434 ratings
World of Final Fantasy - 100% Achievement Guide
By lylat and 2 collaborators
Welcome to World of The-Final Fantasy guide.
A few notes to take into consideration
Nothing in the game is missable, but I recommend to start working on treasure chests from the very beginning. There's a total of 253 treasures and no way to track which ones you've collected, that's why this is one of the most annoying achievements in the game.

Make sure to never hit 99 of any items, and if you do, try to sell your extras. The reason behind this is that if you hit 99 of any item and you open a chest that contains the exactly same item, the chest will remain locked and won't count towards your "opened chests" total. (Until you sell/use the item and open the chest again)

Capture as many Mirages (creatures) as you can, I highly recommend doing this as it will save a lot of end game grind (there's an achievement for collecting them all), also many of them are required to progress.

Try not to waste your "Spellstones" as they're very rare drops and can be found in chests, but they're quite limited and using them would extend your end game grind. (They're needed to complete some "miniventures")

Let me know if there's any typos in the guide, I wrote this while I was playing so it's expected to find some errors.
No collectibles here.

After finishing the Prologue you'll be greeted with the following achievement:

Gateway to Adventure
Arrived in Grymoire.
Wellspring Woods (2 treasures)
First dead end, to your left.

Dead end before first Murkrift, right side.
Cornelia (1 treasure)(2 miniventures)
Near the fountain on the building roof. [Use Jiant form to open it]


Best Helm in the Realm - Deliver 1 Earth Hammer

This is in a treasure chest we'll get later.

Who Watches the Watchplains? - Defeat 8 Goblins*
*Only available after completing Watchplains for the first time.

Simply, just return to the Watchplains and kill 8 goblins.

After completing your first miniventure you should get:

A Helping Hand
Fulfilled a townsperson’s request for the first time.
Cornelia Region (1 treasure)
Hard to miss, northeast area, on the way to Nether Nebula.
Nether Nebula (9 treasures)
North from Gate.

Cavern 2 - On your way to the top, cannot be missed since it's required to continue.

Cavern 2 - At the end of the upper road, before you jump down.

Cavern 2 - After you've jumped down, to the left from the last treasure.
Cavern 3 - After the second switch puzzle, there are 2 treasure chests here.

Note: Earth Hammer is found in one of the chests here, required to complete "Best Helm in the Realm" sidequest.

Note: Skip the next part of the guide for now.

[Smash ability required][Flutter ability required] I recommend coming back to this later, as you need to evolve a level 10 Copper Gnome into a Mythril Giant to unlock the required skill "Smash". and Flutter ability is a few chapters ahead in the game

Note: Copper Gnome can be caught in this area "Nether Nebula"

Secret Cavern - From Cavern 4 entrance, head to your right, you'll see a Stone which requires the "Smash ability", break it then use "Flutty ability" to get to the other side and reach the Secret Cavern entrance.

Secret Cavern - You'll find 3 chests in here, it's pretty linear so just follow the road to find the first of them

Secret Cavern - Not so far from the last location, you'll see a pair of chests at the bottom, just follow the map to reach there

Tip: I recommend capturing a Bablizz because you'll need his Chill ability very soon.
The Watchplains (9 treasures)
Entrance area - near the Gate, right side.

Left at the first fork in a dead end.

Hidden behind the big rock on the way.

Backroad 2 - go straight after entering and take the right path during the crossroad.

Backroad 2 - Behind wooden hut, just before entering the next area.

Backroad 3 - there's a hidden passage to the left.

Backroad 3 - Near the save point, hug the wall to your left.

Storyline achievement

The Saviors of Cornelia
Repelled the Bahamutian Army.

Backroad 3 - After defeating the boss, this chest is near the watchtower, by the left of the stairs.

Secret Area

Secret Backroad - Don't take the gate after defeating the boss, instead, take the left side stairs to reach the secret area, the chest is behind the Black Chocobo.

Note: You can now complete the sidequest in Cornelia Town by speaking with the knight near the fountain.
Pyreglow Forest (8 treasures)
On your way to the top, it's in one of the branchs.

Before going to the next area, it's all the way to the left.

[Sizzle ability required] Just before entering the Branch 2, to your left (you need to burn the obstacle)

Note: This ability can be learned by Black Nakk from The Watchplains and Cockatrice from Pyreglow, capture any of them and level them up slighty until you unlock it.

Branch 2 - Dead end branch, easy to spot.

Branch 2 - Near the Murkrift

Branch 3 - uppermost branch.

Branch 4 - take the left path

Secret Area
[Sizzle ability required] Take the north road, you'll end in some kind of maze. Go left-down, left-up, right-up and left-up to reach the secret branch where you will find this treasure chest.
Forest Lake and Ice Region (2 treasures)
Forest Lake

Bank 2 - hard to miss.


Ice Region

Inside Inn, you must be in Jiant form to open it
Icicle Ridge (8 treasures)
Straight from the gate, you'll need Sizzle but you should have it by now (It's required to continue the game).

On the slide puzzle area, you need to use "Sizzle" on the frozen chest.

Take the bottom path after the puzzle.

Slip 2 - Behind an ice obstacle, use "Sizzle" to reach the chest.

Slip 2 - On the second slide puzzle area, after burning another ice obstacle.

Slip 2 - Take the right path on the slide puzzle area.

Slip 3 - On the third and final slide puzzle.

Slip 4 - After the boss fight, take the path on the right side.
Saronia Harbor (2 treasures)
Shanty Town - must be opened using Jiant form.

Before entering the docks, must be opened using Jiant form.

Saronia Docks (19 treasures)
After using the cannon at the entrance.

On the small island in the north area, get it before doing the switch puzzle or the island will get flooded.

Station 2 - It's in the first ship, south from where you entered

Station 2 - Unmissable. before getting into the second ship take the bottom path, there's a chest in the dead end.

Station 2 - Third ship, after the Murkrift (requires and item which is in the previous chest)

Station 2 - [Requires Flutter ability] From the last chest, head all the way down until you find a boat with a Flutter icon, use this ability to get to the other side, the chest will be there in another boat.

Note: This skill can be learned from Floating Eye (they usually show up in a Ahriman stack near this area, Station 2)

Station 3 - Go to the rightmost area, near two cannons.

Station 3 - From the last location, take the right cannon, then Flutter your way to the platform to your right

Station 3 - After doing the switch puzzle, the whole area will be now flooded, return to the entrance and head to your left, the chest will be at the leftmost platform.

Tip: Now it's a good moment to return to "Nether Nebula" since both required abilities are now available

Secret Area

Now there's a small secret area here which requires you to ring three bells in the correct order, to know the order you need to count the number of baskets besides each one of the bells, and here it is:

After doing so, a new ship will show up with a total of 11 treasure chests, sadly you can't get them unless you beat the Murkrift first (LVL 25).

Secret Station - There's a total of 11 treasure chests scattered in this area
Rainbow Shore (1 treasure)
Between the rocks. Requires Jiant form to open it
The Dragon Scars (16 treasures)
Go straight from the entrance until you see a crossroad, take the left path from there.

Located in the nest, take the right path from the Flutter icon.

Now return to where the Flutter icon is and interact with it, then descend to the ledge.

Scar 2 - Take the left path until you see a nest with a red dragon in it, there're actually two dragons and you'll need to defeat them in order to get the treasure.

Scar 2 - In a cave, near the entrance of this area.

Scar 2 - Keep going until you see an area where you can descend, do it twice from the leftmost border to find a treasure chest.

Scar 2 - From the last treasure, go all the way to the right, then descend here for another chest.

Scar 2 - Before proceeding to the next area, you'll see a Flutter icon, go through it to find another chest

Scar 3 - Take the right path then the bottom one at the crossroad, then use the Flutter icon, the chest will be a few steps ahead.

Scar 3 - Return to the crossroad and take the right path this time, then the right path again to reach another Flutter icon, use it to find another chest in a nest.

Secret Area

This secret area is pretty much required to progress.

Secret Area - After defeating Cerberus.

Scar 3 - After coming back from the secret area, make your way to the second crossroad and take the path to your left, you'll find another chest in a nest.

Scar 3 - Once you're done with the Gimme Golem, continue until you see an area where you can jump down, do it to find another chest.

Scar 3 - Now descend at the same area (right side) where you got the last chest to find another one.

Scar 3 - Now descend again, but this time using the left edge

Scar 4 - As soon as you enter, you'll see a Flutter icon at the right side, use it. There's a chest in the nest.
Agarthir and Nibelheim (2 treasures)(3 miniventures)
Don't take the reactor path right away; instead, head to the town at the right side for a chest.


Center of the town, must be opened using Jiant form.


"Needle for Speedle - Defeat 3 Cactuars"

Not completeable until you get to the desert area (The Phantom Sands).



Behind the Inn, Jiant form required


The Birthday Present - Deliver 3 Dragon Scales

You should have 3 by now if you've been collecting every single chest. You can also buy them from Chocolatte in North Promenade.

Hot Hot Hunting - Defeat 5 Mirages in Valley Seven*
*Only available after completing Valley Seven for the first time.

Quite simple, just head to the Valley Seven and kill any 5 enemies.
Valley Seven (8 treasures)
Hidden under the second platform.

Unmissable, required to progress. Left area, need to complete both switch puzzles and cross both bridges, chest will be in the last platform.

[Chill ability required] You'll find an area filled with lava which requires the chill ability, if you have it, proceed through the now "chilled" bridge to find a chest at the other side.

Note: Chill ability can be adquired from Bablizz which can be captured in Nether Nebula - Secret Area.

Cauldron 3 - [Smash ability required] It's hidden under the middle platform.

Cauldron 3 - [Smash ability required] Bottom right platform.

Cauldron 3 - [Smash ability required] Rightmost platform.

Cauldron 2 - After the scene where Rydia extinguishes the big fire, take the bottom path.

Cauldron 4 - From the save point, take the right path to find the last chest of this dungeon.

Storyline achievement

Crimson vs. Azure
Found the first key from the Crimson Prophecy.
Windswept Mire (4 treasures)
Note: Make sure to capture a Flan, you'll need one for a sidequest later.

Fen 2 - Left dead end.

Fen 2 - After crossing the first bridge made by Snow, go right so Snow makes another bridge, cross it to find another treasure chest in a small island.

Fen 2 - Next to the switch puzzle.

Secret Area

You need to complete the switch puzzle to open the road.

Note: I highly recommend skipping this for now, this boss can be really challenging at this point of the game.

Fen 3 - [Chill ability required] After defeating the boss, continue to Fen 3, you'll see a small island in the middle of the map. Go to the north side to find a "Chill" point, use the ability and go through the bridge to find a chest.

Caravan and Desert Region (1 treasure)(6 miniventures)

Next to the Gate.


Her Jiggly Highness - Have a Princess Flan in your party*.
*A Flan must be in your party to start this quest.

This quest can be quite complicated to do.
Princess Flan can be found in the Secret Fen on The Windswept Mire, she's pretty difficult to beat so I recommend a party of level 35 or higher to have any chances of winning.
First you'll need a Mirage with High Topple Strength (I used Behemoth), just keep spamming this attack to unstack the Princess from the Marlboro Menace, once done I highly suggest capturing the Marlboro first, you need to inflict it a status ailment (I used Spider Silk, they can be bought from Chocolatte). Once you've done that, It's time to capture the Princess, for that, you need to "face her using only 1 character" which means you have to unstack first and kill your other 2 stack members, this includes the other stack as well, if everything done correctly, she'll get in Prismtunity status meaning you can finally Imprism, do this to finally meet the requirement to complete this sidequest.

Here's an example:


Desert Region

Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness I - Deliver 3 Dragon Wings.

You can buy them from Chocolatte.

Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness II - Deliver 2 Healing Springs.
Mist Dragon drops them (Underground Prison - Secret Ophion)

Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness III - Deliver 3 Lightning Spellstones.
Kuza Beast drops them (Crystal Tower, first floor)
Note: like in any dungeon, you can reenter the area to make them respawn.

Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness IV - Deliver 5 Star Curtains.
Squidraken drops them (Rare drop)(Castle Exnine, Ordeal 8)
Note: I highly recommend having a Mirage with "Treasure Hunter" passive ability for better results, or even more than one since they stack.

Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness V - Deliver 3 Fire spellstones.
These ones are quite limited. You can get some from the Coliseum and Buer (a very rare spawn in Ex Dungeons) drops them.
Also from the Intervention quest "Fire Drill" (Ifreeta) and "Sad Spiral" (Nirvalefor) might drop them.
Phantom Sands (7 treasures)
This one is a bit hidden, hug the right wall from the entrance until you can open/see it.

Take the bottom path, but before you proceed to the next area, take the chest to your left. (by the stairs)

Now continue from the bottom entrance to reach Toil 2, the chest will be in front of you.

Toil 3 - Take the stairs to the bottom, chest will between the two stairs.

Secret Area

Descend in the pit that's at the bottom area of Toil 3.

Secret Toil - This chest is right there, though you'll need to beat a miniboss before being able to open it, so be prepared.

Toil 5 - This will be right in front of you, after entering this area.

Toil 4 - Take the bottom path from the Toil 5 back to the Toil 4, chest will be next to the pit.
Underground Prison (17 treasures)
Note: Capture a "Searcher" as soon as possible, you'll need one for their ability "Zap"

Ophion 2 - After going downstairs, it will be right there.

Ophion 2 - [Zap ability required] Opposite side from the last treasure, you'll find 2 here.

Ophion 2 - [Zap ability required] Now go downstairs and all the way to your right, the chest will be behind a "zappable" barrier.

Ophion 2 - From the last location, head all the way to your left, ignoring the stairs for now. You'll find another chest at the dead end.

Ophion 3 - Double treasure chest, opposite side from the stairs where you came from.

Ophion 3 - [Zap ability required] After going downstairs from the last location, go to your right.

Ophion 3 - From the last treasure, go to your left past the first stairs, take the 2nd stairs and head to your left again, there will be a chest next to the stairs.

Ophion 3 - Now keep going to your left, you'll find another chest a few steps ahead.

Ophion 4 - Go all the way to your left, there will be a chest around halfway.

Ophion 4 - Keep going to your left until you see some stairs, ignore them and continue going to your left. The chest will be between the stairs and the "zappable" barrier

Note: There's a few missing treasures here but you can't get them until you get your Mirages back.

Assuming you got them back, return to where the save point was and take the left path, you'll need to Flutty to get to the other side, chest will be next to the door.

Ophion 5 - In the area where you fought Shelke, take the outter ring, chest is in the back

Ophion 5 - Same as the last chest, but take the inner ring this time.

Secret Area

Go through the door from the last chest location, easy as that.

Secret Ophion - I might avoid the miniboss for now, unless your party is really overleveled. There's two chests to the right of the miniboss.

You can Imprism Mist Dragon in here. (Restore a lot of the Mirage's HP at once to create a prismtunity)

Mako Reactor 0 (9 treasures)
Note: Use the Gate to get back all your Mirages, you'll also need to rebuy the skill "Zap" from Searcher in order to continue.

Note2: I also recommend going back to Underground Prison now that you got all your Mirages back, so you can get your missing treasures.

Take the right downstairs from the entrance, next to the Gate.

Sector 2 - Go downstairs and pass through the destroyed fence, then to the right end of the pipeline

Sector 2 - [Flutty ability required] Now go to the other side of the pipe and "Flutty" your way through.

Sector 4 - Take the right path after going downstairs, easy to spot

Sector 4 - Now return to the stairs but go through the pipeline this time, you'll need to beat this Murkrift in order the open the chest (LVL 35)

Sector 4 - Hard to miss, it will be in your way to the next area after the second generator.

Entrance - This one will be next to first chest you got the first time you entered the reactor.

Entrance - You'll see another broken fence a few steps from the last chest, go through it to find a chest in the pipeline.

Sector 4 - Now we're back to the 4th sector, go all the way downstairs using the first stairs you see, then take the pipe that's behind them to find the last treasure chest of this dungeon.
Figaro Castle (4 miniventures)

Picking Up the Slacker's Slack - Defeat 10 Sand Worms in the Phantom Sands.

This can be done right away. Just head to the Phantom Sands and kill 10 worms, they usually show up in groups of 3 near the save point where you fought 3 of them the first time.

Grind location:

Note: You can also defeat Cactuars one screen before this area "Toil 4" for the Agarthir miniventure "Needle for Speedle - Defeat 3 Cactuars", they have a very low spawn rate though.

The Battle for Teatime I - Defeat 5 Red Captains in the Watchplains.

They usually show up in Road 3 of Watchplains (same area where you fought the boss). Don't confuse them with Red Cap, Red Captain is a different enemy.

Grind location:

The Battle for Teatime II - Defeat 3 Malboros in Windswept Mire.
They're pretty common, personally used Fen 2.


After you've opened the Crystal Tower

The Battle for Teatime III - Defeat 5 Unicorns in Crystal Tower.
This one isn't doable until you progress enough in the story to enter the Crystal Tower.
If you have done so, go there an kill 5 Unicorns, they usually show up in every floor but I used second one.
Big Bridge (8 treasures)
Note: Most treasure chests in this "dungeon" are really annoying to get, they're usually in the opposite side of the bridge of where you have to walk to progress, so be prepared to run very long distances. This is a good area to make use of the Joyful Ride ability.

Segment 2 - Left side of the bridge, middle area.

Segment 2 - Left side of the bridge, bottom area.

Segment 3 - Right side, after defeating the first Mythril Giant.

Segment 3 - Left side, after defeating the first Mythril Giant. (use the teleporter to the right of the last treasure)

Segment 3 - Left side, before fighting the second Mythril Giant.

Segment 3 - Left side, after beating the second Mythril Giant.

Segment 3 - Right side, before fighting the third Mythril Giant, use the teleport from one of the previous chests.

Segment 3 - Right side, after beating the third Mythril Giant.
Tometown of the Ancients (1 treasure)(4 miniventures)
Library of the Ancients - Left side from the save point, can be only opened as Jiant.

Miniventures not available at this moment of the storyline.


After The Train Graveyard


Mirage Pandemonium - Defeat any 10 mirages in Train Graveyard.
Quite easy task, just go to the Train Graveyard and kill any 10 enemies.

The Spellstone Scholar - Deliver 1 Wind Spellstone and 1 Earth Spellstone.

Earth Spellstone: Can be obtained as a drop from Minotaurs in Big Bridge
Wind Spellstone: Use the intervention quest "A Smidge of Micro-envy" (Late game), Divasiren will drop them.


Late game


Taking Trouble by the Horns - Defeat 6 Minotaurs at Big Bridge.

They usually show up in "Segment 2" of Big Bridge, in the area just before Segment 3.
Note: Don't confuse them with Brothertaur, since they won't count, only Minotaurs do.

The Scareseeker - Have an undead mirage in your party.

Undead Princess is perfect for this, first of all you have to complete all Intervention quests related to her, then, she will spawn outside Sherlotta's Inn (Ice Region).
Head there and speak to her twice to get the option to start a fight, that will be your chance to Imprism.

Undead Princess (Use light attacks to create a prismtunity), I recommend Paleberry for this.
Once you've done that, return to Tometown with her in your team to complete the sidequest.
The Train Graveyard (19 treasures)
After going through the green container, go right.

Now go to the left side, upstairs and get into the roof of the green container, follow the path of trains until you find a dead end with a treasure chest.

[Smash ability required] Continue through the level until you find a ramp, instead of going down continue on the upper area using the trains to find another dead end, and a chest there.

This one is well hidden, it's right behind the green container that's next to the ramp.

Necropolis 2 - Go right from the lift control #2.

Necropolis 2 - After interacting with the lift control #2 and breaking the rock to continue, go all the way up

Necropolis 2 - Just before next area, go left.

Necropolis 3 - You'll spot them as soon as you enter this area, go all the way up.

Necropolis 3 - Unmissable, next to the lift control #3.

Necropolis 3 - Same as the one above.

Necropolis 4 - I recommend using your map a lot in this area, and looking at every dead end, this chest will be in the first one.

Necropolis 4 - And this one in the second dead end.

Necropolis 4 - "Zap" the lift control #1 of this area once, then go down using the train.

Necropolis 5 - After you get to the save point with the lift control near it, go down to find another lift control with a #2 in it, interact with it then return to the entrance area to find a new path, go

Necropolis 5 - Unmissable, next to the panel #2.

Necropolis 5 - Now before interacting with the Gimme Golem, go left to where all the green containers are and take the left one. There's an hidden passage with a chest in it.

Necropolis 5 - Once you've dealt with the Gimme Golem, hug the wall to your right and take the ramp up. Make your way through all the trains and containers until you have to go down through another ramp, this chest will be next to it.

Necropolis 5 - From the last treasure, go all the way down to find another chest.
Eclipsed Region, Besaid Region and Port Besaid (3 treasures)(2 miniventures)
Reminder: If you haven't visited Saronia Docks to get the 11 treasure chests in the Secret Station (behind the Murkrift), now is a good moment to do so.
Note: There's also 2 new miniventures in Tometown of the Ancients.


Eclipsed Region - Train Station

Just go upstairs and all the way right.


A Dancer's Dilemma - Have a lady mirage in your party.

This one is pretty easy, just put Tama in your party and speak to her again.


Besaid Region

From the train station, go all the way south.


Port Besaid

On the roof of the laboratory, can be only opened as Jiant.


Scaling the Walls of Love - Deliver 5 Fish Scales.

Another simple quest, they can be bought from Chocolatte.
The Sunken Temple (14 treasures)
After taking the stairs up, enter the temple and walk on the wall moss, the chest is right there.

Now go out and take the left path, walk on the wall moss, chest will be a few steps ahead.

Go all the way north from the last treasure

Quacheon 2 - Take the left path when you get to a crossroad, then make your way until you reach some more walls with moss, here, take the left one, there's an hidden chest behind the rocks.

Quacheon 2 - Now climb all the way up to the roof, the chest wis on the right side.
Quacheon 2 - Finally, go down but use the right side of the wall moss, you'll find another chest here.

Quacheon 3 - Right after entering, take the left side of the area and go up on the first wall moss you see, there will be a treasure on the roof.

Quacheon 3 - Continue on the left side, now climb up on the second wall moss you see. Another chest in the roof.

Quacheon 3 - Unmissable. Now climb down and go to the opposite side, climb up the wall moss to find another treasure.

Quacheon 6 - Go through the passage hugging the right wall, the chest will be around halfway there.

Storyline achievement

A Prophecy Fulfilled
Found all of the keys from the Crimson Prophecy.

Quacheon 7 - After defeating the boss, instead of taking the Gate, take the left path until you see some big stone doors, the chest will be in front of them.

Note: There's 3 treasure chests that can't be obtained yet (they're inside the Secret Quacheon and a sidequest must be completed to open it), you'll come back here later.

Secret Quacheon

Refer to "The Sunken Temple's Secret" miniventure to find its location.
Besaid Shore (12 miniventures)
I highly recommend skipping these sidequests for now, you'll need to capture creatures that aren't within our reach yet.


The following sidequests are related to Capturing Mirages and having them in your party, I'll be listing the requirements of each one.

The Young Mirage Hunter I - Have a White Nakk in your party.

White Nakk can be captured in Icicle Ridge, this might be a problem if you're overleveled.
If you have troubles capturing one I recommend Transfiguring a Black Nakk (you should have one if you have been following this guide)

The Young Mirage Hunter II - Have a Water Toad in your party.
Water Toad
Location: Windswept Mire.
Req: Inflict berserk to create a prismtunity.

The Young Mirage Hunter III - Have a Mimic Queen in your party.
Mimic Queen
Location: Memento in "I Hate Lightning!" Intervention quest.
Req: Since she isn't imprismable, you'll need to capture a Magic Pot from Big Bridge, then transfigure it to Mimic and finally to Mimic Queen.

The Young Mirage Hunter IV - Have a Malboro in your party.
Location: Windswept Mire.
Req: Inflict any status ailment to create a prismtunity (I recommend sleep)

The Young Mirage Hunter V - Have a Magitek Armor in your party.
Magitek Armor
Location: Underground Prison
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity

The Young Mirage Hunter VI - Have a Manticore in your party.
Location: The Chainroad
Req: Inflict poison to create a prismtunity.

The Young Mirage Hunter VII - Have a Mordskull in your party.
Location: The Train Graveyard
Req: Inflict oblivion to create a prismtunity

The Young Mirage Hunter VIII - Have a Mega Nightsqual in your party.
Mega Nightsqual
Location: The Sunken Temple
Req: Bestow bravery to create a prismtunity

The Young Mirage Hunter IX - Have a Ramuh in your party.
Ramuh (You should have this one already)
Location: The Coliseum
Req: Use thunder attacks to create a prismtunity

The Young Mirage Hunter X - Have a Shiva in your party.
Shiva (You should have this one already)
Location: The Coliseum
Req: Use ice attacks to create a prismtunity.

The Young Mirage Hunter XI - Have an Ifrit in your party.
Ifrit (You should have this one already)
Location: The Coliseum
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.

The Young Mirage Hunter XII - Have a Tamamohimé in your party.
Location: -
Req: Complete "Vestiges of Life" miniventure.

Once you equip this Mirage in your party, you'll get:

Nine Lives
Added Tamamohimé to your roster.

Nonary Region and The Crystal Tower (11 treasures)
Nonary Region

After defeating the boss in this area, you'll regain control of your character inside the Crystal Tower, go out to find a chest outside it.


The Crystal Tower

Note: Make sure to bring a Mirage with Flutter ability and one with Smash ability.

[Flutter ability required] Go upstairs from the entrance of the tower. Once in the upper floor go right until you find a crossroad, take the bottom path and "Flutter " your way through the hole.

[Smash ability required] After using the green crystal, go all the way up until you see an ice block, smash it to find a chest at the other side.

Second Floor - You'll notice a broken wall while climbing up the tower, go through it to find a Kuza Beast, defeat it. The chest will be behind.

Second Floor - [Flutter ability required] At the second part of the second floor, you'll reach a place with a green and a orange crystal, take the orange one.

Third Floor - From the save point, head to your right to find a switch puzzle, do it. Once done, take the green crystal to the other side, then take the orange crystal to find this treasure.

Third Floor - Hard to miss, it's after the second set of spiral stairs.

Fourth Floor - Another hard to miss chest, opposite side of the blue crystal.

Fourth Floor - Take the red crystal and go all the way up, smash the ice block to discover a chest behind it.

Fifth Floor - After getting to the top of the stairs, go right then down, then Flutter through the hole. There will be two chests awaiting for you at the other side.
Balamb Garden and Airship Interior (2 treasures)(2 miniventures)
Balamb Garden

From the entrance, take the stairs up but don't take the elevator; instead, go all the way to your right. This treasure will be behind the fish statue.


Research Assistant - Deliver 3 Bomb Fragments.

Bomb Fragments can be bough from Chocolatte.

Balamb Garden Deck - A Plight for Sore Eyes - Deliver 3 Eye Drops.

Same as Bomb Fragments, Eye Drops can be bought from Chocolatte.


Airship Interior

Right side, can be only opened as Jiant.
Intervention Quests - Part I
Now you have to beat a few intervention quests to continue with the game, specifically "Five Cogna Lords quests" which are seven quests in total. I highly recommend just doing these ones to progress, as you won't be able to play them all yet.

The Five Cogna Lords: Figaro

Magitek Knight
Defeated many foes using any Magitek armor.

To unlock this achievement you need to beat the minigame a total of 10 times, and it's the worst of all the minigames by far, but the achievement isn't the bad part...the bad part is unlocking Maduin while doing it.
To unlock Maduin you need to win a game in less than 10 rounds (20 counting enemy rounds) and without losing any units, it only works in intervention mode so don't use the console in your room for this.
There aren't many tips I can give you, since it's mostly rng and luck, but you can try this formation which helped me a lot.

Keep in mind that enemies can be under you so when you're not hitting anything chances are they're there.
Besides that, just read the rules and good luck!

Note: Unlocking Maduin is required for the 100%

The Five Cogna Lords: Cornelia, Part I

The Fast and the Nebulous
Reached the final chamber of the Nether Nebula in record time.

For this achievement to unlock, you need to get to the end of this minigame in less than 1 minute. Time isn't really strict so just try to not fail much (I recommend restarting if you fail more than 3 times). You can also pause as much as you can, so don't worry if you don't have fast reflexes, this will make this minigame way easier.

This was my time after failing twice:

The Five Cogna Lords: Cornelia, Part II

This is just a battle against Omega, no achievements related.

The Five Cogna Lords: Nibelheim

Same as above, but this time against Supraltima Weapon (trust me, isn't as bad as it looks).
This battle is kinda different though as you'll need to fight it multiple times, and it uses the same mechanic as in Final Fantasy VII, it has a total of 75k HP which should be depleted in multiple fights as stated above, example: if you deal 20k damage in the first fight, it will have 55k on the next one and so on.

The Five Cogna Lords: Tometown, Part I

Just hit the Cactuar once to complete this sidequest.
Note: This will unlock the "Whack-a-Cactuar" minigame in the console in the Twins' Room (In Nine Wood Hills) and there's an achievement related to it, might be a good idea to go there and get the achievement out the way.

Zip Zip WHACK!
Thwack a whole bunch of cactuars in a single thrashing.

This achievement requires you to get 5000+ score in the Whack-a-Cactuar minigame, you got 1:30 and 3 lives to get there.

  • I highly recommend punching and not kicking as it's faster.
  • Focus on the Gigantuars as they give you 500-1000 points each.
  • You have enough time to hit 3 cactuars each time, never try to go for 4, your character isn't fast enough for that.
  • The train conductor adds +10 seconds to your timer, hit it as soon as you see it because it dissapears faster than the other cactuars.
  • A few tries might be required to get a decent run going, there's so much luck involved in it so don't worry if you have to retry a couple of times.

This was my run after a few tries:

The Five Cogna Lords: Tometown, Part II

This is just a boss fight, no achievements can be unlocked here.

The Five Cogna Lords: Port Besaid

Like with the previous minigame, you can't actually do the achievement related to it in this area, you'll need to use the console in your room for that.

Blitzball Ace
Cleared the sky of uncountable einhänders.

This achievement requires you to score 3000+ points and it's quite simple, I'll list a few tips below.

Notes and tips:
  • There's a delay between the button release and the actual shoot.
  • Blinking enemies aren't killable.
  • The pattern repeats, so I recommend learning it to have higher chances of winning.
  • There's no time limit, use this in your favor.
  • Always go for the easy kills, this is the best tip I can give you.

Here's my good run:

You should receive this achievement after completing "The Five Cognas"

The Final Reckoning
Learned the location of Castle Exnine.
The Chainroad (5 treasures)
Ascent 2 - First chain, on the right side (you need to go clockwise from the left side to get it).

Ascent 4 - First chain, on the left side. you need to get teleported using left side first, then go counter-clockwise.

Ascent 6 - Right after using the first teleport.

Ascent 6 - First chain, after using the second teleport, go counter-clockwise.

Ascent 6 - Last chain, after using the third teleport on the left side. Go all the way down.
Castle Exnine (27 treasures)
Note: This dungeon doesn't have a map, so I'll just put screenshots of the treasures and a brief description.

Ordeal 1 - Entrance of the dungeon, go forward from there, easy to spot.

Ordeal 1 - It's in the big pipeline, take the northeast path at the crossroad.

Ordeal 1 - Just before proceeding to the next screen, left side.

Ordeal 2 - After the section where you have to go up between two pipes, you'll spot this chest up there, take the small pipe at the north to get it.

Ordeal 2 - Hard to miss, it will be in your way to the third ordeal

Ordeal 3 - At the very start of this area, take the path up before descending.

Ordeal 3 - Just after descending from the last treasure, you'll find another pipeline, this chest is at the right dead end.

Ordeal 3 - A few steps ahead you'll see another chest at the distance, just continue going north to get it (the non visible part of the wall is climbable).

Ordeal 3 - When you get to this area, don't climb the "cube" just yet, instead, go to the right side to find another chest.

Ordeal 4 - From the save point, go all the way up, you'll fight a miniboss here. Once defeated, go north, you'll notice a hidden climbable wall with a chest in there.

Ordeal 4 - Now return to where the purple crystal is and go all the way to your left. (avoid the crystal, it's a shortcut to the entrance) You'll find a treasure in one of the pipes.

Ordeal 4 - Keep going until you find another big pipe, easy one.

Ordeal 5 - Another easy to spot, you'll see it from the entrance.

Note: There will be another teleporting crystal here, take it if you need and get Mirages that can get to 125 ice resistance and 11 weight. You'll need them in the next ordeal to get some chests.

Ordeal 7 - On your way to the top, after defeating the miniboss.

Ordeal 7 - When you get to the crossroad where you have to choose between going up and taking the pipe on the left side, go for the pipe.

Ordeal 8 - From the entrance, go all the way up

Ordeal 8 - Then go right at the second pipe.

Ordeal 8 - Now, you'll find another crossroad, with a cube to your left and a pipe to your north. Go north first to find 2 treasures.

Ordeal 8 - Now make your way back to the crossroad and climb the cube this time.

Ordeal 8 - Go all the way up from the last treasure, crossing the pipe to find another one.

Ordeal 8 - Take a few steps back, before crossing the pipe and go left.

Ordeal 8 - From here climb all the way down using the cubes, there will be a miniboss and a chest next to it.

Ordeal 8 - Make your way back to the previous chest and take the left pipe to find another one.

Ordeal 8 - Ok, it's time for some puzzling. Go all the way left from the last treasure to find a switch puzzle, complete it (125 ice resistance, 11 weight). Once done go a few steps back and climb down all the way to find another 3 treasures and the last ones of this dungeon.

You'll unlock this achievement after completing the following events:

The End?
Reached an ending.
Postscript: Preparation
After you've completed the game and reached the first ending, you'll be able to load your game to continue from there, you'll be received with a single choice which is "No!", take it.

-After a few scenes, go to "Plaza 99" and speak to Serafie here.
-Now head to "The Girl's Tearoom"
Reminder: It's a good moment to buy all the Champions, you should have enough arma gems for that. Doing that will unlock you:

A Medium Awakens
Obtained your first Champion Medal.


Canon Fodder
Obtained every last Champion Medal.

Now go and complete every single Intervention quest.
Intervention Quests - Part II
Yes, It's time to complete them all. I'll list them with a brief description:

Only four of them are required to progress but there's an achievement for doing them all before completing the game, doing them now will save you some time later.

Note: Almost none of the enemies here are prismable, so don't waste your energies trying it (I'll point the important ones who are).


Storyline Quests

The Demon Dyad Revealed
Here you have to fight against Bahamut. This fight isn't hard at all if you're well equipped but might take a long time since he has a total of around 120k HP.

-Gravity ability is a cheap way to win this fight (Death Searcher Mirage has it).
-You can nullify most of his Megaflare damage using Defense when he's about to do it, or swapping to a XL mirage.

You'll get the Bahamut prismarium as a reward for defeating him.

When the Past Still Haunts
Another fight against a Summon, this time will be Diabolos.
This battle is divided in two parts, in the first one, Diabolos will have a total of 35823 HP and in the second one 69170 HP.
This one will be quite easy compared to the previous battle as he has way less total health points and all his attacks are pretty much sleep enhanced, nothing really difficult. You can still use gravity ability to cut his HP down. He's also weak to light (100-) and resistant to darkness (100).

You'll get the Diabolos prismarium as a reward for defeating him.

Ancestral Acrimony
It's Leviathan turn this time. He counts with the total of 68640 HP.
He's weak to thunder (-150) and resistant to water (150), so focus on using thunder attacks, but not before applying a good dose of gravity. Keep in mind that he'll counter almost alll your physical attacks with Aqua Spikes (doesn't do much damage but it's still annoying). Shouldn't be much of a trouble after the previous two bosses.

You'll get Leviathan prismarium as a reward for defeating him.

A Clash of Swords
Lastly, it's time to take Odin down. He has a total of 73120 HP and is insanely weak to thunder attacks (-200).
This battle shouldn't be that bad, he basically spam physical attacks at you most of the time, but don't your guard down, at the 11th turn he will use Zentetsuken which will OHKO your both characters causing an instant game over. The only way to avoid this is having "Last Stand" passive ability from Behemoth so one of your characters will survive with 1 HP or killing him within 11 turns, which isn't a hard task if you have decent thunder attacks.

You'll get Odin prismarium as a reward for defeating him.


Optional Quests

Help the Warrior of Light
Quite easy one, just defeat all enemies.

Where Art Thou, Smoochy-Poo?
Another easy one, you should be able to OHKO the boss at this point of the game.

Though there's an achievement here:

Love Tap
Defeated the Princess Goblin with the Warrior of Light.

Simply equip "Warrior of Light" Champion Medal and deal the killing blow to Princess Goblin using it.

The Ice Bridge
Here you'll fight against Shiva, which is insanely easy at this point of the game. She has around 4k HP which is nothing but a single hit if your characters are decently leveled.

Never Cross the Boss
Like most low level intervention quests this shouldn't take more than 1-2 hits, easy as that.

But wait! there's an achievement related to this quest...

Never Give Up the Ghost
Defeated the Undead Princess 10 times.

Just repeat this quest ten times to unlock it.

A Grudge That Won't Budge
A battle against 3 super weak enemies, nothing much to say about it.

Underdog Day
This will be your first encounter with Ifrit, he has 6k HP which is again nothing at this point of the game. Just spam attacks and you should take him down in no time.

A Duo of Three
This battle is divided into three parts, all of them with weak enemies. Nothing remarkable.

You'll also receive this achievement:

The Cranberry Knights
Got to the bottom of the "phenomenon" at the Coliseum.

Treasure Island, Ahoy!
A battle against 3 Mimics, I really recommend trying to Imprism one of them if you can, as you will need one for a pending sidequest (ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity).
Note: You can abuse of gravity ability to reduce its HP without killing it.

I Hate Lightning!
2 battles, first one is against a Mimic (another chance to Imprism one. Second one is against Mimic Queen (the main reason why we need to Imprism a Mimic.

You'll get the Mimic Queen memento as a reward (required for a sidequest)

A Friendship Forged in Figaro
This is just a bunch of cutscenes.

Ifrit Meets His Match
This boss has a total of 35820 HP. You can Imprism it pretty easily if you want to avoid the fight (Use Physical Attacks to create a prismtunity)

The Black Chocobo
This Black Chocobo is sadly uninprismable

Two Different Conversations
Gigalmesh. He counts with 16200 HP and has no weakness nor resistances.

Chocolatte's Master
This Mecha Chocobo boss looks really cool but it's sadly uninprismable.But don't worry! you'll receive his memento as a reward for completing this quest. 13970 is its HP.

I Have Awaited This Day...
You can imprism Brothertaur from this battle if you don't have it yet, besides that, easy battle.

You'll also get the following achievement:

An Inseparable Pair
Teamed up with Gilgamesh to stop the Bahamutian soldier.

Chosen by the Tribe
Here you'll fight Elefenrir and his stats are 22110 HP, weak to light (-200) and resistant to dark (150) and fire (50).

Freak of Nature
Nothing much to say about Ultros, just be aware of his confusion inducing attacks which can be really annoying. Stats are 26380 HP, weak to fire (-50) thunder (-25) and light (-25), resistant to water (50) earth (25) and darkness (25).

Steel That Forges Destinies
Elite Entom counts with a total of 23060 HP and most of his attacks are physical oriented

The Sad Spiral
Nirvalefor has 17380 HP, weak to wind (-25) and darkness (-50), resistant to fire (25) and light (25). His attacks are really weak so this boss won't be much a challenge.
But wait! there's a second battle after defeating Nirvalefor, this time it will be against Ultima Weapon, his stats are hidden but he has around 70k HP. It will be a similar battle as the one with Supraltima Weapon but this time all within a single fight, he'll also use Ultima spell a lot which can be devastating, so Curaga or any other healing spell is highly advised.
Intervention Quests - Part III
The Sunken Temple's Secret
Remember that we couldn't get into the secret Quacheon in Sunken Temple earlier? well, we'll be able now.
You'll be teleported to the entrance of Sunken Temple and your objective will be getting to the very end to fight Shantotto, she might seem impossible to beat but is not, you can do it if you want, though is not required to progress and it's faster just to lose the fight.
After that you'll face your real enemy which is Cenchos, it has 21040 HP and it's weaker to fire (-50) and resistant to ice (50).
Once defeated, you'll be able to enter the Secret Quacheon where you'll find the last three treasure chests of The Sunken Temple.

To complete this quest just get teleported using the Gate in the area where you fought the boss, then head to The Girl's Tearoom and claim reward in the Intervention quests submenu.

The Eye of the Desert
Here you'll fight Omega Bane, 21850 HP, weak to thunder (-100) and water (-50), and resistant to all the other elements (25). This battle should be quite easy after what you've faced before.

The Unwritten Future.
Memecoleous has a total of 25690 HP. I recommend bringing a few phoenix downs since he'll constantly cast Doom on your characters.

Finger-Whistle Crisis
This boss is massive, and so is his HP (64510) but isn't as challenging as it looks. The real challenge of this battle is that you'll lose hp at the end of each round, like if you had poison, while not having it. If you can deal with that, you're golden.

For Friends or Vengeance.
Iron Muscles has a total of 22800 HP, and most important, this is a Imprismable boss (Inflict Defense ↓ to create a prismtunity).
Note: don't worry if you don't have the methods to imprism it as you'll receive its memento after completing this quest.

Investigating the Garden
All three enemies in this battle are imprismable.

Operation Opera
Here we go again with Ultros, this battle is identical as the last one against him, the only difference is that this time he has 29600 HP.

You'll get the following achievement after completing this quest:

Inking Up a Stink
Defeated Ultros in Tometown.

No One's Tools
You'll face three "Golem Head" in this intervention, each one with 7475 HP. They're weak to wind (-25) and resistant to earth (25).

A Bridge's Woes
And finally, one of the hardest battles in the whole game. You'll have to face Omega God which is basically a tank, physical attacks deal almost no damage to him and magical attacks are also pretty useless unless you have high level magic and go for his weakness. He also has some nasty attacks that can obliterate your team in matter of seconds so a party level 60+ is almost obligatory.
He's weak to thunder (-25), water (-25) and light (-50).
  • Gravity is highly recommended to cut his hp down, also bring champions since they are very useful here (Cloud can deal 10k+ in one use)
  • Bring a bunch of phoenix downs and health items because this will be a long, long battle.
  • If you have some extra spellstones, it's a good moment to use a few (water ones deal 1750 dmg or so) but make sure to keep at least 5 to complete the sidequests.

After completing the sidequest, you'll be at The Big Bridge, make your way back to The Girl's Tearoom to claim your reward.

And that's all the Intervention quests we can do for now.
Postscript: Part II - Coliseum
  • Now head to the "Plaza 99" again and speak with Serafie.
  • Choose the option "Rumor Radar" then "Coliseum Whisperings"
  • Buy a few Frigicite and Bomb Fragments from Chocolatte (this step can be skipped if you have fire and ice attacks).
  • Travel to the Coliseum.
  • Challenge any opponent (doesn't matter which one), you'll be interrumpted by Ifrit and Shiva.
  • Now it's time to Imprism them (Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity) for Ifrit and ice attacks for Shiva.

Note: you can replay this fight from the Coliseum menu in case if you kill them without imprisming.
It's listed as "The Nebula Nitwits"

-Once you've captured both, return with Serafie and choose Rumor Radar again, but this time take the "More Coliseum Whisperings" option.
-Challenge any other opponent to get another scene.
After this scene, choose the challenge "The Responsible One - LVL55" and Imprism Ramuh from here. (Use thunder attacks to create a primstunity)

If everything done correctly, you should get the following achievement:

The Dyad’s Servants
Brought all seven of the Pleiad back in line.

We are done with the Coliseum for now.

Note: There should be three new Intervention quests available in "The Girl's Tearoom".
Intervention Quests - Part IV
It's time to finish all the remaining Intervention quests.

A Smidge of Micro-Envy
Here you'll fight Diva Serafie which is really easy at this point of the game, she counts with a total of 22690 HP.

Cold, Hard Justice
This quest counts with two battles, first one will be against Shivalry, a male version of Shiva. He has a total of 25210 HP.
In the second fight we'll be facing Golden Flan, who has 34664 HP and it's weak to every single element (-25) but it's also very resistant to attacks, it may take a while to defeat but isn't nothing to worry about.

You'll also get the following achievement for completion:

It’s Just Justice
Joined forces with Shivalry to defeat the Golden Flan.

Fire Drill
Here you'll face Ifreeta, a male version of Ifrit. She counts with a total of 20290 HP. There's nothing much to say about this. It will be a similar fight like the one you had with Shivalry.

If you followed the guide correctly, you should get the two following achievements:

Soul Eater
Chastised the fugitive Ifreeta.


Transcender of Time
Completed every last intervention battle.

That's it, we are done with all Intervention quests and it's time to go for the true ending.
Postscript: The True Ending
There's one more step we have to take before being able to unlock the true ending.

-Head to "Plaza 99" one more time and "Talk with Serafie".
The miniventure "Vestiges of Life" will start.
-Go to The Girl's Tearoom to get a scene.
-Travel to the Ice Region and enter Sherlotta's Solace. Speak with her to get another scene.
-Your next stop is Icicle Ridge, you'll find Refia in there and another scene.
-Beat this area.
-Now return to the Girl's Tearoom to complete this miniventure.


-After completing all the previous steps, stock up yourself with items and go to "Plaza 99"
-Choose yes when asked.

I won't spoil anything, just need to know that you'll get into five battles in a row, without the possibility to heal your party or save in between

Once you have completed them all, you'll be granted with the true ending!

Also if everything was done correctly (Completed ALL intervention quests), you'll get awarded with the following achievement:

Turn Those Corners Up
Reached the true ending.

And the Castle Exnine will be open once more.
Dungeon Cleanup I
It's cleanup time!
Now we'll go through every single dungeon looking fo get every chest you've missed (I hope you didn't), completing every Murkrift and finding every secret area.

I'll list the location of every Murkrift and secret area.

Wellspring Woods

Murkrift (LVL 25)

There's no secret in this area.

The Nether Nebula

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret area is covered in its respective section. (Nether Nebula)
Requirements: Smash and Flutty.

The Watchplains

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret area is covered in its respective section. (The Watchplains)
No requirements.
Black Chocochick can be Imprismed here. (Restore the Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity)

Pyreglow Forest

Murkrift (LVL 13) - Branch 2

Secret area is covered in its respective section (Pyreglow Forest)
No requirements.

Magic Jar can be Imprismed here. (Give the Mirage an Elixir to create a prismtunity)

Icicle Ridge

Murkrift (LVL 15) - Slip 4

Secret Area
Pre-requirements: Smash ability and Mirages with a weight of 11+/earth resistance 100+.

Entrance is located in Slip 3, get to the big slide puzzle area and from the very entrance go up, left, up, left, down, left, up, right, up, right, down, left, down, left, down and left, you'll reach the western area.
At this point you'll need to smash the rock to continue your way up and solve a switch puzzle up there. (weight 11+, earth resistance 100+)
After doing so, you'll be able to access the northeastern entrance which is "The Secret Slip"

Holy Dragon can be Imprismed here. (Use light attacks to create a prismtunity)

Saronia Docks

Murkrift (LVL 25) - Station 2

Secret area is already covered in its respective section (Saronia Docks)

The Dragon Scars

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret area is already covered in its respective section (The Dragon Scars), it's unmissable.

Valley Seven

Murkrift (LVL 30) - Cauldron 3

Secret Area
Pre-requirements: Chill ability and Mirages with a weight of 12+/fire resistance 150+.

Just behind where you fought the Murkrift, there will be a switch puzzle.
Requirements might sound crazy at first, but they're not with the correct Mirages. Here's what I used:

Doing the puzzle will unlock a path, just follow it to reach the secret area.

Phoenix can be Imprismed here. (Restore a lot of the Mirage's HP at once to create a prismtunity)

The Windswept Mire

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret area is already covered in its respective section. (The Windswept Mire)

The Phantom Sands

Murkrift (LVL 40) - Toil 6

Secret area is already covered in its respective section. (The Phantom Sands)

Underground Prison

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret area is already covered in its respective section. (Underground Prison)
Note: This boss drops Healing Springs. (Required for the sidequest "Taking Care of Bizzy-izzyness II")

Mako Reactor 0

Murkrift (LVL 35) - Sector 4

Secret Area
No pre-requirements.

This is located in Sector 4, first go to where the save point is, you'll see a console next to it, interact with it.

A timer will start going, you gotta do the same thing you did during the story, except that you don't have to take the first stairs you see when you return to this area, instead, continue all your way like if you were to go for the save point again.
You'll see a Gimme Golem at the distance, give it the item required and interact with the console to stop the timer. There's a door that will lead to the secret sector.

Gigantuar (Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity) and Gigantrot (Bestow haste on the mirage to create a prismtunity) can be imprismed here.
(Yes, they're different Mirages...)

Big Bridge

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret Area
No pre-requirements.

Remember when you killed a bunch of Mythril Giants during the story? well, this boss will be already available if you killed them all, if you missed any, take a look in Segment 3 and 4 for the missing ones. (there's 3 in Segment 3 and 1 in Segment 4)
Once done, head to Segment 4. You'll see a big Giant on the left side of the screen, approach to it to get into the Secret Segment.

Iron Giant can be Imprismed here. (Use magical enhancements on the Mirage to create a prismtunity)
Note: I wasn't able to capture him until I used multiple magical enhancements (Protect Stone works)

The Train Graveyard

Murkrift (LVL 35-37-40-43-45)(Secret Necropolis)
Refer to secret area.

Secret Area
Pre-requirements: Mirages with a weight of 11+/thunder resistance 100+

The secret area is located in Necropolis 5, just a few steps from the save point.
From the before mentioned save point (that's near the 3rd tower), go up past the ramp then to your right to find a switch puzzle, complete it.

After you've done the puzzle, a new path to your east will be opened.
You'll find 5 Murkrifts in this area, only four will be available from the start. Defeat all of them to unlock the 5th one.

Nightmare can be Imprismed here, though I really recommend getting it through a transfig from Unicorn which is easier.

The Sunken Temple

Murkrift (LVL 45) - Quacheon 3

Secret area is already covered in "Intervention Quests Part II"

The Crystal Tower

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret Area
No pre-requirements.

The first thing you have to do to unlock this secret area, is defeating every single Kuza Beast and Kuza Kit in the tower. They're scattered in all floors.
If you've already done that, return to the entrance and take the stairs down where you'll find a path filled with Gimme Golems, give them what they want (Kuza drops basically) until you reach a orange crystal. Take it.

You'll be teleported to the secret area.

Titan can be Imprismed here. (Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity)
Dungeon Cleanup II
The Chainroad

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret Area
No pre-requirements.

This secret is located in the Ascent 5.
As soon as you enter this area, go all the way south and take the teleport that's down there.

This will teleport you to the Secret Ascent.

Paleberry King can be Imprismed here. (Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity)

Castle Exnine
This area can be accessed through "The Ends of Grymoire" in the world map.

There's no Murkrift in this area.

Secret Area
Pre-requirements: Unlock the "Turn Those Corners Up" achievement

This secret area is located in "Ordeal 11", so we'll use a crystal to get there faster.
From the entrance, take the rightmost crystal which will teleport you to "Ordeal 10", then make your way to the next one.
Here you'll be at the top of the building, go all the way left to find another crystal. Take it.
It will teleport you to the "Secret Ordeal".

Thirst for the Undiscovered
Found the secret area in every dungeon.

Elasmos can be Imprismed here. (Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity)

World Map Murkrifts

Island next to Valley Seven. (LVL 60)

Between the mountains in the Ice Region. (LVL 60)

Next to Dragon Scars. (LVL 60)

Bottom left of the map (LVL 60)

Underneath the Big Bridge (LVL 60)

Top left of the map, next to the Balamb Garden (LVL 60)

If you have been following the guide, the next achievement should unlock now:

All in a Day’s Murk
Defeated every last murkrift Mirage.
EX Dungeon A and B
It's time to conquest the extra dungeons, they all have treasures which I'll list here:
Note: EX Dungeons doesn't have maps.

I'll list in order, A being the leftmost gate and C being the rightmost one.

Ex Dungeon A
Pre-requirements: Flutter and Chill abilities.

Dragon Scars - Use flutter ability, It's in your path.

Castle Exnine - At the entrance.

Castle Exnine - Take the pipe from the previous treasure, it will be in the next platform.

Castle Exnine - Now go up a few "cubes" to find another treasure.

Castle Exnine - And up again to find the next one.

Castle Exnine - Now, it's time to go south.

Castle Exnine - and south again

Castle Exnine - Cross the pipe to your left

Castle Exnine - Cross the north pipe and get to the next platform.

Castle Exnine - From the top, go down. it will be in the next platform.

Castle Exnine - And a few steps ahead...

Castle Exnine - Then again, cross one last pipe to get the final chest of this area.

Valley Seven - Behind a rock, after "chilling" a bridge.

Valley Seven - Underneath leftmost platform.

Ex Dungeon B
Pre-requirements: Zap ability.

Mako Reactor 0 - Entrance, left side.

Mako Reactor 0 - Entrance, right side.

Underground Prison - Progress a bit until you see some stairs, it's in the opposite side.

Underground Prison - After taking two stairs up, go right. You'll find two chests here.

The Train Graveyard - Go right at the first crossroad, then all the way to the lift control #2. "Zap" it and cross the new bridge made with the train, you'll find two chests here.

The Train Graveyard - Just before leaving the area, go all the way north. There's two chests here.

The Crystal Tower - Go all the way down the stairs, there will be two chests at the very end.
EX Dungeon C and Z
Ex Dungeon C
Pre-requirements: Sizzle ability and Mirages with a weight of 10+/water resistance 100+

Sunken Temple - South from the Gate

Sunken Temple - Go north east from the previous treasure

Sunken Temple - and a few more steps to your right

Sunken Temple - Now go south east to find the last one of this area.

Windswept Mire - On the way to the "Secret Area"

Windswept Mire - Left side before exiting the area.

Saronia Docks - Unflood the small island at the north doing the switch puzzle. You'll find two chests behind the Adamantoise.

Icicle Ridge - On the platform before approaching Shiva (there's a save point), go right and take the ramp down.

Icicle Ridge - Same as before but go left this time.

You'll get the following achievement after completing Ex Dungeon A,B and C.

Across the Unknown
Braved and completed the new dungeons that appeared.

You'll notice that a new gate appeared where the other 3 Ex dungeons were, take it to enter the last Ex Dungeon (It's the leftmost one).

Ex Dungeon Z
Wellspring Woods - Near the teleport crystal, left side.

And with that treasure, you should get the most annoying achievement in the game:

Treasure Liberator
Opened every last treasure chest.


You'll also find a Superboss at the end of this dungeon, which will grant you the following achievement after defeating it:

Crossover Cogna
Defeated the Cogna known as XG.

Note: If you have any troubles with this boss, check the "Grind Setup" section.
Miniventures Cleanup
We're getting closer to our 100%, now it's time to finish off all our remaining miniventures.

Since they're already listed in the guide just head to every section with "miniventures" in the title to check which one you're missing.

If you have been completing them right away, you should just be missing "Desert Region,Tometown of the Ancients and Besaid Shore."

You'll get the following achievement after completing them all:

People Pleaser
Fulfilled the requests of every last townsperson in need.
Gotta Catch 'Em All - Part I (Mirage locations)
Now onto the longest achievement...

I've separated them so you only need to capture one of that Mirage family and level it up to get all the others ones. Choose wisely. (This excludes Mirages obtained via Memento, they still have to get )

Location: Storyline.
Req: -

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Vestiges of Life" miniventure.
Location: Wellspring Woods.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Phantom Sands.
Req: Give the Mirage gysahl greens to create a prismtunity.

Mecha Chocobo
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Chocolatte’s Master" Intervention quest.

Black Chocochick
Location: Memento
Req: Defeat Black Chocochick in The Watchplains. (Secret area)

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Black Chocobo" Intervention quest.
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: Inflict oblivion to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Vestiges of Life" miniventure.
Location: Storyline.
Req: -

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "A Smidge of Micro-Envy" Intervention quest.
Location: Storyline.
Req. -

Diva Serafie
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "A Smidge of Micro-Envy" Intervention quest.
Location: Wellspring Woods, Pyreglow Forest.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Skull Eater
Location: The Train Graveyard .
Req: Bestow regen on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat all Carbuncles in Castle Exnine

Reaver Mu
Location: Pyreglow Forest.
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.

Nut Eater
Location: The Windswept Mire, The Phantom Sands.
Req: Use magical enhancements on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Watchplains, Castle Exnine.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Goblin Guard
Location: The Watchplains, Castle Exnine.
Req: Bestow protect on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.

Princess Goblin
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Where Art Thou, Smoochy-Poo? Intervention quest.

Red Cap
Location: The Watchplains, The Chainroad.
Req: Deal a of of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

Red Captain
Location: The Watchplains, The Chainroad.
Req: Inflict confusion on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Nether Nebula, The Watchplains.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Windswept Mire.
Req: Inflict any status ailment to create a prismtunity.

Location: Valley Seven, Castle Exnine.
Req: Inflict sleep on the mirage to create a prismtunity.

Malboro Menace
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Flan Princess and Malboro Menace in the Windswept Mire. (Secret area)
Copper Gnome
Location: The Nether Nebula, The Dragon Scars.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Mythril Giant
Location: Big Bridge, Castle Exnine.
Req: Use magical enhancements on the mirage to create a prismtunity.

Iron Giant
Location: Big Bridge (Secret area)
Req: Use magical enhancements on the mirage to create a prismtunity.

Lead Gnome
Location: Valley Seven, The Chainroad.
Req: Bestow shell on the mirage to create a prismtunity.

Chrome Giant
Location: The Train Graveyard
Req: Evade the Mirage's attacks to create a prismtunity.
Mini Golem
Location: The Nether Nebula, The Dragon Scars.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Water Golem
Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

Golem Head
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "No One’s Tools" Intervention quest.
Floating Eye
Location: The Nether Nebula, Saronia Docks.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: leave only this Mirage standing to create a prismtunity.

Location: Saronia Docks.
Req: Inflict blindness to the Mirage to create a prismtunity.

Blood Eye
Location: The Dragon Scars, Valley Seven.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: leave only this Mirage standing to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Kraken and Buer in the Crystal Tower. (Secret area)
Location: Nether Nebula. (Secret area)
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: -
Req: Transfigure from Fritt.

