1,253 ratings
Achievement Guide and Trophy Guide
By Unknown Knight
Big guide to the achievements and trophies in the game.
Basic information
Prefer an achievement guide in Russian?
In that case, check out blinya's guide, it's awesome and very detailed:
Aim of the guide
Some achievements are self-explanatory, so this guide ignores the obvious and aims to be as detailed as possible in terms of stating the requirements (game code level), whether solo-able (with/without bots, stealth/loud).

While there already are guides out there covering achievements, I believe they do not look into it as much or research as much as I do, so that players do not have to further research or do trial-and-errors to get their achievements.

Guides without video will be expanded/improved on when video version is worked on, so stay tuned and drop a comment if you have any requests/questions.

Credits to Frankelstner for the Long Guide, mission scripts and YaPh1l/TdlQ for code dumps.

Most achievements/trophies that are self-explanatory will not be covered.
Non-exhaustive list of exclusion:
  1. Complete in "X" difficulty.
  2. Item hunts, tedious stuff. Will include if enough requests.
  3. Infamy achievements.
  4. "Complete in stealth" achievements, except notable ones.

All videos/images/GIFs will be added as a text link to avoid bloating, especially for mobile users.

Achievements will be grouped to make the most sense as possible, so search via their name to locate it quickly.
Discontinued Scarface Character Pack DLC
The Scarface Character Pack DLC (Kingpin Perk Deck) is no longer purchasable since late 2020. It does not have any achievements tied to it, and is not to be confused with the similar-sounding Scarface Heist DLC.

In short, all achievements are still obtainable even after Scarface's removal.
Secondary snipers
Secondary snipers can be used for achievements.

Note that a primary sniper still has to be equipped if the achievement/trophy requires it. e.g. "Snipe It" trophy, "Failed Assassination" trophy etc.

Some achievements are not feasible even though it logically should be, like "Apartment Sniper" (strictly primary sniper and secondary saw).

Check out the requirements for each individual achievement.
Graze (for sniper achievements)
U234: Fixed Graze not passing weapon data when dealing damage. This allows it to count for sniper kills (such as for challenges, sidejobs or achievements). Multikills requirements still require the main bullet to count as such, as usual.

Graze now contribute as kills to the weapon used. It does not however, contribute to the accuracy stats, which can be problematic if the achievement has such a demand, like "This Calls for a Round of Sputniks!".

Multi-kills refers to penetration, i.e. 1 bullet hitting two or more enemies. Those do not benefit from Graze.
"The End" - Step 1 - Notes and Setup
Used to be called "The Secret", this has now been renamed. There are plenty of information to this achievement so it will be broken down into 3 phases; Setup, Being Worthy and doing "The End" itself.

It's possible to skip the entire setup phase and get assigned the 20 worthy achievements, even for a level 0 fresh account, by joining another player's safehouse and playing the piano puzzle. But mods are required to find out which are the correct 20.

Video - "The End" Setup

This section details the setup phase and is suitable for players that just bought Payday 2, so veterans will be disappointed.

There are 4 steps to the setup:
  • Accessing the new safehouse
  • Unlocking Trophies
  • Assembling the artifact
  • Piano Puzzle

1. Accessing the new safehouse
The new safehouse can be accessed after reaching level 25. After which, we will be prompted at the main menu to enter it.

2. Unlocking Trophies
5 trophies have to be unlocked: Elephant's Coffer, Healer's Coffer, Medallion of Perseids, Obsidian Plate and Scribe's Coffer. Or basically, complete Breakin' Feds, Golden Grin, Henry's Rock and Shacklethorne on at least Normal, then Brooklyn Bank on at least Overkill.

Players without the Golden Grin DLC can complete the Golden Grin trophy by joining games hosted online, or by playing through the storyline. Note that playing the storyline (each part) is one time only, so do complete the "High Roller" achievement while doing the Golden Grin. Or use the Replayable Story Line[] mod.

3. Assembling the artifact
Once all 5 trophies are unlocked, enter the safehouse. Grab the medallion on the table in Duke's corner, and then interact with all 3 coffers, before assembling the artifact. The trophy unlocking sound should play, along with the autosave notification.

4. Piano Puzzle
The piano is located in Scarface's room and has to be upgraded to tier 3 by spending 36 continental coins. Once we have the piano, we will play the Hurrian Hymn No. 6 on it, by shooting the keys (best with a single-shot high accuracy gun. Refer to image). Once done, the trophy unlock sound will play, along with the autosave notification, and also the artifact changing to a different form.

Image - Piano puzzle solution
"The End" - Step 2 - Becoming Worthy
Video - "The End" Becoming Worthy

Continuing from the setup
After doing the Piano Puzzle as part of the setup, the artifact, from its moving animation, will come to a stop and become interactable. When interacted with, the obsidian plate will display text in an unknown language. Translating the text (using the Kataru font) will reveal a riddle, which points to an achievement. Further interaction with the artifact will reveal that it's a set of 20 riddles.

So by doing the Piano Puzzle, we are assigned 20 (picked from 57) achievements to complete, in order to become worthy (to access the secret area for "The End" achievement). 18 of these 57 are from DLCs but can be earned through Crime Spree, Storyline or joining a hosted game.

Important Notes
  • The unknown language, unlike English, is read from right to left.
  • Every player has their own set of 20 achievements.
  • Playing the Piano Puzzle assigns/re-assigns the 20 achievements for all players in the safehouse. So helping a friend to do the puzzle will activate their 20 achievements, and reassign ours.
  • Achievements completed before the assignment do not have to be done again. E.g. a player with 1129 achievements can just do the Piano Puzzle, then the White House heist.

Translating the texts/riddles/achievements
I'll keep this section spoiler free, and suggest the various ways to continue, based on the amount of effort that you the player, would want to invest, ranging from maximum effort to minimum.

1. Do everything
First screenshot all 20 texts from the artifact. Then use the Kataru font (see Resources), translate the texts, guess the riddles, do the achievements, then attempt the White House heist.

2. Skip translations
Use the "Secret Achievement Table English Translation" mod to make the obsidian plate text appear in English directly. So riddles, achievements, attempt White House heist.

3. Do them all
Doing all 57 achievements will guarantee worthiness. Check out the next few sections if you want to do the riddles, or just know which are the 57. My Achievement Tracker webpage can be used if non-mods are preferred.

4. Know the achievements directly
The mod "Secret Achievement Highlight & Filter", will directly point out the 20 achievements assigned, in the Achievements submenu (from main menu).
"The End" - Step 3 - Doing the Secret
Video - "The End" Doing the Puzzle

To access the secret area in the White House heist:
  • Play on at least Overkill difficulty (recommended).
  • Any number of players is fine as long as they pass the worthy check. Even solo (regardless of AI)
  • Worthy check is done:
    1. Start of heist
    2. When any player leaves/joins the game (even while in preplanning mode and not yet readied). Can be a little buggy, get players to rejoin if worthy and painting stops glowing.
    After the worthy check is done, the painting will immediately glow/unglow.
    Players do not have to play from start to get this achievement.
  • Interact with glowing painting in PEOC. Can be done anytime in the PEOC, even after grabbing presidential pardons.
    Note that once the painting is interacted with/removed, players cannot no longer join the game.

There is no requirements on this, so do it however we wish. Stealth is my personal preference as its quicker and we can spend pagers on all 3 guards in Oval Office area, as well as break cameras.

Once the C4 detonates it will go loud anyway but enemies won't spawn unless we approach the vault after entering the PEOC.

When AI gets stuck on the way to the lift, call them.

Puzzle area combat (Shadow Cloakers)
While doing the puzzle itself, Shadow Cloakers will continuously spawn. They are a bother, either continuously shooting at or attempting to charge/jumpkick criminals. My preferred setup to deal with them are Inspire (aced) and 4 sentries on AP mode with a secondary ammo bag, which will be enough to last the puzzle unless we constantly screwup. AI bots have unlimited ammo and will be a good choice. Bows/crossbows/melee though infinite, are too slow and impractical. Counterstrike (aced) works but cannot defend against consecutive Cloaker charges. Converts/hostages are unusable as they cannot follow and gets despawned (so no Hostage Taker regen). Stay between the levers instead of in the open to prevent Cloaker charges.
    Here's some other info on them:
  • On Overkill, they have 3000 HP or 133.33 head HP (22.5x headshot multiplier w perk card).
  • They do not drop ammo boxes.
  • They are specials but will be shouted at like regular enemies (no marking).
  • If trying to mark them, either go with sensor mines or aim at them with High Value Target (aced) though that is unnecessary.
  • Their charge/kick (like regular Cloakers) does not cost downs.

The puzzle consists of 4 riddles (chosen from a set of 13) and has to be completed with no mistakes, else it will reset back to the 1st riddle. The outermost ring will contain the riddle while the inner 3 rings are used to set the answer then submit, using the 4 levers (Image). Set the top or bottom ring first, then the middle ring.

Doing the puzzle can be tedious and I recommend either using the English Wheel[] mod (along with another guide with riddles and answers), or the Cheat Sheet guide.

Post-Puzzle Sequence (Spoiler free)
In the post-puzzle sequence, there are 5 possible chances to fail the mission and obviously we don't want to, after that long sequence of lever action.
  1. Taking too long to respond
    At one point there will be an objective to open the door by walking to the waypoint. Take too long and it's game over. Specifically, when the bad guy says "Last Chance", a 15 second countdown is already started. If you're savouring the story at this point, I recommend getting somewhat close to the waypoint but not approaching until you hear the "Last Chance" speech, it will leave us approximately 10 to 12 seconds to do the 3rd sequence, which is plenty of time.
  2. Getting too close
    After completing the 1st sequence, the stone door will lift up. Do not walk past where the door was or it will trigger the fail ending and will be unrecoverable.
    Spoiler: Image - Fail Area
  3. Missing shots
    After the door fully opens, we will return to a masked up state with weapons ready. From here, we have (depending on how long we took on the 1st sequence), anywhere from 3 to 54 seconds to shoot the antagonist in the head. We must kill (hit the head) within 1 second of firing the first shot/explosion or it will be an instant fail. The host, however, with a silenced weapon, will not trigger the fail sequence, thus recommended for host to do the shooting.
    Fun fact: The antagonist is code-wise, a prop and not an actual enemy, otherwise sentries will shoot at it, or induce other possible wacky scenarios.
  4. Losing loot
    There is a piece of loot involved during this phase. Simply put, don't lose it.
  5. Timer expires
    After killing the antagonist, we'd have to perform a series of interactions within a Point-of-no-return timer. I managed this comfortably even in ICTV. Don't dawdle and you'll be fine.

Post-Puzzle Sequence (Spoilers)
If you've already completed "The End", check out the following video for all the sequences possible as well as subtitles for the various voicelines.

Video - "The End" (All Sequences)

Post-Secret Rewards
Completing the secret achievement grants the true ending, which is unlocked as a free DLC (restart Payday 2, let the DLC download and check "Movie Theatre" in main menu). We will also get the 2 Shadow Cloaker masks. If we have already completed the secret before Update 196, we can get the masks by playing the secret again up till starting the puzzle, then quitting the mission (interacting with the wheel to start Shadow Cloaker spawns).
"The End" - List: Riddles
Platinum Card and Making A Statement are incorrect and have been corrected on my lists.

Credits to Harald 3 March, Marc Tomasek and Dunsch for creating the list of riddles and answers.

Credits to Xanaguy The Legend, VintageKeith, Jared Morris, tiago brandao, Rawk Hawk, Dusk Hellhound, ALC251, ben the chemist, Atrix, Lexicon25 for riddles and answers.

Translated them myself due to minor errors in the originals. Punctuation is left out on purpose for better searching.
Answers to the riddles are in spoiler tags.

When the four thieves stole precious rocks from the small store they left before the law could get to the scene.
Diamonds Are Forever

In the house of capitalism the four thieves stole a large amount of valuables before making their escape.
A Good Haul

Under the cover of night and shadows the thieves stole many bags of valuables and not a single drop of blood was spilled.
I Will Pass Through Walls

The four thieves placed their loot in the street then a large bird came and took it all in one single swoop.
All Eggs in One Basket

The four thieves guarded the innocent until they made their escape with the valuable bounty from the house of carbon.
Hostage Situation

From a well guarded transport the four thieves found out about a secret shipment containing a valuable weapon.
But Wait - There's More!

As the four thieves stole the valuable weapon they also took all the munitions they could find.
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

When the four thieves were asked to destroy a large store their actions were as fast as they were devastating
Self Checkout

The four thieves strolled down the street cleaning out each shop they passed despite every effort the law could not stop them.
Stomping Grounds

Great value rained from the sky and the four thieves opened many packages in their quest for riches
What's in the Box?

The four thieves stole a valuable head ornament so fast that no one had a chance to react.
Let's Do Th...

The four thieves were asked to steal something very dangerous they took everything of value and left nothing behind.
They Don’t Pay Us Enough

As the earth shook the four thieves stole ten boxes of great value.
Bring it Back Safe

As people were dancing to the music the four thieves crept through the shadows and stole what was locked away.
Let them Boogie

As the snow fell, the fours thieves attacked a large store and took everything of value.
The Grinch

The four thieves were surrounded on the docks but they kept their enemies away from the loot until it was all sent away
Out Of Bounds

On the day that burned the four thieves absconded with all the elements of death.
Lord of War

In an old abandoned house the four thieves made as much blue as they could with the resources available.
Full Measure

The four thieves with all their wit could identify the mechanism they needed to steal with the greatest of ease.
Doctor Fantastic

Under the cover of darkness the four thieves quietly stole the valuable metal and replaced it with white dust.
I Wasn't Even There!

The four thieves influenced the world around them and changed the course of society without anyone ever finding out.
I'm a Swinger

The four thieves robbed the largest bank ever built without alerting the law.
Don't Bring the Heat

A house full of thugs and lowlifes could not stop the four thieves from reaching their target.
Walk Faster

The four thieves held their ground as their friend worked and because of their efforts he was completely uninterrupted.
Watch The Power Switch!

When the four thieves were betrayed their revenge was precise and quiet no one knew they had been there until it was too late.
Silent But Deadly

The four thieves stole a rare rock of great value and importance without anyone noticing that they were there.
Cat Burglar

The four thieves attacked the house of smiles and fortune they quickly opened the vault and found their goal.
High Roller

By the docks the four thieves went about their business without interruptions.
I've Got the Power

In the forest the four thieves kept the pipe from the river intact.
Pump It Up

The four thieves attacked the mansion with great speed and ferocity.
Settling a Scar

As the party was in full swing the four thieves went about their business and none ever knew they were there.
Sound of Silence

The four thieves once created for themselves a large fortune.
Dr. Evil

The hidden vault was hard to find and difficult to open but the four thieves worked together and claimed the legendary treasure.

While stealing a bomb from a train the four thieves did not spill a single drop of blood.
The Pacifist

As the liquid turned to vapor the four thieves watched over the dead never letting their power be taken away thereby staving off the darkness.
Remember, No Russian

The four thieves stole goats and hidden treasures once the deed was done they quickly made their escape together.
Hazzard County

The four thieves guarded the packers as they prepared the next shipment even as the law came charging in.
Santa Slays Slackers

When stealing from the saddlers workshop the four thieves did so in a great hurry.
Gone in 240 Seconds

The four thieves attacked a train in motion they quickly made it to the last car stole what they were after and made it back to their escape.
Full Throttle

A room full of riches a house full of thugs The four thieves were quick and deadly and before anyone knew it all the thugs were dead.
Quick Draw

The four thieves made their way through the abandoned building and quickly found their charge.
A Rendezvous With Destiny

The four thieves did not spill blood while on the boat.

The four thieves interrupted a deal of great value but even though they were surrounded and cornered no one fell in the onslaught that followed.
Not Even Once

Surrounded the four thieves overcame grave danger and escaped the house of massacre.
Puts the "S" in Laughterhouse

The four thieves snuck into the mountain keep and they stole everything of value kept there.
Clean House

On the day they came into the world flying through the heavens the four thieves all fell together.
1... 2... 3... JUMP!

The four thieves were surrounded in the street but they fought their way through the onslaught of enemies and not a single innocent was harmed.
It's Nice To Be Nice
"The End" - List: Riddles (cont.)
As the four thieves rescued the incarcerated man they shot the large bird that tried to stop them from sending the man to safety.
Attacked Helicopter

In a place of ice and snow the four thieves made their vessel seaworthy without the guards being able to stop them.
The Fuel Must Flow

The four thieves overcame incredible difficulties in obtaining the blood stained jewel.
Blood Diamond

In the famous store for rings and rare stones the four thieves took everything of value despite the best efforts of the law.
Waste Not, Want Not

For every month in the year the four thieves would take tribute from the institution.
All the Gold in Brooklyn

The four thieves understood the importance of never letting the quarry out of your sight until the task of destroying your nemesis is complete.

As the four thieves emerged from the mountain they were met by a hail of bullets but they easily outmatched their foes.
Hack This!

The four thieves found someone who deserved their respect.
Press [F] to Pay Respects

When the four thieves came to the aid of their long lost friend they knew darkness was their ally.
Beacon of.. nope

In a place of healing the four thieves stole a vial of vile blood with speed and threats they keep all the people under control.
Keeping the Cool
"The End" - List: Achievements
Platinum Card and Making A Statement are incorrect and have been corrected on my lists.

Alphabetical order of the 57 achievements. Avoid reading if you want to do the translation and riddles. 18 of these 57 are from DLCs but can be earned through Crime Spree, Storyline or joining a hosted game.

1... 2... 3... JUMP!
A Good Haul
A Rendezvous With Destiny
All Eggs in One Basket
All the Gold in Brooklyn
Attacked Helicopter
Beacon of.. nope
Blood Diamond
Bring it Back Safe
But Wait - There's More!
Cat Burglar
Clean House
Diamonds Are Forever
Doctor Fantastic
Don't Bring the Heat
Dr. Evil
Full Measure
Full Throttle
Gone in 240 Seconds
Hack This!
Hazzard County
High Roller
Hostage Situation
I Wasn't Even There!
I Will Pass Through Walls
I'm a Swinger
I've Got the Power
It's Nice To Be Nice
Keeping the Cool
Let them Boogie
Let's Do Th...
Lord of War
Not Even Once
Out Of Bounds
Press [F] to Pay Respects
Pump It Up
Puts the "S" in Laughterhouse
Quick Draw
Remember, No Russian
Santa Slays Slackers
Self Checkout
Settling a Scar
Silent But Deadly
Sound of Silence
Stomping Grounds
The Fuel Must Flow
The Grinch
The Pacifist
They Don’t Pay Us Enough
Walk Faster
Waste Not, Want Not
Watch The Power Switch!
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
What's in the Box?
Misc: 4-men masks
  • Can be done without a full team (AI must fulfill mask requirements, see notes below).
  • All achievement hunters must play from start.
  • Watch out when switching profiles.
  • If the wrong mask is worn due to profile switching, restart the day (not the full contract).

Solo or partial team
As of Update 199.6, a full team is no longer required. For partial teams, ensure that the host sets up the AI properly as AI teammates are replaced from the end i.e. player two replaces 3rd bot, player three replaces 2nd bot. Just to clarify, these are the ones:
  • Reindeer Games
  • Ghost Riders
  • Funding Father
  • Four Monkeys
  • Unusual Suspects
  • Sounds of Animals Fighting
  • Wind of Change
  • Riders On the Snowstorm
  • Honor Among Thieves
  • Animal Kingdom

Ghost Riders
Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different difficulty mask each.

Any of the 7 difficulty masks + One Down mask can be worn. The One Down mask however, cannot. (credits to fragtrane).

Reindeer Games
Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Christmas soundtrack or community ”Santa” mask each.

Happy Santa is in the community tab, while the others are in the first row of DLC tab. The DLC is free.
Misc: Accuracy
Accuracy refers to the number of hits vs shots. So 1 shotgun shot hitting 3 enemies at a time counts as 300%, but this is true only for regular ammo or 000 Buckshot.

  • Slugs and HE shells are work differently and will not be fully researched.
  • Damage-over-time (DoTs) like fire/poison are complicated as well and will not be researched.
  • Melee, sentries, bots and converts do not affect your accuracy stat.

Crew Accuracy is the same as accuracy but simply averages the accuracy among all players. Note that if we only melee throughout the heist it will count as 0% so fire at least 1 meaningful shot.

Playing on Normal difficulty is the best as Tazers don't spawn as part of the assault force.

Don't You Dare Miss
Complete Panic Room on any difficulty with a total crew hit accuracy above 200%

Video - Don't You Dare Miss (Solo/No DLC)

Solo-able. Use the grenade launcher once and then melee/sentry/converts your way to the end of the heist.

120 Proof
Kill 120 or more enemies in any day in a heist, with you and your four man crew having at least 120% crew accuracy at the end of the heist.

Drop-in allowed. Requires 4 players when completing the heist. The 120 kill count requirement is the total of all human players (gun/melee/sentry/throwables), not individual.

Shotguns 101
Complete any heist by killing at least 50 enemies and getting 101% accuracy or above using any shotgun. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the M1014 shotgun.

Video - Easy Shotguns 101

Shots fired must be from shotguns, but everything else is permissible (melee/sentry/grenades). Kill count is personal so bots/converts don't add up. Slugs and HE shells doesn't add up as intended and will not be researched so avoid them. Stick with regular ammo or 000 Buckshot and try to get a double kill.

Civilians count as part of the kills and accuracy (what?), so load up a short heist (Ukrainian Job on Normal with shaped charges), get a multi-kill on the civis with the shotgun and then melee/sentry/grenade our way to 50 kills when the cops start spawning.

A kill counter can help, otherwise just manually count while using melee/throwables. Awarded on successful day end, regardless if escape mission occurs or not.

Kills-in-a-row/No-missed-shots/others achievements
Easiest way to do this is to play on Normal (if the achievement allows), least specials and weak cops. Either use an electric melee to stun first for close up headshots or dominate them to set up our headshots.

Spray Control
Kill 32 enemies without reloading with the Tatonka Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "War Balaclava" mask, "Russian Camouflage" material and "Red Star" pattern.

The Tatonka, at 80 damage, on Normal difficulty, can 1-body shot lights and 1-headshot heavies. If headshots are not your thing, go Berserker/Frenzy with Body Expertise.

Celsius or Fahrenheit?
Kill 10 enemies in a row, without missing, while switching between the regular sight and the 45 Degree Red Dot Sight after each kill on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Basic rules:
  • 45 Degree Red Dot Sight only (Gage Spec Ops Pack), Riktpunkt (community) one doesn't work. By extension, a sight must be equipped as well.
  • Must be a killing shot, non-civilian. Medic heals count as non-killing.
  • Must aim down sights when shot fired (default hold right-click).
  • Must not miss.

Advanced rules:
  • Snipers will fail the streak due to piercing mechanics (spawns a second bullet which if kills someone, fails due to wrong sight and if miss, fails as well).
  • For snipers, only primary shot is checked, the secondaries (piercing/graze) shots are ignored and will not disrupt the count.
  • Switching to secondary cancels the streak. Only weapon that ignores this is the Little Friend GL, which can be switched/fired with no consequence.
  • Melee, throwables (all types) are ignored.

Easiest to taze/melee, shout at (surrender stage 1), then headshot. Rinse and repeat.

No Scope
Kill 10 enemies in a row by shooting them in the head with the Platypus 70 Sniper Rifle while not aiming down the sights. Unlocks the “Tane” mask, “Sancti” material and “Tribal Face” pattern.

The following are ok and will not interrupt the chain:
  • Melee/explosive/fire kills
  • Non-fatal body shots
  • Missing
Again, since melee kills are ignored, the easiest way is to taze and dominate. That way we won't miss.

Trophy - Snipe It
Complete the Watchdogs heist using only sniper rifles, with an accuracy of 100% or above.

Normal is again, your best friend (no Tazers). Kill any regular police (40 HP) with a body shot and then we can melee/converts/sentries/bots our way to the end of Day 1. Repeat for Day 2.

Personal trophy so other players can play with any setup.
  • need_full_job = true
  • used_weapon_category = Sniper
  • total_accuracy = 100
  • equipped:
    • primaries = Sniper
Misc: Christmas 2020
Video - Only For Us Naughty Heisters

Only For Us Naughty Heisters
Find the hidden presents in the Border Crossing, San Martín Bank, Breakfast in Tijuana, and Buluc's Mansion jobs. Unlocks the "Mega Sangres" mask.

Find the present and pick up the mask within. No need to complete the heist so just take and quit the contract. Do it for all 4 heists to unlock the achievement. The presents can also be found on Border Crystals and is easier to do on since it starts directly in Mexico. Each heist has 3 possible locations:
Misc: Defense
As always, do on the lowest difficulty possible. Sentries/Converts whenever possible. AI Bots are a double-edged option. If doing solo with bots, consider doing on Crime NET offline as armour recovery is faster plus Winters doesn't spawn.

Being the host is usually a better option, as latency can allow cops to disrupt objectives on the host end even before the client can react. It is not uncommon to have cops pull the power long before they reach the powerbox.

Other than what the sentries claim or are designed/advertised to do, the AI kind of goes stupid whenever a sentry is deployed, even when we're are using them in a non-abusive manner. And assuming it didn't, it is still a good option. For solo-ing, sentries is usually a must-have.

Whether or not to use AP mode depends on the placement. If the sentries can shoot far, AP mode is more ammo efficient. If the sentry is defending close range, non-AP mode is recommended as AP mode might be too slow to take out enemies and allow them to sprint past.

For example, in Golden Grin, the power point on the second floor is in a small alcove. When placing sentries there, it is best to be in regular mode.

Tripmines, compared to sentries, are less economical, non-replenishable and harder to utilize. However, they offer more burst and AOE damage, both explosive and fire (Fire Trap). A good complement to the sentry.

Assault size
The size of the assault is based on the number of able/alive players in the game when the assault starts. So more players might not mean a good thing if they cannot hold their own weight. Bots as well, add to the assault size. as total bots - 1. So 1 player and 3 bots are equal to 3 players worth of enemies. So best combination for bots/players are 3 players and 1 bot or 2 players 2 bots for a 3 player-sized assault. (credits to fragtrane for info). For a solo player, minus one from the bot count. i.e. a solo player with 3 bots will count as 3 player assault size (1 + (3-1)). For multiplayer, bots count as per normal so 2 players + 2 bots = 4 player assault size.

Bots on the other hand, act as more than a sentry and bring boosts as well, so try both options and see which works for us. As mentioned earlier, sentries are a good option because they don't contribute to the assault size yet add firepower, although it has to be micromanaged.

Bot weapons
I haven't tested every weapon yet, but the Steakout (or Izhma if no DLC) has the highest DPS for ranges under 10m, making it ideal for defense.

Perk Deck
I would ask to consider Muscle for the panic ability. This allows better defending as it can stall approaching enemies.

For area defense type achievements, converts won't void them.

City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears
Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist without having the Big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Drill ever break in loud. Unlocks the "Murmillo Galea Helmet" mask, "Casino" material and "Royale" pattern.

Video - High Roller (Loud) & City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears

As long as the drill has to be restarted, it counts as a fail.

The following preplanning options are recommended:
  • BFD Upgrade - Additional Engine Power. This cuts the default drilling time from 7 minutes, to 5 minutes. Less time needed to defend means less chances of breaking.
  • BFD Upgrade - Improved Cooling System. By default, the water tanks can last for 60 seconds each and needs 30 seconds to refill. After the 1st minute, the 1st water tank runs out and we'll be shuttling about to refill the tanks almost continuously until the drilling completes. With this upgrade, the water tank will last 120 seconds. With Additional Engine Power drilling time at 5 minutes, we will only need to refill the tank once. Less refilling equals more time to guard. With this, we also don't have to worry about overheating.
  • BFD Attachment - Extra Battery. This upgrade reduces the powerpoint usage from 2 to 1. Less to defend.

WIth the recommended preplanning, the only time we spend away from the drill is to refill the water tank once. Less sentries will be spread so we can have more sentries per defend location. On Normal, this is simple.

I've Got the Power
In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, don't let the enemies cut the power. Unlocks the "Long Slide" for the LEO pistol.

Video - I've Got the Power

Powerbox count; N/H/VH/OVK, 2/3/4/5. Use the Preplanning option "Backup - Computer Glitch Routine" to cut the hack time from 300s to 200s.

If we can stealth the keycards & gates quickly before going loud, it can skip the C4 objective to save some time. Otherwise, take "Ace Pilot" to reduce the wait from 3m25s to 2m25s. Having Ilija on either side (left/right) can help too.

Do-able in Crime Spree (OVK) or Storyline (VH) for players without the DLC, but the easiest is still to do on Normal for easier enemies and only 2 powerboxes. The computer does not get targeted so just focus on the powerboxes.

