Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

94 ratings
Hacking Security Devices and Computers
By wdb-wookie1 and 1 collaborators
Tricks for hacking security devices and computers.
I See The Light
While hacking Security Systems and Computers (except security computers), you might've noticed a light glowing towards the top-center of the devices. If you watch that light, you might also have noticed that it blinks. Actually it slowly brightens and dims. It doesn't actually blink on and off.

While your hacking, if you'll watch the light brighten and dim, the speed changes subtly. In particular, when it starts to brighten. Most of the time it brightens quickly after it dims. But, if your patient, you may notice that sometimes, it brightens up a little slower for a few cycles.

When I first noticed this, I wondered if that indicated a variance in alertness. My experiance strongly suggests it does.

Notice the lights circled and how they brighten and dim.

If you watch these, you will notice that the speed at witch they blink changes, subtly. Usually, the light brightens quickly, almost as though it's bouncing. (That's the way I imagine it). Then, there are times when the light brightens a little more slowly than usual. When the light brightens at the slowest is when to click to launch your attack on the node.

You may or may not have noticed that that light is still visable through the hacking layer once you've opened it.

Below is a sample of a computer opened, zoomed out the way I usually have it to hack, with the light circled.

Capturing a Node
It takes two clicks to capture a node. One to select it.
The next lick selects the attack method or action. I'm only goint to talk about the capture option which is the flag.

Watching the light, when it's brightening at it's slowest, click the flag to launch your attack. If the light was at the slowest point in it's cycle, the node will be captured without alerting the system.

In the picture presented, you may have noticed the Detection percentage is at 80%. That's really too high to successfully capture undetected. The best I've done is 65%, but this technic usually works pretty well when the Detection percentage is at 35 or below.
The System Node!
By capturing this one node, you capture all the nodes, including all the bonus nodes on the whole system. The game manual may explain this, but I couldn't remember if it had and I figured I'd add it here while I was on the subject of hacking.

Usually, when the system node is accessable for capture, it's easier to get to it than trying to reach all the bonus nodes before reching the completion node(s).
(Sometimes their are more than one these, but if you can capture them all, it still works)
Personally, I hack almost everything I can, whether I have codes or not. Hacking is a great way to get XP points for upgrading Augs.

If I figure out how to capture video while playing the game, I might try to include it in this 'Guide' in the future.

Please forgive any spelling or gramatical errors. I wrote this on the fly. It was my first.
Video - Hacking Jensens Computer
This is a demonstration of my hacking technic as I applied it to Jensen’s Office Computer.

Please forgive any spelling or gramatic errors. I promised to get this out and I hope it helps.

Watch in the highest Resolution you can. The light becomes more visible through the screen.

Update - Secret way to DOUBLE your XP's in hacking.
Wanted to update this guide with a new piece of information that could be very useful to a lot of people that are looking for help with hacking, or secrets about hacking.

Here is a link to a video on how to double what ever might be stored in the data cubes while hacking. It requires being able to get at the security node (red tower).
Anyway, check it out, and give a thumbs up to the auther "AlionaKo"

Sorry folks. Here's the VIDEO
Thank you "AlionaKo"
wdb-wookie1  [author] 7 Oct, 2014 @ 3:21am 
The trick with the Glitches is that, you can accumulate bonuses of what ever tupe is on the system you're hacking, as many times as you want to, as long as you keep hitting quick load before you click on the ok button when you complete the hack. As a result, I've found I can get a nearly inexhastable supply of nukes and stopwarms(?). Anyway, with the glitch, once I've collected enough nukes, I don't need to spend the extra time watching the blinking light.
wdb-wookie1  [author] 7 Oct, 2014 @ 3:15am 
My first few play throughs, I managed to hack every compuster, door, or other devices with a blinking yellow light without triggering the security at all, by using the technic I described. My last few playthroughs, I haven't had the patiants, and descovered that in a lot of places, I didn't need it. Also, there are the hacking Glitches presented it the videos above.
wdb-wookie1  [author] 7 Oct, 2014 @ 3:04am 
I have to concede that I might be. But, I seem to perceive a subtle variation in the pulsing rates of the lights on computers and door locks and such. It only works with systems that have blinking yellow lights. Not the security computers or devices, like laser panels that have blue or green lights.:quickfix:.
SquarelyCircle 16 Sep, 2014 @ 7:34am 
This whole light thing... I don't believe it. I think you're overthinking it.
wdb-wookie1  [author] 7 Sep, 2014 @ 3:25pm 
Okay. Sorry for the confusion.
I haven't seen Aliona's second video recently, so I don't remember it. Although, early on as you get access to advanced hacking, there is a help button. Under that help button, it explains the different nodes and what they do. It also explains that if you capture the security nodes (the ones that try to stop your hack) you will automatically aquire all the bonus nodes.
In her second video, she may not have had access to the security node, or it was just easier to ignore it, still getting all the bonus nodes. It depends on the system you're hacking.

Note: A lot of systems won't allow you access to the security node. They block it with dashed lines that have arrows pointing away from it which means you can't go down that path.

I hope that helps. :)
Loaf Alkman 13 Aug, 2014 @ 1:54am 
The second video by Aliona directly contradicts your statement that capturing the System Node gives you all the bonus nodes. I'm confused.
wdb-wookie1  [author] 6 Jun, 2013 @ 9:36am 
Those nodes are extreamly helpful aren't they? And, I probably could use more of my "stop Viruses" and "Nukes" than I usually do, because I don't really need to finish the game with 60 or more of each.
Now that I've played the game several times, I find I do get a little less patiant and will alow myself to fall back on the "Nukes" and "Stop Viruses" more often, especially on the level 5 hacks. And I still wind up with a fair number of each at the end of the game.
LiquidWater 3 Jun, 2013 @ 4:21pm 
usually, my plan involves hitting as many datastore nodes as possible too :D
FriendshipSeven 3 Jun, 2013 @ 3:37pm 
You are right, Wookie! Those XP points add up, as well as the other goodies in the "Datastore" nodes (the square ones)! For the time being I have decided that it isn't worth it to upgrade the Fortify augmentation, because when I capture those Datastore nodes, there seems to always be plenty of Stop Worm and Nuke Virus software to save the hack when detected AND allow for still getting all of the Datastore nodes...
wdb-wookie1  [author] 3 Jun, 2013 @ 1:55pm 
I've noticed in a lot of videos on YouTube, that that seems to work extreamly well for most people in most situations.
My problem is, I get greedy. I want all those square nodes with the goodies in them. Often, they contain XP points. Anywhere fron 25 to 500 each.
The method you use does get you through faster though. And, trying to beat that clock can be a bit of a rush too.