

<na-dragon> Yes but a jedi master can see all of that happen before he does it, and he has a light saber..

<jonblake> I guess this is one of those things in life we will never really know

<Vyse> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Has either one of you ever even SEEN what a ♥♥♥♥♥ looks like?
#20101 +(236)- [X]tilt: WHAT ARE YOU GONNA SAY TO HAR

#20990 +(232)- [X]isajeep: I think you ride the man train sir.

rzrshrp: then i'll get off the next stop.

isajeep: uhhh...
#21145 +(36)- [X]<l0wkey> im under house arrest

<l0wkey> for two years

<_INTRA_> what did ya do?

<l0wkey> some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stalking charges

<l0wkey> 32 convictions

<l0wkey> 104 trials

<_INTRA_> lowkey: u are so full of ♥♥♥♥

<l0wkey> that is what the judge said

<l0wkey> i was caught stalking her...i said i wanted to talk to her about the case

<l0wkey> i was caught at 2:00 am, 16 times

<l0wkey> in a row
#31797 +(322)- [X]<Dejer> anyone know where the hell Femunda cheese comes from

<InCDeathmeister> Femunda these nuts
#34365 +(410)- [X]<ALIVE> what was adams punishment for eating apple

<MrMan> work

<MrMan> pain

<Kaiti> death

<ana> death

<Bayls> he lost ops
#36467 +(16)- [X]<Arkol> I wanna see the webcam!

<Arkol> as long as its not pr0n
#39905 +(16)- [X]<street> afk, earthquake
#41174 +(527)- [X]<Kitsa> in retrospect, redheads shouldn't wear catholic-school uniforms to places where there are going to be a lot of drunk men
#47604 +(182)- [X]<Threeboy> if you run linux you pretty much scream "IM A VIRGIN" btw.
#48857 +(97)- [X]<holden>i missed 30 days of school last year


<holden>i wanted to stay home and play cs
#55929 +(134)- [X]<Flossie> depends how much you get paid for staying in bed

<Brocken> I get payed £100 an hour for the things I do in bed

<nameinuse> you run a law firm from under your duvet?

<Brocken> no, I'm a gimp ;(
#56037 +(273)- [X]<Murr> I received a fascinating insight into govt operations today

<drm> hows that?

<Murr> ordered some maps from the california geological survey 2 weeks ago

<Murr> received them 1 week ago

<Murr> and got a call today from a lady who had problems reading my CC#
#62102 +(334)- [X]<allistar> deleting stuff out of my registry made it bigger!

<Griz> ah, the magic of windows
#69283 +(637)- [X]<IanJ> so I got on the elevator here to come up to my room and these girls were in there and they were like "You know, you live on our floor but we never get to see you!" and I'm like... "Duh... uhm... yeah... uhh.... well I don't know you guys..." and then there was an awkward silence. but when we got back to my floor I pulled out my electric guitar and started wailing on it. and they accepted me. and I am now the king of earth.

<ElCarpeto> Ian masters tribal ethics.

<IanJ> the real ending to that little story is a lot more depressing.
#75145 +(816)- [X]<comet_11> Dj Sexual Innuendo is 'in' the 'house'
#88551 +(1019)- [X]<Pie> I don't play with WD40 anymore. I actually managed to light a fish on fire. while it was underwater
#89755 +(134)- [X]<Tac0> the mobo and case are on each other like r kelly and a 10 year old raduck

<Radu> ...

<Tac0> (took me a while to find a damn screwdriver)

<evildoer> which ones the 10 year old/


<Radu> taco must not want my help anymore?

<evildoer> WHICH ONE IS THE 10 YEAR OLD?

<Tac0> the mobo and case are on each other like r kelly and a 10 year old, raduck

<Tac0> that make more sense?

<Radu> yes

#93856 +(1196)- [X]( PuffinFreshWog ) I gOT a NeW wINAmP Vis, it MAKEs my KeYbOaRd liGHTS FLaSH IN bEAt WIth tHe MUsIc... TOo Bad IT ActUAllY effecTs tHe CapS LoCk :O(
#103603 +(263)- [X]<A-C> Is it me or is the new Tatu song unbelievably annoying

<Lightbunny> is it me or are all of their songs annoying?

<Lightbunny> but who cares.  they're cute lesbians.

<A-C> but of course
#107136 +(184)- [X]<MattC> i gotta input like a foot high pack of paper into a computer

<xerent> omg... fold it carefully and use the floppy drive?
#110038 +(169)- [X]<Allahkat> My wedding registry.


<asshat> I know this is going to read stupid

<asshat> but why do you register