Afraid of the Dark
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, while doing plan B, don't let law enforcers pull the power.

Video - Afraid of the Dark

Achievement is awarded on the hack finishing, no need to play from the start.
Cops only disrupt the breakers, so the computer can be ignored. Breaker count; N - OVK/MH+, 2/3. 10 possible breaker locations (see video).

I like to stealth a little to open the server doors first. There will be a soft beeping that can be heard from outside the door, except when it's in the kitchen. Keycards can be used to open the door quickly. Keycard count; N - OVK/MH+, 2/1. 7 possible keycard locations (see video).

Then I'll set up my defenses (sentries and AI) before starting the 400 second hack.

Let the Man Work
In the first day of The Biker Heist job, let Mike the mechanic finish the bike without any interruptions on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks "The Classic mask", "Hotrod" material and "Engine" Pattern.

2 cops will always be tasked to interrupt the mechanic when he's assembling. When either cop is dead/dominated, another will be tasked to take his place. The special-parts objective in the garage (if selected) also counts as part of the achievement. The interruption is instant/near-instant so watch out.

Achievement is only granted on escape/completion of day 1. Need not play from the start, so we can invite friends without the achievement to come in for the achievement while waiting at the escape.

Basement Dwellers
Don't let the cops enter the printing room on the Counterfeit job until the safe is opened on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Achievement unlocks when the C4 explodes. Converts entering the print room is safe.

Stealth as much as possible and get a hostage before it goes loud to delay the first assault. Try to engage enemies at the stairs, Bulldozers especially, so they don't sprint into the print room.

Consider doing without AI if the spawn limit too much to handle. If the objectives are too far away to risk (water valve, power box), consider doing them during assault breaks.
Misc: Defense (cont.)
Private Party
In the Jewelry store job, don't let the cops enter the jewelry store until the van comes back on OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "DMR Kit AMR-16" and the "L5 Magazine" for the CAR weapon family, "Vincent" mask, "Feathers" material and "Dinosaur Scars" pattern.

Video - Easy Private Party Solo

Only the store front is checked, so the back rooms and the tiny corridor are safe from the cloaker vent spawns. The cloakers also usually head to the back and then leave anyway. Security guards are excluded from the list of units to check against so they are safe as well.

Found an easier method after revisiting it in 2021 (see video). The van takes 2m47s to 3m to return, while the assault takes 2m to start, or 2m30s with a hostage before going loud. Just 3 AI holding position outside the store front is enough, while we AFK. Long range & accurate weapons like the Reinfeld and the Piercing Crew Ability for shields is enough.

Get Off My Property
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, keep the law enforcers from entering the warehouse until Twitch arrives with the escape van.

Video - Get Off My Property

Just to clear it up, this is in playing order, the first day, in the warehouse with Mr Blonde and the cop. Achievement unlocks shortly after Twitch arrives.

The rightmost window needs to be secured as early as possible as enemies will enter through it swiftly if unguarded. Planks do not work so don't bother with them.

For sentry spots, as long as there are 2 on the rightmost window, the rest aren't too critical and can be spread as we'd like. The morgue can be ignored as it's only enabled after the achievement fails.

I prefer to do this without bots as they are double-edged, being better than sentries but causing more cops to spawn and increases load on sentries.

As for objectives, just ensure sentries are topped up before making a move. Saws will take 45 seconds, or just wait for a character to something like "It's done". Replace the saw and return or if the diamonds are found, just return with 1 bag, secure it and continue protecting the warehouse until Twitch arrives to unlock the achievement.

The two zones checked for in this achievement are behind the windows in the warehouse.

Image - 2 sentries in windows, road side
Image - 2 sentries in windows, car park side
Image - 2 sentries, 1 AP 1 regular, morgue
Image - Rightmost window, don't leave unguarded

Image - Zone 1
Image - Zone 2

The Raid Gang
Complete the Safe House Raid job and don't let the cops pick up any bags on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

One way to raise the odds in our favour is to restart until we get a good money pile spot. Either Duke's corner on the second floor or the corner behind the van is good since there are less paths for cops.

I Am the One Who Knocks
On day 1 of the Rats job, cook 3 bags worth of meth without letting any law enforcer enter the house.

Video - I Am The One Who Knocks

Achievement unlocks when the 3rd set of meth crystals appear on the tray for bagging. Converts don't void the achievement.

Here are some tips for the heist itself:
  • On Normal difficulty, 3 bots with Izhma and the shield piercing crew ability will be enough to handle the assault on their own when positioned properly, leaving the human player alone to concentrate on cooking.
  • Good position for bots to hold position are as follows; outside the 2 doorways on first floor and one at the back of the house, at the corner like an L-shape. See image.
  • Planks are recommended to cover the small room in the second floor due to an RNG event that can ruin the achievement: checked at the end of every assault wave if all human players are in the house, 40% chance to spawn 2 rappelling cops directly into the small room. Happens only once per game. Event disabled by planking both windows.
  • Watch out for helicopters arriving (listen for the whirring). The green Bulldozer has to be taken out as soon as possible in case he sprints past the bot into the house, this will happen repeatedly. The heli that stops above the roof will drop 2 cops onto the balcony, this happens once per heist. Take out them quickly. See images.
Image - Bot recommended positions
GIF - RNG event, 2 rappelling cops
Image - Planked windows, 2nd floor small room
Image - Helicopter with Bulldozer
Image - Helicopter at roof
Misc: Defense (cont.)
Remember, No Russian
In the Boiling Point job, scan all 4 bodies without letting the mercenaries turn off the power or stop the scanner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Hunters have to play from the start. Awarded upon 4th body scanned. Achievement is only voided when power box or scan bed is interrupted.

The lone power box and scan bed can only be interrupted when a body is being scanned, so there's no need to rush. We can take our time to locate the power box, replace our sentries or break the enemy turret when no scan is happening.

Each scan takes 90 seconds, so for those who need an extra boost can begin scans during assault breaks. Remember to prolong them with hostages.

There's no special objectives to interrupt the scan, so this can be easy if enemies spawn away from the power box or scan bed.

Watch The Power Switch!
On day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout job, don't let the cops turn off the power while Hoxton is in the server room on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Awarded on escape. Only 1 powerbox will be present, and will have to be defended during Hoxton's 4 server hacks, so it can be left alone in between, like during the random objectives (find server, find evidence etc). Cops may have some delay to the powerbox due to travel time and the interrupt animation will still play during random objectives but this is ok (visual only, does nothing) and will not void the achievement.

Pump It Up
In the Bomb: Forest heist, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump. Unlocks the "Tech Lion" mask, "Marble Rock" material and "Lion Game Lion" pattern.

Video - Pump It Up

The 4 train wagons closer to the left of the map uses the helicopter, while the others towards the right uses the river pump (Image - Train Wagon Map), so we'd want the vault on the right side. The Better Pump preplanning option reduces the fill time from 5m to 2m 40s. Demolition Expert can also be useful to spawn wagons on the right. Only the 3 hose-to-hose connections need to be defended, the generator and train can be ignored.

Image - Train Wagon Map

The Fuel Must Flow
In the Alaskan Deal job don't let the cops cut off the flow of fuel from the tank to the ship on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Global Warming + The Fuel Must Flow

After starting the generator, both the tank and pump must be defended for 2 minutes and the achievement is awarded when time is up. The pump should be watched more closely as it takes only 1.5s to be interrupted, compared to the pump's 4s.

No special scripting is set to interrupt, which means any enemy close by will interrupt. 1 enemy within 20 metres of each objective will be selected to disrupt it. Bulldozers for some reason, don't.
Misc: EQ - Notes
I have decided to include game-level code after some deliberation as I might commit errors while translating them. Instead I'll include my translations/notes above the game-level code.

These are individual game logic checks and can be combined to form its own unique logic.

Equipment brought by all players (need not be full team of 4), excludes bots. So bots are allowed any equipment as long as the other requirements allow bots as well. All players in the game are checked at the end (or every day if multi-day).

There is a workaround for this requirement. Players can join with any setup as long as they leave before the day/heist ends, or rejoin with the correct setup. The downside is that players who do so will not get awarded the trophy/achievement, so this workaround is purely a carry role. Of course, players may rotate hosts. E.g. Players A and B get Scrap Metal Trophy carried by players C and D, then rotate. Useful for difficult achievements/trophies, especially Scrap Metal.

However, this workaround doesn't work for 2 specific daily jobs, as checks are done when players leave. Kind of odd I know. The two daily jobs is the Shadow Raid in ICTV, and the dual-saw armoured transport ones.

Heister character used by players only, check performed end of game, both drop-ins and from-lobbys.

need_full_job and complete_job
The achievement hunter player must minimally join from the preplanning screen (not yet started). Must be in day 1 if multiday. Players dropping in mid game will not get the achievement. E.g. host plus 3 drop-ins, only host will get achievement. However, this flag is redundant/moot, since all achievements that use this requires play-from-start by default.

Regardless of by bot or players. This counts all kills happening in the game, not by individual.

Personal stats. So other players/bots/converts killing is ok. e.g. Beneath the Mountain, Trophy - Humanitarian (no medic kills) is personal so other players killing them is ok. Blow-Out (dual GL achievement), other players can kill with grenades/melee but not the achievement hunter.

Grenade/explosive kills
Regardless of type of damage dealt, either bullet (projectile throwables), explosive or whatnot, the game counts them as grenade kills. Grenade and rocket launchers though, counts as killed_by_weapon. Barrel explosion kills are not counted, so we can relax around them.

Tripmine kills
Tripmine kills, very oddly is unclassified. The kill counts are still awarded to the owner, but it is neither weapon, melee or grenade.

Firetrap kills (tripmines)
Firetrap kills on the other hand, are considered "weapon" class and specifically "environmental fire". Credits to Wolf for alerting me on this.

Vehicular, environmental and dot kills
Not researched. Will revisit if needed.

Heist must end in that state. For stealthable heists with a loud requirement, it can be partially stealthed first, then ended in loud.

This records down weapons that are fired by human players. Shots fired are checked against this requirement and then voided if wrong. So going pacifist/melee/grenades or without firing primary and secondary is possible if other requirements allows.

Number of human players in game, checked at the end of the heist.

It's a global check, so no enemy can receive melee type damage. The following count as melee type damage: Non-electric melee and Shockproof (basic). And the rest do not count and are safe: Electric melee (EBK/Buzzer), Shockproof (aced), Counterstrike, Shock and Awe (aced).
Misc: EQ - Bots allowed
For this entire section, AI bots are allowed (any weapons), since they are not checked by the equipment requirements.

Black Tie Event
Complete the Birth of Sky job, have the entire crew use only pistols and Two Piece Suits on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. You have to have been in the heist from start to receive this achievement.

Old achievement that must have been left outdated. Any akimbo works, even SMGs and shotguns.
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • secondary_category = Pistol
    • armor = Suit
    • primary_category = Akimbo

We Are Rockstars On This Job
Complete the Watchdogs job with each crew member using no skills, wielding the AMCAR Rifle and Chimano 88 Pistol on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0
    • primaries = AMCAR
    • secondaries = Chimano 88

Global Warming
Complete the Alaskan Deal job with all crew members using only Flamethrowers.

Video - Global Warming + The Fuel Must Flow

BBQ Pack DLC only, the community flamethrower doesn't count for this. Don't fire the secondary.
  • everyone_killed_by_grenade = 0
  • everyone_killed_by_melee = 0
  • equipped_team:
    • primary = Flamethrower
  • everyone_used_weapon_category = Flamethrower

When in Russia... Do as the Russians Do
Complete the Boiling Point job while having your crew wear the "Russian Hat" mask and "Golden AK.762" assault rifle on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • primaries = Golden AK.762
    • masks = Russian Hat

We Do It Live!
Complete the Framing Frame job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Platypus 70 sniper rifles and Judge shotguns.

If switching profiles, ensure they fulfill requirements. If wrong, a restart is ok.
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0
    • armor = Suit
    • primaries = Platypus
    • secondaries = Judge

For Daisy
Complete the Firestarter job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with your crew using only Pistols. Unlocks the "Daisy" mask, "Dog Fur" material and "Daisies" pattern.

Video - Blow-Out & For Daisy (No DLC)

If switching profiles, ensure they fulfill requirements. If wrong, a restart is ok.
Interesting to note, game code checks for shots fired, not equipped weapons. Possible to go full pacifist and bring other weapons as long as shots not fired. A saw cannot be used for objectives since that counts as firing, use shaped charges instead. Do-able with bots as their shots are not tracked. Since U240.3, any pistol/akimbo pistols can be used, removing the need for DLC.
  • need_full_job = true
  • everyone_killed_by_melee = 0
  • everyone_killed_by_grenade = 0
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • shots_by_weapon:
    • Akimbo pistols or Pistol

Apartment Sniper
Complete the Brooklyn 10-10 job from start, by having all team members using Sniper Rifles and the OVE9000 saws on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • primary_category = Sniper
    • secondaries = Saw

Pumped Up and Jolly
Complete the Santa’s Workshop job having all players in the crew only use shotguns. Unlocks the “Christmas Cap” mask.

Akimbo shotguns work.
  • equipped_team:
    • secondary_category = "shotgun"
    • primary_category = "shotgun"

United We Heist
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Overkill difficulty or above using only the Union 5.56 Rifle.

Video - United We Heist + Waste Not Want Not

The entire team must not deal any melee type damage to enemies, which includes Shockproof (basic). The following are ok: Counterstrike, Shockproof (aced), Shock and Awe (aced). It is best to avoid Shockproof altogether, letting teammates rescue from Tazers. Mods that enable bots to melee should be avoided.

The Union equip/firing check is personal so the rest of the team (human/AI) does not need to follow. Grenades, sentries and converts are safe to use.

Electric melee used to not be counted as melee until the recent taze grenade update and can no longer be used.

Scavenger (aced), Fully Loaded (aced), Sharpeyed (crew ability), Gambler perk deck or Sentries can be helpful to maintain ammo efficiency. My favourite build is Berserker/Frenzy and Body Expertise, the Union modded to at least 64 damage to one-shot commons/Shields and two-shot medics/Tazers/Cloakers.
  • melee_used = false
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • weapons_used = Union 5.56
  • equipped:
    • primaries = Union 5.56

Tabula Rasa
In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist on OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Golden AK.762 rifles and Chicago Typewriter submachine guns. Unlocks a new skill slot.
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0
    • armor = Suit
    • primaries = Golden AK.762
    • secondaries = Chicago Typewriter SMG

Complete the Undercover job on OVERKILL difficulty or above, using only a grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

Video - Blow-Out & For Daisy (No DLC)

This is a personal achievement, so players can just join any hosted game from lobby and play with grenade/rocket launchers, with a combination of bots, converts and sentries. Exploding barrels doesn't matter even if it kills enemies. Version 6 of the "Tweakdata Fixed" mod messes with this achievement, disable it temporarily.

Doesn't unlock using Crime Spree.

Technically able to go pacifist while holding a saw (in case of Taser) and breaking the cables with throwing cards, but safer to bring the community GL. Bots/converts and sentries can be used to supplement firepower.

An easy way would be for friends to host, while the no DLC achievement hunter goes into custody for the entire game.
  • Full team not required.
  • Must play the full job.
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • killed_by_melee = 0
  • killed_by_grenade = 0
  • used_weapon_category - Grenade/rocket launchers
Misc: EQ - Bots allowed (cont.)
Trophy - Golden Grin
Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist on DEATHWISH difficulty or above, equipped with only silenced pistols.

Arguably a difficult heist to stealth, plus we're forced to go without shotguns, so going loud may be easier for some. Since bots are not checked against the requirements, they can help greatly.

Individual equipment check, so other players need not do the same.
  • difficulty = deathwish_and_above,
  • used_weapon_category = "pistol"
  • equipped:
    • primaries:
      • category = "pistol"
      • blueprint_part_data = Silencer
    • secondaries:
      • category = "pistol"
      • blueprint_part_data = Silencer

Trophy - Failed Assassination
Complete the Undercover heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, with each crew member using only sniper rifles, no skills, and wearing the Two-Piece Suit.

Video - Failed Assassination

This is a fairly tough trophy. Easiest to complete with AI (any weapon) as they have good killing power. Explosive barrel kills won't void. Melee is ok as long as the strike doesn't kill. Concussion grenades are ok. Trophy hunters must play from start.

Non-host players can help carry the rest, through exploiting the requirements by coming in with any setup (sentries/converts allowed, bringing and firing a sniper rifle), but quitting before escape. It is a little bit pointless as the AI could do the same.
  • everyone_killed_by_melee = 0
  • everyone_killed_by_grenade = 0
  • everyone_used_weapon_category = Sniper
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above,
  • equipped_team:
    • armor = Suit
    • num_skills = 0
    • primary_category = Sniper

Trophy - Staying Alive
Complete the Nightclub heist using only tripmines to kill enemies.

Video - Staying Alive

Another curious trophy. We don't have to kill using tripmines at all, just bring it. The kill check is also a personal one, so bots/converts/other players works. All players have to bring tripmines though.

Tripmine kills are oddly unclassified but fire from the Firetrap skill are considered weapons so don't skill it for this trophy. Credits to Wolf for the discovery.
  • killed_by_weapons = 0
  • killed_by_melee = 0
  • killed_by_grenade = 0
  • equipped_team:
    • deployable = Tripmines

Boston Saints
Complete the Big Oil job, with at least one other player, all using suits and Akimbo Bernetti 9 Pistols on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Purely an equipment check, so any secondary weapon (skills) works if pistols is not our thing. Shotguns, SMGs etc.
  • num_players = 2
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • armor = Suit
    • primaries = Akimbo Bernetti 9

Shuriken Shenanigans
Complete a single day of a heist in stealth using only the Shuriken throwable and killing at least 4 enemies. Unlocks the "Kuro Zukin" mask, "Bamboo" material and "Koi" pattern.

Personal achievement, best done solo. Be sure to not kill civilians. Easy heists to do on are Jewelry Store and Ukrainian Job.
  • killed_by_weapons = 0
  • stealth = true
  • killed_by_melee = 0
  • killed_by_grenade = 4
  • civilians_killed = 0
  • equipped = Shuriken throwable

Trophy - Clueless
Complete the Big Bank Heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, with no crew member using any skills.

Only check is on zero skills, everything else is fine.
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0

This Calls for a Round of Sputniks!
In the Ukrainian Prisoner job, kill at least 100 enemies with a sniper rifle and complete the level with 100% or higher accuracy on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - This Calls for a Round of Sputniks!

Personal achievement and drop-in is allowed so feel free to join any loud game in progress without coordinating with the other players. We have to achieve at least 100 kills by sniper and at least 100% personal accuracy. Using anything else is permitted (grenades/melee/secondary etc).

Warning: Graze contribute to the kills, but not the accuracy. Purely relying on Graze may result in failing the accuracy requirement. I still recommend going without Graze.

100 kills is comfortable to achieve, playing actively should result in around 150 to 200 kills from start to end. Weapon-wise, I like the Platypus (or anything that does 480 damage) as it kills all commons and shields in one shot. As for accuracy, there are a couple of ways to maintain it.

Multi-hits: Note that its hits, not kills, so hitting Bulldozers, units being revived by medics or even the SWAT turret will not reduce accuracy. As much as possible, try to line up enemies for multi-hits with a single bullet. Don't worry too much about missing shots, as every double hit we achieve makes up for a miss.

Spawn-camping: Almost everywhere in the heist has spawn locations with 4 to 5 units spawning in a line most of the time. That's an easy 4 or 5 hits with a single bullet, make use of these spots.

Grenade launchers: The accuracy calculation is a bit iffy on clients, but it should still work well to improve overall accuracy on enemy clusters, especially the scripted spawn group of 5 light SWATs almost everywhere after the security gate.

Saw, Melee & Throwables: Worst case scenario if we are bad with snipers, is to hold a secondary saw (spend it all on enemies) and then use melee and throwables for the rest of the heist so Tazers can't mess up our accuracy. As for farming the sniper kills, any enemy spawn zone will work fine. The safest albeit slow location, is all the way north, left turn at the first choice (see video at 2:32). Just make sure the AI is positioned away to not steal our kills.
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • killed_by_weapon_categories:
    • sniper = 100
  • local_accuracy = 100
Misc: EQ - Bots allowed (cont.)
Bloody Grinch
Complete the Breakin' Feds heist or the Buluc's Mansion heist on the Mayhem difficulty or above in stealth and everyone on your crew dressed in Christmas outfits and masks, without using any pagers. Because nobody has ever seen Santa. Unlocks the "Lightbringer" Weapon Charm.

Video - Bloody Grinch
Video - ECM Rush Breakin' Feds + Bloody Grinch

Only the achievement hunter needs to wear the masks and outfits, AI bots and other players don't have to. ECM Rushing works as long as the pagers don't go off, if the heist allows (Breakin' Feds). The recent Winter Ghosts Tailor Pack doesn't work for this.

Buluc's Mansion is a difficult heist, with multiple objectives being jammed by ECMs. Breakin' Feds on the other hand is easier, plus it's base game and can be ECM Rushed. However, it has a 40% chance of being the basement escape (breaks stealth and voids the achievement). The basement escape tripping the alarm will not affect the achievement, as long as the other requirements are fulfilled.
  • jobs
    • Breakin' Feds
    • Buluc's Mansion
  • difficulty = mayhem_and_above
  • masks
    • Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack (Happy/Furious/Surprised/Tipsy Santa)
    • Christmas 2014 (Krampus, Robo Santa, Mrs Claus, Strinch)
    • Santa's Workshop (Greedy the Elf, Rudelf)
    • Holdout (Mega Krampus)
  • outfits
    • Dapper Dashing Holiday
    • Dirty Santa
    • Ho Ho Heister
  • no_alarm_pager = true
  • stealth = true (Buluc's Mansion only)

Gift Giver
Get 75 kills with any non-explosive throwable weapon. Unlocks the "Bulbous Bauble" Weapon Charm.

Video - Give Giver (simple)
    Straightforward, any non-explosive throwable applies.
  • explosive = nil
  • kill = true

Tabula Railroad
Complete the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above in Loud, with each crew member wearing a two-piece suit, wielding a Castigo .44 Revolver with a Mosconi 12G shotgun, and using no equipped skills.
Check Section [Lost in Transit]

OVE SAW 72000
In the Nightclub job, complete the heist on any difficulty with each crew member using the OVE 9000 saw as primary and secondary weapons. Unlocks the "THRUST Upper Receiver", "THRUST Lower Receiver" and "Long Ergo Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family.

ECM rush stealth (no cams) or use melee/throwables to combat in loud. Easiest to just play on Normal for regular safes (lockpick/shaped charges) and let bots do the killing.
  • equipped_team:
    • secondary = Saw
    • primary = Saw
Misc: EQ - Others
He's Got Experience
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Hard difficulty or above by having 1 player playing as Hoxton, all having Nova's Shank melee weapon equipped, and are only allowed to kill enemies using Nova's Shank. You have to have played the heist from start to end. Unlocks the "Risen Houston" mask.

Bots, converts and sentries cannot be used as they will kill with bullets and void the achievement.

#To be expanded on#
  • need_full_job = true
  • everyone_killed_by_grenade = 0
  • everyone_killed_by_weapons = 0
  • difficulty = hard_and_above
  • characters = Hoxton
  • equipped_team:
    • melee_weapons = Nova's Shank

One Man Army
Complete any job in loud on your own on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
  • loud = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • max_players = 1
  • no_bots = true

I Feel Like Robin Hood!
Complete the Undercover job with every crew member using only a bow and normal arrows on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - I Feel Like Robin Hood! Explained

Bows must be unmodded (no boosts), firing secondary voids achievement. Only Plainsrider, English Longbow and Compound Bow are "bow"s. Airbow is a "crossbow". Converts will help greatly since bots are not allowed. Sentries can help as bows have low RoF but need ammo bags. Explosive barrel kills are ignored.

Skins on the bow does not affect this achievement (remove all the mods after applying skin) but if feeling paranoid about it just go without.

One important note: When players go down with a bow primary, the game will force switch to the secondary weapon. Be careful not to fire any shot when that happens.

The new Deca Technologies Compound Bow is a bow and can be used for this achievement. We must however, join a hosted game by someone who owns the heist DLC.
  • everyone_killed_by_grenade = 0
  • everyone_used_weapon_category = Bow
  • everyone_killed_by_melee = 0
  • no_bots = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • primary_unmodded = true
    • primary_category = Bow

Here Comes the Pain Train
In the Firestarter job, complete the heist on OVERKILL difficulty or above, with all days done in loud and with a crew of 4 players using unmodified "AK Rifle" rifles and "PARA" submachine guns. Unlocks the "DMR Kit AK.762" and the "Low Drag Magazine" for the AK weapon family, "Timothy" mask, "Prehistoric" material and "Dinosaur Stripes" pattern.

Don't confuse the various AK rifle variants. Day 2 and 3 can be stealthed partially but must end in loud. Day 2, kill a guard and fail the pager before leaving. Day 3, leave a few untied civilians and only let them flee and call cops when ready to escape.

A Body Expertise + Berserker + Frenzy build, allows us to one body-shot all regular enemies and two body-shot Medics and Tazers on Overkill. There is falloff with the PARA though.
  • need_full_job = true
  • num_players = 4
  • loud = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • secondary_unmodded = true
    • primary_unmodded = true
    • primaries = AK Rifle
    • secondaries = Para SMG

Crazy Ivan
Complete the Boiling Point job having everyone only using melee weapons without electricity or poison to kill enemies on the Very Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Safety First" mask, "Planet" material and "Phoenix" pattern.

Achievement is voided only on kill, so firing weapons, using saw on doors, even shooting cops is ok (non-lethal). Recommend to bring weapons with no pickup (saw/GLs/RLs) and spend the ammo completely. Having an accurate gun (e.g. Bronco) is useful to break turrets in the lab, should they spawn.

The gold spoon melee deals fire damage as well and voids the "melee damage only" requirement.

The game code actually allows accidental gun kills from tazed players to be ignored, but disappointingly, that piece of code is not working.

#To be expanded on#

Trophy - Scrap Metal
Complete the Scarface Mansion job on the Mayhem difficulty or above in loud, with four players all using the Maniac perk deck and no skills. To complete this challenge, you have to have played the job from start to finish.

Video - Scrap Metal Tips & Tricks

Achievement hunters must play from start.

Typically players go stealth until escape then finish in loud as it is easier for 1 good stealth player to carry the team.

Sentry exploit
Those familiar with the sentry exploit can place one to draw the enemies away. Just avoid from attacking the enemies draw to the sentry.

Image - Sentry position
Video - Sentry Exploit

Hiding Spot
The first table in the garage provides a hiding spot to take cover if overwhelmed or trying to survive until the assault break to trade hostages. The garden shen and guardhouses provide some cover as well.

GIF - Hiding spot

Exploiting the requirement loophole
Non-host players can come in with any setup to help carry the game, then leaving and rejoining near the end before escaping. These carry players will not earn the trophy, but they can simply swap hosts and repeat. E.g. Players 1 and 2 get the trophy while 3 and 4 carry, then swap host and roles.

This applies to both fully-loud and the stealth-then-loud approach.

Weapons to consider (No DLC)
The weapons listed here all either have special properties or can still function with no skill points.
  • Platypus
    • 1-bodyshots lights/shields
    • 1-headshots Medics/Tazers
    • Penetrates through thin walls (mark first)
  • Flamethrower, explosives (GL and explosive arrows)
    • Crowd control against all but Cloaker/Bulldozers
  • KSP 58
    • High damage/pickup
    • Bipod eliminates recoil totally, otherwise close combat use
  • Compound Bow (regular arrow)
    • Low RoF, reusable arrows, only weapon to 1-headshot exposed Bulldozers
  • Compound Bow (poison arrow)
    • High total damage (3050) and reusable arrows, but low RoF
  • 5/7 AP Pistol
    • Limited use for shield killing
  • Tombstone Slugs (any shotgun)
    • Deals 1080 poison to kill heavies and below in one shot while within optimal range. Does less damage when out of range (lowest is 540 damage with Izhma).
    • Does not penetrate shields however.

  • stealth = false
  • difficulty = easywish_and_above
  • complete_job = true
  • num_players = 4
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0
    • perk_deck = Maniac

Original Heisters
Complete the First World Bank on the OVERKILL difficulty or above using the PAYDAY: The Heist crew, Reinfeld Shotguns, and Bernetti 9 Pistols.

Just a simple check on player count and equipment on end mission.
  • num_players = 4
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team: =
    • primaries = Reinfeld 880 (base game, not DLC)
    • secondaries = Bernetti 9
    • characters = Dallas, Chains, Wolf, Hoxton
Misc: EQ - Others (cont.)
Heisters of the Round Table
Complete any heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with 4 players using only Gage Chivalry Pack masks, primary weapons, melee weapons and Ballistic Vests or heavier armors. Unlocks the "Agatha Knight Veteran" mask, "Blooded" material and "Agatha" pattern.

Just a simple check on player count and equipment on end mission. The only 4-men mask achievement that allows players to wear any of the 4 masks, even duplicates, since Agatha Knight is an unlock from this achievement.
  • num_players = 4
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • primaries = English Longbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow
    • masks = Agatha Knight, Agatha Vanguard, Mason Knight, Mason Vanguard
    • armors = Ballistic Vest or higher
    • melee_weapons = Buckler Shield, Bearded Axe, Morning Star, Great Sword

Cooking With Style
Complete the Rats job with you and your four man crew having Combined Tactical Vests, Vulcan Miniguns, HRL-7 Rocket Launchers and General Overkill masks equipped on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

One common mistake is to wear the ICTV. Watch out for that and don't change profiles between days.
  • num_players = 4
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • equipped_team:
    • armor = CTV
    • mask = General Overkill
    • primaries = Vulcan Minigun
    • secondaries = HRL-7 Rocket Launcher

Sneaky Beaky Like
Complete any heist in stealth using only weapons from the Gage Russian Weapon Pack. Unlocks the "Matryoshka" mask, "Ceramics Gzhel" material and "Prison Statement" pattern.

Use only the secondary version, not the akimbo Tatonkas.
  • stealth = true
  • equipped_outfit:
    • secondary = Tatonka SMG
    • melee_weapon = Rezkoye
    • primaries = Grom, AK17

Russian Arsenal
Complete any heist using only weapons from the Gage Russian Weapon Pack on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Red Machine" mask, "Tricolor" material and "Russian Gamble" pattern.

Exactly the same as "Sneaky Beaky Like" except both stealth/loud is fine, and at least Overkill difficulty. Get both at the same time easily by ECM rushing Ukrainian Job on Overkill difficulty. Restart if Titan safes.

Trophy - Mercenary
Complete any heist with the Friendly Fire mutator active, without hurting another player, and on the DEATH WISH difficulty or above. This trophy requires four players in the heist.

Straightforward, not damaging any other player (health/armour). An easy short stealth like Jewelry Store or Ukrainian Job would do. Try not to melee the drill in case someone else gets hit.
  • complete_job = true
  • num_players = 4
  • difficulty = deathwish_and_above
  • mutators
    • "MutatorFriendlyFire"
  • memory
    • is_shortterm = false

Swimming Cat, Silent Burglar
In the Black Cat job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, complete the heist in stealth while you and your crew used only melee weapons.

Video - Swimming Cat Silent Burglar + Master of Floatation

Must play from start and complete the heist in stealth. Don't fire the primary or secondary, so doors have to be picked open. No throwing of throwables either (Ace of Spades, throwing knives etc). Melee is actually optional.

Triads (in full suits) cannot be dominated, unlike guards (vests), so watch out when trying to take them down. They have 240/480 health (OVK/MH+), so a melee build with a high damage weapon e.g. El Verdugo can be useful to one hit them when they are alerted.
  • difficulty= overkill_and_above
  • shots_by_weapon = {}
  • stealth = true
  • used_projectile = {}
Misc: Escorts
Video - How Escorts Work, Pinky Swear

How escorts work
Before doing these achievements, it is good to know how escorts work. These yellow-outlined escorts will start/resume moving when we shout/melee them. The shout range is fixed and cannot be enhanced by any skills/perk decks.

Escorts keep moving as long as there is a player/bot in a 10m radius around them and no enemies in a 2m radius, so no, they are not scripted to stop randomly in the middle of nowhere. So once we get them started, as long as both conditions are kept, they will keep moving without having to shout/melee them again.

Vlad's cousin (White Xmas) and the IT guy (San Martin) are exceptions and scripted to stop.

Pinky Swear
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, escort Mr. Pink back to the warehouse within 60 seconds after rescuing him from the car on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

Timer only starts when car door is opened so only do it when ready.

As per other regular objectives, doing this when assault is in Fade will yield the best results as cops stop spawning so Mr Pink will keep going. Sentries nearby can be a good aid to either keep enemies away or placing sentries near enemy spawn points can keep enemies distracted.

Closer crash spots will also give a better headstart. The furthest crash site (left side of street) is possible but tight on timing, at 54 (left door) and 56 seconds (right door) uninterrupted.

Caution! Wet Floors
On the Green Bridge job, escorting the convict from the van to the scaffolding while never touching the ground, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Caution! Wet Floors achievement
Video - Green Bridge/Caution! Wet Floors stealth
Video - Caution! Wet Floors (Sentry Trick)

Do-able solo with bots. Bots won't trigger the area check.

All trucks can potentially contain Kazuo (equal chance). We can do this on the last truck as well but light armours (plus boosts like Partners in Crime) is needed for the longer jumps. We MUST open the trucks from on top. When opening the last truck, be sure to jump away immediately as the section under it will collapse, forcing us to the ground.

As long as we stay with Kazuo (10m radius) and keep enemies away from him (2m radius), he will keep moving and not stop. Either open the trucks during assault breaks or do our best to keep enemies away, either by sentries or having other players do the killing. If unable to do it within one assault wave, we can manually stop Kazuo (make sure we can start him again) by breaking the 10m escort condition.

Bring a long melee weapon as a last resort to hit Kazuo as it can be slightly further than the shout range.

After the assault update, this achievement became much harder due to enemy count spam. I recommend trying it in stealth (not kidding). Check out the video link above.
Misc: Fire
Stats for fire:
  • Chance; Dragon's Breath/Incendiary grenades 100%, flamethrower 75%, others 35%.
  • Damage-over-time occurs every 0.5s, 1s after begin ignited:
    • Flamethrower: 1.6 s duration, 300 damage per tick.
    • Dragon's Breath: 3.1 s duration, 100 damage per tick.
    • Thrown incendiary grenade: 2.1 s duration, 250 damage per tick.
    • Else: 6 s duration, 150 damage per tick.

Most important to note here is that enemies when inflicted with the burn or on-fire status, only take burn damage 1 second after. So if we repeatedly spam Dragon's Breath on 1 target it isn't going to do anything but shotgun damage until we let him burn.

Set a Bulldozer on fire for at least 10 seconds. Unlocks "The Chef" mask, "Toast" material and "Hot Flames" pattern.

Dragon's Breath ammo is the most reliable, with a 100% ignition rate. The community incendiary grenade also works but is harder to time. Play at least on Hard to avoid the Bulldozer dying prematurely, with a low base damage shotgun like the Grimm. The burn lasts for 3.1 seconds so we'll want to stagger our shots every 2 to 2.5 seconds and the achievement will unlock easily.

With the new secondary flamethrower, this becomes easy. The damage mods used will change the health/difficulty we need (Hard to Mayhem), so just go for low damage to make things simple. Load up Safehouse Nightmare, start the drill, drop an ECM and feedback while holding the fire button on the headless bulldozer for this achievement.

Disco Inferno
Have 10 enemies burning simultaneously. Unlocks the "Graug" mask, "Coal" material and "Fireborn" pattern.

With the incendiary grenade and fire mines, non-BBQ Pack owners can do it too. I used the Meltdown Method (Kill-x-in-y-seconds section) to take out about 20 enemies at the same time.

GIF - Disco Inferno, Meltdown

Stick a Fork in Me, I'm Done
Set an enemy on fire and kill him with the "Motherforker" melee weapon. Unlocks "The Gas Mask" mask, "Candlelight" material and "Flammable" pattern.

Video - Stick a Form in Me, I'm Done

With how much damage fire can do, we might be worried about finding the right targets. Fortunately, if we remember the 1 second delay on burn damage, it becomes a cakewalk.

With Dragon's Breath on the Grimm shotgun, the base damage is reduced to 12.6 damage. And with the Motherforker doing 30 damage, all we need is a 40 HP target. Know anyone?

All guards and street cops have 40 health, so all we need to do is to fire 1 shot of the Grimm and then immediately melee before the burn kicks in to finish him off for the achievement.

GIF - Stick a Fork in Me
Misc: Halloween 2014
Video - Halloween 2014 achievements explained

Halloween 2014 masks can now drop from the loot drop (Payday) card system all year round. Just farm for the masks and do as per the requirements.

While wearing the “Pumpkin” mask from the Halloween event, kill 666 enemies using only shotguns.

Witch Doctor
While wearing the “Witch” mask from the Halloween event, revive 50 crew members.

Video - Witch Doctor Solo Farm (simple)

Reviving the AI counts.

For multiplayer, any source of fire will help inflict damage, like the the fuel tank in Firestarter Day 1, burning cars on Green Bridge, plane crash on White Xmas etc. Get maxed out medic bags and Nine Lives aced.

For solo, day 2 of the loud tutorial will down one AI. Revive immediately with Inspire aced and then a second time manually. This should take about 45 seconds (depending on load times) per run. Alternatively, Safehouse Nightmare on Mayhem will have the maximum amount of Cloakers. Give the AI bad weapons (Galant) and then keep reviving them.

It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE!
While wearing the “Frank” mask from the Halloween event, get electrocuted by a Taser 25 times.

Only works with the actual Tazer enemy itself, environmental causes or zapper grenades don't count.

No One Can Hear You Scream
While wearing the “Venomorph” mask from the Halloween event, silently kill 50 enemies using only melee.
Misc: Hostages - Notes
Video - Hostage achievements

Stockholm Syndrome (aced)
  • Civilians tied while having this skill, when rescued, can never flee and will stand on the spot.
  • If re-tied by players without the skill, civilians will escape normally when rescued again.

Stockholm Syndrome (basic)
  • Civilians get intimidated fully when they hear loud alerts (firing guns, revving saw, spending saw ammo).
  • No effect on fleeing civilians.

Civilian intimidation
  • Civilians when freshly intimidated or re-intimidated after wearing off, gains a maximum intimidation value, randomly from 60 to 120 seconds.
  • When intimidation wears off, they flee after a delay.
  • Sufficient to alert untied civilians every 60 seconds with Stockholm Syndrome (basic).
  • Shouting at civilians adds at most 60 seconds intimidation (90 with Forced Friendship basic).
  • Melee strikes intimidates fully but a 2nd melee strike within a 2.5 second cooldown kills the civilian.

Civilian in flee mode
  • When alerted initially or after intimidation wears off, civilians flee after a 5 to 20 second delay.
  • Alternates between calling cops and running.
  • A civilian tied without Stockholm Syndrome (aced), flees instantly when rescued.
  • In flee mode, civilians only stop if 1) shouted at, 2) receive a melee hit, usually impossible to achieve if far away.
  • Stockholm Syndrome (basic) cannot stop fleeing civilians.
  • A concussion grenade can stop them briefly.

Too many loud gunshots without Stockholm Syndrome (basic)
  • Untied civilians flee instantly when hearing too many loud gunshots (usually multiplayer or sentries).
  • Civilians rescued after tied with Stockholm Syndrome (aced), will move a short distance instead.

Cable ties
Players start with 2, gain an extra 4 (total 6) with Forced Friendship (basic). 20% chance to get 1 on ammo drop pick up, up to a maximum of 9.

What does these all mean?
Combining all the previous information, we get:
  • Stockholm Syndrome (basic) is only useful without cops around to rescue civilians (usually stealth).
  • For loud achievements with hostages, civilians should be tied as soon as possible with Stockholm Syndrome (aced), since they can never flee.
  • If limited cable ties, tie the scattered civilians first, then guard the grouped ones until getting more from ammo pickups.
  • They can then be ignored for the rest of the heist.
  • Civilians tied with Stockholm Syndrome (aced), after rescued, can still move short distances (for achievements to have hostages in area). So players without Stockholm Syndrome (basic) should use silenced weapons, and silenced sentries should be used instead of loud ones.
Misc: Hostages
Video - Hostage achievements

Hey Mr. DJ
In the Nightclub job, have 12 hostages or more on the dance floor when you escape. Unlocks the "Aluminum Grip" for the AK weapon family, the "Aluminum Foregrip" for the Krinkov submachine gun and the "LW Upper Receiver" for the CAR weapon family.

Achievement checks for enough civilians on dance floor, so they do not strictly have to be tied.

Loud: If enough cable ties and Stockholm Syndrome (aced), tie them and lead them to the dance floor until we have 12. If solo-ing, keep those on the dance floor down with loud alerts, tie down stray civilians and lead them to the dance floor. Once we've picked up enough cable ties, tie the untied ones.

When doing in stealth and after securing the entire place (either no cams, or play on lower difficulty so we can break them), a solo player will not have enough cable ties for 12. Simply leave the hostages already on the dance floor alone and use cable ties on other civilians instead and move them to the dance floor. Keep them intimidated with loud alerts until we escape.

Finish the Bomb: Forest heist without letting any civilian flee or die, having at least five civilians in the heist while escaping with the boat. Unlocks "The Doctor" mask, "Plywood" material and "Caduceus" pattern.

Achievement is only voided if any civilian flees the map or dies.

There will be 2 civilians at the car on the road from the start. Then there will be 3 scattered workers, which can be a pain to locate.

An easy method would be to wait for them by the road (they may flee on either end) and then chase after and tie them up. Loud weapons with Stockholm Syndrome (basic) should be avoided as they may cause the workers to crouch or lay down. Good luck finding them then. Stick with bots or silenced weapons. If more than 1 player, we can split into two teams to cover one end of the road each.

Once all 5 are tied by a player with Stockholm Syndrome (aced), we can ignore them for the rest of the heist and perform objectives instead.

Crowd Control
On the Counterfeit job, have all civilians as hostages until the safe is opened.

Achievement is only voided if any civilian flees the map or dies.

Same strategy, tie them all then ignore.

Total of 4 groups of civilians, total of 8 or 9, depending on RNG.
  • (1) Bikini lady, either on the sunchairs or in Wilson's living room.
  • (2) A male/female couple. 3 places: Piano, Mitchell's kitchen or far side of the pool behind the hedge.
  • (1) Foreign language lady in Mitchell's kitchen.
  • (4 to 5) Mitchell's group by the barbeque.

Christmas Party
On the Stealing Xmas job, escape the heist while keeping at least 10 zip-tied civilians alive within the 4 pillars around the Christmas tree.

Achievement mentions civilians to be tied but mission code checks by number of civilians in the area. Still, easier to count the civilians if we have them tied.

For multiplayer, there will be enough cable ties to tie all and then lead them to the tree. For a solo player, from the start, tie up any the nearby civilians (6 hostages), which will not flee since we have Stockholm Syndrome (aced), then proceed to guard the civilians on the second floor (3 in shoe store, 2 in wine and 2 in main area, more than enough). Once we have enough cable ties again, tie them and lead to the tree.

The hostage zone is pretty wide, so as long as the hostages are within the 4 pillars it's enough.

Image - Hostage Zone

Hidden Hostages
Finish the First World Bank job with 6 or more hostages alive behind the wall by the elevators in the main lobby.

Again, checked by area, usually done in loud.

Do-able in stealth, though a tad tedious. Play on Normal so that we have less guards. Spend 2 pagers on the camera guard and guard patrolling the first floor. There will be 2 pagers left, which is enough for the 2 guards patrolling the inner area.

Then, while watching out for the second floor guard, tie 6 civilians in the main hall and lead them to the back. This has to be done before getting the 1138 code as the 2 guards outside the vault will go the main hall permanently after.

From here, stealth as usual and escape. Solo players only have 6 cable ties, so kill and bag the other civilians encountered.

Alternatively, first activate the escape in stealth, then come back and move the civilians for the achievement.

Back to Prison
On the Green Bridge job, free and zip-tie all extra prisoners in the prison vans.

Achievement hunter must play from the start. Awarded as soon as 6 prisoners are tied. This achievement uses a counter that increases per prisoner tied, so it works even by repeatedly tying a prisoner (tie, cop release, repeat).

I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Bulldozer
While wearing the "42nd" mask, trade 7 civilians.

This can be done easily in the tutorial loud mission where they teach how to trade crewmates from custody. Trade out, restart mission and repeat.

Check Section [Misc: Wear-mask-x-do-y] for ways to acquire the mask.
Misc: Kill-x-enemies-using-y
The Collector
Kill 100 cops using only weapons from the AK or CAR weapon families. Unlocks the "Keymod Rail", the "Crabs Rail" and the "Modern Barrel" for the AK weapon family.

    Valid weapons:
  • Primary - AK, AK.762, Golden AK.762, Izhma, RPK LMG, AMCAR, CAR-4, AMR-16, AK17
  • Secondary - Krinkov, Para

Secondaries only
These achievements can only be done with the secondary versions.

The Pumpkin King Made Me Do It!
Kill 666 enemies using only the Interceptor 45 pistol.

License to Kill
Kill 378 enemies using the Gruber Kurz handgun.

Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again
While wearing the "43rd" mask, kill 95 Shields using the Swedish K submachine gun.
Check Section [Misc: Specials - Shields]

3000 Miles to the Safe House
While wearing the "Jean-Claude" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Kobus 90 submachine gun.

Public Enemies
While wearing the "Chuck" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Crosskill pistol.

Hard Corps
Kill 100 enemies using only the SpecOps submachine gun.

Above the Law
Kill 100 enemies using only the Signature .40 pistol.

Swiss Cheese
Kill 100 enemies in a single day of a heist with the Kross Vertex Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "Kage" mask, "Sakura" material and "Oni" pattern.

Spray Control
Kill 32 enemies without reloading with the Tatonka Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "War Balaclava" mask, "Russian Camouflage" material and "Red Star" pattern.

Have Nice Day!
Kill 300 enemies using any weapons from the Gage Russian Weapon Pack. Unlocks the "Kokoshnik" mask, "Propaganda Palette" material and "Bear Fight" pattern.

Trophy - Prepare For War
Kill 50 enemies using the Parabellum Pistol.

Trophy - Rapid Retribution
Kill 100 enemies using the MP40.
Misc: Kill-x-in-y-seconds
Video - Kill achievements using Meltdown

The Meltdown Method
I was actually looking for a better no-DLC alternative than Jewelry Store to do the Dance Party trophy when I stumbled upon this. On Normal difficulty, there is at least 26 scripted Murkies which when bunched up together, makes for the perfect setup for these kill-x-in-y-seconds achievements/trophies.

Some of these achievements can be achieved in regular play as well but if we're going to farm for all these at once, the Meltdown Method takes only 3 minutes to execute and repeat.

So here's what we do:
  • Start Meltdown up on Normal, no bots.
  • Walk into the warehouse to trigger scripted Murky spawns (Image - Warehouse).
  • Open up the container directly below our start to use as a hiding spot (Image - Container). Why this particular container is because of the way the enemies path, they will stop directly inside the container but unable to attack. Other containers will have varying results, maybe better maybe worse.
  • We'll need one with objects, to hide behind. So restart if we don't get something like this (Image - Good Container).
  • Then we'll wait inside until about 3:00 game time, for the Murkies and assault enemies to gather up before we make our move. At this point, I had about 47 enemies on the map in total (Image - Lying in Wait).
  • Then we let loose for whichever achievement/trophy we're going for.

Image - Warehouse
Image - Container
Image - Good Container
Image - Lying in Wait

Trophy - Dance Party
Kill 25 enemies in 25 seconds using only SMGs.

Normal difficulty has the same number of spawns compared to other difficulties (except One Down), so we're going with that. Since we're working with SMGs, Body Expertise is a good choice.

For the heist itself, if we have the Point Break DLC, the plane sequence in Birth of Sky is usually recommended by most other players.

We can follow the Meltdown method above too.

GIF - Dance Party Meltdown Method, 30 kills in 4.1 seconds

LMG achievements
Using the Meltdown method, players with the Historical pack DLC can get all 3 achievements at once, otherwise 2.

Bullet Hell
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun. Unlocks the Old Blood and Guts mask, Light Barrel for the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun, "Patriot" material and "Captain War" pattern.

GIF - Bullet Hell Meltdown Method

Human Sentry Gun
Kill 20 enemies with a Light Machine Gun while using the bipod without un-deploying.

Killin’s As Easy As Breathing
Kill 10 enemies in a row using any light machine gun without releasing the trigger.

Names Are for Friends, so I Don't Need One
Get eleven kills with the Lebensauger .308 Sniper Rifle without reloading it. Unlocks the "Slicer" mask, "Still Waters" material and "Youkai" pattern.

Before Graze, there are only 10 rounds, so we need at least 1 double kill. But now Graze makes it easy to get, so grab that skill and go to town on enemies.

Alternatively (credits to Dinnye [HUN]YT), you can use Swan Song or Bulletstorm to bypass the 10 round magazine. Preferably, rack up a few kills first before using either skill to get the remainder.

Or the Meltdown Method, I did 21 kills with 10 rounds.

The Lebensauger has 15 rounds now. Use Graze if accuracy is an issue.

GIF - Names Are For Friends Meltdown Method, 21 kills

Seven Eleven
Get 7 enemy headshot kills within 11 seconds using any shotgun. Unlocks the Short Barrel for the M1014 shotgun, “John” mask, “Explosive” material and “Terror” pattern.

11 seconds is pretty comfortable and generous, but if we need more help, ECM feedback on Normal difficulty makes for easy pickings. Or the Meltdown Method.

Fastest Gun in the West
Kill 6 law enforcers within 6 seconds of killing the first while hipfiring with the Peacemaker .45 Revolver. Unlocks the "Apache Mystic" mask, "Gold Fever" material and "Sacred" pattern.

Normal difficulty equals 1-shot body kills, ECM feedback to mass stun or dominate for easy shots. If accuracy is still a problem, consider Swan Song or Bulletstorm.

I used Bulletstorm in case of corpses eating bullets, using Meltdown.

GIF - Fastest Gun in the West, Meltdown

Not Invited
Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Piglet Grenade Launcher without using Incendiary rounds. Unlocks the "Firefighter's Helmet" mask, "Burn" material and "Flamer" pattern.

GIF - Not Invited, 1 shot, 23 dead

Billy The Kid
In the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, get 5 enemy headshot kills within 10 seconds using a revolver.

10 seconds is comfortable, especially after taking 5 hostages, before we start shooting.
Misc: Kill count in a heist
They Drew First Blood, Not Me
Kill 220 enemies in a single day of a heist using any light machine gun.

Unlocks immediately so just keep killing, no need to keep count or complete the heist. There are no restrictions to this achievement e.g. use LMG only, no melee, no grenades, but the kill counter only increases when kill is made with LMG (nothing else contributes).

Swiss Cheese
Kill 100 enemies in a single day of a heist with the Kross Vertex Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "Kage" mask, "Sakura" material and "Oni" pattern.

Unlocks mid-heist (no need to keep count/complete heist) so just keep killing until it does.

The Reckoning
Complete any heist from start to end and kill 200 or more enemies with any weapon equipped with the Reconnaissance Sight on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

Video - The Reckoning, Explained

This can be confusing. All weapons equipped with the sight are checked individually (e.g. AR main, SMG secondary) for 200 kills, not combined. So 100 kills with AR then 100 kills with SMG is a fail. The achievement tracker (tab key) also combines both so it can be misleading. Stick with one weapon (or only equip one with the sight) and it will be fine.
Misc: Kills
Video - Death From Below

Death From Below
Kill 25 enemies as they rappel using the Nagant sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Constable" mask, the "Silenced Barrel" and the "Long Barrel" for the Nagant sniper rifle, "Gunsmoke" material and "Dazzle" pattern.

A good number of heists have rappeling enemies. I personally prefer Prison Nightmare because it can be done right at the start. Take note to only shoot enemies that have kicked off and not still in the midst of climbing down. See image for an example.

Image - Rappeling enemies

Ducking Awesome
Get 3 headshot kills with 1 shot from any Shotgun using the Donald's Horizontal Leveller barrel ext.

Credits to blinya for this. As of June 2020, two shotgun skins (at $0.03), the GSPS (Motherload) and Goliath (Damascus) comes with the leveller weapon mod and can be used to earn this achievement. Borderline DLC, as it can be cheaply acquired through trading.

Shock and Awe
Hit 4 enemies simultaneously using any shotgun and HE rounds. Unlocks the "Solid Stock" for the M1014 shotgun.

Credits to blinya for this. As of November 2020, the Locomotive 12G's Power Patriot skin (at $0.05), comes with HE rounds and can be used to earn this achievement. Borderline DLC, as it can be cheaply acquired through trading.

Knock, Knock
Kill 50 Shields using any shotgun and slug ammo. Unlocks the "Collapsed Stock" for the M1014 shotgun.

As of November 2020, the Mosconi's Bullet Bear Gun skin (at $0.20), comes with AP Slugs and can be used to earn this achievement. Borderline DLC, as it can be cheaply acquired through trading.

Plague Doctor
Kill 200 enemies using poison on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, while wearing the Scrubs outfit.

Video - Plague Doctor + New Poison Weapons

The Scrubs outfit is an achievement reward from completing No Mercy on the Normal difficulty.

The initial hit counts, be it a bow kill in stealth, or the initial explosion from a poison grenade. The targets need not die to the after-poison.

As for weapons, there will be 3 main groups; McShay Weapon Pack, Legacy Collection and base game.

For the McShay Weapon Pack, go with GL40, Piglet or the Compact 40mm with the Viper grenade modification, as the base damage is more than 1000 and will insta-kill almost all enemies. The poison gas does 10 damage per tick over 30 seconds (59 ticks or 590) and is slow so forgo that.

For the Legacy Collection, use the Plainsrider and/or the shuriken since they have high rate of fire, albeit single target only. Since they deal 2750 poison damage, anything not a Cloaker or Bulldozer will succumb.

For base game owners, there is the syringe melee and compound bow. This is the worst. The syringe does 30 base damage and 250 poison, enough to only kill the light enemies and shields in one hit, while the compound bow is really slow. What I suggest is to play on the White House heist, drop an ECM in the middle of the helipad with feedback, melee the Murkies and nearby guards then restart/repeat. It should take slightly over 20 minutes. These Murkies die in one hit because they are the old Murky units from Shadow Raid (240 HP).

Snake Charmer
Kill 100 enemies with the Viper Grenade throwable on Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Tombstone Slug" for shotguns.

Video - Snake Charmer

Requires the Viper Grenade from the Plague Doctor achievement.

Since we start with only 2 each heist, it's quicker to spend both and then restart. I did this on Panic Room, dropping one at the pair of gangsters blocking the stairs, and another in between the two room of gangsters upstairs. Wait for them to drop dead, before restarting.

Field Test
Kill 500 enemies with the Hailstorm Mk 5's Volley Shot mode. Unlocks the "Prototype Conversion Kit" for the Hailstorm Mk 5.

Video - Field Test + Hailstorm Mk 5

Since ammo is costly, make use of volley mode's piercing attributes, or bring Bulletstorm. I used Cursed Kill Room to farm kills and brought a 68 accuracy Hailstorm to hit multiple enemies. Berserker will be useful to counteract the damage fall-off for far away targets.
Misc: Long range kills
Everyone has their own personal preferences for these. As for me, I prefer to recommend non-DLC heists, so Lab Rats is my personal favourite.

From the top of the Caustic Soda barrel, we have good height for the GL40 and sightline to the meth tray area where enemies usually spawn. The start point area does satisfy the distance requirements but enemies tend to move towards players and out of the 40 metre range, so just stick with the meth tray area.

Playing with AI bots will help to increase the spawn limit and assault phase duration, just remember to position them away from the meth tray area to prevent kill-stealing.

Image - View to meth tray spawn point
GIF - GL40 to meth tray spawn point

Artillery Barrage
Kill 25 enemies at 40 meters or more using only the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the Wooden Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Pirate Barrel for the GL40 grenade launcher, “Bone” material and “Muerte” pattern.

Far, Far Away
Kill 25 enemies from 40 meters using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the Tank Buster Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.

Compact Confrontation
Kill a Sniper from a distance of 40 meters with the Compact 40mm Grenade Launcher.

Again, my favourite is Lab Rats on Normal, as the sniper spawns very early, latest by 2:15. And the sniper is far enough, at 51 metres. Note that below Overkill, only one of two sniper spots will be used and is fixed throughout the heist so restart if wrong spot selected.

First we wait at the far end of the map, where the ramp made of the book and pill bottle to the overturned witch pot is. We then walk forward all the way into the corner formed by the pill bottle and pot.

When the sniper appears we aim directly above the sniper where the wall meets the ceiling and fire away.

Image - Ramp
GIF - Walking into the bottle and pot
Image - Sniper at 51m away
Image - Where to aim (above sniper where wall meets ceiling)
GIF - Fire away!
Misc: Meth
There are 2 methods of meth cooking, 1) Instructed by Bain or Locke, used in Cookoff/Rats/Lab Rats and Border Crystals and 2) Fixed formula, used in Hotline Miami/Bomb Dockyard. Regardless of which method, it's always using these 3 ingredients, Muriatic Acid, Caustic Soda and Hydrogen Chloride.

Some things to note:
  • Players usually take turns to cook each batch, to ensure correct sequence and also to prevent wastage by using up 2 of the same ingredients (glitch).
  • Players usually hold 1 full set of ingredients and only replenish after the batch is finished so they don't put the same ingredient twice.
  • The glitch mentioned is when 2 players interact with the same equipment at the same time, thereby using up 2 same ingredients for 1 step. This can cause problems for achievements requiring number of bags cooked since ingredients can't be replenished (except Cookoff).

Method 1 - Instructed by Bain/Locke
Bain and Locke will always instruct the player in 2 steps. 1) Mention an ingredient, 2a) If initial ingredient is wrong, correct themselves and provide a new ingredient and 2b) Initial ingredient is correct and then say something neutral or of no value.

Bain Example - Muriatic Acid (Wrong)/Caustic Soda (Correct)
  1. So next step is... We'll go with muriatic acid.
  2. No wait! That should'a been caustic soda! I think so at least.

Bain Example - Caustic Soda (Correct)
  1. Uh if I read this correctly uh... It's caustic soda.
  2. It's a toss-up, really.

Locke Example - Caustic Soda (Wrong)/Hydrogen Chloride (Correct)
  1. Now you should go with... Soda. Caustic Soda. I wouldn't mix a gin and tonic with it though.
  2. Ach no, that's not it! It should be hydrogen chloride! ...I'm 79% sure.

Locke Example - Muriatic Acid (Correct)
  1. Hope old Locke gets this right... We'll go with muriatic acid.
  2. ...Ok ...Ok

Method 2 - Fixed Formula
For the fixed formula, it will always be Muriatic Acid, Caustic Soda and then Hydrogen Chloride. This is shown in a poster in the methlab on Hotline Miami. Personally, I remember it by using a ridiculous name, MU-CuS Chloride. Like what the hell, mucus chloride?

Image - Methlab poster

For the fixed formula, the methlab instruments will also show which stage of cooking it is at, by having a plume of smoke above it. This can help players to keep track of the cooking process, especially for Bomb Dockyard where one may not have a full set of ingredients at any time. Watch out though, smoking equipment can still be used. See images for comparison.

Image - MU/CS is smoking, HCL is next.
Image - New batch (non-smoking), MU next

High Times
In The Bomb: Dockyard job, cook 2 bags of meth and secure them.

Video - Breaking Dead + High Times

Achievement given when 2 meth bags are secured.

2 sets of meth ingredients will always spawn in the dockyard, in 10 different possible locations so we'd have to grab them all. Each ingredient is calculated on its own so it may spawn in all 6 different locations with 1 ingredient each, in 2 locations with a full set or with mixed results. On the 10% chance that the right warehouse immediately to the river is closed, the spawn points are disabled as well.

In short, there will always be two sets of ingredients, just don't bug it by having two players cook at the same time (opposite of dupe trick).

Image - Ingredients Map

List of locations:

Cook and secure six bags of meth on day one of the Hotline Miami job. Unlocks the Graham mask, Ghetto Blaster, Extended Mag and Just Bend It for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun, "Error" material and "Be Somebody" pattern.

Video - 4 Basement Ingredients in Hotline + Overdose

Must be secured in loot zone and not carried into escape on criminal's back.

Meth lab has chance to spawn 1/2/3 sets, while basement will always have 3 sets, unless we use the crate trick to spawn 4 sets. The meth lab has a base chance to spawn 3 sets, which if fails, then has a remaining 50/50 chance for 1 or 2 sets.

Meth lab ingredient spawn chance
3 sets
2 sets
1 set
Hard/Very Hard

With this, Normal has the best chance, so check the lab at the start and if we don't find 3, restart. Unless we want to carry on with 2 sets and use the crate trick for 4, then keep reading.

Basement crate trick
Of 19 crates in the basement, 17 of them has the same logic while 2 others have slightly different logics of spawning items (check the Long Guide for the full explanation). Normally opening up all crates will give 3 sets of ingredients but by using the loophole of the logics, a 4th set can spawn by opening 1 crate first and another crate last. Check out the image below.

Image - Crates sequence
Misc: No Downs/Custody
Video - No Downs No Custody Achievements

For this section, the "no downs/custody" requirements only applies to players. Achievement is voided instantly so a restart is needed (rejoins don't work). Bots going down/custody is ok. Reputation Beyond Reproach technically works, except the host must escape with a full human crew of 4. It is possible to play with bots (and them getting downed) until before the escape, get people to join and then escape, but that is tedious.

For no-down achievements, Counterstrike (aced) or going solo helps against Cloakers. Armour is generally a better choice, as are perk decks that help survive better, like Maniac, Hitman, Armourer, Anarchist, Ex-President, Crook etc. Also Shockproof for Tasers.

Complete the Beneath the Mountain job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without any player going down.

Video - Juggernauts Guide

Must be done on the DLC heist and not Crime Spree. I used ICTV + Maniac as it's a tanky setup on Overkill, plus ECM and GL40 to deal with turret easily. Watch for snipers at the start, possibly after airlock, and also at the end. The lightest loot is the painting, followed by the prototype/artifact. Ignore the server since it's the heaviest. At the end, starting the refuel will trigger an endless assault, so secure the two loot first.

Not Even Once
Complete the Undercover job on OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone in your crew getting downed or cuffed.

The Ground Is Too Cold
In the Boiling Point job, have no crew members get downed on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Zero 68" mask, "Nebula" material and "Hexagons" pattern.

A Long Night of Horrors
Complete the Prison Nightmare job, getting at least 15 keycards on the Mayhem difficulty or above without any player ever going into custody. You have to have played the heist from start to end. Unlocks the "Risen Chains" mask.
Misc: Pacifist (no kill)
For loud, consider using Stockholm Syndrome (basic) with a loud gun to keep civilians down. And of course, avoid explosives and watch out for Tazers if present.

As for stealth, we can still dominate guards, just be careful where we do it since they can't be moved.

All achievements check globally (regardless killed by anyone, anything, e.g. forklift in Sound of Silence).

I Will Pass Through Walls
In the Shadow Raid job, secure at least 6 bags of loot and escape without killing anyone.

Normal and Hard difficulty has a minimum of 3 and 5 bags, if we're looking to do this quick.

Looting in the Dark
Complete the Murky Station job by finding and securing all loot without killing anyone on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Including the 2 bomb parts, a total of 16 loot. Of which, 1 pistol and 1 battle rifle will be found in the basement. Use the Tab overlay to check our loot count before leaving.

Credits to the basement tip from The Meme Wagon; the basement can be secured by dominating the 2 patrolling Murkies and breaking all cameras (Overkill), allowing for a safe channel to move loot, to either escape.

The Pacifist
Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone. Unlocks the "Augmentation" mask, "Spaceship" material and "Squares" pattern.

Normal difficulty has the least number of guards, basement cameras and camera drones. Otherwise, same advice as above.

Complete the Yacht Heist job without killing anyone. Unlocks the "Sailor" mask, "Neon Blue" material and "Hotel Pattern" pattern.

Normal difficulty has least number of guards and civilians.

It's Nice to be Nice
Complete the Heat Street job without killing any civilians on the Hard difficulty or above.

Going pacifist with bots, converts or melee will be a breeze. Just watch for Tazers.

Sound of Silence
Complete the Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone. Unlocks the "Boom Box" mask, "Enlightenment" material and "Alesso Logo" pattern.

If a civilian or cop dies, the achievement is voided, regardless of how they die. This includes the forklift killing cops, so watch out when driving. On Normal there is only 1 C4 spot, so moving the forklift once is enough.

For this, I personally prefer doing in stealth as it's easier for me. But the other option that many on the forums have pointed out is to do it the pacifist way in loud (without bots) on the Normal difficulty as Tazers won't spawn.

Loud, Normal difficulty

Video - Alesso Achievements (Sound of Silence at 2:08)

Although this approach will still end in loud, it is recommended to stealth as much as possible, especially the C4 objectives as hacking the computer is a major pain. An ECM rush is not possible as the C4 doors will get disabled from interaction.

Here are some other useful tips:
  • If we insist on doing the computer hack, don't get boxed in the room with no way out and then to an eventual down/fail.
  • Though not 100% effective, shouting at enemies can possibly gain their attention and disrupt their objective to interrupt the computer or the power switch.
  • If unable to handle the fire from enemies, consider kiting them away to relieve some pressure. E.g. run some distance away, wait for cops to arrive, then run back up to continue the objectives.
  • Leaving the pyro booth glass unbroken can stop enemies on the other side from shooting.
  • We can still get arrested if staying in one place for too long without any aggressive actions. Either keep moving around or fire a loud shot every minute or so (be careful not to kill).
  • Enemies can still be dominated without hurting them (for trading or health regen), shout at them while they are reloading.
  • If we position the forklift properly, we can place the C4 and cutters without moving it again, preventing any accidental killing of cops while driving it.

Build wise, I personally prefer either using Sicario dodge with LBV (for near unlimited armour), or Hitman with ICTV. FAKs with Uppers (aced) are optional, in ICTV with Hostage Taker I have more than enough health to stay alive, unless I allowed the cops to kill me. An Armour Bag will be very useful if we want to use the ICTV and also stealth until loud.

Here's my build using Hitman in ICTV, with FAKs and an Armour Bag:
Image - Mastermind
Image - Enforcer
Image - Technician
Image - Ghost
Fugitive not used

Victimless Crime
Complete the Lost In Transit job without raising the alarm or killing anyone.
Check Section [Lost in Transit]
Misc: RNG Achievements
Video - RNG Achievements (Best Way)

Multiplayer approach
In my opinion, a faster way to farm these achievements would be to split the players (everyone goes solo) instead of playing together in a game. Then when one player rolls the desired RNG, they will "pause" the achievement progress, invite the others in, before completing it together. This can also be used to carry another player for the achievement.

The reason here is that there's only one RNG roll per game attempt, which is unaffected by the player count. By splitting up and hosting their own games, multiple RNG rolls are attempted in the same-ish amount of time. E.g. 4 players spending 5 minutes per attempt (1 attempt/5 min), vs 4 solo players (4 attempts/5 min).

For this approach to be possible, the achievements must not require to play from the start, and each player should be proficient enough to go solo.

Guessing Game
On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.

Normal difficulty will help with the stealth portion (5 patrolling guards) but powerboxes are unaffected. On all difficulties, 5 powerboxes will spawn and 2 randomly chosen so chance to get the correct 2 boxes in a row is 10% (2/5 * 1/4).

One of the more infamously difficult achievements. We have to cut both wires without using the computer AND THEN complete the heist in stealth. RNG will dictate our success, so just keep cutting the first two boxes we see.

After successfully cutting two powerboxes without tripping the alarm, hide somewhere safe and invite the rest in. The server doors should not be opened until everyone is in as guards will path in and get alerted.

Blood Diamond
On the Diamond Heist secure the red diamond on Overkill difficulty or above.

Video: Diamond Heist achievements

Game of chance here for the red diamond to spawn. 10% chance on Overkill and 20% on Mayhem+. The spawning/calculation of chance only happens when opening the vault, so we can't check if the red diamond spawns at the start of the heist via HUD mods.

Once a player finds the extra door in the vault, get the others to join in. The achievement is awarded on securing the Blood Diamond, so make sure everyone has spawned into the game before doing so.

Video: The Blood Diamond Myth

There are rumours from time to time that going loud reduces the spawn chance by 5%, and killing civilians/guards reduces it by 1%. While it's true such game code exists, they are unused and practically non-existent.

Boom, Headshot!
In the Henry's Rock job, headshot all five test mannequins in the Weapons Lab using a Pistol and/or Akimbo Pistols within 3 seconds.

Video - Henry's Rock achievements
  • Pistol/akimbo pistols only, no other weapons or explosives
  • 3 second timer to headshot all 5 mannequins
  • For multiplayer, best to synchronize shots. E.g. "Start shooting at 2:30 game time"
  • When done correctly, a shaped charged explosion should sound to confirm (for those helping out).
After getting the weapons lab, wait in the hall so that Murkies won't hit the mannequins with stray fire. Once everyone is in, continue with the achievement.

Solo One-Shot

Video - Boom Headshot Solo One-Shot

The idea is to break all five mannequins with one shot, from the weapons storage, so we'll use the 5/7, modded for 100 accuracy.

    Base Accuracy (48)
  • TiN Treated Barrel, +4 (52)
  • Jungle Ninja Suppressor, +4 (56)
  • Stable Shot aced, +16 stationary, (72)
  • Steady Grip basic, +8 (80)
  • The Professional aced, +12 suppressed (92)
  • Equilibrium aced, +8 pistols (100)

To avoid accidental crossfire onto the mannequins, I recommend going without AI (they increase spawns) and without converts (cannot be controlled) while bringing sentries and a secondary ammo bag. The sentries are used to control the enemy flow and crossfire; 1 in the connecting corridor, 2 at the weapons console where the aiming stick and fire button is, 1 at the power lever next to the batteries.

Image - Corridor
Image - Weapons console
Image - Battery slots

Once we have access to the storage, hop up to the right wall where there's a single box on top. Optional to reposition sentries to prevent distraction. Wedge ourselves into the box and metal shelf rail and then face the wall while crouched. Just above the rail, we'll use the long scar and 2 tiny rectangular markings as reference. Using the center of the left marking and the right edge of the higher marking, form an intersection and aim there with the 5/7. ADS to minimize the breathing effect and fire.

Unfortunately, the wall texture isn't very clear, see images for reference.

Image - 1 - Box
Image - 2 - Wedge against
Image - 3 - Markings
Image - 4 - Markings with overlay

They See Me Baggin', They Hatin'
On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.

Check Section [Transport Heists and Escapes] for tips to spawn Garage Escape.

Players with the Armoured Transport DLC will repeat the Transport Harbour heist, while players without will use Nightclub. Once the Garage Escape is triggered, wait in the lobby, invite everyone else in before starting it.
Misc: Specials - Bulldozers
Hunting Bulldozers
I won't be covering the other "Kill X Bulldozers with Y weapon" as those are very obvious and generic and easier to farm while playing loud. The following achievements covered below are more specific and likely to be hunted on purpose by players.

Bulldozers are vulnerable to ECM feedback and Counterstrike (aced) but ECM feedback is definitely a safer and easier option.

We can use Meltdown (No DLC)/Birth of Sky to hunt for Bulldozers of various kinds and can easily restart to retry/farm. Meltdown has 1 guaranteed bulldozer in a container. Birth of Sky also has 1 guaranteed bulldozer but has a 25% chance of spawning 2 instead. Alternatively, Lab Rats also works, but Bulldozers typically spawn frequently anyway so any other heist works.

Meltdown/Birth of Sky spawns:
N/H: Greendozer
VH/OVK: Blackdozer
Mayhem+: Skulldozer

Get 10 or more arrows stuck in a Bulldozer at the same time. Unlocks the "Lone Heister" mask, "Scorpion" material and "Totem" pattern.

Video - Hedgehog achievement explained

This achievement can get misleading and confusing as bows have been buffed greatly and can take out bulldozers in less than 10 arrows. Good news is, the bulldozer doesn't have to be alive, just keep shooting the dead body until the achievement unlocks.

The Deca Technologies Compound Bow is a "bow".

Have all four players using a fully unlocked Maniac perk deck and have an average of 65% or more of the white Maniac bar filled.

Video - Megalo-mania achievement guide

Obviously not solo-able and not related to Bulldozers, but they are the perfect choice for 4 players to shoot on (body) without killing. As again, use an ECM to disable the bulldozer for an easier time.

For Maniac, to fully utilize our stacks, we'll need to deal 240 damage every 4 seconds. So have all 4 players prepare their weapon, surround a bulldozer and deal damage every 4 seconds (use the blue bar as a visual aid/cue) until the achievement unlocks, which will take a minimum of 3 four-second periods.

I personally use a Desert Eagle as it's 120 damage per shot with a reasonable magazine size, so all I have to do is fire 2 shots every 4 seconds. Check out the video from 2:45 for the action.

Melee a Bulldozer

Video - 1-Hit Kill (Melee) a Bulldozer

Only Black Knight requires a specific variation while the rest can be done on Greendozers (normal on Meltdown/Birth of Sky).

A melee setup will obviously take less time to finish, so go ahead and do so with any of the following skill combinations.
A Berserker/Frenzy build, which is mostly an ICTV build unless going Anarchist.
Then Pumping Iron (aced) for double damage again specials and Bloodthirst (basic), which can add an extra 100% damage per kill charge (up to 15 charges). Alternatively skip Berserker/Frenzy and go for a crit build.

Assuming we're going Normal difficulty (Very Hard for black dozer), they have 2000 HP (4000 for Very Hard), which is easily taken out with a melee build.

Are You Kidding Me?
Kill a Bulldozer in a knife fight.

For this achievement, any knife works, like the Nova's Shank, though oddly some weapons are considered knives, like Clover's Shillelagh, the Potato Masher etc. El Verdugo has the highest damage for knives. Check out the Wiki[] for a full list of "knives".

Black Knight
Kill a black Bulldozer with the Great Sword melee weapon. Unlocks the "Mason Vanguard Veteran" mask, "Forged" material and "Checkered Out" pattern.

Knock out a Bulldozer using the OVERKILL boxing gloves. Unlocks "The Champ" mask.

Trophy - Big Daddy
Knock Out 5 Bulldozers using the OVERKILL boxing gloves.

The Man With the Golden Gun!
Kill 6 Skulldozers using only the golden AK.762 rifle.

Listed here as it is variation specific. Skulldozers typically appear on Mayhem+ difficulties. We can go for Meltdown (No DLC) or Birth of Sky for a quick farm.
Misc: Specials - Cloakers
Video - Cloaker Achievements Guide

Before farming for these achievements, it is important to understand how a cloaker functions.

Cloaker spawns
Cloakers can only spawn on VH+ difficulties with a maximum of 2 and are usually enabled when the assault starts. They will repeatedly spawn after some time (less than a minute) when killed, but can stay in their hiding spots for 5 to 8 minutes, thus restarts are encouraged in almost all guides/strategies. They have a distinctive ring when spawning which can help pinpoint their spawn.

Cloaker health
Cloakers on Very Hard, have 1200 health. That's 1 GL40 shot or 1 Desert Eagle headshot or 1 Judge headshot. In future if these values are ever tweaked, just adjust accordingly by damaging the cloaker slightly before forcing a jump.

Cloaker action/behaviour
  • Cloaking actions are considered only when there is more than 1 player/bot without statuses (tazed/downed/custody). In short, healthy and running about. A cloaker charge is considered first, and only if invalid will a flying strike be considered.
  • Cloaker charge when there is a clear path to the targeted player and within 15m to 25m. Minor obstacles can prevent a charge.
  • When a cloaker charge is invalid, consider a flying strike, when target is within 6m. Flying strikes can be avoided by strafing.

Cloak and Dagger
Kill a Cloaker with a knife.

Either use Counterstrike (aced) to knock him down or play solo without AI so that he cannot perform cloaking actions. Good knives to use are Nova's Shank, Psycho Knife (fast stabs) or El Verdugo (charged).

The Safe Words are Police Brutality and Irony
Kill a Cloaker with the Telescopic Baton.

Same as above.

Watchdogs Day 1
Watchdogs Day 1 is suitable for Don't Push It as it has a wide area, giving us enough time to set up a long corridor for the cloaker charge and to aim for a headshot. Cloakers are scripted to spawn when the assault starts, latest by 1:45. 2 of them will spawn out of 6 manholes, of which 4 are close to the truck.

So at the start, command the AI to hold position. Wait for the assault to start while watching the manholes nearby, else restart. Once we locate a nearby cloaker, bait him into charging and we should be able to pop him with a Desert Eagle headshot.

Flying strike achievements can be attempted as well, though there is more manual setup required (lure, counterstrike to knockdown then bait).

Image - Cloaker manholes (Watchdog)
GIF - GL40 kill
GIF - Judge kill

Don’t Push It
Kill a charging Cloaker using the Deagle pistol.

Ensure a clear path and distance long enough to bait the cloaker into charging, then 1 Desert Eagle headshot will do. Use Counterstrike (aced) to defend ourselves if we miss the window and try again.

Secondary Deagle only, doesn't work for akimbos.

Stop a charging Cloaker with either the Buzzer or Electrical Brass Knuckles melee weapons.

Just bring Counterstrike (aced) and bait the Cloaker from far (to avoid a flying strike). Just be sure to aim at the Cloaker and Counterstrike should automatically go to work when he reaches, unlocking the achievement.

Four Stores
Four Stores is very suitable for the flying strike achievements, as there are good spots to bait cloakers into doing so. The location we are looking for is in the backalley where there is a space between the Pear Store and convenience store. There are 3 locations here; 1 vent each in the 2 stores and the manhole in between them. There are a total of 16 hiding spots so the chance of at least 1 cloaker to spawn out of these 3 spots is 38.75%, by about 2:30 game time if we went loud right from the start, else restart and try again.

When cloakers spawn from the vents, we'd have to strafe the windows repeatedly until the cloaker attempts a flying strike. If the cloaker spawns from the manhole, we'd have to strafe (more like hug) the huge coil on the ground to bait him into a flying strike.

So right from the start, go loud and position the AI to guard the 2 ends. Then hang around the backalley until 2:30 and if we get our cloakers we can attempt for the achievements, else restart.

Image - Backalley, 3 Cloaker spots
Image - Bot position 1
Image - Bot position 2
GIF - Window strafe
GIF - Manhole strafe

We can place basic tripmines on the vents to help wear the cloaker down and also to alert us when the vent spawn occurs. With the cloaker down to 200 HP after the tripmine, we can finish him with a Judge bodyshot (Shotgun Impact (aced) + 000 Buckshot).

Image - Tripmine on vent/duct (sensor mode)
Image - Tripmine causing 1000 damage
Image - Cloaker left with 199 HP

AI bait
Alternatively (and hilariously), we can use our AI bots as bait. Do give the bait bot a slow weapon (I gave the Predator shotgun) so that less chance for the cloaker to die. Then climb into either store, call the bot in and then climb out and call him out. When the bot climbs out, order hold position immediately. Then order the other 2 bots away to guard the ends. This will be easier to aim/time for our shots as we know where the cloaker will land.

GIF - Wick Holds Position
GIF - Cloaker jumps Dallas

In Town You’re the Law, Out Here It’s Me
Kill a jump kicking Cloaker using any shotgun.

The animation window for the flying strike is pretty small so don't panic and try to get 1 good shot. The cloaker is crouched when landing so aim lower than usual. If using the tripmines + Four Stores method, a bodyshot will suffice. If using AI bait, we will more or less be ready for the shot, rather than attempting to do a fast turn and shoot. Akimbo Judges can also be considered for higher output damage.

Not Today
Kill a jumping Cloaker using the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the Wooden Stock, Retro Grip and Wooden Foregrip for the Gewehr 3 rifle.

This is considerably easier than the shotgun one. Even with the fast turn, shooting approximately on the ground where the cloaker will land will finish the job.
Misc: Specials - Shields
Video - Farming Shields

TL;DR - Alaskan Deal on Very Hard, kill the 8 shields in the ambush, restart, repeat. Play without AI so they don't steal kills and Cloakers can't down us.

Long explanation
The old favourite was Watchdogs day 1, on Overkill, with 65% chance to spawn 4 shields just outside. It takes 30 seconds for the truck doors to open, or 20s if sawing the truck floor. Shields spawn by 22 seconds, and will bang their shields at 27 seconds (if waiting for truck doors to open).

Alaskan Deal on Very Hard, has 33% chance for 8 shields to spawn outside. There is also a low chance for 2 shields to spawn as part of the generic SWAT group but it can be ignored. The train doors open at 18 seconds, with Shields doing their signature banging at 13 seconds.

Probability and amount wise, they both fare about the same over a long period, around 2.6 Shields per attempt, but Alaskan Deal takes less time as the ambush begins earlier.

Heists with infinite assaults can also make for farming without restarts as Shields can spawn on the Normal difficulty. Or just let the achievement happen naturally.

Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again
While wearing the "43rd" mask, kill 95 Shields using the Swedish K submachine gun.

Only the single secondary version works.

Maximum Penetration
Kill 10 Shields by shooting through their shields using only the R93 sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Short Barrel" for the R93 sniper rifle.

Knock, Knock
Kill 50 Shields using any shotgun and slug ammo. Unlocks the "Collapsed Stock" for the M1014 shotgun.

Their Armor Is Thick and Their Shields Broad
Kill 10 shields with a Gage Chivalry Pack melee weapon in a single heist. Unlocks the "Agatha Vanguard Veteran" mask, "Chain Armor" material and "Medieval" pattern.

After getting the 8 initial kills, hang around for 2 more, no need to finish the heist.
Misc: Specials - Snipers
Video - Farming Snipers + Snipe This!

There are plenty of heists where snipers spawn repeatedly for our farming needs. But after some comparison, Big Bank has the fastest spawn rate. Use the Crime Spree Trick to access Big Bank if we don't own the DLC.

Big Bank, C4 Tunneling Escape Snipers
At the escape tunnel area, there are 4 snipers which individually respawns every 15/20/25/30 seconds. 60/15 + 60/20 + 60/25 + 60/30 equates to 11.4 snipers per minute or more realistically 10 per minute. Very suitable for farming.

Election Day Plan C (No DLC)
The balcony has 2 snipers spawning every 40 seconds (during assault only, from the 2nd assault onwards). This works out to 3 snipers per minute. Though it's not even a third of what Big Bank offers, it's the best among the no DLC heists.

Farming faster
So far, there are 3 primaries, 1 secondary and 1 shotgun achievements requiring sniper kills. Instead of playing through Big Bank 3 times, a host can wait at the escape while allowing the achievement hunter to rejoin with a different set of weapons to farm all the achievements, to save a bit of time.

Nothing Personal
Kill 30 snipers with any Sniper Rifle on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Mustang" mask, "Tire" material and "One Shot" pattern.

Return to Sender
Kill 25 Snipers using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the Tactical Aluminium Body for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.

Clay Pigeon Shooting
Kill 10 snipers using any shotgun and flechette ammo. Unlocks the Long Barrel for the Raven shotgun, "Clint" mask, "Leaf" material and "Monkey Skull" pattern.

I'm Not a Crook!
While wearing the "37th" mask, destroy 69 snipers using the Commando 553 rifle.

Let Them Fly
Kill 50 Snipers with the Arbiter Grenade Launcher while using the standard ammo type.

Snipe This!
Kill a Sniper with a melee weapon.

Hoxton Breakout Day 2 has snipers on the first floor and also the third floor (needs keycard). Beneath the Mountain also has snipers within melee reach right at the start. 3 of 6 positions can be reached, just be sure to bring a melee with longer reach, as well as Brawler skills. See video (linked in this section) for positions.
Misc: Speedruns
For speedrunning achievements, if having trouble, definitely attempt on the lowest difficulty possible as guard spawns are usually less, assault enemies are easier, as are objectives. With practice, all of these achievements can be achieved solo, without bots.

For stealth, don't waste time tying and moving civilians, kill, bag (and hide if needed).

For loud, movement speed is important (dodge builds Rogue/Crook etc), as are sprint-shooting skills (Body Expertise or shotguns). If any shortcuts are available I will list them in the achievement itself.

Depending on the heist design, AI interaction boost, saws (silent for stealth) and shaped charges can help speedup the attempt.

Smoke and Mirrors
In the Diamond job, steal the Diamond and escape in under 10 minutes. Unlocks the "Pazuzu" mask, "Diamond" material and "Horus" pattern.

Normal/Hard have the least number of guard and camera spawns, so that is our best choice.

Complete the Yacht Heist job within 6 minutes, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Getting this achievement is pretty reliant on RNG, for the money locations and lasers in the server room, otherwise Overkill and up has the same amount of guards (17) but Deathwish/One Down will spawn an additional 3 to 4 groups of civilians, so Overkill/Mayhem is the easiest.

What? You Want Me to Dance?
Complete the Scarface Mansion job in stealth in 13 minutes or less on the Mayhem difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Barrori Flex" mask, "Red Velvet" material and "Coin" pattern.

For stealth, Mayhem and up all have the same difficulty. Only shortcut I can offer is a glitch to hack the laptop with no interruptions.

Video - Scarface Mansion Laptop No Interrupt

High Roller
Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist under 14 minutes. Unlocks "The King" mask, "Plush" material and "Cards" pattern.

Normal and Hard has the least guards. On these 2 difficulties, it is possible for the employee area guards to not spawn, lessening our pager load. However, Normal difficulty has less cameras, so go for Normal. Camera room will always have 5 guards.

ECM rush is not possible as the keypad to the vault is jammed and needs time to reboot after the ECM finishes. Technically possible to skip straight to the gas objective from start after picking up the keycard by killing the 2 gamblers in the main hall (1 purple shirt and 1 white shirt), however this is impractical as there are other civilians and cameras around.

Loud, Normal, Solo with bots
Doing it Loud is another option, which can be more comfortable if we are not as proficient with stealth. With this setup/strategy, I finished by 12 minutes.

Video - High Roller (Loud) & City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears

BFD setup is exactly the same as City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears, so we can get both achievements at once. Loud entry with C4 can optionally be changed to Blimp Escape but finding the code can be a hassle. Recommended preplanning:
  • Loud Entry with C4 - Saves time searching for codes and grabbing C4.
  • Additional Engine Power - Reduces drill/cut time from 7 to 5 minutes.
  • Improved Cooling System - Upgrades water tank capacity from 1 minute to 2 minutes. Combined with Additional Engine Power, we only have to refill 1 water tank and ignore the second one.
  • Extra Battery - Reduces powerpoint usage from 2 to 1. Less to defend means less chance to restart drill.

After the setup, here are the steps we should take:
  • Grab C4 from the limousine. Once obtained, flares (x2) to summon Bile (for winch parts) spawns silently, which can be lit ahead of time. The flares can be found in 4 possible spots: behind the left and right gates at the casino front, near the swimming pool in the west and lastly in the small area in the east. Light it up. (Image - Flare locations)
  • Next is to visit the staff corridor, to grab the fireworks from the storage rooms and to also hack the skylight in the security room. Drop a sentry to defend the hack.
  • Then we'll head up to the second floor to drop the fireworks and light it. If the fireworks spot is in the WEST, then the NORTH table is correct and vice versa. Lighting the fireworks summons the blimp with BFD. (Image - Fireworks vs Correct table)
  • Head back down to plant the C4 on the correct table. The winch bags should also arrive at this time. Carry on as usual.

Build wise, I brought 4 sentries and secondary trip mines/shaped charges (for gates outside security room). Light armour builds are useful for movement speed, as well as Transporter (aced) with HBV for the winch bags and Dentist's Loot. Drill time reduction skills can save a little time for the final artifact door (this drill never jams).

Second Wind with a grenade launcher can be used for a speed boost but we should have way enough time to not need it.

Stealth, the fun way, Very Hard and below
This is a fun way to do High Roller, which will also get us Blind Eye in the Sky (stealth) and Hail to the King, Baby (kill Elvis impersonator, stealth). Do-able only on Very Hard and below due to guard spawns (pagers). Do on Normal if DLC is owned, else Very Hard on Storyline.

Video - High Roller Fun Stealth

Setup/RNG-wise, we only want to see 1 guard in the 1F main hall instead of 2. 60%/40% chance for this (N+H/VH). Otherwise restart.

The general approach is to first break cameras then secure area by killing guards and civilians. Do this for 2nd floor first, staff corridor (back area) then main hall. For the main hall, launch civilian bodies out of sight, so guards on the outside (east/west) don't spot them.

By doing this, we would have killed the two gamblers in the main hall, dropping the keycard to skip a good part of the stealth sequence and go straight to placing the gas. To save some time, hack the vault lasers and drill the manager's safe before going for the other codes. Watch out for the locker room guard if we're out of pagers, otherwise feel free to spend it.

Equipment wise (solo) I brought sensor mines to track roaming civilians.

Commando Crew
In the Beneath the Mountain job, open the 4 vaults that contain loot within 10 minutes of starting the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Commando Crew + Clean House

10 minutes is pretty fair, it shouldn't be a tight run like Salem Asylum. For the vault opening, just cycle through the camera feeds and remember the 2 that is empty. The "opening" literally means interacting with the door.

The 2-4 consoles can be used by enemies to interrupt the unlocking. I usually hold the AI near them and also listen out for any beeping (to signify an interrupt). Once a vault is unlocked, I rush to open it and then return to continue the unlock.

If we're unfamiliar with the vault locations, the big display map nearby can help. I use the doorways as a reference.
Misc: Speedruns (cont.)
Trophy - Long Fellow
Finish the Meltdown job within 7 minutes, on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Long Fellow Trophy Solo

Not impossible to solo, but requires practice and luck. Knowledge of crowbar locations are important. Having the vault outside is not impossible but better to be in the warehouse as crowbars are close by. A saw/keycard can be used to obtain the crowbar in the cage.

First priority is to overload the vault's heating (3 crowbars) as soon as possible, so a light armour build can shave off some time. When the vault is opened, depending on the number of players, 3 forklifts can be used (less if stacking) to move all 8 bags, either to the car or straight to the loot point.

Converts and bots can help to take the heat off players when exiting the warehouse and compound. At this point, either load up the car or continue with forklifts or do a mix of both. A solo player can either stack on the forklift or car. A stacked forklift has to exit the compound in reverse as the stacked weight is too heavy. For stacking with the car, load up the 4 extra bags on the engine hood. See images for stacking.

Driving with a stacked car can be challenging, thus I prefer the forklift method. With a stacked car, try to let go of the gas instead of braking. Turning is best done at a low speed by tapping the directions rather than turning full swing. Experiment for the best results.

SWAT turrets can either be ignored or made use of with ECMs. Forklifts will have to use a shortcut to get to the loot point (check out Meltdown section).

I managed slightly below 7 minutes with/without bots with both car and forklift.

Image - Forklift stack
Image - Car stack

Crowbar and Keycard locations
On Overkill there will be 3 crowbars in the warehouse, 1 crowbar in the cage and 1 keycard lying around. The pictures listed here is the order in which I usually scour for these items, more or less. Cage crowbars not listed (duh).

For multiplayer, the crowbars can be duplicated to save time.

Crowbar 1 – Warehouse entrance
Crowbar 2 – Past first warehouse container
Crowbar 3 – Near staircase at far end
Crowbar 4 – Other end of warehouse
Crowbar 5 – Middle of warehouse
Crowbar 6 – Near last warehouse container
Crowbar 7 – Outside armour vault
Crowbar 8 – L1 corridor, outside locker room
Crowbar 9 – L1 corridor, corner
Crowbar 10 – L1 stairs, under extinguisher
Crowbar 11 – Inside locker, Keycard 1
Keycard 2 – Pantry table
Keycard 3 & 4 – L1 office
Crowbar 12 – L2 corridor
Crowbar 13 – L2 corridor
Crowbar 14 & 15 – Room across cages
Crowbar 16 – Outside security room
Keycard 5 & 6 – L2 office
Crowbar 17 & 18 – Stairs to roof

Done in 60 Seconds
In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, open the dock gate in 60 seconds using the keycards. Unlocks the "Custom Slide" for the LEO pistol.

Video - Done in 60 Seconds

Do-able only in stealth, solo-able. In fact there's a bonus for solo-ing (bots allowed) on Normal difficulty: all keycards will spawn on one side, either west/east.

2 maxed ECMs will be able to cover 60 seconds. Just drop ECMs every 30 seconds while searching for keycards and then inserting them.

2 keycards will always spawn and 2 security rooms will be occupied. On Normal, 3 keycards spawn and only 1 security room will be occupied. The unoccupied security room will then be enabled as part of the full list of keycard spawn locations. Locations are always on desks all over, and also the locker room.

Keycard can be inserted through the wall to save time, by jumping at the rear on the outside and spamming the interaction key. The dock gate is also a shortcut to run across to the other side.
Misc: Speedruns (cont.)
The Auction Cry
Complete the Shacklethorne job in Stealth within 5 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Auction Cry Guide

Be efficient by completing sequential objectives as soon as possible, then non-sequential objectives (or strategic use of pagers) when waiting, like security box/computer hack or waiting for auctioneer.

Sequential objectives
  1. Hack security boxes (30 seconds each).
  2. Place keypad blocker.
  3. Access office (keycard/breaker/swipe).
  4. Hack computer (45 seconds).
  5. Vault (enter code, grab plate).
  6. Secure and escape.

Non sequential objectives
  • Find breaker (anytime before 3).
  • Find blowtorch (anytime before 5).
  • Activate and set up zipline, by bagging any loot, except the bust artifacts (anytime before 6).

Understanding the layout
  • 4 main objective rooms, in the form of rectangular blocks, formed by 2 smaller side-by-side sub blocks; level two exhibit/office blocks and the main hall.
  • Security boxes spawns in a main block with 4 possible locations (2 per sub block). To "clear" one block, we have to find 3 empty box locations.
  • Office always spawn in the right sub block, with glass wall in front and blinds at the back, level two only.
  • Security room/kitchen interchangeable on west or east side, first floor.
  • 3 utility rooms, 2 on level two south corridor, 1 west from reception level one. Equal chances to contain breaker, blowtorch or nothing.
  • Metal detectors at the mansion entrance. When triggered by player, instant alarm, not blocked by ECMs. Can be disabled by a power box on the outside (ladder locations).

Spending Pagers
Total of 10 guards on Overkill and above:
  • 3x entrance/lobby guards. Waste of pager(s).
  • 1x main hall, patrols anti-clockwise, never goes into storage. Waste of pager(s).
  • 1x camera guard. Useful but not critical.
  • 1x kitchen guard. Patrols north area, west small room, including storage. Glitched if security room spawns west and cam guard is killed, stuck outside the room. Recommend to kill.
  • 1x north guard. Patrols both 1st and 2nd floor (both staircases) and also the storage. Recommend to kill.
  • 2x level two block guards (west/east). Useful if office block.
  • 1x corridor guard. Patrols only the central corridor. Would kill but risky.
I won't go out of the way to spend pagers, but my choices would be 3 pagers, the north and kitchen guard as they path into the storage room, and the camera guard. The others are easier to sneak past.

  • Broken security cameras are never investigated (but can still be detected).
  • Scouting of rooms can be done safely from outside (west/east only) for boxes, office, keypad code, since guards don't path here.
  • Office and security boxes are always in different blocks, so locations can be deduced through elimination. So if I spot two exhibition blocks (west and north), office is definitely in the east.
  • The office can be scouted from far easily due to the coloured glass wall.
  • During power off objective, standing close to the right side of the unopened breaker room (level two only) will activate a waypoint to confirm the location quickly.
  • Auctioneer always paths to breaker using left or right of reception, corresponding with the breaker position.
  • Auctioneer can be launched against the wall without bagging.
  • Auctioneer can be killed ahead of objectives to skip powerbox and go straight to computer. Done in ECM rushes.
  • If extra time/manpower, disabling metal detectors can reduce accidents.
  • Hacker's pocket ECMs can be used to delay the pager while performing objectives, since guards are usually near them (security box, office, storage room).
  • Without AI boosts, a silent saw is faster to open utility rooms on level two, but watch for guards and the receptionist (usually killed).
  • The metal detectors can be bypassed by leaping over the small red table or the red railings. Riskier than ladder.

  • Entering through the lobby without disabling metal detectors is possible and faster (slightly) but riskier. Recommend to use the ladder.
  • Jumping to first floor from corridor.
  • Jumping from outsides to ground without ladder (land on objects)

Metal Detectors
This gets overlooked mostly (solo players), though it isn't especially important, but disabling the detectors (by a masked player) allows the remaining players to stay in casing mode. Benefits to this is that, in casing mode with Chameleon (basic), players are detected (suspected actually) at at reduced rate of 75%, lowering the risk of blowing the stealth attempt. Casing mode players also can mingle among civilians freely (though not much use in this heist) but cannot sprint. As mentioned, not really important, but makes for interesting play. Ideal as a guard spotter.

My strategy (solo with AI)
  • Climb ladder and scout rooms from outside.
  • a) If office, remember the location and continue.
    b) If security boxes, hack.
    c) Otherwise check remaining blocks, then main hall.
  • While waiting for hack, lockpick both level two utility rooms if possible.
  • Place blocker.
  • Open level one utility room if needed, get keycard from auctioneer and hack computer.
  • During wait, bag artifact from desk, drop it, activate zipline, return to wait for code. Get blowtorch if haven't.
  • Open vault and complete the mission.

More reliable approach (at least 2 players)
The gist of this approach, is to secure the 2nd floor entirely; 4 pagers on the 4 guards, breaking cams if needed. This allows safe passage (less player screwups); picking of the 2 doors, zipline setup and computer hack. This saves a lot of time on sneaking/waiting for guards to move, and is less reliant on RNG since critical components are more likely to be on 2nd floor. Also no hassle on coordinating an ECM rush. Downside is, we have no spare pagers for the 1st floor.

Lead stealther's (preferably proficient and hosting) priority (in order) is to hack security boxes (taking out a guard while at it), place the keypad blocker and search the 1F utility room. Support stealthers will secure 2nd floor and search 2F utility rooms. With all utility rooms searched, use powerbox to get keycard ASAP. Then the rest is simple, hack computer, setup zipline. Preferably lead stealther to open vault while support reads code.

This is for minimally a solo player with AI. Times mentioned are almost at the limit. Times with variation are due to RNG on distance, e.g. vault to zipline, breaker, office locations.
  • 0:50 to 1:00 - Started hack on both security boxes.
  • 1:30 to 1:45 - Placed keypad blocker. Dependent on breaker and office location.
  • 3:00 - Started computer hack.
  • 4:00 to 4:15 - Entered vault.

ECM Rush
Rushes work, “jamming” of keypad is merely cosmetic. Watch for alarmed glass and metal detectors.

Counting back from 5 minutes, 4 players can rush from 1:00, 3 players from 2:00 and so on.

Simplest way to coordinate a 4 player rush is to place ECMs, regardless if detected or not. Player 1, at 1:00 and 1:30, player 2 at 2:00 and 2:30 and so on. Use pocket ECMs to cover gaps.

When rushing, the entire map can be controlled; kill everyone, break all cameras. Just watch out for the alarmed glass and metal detectors. Also, powerbox objective can be skipped; kill auctioneer before powerbox objective.
Misc: Speedruns (cont.)
Settling a Scar
Complete the Scarface Mansion job within 15 minutes in loud on the OVERKILL difficulty and above.

Video - Settling A Scar Solo

Awarded only to players from the start. As with all stealth-able heists, the silent way is much faster; stealth till nearly the end, then go loud before escaping. On Overkill, we can break the external cameras for an easier time. I've gotten 9m 40s without AI, so no need to rush.

The loud approach is also feasible but all players will need to complete objectives as soon as possible. I did Solo with AI, at 14m 30s with bad RNG.

Loud Approach Objective Tips
  • Hacking
    • When solo with AI, the laptop glitch can be used to skip interruptions.
    • Otherwise, there will always be 3 panels. Pick a panel and wait by it, opening it quickly with a saw (aim at the metal piece sticking out). One player can wait by the laptop.
  • Burning paintings
    • Get the gas can early, usually while the laptop is hacked.
    • 2 cans will spawn in 10 spots, spread among 4 areas; shed (3), garage (4), guardhouse (1), dock (2).
    • 8 paintings will be found throughout the first floor, including the stairs.
  • Cars are pretty straightforward, the waypoint will display long before Bile reaches with the magnet. Cool tip here is the 3rd and final car will always be the Cadillac, so get ready to enter the hall after the Cadillac is lifted.
  • Security
    • There's 2 variations here; Turrets spawn first then security (10 guards on OVK), or vice versa.
    • If security spawns first, they will all be in the main hall. Kill them all then the turrets to clear this objective.
    • If the hall is mostly empty, turrets will spawn first, then Sosa's security, in the side area where the small door is. Rush in and clear it out (both floors), instead of waiting for them to approach.
  • Sosa
    • Sosa himself is pretty easy to take out so no real advice here. I personally prefer to melee-one-shot. 15 Bloodthirst charges, Pumping Iron (aced) and a heavy melee will do. On Overkill he has 10500HP, 6x HS or 1750 HHP.
  • Loot
    • Just go with 6 yayo.

Self Checkout
In the Mallcrasher job, finish the heist and escape within 3 minutes.

Video - Self Checkout

Heli takes 2/5 minutes to spawn (OVK-, MH+), 25 seconds to land and escape box has 2 second delay. So obviously, do only on Overkill and below, break enough by 33 seconds and wait at the escape zone.

Fastest way would be to hit the glass at the front of the mall with bullets, then car shop, wine store and Pear store with grenades, then break the skylight and other miscellaneous stuff with gunfire.

Check out Jower's Mallcrasher guide for each Mallcrasher store value.

Ghost Run
Complete the Murky Station job within 7 minutes of starting it. Unlocks the "Cloaker-san" mask, "Rusty" material and "Rebel" pattern.

Usually I'd recommend Normal, but do on Very Hard instead, read on for info.

N to VH has 8 guards, OVK 10, MH+ 11. N to VH has 2 basement cams (read note below), OVK+ 3. Camera drones, N to VH 3, OVK 4, MH+ 5.

N to VH has the equipment board near the spawn, else, ignore checking it, we should do a downstairs sweep first, before checking the top, since all equipment has a low chance to spawn on the top. Chance to spawn on top (trainyard): Blowtorch 25%, others 35%.

Trains are randomly picked.

Very Hard bug
There is an error in the mission scripts while spawning basement cameras. Hard is checked twice instead while Very Hard is ignored, causing Hard to have 2 to 4 basement cams and Very Hard to have none, so Very Hard is the easiest to do this achievement.

Complete the First World Bank job in stealth under 13 minutes and 37 seconds.

Video - 1337

Normal difficulty has less guards: 2 patrolling the outer area and 2 gate guards (they move to the lobby permanently once the insider tells them to), and 2 inner area guards. I would skip the camera guard on the outer area and instead spend 2 pagers on the patrol, then another 2 on the inner area guards.

Since the camera guard is alive, I'll break cameras if needed. One of the patrols investigates any broken top cameras and another investigates the ground floor cameras so it can be used to lure them to us.

The civilian manning the cams in the inner area can be easily shot from the inner lobby without care, as the glass (cracking or breaking) does not alert anyone. The body should fall to the floor and go unseen too.
Misc: Stealth melee kills
Stealth here, doesn't mean undetected. It simply means that the alarm hasn't gone off yet. So find a heist that begins in stealth, bring maxed ECMs and go wild. Restart and repeat. E.g. Scarface Mansion, Big Oil Day 1, Election Day Plan C, Shadow Raid etc.

Special Operations Execution
Kill 25 enemies while in stealth using the Trench knife. Unlocks the Red Bear mask, Short Barrel, Suppressed Barrel, Short Mag, Folded Stock, No Stock, Solid Stock, Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel for the Patchett L2A1 submachine gun, Barrel Sight 44, Damper.L 44 Nozzle for the Broomstick pistol, “Red Sun” material and “Death Dealer” pattern.

No One Can Hear You Scream
While wearing the “Venomorph” mask from the Halloween event, silently kill 50 enemies using only melee.
Misc: Turrets
Recommended build
LMG itself (bipod for 0 recoil, high damage/magazine), with The Professional + Stable Shot aced + Fire Control basic (accuracy), High Value Target (only basic works), Unseen Strike (crits) and optionally Berserker/Frenzy will make short work of turrets, possibly destroying it totally before it can retract to repair.

Hack This!
In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Attacked Helicopter
In the Green Bridge job, kill the helicopter turret before the plane picks up the prisoner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Helicopter turret spawns after interacting with the seat. Assuming plane succeeds on first attempt, we have at least 120 to 130 seconds to take out the helicopter.

Despite the requirement being at least OVERKILL, it can be done on Very Hard for an easier time.

Eye for an Eye
In the second day of The Biker Heist job, destroy the helicopter turret. Unlocks the "Road Rage" mask, "Chromey" material and "Biker Face" pattern.

On Very Hard and above, 40% chance to spawn (latest by 43s gametime). Do-able on Crime Spree for players without Biker Heist DLC.

Trophy - Diamonds
Finish the Diamond Store heist with all bags and destroying the SWAT Turret, on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Do-able on at least Very Hard despite the description. Secure, not carry into escape, 18 bags (money and diamonds both count), destroy the turret and complete the heist.

The SWAT turret has a 75% chance to spawn when the first assault starts. A confirmation audio should play immediately when the assault starts ("Just keep them occupied 'til the turret gets here!"). If not, restart.

There's no requirements on when to go loud, so the 18 bags can be done in stealth first if desired, though there's a chance the turret won't spawn.

CAR vs. Car
Destroy a SWAT van turret using only the CAR-4 rifle. Unlocks the "Longbore" Exclusive Weapon Set for the CAR-4 rifle.

Video - CAR vs. Car (simple)
Video - CAR vs. Car - New Player Edition

SWAT Vans only. 5% of all damage done to the shields and lens must be from players using CAR-4. Awarded when turret is destroyed. Yes indeed, just 5% and is intended as clarified by developers. 3 shots with the CAR-4 to the lens is enough to make it 5% on VH/OVK.

The best heist to do this on is Diamond Store (75% chance) on Very Hard for lowest possible health. Restart if the voice line for the turret doesn't play on assault starting. Maniac or Sicario in ICTV with Berserker and crits should make this easy.

New Player Edition
Enable "Motion Dot" in "Options", "Accessibility" for easier hip fire.
Recommended skills (28 points or level 24); Mastermind: Stable shot aced, Rifleman aced, Technician: Steady Grip aced, Fire Control basic for better accuracy and stability. Fugitive: Swan Song aced for added up-time before going down.
Optional; If a suppressor is available for the CAR-4, attach it and ace The Professional for even more accuracy/stability.

Explosives are recommended. Either bring grenades or a grenade launcher to help break the turret shield plates and force it into repair. On the 3rd and final break, the turret will remain instead of repairing and be exposed. The lens where the laser comes out from is the weak point. We'll fire at it with the CAR-4.

Similarly, we'll do it on Diamond Store, Very Hard. Break the turret shield plates 3 times, then rush/facetank the lens with the CAR-4. Check out the video for more information.
Misc: Others
In the Goat Simulator heist, throw a goat in the air, kill one enemy and catch the goat before it lands. Unlocks the "Wet Goat" mask, "Hay" material and "Goat Face" pattern.

Video - Baa Bang Ahh (No DLC), I Got It I Got It

Dominated cops do count, if we have trouble shooting moving ones. Getting this will also give the next achievement below. (No DLC) Do-able on Firestarter Day 2, goat spawns on Overkill+.

One way to make it slightly easier is to grab the goat in mid-air by having the AI toss is to us, after shooting a cop of course. Grabbing it off the AI's back doesn't count. Ensure that the AI is not in hold-position mode and call out to him when mid distance away (not too far but far enough that the "Hold [F] to grab ..." interaction doesn't show). Check out the GIF.

GIF - Catch goat from bot

I Got It, I Got It!
Catch a bag mid-air.

Works by grabbing a bag that the AI tosses to us, as described above. Grabbing it off the back of the AI doesn't count. Check out the GIF.

One other easy place to get will be Shadow Raid. At the far end of the docks where the sewer entrance is, bags respawn when throw into the water. We can keep trying repeatedly here. One tip is to grab the bag only before it reaches the floor.

GIF - Catch bag from bot

Tip the Scales
Add money to the scales

Video - Tip the Scales 2021

Interact with the Lady Justice statue in the safehouse after upgrading Wick's area to level 3. It will be found in the kill room.

Jump! Jump! Jump!
Finish a heist without it ever going more than 4 seconds between you jumping. Unlocks the "Dawg" mask.

Solo-able even without bots, as 4 seconds is generous.

Count begins from heist start. Mask up and keep jumping while completing objectives. Jewelry Store on Normal is fast and easy. Drop ECMs, bag and move. Just don't forget to jump.

Jump 100 times within 30 seconds. Unlocks the "No Me Gusta" mask.

Any door with a low arch or being under an obstacle works. Jewelry Store or Safehouse Nightmare both works. Safehouse Nightmare is good since it doesn't spawn enemies until we place the drill.

Fugu Fighter
Have at least 3 enemies poisoned at the same time with your poisoned weapons. Unlocks the "Shirai" mask, "Origami" material and "Hanabi" pattern.

Video - Fugu Fighter

McShay Weapon Pack Update:
Just play with the new Viper grenade or their grenade launcher equivalent and this will unlock easily.

Here are the stats for poison weapons:
  • Chance to show poison animation (vomiting): Shuriken (100%), melee (70%), others (50%).
  • Poison damage-over-time procs every 0.5s for 11 times (once for melee).
  • Total poison damage is 2750 (250 for melee).

Looking at these stats, melee poison is not viable as the poison duration is very short. The high damage vs low enemy health is also a huge concern, as most regular enemies die before we can look for a 3rd enemy.

The easiest/safest solo strategy I have worked out so far, poison 2 converts and then 1 other enemy, as converts, with Partners in Crime (aced) receive extremely low damage. So, our setup will be Confident (aced), Joker (basic/aced), Partners in Crime (aced), followed by Shurikens (quick to throw), or the Compound Bow with Poison Arrow (No DLC). Difficulty wise, our target is a Murky on at least Very Hard difficulty (160 HP) to survive the shuriken base damage of 100 (to the body) and then be poisoned. We could use Bulldozers which can survive the entire poison damage but I prefer the Murky as he can be dominated.

And an easy heist to perform this would be Shadow Raid. Dominate 3 guards in stealth and then fail a pager to go loud. We will have 1 minute to work with. Convert both Murkies and then walk to the last dominate. Once the 2 converts settle down near us we can proceed to shuriken the 2 converts first then the last dominate (hit the body) for the achievement.

Of course with at 2 players, just convert 3 Murkies instead for an easier time.

***Contribution from SenpaiKillerFire*** Do in Crime Spree as the health boosts to enemies allows them to survive long enough to get the achievement.

The Deca Technologies Compound Bow comes with a poison arrow weapon mod, which can be used to achieve this. Syringe also has poison but as mentioned, melee has too short of a duration to be useful. Recommend Crew Boost Accelerator to reload the bow faster.

Poison arrow does 100/300 bullet damage on minimum/maximum bow charge, so plan accordingly for enemy health. Recommend to use Shadow Raid approach above, on at least Very Hard.

Nothing Out of the Ordinary
Answer 4 pagers by yourself within 90 seconds from the first to the last pager.

If we're proficient with stealth this should be easy stuff. Otherwise, Ukrainian Job has a good setup for this achievement, though may require a few restarts due to RNG guard spawns. Another would be Murky Station as the 3 basement guards hardly cross each others path. Then head up to the trainyard for a 4th pager.

Trophy - The Burn Offshore Money Button
Burn all of your offshore cash in the Safe House.

Requires at least 50 million offshore for button to appear. Easier for players still climbing the infamy ladder but for the rest of XXVs, oh the pain.

Trophy - RobbedACop
Kill 658893 enemies.

Video - Farming RobbedACop

Credits to Finale, the train section in Prison Nightmare is great for farming kills due to the endless scripted spawns climbing on the outside of the train, as long as the C4 isn't used. Start it up on Normal without the AI, bring 6 sentries along and place them as close as possible to the edge of the train open sides. This should yield at least 120 kills per minute.
Misc: Others (cont.)
Oh, That’s How You Do It
Fire the Vulcan Minigun for 25 seconds without reloading or letting go of the trigger.

Video - Oh, That's How You Do It

Credits to fragtrane for his method. I previously made it complicated with skills and what not, so here's the simple way, to fire the minigun for 26.25 seconds.
  • Skill Bulletstorm (aced).
  • Fully empty both weapons.
  • While holding the minigun, refill from the ammo bag, with the fire button held. This will ensure immediate reload and then firing until the achievement is unlocked.
  • If not feeling confident about holding the fire button, start a heist with the AI reload boost equipped for an extra 2.55s, or reduce the in-game video frame rate to 30 FPS (something about the game engine).

Drive By
Kill 10 enemies while in the passenger seat of a vehicle.

Doesn't strictly have to be in the passenger seat (where we can fire). Code-wise, as long as we are in a vehicle, all cop kills will count, so we can place sentries, enter a vehicle and wait for the achievement to pop.

Otherwise, for all cars, enter the front passenger seat (right side) and press CTRL to stick out of the car. However, the rear seat of a forklift counts as well. So load up Meltdown on Normal, get in the seat and grab this simple achievement.

Sentries, guns, grenades and grenade launchers work. For the rest I won't be testing them out (come on! it's only 10 measly kills!).

In a single heist, place at least 40 trip mines.

The achievement hunter must play from start of a heist to count. 3 players with 14 tripmines each will have enough. 2 players can also achieve this through Crime Spree, using the "More to Deploy" +50% deployables Gage Boost, at the cost of Continental coins.

Lieutenant Colonel
Convert 300 enemies to fight for you.

Other players' converts will count, so we can play normally in public games to earn this.

