Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

196 ratings
TF2 Trading | The Basics
By SubZeroDestruction
The general basics of the current trading scene in TF2 for the 2024 year.
A Preface
10/1/2024 - As of now, I no longer actively keep up with key/bud prices on this guide, and I have not been actively trading for the past year or so. Most of this information should still be relevant/accurate, but trading methods may be far different now due to bots mostly being used outside of trade servers.
I will still look to update this occasionally if anything needs to be modified, but I am not prioritizing this.
Thanks to anyone who has read/rewarded this guide, and hopefully has found it helpful to some degree.

This guide is not intended to allow one to become a "Master" at trading, or to give those who know how trading works more knowledge, but rather give a general idea of how trading works for those who may just be starting out as I've seen many who don't know how to accomplish it and don't understand certain areas of TF2 Trading.

If you'd like a video explanation of most of the ins and outs of trading, TheVirtualEconomist has made two "beginner" guides which you can watch from the following links, for those who'd prefer hearing rather than reading, however, he doesn't go as in-depth for a few select topics I have listed here.

Part 1 (Basic TF2 economy explanation):
Part 2 (Basic TF2 profit making explanation):

  • Any information given may become out-dated so do take that with a grain of salt.
  • I will attempt to keep this guide up to date as much as possible, but that is not guaranteed.
  • I will not be explaining "how" to make profit, rather how trading works in general.
Before You Can Trade
So you wish to start trading? Well before you can do that you need to have a few prerequisites completed.

Or if you don't wish to spend a single cent, have an item be given to you so you can start trading items.. however most people don't give to those who beg, or to anyone at all..
So you would be probably be better off following the 3 requirements.

And finally, understand the handful of Scam/Phishing types.

  • Scamming
Some users will try to scam (Steal/Take) you out of your items in a few methods.

  • Using a fake "Middle-Man" to take your items while keeping the other users items. Middlemen are normally used to make sure when betting or trading certain items that both parties will trade without "Running" away and not paying up. However scammers will sometimes use alternate accounts of "real" friends to pretend to be an "official" Middleman just to take your items and run.

  • Another method is by faking being one of your Steam Friends or a high end trader by basically attempting to copy their profile word for word to trick you into believing them as being legit. However a simple check of their Steam Inventory or checking their profile through will almost always confirm whether they are real or not.

  • A semi-recent scam within the past few years which has gained some prevalence goes along the lines of "Join my comp team, through X website," or anything else of the such. If someone adds you for something as random as that, and you've had no prior links or connections to joining a competitive team, it's almost certainly a scam of some form.

  • Phishing
When a user attempts to steal your account information by making you click on a illegitimate link. These links will send you to a page that takes your information basically, and will almost always end up getting your password stolen, and potentially changed while the Phisher steals your items while you're helpless.

  • Most Phishers[] just try to make you click a link that looks legit such as a well known website, however the link has certain letters changed to look close enough to the official link but are not actually the real link.

Now if you have those things completed then good for you! You are on your way to trading.
The Different Types Of Currency
There are 5 types of currency with 2 being the main.

Scrap Metal:

The most basic currency of trading. Easily obtained by "crafting" 2 of the same weapon together, or by using scrap sites.
It is defined by most traders as .11 or just 2 "craftable" weapons

Reclaimed Metal:

With 3 Scrap (which requires 6 weapons) you can create 1 Reclaimed.
It is defined by most traders as .33 or a Rec.

Refined Metal:

With 3 Rec (which requires 18 weapons) you can create 1 Refined.
It is one of the core currencies in TF2. A Ref allows you to truly start working your way towards higher value items.
It is defined by most traders as 1/1.00, or a Ref.

A Key:

A Key is the second core currency of TF2.
Keys are currently obtainable by either spending $2.50 in the Mann-Co Store, buying off of the community market for slightly cheaper, or by going through legitimate sites that use Pay-Pal of which can be even cheaper than the community market.
If you do not wish to spend cash, you can instead trade for a single key by paying 67~ Refined Metal. This price can and will fluctuate up and down based on the supply and demand, however for the time being keys will rise as more refined is created by the community.

