Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star- HD

Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star- HD

46 ratings
Hoshizora no Memoria Walkthrough
By Chuee
An easy walkthrough to guide you through the game's choices, routes, and suggested order.
This walkthrough is designed to guide you through Hoshimemo so you can make the correct choices to get on the right character route.

Before we get into the choices, here are a few bits of information to keep in mind
  • Three of the seven character routes are made available at the start of the game. These three are Asuho, Komomo, and Isuzu.
    After clearing Komomo's route, Kosame's will become available.
    After clearing Isuzu's route, Chinami's will be made available.
    After clearing all five heroine routes (Asuho, Komomo, Isuzu, Kosame, and Chinami), the true route will become available. Note that the true route heroine's name is a spoiler, so it won't be mentioned in this guide.
    After clearing the true route once, you can replay the route again, and there will be new choices that give you the option of an alternate ending for Mare.
    Each route begins with a 3rd person scene with that heroine, so you can easily make sure you've made it onto the right path after the common route ends.

  • It is suggested that you go through the routes in the following order, Asuho--> Komomo--> Kosame--> Isuzu--> Chinami--> True Route--> Mare Ending. While the game itself doesn't force you to play it in this order, you will want to follow this order to get the best experience. Many of the routes in this game build off of one another, so it is also extremely important that you play through all routes (yes, even Chinami's).

  • Each of the five side heroines (non-true route) have two choices each pertaining to them in the common route. These choices are marked as * in the section below, and you'll want to make sure to get these choices right to get on that heroine's route. After completing that route a small SD image of the character will be placed next to the correct choice the next time you play through the common route. Choices marked with ** belong to character's whose routes are locked. These choices will only appear once that heroine's route is unlocked, so keep in mind that you may not see them.

  • After completing routes, extra content is added to the common route. If you have the 'Disable Skipping Unread Text' option set to on, then you'll automatically be stopped at these sections when skipping through the common route on subsequent playthroughs.

  • At the end of each character route is a voice-only line. Translations for those will be provided in each heroine's route section below.
Minahoshi Asuho

1. Watch how things play out.

2. Tell her. *

3. It's okay. **

4. Tease her.

5. Thank her inside my heart. **

6. Give tacit consent.

7. Cling on tight. *

8. That's probably not a good idea.

9. ...... **

10. Do nothing **

Ending line: We'll always be together, You-chan.
Hisakaki Komomo

1. Watch how things play out.

2. Don't tell her.

3. It's okay. **

4. Thank her. *

5. Thank her inside my heart. **

6. Give tacit consent.

7. I can't possibly do that.

8. Go ahead and tell her. *

9. ...... **

10. Do nothing. **

Ending line: You and I will be together from now on.
Hisakaki Kosame

1. Watch how things play out.

2. Don't tell her.

3. Give it another try. *

4. Tease her.

5. Thank her inside my heart. **

6. Give tacit consent.

7. I can't possibly do that.

8. That's probably not a good idea.

9. ...Dating? *

10. Do nothing. **

Ending line: I love you, Kogasaka-san.
Aoi Isuzu

1. Step in for Aoi-san. *

2. Don't tell her.

3. It's okay. **

4. Tease her.

5. Thank her inside my heart. **

6. Welcome Aoi-san. *

7. I can't possibly do that.

8. That's probably not a good idea.

9. ...... **

10. Do nothing. **

Ending line: That is why I love you, Senpai.
Kogasaka Chinami

1. Watch how things play out.

2. Don't tell her.

3. It's okay. **

4. Tease her.

5. Express my appreciation. *

6. Give tacit consent.

7. I can't possibly do that.

8. That's probably not a good idea.

9. ...... **

10. Embrace her. *

Ending line: We'll always be family, forever and ever!
True Route
(To get the true route you essentially select none of the heroine choices)

1. Watch how things play out.

2. Don't tell her.

3. It's okay.

4. Tease her.

5. Thank her inside my heart.

6. Give tacit consent.

7. I can't possibly do that.

8. That's probably not a good idea.

9. ......

10. Do nothing.

Ending line: Welcome back, You-kun... And, me too. I'm back.
Mare S. Ephemeral

These two choices appear in the true route after you've cleared it at least once.

1. ......

2. Accept Mare's feelings.

Ending line: I'll stay by your side, always and forever.

If you want to go back to the original ending, select the choices

1. ...Please don't say things like that, **** (name left out for spoiler reasons)

2. I just can't.

Closing Comments
Thanks for taking the time to read through this. If you have any questions regarding the walkthrough itself, feel free to ask.
And finally, I hope you all enjoy playing Hoshizora no Memoria \(^o^)/

LeftHandedMagus 6 May, 2020 @ 10:38am 
I think mare is the true "true route"
Drake Phoenix 23 Sep, 2018 @ 4:41pm 
Thank you very much for this! I followed this guide, and enjoyed Hoshizora immensely.

Also... beware the Demonic Hands... lol
luna 20 Apr, 2018 @ 1:10pm 
Thank you so much for making this guide.
tomato 20 Nov, 2017 @ 4:18am 
Mare is cute!!!
めりりり 17 Nov, 2017 @ 3:00am 
Mare? Gotta realise it was all a Dream first!
ShirahaYuki 16 Nov, 2017 @ 9:00pm 