If farming, just grab Joker (aced) for quicker conversion and Confident (aced) for two converts, and skip Partners in Crime so they'll die fast. Farming with a crew will shorten the process.

Swing Dancing
Complete any single day of a heist, killing at least 50 enemies using only your melee weapon.

Video - Swing Dancing
  • Play from start to end, of any single day of a heist.
  • Personal kill check: all kills must be melee only, no sentries/guns/throwables. This includes ricocheted bullets for Copycat. Poison melee is ok, electric is not.
  • Although civilians are usually counted, it is specifically excluded for this.
  • At least 50 kills
Misc: Wear-mask-x-do-y
This section targets 3 DLC packs; Christmas Soundtrack, Gage Weapon Pack 1 and the Armored Transport. Technically, Gage Weapon Pack 2 is also part of this but doesn't have any achievements requiring a specific mask.

These are the older DLCs, released during an era when it was cool to wear a specific mask and perform a task, to earn an achievement. However, as more DLC was released, it significantly increased the mask pool, making it harder to get these masks.

So here are two tricks.

DLC Toggle
In the game's main screen of the Steam Library, where the "Play" button is, it is possible to enable/disable (or toggle) the DLCs owned by clicking on the checkboxes.

Basically we disable all the other DLCs to ensure that our Payday mask pool is reduced to only whichever DLC is enabled, then we either farm Jewelry Store on Normal, or use the Offshore Payday. Once we've gotten the masks, re-enable the other DLCs.

Disabled DLC weapons, weapons with DLC mods or perk decks, will be unequipped for whichever profile in use, so stick to one profile when using this trick, in order to not mess up your other profiles.

Save Game Trick
WARNING, this requires meddling with the game saves. I recommend backing up your save with the following guide: Savegame Backup and Restore Guide.

The whole concept to this trick, is that a fresh player (or when first purchasing these 4 DLCs), will receive a random mask/pattern/colour from the DLC pack immediately. So we reset the game until we get the mask we need, then play some simple missions if needed, to earn money and buy the gun, do the achievements, then restore our save.

E.g. Keep resetting the game until we get the Chuck mask, do some simple missions to get money to buy Crosskill pistol, kill 100 enemies for achievement, then restore our save file.

I'm Not a Crook!
While wearing the "37th" mask, destroy 69 snipers using the Commando 553 rifle.
Check Section [Misc: Specials - Snipers]

I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Bulldozer
While wearing the "42nd" mask, trade 7 civilians.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]

Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again
While wearing the "43rd" mask, kill 95 Shields using the Swedish K submachine gun.
Check Section [Misc: Specials - Shields]

Affordable Healthcare
While wearing the "44th" mask, place 61 doctor bags.

While wearing the "Dolph" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the AK5 rifle.

3000 Miles to the Safe House
While wearing the "Jean-Claude" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Kobus 90 submachine gun.

While wearing the "Arnold" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the UAR rifle.

Public Enemies
While wearing the "Chuck" mask, kill 100 enemies using only the Crosskill pistol.

Reindeer Games
Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Christmas soundtrack or community ”Santa” mask each.
Check Section [Misc: 4-men masks]
Item hunt: Enter the Gungeon
I won't be doing locations for the items unless there is an overwhelming request, do check other guides for the locations. However, here's what I can help with.

The trophy will always spawn (last I remembered), just in different places. We do not need to complete the heist, so just pick up the trophy, restart heist and repeat until we get the achievement. Also pick the smaller/easier heist so we don't have to run long distances, e.g. Diamond Store instead of Hox Break for Cultist mask.

The Only One That Is True
In the Bank Heist or the Jewelry Store Jobs, find and pick up the five hidden Bullet Trophies. Unlocks “The Bullet” mask.

The One Who Declared Himself the Hero
In the Hoxton Breakout Day 1 Heist or the Diamond Store Job, find and pick up the five hidden Cultist Trophies. Unlocks “The Cultist” mask.

The One That Had Many Names
In the Shadow Raid or the First World Bank Jobs, find and pick up the five hidden Robot Trophies. Unlocks “The Robot” mask.

The One That Survived
In the GO Bank or the Four Stores Jobs, find and pick up the five hidden Marine Trophies. Unlocks “The Marine” mask.
Side Jobs - 9th Anniversary
Video - Permanent 9th Anniversary Side Jobs

The 9th Anniversary cosmetics are no longer time-limited and are now permanently accessible via side jobs.

Share the Wealth
Secure 9 bags of gold in the Slaughterhouse heist on the Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Magic Touch" gloves.

There's 10 gold in the safe so this is easily done in a single run.

Bleeding Cash
Perform 99 Double Kills with any armour-penetrating weapon. Unlocks the "Cash Flow" outfit.

Graze doesn't work for this and every multi-kill shot only counts as one, so don't aim for more than a double kill.

I picked the 5/7 with Berserker/Frenzy to one-shot enemies on the Normal difficulty, with a Sicario LBV for practically invulnerability. Cursed Kill Room has an infinite assault right from the start, and it took me about 10 minutes.

Gift for You
Find and loot 99 pieces of loose cash. Unlocks the "Nine Lives" mask.

Only cash bundles count. The Safe House Raid has a Bulldozer piñata that spawns cash bundles when broken so we'll use that. There's some RNG on the amount so just restart and repeat until done.

Piñata bundle amount
  • x250 - 4.5%
  • x100 - 9.1%
  • x50 - 13.6%
  • x25 - 18.2%
  • x10 - 22.7%
  • x5 - 31.8%

Go for Gold
Kill 99 enemies with the Money Bundle melee weapon. Unlocks the "Gold Standard" outfit variation.

Again I went with Cursed Kill Room, with a melee build using Pumping Iron basic and Berserker/Frenzy and Shock and Awe aced to knock back Shields. We do need to lower our health to one-shot the heavies, so use a Molotov, Firetrap trip mines or explosives.

The Fire Within
Secure 9 Almir's Toasts on Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Nine Hundred Degrees" mask.

Pick our poison below and go with it. For Prison Nightmare, we don't have to be holding the toast ourself (it's heavy). Bags carried by the AI will also be secured, so toss the toast on a bot and get to the escape. Just be careful not to get downed, else the bot might drop their bag to revive us.

Heists with Almir's toast
  • White Xmas - 1% chance to spawn on opening a present.
  • Lab Rats safe event - 46.75% to spawn one as loot reward
  • Santa's Workshop - 49.5% to spawn two as loot reward
  • Prison Nightmare - Guaranteed spawn on first middle money pile during escape
Side Jobs - Aldstone's Heritage Jobs
The War Room
Kill 200 enemies with all players remaining inside the World War 2 exhibit room on The Diamond Heist on Overkill difficulty or above in one playthrough. Unlocks the "Wolfgang's Cap" mask.

This side job works based on an area check, which in turns triggers an ON or OFF state. When a player enters the room the game checks for valid players-in-room vs total player count and if valid, trigger ON. A player leaving the room at any time will trigger OFF. So when it's triggered to ON, all kills will be added to a counter. This counter will accumulate throughout the heist so it's ok to leave the room and come back, e.g. go out to kill Winters and then go back to the room.

This can have weird implications, like leaving bots and sentries outside and the kills will still count. Or if the last player outside, disconnects or goes into custody, it will count as an OFF, until another player walks out and in to trigger ON. Either way, if in doubt, just walk out of the room and in again.

Sommelier En Herbe
Finish day 3 of the Framing Frame Heist in stealth, having stolen the antique bottle of wine. Unlocks the "Sterling's Beret" mask.
  • Like the vault, the wine can be found behind one of the bookshelves.
  • Has to be secured via the zipline, do not carry it into the escape.
  • Zipline can be activated in two ways:
    1. Bagging the wine and activating the escape.
    2. Bagging gold.
  • Finish in stealth.

The Historical Reports
Find the war documents in safety deposit boxes. Unlocks the "Rivet's Bandanna" mask.

TL;DR - Transport Heists (Reservoir Day 2 Gensec Truck or Crime Spree for No DLC) has the highest chance and fastest to repeat farm. Need not complete heist. Looks like something out of Wolfenstein, see image for example. Credits to 600piecesof8, the text is "Streng Geheim", which is German for top secret.

Image - War document

Wordy explanation, fun to know.

All deposit boxes have a base chance of 4% to spawn the war documents. This chance is rolled individually for each deposit box, assuming the box is not selected for baggable loot or Transport Train intel (Transport Heists).

However, GO Bank/Bank Heist and Transport Heists/Big Bank calculates the steps in different order. Transport Heists and Big Bank rolls against the 4% first then if fail, generates other non-baggable content. GO Bank and Bank Heist however does the reverse, e.g. GO Bank, picks 1 out of 26 possible variations of non-baggable contents first and only if that 1 war document variation is picked, THEN the 4% is rolled against, which effectively lowers GO Bank war document chance to 0.15% (not even 1%).

So it's Transport Heists or Big Bank, though I prefer Transport Heists as it's much faster to open up the trucks and repeat than play Big Bank all the way through to the vault, even though Big Bank has more deposit boxes.

For base game/vanilla/Non-DLC, as much as possible, join hosted public games. Otherwise, use Reservoir Dogs Day 2 (Garnet Store), 50% chance for a Gensec truck to spawn or Crime Spree for Transport heists.

The Briefcase
Finish the day 1 of the Firestarter Job after having picked up the hidden brown briefcase. Unlocks the "Kurgan's Gas Mask" mask.

This is a newly opened up area, the office in the air traffic control. The briefcase will be found somewhere inside.

Air Traffic Control
Briefcase 1 & 2
Briefcase 3
Briefcase 4 & 5
Side Jobs - Post-Christmas 2022
Video - Post-Christmas 2022 Permanent Side Jobs

Combined requirements
  • Kill 2000 enemies with any sniper rifle.
  • Kill 150 Cloakers with the North Star rifle on Very Hard or above.
  • Perform 1000 double kills with the North Star rifle on any difficulty.
  • Secure 500 loot bags (followed by a successful escape) on any difficulty.
  • Kill 200 Dozers on Overkill difficulty or above.

  • Graze only counts for killing and not penetration. i.e. Graze works for the 2000 kills but not the 1000 double kills.
  • Killing more than 2 in a shot is still 1 double kill count.
  • "followed by a successful escape" means reaching the mission success screen, regardless of which day of the heist it is, or if there is an escape triggered. Quitting the mission at this point will not affect the count.

Saving progress
Similar to other side jobs or trophies, progress is stored in the save file. This means a long grinding session can be destroyed by a crash, since saving only occurs at certain parts of the game like completing a heist, going to the next day etc. Thus, it is best to not grind for extended periods (more than an hour) and to "save" progress by completing/restarting the heist.

Sniper kills
Picking a sniper with enough damage for one-shot in the body (difficulty dependent) will reduce the need for headshots. Aggressive Reload aced will be useful to speed up reloads for the final one or two shots in the magazine. I used Cursed Kill Room on the Normal difficulty as it starts with an infinite assault, with a Sicario LBV build for invincibility.

North Star double kills
Shacklethorne has enemies rappeling down in a line but requires some setup time, while Cursed Kill Room starts the infinite assault right off the bat, so take our pick. Again, killing more than 2 at a time only makes 1 count so don't line up more than necessary.

Credits to "jonas m", the Hydra Mutator works for this, so spam away!

Cloaker kills (Very Hard and above)
Safehouse Nightmare is a good spot to farm as Cloakers respawn every 40/30/20 seconds (Very Hard/Overkill/Mayhem+). It can be chaotic however, so the sentry exploit approach will be useful. Check out the video above for a demonstration.

Loot secured
With a crew adept with ECM Rushes, consider Diamond Store or Shadow Raid for added XP. Otherwise Jewelry Store on Normal/Hard will always have 6/8 loot in the displays. Secure as many as we can with a solo rush and repeat.

Bulldozer kills (Overkill and above)
The usual Meltdown and Birth of Sky works, otherwise consider Alaskan Deal though it's more reliant on RNG. Two Bulldozers can spawn immediately outside the train, while another two can spawn slightly away; one at the bottom of the ramp at the left side, and another in the alley on the right.

Lucky Star
Kill 2000 enemies with any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "North Star" secondary sniper rifle.

Constellation Prize
Kill 150 Cloakers with the North Star rifle on Very Hard or above. Unlocks the "Starlight Stock", "Ursa Minor Stock", "Ursa Minor Grip" and "Cynosura Iron Sights".

Diamonds in the Sky
Perform 1000 double kills with the North Star rifle on any difficulty. Unlocks the "Celestial Assault Kit" and "Tiwaz Silencer".

Gift Swap
Secure 20 loot bags (followed by a successful escape) on any difficulty. Unlocks the "Santa's Little Heist" outfit and "Teddy Moo" weapon charm.

No Presents For You
Kill 40 Dozers on Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Holiday Spirit" outfit variation.

Secure 100 loot bags (followed by a successful escape) on any difficulty. Unlocks the "Naughty List" outfit variation.

Shredding Christmas
Secure 250 loot bags (followed by a successful escape) on any difficulty. Unlocks the "Copycat" Perk Deck.

The Abominable Dozer
Kill 200 Dozers on Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Winter Sun" outfit variation.

Holiday Cheer
Secure 500 loot bags (followed by a successful escape) on any difficulty. Unlocks the "Green Elf", "Red Elf", "Yellow Elf" and "Purple Elf" masks.
Video - 400 Bucks & Jason Trophy

400 Bucks
I may be homeless, but at least I have a sick knife.

Trophy - Jason
Find the hobo's knife in the Aftershock heist.

We're looking for a blue-hooded hobo, which can spawn in 5 different locations. Tying/killing him drops a knife, which gives the achievement immediately on pickup.

Image - Blue-hooded hobo 1
Image - Blue-hooded hobo 2

And these 5 locations are:
  1. Far end of the map with fire engine, close to river
  2. Wooden platform next to train car at linked walkway
  3. In train car next to red depot where a sniper usually spawns
  4. In shelter right of the C4 wall
  5. Way back of the construction yard

We definitely don't want to play till the truck objective for location 5, so just start the heist on Normal, check locations 1 to 4, then restart if needed.
Alaskan Deal
Video - Headless Snowmen, There Was Room For Two

There Was Room For Two
In the Alaskan Deal job shoot the swat that is hanging on to the door out in the water.

Ah, the Titanic floating door controversy. We can find a pair of police re-enacting the scene north of the ship. Shoot them to unlock.

Image - Location
Image - "Jack and Rose"

Headless Snowmen
In the Alaskan Deal job find and shoot the heads off on all the snowmen.

No difficulty requirements so easiest on Normal. 4 snowmen to look out for, which are quite small and well camouflaged against the landscape. Achievement unlocks on 4th snowmen shot.

Snowman 1
Upon exiting the train, the alley to the right leads to a small area where the fuel container can spawn, as well as the held captain. Look towards the right where there is a power post as well as two rocks.

Image - Snowman 1 location
Image - Snowman 1 (aimed)

Snowman 2
Easy one, on top of the crane.

Image - Snowman 2

Snowman 3
From the fuel end of the ship, aim towards land where there is a wooden railing just next to the building.

Image - Snowman 3 location
Image - Snowman 3 (aimed)

Snowman 4
From the front end of the ship, aim towards land, just past the main gates is the snowman on the ground.

Image - Snowman 4 location
Image - Snowman 4 (aimed)

The Fuel Must Flow
In the Alaskan Deal job don't let the cops cut off the flow of fuel from the tank to the ship on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]
Alesso Heist
Video - All achievements

Even Steven
In the Alesso heist job, get your seven bucks back. Unlocks the "Cantus" mask, "Bionic" material and "Circle Raster" pattern.

Even wondered why there is 1 C4 left? It's to use on the parking payment machine in the basement. Only in loud, achievement unlocks instantly. Extra C4 on all difficulties except Hard and Very Hard.

Image - Parking Machine

♥♥♥♥ It, We're Walking
In the Alesso Heist job, complete the heist in loud without using the zip-line or bag chutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Female Concert Goer" mask, "Stained Glass" material and "Soundwave" pattern.

Achievement is voided only when a bag is thrown into the chute or attached to the zipline. Opening/closing the chute or setting up the zipline by accident is ok. Despite "complete heist in loud", this is stealthable.

Here's 3 other methods to do it apart from lugging it all the way up.

Throwing it up
It's possible to throw the bags up from the lobby, it's better to have sentries up there or a player to secure it immediately else cops will steal it. Ensure that the glass panels at the top are broken. With Transporter (basic), when standing on the counter desk, we should be able to jump and throw a bag up, barely making it.

GIF - Throwing bag up from lobby (standing on desk)

Let the cops do the work
Ever watched a colony of ants move stuff around before? The exact same, except with bags, like yellow-outlined wriggling worms. Bag all the money and leave it for the cops to move without disturbing them.

They will drop it off at the stairs in between the 1st and 2nd level. That is at least halfway, so we can continue from there. Move them in batches to avoid cops stealing again.

GIF - Those wriggly worms!
Image - Police bag drop

Stealth it 90% of the way
Not practical but perhaps preferable to stealthy players. Basically bring the bags to the top in stealth, break stealth, secure on the container and leave. Sentries and ECM Feedback can help stall enemies while securing.

Video - ♥♥♥♥ It, We're Walking (90% Stealth)

U181, Alesso - Fixed so that the achievement “♥♥♥♥ it, we’re walking” can’t be obtained in Stealth
100% 99% Stealth
As long as we avoid using the chutes, this can be completed in pure 90% stealth. Sneak the bags up to the vents instead. I personally used my pagers on all guards that I encountered from the basement to the vents. U181 added an additional condition for the alarm to go off, so instead of entering the escape zone, mask up and break stealth. The escape van will then take 50 seconds (VH+) to arrive.

Video - 100% Stealth Gameplay

Sound of Silence
Complete the Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone. Unlocks the "Boom Box" mask, "Enlightenment" material and "Alesso Logo" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]
Beneath the Mountain
Clean House
In the Beneath the Mountain job, secure all of the loot from the vaults and mountain-top in the escape helicopter. Unlocks the “Tawhiri” mask, “Flow” material and “Sun Avatar” pattern.

Video - Commando Crew + Clean House

Total of 10; 4 in the vaults and 6 on the mountain top, stored in green crates. Use the Tab overlay to help keep track of secured loot.

Trophy - Humanitarian
Complete Beneath the Mountain heist on MAYHEM difficulty or above, without killing any medics.

Video - Humanitarian Trophy Explained

Personal trophy, medics can still be killed by converts/bots/other players without voiding, sentries kills however will count as ours.

Now that medics have a Murky uniform, it's best to look before we shoot. At the same time, avoid explosives and stick with accurate weapons.

Commando Crew
In the Beneath the Mountain job, open the 4 vaults that contain loot within 10 minutes of starting the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Complete the Beneath the Mountain job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without any player going down.
Check Section [Misc: No Downs/Custody]
Bain Prison Heist/Hell's Island
Video - Bain Prison Heist Achievements

Beacon of.. nope
In the Hell's Island job, Shoot out the light on the lighthouse.

The lighthouse is slightly to the left, far in the background when we first exit the prison compound and onto the roof. Shoot it out.

Image - Lighthouse

Another Way Out
In the Hell's Island Job, Free all of the prisoners in Cell Block A before opening Bain's cell on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

"All" is 3 (prisoners). Achievement is granted after freeing the 3 and then starting Bain's release countdown.

Bain will be the one outlined in orange after being spotted in the camera view, while the other 3 will have a square indicator (much like Facebook tagging). It helps to move the camera around a bit if the squares don't show. Then, key their cell number (to the upper left of the cell from our view, Image - Cell) on the keypad to release. Sometimes the cell number is obscured or blocked by objects but we can infer/deduce by looking at the other cells nearby. The cells are numbered in order from left to right so if we can see the cell number on the nearby cells we can work the correct cell number out.

Image - Cell
Image - Cell (direct)
Image - Cell (deduced)

Prison Rules, ♥♥♥♥♥!
In the Hell's Island Job, kill 13 enemies with the Nova's Shank Melee on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Credits to Zdann: Currently bugged, this can be achieved on any heist.
Big Bank
Video - Easy Big Bank Stealth + Entrapment

Big Bank stealth, drill glitch
Placing a loud drill on the manager's safe can make vault guards stationary when they use the southwest stairs. So we can control the first half (4 staff, 2 guards, 2 elevator NPCs), place a drill and wait for guards to glitch.

We can check by using Sixth Sense to see how many guards are stuck. 3/4/5 vault guards on N/H+VH/OVK+. We can use the poisoned cake asset to reduce the number of guards to glitch by one, but if we have bad RNG we may need to use a pager on him.

For Death Sentence runs, I recommend the elevator escape so we don't need to sneak the bags out.

It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig
Drop Floyd the pig on top of a law enforcer. Unlocks “The 1st” mask, the "Exhausted" material, the "Ruler" pattern and the Extended Magazine for the Falcon rifle.

Video - It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig

Dominated cops don't count for this. Best way is to lure cops to the location either using hostages or loot bags. Civilians will of course be easier since we can move them and we'd have to play till near the end of the heist for loot. For the player in the crane, watch out for the hostage count to drop and when it does, RELEASE THE KRAK- I mean, Floyd.

If multiplayer, have someone keep watch over the hostages lest they be freed prematurely.

For soloing (works with multiplayer too), get the alarm delay in preplanning, bring maxed ECMs, kill the 2 guards and then grab as many hostages to the target zone. Be up on the crane before the assault starts, this way cops won't spawn since they cannot reach us. After a few minutes the assault should end automatically. During the assault break the hostage rescue team should come in to release hostages. Similarly, watch for the hostage count to change before releasing Floyd.

Another way is to put sentries at the hostages and wait till they run out of ammo, that should give us enough time to get Floyd ready.

In the Big Bank job, complete the heist with 12 bags in the default escape with all the lasers active. Unlocks the CQB Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

Video - Easy Big Bank Stealth + Entrapment

Stealth only, since the lasers disappear on loud. Don't use keycards on the timelock door.

On Normal, there are 2 patrols in the front and 3 patrols in the back, with a 66.66% chance of an extra patrol spawning from the lift during the timelock rundown. Without glitching, we can use the poisoned cake to lockdown one guard and hope the extra guard doesn't spawn. Otherwise, use poison cake on the vault area and a loud drill in the manager's office to glitch the remaining patrols. The last 1 or 2 pagers can be used on any guard that is in the way/cams room.

Credits to Jingaling, guards in the pre-vault can be glitched by breaking cameras in the front half, though it may cause them to freeze in inconvenient positions (e.g. in front of the vault) and require a pager.

Sweet Sixteen
Complete The Big Bank job with 16 secured bags. Unlocks “The 16th” mask, the "Clay" material, the "Spartan" pattern and the Marksman Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

Stealth or loud, take our pick. Either way, a saw will save us much lockpicking time.

Backing Bobblehead Bob
Bring Bobblehead Bob to the vault. Unlocks “The 18th” mask, the "Gemstone" material, the "God of War" pattern and the Wooden Stock for the Falcon rifle.

Video - Easy Big Bank Stealth + Entrapment

Bob, from the Big Bank DLC trailer, spawns within the 1st minute of the game from the side where the food stand is, walks past the default escape van and then into the bank. He behaves like other regular civilians; filling in a form, waiting for the teller, going to 2nd floor for a meeting, before leaving the bank permanently, within 6 to 10 minutes. He can also get tired of waiting and leave prematurely. Thus the guaranteed moment to catch him is at the escape van, right after he spawns.

As with all civilians, avoid explosive weapons and Tazers, so Normal difficulty, AI, converts and sentries are our friends. Stockholm Syndrome (aced) can help prevent fleeing when rescued.

We can 90% stealth it by grabbing him in stealth at the escape van and hiding him, then do objectives until the escape before going loud and shifting him to the vault, as non-humans will not be able to cross from outer area to inner (vice versa) in stealth.

It Takes Two to Tango
Hack the correct computer on the first try in The Big Bank job. Unlocks “The First American” mask, the "Parchment" material, the "Roman" pattern and the Tactical Grip for the Falcon rifle.

Video - Big Bank Correct Computer Solo

When accessing the server computer the first time, there is a 5% chance to not trip the firewall, which will grant the achievement.

Otherwise, the firewall will be tripped and we'll have to hack an employee's computer which is indicated via both audio and visual cues (for a short while). However, to locate it would need at least 2 players. The beep can help narrow it down while the visual clue is a direct confirmation. Hack that computer first that we'll get the achievement.

Possible to solo, hack the server first and if a firewall trips, hack any random computer and hope it's correct. Else restart and try again. For solo players there will only be 9 computers enabled. Chances to solo the achievement is 5% + (1 / 9) * 95% = 15.56%. Still better than Guessing Game.

Image - Correct computer to hack

Trophy - It's Not Even Fresh...
In the Big Bank job, find the half eaten sandwich in the safe.

The safe mentioned here is the one in the manager's office (where we have to answer the phone). It's hidden behind the painting, just melee it and it should fall off, revealing the safe. The safe has a chance to contain either the sandwich, or a keycard. Restart and retry if keycard. Open it for the trophy (credits to blinya).
Big Bank (cont.)
Video - Matrix with Lasers

Matrix With Lasers
In the Big Bank job, open the vault by using the "Beast" drill and escape using the C4 Tunneling asset without killing any snipers on Death Wish difficulty or above.

***Some sniper kills are permissible***
Apparently only the snipers in the first half of the bank are programmed for this achievement. The rare sniper (ledge outside vault) and the final 4 snipers can be freely killed without voiding the achievement. Not expected to be patched. Marshal sharpshooters are also safe to kill. The remainder of the strategy was created to avoid any sniper kill and will be left as is.

  • Deathwish or higher
  • Achievement hunter must play from start
  • No sniper deaths (see note above)
  • C4 escape
Contrary to what the description says, there is NO NEED to use the Beast drill. Stealth until end, partial stealth timelock, thermite entry, all works as long as it ends with C4 escape.

  • Sentry trick spot, works even better with Winters (Image - Sentry spot)
  • Rewiring timelock can be bypassed by stealthing timelock (even with 75 DR and armour), and crane section can be bypassed using thermite entry, since that's where the first sniper area is.
  • Survival skills, Uppers (aced), Feign Death, Messiah, Swan Song, Stockholm Syndrome (aced). Pretty much self-explanatory.
  • FAKs (Uppers aced) can be deployed at the end of a zipline, as downs are only inflicted on exit.

Getting through the final section
The basic way is to throw bags, move from cover to cover and repeat. Thus recommended to only grab 4 money bags. For multiplayer, some can defend while one or two players attempt to move the bags. For solo, recommended to attempt moving during assault breaks (grab a hostage for extra 10 seconds).

Perk Decks
  • Tanks - They can survive a fair bit of sniper shots. Combine with baiting (see below) it can reduce amount of shots tanked. Use First Aid Kits to recover health or as insurance (Uppers aced)
    • Crew Chief (all damage resist/Frenzy aced/ICTV) can survive 3 shots
    • Stoic, ICTV, with all damage resists, can survive 9 shots
  • Sicario - Pseudo-dodge and throwable. However it's just easier to bait snipers to fire (see below)
  • Kingpin - 6 seconds invulnerability is enough for the team to run past
  • Muscle - Panic can throw off the snipers greatly or disable them for a bit. The Microgun seems to be extremely effective.

Snipers can be baited to fire. Expose ourself for a moment before hiding and the sniper will fire into the cover. Then we can move during their reload/re-aim. Of course not all 4 snipers can be baited at the same time due to their positions but this can reduce the amount of shots to tank.

Playing with bots
When using bots, it's best to avoid the roof, by either stealthing entirely, or stealthing the timelock and then using thermite as entry, to avoid killing snipers.

There is a 5% chance of a sniper spawning outside the vault on the ledge where the tans are, calculated on each assault wave. If he does spawn, wait for the assault to end and he will retreat.

The bots can hold position at the top of the stairs (past the meeting room) to avoid them following into the final section. Try to place them as close to the wall as possible and avoid walking past the zipline as the bot distance is kind of stretched to the limit. Alternatively, have another player pull the bots away from the escape and then sprint towards the escape before bots can reach the final section, or with other players in the escape zone, have the bot pulling player go into custody and end the game.

Image - Sniper outside vault
Image - Bots hold position
Image - View from escape to bots

12 Angry Minutes
In the Big Bank job, complete the heist in under 12 minutes on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the Wooden Foregrip for the Falcon rifle.

Video - 12 Angry Minutes (Solo/Loud)

As with all speedruns, stealth is usually faster. Loud (and solo) is possible, with the right preplanning options. Can be done in Crime Spree and Storyline (No DLC).

