

104 ratings
Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits
By Berserk
This guide sets out to coalesce as many tips, trick, and tidbits as possible from across the Tannenburg community, organize them, and present them as quick information for new Tannenburg players.
This guide sets out to coalesce as many tips, trick, and tidbits as possible from across the Tannenburg community, organize them, and present them as quick information for new Tannenburg players. Hopefully this guide will provide new players with a lot of information in a small amount of time.

This guide will be constantly updated. This includes adding and removing bugs that affect listed tips, adding new tips as they are found across the community, and maybe prettying the guide up with some graphics. Probably not the last point there, but maybe.

Beginner Tips

Learning the Mechanics and UI

  • The tactical map can be opened when you're alive with the '~' key.

  • NCO's can use the tactical map to place their standard attack markers, they can also draw attack lines on this map by left clicking when they map is open, then drawing a line. Niar Note there is a current bug preventing your squad from seeing the squad's attack line unless it was drawn by an ai

  • These attack lines provide the same score buffs as the NCO's aura. Lymark

  • It is the job of the NCO to use this map and identify where their squad should attack or reinforce. Octy

  • At the center of each capture zone there's an icon. If it's an artillery, ammo, or binocular icon then in that capture zone will be a small box that allows you to call in artillery, replenish your ammo, or call in a recon plane respectively. Niar

  • Grenades can be resupplied at the ammo zones. Don't die with grenades still on you. Most players can only resupply one grenade at a time, however depending on the squad levels grenadiers can resupply more grenades. Ironstorm

  • Dying doesn't cost your team points, so don't be afraid to stay on the attack. Hanzawilhelm

  • A lot of players know where the mg's are situated at capture zones. Given their very small angle of attack, using an mg is just inviting enemies you can't hit to kill you. Small exceptions here and there, but overall avoid mg's. Hanzawilhelm

  • If you own two artillery, or two recon sectors, each call in shares a cool down. You cannot call one support type twice at the same time.

  • Your in-game name can be changed in the Tannenburg account settings, it is not attached to Steam.

  • When you stop sprinting the game will return you to the stance you were in when you started sprinting. This applies to both crouching and proning. DeathBUA

  • The negative number inside one of the score bars at the top of the screen indicate the rate of point loss. RSW2002

  • Grenades can be cooked. The sound a grenade makes when hitting the ground is very recognizable so be sure to cook. Suburban Hillbilly

Tips and Tricks


  • Make sure your gun is fully loaded before entering an engagement. Don't hesitate to empty the clip into the ground if that's required before a reload can be done. Imans

  • Always hold shift when shooting at any range. Even in close quarters it's a good idea to build the muscle memory of holding shift while shooting. When you have a stable gun and are holding shift, your bullets will have pixel perfect accuracy, so be sure to take advantage of it.


  • Learn when it's best to turn and retreat to allies rather than push on.

  • Spread out. A lot of fights can be won based on which side has more numerous attack angles. The time an enemy spends moving their sights between targets and identifying target positions is time when they aren't shooting you.

  • If you are alone at an enemy sector you have two options: either begin a solo cap to cut off their non-NCO spawns in that sector, or setup outside the capture zone to pick off enemy reinforcements that might be heading to a friendly sector.

    Both options have benefits and come down to the situation. Korporal Kraig

  • Zigzagging is ineffective in Tannenburg. Anyone with an average shot will have no problem killing you if you are zigzagging. It's far more effective to run straight from cover to cover and minimize your exposure time. The only exception here is when you're in close quarters to an enemy and running directly at them, rather than to cover.ironstar

  • NCOs, your mortar is good to go every minute. Keep it coming in. Keep your attack order either on your squad's position, or on the enemies you're engaging. Don't just throw it onto the target sector and call it a day. Keep it updating to maximize the extra points. Exator28
Intermediate Tips

  • When aiming down sight and holding shift, so long as your gun is stable, side strafing will not have an effect on your accuracy. Be sure to keep moving to the side when shooting if there's a chance of return fire.

  • With rifles / carbines do not hip fire at close range. Hip accuracy is atrocious on these guns and it's far more effective to quick-aim.

    Line your crosshair up with the enemy as if you were going shoot from the hip, but then bring up your sights and fire.