Location: Coliseum.
Req: Complete "Hot Temper, Warm Heart" challenge.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Fire Drill" Intervention quest.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon A.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon A.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon A.
Location: The Nether Nebula. (Secret area)
Req: Use ice attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: -
Req: Transfigure from Bablizz

Location: Coliseum.
Req: Complete "The Ice Sculpture Collector" challenge.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Cold, Hard Justice" Intervention quest.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon C.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon C.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon C.
Location: The Nether Nebula. (Secret area)
Req: Use thunder attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: -
Req: Transfigure from Zapt.

Location: Coliseum
Req: Complete "The Responsible One" challenge.

Location: Memento
Req: Complete "The Five Cogna Lords: Cornelia, Part I" Intervention quest.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon B.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon B.

Location: Memento.
Req: You'll automatically receive it after defeating them in EX Dungeon B.
White Nakk
Location: Icicle Ridge.
Req: Use ice attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Grandfenrir in Icicle Ridge.

Location: The Dragon Scars (Secret area)
Req: Use fire, ice and thunder attacks to create a prismtunity.

Black Nakk
Location: The Watchplains, Valley Seven.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Chosen by the Tribe" Intervention quest.
Gotta Catch 'Em All - Part II
Location: Pyreglow Forest, Icicle Ridge.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Valley Seven.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Kuza Kit
Location: Big Bridge.
Req: Land a counter-attack to create a prismtunity.

Kuza Beast
Location: The Crystal Tower, Castle Exnine.
Req: Land a counter-attack to create a prismtunity.
Location: Pyreglow Forest, The Crystal Tower.
Req: Restore the Mirage's HP to create a primstunity.

Location: Saronia Docks.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat kupicaroons in Saronia Docks
Location: Pyreglow Forest, Icicle Ridge.
Req: Inflict oblivion to create a prismtunity.

Undead Princess
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Never Cross the Boss" Intervention quest.

Location: The Train Graveyard.
Req: Inflict oblivion to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "A Grudge That Won’t Budge" Intervention quest.
Right Claw
Location: Pyreglow Forest, Icicle Ridge.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Left Claw
Location: Icicle Ridge, Big Bridge.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.
Location: Pyreglow Forest.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Storyline.
Req: -

Location: Valley Seven, The Phantom Sands.
Req: Inflict poison to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Sad Spiral" Intervention quest.
Location: Pyreglow Forest, Saronia Docks.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Chainroad.
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Asterius and Tiamat in the Crystal Tower

Location: The Dragon Scars, Mako Reactor 0.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: leave only this Mirage standing to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Phantom Sands.
Req: Inflict slow to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Gigantuar and Gigantrot in Mako Reactor 0 (Secret area)

Location: Pyreglow Forest.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Gigantuar and Gigantrot in Mako Reactor 0 (Secret area)
Magic Pot
Location: Big Bridge.
Req: Give the Mirage an Elixir to create a prismtunity.

Location: -
Req: Transfigure from Magic Pot.

Mimic Queen
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "I Hate Lightning!" Intervention quest.

Magic Jar
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Magic Jar in Pyreglow Forest. (Secret area)

Mimic Jackpot
Location: -
Req: Transfigure Magic Jar
Location: The Sunken Temple.
Req: Restore the Mirage's HP to create a primstunity.

Quacho Queen
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat the Quacho Queen in the Sunken Temple.

Location: Icicle Ridge, The Sunken Temple.
Req: Restore the Mirage's HP to create a primstunity.
Baby Tonberry
Location: Big Bridge.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Sunken Temple.
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

Tonberry King
Location: Memento.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Baby Paleberry
Location: Icicle Ridge.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Use light attacks to create a prismtunity.

Paleberry King
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Paleberry King in the Chainroad. (Secret area)
Location: Mako Reactor 0, The Train Graveyard.
Req: Inflict blindness to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Train Graveyard.
Req: Use dark attacks to create a prismtunity.

Vampire Prime
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Vampire Prime in the Train Graveyard. (Secret area)

Ice Bat
Location: Icicle Ridge, The Train Graveyard.
Req: Inflict blindness to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Train Graveyard, Castle Exnine.
Req: Reflect magic back to create a prismtunity.
Mini Flan
Location: Saronia Docks, The Windswept Mire.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Windswept Mire.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Flan Princess
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Flan Princess and Malboro Menace in the Windswept Mire. (Secret area)
Gotta Catch 'Em All - Part III
Location: Saronia Docks, The Sunken Temple.
Req: Use fire atacks to create a prismtunity.

Mega Sharqual
Location: The Low Seas.
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Finger-Whistle Crisis" Intervention quest.

Location: The Sunken Temple.
Req: Inflict sleep to create a prismtunity.

Mega Nightsqual
Location: The Sunken Temple.
Req: Bestow bravery on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.
Sea Snake
Location: The Low Seas, The Sunken Temple.
Req: Use water attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Ancestral Acrimony" Intervention quest.

Sea Serpent
Location: The Sunken Temple.
Req: Use water attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Elasmos in Castle Exnine. (Secret area)
Location: The Low Seas.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Adamantoise in EX Dungeon C.

Location: Valley Seven.
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.
Spark Dragon
Location: The Dragon Scars, Valley Seven.
Req: Inflict any status ailment to create a prismtunity.

Red Dragon
Location: The Dragon Scars, Valley Seven.
Req: Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity.

Mist Dragon
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Mist Dragons in Underground Prison. (Secret area)

Holy Dragon
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Holy Dragons in Icicle Ridge. (Secret area)
Location: Mako Reactor 0, Big Bridge.
Req: Inflict confusion to create a prismtunity.

Location: Valley Seven, The Crystal Tower.
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.

King Bomb
Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat King Bomb in Valley Seven.
Location: Valley Seven (Secret area)
Req: Restore a lot of the Mirage's HP at once to create a prismtunity.
Water Toad
Location: The Windswept Mire.
Req: Inflict berserk to create a prismtunity.

Lucky Toad
Location: The Chainroad.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Wind Toad
Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Inflict oblivion to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Chainroad.
Req: Inflict poison to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Sphinx in the Phantom Sands. (Secret area)

Location: The Phantom Sands.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: leave only this Mirage standing to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Phantom Sands.
Req: Inflict poison to create a prismtunity.
Sand Worm
Location: The Phantom Sands, The Crystal Tower.
Req: Land a counter-attack to create a prismtunity.

Sea Worm
Location: The Sunken Temple, The Crystal Tower.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.
Location: Underground Prison, Mako Reactor 0.
Req: Use physical attacks to create a prismtunity.

Magitek Armor
Location: Underground Prison, Mako Reactor 0.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Death Machine
Location: Mako Reactor 0.
Req: Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity.

Security Eye
Location: The Chainroad.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: leave only this Mirage standing to create a prismtunity.

Magitek Armor A
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.

War Machine
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Five Cogna Lords: Tometown, Part II" Intervention quest.

Death Searcher
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: Reflect magic back to create a prismtunity.
Location: Big Bridge, The Train Graveyard.
Req: Inflict confusion to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "When the Past Still Haunts" Intervention quest.

Location: Mako Reactor 0.
Req: Inflict confusion to create a prismtunity.
Location: Big Bridge.
Req: Use earth attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Chainroad, Castle Exnine.
Req: Inflict confusion to create a prismtunity.

Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Asterius and Tiamat in the Crystal Tower.
Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Inflict any status ailment to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "A Clash of Swords" Intervention quest.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat the Nightmare in the Train Graveyard. (Secret area, Murkrift)
Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Reflect magic back to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Defeat Kraken and Buer in the Crystal Tower.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Freak of Nature" Intervention quest.
Location: The Crystal Tower.
Req: Land a critical hit to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Five Cogna Lords: Figaro" Intervention quest in less that 10 turns (20 including enemies turns) and without losing any units.

Iron Muscles
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "For Friends or Vengeance" Intervention quest.
Magna Roader (Pink)
Location: The Chainroad, Castle Exnine.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Magna Roader (Yellow)
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.

Magna Roader (Red)
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: ONCE PER BATTLE: Reduce The Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.
Entom Guard
Location: Castle Exnine.
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.

Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Five Cogna Lords: Cornelia, Part II" Intervention quest.

Entom Soldier
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Five Cogna Lords: Figaro" Intervention quest.

Omega Bane
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "The Eye of the Desert" Intervention quest.

Elite Entom
Location: Memento.
Req: Complete "Steel That Forges Destinies" Intervention quest.
Gotta Catch 'Em All - Part IV
Location: EX Dungeon Z.
Req: None.
Location: Storyline.
Req: None.
Location: Storyline.
Req: None.
Location: Storyline.
Req: None.
Location: Storyline.
Req: None.
Location: The Coliseum. "Hot Temper, Warm Heart"
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "The Ice Sculpture Collector"
Req: Use ice attacks to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "The Responsible One"
Req: Use thunder attacks to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "Exdeath's Kooky Kabuki"
Req: Inflict berserk to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "Ramuh's Pride and Joy"
Req: Use thunder attacks to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "Shmup to No Good"
Req: Inflict evasion down to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "A Not-so-sweet Ifrit"
Req: Use fire attacks to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "Say No to Muscleheads
Req: Face the mirage with only one party member to create a prismtunity.
Mecha Chocobo★
Location: Coliseum. "Robosquawk Redux"
Req: Inflict berserk to create a prismtunity.
Location: The Coliseum. "Justice Misserved"
Req: Use ice attacks to create a prismtunity.
Master Tonberry
Location: The Coliseum. "Master of Ceremonies"
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.
Master Moogle
Location: The Coliseum. "The Cranberry Knights"
Req: Use magical enhancements on the Mirage to create a prismtunity.
Master Cactuar
Location: The Coliseum. "The Evasion Persuasion"
Req: Inflict evasion down to create a a prismtunity.
Princess Goblin★
Location: Cornelia Region. (Speak to her to start the fight)
Req: Inflict blindness to create a prismtunity.
Undead Princess★
Location: Ice Region - Outside Sherlotta's Inn. (Speak to her to start the fight)
Req: Use light attacks to create a prismtunity.
Quacho Queen★
Location: The Sunken Temple - Quacheon 4. (Speak to her as Reynn to start the fight)
Req: Restore the Mirage's HP to create a prismtunity.
Ultima Weapon
Location: The Coliseum. "The Ultimate Weapon"
Req: Deal a lot of damage at once to create a prismtunity.
Useful Mirages and items
This section will contain all the "userful" Mirages, such as the ones with specific world skills (to open new areas), the ones that have a specific ability to imprism others and so on.