Loud approach
    The preplanning options we want are:
  • Thermite - Security Room (5m)
  • The Elevator Trick (yes it works in loud)
  • Time Lock Glitch Routine (3m => 2m30s)
A saw is recommended to open the security doors and vault cages quickly. As long as all objectives are completed smoothly, a multiplayer team will have no issues completing below 11 minutes.
    For a solo player:
  • Get the computer correct latest by the 3rd try, else restart.
  • Start timelock after rewiring by 2:15.
  • Finish timelock by 4:45.
  • Enter vault by 10:00.
  • When entering the vault, open the vault door first before bagging.
  • Should be able to finish just under 12:00.
  • Sentries and converts can help fend enemies off when moving bags (place sentries about 30 seconds before entering vault).
Big Oil
I Knew What I Did Was Wrong
On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.

Bring a saw and an ammo bag. The basement door is at the front of the house next to the garage entrance. This should unlock without completing the heist.

A Junkyard Full Of Junkies
On day 1 of the Big Oil job, kill all of the bikers within 1 minute of the heist starting.

Video - Damn It Bile & Junkyard Full of Junkies

Pick Normal difficulty, start heist, deploy ECM, shoot loud weapon. Eliminate red exclamation marks. Stealth not required so bots can help after going loud but with the exclamation marks gone it becomes harder to find the bikers.

House Keeping
In the Big Oil job, complete day one in stealth on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Day 1 has gone through a few changes before so don't let older videos confuse us. It used to go loud when there is an explosion or a loud gunshot but no longer. So just bring maxed ECMs to rush it. Watch out for the mines though.

Finding the Right Engine on Day 2

Video - How to Find the Right Engine

To find the right engine, we need 3 clues. There will be 2 clipboards and 1 computer. The clipboards can be either in the house itself or in the lab, whereas the computer will always be in the lab. Clipboards will NEVER be found in the server room locations so don't bother opening all up. Note that explosives may break the computer even from the ground floor so watch out.

Once we have all 3 clues, we can find out which is the correct engine, either by logic or by using a Big Oil Calculator (Google that).

Clue type 1, clipboard: Nitrogen/Helium/Deuterium
Upon entering the lab, there will be a whiteboard which states what colour of the tank matches each gas. Then check for engines with that tank colour. Note that this tank on the engine is slanted and NOT upright.

Clue type 2, clipboard: H/2H/3H
Each engine has an upright blue tank connected, with either 1, 2 or 3 tubes, corresponding with H/2H/3H. Don't confuse H with Helium.

Clue type 3, computer: ≤ 5812 or ≥ 5783
Always found in the lab. Don't worry about PSI or BAR. Just look at less than or more than. If we get less than (≤ 5812), check the pressure gauge on the engine for a value less than 400 and vice versa. Exactly 400 is never right.

Other tips
Facing the whiteboard, all left side engines are 3H, while right side contains 2x 1H engines in the first row and the rest are 2H. That should narrow down the search. Also bring a torchlight gadget as cops love to shut the power. If we've picked up intel on Day 1 and it turns out to be Cold Fusion Research, the engine will always be Deuterium + 3H so just look for the pressure computer.

Doctor Fantastic
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.

Doctor Miserable
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the last engine being correct on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Damn it, Bile...
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, have Bile trigger the alarm.

Video - Damn It Bile & Junkyard Full of Junkies

Must maintain stealth all the way until Bile arrives to pick up the engine, which will break stealth automatically and immediately award achievement.

As the open lab door turns guards suspicious, the general approach is delay the breaking of stealth through regular means (cops called, caught on cameras etc) until Bile's arrival. So when ready, open the lab, pick up any engine to enable the flare objective, then light the flare and maintain stealth.

Saving on ECMs
To save on using ECMs on the doors, either restart until a keycard spawns on Day 1, or bring a silent saw.

Lit Flare to Helicopter Arrival
When the flare is lit, time taken for the helicopter to arrive is immediately determined, using a random base delay of 30/60/90/120 seconds (equal chance), plus a fixed delay of 23 seconds, which equates to 53/83/113/143 seconds. So assuming guards are only alerted after lighting the flare, 2 players worth of ECMs are enough (maxed deployable + throwable).

On Very Hard and below, only 5 patrolling guards will spawn. There is a 20% chance for one stationary guard to spawn at the main mansion entrance, which we can ignore. One extra guard will spawn (after 4 guards are killed) after a 145/120/80/45 seconds delay (N/H+VH/OVK/MH+), that will patrol around for a while and then leave forever. Spawns and despawns from the main road where Winters also spawns from.

Best done on Hard/Very Hard for less guards, breakable cams and shorter delay for the extra guard. Ideally first take out 4 guards, to reduce patrollers and triggers extra guard. Wait for both the server hack to complete, and extra guard to leave. When the last patroller walks away from lab door (either outer areas, or to second floor), open, grab/drop engine, light flare and wait. Chain ECMs if needed until Bile arrives.

If the ECMs are running out, we can make a last ditch effort for more time. Kill the last guard (make sure cameras nearby are broken), let his pager run till near expiry (10 to 11 seconds after it starts), then answer it fully for another delay of 22 to 25 seconds.

With 3/4 players worth of ECMs (maxed deployable + throwable), this achievement is guaranteed even when guards are alerted prematurely, when the computer hack has about 48/120 seconds left (assume 20 to 25 seconds to light flare after hack is done). With 2, achievement is guaranteed as long as guards are alerted only after lighting flare. If solo-ing, a bit of luck is needed for the patrol routes and helicopter arrival delay.

Glitch approach
This is not the best approach as it happens randomly due to a particular patrol route and can happen anytime from the first 5 minutes, or even 30 minutes into the game. Screenshot attached is after waiting for 26 minutes.

On occasion, guards patrolling towards the forest and then back to the mansion may glitch out and be stuck at two possible spots on the outside. If this happens, getting the achievement is practically guaranteed. Kill the other 4 guards to spawn the extra guard then let him leave. From here on, no one will patrol past the open lab door.

Another glitch approach is to ECM juggle the 5th pager after the extra guard leaves, until Bile arrives.

Image - Glitched guards
Biker Heist
In the first day of The Biker Heist job, find the secret item. Unlocks the "Flaming Skull" mask, "Shiny and Chrome" material and "Fire Tire" pattern.

The secret item is a big bottle, which spawns in 4 possible locations: Behind the bar counter, on the beams/rafters near the bar entrance (climb from 2nd floor), in the vantage point asset (no need for sniper pack DLC) and in the bomb shelter.

The vantage point asset needs to be purchased in order to access and the bomb shelter requires the objective (which is random) to access so no point in trying for those 2.

Just restart if it's not behind the bar counter or on the beams/rafters and then pick it up, easy achievement.

Video - Scavenger achievement

Full Throttle
Complete the second day of The Biker Heist job within 120 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Speed Devil" mask, "Devil Eye" material and "Skull Wing" pattern.

As per the tips for speedrun achievements, run-and-gun builds (shotguns, Body Expertise) and light armours work well. Crit builds are optional but don't work as well against the biker boss as she has high HP (18000 on OVK) and only a 2.5x headshot bonus (with perk bonus) and a 5x crit headshot bonus. Rather, I recommend either a full-auto DMR (M308) to the head or a melee setup. A melee setup using a charged El Verdugo, Pumping Iron (aced) and a full 15-charge of Bloodthirst (basic) will deal 14400 damage and that's just 4 seconds of work, not to mention the low skill point investment. A basic shielded sentry (Third Law aced) can distract and do enough damage for the melee to take the biker boss out.

GIF - Sentry and melee

As for dealing with the train car obstacles, here are some shortcuts/tips:

Let the Man Work
In the first day of The Biker Heist job, let Mike the mechanic finish the bike without any interruptions on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks "The Classic mask", "Hotrod" material and "Engine" Pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Eye for an Eye
In the second day of The Biker Heist job, destroy the helicopter turret. Unlocks the "Road Rage" mask, "Chromey" material and "Biker Face" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Turrets]
Birth of Sky
No Blood on the Carpet
In the Birth of Sky job, release the money without having any player take health damage on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the “Oro” mask, “Glade” material and “Tribal Wave” pattern.

Broken achievement, in the good way. This achievement can be gotten even after taking health damage or downs. I'm unable to trace back when this was broken as the code repositories between 2015 and 2017 are lost.

1... 2... 3... JUMP!
In the Birth of Sky job, have the entire crew jump out of the airplane within 1 minute and 23 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the “Maui” mask, “Wade” material and “Ornamental Crown” pattern.

Solo-able. Quick-killing builds like shotgun and Body Expertise builds plus sprint-shooting are important as the Murkies can physically block our way to the next door due to narrow spaces and dead Murkies equals no-block. Ignore enemies that do not directly hinder us.

Do-able with an ICTV build, I managed it in around 1:15.

Pinpoint Landing
In the Birth of Sky job, parachute into the diner through a hole in the roof.

Before exiting the plane, stick to the right and aim for the diner's skyroof. If a money pallet did not crash through the skyroof, we'll have to shoot it.

Expert Landing
In the Birth of Sky job, have all players land on the roof of any building, car or other structure and together get 200 kills before ever touching the ground on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

Video - Expert Landing

Kill counter starts after the first player jumps out of the plane and enters the main area. Once kill counter hits 200, achievement is awarded to all who played from start. Count includes all enemy deaths regardless of how. Achievement is voided when any human player goes below a certain height. DO NOT land on cars or trucks as per the achievement description.

The following images show the possible areas to land and move around in. Landing on cars, trucks etc void the achievement since it's below the allowed height. To simplify, land only on building roofs. At the diner, don't go down the ladder.

Image - General areas
Image - Warehouse
Image - Car shop
Image - Diner

Easiest to land onto (given how wide it is) but is the worst in terms of cover. Watch out for the hole (if a pallet crashed through) when landing. Interesting that the air-con unit and the canopy are safe to land on.

A better option than the warehouse because of cover from snipers (from 2nd assault wave). Harder to land onto and possibly drop through in the midst of combat due to the multiple holes (skylight and ladder).

Car shop
The best location in terms of cover since we can go indoors, but hardest to land onto. We can only land on the garage (see image, right side). Aim for North-Northeast when jumping out of the plane. Remember not to go down the stairs.

I personally like to leave it up to AI bots (with Mosconi) and converts to do most of the killing. Just make the AI hold position in good spots and revive them from time to time. It took me around 8 minutes to achieve this, contributing only 80 kills to the 200 required.

In the Birth of Sky job, find all 9 rings.

Trophy - The Ring
In the Birth of Sky heist, find all 9 rings.

Video - Mellon (The Ring) All Ring Locations

Can be done on Crime Spree or Storyline if DLC is not owned.

Diner - 5 locations:
Image - Overall

Warehouse Front (Office) - 4 locations:
Image - Overall

Warehouse Rear (Storage) - 4 locations:
Image - Overall

Gas Station - 8 locations:
Image - Gas Pump
Image - Store 1
Image - Store 2
Image - Office
Image - Restroom
Image - Roof

Mechanic Shop - 3 locations:
Image - Overall

Car Shop Ground Floor - 5 locations:
Image - Colour Palettes
Image - Desk 1
Image - Desk 2
Image - Couch

Car Shop Upper Floor - 2 locations:
Image - Couch
Image - Manager's Desk
Black Cat
Swimming Cat, Silent Burglar
In the Black Cat job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, complete the heist in stealth while you and your crew used only melee weapons.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Others]

Master of Floatation
In the Black Cat job on the Mayhem difficulty or above, throw 8 body bags overboard and complete the heist in stealth without having killed any civilians.

Video - Swimming Cat Silent Burglar + Master of Floatation

Must play from the start. Xun Kang and Deng Li doesn't count as civilians, and triads (full suits) don't have pagers, so all of them can be used to help make up the numbers.

The civilians in bathrobes on the sundeck (helipad) won't fail the achievement either, but it's unlikely we'll need them.

For Black Cat, there will be more guards and civilians on Deathwish and Death Sentence, so do it on Mayhem if we're not confident with stealth.

Secret Sea Safecracker
In the Black Cat job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, find and open Xun Kang's secret safe.

Video - Secret Sea Safecracker

Do-able on stealth entry preplanning options only, as loud entry skips Xun Kang entirely. Similar to "Backing Bobblehead Bob", we grab Xun Kang as a hostage and bring him to his Titan safe in one of the 15 cabin closets (all but cabin 10). The achievement is awarded as the safe opens.

Can be done in both stealth and loud; Stealth is more reliant on RNG due to the cabin location while loud has Tazers.

The correct cabin can be determined by:
  • ***Interacting with the computer in the crew deck. Can be accessed immediately from the start, especially with the "crew deck entry" preplanning.
  • Look for the business card in the cabin.
  • Searching the closets directly for the Titan safe.

One Claw Beam Cutter
In the Black Cat job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, complete the heist in loud having used only one saw at the time to cut the vault beams.

Video - One Claw Beam Cutter (simple)

Must play from the start. After going loud, grab the explosives from the crew storage room and plant them on the outer wall of the vault. Only one saw can be used at a time and must be complete before the next can be placed. Then complete the heist to be awarded the achievement.

Drill skills affect the saws and will be useful. Do also bring along something to deal with the helicopter turret.
Boiling Point
When in Russia... Do as the Russians Do
Complete the Boiling Point job while having your crew wear the "Russian Hat" mask and "Golden AK.762" assault rifle on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Bots allowed]

Crazy Ivan
Complete the Boiling Point job having everyone only using melee weapons without electricity or poison to kill enemies on the Very Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Safety First" mask, "Planet" material and "Phoenix" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Others]

The Ground Is Too Cold
In the Boiling Point job, have no crew members get downed on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Zero 68" mask, "Nebula" material and "Hexagons" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: No Downs/Custody]

Remember, No Russian
In the Boiling Point job, scan all 4 bodies without letting the mercenaries turn off the power or stop the scanner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]
Bomb Dockyard
Breaking Dead
In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, find the meth lab. Unlocks the "Extended Mag" for the LEO pistol.

Used to be an RNG spawn but now spawns 100% of the time.

Done in 60 Seconds
In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, open the dock gate in 60 seconds using the keycards. Unlocks the "Custom Slide" for the LEO pistol.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

I've Got the Power
In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, don't let the enemies cut the power. Unlocks the "Long Slide" for the LEO pistol.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

High Times
In The Bomb: Dockyard job, cook 2 bags of meth and secure them.
Check Section [Misc: Meth]
Bomb Forest
Beaver Team
In the Bomb: Forest heist, cut down all trees within 5 seconds. Unlocks the "Butcher From Hell" mask, "Meat" material and "Pleter" pattern.

Video - 2 player method
Video - Solo (No DLC)

***Vandigal has contributed to a solo solution: Stack speed boosts together (explosive weapons + Second Wind/Yakuza deck). Kadim has verified this works. Solutions has been reworked.***

Solo-able with No DLC (own only Bomb Heist DLC + base game).

Pick the plane escape so that the shaped charges interaction appears. We do not have to play till the escape and can do this right from the start so it will be easy to restart the attempt is botched.

There are 3 trees to cut on one side of the road and 2 on the other. The targeted trees are tall, skinny and have short branches.

Less stressful, 2 player method
Coordinate with the other player to place the shaped charges at the same time, e.g. "Place shaped charges at 0:25". Then run towards the next tree and when we hear the charges go off start sawing the remaining trees.

Solo method 1 (credits to Vandigal)
Again, I would like to credit Vandigal and Kadim for sparking the interest in me to develop a solo strategy. Recommended are Second Wind, Yakuza deck and explosive weapons to break our armour for the speed boost to do it solo.

Solo method 2 (No DLC)
First up, we'll need a setup.

For AI boosts, we'd need interaction speed.

Sawing the tree needs 3 clicks by default. With Berserker/Frenzy alone at the minimum (100% more saw damage) or Portable Saw (aced) alone, it will take 2 clicks. Combine both and it will be done in 1 click. Lock N' Load (basic) then allows us to saw while sprinting. In the speed boosts department, Parkour (basic) as always, then Second Wind (basic) and Running From Death (aced).

Equipment wise, we'll need tripmines with Fire Trap (basic), suit for armour.

So to start, select Plane Escape. Place a tripmine on the ground near the first tree available, then break it with the saw. Once downed and revived, we should have 30% speed boost from Running From Death. While we're placing the shaped charge, our armour should recover when revived and again break from the fire to activate Second Wind. Sprint and saw the remaining trees immediately.

Pump It Up
In the Bomb: Forest heist, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump. Unlocks the "Tech Lion" mask, "Marble Rock" material and "Lion Game Lion" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Finish the Bomb: Forest heist without letting any civilian flee or die, having at least five civilians in the heist while escaping with the boat. Unlocks "The Doctor" mask, "Plywood" material and "Caduceus" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]
Border Crossing
Video - Border Crossing Achievements

Identity Theft
In the Border Crossing job, find 4 murkywater uniforms. Unlocks the "Murkywater Uniform" Outfit.

No difficulty or stealth/loud requirement. All uniforms are on the Mexican side. Of 8 possible locations, 4 will spawn. Achievement instantly unlocks when 4 are picked.

Image - 1A - Santanico warehouse, outside view.
Image - 1B - Santanico warehouse, on the floor.
Image - 2 & 3 - Between warehouses
Image - 4 - Culebras warehouse, in front of cage 1
Image - 5 - Next to railing, right of ramp, front of Culebras warehouse
Image - 6A - Culebras warehouse 2F, outside view
Image - 6B - Office view
Image - 7 - Pantry across from #6
Image - 8 - Culebras warehouse, near cage controls

Two-Step Verification
In the Border Crossing job, secure all 4 pieces of the Roman armor and finish the heist. Unlocks the "Hippika" Mask.

No difficulty requirement. All 4 armour pieces must be secured on the plane and not carried into the escape.
Here are the steps to obtaining the armour pieces:
  • Stealth is required until the vault is opened. It is possible to leave the first area with ECMs and everyone alerted and they will disappear after.
  • On the US side, pick up the keycard (don't use it) and blueprints in the safe, in the room behind the red door. This will spawn the vault on the Mexican side.
  • For multiplayer, the 2nd keycard can be found in one of the storage (drill it open). For a solo player (can be online/offline), it will have to be obtained on the Mexican side.
  • Once on the Mexican side, use both keycards on the vault in the basement of the Culebras warehouse. Unlike Shadow Raid, there is no time limit to put the keycards. Once done, a timelock will then countdown before the vault is opened. ECMs will not jam the timelock.
  • Once vault is opened, stealth or loud doesn't matter anymore.
Image - Blueprints in safe
Image - Solo Keycard 1 - Table outside pantry, Culebras warehouse 2F
Image - Solo Keycard 2 - Table in pantry, Culebras warehouse 2F
Border Crystal
Heister Cocinero
In the Border Crystals job, escape the heist with 25 bags of meth on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Achievement hunter need not play from start and can join midway. Awarded on escape. All 25 bags must be secured on loot zone and not carried.
Breakfast in Tijuana
Image - Ground Floor (Blender/Toilet/Powerbox)
Image - Upper Floor (Medal/RFID locations)

Guard setup (all with pagers), same for all difficulties
  • 1x Guardhouse
  • 2x Patrols parking lot
  • 1x Front desk
  • 2x Patrols lower floor (before cells)
  • 2x Patrols upper floor
  • 1x Camera guard
  • 1x Patrols break room and before garage
  • 1x Patrols garage
On release, it's possible for AI to navigate across the lower/upper floors. This allowed the lower floor guards a chance to patrol upstairs and may never come back down.

Low Murder Rate
Complete the Breakfast in Tijuana job in stealth without killing anyone. Unlocks the "Desert" weapon color.

Achievement hunter must play from the start. Must complete in stealth with no kills. Dominating guards are ok. Awarded on escape. Since there are no difficulty requirements, it is best done on Normal for less civilians and regular cameras (broken cameras are not investigated).

Pager spends
The areas where sneaking might be a little tight would be the upper floors, the break room and possibly the cafeteria, if we get the blender objective. The guards on the lower floor can be sneaked past easily enough after marking them.

Following this line of thought, the best pager spends would be the upper floors and break room. The camera operator can be left alone since we can break the cameras (after dominating guards). This leaves us one pager to spend wherever we like.

Alternatively, we can spend all pagers in the main building since that's where most of the objectives are. Just remember to dominate the lower floor guards away from the windows. When taking this approach, the break room will be a bit riskier to sneak by. It won't be an issue though as the last bit will take slightly under a minute to finish (with Hajrudin waiting at the final doors) and can be covered by ECMs.

If trying on Mayhem+ (Titan cameras), be sure to dominate guards away from cameras. Pocket ECMs and looping cameras can give enough time to tie civilians and lead them away.

ECM rush approach
It is possible to ECM rush the whole heist with a full team. If guards have already been alerted, they can still be dominated by shooting their body with a weapon (less than 40 damage) or melee, then shout at them, since they do high damage on Death Sentence, or just ignore them on Normal difficulty. Disable window alarms to prevent accidental breakage.

Paid in Full
In the Breakfast in Tijuana job, secure all the loot bags.

Awarded when all 6 loot secured, can be done both stealth and loud. 3 coke inside a safe in the evidence room (upper floor), 3 weapons in the armoury (ground floor).

Image - Coke, evidence room
Image - Weapons, armoury

Stolen Valor
In the Breakfast in Tijuana job, find and steal all the medals in one run. Unlocks the "Cave" weapon color.

Awarded on all 7 medals taken. 1 will always be in a locker (locker room, ground floor), other 6 will be upstairs on office tables, filing cabinet or bookshelf in meeting room. See images at the top for an overall map, and images below for all possible locations.

Image - Locker room
Image - Meeting room
Image - Office tables 1
Image - Office tables 2
Image - Office tables 3
Breakin' Feds
Video - All achievements guide

For easy reference, I will name the 2 sections Left Wing and Right Wing, from after moving pass the barrier.

Getting the correct password
Locke will supply a hint for the password, but only after he is done talking about the safe when it is found, which usually most players would do the first time entering the office. The further lures (phonecall) can provide enough time for players to open the safe and get out before Garrett returns. The hint type and password combinations are as follows:
  • CrimeNet - 2015
  • Obvious - 1234
  • Historical - 1776
  • Anniversary - 1212
ECM Glitch on Safe
30 seconds after the last ECM expires, the keypads for all possible safe locations reactivate. We can 1) enter 0000 on those ghost keypads in advance then 2) locate the safe to have it open automatically.

In the Breakin' Feds job, have Commissioner Garrett marked the entire duration after he have left his office, until you have opened his safe.

Garrett needs to be marked before he leaves the office for the first time else the achievement will not be valid. Solo-able.

3 ways to make this achievement easier.

1 - Clearing out the guards
On Normal, there will be a total of 3 guards (including reinforcement). Take out these 3 and also the camera guard and we can mark/follow Garrett without any hindrance. Same goes for the civis.

2 - High Value Target (aced)
Garrett can be marked like a guard which by default is 13.5 seconds. High Value Target (aced) doubles this duration to 27 seconds.

Just by clearing out the guards and with High Value Target (aced), it is sufficient to juggle between marking and objectives. But if not proficient with that, sensor mines can help.

3 - Sensor mines
Sensor mines can be placed at various locations to constantly mark Garrett. Set up properly, it will allow for infinite marking while we do objectives. Bonus that Garrett is being constantly tracked.
High Value Target (aced) doubles the duration from sensor mine markings too. We can place multiple mines at one spot if we're afraid of placing the them off the mark.

Right Wing - Powerbox
One intermediate mine can be placed on the wooden arch to maintain the marking while another directly under the powerbox.

Image - Both mines
Image - Garrett at powerbox

Right Wing - Email
The mine spot is just outside the training room doorway. I use the dustbin as reference 1 and the rectangular pillar as reference 2 then place the mine at my feet. Use multiple mines to cover more ground if not confident.

Credits to blinya, use the pillar instead as a guide, way easier than my suggestion.
Image - Pillar guide

Image - Reference 1, dustbin
Image - Reference 2, retangular pillar
Image - Garrett at the spot

Right Wing - Phone Call
One extender mine at the pillar near the training room, a second extender mine at the main corridor (close to the elevators and security barrier). The phone call spot itself, is the furthest pillar just after the security barrier. Using the railing bars as reference, place it on the 6th bar from the left (including the one half into the wall).

Image - Extender mine 1
Image - Extender mine 2
Image - Garrett at spot, pillar after security barrier
Image - Mine spot, 6th bar left from pillar

Left Wing - Powerbox
One extender mine at the pillar, while the other mine (like the right wing), below the powerbox.

Image - Extender mine
Image - Powerbox mine

Left Wing - Email
One extender mine to be placed at the door arch outside the office, while another just outside the training room doorway. I use the middle of the doorway as reference 1 and align the rectangular pillar as reference 2, then I aim down and place the mine. Or place multiple mines just in case.

Credits to blinya, the ceiling (with its grid structure) serves as a wonderful guide for the mine.
Image - Ceiling guide

Image - Extender mine
Image - Reference 1, middle of training room doorway
Image - Reference 2, rectangular pillar
Image - Garrett at spot

Left Wing - Phone Call
The phone call spot uses the same extender mine as the powerbox so don't forget to place that. The spot itself, is on the left edge of the pillar closest to us. This is the side with the elevators.

Image - Phone call mine
Image - Garrett at the spot

Garrett's office
For Garrett's office, we require 2 mines for the 2 places he might stand in. Not strictly required as it is possible to open the safe on the first round but usable if we need more than one.

Image - Inner spot, on left edge of drawers
Image - Garrett on inner spot
Image - Spot before CrimeNet board
Image - Garrett at CrimeNet board spot
Breakin' Feds (cont.)
A Moment of Silence
In the Breakin' Feds job, make Commissioner Garrett use the toilet while not alerting or killing a single guard on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Each time after entering his office, Garrett will return after some time. If the item in the safe is not picked up, Locke will assist to repeatedly lure Garrett out. On the 4th lure, Garrett will permanently be gone for the rest of the heist, granting the achievement. Killing/alerting civilians are ok.

The toughest part of this achievement would be not alerting or killing guards. Sensor mines combined with Sixth Sense (basic) and some patience will help.

Staple Relationship
In the Breakin' Feds job, find and rescue the stapler and put it back in the small office.

Video - Staple Relationship

The stapler will only be found after the security barrier (second area of the heist). There's a total of 14 locations. The small (and messy) office to return the stapler to is all the way to the left side in the left wing.

Office to place - Left Wing
Image - Office
Image - Office Desk

Left Wing - 6 locations
Image - Pantry x2
Image - Photocopier in main corridor
Image - Room with clustered desks - M. Myer's desk
Image - Outside Training Room - Cylindrical shelf
Image - Outside Training Room - V.Jouchoux's desk

Right Wing - 8 locations
Image - Pantry x2
Image - Desk next to pantry
Image - Clustered office desk 1
Image - Clustered office desk 2
Image - Clustered office desk 3
Image - Outside possible Garrett location - Single Desk
Image - Outside possible Garrett location - Twin Desk
Brooklyn 10-10
A Rendezvous With Destiny
On the Brooklyn 10-10 job, reach Charon within 6 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Lady Liberty" mask, "Underground Neon" material and "Baba Yaga" pattern.

Video - A Rendezvous With Destiny

Solo-able both with/without bots. Bots will contribute to more assault enemies but help to get them off our backs (slightly), increase our interaction speed and also take out some of the scripted enemies in the second building.

There are 7 waves of enemies (including the first set guarding Charon), 5 in the first building and 2 in the second building (not including thugs in the building). Enemies are either weak cops or gangsters. On Overkill difficulty they have 240 health, which can be resolved quickly via a headshot with a 40 damage weapon. So either Body Expertise with a 65/80 damage rifle/SMG or shotguns with Far Away will do the job quickly.

Equipment wise, shaped charges and maxed drill skills are good here.

In the first building, prioritise taking out the 5 waves of enemies. Then after Charon starts talking about us saving him, get to the top and prepare to take out the door easily with 1 shaped charge. Sometimes an RNG event of a bulldozer breaking down the door happens, just ignore him and run past. A good benchmark is 3 minutes to exit the first building.

In the second building, we will need to juggle between drilling the door for the briefcase and taking out the 2 waves of enemies (gangsters then snipers). For the crowbar, ignore searching for the randomly located one and just go straight to the ammo room since there's a crowbar that will always spawn there, blow it open with another shaped charge. Prioritise fixing the drill and killing the 2 waves, then grab the briefcase and head straight down to Charon.

The achievement unlocks once we reach him, no need to complete the heist.

Pass the Ammo
Complete the Brooklyn 10-10 job from start, after deploying 8 ammo bags in the ammo cage on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Bird of Prey" mask, "Carbon Fiber Weave" material and "Hood Stripes" pattern.

