Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

117 ratings
How to add mods and extensions to ArmA 2 running in Combined Operations on Steam
By Boswalrus
ArmA has a myriad of nice, high quality mods and extensions. Only getting them to work can prove a bit challenging. As of version 1.62, this process has been largely facilitated thanks to the built-in mod manager. Anyway, this is my attempt at writing a guide to help you get the mods, install them and lastly, enjoy them.
Introduction to the game

ArmA 2 cannot be defined as 'just a shooter' because of the (option for) first-person shooting. It's a military simulation game, and all potential recruits should know this. Playing the game and actually understanding how the game works are two completely different things, and the latter will soak up a sizable amount of your personal time. But it's worth it.

The game has a ton of controls. There are even entries which you will never use. Don't be scared. Once you memorize the key combinations (after you've customised them, of course!)

These cheat-sheets, courtesy of SnR on the BIS forums will enable you to have a quick view on the general controls. Aside from the movement keys (WASD or ZQSD), nothing really needs to be changed. All the keys are neatly placed according to frequency of use etc.

Default infantry controls

These controls are probably the most important ones since 90% of the infantry actions are "translated" to context-specific commandos when in armour, helicopters or other vehicles.

Default ground vehicle controls

Default command/group controls

ArmA 2, like the controls, has a lot of graphical options for you to play with. Mind that the game is quite demanding on the CPU and GPU, especially the former when in dense urban areas like Elektro and downtown Zargabad. A good balance between eye candy and performance is what you'll seek after and only through playing will you discover what works best for your computer.

End to introduction?

Yes, we've reached the mandatory introduction phase. You've sat through it and now we'll start focusing on what mods we need, where we get them and how to properly install them! Congratulations!

What mods should I get and where?
My flavour in mods

ArmA 2 mods come in all flavours and you definitely don't want to miss out on certain fine gems that have come to be over the past few years.

What mods you'd like to install is entirely dependent on what you expect to improve in your game by installing them. For me personally, I'd like to install mods that enhance the realism without a "fun payoff" and mods that enhance sprites like bullet impacts or large explosions.

One of my personal favourites is the Blastcore Visuals mod by OpticalSnare[], which greatly enhances the look of explosions, muzzle flashes and smoke sprites. A short example can be found here. Fast-forward to 2 minutes to see some meaty explosions.

Other than the Blastcore Visuals mod, I certainly recommend these mods.
  • WarFX
  • ACEmod 2
  • ACEX and all the extras included in the ACE package
  • VopSound
  • RH_Helicopters

ArmA 2 mods sites

I won't be spending a lot of time on this chapter since we'll use a programme to get our main mods. But more on that later.

There is actually only one site you must currently know about for your general modding:, you have subcategorised sections for every ArmA 2 variation. The files are hosted locally or on external mirrors like Zippyshare or Mediafire. All the mods come in .zip, .rar or .7z format which allows for easy saving.

If you're planning to play co-op with your comrades, I obviously recommend the 'Scenarios' section. Filter on 'most popular' and search for the mission packs. They will give you some co-op missions to try out and further refine your taste.

For mods like Blastcore Visuals, you'll want to check out the 'Addons' section, which houses things like graphical mods to voice-over and sound mods. Certainly worth a look.

Modules are larger, more sophisticated 'overhaul' mods like the ACEmod or SLX. You'll want to download these if you're willing to abandon the base game mechanics in favour of realism etc. Also, certain outfits like ShackTac and the SA Goons often use ACEmod for their sessions, making their download mandatory if you want to play with them.

Using SIXUpdater or more recently: PlayWithSIX

One of the much-needed tools you'll use for ArmA 2 modding is the SIXUpdater. The guys at SIXProjects did a great job making this tool, even though the interface is outdated and it cannot handle more than 1 concurrent task. Anyway, you'd certainly want to download this software since we'll use it later in the guide.

You have a choice between the SIXUpdater[] and the more recent yet more limited PlayWithSIX[]. The latter will likely become better developed and the main tool to use, but for now, stick with SIXUpdater.
Using SIX
Using SIXupdater

NOTE: Prior to booting up SIX, you'll need to have run ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead at least once so the correct registry keys can be used by SIX!!

The first time you boot up SIXupdater, you'll get a prompt for mirrors and/or enabling multiplayer functions. Click 'agree' on both since that'll make it easier for you to find servers through SIX.

When SIX is finally updated and running, it'll look like this.

Check the bar with the coloured text down below. The first section should display this in green text:
A2 Op. Arrowhead (Combined Ops)
With the next section having this, dependent on your installation folder and Windows version. Anyway, it should resemble this, also in green text:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oa.exe -noSplash -noFilePatching -showScriptErrors "-name=**********name**********" "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2;expansion;*********mods************"
The text in between asterisks (*) marks your username and the mods you've installed, the latter changes based on the mods you install and activate.

Next thing we'll want to set is the correct game mode for SIX to handle the game as. Up on top you have to drop-down menus: Preset and Profile. It doesn't really matter what you set Preset to since we will not launch ArmA 2 through SIX. Profile must be set to Combined Ops. This'll make sure our mods will work with the content of both ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.

After having correctly set the Preset and Profile, you'll want to make sure you have the current preset selected in the left-hand bar. In my case it's 'ArmA 2 OA - A.C.E.', if it's not selected, do it now. Certain presets like the one I took as an example will automatically add entries. You can manually delete them by right-clicking > "Delete from preset".

