Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler

Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler

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Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler 100% Achievement Guide
By Fallen Kal
A guide for all the achievements in Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler
13 Out of 15 achievements are story related and can not be missed, only "Done time!" and "Sobering Loss" can potentially be missed.

If you have any corrections, suggestions or remarks please leave them in the comments below.

On a Boat!
Not a big deal for pirates, actually.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Asked for help!
Not that painful!

Story related. Can not be missed.

Grand Slam
Just doin' my job.

Story related. Can not be missed.

We be swashbuckling now!

Story related. Can not be missed.

Me First Romance!
Kinda fun, who knew?

Story related. Can not be missed.

Ooh, I hates 'em.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Two Romances!
And much merriment!

Story related. Can not be missed.

Where there's smoke, there's...

Story related. Can not be missed.

A Manly Fight
Socially acceptable male contact.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Is different than killing everyone!

Story related. Can not be missed.

Ice Be Broken!

Story related. Can not be missed.

Last Romance!
Time to go.

Story related. Can not be missed.

The End!
The Brazen Blade has a new captain.

Story related. Can not be missed.
Done time!

Done time!
I got me a dangerous past.

You can get this by attempting to start a fight with Bob the Bouncer outside of "The Gnarly Narwhal" ship club by using the hand icon on him and "Squashing" him.

Or by pushing the "Wooden Supports" that hold up the ship club before first having pushed the "Aft Supports" and the "Beams" below the bridge.
Sobering Loss

Sobering Loss

You can get this by getting in the ring with Queenie before rigging the fight.
Harnas- 29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:42am 
Dziękuję :)
Shiiinobu 30 Jan, 2018 @ 12:57am 
Thanks! :)
Ampelos 11 Jan, 2018 @ 1:50pm 
THX :good: