Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

290 ratings
100% Achievements: A Comprehensive Guide
By ErickaUnlimited
An accurate, detailed and complete guide on how to unlock every achievement in Tabletop Simulator.
Here's a detailed list of every achievement in the game and the method(s) I went to obtaining them. The game doesn't feature any missable achievements, but it does boast some rather lengthly ones, but they can technically be idled if you so wish to save time.

Most of the achievements don't really require the use of online play, but it can help in some situations to have a friend for some of them.

Happy hunting!

Tutorial Achievements
"Did you do it?"
Complete the in-game tutorial.
On the main menu, select "Tutorial" and complete the in-game steps to earn this achievement.

"Speed Machine"
Complete the tutorial in under 30 seconds.
This one might take a little practice, so memorize the pattern(s) the tutorial takes you through and just practice. Eventually you'll be able to achieve it.
Playtime Achievements
"Good Times"
Play Tabletop Simulator for over 10 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 50 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 100 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 200 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 500 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

"True Champion"
Play Tabletop Simulator for over 1000 hours.
You don't have to be be in game for this achievement to work. You can either idle or play normally to progress the achievement bar, but idling at the main menu will further it.

Play the game for 1 hour without flipping the table.
Self-explanatory - Play any one game for at least one hour without flipping the table over.

"A Spot of Tea?"
Play a civilized game of Chess for 1 hour.
Whether you play an actual game of chess, idle in game for an hour or play like you're on a caffeine binge, this achievement will unlock as long as you don't flip the table over during that hour. So exercise a little patience when you play, or go make dinner and come back and this achievement will unlock.
Workshop Achievements
"Sharing is Caring"
Upload at least 3 legitimate Steam Workshop items.
While we'd all prefer you to upload something actually interesting into the game's workshop, technically you can just upload anything and include a description, photos and desired visibility (private, public, etc). If you do, just make sure to delete them once you get the achievement.

To get started, click the "upload" icon and fill out the information required prior to uploading it:
Co-op Achievements
"Follow the leader"
Play a game with someone on your friend's list.
Self-explanatory - Play any one game with at least one friend from your Steam friend's list for this achievement to unlock.

"Complete Set"
Play a game with a full room of 8 players.
Self-explanatory - have a game set up with eight different players in at one time. This achievement will unlock once the 8th player joins the room.
Miscellaneous Achievements
You spawned the developers’ special figurines!
Select the "Objects" icon that looks like a little person: . Now select "Components", followed by "Figurines". You'll want to start spawning all the figurines until this achievement unlocks.

"Rage Quit"
Flip the table in an absolute fit of rage… 100 times.
Select "Create" and pick any single player game. On the top of your screen click "Flip". When you do, the button will go from white to grey. Once the button returns to white you can "flip" the table again. You do not need to reset the table for it to count. Just keep pressing the button. Now do this 100 times.

*Note* - Some people have said that you cannot do this as the host, or that rewinding it to flip the table will not count, but that is not the case. You can be the host and rewinding or reflipping a table that hasn't been reset still counts.

"Ultimate Rage"
Flip the table over 1000 times.
Select "Create" and pick any single player game. On the top of your screen click "Flip". When you do, the button will go from white to grey. Once the button returns to white you can "flip" the table again. You do not need to reset the table for it to count. Just keep pressing the button. Now do this 1,000 times.

*Note* - Some people have said that you cannot do this as the host, or that rewinding it to flip the table will not count, but that is not the case. You can be the host and rewinding or reflipping a table that hasn't been reset still counts.

"Too weak"
You tried to flip the table… and failed!
In order to do this, you need to remove the option to flip the table, then try and fail. On any game you create, go under "Options", "Permissions" and uncheck the box that allows table flips. Once you try to flip the table, you'll fail and unlock this achievement.

"Be Social"
You posted a message in global chat, hurray!
On the opening screen there is a global chat box in the corner. Type and hit "enter" to send a message to everyone online. In doing so, you'll earn this achievement.

Change your color more than 50 times.
During a game, in the upper-right hand corner, click your name and select "Change Color" and pick any color at the table.

You'll need to rotate to different colors a total of 50 times for this achievement to unlock so get to swapping your color.

"Color me pretty"
Tint 1000 objects a different color.
Right-click any object and select the "Color Tint" option and change its color. Now do this with 1,000 different items. You can tint one item 1,000 different times should you so desire.
Miscellaneous Achievements
"Laser Light Show"
Create an 8 player “light show” with the line drawing tool.
You'll need to have eight people for this one. Everyone needs to select the "line" tool [F5] and then start drawing on the game. You might need to do this for a minute or so before the achievement appears for everyone.

"Treasure Trove"
Save 100 items to your Chest.
Right-click any one object and select "save". This will prompt you for a name before it stores it into your chest. You can name it anything you want, or do "Object 1-100" to keep track of the throwaway items put into it. Just remember to clear out the clutter once you're done. :)

Use your personal color page in the notebook.
Select the notebook icon: . Select the color you are in the room, "White, Red, Green...etc" and type something in the notebook.

"Space Time Fun"
Play a game in zero gravity.
During a game, go under "Options" and click "Game". Drag the slider all the way to "0.0" and toggle back to the game. This achievement will unlock.

"Money, Money, Money"
Spawn 10,000 poker chips!
Go under "Objects" and then "Components" and select the poker chips. Spawn a couple of them and then highlight them and right-click and select copy (or Ctrl+C). Either right-click again (or Ctrl+V) to spawn numerous chips at once. Once you've spawned 10,000 individual chips, this achievement will unlock.

"Attack of the Figurines!"
Have two RPG figurines attack one another. They must hit!
Start a new game and select either the RPG pre-set or go under "Objects" at the top of your screen and select "Components" and then "Figurines" and spawn two of them. Position them facing each other and right-click one and select "attack". If they are close enough the other figurine will recoil from the attack and this achievement will unlock.

"Don’t Touch!"
Lock 5000 items over time.
Locking down items can be done by right-clicking the item, going to "Toggle" and then selecting "Lock". Do this 5,000 times for this achievement to unlock.
El Parko 28 Sep, 2024 @ 9:07pm 
I'm looking for people to do the laser light show achievement with, please add me :)
Jomi 15 Aug, 2024 @ 12:18pm 
If anyone is doing laser light show please add me!
Szczepion Zabijaka 7 Jun, 2024 @ 10:07am 
@Neithw count me in as well
Neithw 31 May, 2024 @ 1:37pm 
@Talon you get it? if not, i'm interested
Talon 7 May, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
Looking for people to do the laser light show achievement
Dragonfly Thief 30 Apr, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
For the lock and color me pretty one you can select multiple items and constantly change the colors/lock them. I would choose a map with tons of pieces.

For the table flipping achievement, I use OP auto clicker, generic first one I found on webpage, it has the ability to "record" your clicks and keyboard. I just recorded it to flip the table to 50 times then I watched my show to have it flip 50 times and hit play recording when it was done each time. You can also let this idle on chess in singleplayer, it gave me the tea achievement. The achievement popped even while I was flipping the table
Vilvert 21 Mar, 2024 @ 5:46am 
anyone who wants to do the laser light show achievement add me please
Huscurian 9 Mar, 2024 @ 11:49pm 
@Pixie Karaam not really.

Just click on the ~ and type say_global hi. The achievement will unlock easily.
Pixie Karaam TTV 28 Sep, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
Fyi, if you are going for the global chat achievement it is "say_global hi" copy and paste that in between the " " and congrats
Robert Paprika 2 Sep, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Just 100% it, aside from the 1000h playtime, it was an ok Platinum