Before browsing for mods, you'll want to install the CBA files. They act as mod extenders for ArmA 2 in the same fashion SKSE does for Skyrim. Find them in the list and double click CBA, CBA_A2 and CBA_OA. I'm not entirely sure which mod uses which library, but it's safe to get them all.

Now, for actual browsing. If you set your preset and profile correctly, nearly all the blocks should be coloured blue, indicating that SIX has correctly found your CO installation. A few blacks are normal. If you fail to get more blue than black in the mod list, delete these registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Bohemia Interactive Studio -> ArmA 2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Bohemia Interactive Studio -> ArmA 2 OA
Lastly, run ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead again. Loading the menu should suffice. Boot up SIX and let it detect your game settings again by resetting the preset and profile entries up top.
Checking and sorting mods before play
Downloading my selected mods

After you've selected the mods you want to download, check your list to see if they're all there. The hex icons next to the entries should still be yellow, indicating they haven't been downloaded yet. If you're ready to download this batch of mods, press the big green hex button in the top left corner of the screen.

After a while, your list should resemble this.

Note that you can keep on adding mods to your current preset. Just press the green hex button if you want to update and/or add mods.

Check if everything is there

Everything can go wrong, and for the sake of filling up this page and still providing a cure for my own paranoia, I will tell you to check if all the folders are there after having downloaded mods through SIX. All mod folders start with "@xxxx".

SIX automatically adds the folders to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

Since screwing up a mod batch in ArmA 2 always has the potential of completely disabling your installation, an extra measure you can take is to check if the filesize is consistent with what SIX tells you. This way, you'll ensure that your mods have been successfully installed and you avoid downloading over 20GB of data.

If everything is good to go, you're ready for play!

Creating shortcuts for specific mods

After the 1.62 update, Steam doesn't run ArmA 2 CO through the .bat file anymore. Using the .bat file, it allowed us to add certain mods to the syntax so we could easily launch vanilla with graphics mods if we didn't feel like playing ACE or vice versa.

Since the in-game mod manager largely takes over this part, all of the mod-selecting happens in game and doesn't require adding to syntaxes anymore. Furthermore, ArmA 2 has been patched enough not to need syntax tweaks anymore in most cases. If you still happen to need these commands, please consult the BIS forums.

So far the only trade-off is that you need to reboot your game if you make changes to your mod order, but that shouldn't deter you from playing.
Configuring the mod manager et voila!
Final steps

Once in-game, go through the "Expansions" menu option and witness your mod manager being fuller than before. That's right, ArmA 2 now automatically detects the mods in your root folder. It always did that, but now it actually enables them correctly.

My mod manager looked like this, yours should resemble it, of course.

Make sure the CBA entries are always on top. This will remedy a lot of possible crashes you might have. For the rest, I recommend any overhaul mods to be loaded directly after that, then it's up to you to choose which mods take precedent over the others in terms of stability. Mods that are loaded earlier into the syntax are usually more stable and less prone to conflicting with the other mods that use similar libraries or files.

After you've rebooted the game with your mod order selected, you'll notice the ArmA 2 logo has changed/didn't change and there is a list displayed below the logo. These are your currently active mods. Use this to determine if you got them all.

The game will possible display new entries in the scenarios, editor screen and armoury. Start playing immediately to discover the wild new world of ArmA 2 modding.

Last words

This was my first guide, I don't think I'm good at English but I tried my best to explain to you how I install my mods. It should be pretty comprehensive and I hope it'll work for you too.

As for ArmA 2, please take the time to discover the true value of this beautiful yet flawed game and steer away from DayZ as long as you can. While its gameplay might be fun or revolutionary, we should never forget which game came first and made DayZ possible.

I hope you enjoy ArmA 2 as much as I did, sometimes just driving around from the north of Chernarus to Elektro which took over an hour to do. Even that is fun for me, lol.

'Till we meet again, Dovahdog.

julien4z 23 Mar, 2023 @ 10:35pm 
For those who wnat to access armaholic in 2023, copy the URL and go on the wayback machine, and take a random date around 2015 or earlier.
Boswalrus  [author] 11 Apr, 2022 @ 11:16am 
Hi folks, thanks to all of you for still reading and thanking me for the guide. I've been out of ArmA 2 modding for a lifetime now so I will NOT be updating this guide anymore.

For new modders, or old familiars, please refer to the AMAZING USER COMMENTS.

Thank you,

- Dovahdog
Visitor 24 7 Apr, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
Thank you !!!
Axle 17 Jan, 2022 @ 10:37am 
Armaholic is now gone.. Owner sold it to Indonesian gambling company.
The Specialist 13 Nov, 2021 @ 8:16pm 
@Valerkin, I cannot express how grateful I am. Thank you so much!
Valerkin 13 Nov, 2021 @ 12:12pm 
Hey guys, when I uploaded my copy of COWarMod (v1.2 and v1.4 + CBA) to google drive for you, I found a more recent version - 1.5. This version of the mod is on the official website of the mod: by Gunter Severloh. In addition, the site has COSLX - Arma2CO SLX and other modifications for arma 2 and arma 2 OA. If anyone still needs my link with version 1.4, then:
The Specialist 13 Nov, 2021 @ 11:12am 
AAA I didn't see it! When it gets reposted I'll download it once more; I really appreciate it @Valerkin!
Valerkin 13 Nov, 2021 @ 2:53am 
Of course, I deleted this file. Perhaps today or tomorrow there will be a new link.
Randy 12 Nov, 2021 @ 9:15pm 
That link is broken