    It's a quick one-pause-two action, with you shooting before your sights are actually fully up and settled, but not immediately shooting as fast as possible after hitting rmb. There is a small pause there and this is a case of practice making perfect to optimize accuracy. Jackhuahua

  • In addition to quick-aim. When in CQB engagements, be sure to crouch and side strafe.

    If you're in the open, and there's no immediate terrain / infrastructure advantage to use, do not advance forward or back, just to one side. Do not change direction mid engagement unless they are reloading. Changing direction will cause your character to stop for a few moments.

    Strafing will not have an effect on your quick-aim accuracy but will give the enemy a bit more challenge. Jackhuahua


  • MG classes can resupply stationary MGs but not team mates. MG classes resupply hmg's 150 rounds, rifleman and grenadiers resupply hmg's for 50 rounds, and the NCO cannot resupply them. The ammo will stay with the mg after leaving it. You can resupply multiple mg's without resupplying yourself, but only once per mg. Ironstorm

  • Going for the 250m kill achievement? In chat type '/shootdebug true' to get notifications about where your shots are striking the enemy, for how much damage, and at what range. Suburban Hillbilly

  • While the game does have bullet drop, 5cm / 100m, only at the most extreme ranges does this matter. It's slightly more important to lead your target, with bullet travel being 0.2s / 100m. Even at range you don't need to lead a large amount. This is another case of practice makes perfect.


  • Keep your mini-map at the medium zoom level. This provides a clear picture of where you are, where the enemies are in relation to you, and what terrain they inhabit. If you want a bigger picture view just bring up the tactical map.

  • Target the NCO's first to cut off enemy spawns in your sectors and ensure no unexpected enemies pop up mid fight. This will require learning what NCO uniforms look
    like but luckily there aren't yet too many squads. KlinkaDink
Advanced Tips

  • Bullet penetration is mesh based rather than ballistic. Wood walls, posts, small trees and similiar objects can be pentrated. Thicker objects such as large trees or logs can be 'winged' without activating penetration, otherwise they cannot be penetrated. The ground and crater lips cannot be penetrated. Penetration mechanics may be tweaked. [Dev] Volcol


  • Enable manual bolting in settings. It will be hard to get used to initially, but I find it only takes people one or two games to develop the habit.

    This does not increase your bolt speed as some people think. The benefit comes in close quarter combat as you have the ability to shoot - stab - bolt, whereas, if your opponent does not use manual bolting, they will need to shoot - bolt - stab. A small advantage, but every once and awhile it will save your life.


  • There are various trees throughout the maps, most notably on Galicia, that enable you to climb to a pretty high altitude. Be sure to keep an eye out for these trees as most player tend not to look at treetops. Two Fifty

  • Watch how your enemies move and engage you. Identify the skilled veteran players on your team (you want both those attributes not just one), and, if you can, shadow them to see how they move and shoot.

    Quick-shots, crouch-shots, peeking, prefiring, and proper scanning, are all things to be learned and implemented in your game play. For a guide on these tactics you can refer here.

  • After flanking a trench full of enemies it can be more effective to go in close with a sword or bayonet, especially if you have squad perks promoting this. Often you'll be able to eliminate most the trench before they realize you're there, where as if you started shooting you would draw immediate attention to yourself. Octy

  • For NCO's, an opening move that tends to work well is at the start of the game to immediately attack the nearest artillery sector. Once captured, if the map has a single central zone immediately call the artillery there. If there are two center zones call it on the either enemy zone, or the contested zone. Suburban Hillbilly
Point Values
Kill Bonuses
Note that sector refers to the greater area, while zone refers to the capture zone

Point Value
Basic Kill
Kill someone
Get a headshot
Kill at range
Sector Attack
Kill someone that's in an enemy sector
Sector Defense
Kill someone in your sector
Sector Recon
Spot someone with recon plane
Squad Bonus
When you or a squad mate makes a kill while near each other
Kill someone while in NCO aura
Key Defense
Kill someone while in central sector
Followed Order
Kill on or at NCO marker, or attack line
Kill someone through something, includes collateral's
HQ Attack
Kill someone in enemy HQ sector
Defended Team
Kill someone who has just injured a teammate
HMG Kill
Kill someone who's using a hmg

Other Bonuses
Squad perk bonuses aren't included here. Will add them later on

Point Value
Zone Caputre
Capture an edge zone
Central Capture
Capture a central zone
Kill yourself. Do it by falling and earn an achievement
Squad Bonus
Squad mate near you gets a kill
Squad Forward Spawn
Spawn an ally
Graphics Recommendations
  • Rather than using anti aliasing you might want to try resolution scale. Depending on your rig and other graphic settings, a resolution scale of 150% has approximately the same effect on performance as setting AA to TAA, but with the added bonus of a better looking picture.