Finally we have Buds:

A Bud was obtained by users who had played on Mac during 2010 for the "Mac Update"

Buds were once a prominent currency until they crashed around 2015 due to people getting scared from a few price suggestions looking to drop the price. That in-turn caused users to sell them for less and less; which created more suggestions in a never ending cycle until they stopped dropping at around 1.5 Keys. Buds would have crashed either way, but panic had sped up the process. They are no longer considered a core currency, but can be traded to an extent as one.
Currently the only way to obtain a Bud is by buying them off of the Community Market, Legitimate Pay-Pal based sites, or Trading.
The current price to buy a Bud is 8.33 Keys or 558.66~ Ref.
Item Qualities
The types of Item Qualities that you may trade for in TF2.
  • Unique - The basic tier for almost every item that is dropped, bought from the Mann Co. Store, gained from an achievement, or crafted in-game.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Strange - Stranges are considered a better quality then Unique due to the fact that they count kills or other attributes like Ubers Popped or Whipped Players (Strange Weapons) or Scored Points (Strange Cosmetics). They can be obtained through unboxing Cases/Crates, using a Strangifier on the exact item, or from Mann Up tours by the means of Botkillers and Australium weapons as end of tour rewards. Decorated weapons can only be strange when unboxed, or when using a Civilian Grade Stat-Clock on Civilian Grade weapon skins. Currently there is no higher tier Stat-Clock.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Vintage - Given to items obtained prior to the Mann-conomy Update or from Steam-Support. These items are generally worth a bit more than their Unique counterparts, and in some cases worth hundreds of keys more in cases such as the 2 of 2 Vintage Refined Metal which could be worth as much as 500~ Keys

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Genuine - Genuine items are obtained in a few ways; Buying/Pre-Ordering a game with a cross-game promotion, participating in Community based events, donating to select charities such as Tip of The Hats* or The Yogscast Jingle Jam**, or purchasing merchandise that comes with a code such as TF2 Figures or TF2 board games. Genuine items can be strangified and will keep their Genuine name and color.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Haunted - Haunted items were obtained during the Very Scary Halloween event during 2011. These items are completely identical to their Unique versions other than for the different flavor text and colored border.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Collectors - Introduced in the Nov 12th 2013 Patch, When you obtain through a drop, or buy a Chemistry Kit of a select item, and place 200 of the respective item inside the Kit, you will obtain a "Collectors" Hat/Weapon that is generally worth equal or more to the amount you put into the Kit.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Unusual - Items with special particle effects are “Unusual," they are obtained when unboxing Crates/Case, or through trading other users. There are 2 exceptions being the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, and Haunted Metal Scrap which are colored the same as an Unusual, but give no particle effect.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Self Made/Community - Only obtained and given to users who have made an item on the "Community Workshop," and has had it implemented into the game, and or has contributed to the community in a specific way.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Decorated - Decorated weapons are weapons with Warpaints applied to them; or were apart of the original Pre-Warpaint updates (Gunmettle - Toughbreak). These items are generally never priced except for their Unusual/Strange Counterparts due to how many variants are out there, pricing is based off of the market.
    Aside from weapons, any cosmetic that comes from cosmetic cases will also have a decorated quality.
    The 6 sub-qualities within decorated weapons/hats are as followed, with the first 2 exempt from hats.
    Civilian < Freelance < Mercenary < Commando < Assassin < Elite

    Denoted by the following color(s):

  • Festive/ized - Festive items are the "Original" weapons that were given festive lights before the "Festivizer" was added during the Smissmas of 2015.

    Festive"ized" items are items that were given lights from a Festivizer, and are generally worth less than their "Original" counterparts due to not being "Original."

  • Unique Normal - Obtained due to bugs/glitches that otherwise no longer exist due to patches.*** Worth a ton due to collectors, and for the fact they shouldn't exist.

  • Normal - Obtained due to bugs/glitches that otherwise no longer exist due to patches***, or from Steam-Supports. These items were supposed to be Strange, but were not marked as such. They still count kills. Worth a ton due to collectors.

    Denoted by the following color:

  • Valve - Obtained only by being a Valve employee. You will almost certainly never see this quality officially.

    Denoted by the following color:


    *TOTH Is a TF2 Community based Fundraiser event that was held every year from 2013 until 2021. By donating to the event, you would obtain medals marked for the occasion.

    **The Yogscast Jingle Jam Is a yearly event held during the month of December to raise money for charity. For those who donated a certain amount during the event, you would obtain a code to obtain medals marked for the occasion. They stopped giving out medals after 2017.