Skull Eater

Black Chocochick

Skull Eater
Right Claw
Spark Dragon
Security Eye

For "Land a counterattack to create a prismtunity"

Deal a lot of damage at once
Behemonster - Revenge Blast (Requires you to be on low HP)
Bahamut - Megaflare (Requires you to be on low HP and AP)
Paleberry King - Everyone's Grudge (Requires you to receive a lot of damage, you can boost it attacking and healing yourself)

Non letal attack (Reduce the Mirage's HP)

Defense down
Demivampire - Absorb-PHY
Flan - Bile
Mimic - Armor Piercer

Evade down
Werebat - Ultrasonic
Ice Bat - Ultrasonic

Doom ability

Treasure Hunter (Passive skill)
Increase drop rates, they're stackable.
Left Claw
Mimic Jackpot
Lucky Toad
Sandicore (Mastery)
Memecoleous (Mastery)
Death Searcher
Ultima Weapon


Items that can be used to Imprism Mirages.
Note: They're all purchasable from Chocolatte

Inflict a specific status ailment.
Berserk - War Gong
Blindness - Flash Bomb
Confusion - Loco Weed
Oblivion - Lethean Chime
Poison - Poison Fang
Sleep - Dream Powder
Slow - Spider Silk

Use an specific elemental attack
Fire - Bomb Fragment
Ice - Frigicite
Thunder - Electro Marble
Earth - Gaia Drum
Water - Fish Scale
Wind - Chimeric Wing

Bestow an specific effect on the Mirage
Protect - Protect Stone
Shell - Shell Stone

Note: For Mirages that require you to be facing them with only one party member, you must be unstacked for it to count, it won't count if you're stacked and the other stack is dead.
Grind Setup
There's a really good endgame spot on where you can grind tons of exp.
It's located in the EX Dungeon Z, at the last area before the "Superboss". Next to the save point.

Our setup would be:
- a Black Chocochick.
- a Mirage with high level magic or a Mirajewel that lets you use them.

Black Chocochick is a must have for its flee ability, without it, you would have to defeat Behemoth and other enemy groups which take a really long time to kill , and are mostly a waste of time for the low experience they give.
We can also use Mirajewels that grant you those high level spells if you don't have a Mirage with them.

You'll only want to kill the groups of Mu and Chocochicks, for this, we'll use -aga abilities "Thundaga, Blizzaga, Firaga" and so on, they should be enough to take the enemies down with 1 or 2 casts. Avoid any other group of enemies, they're not worth the effort.
We'll use the save point to restore our HP and AP after every fight, this way we'll be able to keep casting the spells every fight.

There's also a more cheaty method which allows you to kill these groups without having to use a Mirage with high level spells, for this you'll have to use the boost that reduces the cost of Champions to 0, then equip Balthier and use this ability which will obliterate the Mu and Chocochick groups every time.

Now that we know the best method to grind exp, equip the Mirages you want to level up and have fun grinding.

Note: Keep in mind that all your active Mirages get 16% exp and your inactive ones get 8% only
Achievement Cleanup
Mirage Keeper
Imprismed your first Mirage.

This is pretty much unmissable, you'll need to "Imprism" multiple Mirages through your journey to progress in the story.

Mirage Collector
Recorded a large number of Mirages in the Mirage Manual.

Reach 25% completion in the Mirage Manual.

Mirage Enthusiast
Recorded a huge number of Mirages in the Mirage Manual.

Reach 50% completion in the Mirage Manual.

Mirage Scholar
Recorded an inconceivable number of Mirages in the Mirage Manual.

Reach 75% completion in the Mirage Manual.

Mirage Master
Recorded every last Mirage in the Mirage Manual.

Reach 100% completion in the Mirage Manual.

This is one of the most time consuming achievements in the game, for this, you'll need to "Imprism" every single Mirage in the game, which can be capturing them or transfiguring into them.

Refer to "Gotta Catch 'Em All" section for more info.

Note: To make them appear in the Mirage Manual, you must transfig into them after unlocking, that means going into the "Prism Case menu" and pressing the button to see all transformations, then choosing it.
You can check your progress in the Mirage Manual at the Twin's Room (Nine Wood Hills).

Mastered your first Mirage Board.

Legendary Caretaker
Mastered 100 Mirage Boards.

This is also another very long achievement which can be shortened using the "Grind Setup" section. Your objective here will be "mastering" 100 unique boards, and with mastering I mean getting a master star (which can be silver or gold, depending on your sync), not just completing the board...
What does this mean? you'll notice that most Mirages have multiple boards within a single "form", for example:

Chocochick here has 3 panels attached to this form, this means you have to complete all 3 to master this "board" and this count as one mastered.
Now, if you check Chocochick's transformations...

you'll notice that "Black Chocochick" and Hyperion are there. They're considered a different board so if you complete them both you'll have "two mastered boards", and this happens to most Mirages.

Note: A silver star means you mastered all boards of a "form" of that mirage, and a gold means you mastered all the boards attached to that Mirage.

Battle Aficionado
Battled 100 times.

Battle Fanatic
Battled 500 times.

These should come naturally while playing the game.

The Power of Fantasy
Completed your first intervention battle.

Time Tamperer
Completed 10 intervention battles.

Threads of Fate
Completed 30 intervention battles.

Transcender of Time
Completed every last intervention battle.

Completing all Intervention battles is a requirement for "Turn Those Corners Up" achievement, refer to Intervention quest part I, II, III and IV for more information.

Accursed Man-thing!
Defeated the Quacho Queen with one of Lann’s attacks.

This achievement requires you to deal the killing blow to Quacho Queen as Lann in Sunken Temple.
That means Lann has to be unstacked for the hit to count, if you kill her with Lann stacked you won't get the achievement.

She's located at Quacheon 4 in the Sunken Temple, but first you need to complete "The Sunken Temple's Secret" Intervention quest for her to show up.
If for some reason you killed her with a different character or while stacked, just re-enter the Sunken Temple for her to respawn.

Note: Only speaking to her with Reynn will trigger this battle.

A New Challenger
Won your first Coliseum battle.

Winning Streak
Defeated 30 teams at the Coliseum.

Reigning Champ
Defeated every last opponent in the Coliseum.

The Coliseum is accessible from the "Towns" tab in the Travel menu.
Here, you'll face enemies from level 14 to 90 (some can be quite challenging), so I highly suggest leaving this as one of your last achievements, first max some of your Mirages and get them to level 85-90 at least to make it bearable. (Check Grind Setup section to know where to farm)
Most enemies in the Coliseum are Imprismable, this can be helpful for some of the long fights as doing that will still count as a completed challenge, there's also some unique Mirages that can be only obtained here. (Like Ultima Weapon)

Keep in mind that you won't get any experience in this area so leveling up while completing battles isn't an option.
Note: The whole level 14 batch under "The Ultimate Weapon" challenge are not required to unlock this achievement.

True Grymoirian
Obtained every achievement.

This will unlock after getting every other achievement, Congratulations!
Fukkatsu 19 Feb @ 2:56am 
Excellent guide - got all the chests in one pass. Only one small correction: Saronia docks has 20 chests, not 19. All of the chests are listed in the guide though.
mrhabalhabal 25 Apr, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
Who Watches the Watchplains Miniventure - becomes available when you reach the ice region
Nyddhog 27 Aug, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
TheIsekaiKing 15 May, 2022 @ 11:58pm
am i missing something i've done all the listed murkrifts in the murk rift section and still dont have the achievement

There is one murkrift on the World Map (Airship) that isn't mentioned on this guide. I'm not 100% certain but I believe it was around the crystal tower. It was level 65 if I recall, I remember it was 5lvl above all the others. Maybe it's only for the Maxima version of the game thought.
KRATOM 31 Jul, 2023 @ 9:53am 
thank you :)
lylat  [author] 31 Jul, 2023 @ 9:52am 
@KRATOM: DLC is not required.
KRATOM 31 Jul, 2023 @ 9:51am 
Is the DLC neccesary to 100% the game?
Jarkes 3 Oct, 2022 @ 7:01am 
The Maxima version also adds a "Treasure Tracker" item for the post-game to make getting any treasure chests you missed slightly easier. (At least I'm pretty sure that's Maxima-exclusive)

Also, the Maxima-exclusive Coliseum fights CAN count towards the "win 30 matches in the Coliseum" achievement, as I discovered the other day.

And of course, if you're like me, you'll probably end up doing all the Maxima-specific stuff regardless of those not having any achievements, heh. (Kind of weird that they didn't add the Maxima-specific achievements from the Xbox One version to this version at some point)
Jarkes 2 Oct, 2022 @ 6:57pm 
Oh, btw, for others playing the game:

If you have the Maxima DLC, enemy turns in the "Sandstalker" mini-game no longer count as separate turns from yours, which makes getting the Maduin memento somewhat easier.
Jarkes 2 Oct, 2022 @ 6:56pm 
Quick question: Is it possible to get the "Magitek Knight" and "Fast and the Nebulous" achievements from the mini-game menu in the Twins' Room, or do you have to do the Intervention Quests for the achievements as well? I did manage to get the other things you can get from doing it via the Intervention quests, but it'd be way less tedious for me if I could get the achievements through the mini-game menu;
sanjuro21 13 Sep, 2022 @ 10:04am 
Very helpful, and in all honesty the only guide I actually used here.