  • Disabling bloom, depth of field, and motion blur should help with random frame drops. Purgato

  • Adding "-window-mode exclusive" to the games startup options on Steam may help with fps and stuttering. Jushi

  • Adding "-window-mode borderless" on the games startup options enabled borderless windowed mode. Extra Fabulous

  • If that doesn't work, adding "-popupwindow" on the games startup options, while windowed mode in the game settings is enabled, should allow borderless windowed game play.

  • Setting your field of view to 60 in your graphic settings will help to spot those distant targets.
Tips, Tricks, and Tidbits
Lymark, Niar, Octy, Hanzawilhelm, DeathBUA, RSW2002, Imans, Korporal Kraig, Ironstar, Exator28, Jackhuahua, Suburban Hillbilly, KlinkaDink, TwoFifty, Extra Fabulous, Ironstorm, Volcol

Score Catalog
Suburban Hillbilly, Bat's Don't Shiv, Terminus
Masahikox 19 Mar @ 1:11pm 
Can someone pleae help me explaining the Close Call Trophy. I have tried so many times, but it didnt pop up. Is someone out there, who can explain it to me in Detail? I have played with a friend of mine and the point difference was 100 or less Points and i won the match all the time...
What did i do wrong??
Nuyuu 18 Dec, 2021 @ 3:42pm 
You can add another, a stupid thing for the advanced -> some bolt action weapons have tick, so you don't need to wait after a shot to bolt then start moving, your character will bolt while you're already in sprinting animation, takes a few tries to get used to it but is a major benefit for fighting 1 v 2 and you can shoot, charge and bayo them. Abusing this often got me past 200k in Verdun because players don't anticipate it.
drew. 20 May, 2019 @ 1:08pm 
...there was mention of some tutorials...but alas, that time has passed! The learning curve is steep, and that's fine, it just doesn't endear itself to those, like me, who are slower on the uptake. The other issue is - for a game built around communication, no one speaks! The squads run around aimlessly half the time there's doesn't appear to be any coordination. That's ashame because it is a rare and great game.
trumpeter 17 May, 2019 @ 1:26am 
I played the game as an infantryman, gunner and sergeant.
These functions and the weapons are given by the game. Have not found a way to select even function and weapons. The actions of the NCO are very limited. It succeeded only once to give a fire order to the artillery. Otherwise, I could only call for attack. I find that extremely boring! In the other roles, I could not pick up a grenade. You stand in front of the ammunition box of grenades, an information text appears and then, if you press key E, you can take grenades. So I press E and nothing happens. No grenade! Then the unloved bot's. A real opponent falls over after a hit. Bot's often need at least three hits until the bot decides to fall over. In the time of reloading you are guaranteed to be shot down by another player or bot. This problem had other World War II games for 20 years. I hoped in this game that would be
Problem finally eliminated. The fun of the game is ruined with this problem.
Go Jews! <3 Hanukkah! :3 30 Mar, 2019 @ 10:38pm 
When there are only 6 players and 58 bots online, i s trongly suggest you use the machine guns. They can get you about 15 kills per death. But when the game is more than half made up of real people then they are iffy. Sadly I havn't been in a game with more than 20 people in weeks now.. this game isnt taking of too well huh?
Katzbalger † Pappenheimer 3 Feb, 2019 @ 8:45am 
no more fun as NCO or Officer you have to depent on the stupid radio man who is allways never near you. is no fun anymore
petrichorus 7 Jan, 2019 @ 10:44pm 
'Cooking' a grenade refers to holding the throw grenade button (G) for a few seconds before throwing the grenade. This will give the enemy less time to react to it.
drew. 9 Nov, 2018 @ 8:57am 
how do i cook grenade?
Scott2277 29 Oct, 2018 @ 6:41pm 
When shooting a group of advancing enemies aim for ones moving like players, a dead player is more valuable than a dead AI.
bohn.markus 11 Aug, 2018 @ 6:21am 
I want a Horse and a Sabre:steamsalty