    ***Future updates/patches may bring back these types of bugs, which inturn will create more of these "Special" items.
Trading Websites
There are many ways you can trade, one of them is by using trading websites.
A site that allows users to track and report other users who may be scamming, hacking, etc. This is core site that helps users determine whether another user is legitimate or not. (AKA:,
The core site that prices items based on community suggestions. These prices are not set in stone, but rather they are guidelines on what to price an item.
Example: A craft hat priced at 1.33 Ref could be bought for 1 Ref, or sold for 1.66. You shouldn't however sell the craft hat for 1 key since that would be absurd and obtain you 0 sales.
A core site that mainly focuses on "Scrap Banking" by use of Trade Bots.
A core site that mainly focuses on allowing users to buy and sell items through use of Pay-Pal.
PSA: As of Dec 15th, 2020, has essentially closed, only allowing very specific sellers, and as such, very limited items.
A site that allows users to use a free "Trade Bot" to accept trade offers for set prices.
A site that allows users to create listings for their items. (AKA: EU
A site that acts almost exactly as, but allows you to trade Vintage, Genuine, and a few other types of items unlike
A site that mainly allows users to buy and sell hats.
A site that mainly allows users to buy and sell games with cash. []
A site that acts like, but is not
A site that allows users to create listings for their items.
Closed down due to lack of income in late 2018
A site that lets users buy and sell items from bots.
Closed down sometime during May 8th~, 2020, for unknown reasons.
A site that mainly allows users to buy and sell Killstreak Fabricators and Kits.
Seemingly closed down between 2019-2020 for unknown reasons.
A site that mainly lets users trade hats.
Apparently this website has since shutdown/was sold sometimes between 2018-2019.
Do not attempt to visit the site. It seems that the url is now being used for fake virus scams.

Trading Servers
Another option for trading is to go to specific community servers that revolve around trading.
There are servers for trading in general, and servers only for unusual trading. The following are some of the most popular & relevant trade servers in 2020.
(If you see a popular server (consistently has 12+ players daily) that's missing, that's not NeonHeights, let me know.)

General Trading

The Trade Server (AKA: NGS, Neogenesis) - (Closed sometime between 2020-2021)

Skial US -

Skial EU -

Panda Community -

EGC US West -

Harpoon Gaming -

Unusual Trading

Vatican City -

FirePowered -
Trading Discords
If you'd rather not go into a server, or not even use a trading site for your listings, then there's a 3rd alternative being the handful of TF2 related discords that have a trading section.

The following are all the highly known, or at least mostly common trading discords.

Backpack TF's:
The Virtual Economist:
TF2 Community (Reddit):
TF2 Trade Central:
TF2 Spells: (Spell focused)
Spell Trading Discord: (Spell focused)

If you see a popular trading discord that's missing from here, let me know.
Spycrabs And Heavyboxing, The Two Forms Of Betting
While some people trade, you may find yourself hear about 2 alternate ways of "Trading" called Spycrabbing and Heavyboxing. These are two forms of betting where users wager predetermined items that the winner of the bet will obtain.
While both users can just normally trade the items to the winner, some users would rather have a "Middle-Man" take and hold the items until a winner is determined. A Middle-Man is a trusted user who will hold the bets of both users until one wins, and will then give the items to the winner as so the loser can not just "Run Away" with their items without paying the winner.


Spycrabbing is where 2 users play as the Spy and use the "Disguise Kit's" taunt to see who rolls 3 "Spycrabs."
  • A "Spycrab" is a taunt that the Spy performs when using the Disguise Kit's taunt. The taunt will occur at random with a 20% chance of occurring everytime you taunt. It makes the Spy look as if he is a "crab."
  • The first user to pull off 3 (or more) Spycrabs will either lose or win based on predetermined rules.
  • Spycrab Bets can occur on any map where both users can't be interfered with by other players.


Heavyboxing is where 2 users play as Heavy and use the "Stock Fists" in a 1v1 melee fist fight to the death of normally a best of 3 where the winner obtains what ever items were bet.

  • Both Heavies will fight until a predetermined kill amount is achieved, which in that case there will either be a winner or loser based on predetermined rules.
  • Heavyboxing is normally played in a ring that both participants can not jump out of or else they can be disqualified and automatically lose the bet. These rings are normally located on Trade Server maps.

Types of Banking
Now that you can trade, and know the currency, you must now figure out how you want to make some profit.

  • Scrap Banking
Scrap Banking was once an easy way to make some profit by buying or using weapon drops that you gain throughout your playtime. The main idea was that you would use those drops and sell them for 1 Scrap or 2 weapons which would give you a whole weapon of profit, and over time it would add up. However, now it is “almost” completely impossible due to not many users seeming to need to buy weapons due to sites like, and the fact that keys are no longer as low as 2.33 or even 10 Ref. You can still Scrap Bank, but finding users who will do it is challenging.

  • Hat Banking
Hat Banking is still a somewhat main form of banking for most. It comes in a handful of versions that one can pull off.

  • One version is where you buy a Craft Hat (Hats costing generally 1.33) for 1 Refined and then selling them for 1.22-1.66 depending on how much other users are buying it at.
  • Another version is where you buy hats in bulk for discounted prices and sell them off for profit; finding discounted items are not as easy however since everyone wants profit for the most part.
  • A third way is where you do not own the items on you, but rather find users who need specific hats and get them for the user for an agreed Pure or Overpay price, and then get the hat off of a bot or another user.

  • Other Banking Forms

Strange Banking

Buying and selling Strange items for lower and higher prices.

Genuine/Vintage Banking

Buying and selling Genuine/Vintage items, however this is not as common.

Other Banking

There may be other types of "Banking" that people use, but generally they are not as prominent.

Spells, Parts, Paints, Killstreaks
Following the different forms of banking; you may find yourself seeing items with “different” qualities or tags on them that might not know what they mean.

When it comes to pricing, both Strange Parts & Paints will generally be halved in value when applied to any item, and or, be valued at nothing, as it all depends on finding a person willing to pay the extra price. For Spells & Killstreaks, they have their own general pricing to abide towards, with Spells being community driven based on consensus, and Killstreaks being more valuable for "commonly" used weapons such as stock weapons.


Honestly, Spells are something that I'm not as versed in as others due to me not trading with them, but another set of guides by Randompieguy3 & SanyGame have a heavily detailed overview of all the current spells and what they are generally priced at.
What are Halloween Spells/Spelled Items and how do we trade them?
All-Class Spelled Cosmetics Pricelist [2020]

Strange Parts

Strange Parts are items that can only be placed onto Strange weapons, but allow you to track other statistics on the selected weapon such as "X Class Killed", "Headshots", "Allies Extinguished", Etc. They are only obtainable from crate drops. Only up to 3 parts can be placed onto a single Strange Weapon. You can however remove them if you wish, but you will not be refunded the removed part(s).*


Paints are items that can be applied to every Cosmetic items to change certain colors on the cosmetic that are predetermined. There are currently 29 different colors and can be obtained through the Mann Co. Store, as a drop, from crates, using a Mann Co. Painting Set, or through trading. Paints can be removed from the cosmetic, but you will not be refunded the paint.*

Trivia: There are around 7-12 "Cow Mangler 5000's" which have been painted due to a schema update that made them paintable with team colors, they are very valuable but almost certainly will never be traded unless it is for a large amount.


Killstreaks are a way for a user to as the name implies, track your kill count on a certain weapon for 1 life. Killstreaks come from a Killstreak Kit which is obtained by either completing a Killstreak Kit Fabricator which requires "Robo Parts"** which you obtain from Mann Vs Machine, or as a drop for a tour completion in MvM. There are 3 types of Kits that each have their own difference, with each one costing more than the prior version. Killstreaks can be removed off of a weapon, but you will not be refunded the kit.*

  • Basic Kit - A Basic Killstreak will just count the amount of kills you obtain in a single life.

  • Specialized Kit - A Specialized Killstreak will make your weapon glow a select colored shimmer every few seconds. Every kill up to 20 will increase how often the sheen appears.

  • Professional Kit - Has the same effect as a Specialized, but on your 5th kill you will obtain a particle effect that glows from the eyes, and on your 10th kill that effect will grow to be a "Stronger" version.


*To remove certain Paints, Parts, Killstreaks, Etc. You need to go into your inventory, and right click the selected item. From there you can directly remove select features you want if you wish to replace them. You will NOT be refunded for the removal.

**There are 8 types of Robo Parts, with three categories. In order from most expensive to least:
Pristine: Currency Digester & Brainstorm Bulb, costing roughly 1.33~ each.
Battle-Worn: Taunt Processor, KB-808, & Money Furnace, costing 1~ Ref each.
Reinforced: Humor Suppression Pump, Bomb Stabilizer, & Emotion Detector, costing .15~ each.
Thank you for coming to the end of this guide.

Hopefully this has given you some form of knowledge you may have not already had, and or has increase your general knowledge of the TF2 Trading Scene.

If you see any errors that should be corrected or feel that something should be added, changed, or removed. Then please comment said criticism as all feedback is appreciated.

Further, if you have made it this far, and did find this guide helpful, I would appreciate if you could give a rating to help with visibility among all the meme and non-helpful guides, as to help others who could benefit from what's written here.

~ Sub
Published: 3/4/2018
Last Updated: 10/1/24

Edit 1: Added punctuation to a line.
Edit 2: Switched "will" to "can" in the last point of "Heavyboxing"
Edit 3: Added 1 new trading site ""
Edit 4: Added 2 new trading sites "" and ""
Edit 5: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 6: Added 2 new trading sites "" and "mannco .trade"
Edit 7-9: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 10: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 11: Marked TF2outpost as a closed site
Edit 12-13: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 14: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly, added links to Steam Mobile & Guard setup pages, marked & as nonoperational/closed, minor grammatical/text changes
Edit 15-16: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 17: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly, Removed's direct link as it's no longer safe/closed down, Added 1 new scam method warning, Added an extra guide for spells, Added color to the Quality section.
Edit 18: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly, Marked as no longer operational.
Edit 19: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 20: Added a new section "Trading Servers," unmarked as being nonoperational, marked as being closed, shifted around some links in "Trading Websites"
Edit 21: Removed periods from section titles.
Edit 22-23: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 24: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly, Added a new "Trading Discords" section listing all highly known/used trade discords.
Edit 25: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly, added both of TheVirtualEconomist's recent Beginner's Guide videos to the Preface section.
Edit 26: Added PSA about Marketplace's Shutdown.
Edit 27: Updated Key prices accordingly
Edit 28: Switched "for" to "from" in regards to sub-quality exemption for hats/skins.
Edit 29: Updated Key prices accordingly
Edit 30: Switched "a few cents" to "at minimum one dollar" in regards to the "Before You Can Trade" section, minor punctuation fixing in the "Item Qualities" section, added the 2nd Spell Discord to the "Trading Discords" section
Edit 30-31: Updated Key prices accordingly
Edit 32: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 33: Updated Discord server links as some/all have been outdated, switched "[2019]" to "[2020]" regarding the spell guide in the Spell section, and added a small remark in the End section regarding rating this guide.
Edit 34: Added a paragraph regarding how add-ons are priced within the Spell/Part/Killstreaks section, along with adding a note of what "Robo Parts" are in terms of price & description.
Edit 35: Updated Key prices accordingly
Edit 36: Updated PSA for regarding its essential closure.
Edit 37-48: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly.
Edit 49: Changed the wording regarding the Tip of the Hats note in the Quality section, to sadly reflect the ending of the event in 2021.
Edit 50: Fixed a capitalization error with the prior edit, updated wording for the Jingle Jam to also better reflect the medals no longer being obtainable, updated Key and Bud prices accordingly.
(Might clear most of the redundant edits, or post a word doc soon with everything listed since this is getting long now, not sure though)
Edit 51: Condensed similar edits for more room & Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 52: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly & Added back Harpoon Gaming's trade server
Edit 53: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 54: Updated the Trading Discords section to fix an outdated invite link for "Spell Trading Discord", however it may become outdated again.
Edit 55: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 56: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly
Edit 57: Crossed out an old popular server that has been closed for a while.
Edit 58-62: Updated Key and Bud prices accordingly

Source for select topics or extra notes: TF2 Wiki
Simi 12 Nov, 2024 @ 2:51pm 
new site, , not that popular but we should spread the word
quickwire 12 Aug, 2023 @ 12:26am 
i used to be into tf2 trading a lot, but then i lost all my shit. i got scammed by an asshole. i hate that people scam to get rich, but it is what it is.
AwesomeSause 23 Jan, 2023 @ 8:45am 
As someone who's recently gotten into trading more seriously, there's no fucking point, unless I went back in time to tell my fetus ass to play a first person shooter so I could be rich and shit, there's no other way lmao
SubZeroDestruction  [author] 29 Mar, 2022 @ 9:59am 
It definitely is harder now, but there are still some people who can end up giving you a decent or minor profit even though they have no real reason to.
𝔉𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 29 Mar, 2022 @ 6:11am 
Well tbh idk if hat banking or any trading is worth it during 2020+ era anymore since the price are always static enough to make the ref cost litteral balanced or loss profit. idk if there any way to hunt those down during this 3rd or 4th generation trading tho.
SubZeroDestruction  [author] 27 Feb, 2022 @ 1:32pm 
Usually you'd be better off keeping the kit, since it allows the buyer to use it on whatever weapon they need it for. Placing it on a weapon isn't horrible, but you do end up limiting buyers to a degree.
TheHolidayPyro 27 Feb, 2022 @ 11:50am 
It is better to sell a killstreak kit or use it on a weapon and then sell said weapon?
SubZeroDestruction  [author] 25 Jan, 2021 @ 3:15pm 
I appreciate it.
Housri 25 Jan, 2021 @ 2:28pm 
Extra Help Don't Hurt Enjoy :>
KKAT 20 Jan, 2021 @ 5:49pm 