Do-able with 3 players in Crime Spree using the "More to Deploy" Gage Boost.
Brooklyn Bank
Obsessive Opening
On the Brooklyn Bank Job open at least 30 deposit boxes and all 3 ATMs on the Overkill difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Felis Lynx" mask and the "Ursus Maritimus" mask.

Video - Obsessive Opening + All the Gold in Brooklyn

Achievement unlocks when enough are opened so we don't have to complete the heist or secure the loot. There are a total of 4 Titan doors and each door has 10 deposit boxes so 3 doors opened will be enough. Titan doors are unlocked either by using a keycard or by hacking the laptop randomly found on the 2nd floor. Each hack opens 1 door. For ATMs to be considered open, they must be lootable.

1 keycard spawns in the two offices below, or the two cubicles upstairs. The laptop is either in the upstairs cubicles, or the big office space.

All the Gold in Brooklyn
On the Brooklyn Bank Job escape with at least 12 bags of gold on the Very Hard Difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Alces" mask and the "Canis Lupus" mask.

Video - Obsessive Opening + All the Gold in Brooklyn

Bag all 12 vault gold and secure at least 12 gold, achievement is awarded on escape.

The requirements are funny because we must bag all 12 vault gold and can secure any 12 gold. Since deposit boxes can spawn up to 12 gold (though near impossible, 20% ^ 12 or 1 in 244,140,625), it is possible to secure only those, then bag and abandon those in the vault, making it "Half the Gold in Brooklyn".
Buluc's Mansion
Video - Buluc's Mansion Achievements

We Expect You to Die, Mr Buluc
In the Buluc's Mansion job, kill Buluc in a spectacular way.

Do-able both stealth and loud. First release the shark by hitting the button next to the tank in the inner sanctum. After knocking Buluc off the balcony, the achievement should unlock after a bit. It's rare, but I've managed to glitch the achievement one time by shooting Buluc while he was in the water, leaving the shark to swim off with nothing. Didn't manage to trigger it again, but I would leave him alone just to be on the safe side.

Everything but the Patio Furniture
In the Buluc's Mansion job, secure all available loot bags in stealth.

Unlocked upon securing all 21 loot in stealth:
  • 5 small safes with coke inside:
    • Guest bedroom (east)
    • Master bedroom (upper floor)
    • Inner sanctum main room
    • Inner sanctum right side under stairs
    • Cafeteria (west)
  • 3 coke on table in inner sanctum main room
  • 1 weapon in garage (east)
  • 4 of each (money/coke/weapons) in wine cellar

Best to do on Normal difficulty for less guards and civilians.

Both stealth entries are viable but Boat Entry is easier to secure loot. The default escape's zipline is accessible only before the escape while the boat's is right from the start (even without the waypoint).

ECM Rush (4 players)
With Boat Escape, start by securing the 12 loot from the wine cellar. Next, open the sanctum in stealth, as ECMs block the keycard reader and Santa Muerte statue. Then either stealth more loot until detected or ECM rush. The looting will be split: One player goes for upper floor and cafeteria safe, one goes for guest bedroom safe and garage weapons. Two players will go for the sanctum. Once the single players will finish their share they can help out the others. It is possible with lesser players but the timing will be tighter and partial stealth might be required.

Full stealth
I prefer Boat Entry with spycams on the courtyard and garage. Either way, we'd be moving loot frequently through the sitting area and living room, so it makes sense to secure them (clear civs/guards). This includes the NW and SW quadrant guard and the masked guard. The guard outside (if spawned), can path into the sitting area but can otherwise be left alive.

The right half contains 2 loot and can either be sneaked out through the garage or sanctum, so no need to spend pagers here, especially with spycams do the spotting. Same goes for the single safe upstairs.

The wine cellar guard or guard upstairs (depending on boat or zipline) can be avoided with patience but more convenient to kill. With the RNG on guard spawns, we might have a spare pager, which can be used on the sanctum guard to make moving loot easier. If so, feel free to break the cameras here as they won't get investigated.

Sugar, Lard and Scorpions
Find the churro. Unlocks the "Undead Peacock" mask.

Top of the chandelier in the main hall. Unlocks instantly upon pickup.
Image - Churros
Car Shop
Tag, You're It!
In the Car Shop job, be the first player in a four-man crew to reach the docks.

First vehicle with players inside to enter the area will trigger the check, which checks for 4 players before awarding the achievement to the driver of the trigger vehicle. The passenger however, will not get the achievement.

Gone in 240 Seconds
In the Car Shop job, complete the heist within 4 minutes. Unlocks "The Tids" mask.

On Normal the point of no return timer is also exactly 4 minutes, so that seems to be the point of this achievement, a smash and grab, so stealth is a waste of time. Pick Normal, go loud right from the start, break the glass to the manager's room for quick access, find and hack the computer. Immediately head to plant the C4 and then wait by the storage room to pick up the keys and then drive off.

Trophy - I Got This
Successfully complete the Car Shop heist with a detection level of 70 or above, without using ECM jammers.

Exactly like the one above, just do it on Normal and go loud. Rather than bring bigger armours, bring low concealment weapons to raise the Detection Risk. "without using ECM jammers" means not bringing ECMs as deployables so Hacker perk deck works just fine. Beware the Crew Boost Concealer messing with the final DR, remove it for this trophy.
Cutting the Red Wire
Disarm the C4 on the Counterfeit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Dragon Head" mask, "Days" material and "Kurbits" pattern.

C4 spawns on all difficulties but achievement requires at least Overkill difficulty. 30% chance on Overkill and 40% on Mayhem+.

Definitely solo-able even without bots interaction boost as the number of C4 spawned is player dependent.

1/2/3 or 4 players: 2/3/4 C4 to defuse

Dr. Evil
Print and secure $1,000,000 worth of counterfeit money in the Helicopter on the Counterfeit job. Unlocks the "Viking" mask, "Houndstooth" material and "Fenris" pattern.

As the achievement says, securing 1 million worth of counterfeit money on the helicopter cage will do it. Choice of difficulties on this is a tradeoff. The higher the difficulty, the higher the payoff and thus less money to print.

Values listed for our consideration:
  • Overkill, $115,500, 9 bags
  • Mayhem, $198,000, 6 bags
  • Deathwish, $225,500, 5 bags
  • Death Sentence, $253,000, 4 bags

Basement Dwellers
Don't let the cops enter the printing room on the Counterfeit job until the safe is opened on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Crowd Control
On the Counterfeit job, have all civilians as hostages until the safe is opened.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]
Crude Awakening
Seagulls Aren’t Real
In the Crude Awakening job, find and remove all the seagulls without raising the alarm.

Video - Seagulls Aren’t Real

There are 22 possible spots: 10 will be picked from 21, while 1 always spawns. That gives us 11 seagulls, but we'll only need to shoot 10. A high-powered scope and night vision can be helpful.
    In mission sequence, there'll be:
  • 2 at the emergency docks.
  • 3 at the starting area, including the one that always spawns.
  • 2 at either north or south bridge.
  • 2 at Processing.
  • 2 at Drilling.
Emergency Docks
From the landing point, following the left side, one is directly across on the railing. The other one will be at the smaller pillar extending out from the NW pillar. (Image)
Before using the ziplines, one will be at the rightmost column. (Image)

Starting Area
After going up the ziplines, turn 180 degrees and look upwards to between the diagonal beams. (Image)
From the same catwalk, go to the end where it meets the admin office and look downwards. (Image)
This one always spawns. On the sea facing side of the lab, go to the end where the escape ladder is and look slightly upwards. (Image)
On the helipad, look towards the radio building's furthest corner. (Image)
From the other side of the crane (away from the helipad), look above the operator's cabin. (Image)

South Bridge
Past the shutters, we'll immediately turn left. At the end, instead of turning right, look left and upwards to three thin pipes. (Image)
On the protruding catwalk, turn back and look at the beams under. (Image)
Continuing up a flight of stairs, look seawards to another crane-line structure. (Image)

North Bridge
Upon exiting the passage from Extraction, instead of turning left to continue, turn right and look past the half-open shutters. (Image)
Similar to the south bridge, go onto the protruding catwalk, turn back but look upwards instead. (Image)
On the passage to the break room, look at the pipe closest to said break room. We can also spot it by jumping onto the railing before the door. (Image)

Near the transfer hose switch. (Image)
On top of the structure where the south bridge exit is. (Image)
From the blue tank, look upwards to the overhead catwalk. (Image)
From the previous, look left and upwards. (Image)

From the lower exit, look up to the pipe above. (Image)
From the L4 valve, hop onto the railing and look downwards to the left. (Image)
From the H2 valve, turn left and look up to the furthest corner of the structure. (Image)
From the H4 valve, turn and face the H2 valve and gradually walk along the railing while looking upwards. (Image)

Cash Liquidation
In the Crude Awakening job, throw all of Alice Rainey’s money into the ocean and then pick it up with your boat.

Video - Cash Liquidation

4 money will be in the private office, while the "Extra Cash" preplan is required to spawn 4 in the Command Centre. The code to the private office will be on the table in the Command Centre. All 8 money needs to be tossed overboard into the sea, then driven over with the boat during the escape sequence. Do not secure them directly by throwing into the boat. Achievement is awarded on the 8th bag picked up.

I prefer to access the north bridge as it has an escape ladder shortcut that goes all the way down near to where the office is.

Human Torch
In the Crude Awakening job, kill Gabriel using three oil pits at most on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Gabriel’s Requiem" mask.

Video - Human Torch

Gabriel is only vulnerable when lit on fire using the oil pits. We have to use at most 3 oil pits.

On Overkill, Gabriel has 60,000 / 66,000 / 72,000 / 78,000 health, depending on the number of human players, and is tanky since he is immune to headshot bonuses. A melee build is easiest to take him out. Just pick a long range melee (El Verdugo etc.), and stay 1.3 metres or more away to avoid triggering his electric melee.

The two oil pits in the southeast section (closest to the 2nd floor exit) have a 17 second delay upon lighting Gabriel on fire, before disabling the achievement. Useful if we need a 4th oil pit for whatever reasons.

The Right Stuff
In the Crude Awakening job, find the purest sample of the correct oil batch on the first try.

Video - The Right Stuff

Using the clue on the lab whiteboard (0Z07 / IM22 / NT02), combined with the admin office pureness graph value closest to 100% (V100 Yellow, Fe Red or Cu Blue), we draw the correct sample and place it in the testing device. If correct, the testing will take only 5 seconds, before granting us the achievement.

Note that it is possible to pick the wrong batch but correct purity to complete this objective. This results in a long 40 / 60 seconds timer (stealth / loud) with no achievement.
Crude Awakening (cont.)
Texas Treasures, Part 4
In the Crude Awakening job, use the blueprint to access a passcode to Gabriel’s most valuable asset. Unlocks the "Texas Treasures" Suit and the "Midland Memoriam" mask.

Video - Texas Treasures, Part 4

At least two players are needed.

Ideally, a player with Texas Treasures 3 done must join from the lobby, before preplanning. This enables a panel in the security room to be removed, exposing a puzzle device. After solving said puzzle, the gate to Esteban's shrine in Drilling will open. Pick up the suit for the achievement.

Upon pushing the button on the device, a 20 second timer starts, with 3 symbols showing on the screen. We'll have to interact with 3 intercoms with the symbols, in left-to-right order, then flip the switch, before the timer ends. This represents one set and is confirmed by the skull in the upper-left boxes. Complete 3 sets to solve the puzzle.

Failing will not remove any progress, so we can prematurely roll for another set of symbols by pulling the switch and pressing the button.

    The symbols come in 3 groups:
  • Suitcases - Ammo bag, Bodybag, Medic bag and Money.
  • Equipment - Akimbo, Revolver, Silenced Pistol and Drill.
  • Stances - Standing/Walking, Running, Sprinting and Crouching.
Suitcases & Equipment are scattered around the starting area while Stances are all in Processing. Each group has 3 variations, which results in too many images to present in this guide, so refer to the video for the locations.

Though there are no requirements, I prefer stealth to avoid all the enemies and bullets. A pager will have to be spent on the camera guard since he's too close.

The general idea is to have one player at the device, with the rest spread out to press the intercoms. Here are the few areas to focus on: Processing, Extraction / Staff Area, Admin Office / Lab.

Processing - With 3 to 4 players, one can be stationed here to reach the Stances intercoms. The roaming guard should be taken out as well. For two players, the panel player will have to handle the intercoms close to the security room.

Extraction / Staff Area - This area can have 3 to 5 intercoms in the vicinity and a player should always be here, regardless of team size. One guard patrols Extraction.

Admin Office / Lab - 2 to 4 intercoms here. Recommend placing a player here if we have a full team. One guard patrols the catwalk.

4 players: Panel / Processing / Extraction & Staff Area / Admin Office & Lab
3 players: Panel / Processing / Extraction & Staff Area
2 players: Panel & Processing / Extraction & Staff Area

Bring something to mark the intercoms: tripmines, FAKs, arrows, bolts. The Yakuza perk deck can be good but is not required. Microphones are good for communication but similarly optional.

To prepare, we first reach Processing and take out the camera guard. Then players should take out civilians & guards in their assigned zones (hide the bodies if they are outdoors), then mark the intercoms if needed. When ready, the panel player will roll for viable sets and call them out for others to press.

Tip for the panel player: It is possible to stand and aim somewhere in the middle, to press the button and pull the switch without moving the mouse. Saves a little bit of energy while rolling for a good combination.

I strongly recommend checking out the video guide for locations and demonstrations.
Cursed Kill Room
Say Hello To My Halloween Friend!
In the Cursed Kill Room job, Acquire all 7 "Deadly Sins" masks.

Check is done when entering a game. Only "In Stock" masks are counted. If any is sitting in inventory, either return it or unlock one more.

Fixed in U178. Masks, whether in inventory or in stock are counted.
Diamond Heist
Video: All 3 achievements explained

Blood Diamond
On the Diamond Heist secure the red diamond on Overkill difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: RNG Achievements]

The Hunt for the Blue Sapphires
On the Diamond Heist find and pick up every sapphire outside the vault on the Overkill difficulty or above.

Total of 12 blue sapphires to grab. The cases will retract/disappear if the alarm goes off. The glass is tied to the alarm so breaking for quick grabs is a no-no. We can bring maxed ECMs along and stealth until we get detected before ECM rushing.

The lasers around the vault will trigger the alarm, so go for the outside vault sapphires last. We can still get out by climbing the fountain using the Double Jump trick.

Assume the courtyard with the statue dead centre is pointing to the north. All sapphires are in the building and not on the roof. Video from 1:14 covers all locations and includes gameplay.

Top floor:
  • 3 in ring around fountain.
  • 1 in west wing immediately out of the fountain ring.

Middle floor:
  • 1 in canteen, east wing.
  • 1 to the right of the courtyard, east wing. It's outside the Glitter Room where it might be a security room.
  • 1 in the room next to the Glitter Room, east wing.
  • 1 in the west wing, like a mirror of the canteen sapphire.
  • 2 in the ring area around fountain, north and south position.

Outside vault:
  • 2 around the fountain, northwest and northeast position.

Dead Change
Steal from the Dead.

Only happens when we go loud before opening the vault. When Bain drops the CFO off the helicopter onto the fountain, there will be a cash bundle near him. Grab it.
Diamond Store
Hostage Situation
In the Diamond Store job, don't let any civilians escape, die or leave the Diamond store. Until all bags of loot from the diamond store are secured on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Hostage Situation (Explanation & Stealth)
Video - Hostage Situation Loud

Any civilian leaving or dying within the "zone" will disable the achievement. The other external civs do not matter as long as they don't run into the "zone". Achievement is awarded upon securing the final (18th) diamond bag, other loot is not required.

The "zone" is everywhere within the showroom, up till slightly beyond the top of the stairs. The manager will be an issue, as she will walk into the showroom and then disable the achievement by either walking upstairs to her office, or out of the store front.

A full crew can ECM rush to secure the place, while a solo player can restart until they get the manager in the office.

Check Section [Misc: Hostages - Notes] for tips to controlling hostages.

Trophy - Diamonds
Finish the Diamond Store heist with all bags and destroying the SWAT Turret, on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Check Section [Misc: Turrets]
Diamond, The
Doing the Diamond Puzzle
I could go into a lengthy explanation with images and examples on how the puzzle works but that knowledge doesn't change anything, we'd still require luck.

On Mayhem+, the timer for the puzzle is at 30 seconds, which is very tough for the complicated paths. Our safest/best approach is to wait for the path to expire and generate a new one. In one of my game, a good path appeared on the 4th try while in another, it appeared on the 3rd try. So it still boils down to luck.

Image - 1st Path (Bad)
Image - 2nd Path (Bad)
Image - 3rd Path (Good)

Single player trick
When playing on single player (CrimeNet offline), we can use the pause feature to our advantage. Activate the path, pause the game (Esc), write down the path or take a picture with a mobile phone. Then similarly, pause and move each step at our own pace.

Diamonds in the Rough
In the Diamond job, complete the heist, diamond puzzle and steal the Diamond after the alarm has been triggered on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Anubis" mask, "Mummy Bandages" material and "Hawk Helm" pattern.

Must go loud before interacting with the switchboard to enable the achievement. Stepping on wrong tiles before picking up the diamond voids the achievement but after is ok (the return trip).

Smoke and Mirrors
In the Diamond job, steal the Diamond and escape in under 10 minutes. Unlocks the "Pazuzu" mask, "Diamond" material and "Horus" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

The War Room
Kill 200 enemies with all players remaining inside the World War 2 exhibit room on The Diamond Heist on Overkill difficulty or above in one playthrough.
Check Section [Side Jobs - Aldstone's Heritage Jobs]
Dragon Heist
All the Gold in Chinatown
In the Dragon Heist job, collect all the loot and escape without triggering the alarm on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - All the Gold in Chinatown

15 loot to secure (not carry into escape). Safest to secure the dragon artifact last to prevent accidental escape.

  • 2 in tea store
  • 4 in auction display room
  • 1 in auction backroom safe
  • 1 coke crate in the basement landing back area
  • 2 coke crate in the warehouse
  • 4 gold in the vault
  • 1 dragon artifact

Credits to blinya, here's a sure-fire strategy on Overkill difficulty.

Clear out the tea store (guards, civs, cameras), then the street civilians, including the civilians walking about (they don't respawn). Take out the basement landing guard as well as the 2 warehouse guards. The auction room guards will have to be sneaked past. This ensures a clean and secure path from the warehouse all the way to the escape van.

Keep Breathing that Fresh Air
In the Dragon Heist job, do not let the cops start trigger the gas attack.

Video - Keep Breathing that Fresh Air

We must go loud without cutting the alarm, which is as good as loud from the start. There are 2 possible gas vent locations, both in the alley along the wall. Cops will only attempt to gas when the drill is started on the vault. The achievement is awarded when the vault door is opened.

No difficulty required so go for Normal. After getting the drill, we can make the AI hold position near the vent before heading to babysit the drill itself, as the distance is close enough for the AI to not wander off.

Speed Lizard
Complete the Dragon Heist job in 6 minutes or less on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Speed Lizard Solo (simple)

Achievement hunter need not play from start, so players good at stealth can invite friends in just before escaping for the achievement.

The aim is to not rely on RNG. Works best with at least 2 players.

At the start, split up and cover both alleys at the same time. Civilians near the office door can be taken out to make sneaking easier. Maintain stealth until the basement.

Sneak past the landing guard and make our way to the auction hall. We'll clear out the entire auction hall (one camera, 2 guards, 2 triads and civilians) to skip all the unnecessary waiting. Grab the keyring, code and crowbar.

Back at the landing, pull the lever to distract the guard, then circle around the back to the warehouse. We'll most likely have to use a pocket ECM, kill and bag the triad here.

Once in the warehouse we'll do the same as the auction hall; break cameras, kill guards and triads. Then the rest is straightforward.

Benchmarks wise, we're aiming to start the timelock by around 3:30 and bag the statue latest by 5:15.

Solo strategy
It's pretty much the same as the above with a few differences.

For the start, we can optionally go for the right alley and restart if the alarm box isn't there to save a bit of time.

In the auction hall, we can get lucky with a guard pathing into the display room. Otherwise we'll have to chain pagers. Understanding the following mechanics will improve chances of pulling it off.

3 second alert rule: Apart from enemies firing at us directly (triads or guards when arrest cooldown is active), killing enemies within 3 seconds of being alerted prevents them from shooting on hurt or death. Triads on Overkill have 240 health and can be one-shot using Body Expertise with at least 45 damage.

Chaining pagers: Usually the first guard is killed and their pager allowed to run, before deploying a pocket ECM and killing the second guard. This will allow a solo player to answer two pagers back to back.

So I'll bring a build with Body Expertise, break the camera, kill one guard and everything else but the second guard, let the first pager run pocket ECM and kill the second guard before the 3 second window expires. Another way is to not care about the 3 second window and just use a pocket ECM when we hear one pager run though that's relying on luck.

Then upon entering the warehouse, the safest route is to the left and into the office for the keycard. With 3 DR, we'll be able to do a crouch-sprint-jump while slightly hugging the left, even with the triad there (about 75% detection). If we're early for the 3:30 timelock benchmark, we can answer a pager or two, otherwise try our best to sneak to the vault.

  • The PC in the warehouse can be hacked to display the correct crate number to save time in the vault. Remembering the last 2 digits is sufficient.
  • 1 crowbar is always in the auction backroom, grab that instead of searching for the one in the warehouse.
  • The keypad can be glitched to be used without keycard (just like Diamond Heist), by using an ECM or pocket ECM. After a 30 second reboot, the keypad is re-enabled.
  • ECM Rush. Ensure that auction backroom door is opened and ECM rush is started before approaching the vault. The jammed keypad can then be re-enabled by inserting the keycard. Only hack the PC after the rush is started.
Election Day
Finding the right truck
On day 1, we are required to find the right truck among 6 trucks, which can belong to 4 different companies. Finding the right truck requires some detective work and fortunately, we have a few rules/methods that will assist us.

  1. Of 6 trucks, they will always be split into 1/1/2/2 among 4 companies. Companies with two trucks are NEVER correct. On Mayhem+, a boat will spawn that will obstruct our view.
  2. The computer is always correct.
  3. Non-white containers can show what cargo they carry.

Method 1: Guesswork
With rule 1, we can eliminate companies with 2 trucks. That leaves two companies with 1 truck. We can then guess among the two trucks.

Example 1
For this example, we'll see Kranich and Omni Exports having 2 trucks each, so those are out. That leaves Hefty and Avalon remaining. Method 2 and 3 can then be used to further narrow down.

Example 2
This example is when the remaining 2 trucks are the same colour, which then only leaves us with Method 2 to narrow down.

Method 2: Computer hack
Accessing the computer repeatedly will display 3 companies. These 3 companies will NEVER be correct, so the unmentioned company is always correct.

Example: Computer showing Avalon

Method 3: Container clues
This is the least reliable and RNG heavy method. It is not guaranteed to spawn enough clue containers, and clue containers will only confirm/eliminate colours by with its contents. E.g. a red container showing headphones means red is wrong, or voting posters will reveal it's the correct colour. Furthermore, they are scattered throughout the level, making it time consuming and risky to find them all.

Yellow container: Chips
Blue container: Cosmetics
Blue container: Vote posters (correct)

Master Detective
On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the right truck.

Just stick with the computer method.

Speedlock Holmes
On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the right truck and leave within a minute of the start of the heist.

We don't have time for the computer, so ECM rush and use method 1 and pick one of the single trucks and hope for the best. Easy to restart the contract anyway.

Reputation Beyond Reproach
In the Breaking Ballot heist in the Election Day job, complete the heist with you and your four man crew without letting anyone getting downed, cloaked or cuffed on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

Use method 1 and pick the wrong truck and leave. Day 2 is the hard part for this. Interesting point to note is that we can play solo till the end and open up the room for people to join but that will most likely produce the wrong results. As drop-in is allowed, less-proficient players can get carried by dropping in (with prompt) right before the escape.

Hot Lava 2.0
On day 1 of the Election Day job, use the computer in stealth without ever touching the ground.

Video - Hot Lava 2.0 Achievement Guide

Unlocks immediately on using the computer.

We can't touch the ground for this so we'll have to parkour to travel around. It's hard to describe so I recommend watching the video for paths. Keycard asset is recommended so we can have 2 ECMs in case things go bad. Out of 6 office locations, only 4 are usable without touching the ground. Again, check the video for locations.

Murphy's Law
On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the wrong truck, then find nothing in the vault.

Video - Murphy's Law + Hidden Loot

Use method 1 to get the wrong truck. Unlocks upon entering the vault when Bain comments on our bad luck.

10% for a lot of loose cash (we don't want this) and 10% chance for nothing at all (yes, this one).

It's a 10% chance to have no money stacks spawn. Luckily this is calculated/generated at the start of the heist so cheesing this achievement with a HUD mod with a loot counter works. Fun Fact: 2 money bundles actually spawn on the shelves but are invisible. We can still pick them up though.
Election Day (cont.)
Storage Hunter
On day 2 of the Election Day job, steal all of the extra loot in the storage bins.

Total of 6 money bags in the storage bins/cages. If playing on Mayhem+, read on to learn how to scout the cages without wasting keycards on empty ones, mostly used in stealth.

How to scout cages on Mayhem+
On Mayhem+, the cage fronts are covered with tarp to hide the contents. Fortunately, the contents can be checked from the top to see if there are crates or money. There will be 2 metal grill panels per cage when viewing from the top. Wooden boards may hinder our view but never completely, we may have to look from a few angles (see images B3 below).

Depending on our monitor and in-game brightness, we may or may not need a flashlight gadget on our weapon. Also depending on our in game video resolution/textures settings, this will not work for lower end computers, sorry to say but it's the sad truth.

Personally, I like to label the cages with numbers mentally while I scout the cages to remember which to open.
Image - Mayhem+ cages

Below images show what I scout, versus what is actually in the cage. I label the cages A1 to 4 for one side of the warehouse and cages B1 to 4 for the other side. Images show my view, and also the actual view, taken using Freeflight mod. Image gamma is post-enhanced with a program, it's not that bright in-game.

Image - A1, I spot 1 money and 1 crate's shadow
Image - A1, Inside view
Image - A2, nothing
Image - A2, Inside view
Image - A3, somewhat blocked by boards but spotted 1 money
Image - A3, Inside view
Image - A4, I spy monehz
Image - A4, Inside view

Image - B1, money
Image - B1, Inside view
Image - B2, nothing
Image - B2, Inside view
Image - B3, partial block by wood, checking side of boxes for money
Image - B3, partial block by wood, checking back of boxes for money
Image - B3, I see the bottom of 2 crates
Image - B3, Inside view
Image - B4, money
Image - B4, Inside view
Video - Easy Firestarter Day 1

Easy Firestarter Day 1
Instead of cutting the fence, we can hop over it from atop the van. Upon going loud, there will be a chance for assault enemies to not spawn, as long as there are criminals (both human and AI) still beyond the fence. With the gangsters dead or fled from the scene, we can perform objectives without getting hassled.

The exploit can break upon each new assault, so don't waste time. Winters, if he arrives, can be left alive to keep the assault going indefinitely.

If we're securing the weapons and money, stack them all at the fence first, then only cut when we're ready to leave.

Day 1
On Normal to Overkill, always 12 weapon cases will spawn. On Mayhem+, 50%/50% chance for 11 or 12.

Lord of War
On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.

Awarded when secured loot is equal to the number of weapons spawned. The money from the air control tower safe counts, so it will be helpful if we're unsure 11 or 12 weapons spawned. Alternatively, play on Overkill and below for a guaranteed 12 weapons.

In the Firestarter job, complete day one having burned all weapons on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

This is only awarded upon escaping, so it's too late if we missed out on the 12th bag. Search carefully, or use a HUD mod. Burning weapons will eventually trigger FBI helicopters, watch out for them.

You Can Run, but Not Hide
Find and secure the goat in the Firestarter heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - You Can Run, but Not Hide

On day 2, grab and secure the goat in the evidence room, open it up with a saw or shaped charge. Used to give a limited-time goat safe.

Guessing Game
On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.
Check Section [Misc: RNG Achievements]

The First Line
On day 3 of the Firestarter job, find the rare hockey poster of the OVERKILL hockey team.

The hockey poster is guaranteed to spawn in the deposit boxes on all difficulties, though it's location is random (120 possible locations). Bring a saw and go to town.

It's Getting Hot in Here
In the Firestarter job, complete day 3 with you and your crew staying inside the vault while all of the money burns out on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

Stealth-able, doesn't need a full crew, solo-able. Bots are allowed and does not trigger the area check (need not be in the vault).

The Briefcase
Finish the day 1 of the Firestarter Job after having picked up the hidden brown briefcase.
Check Section [Side Jobs - Aldstone's Heritage Jobs]
First World Bank
Cloaker Fear
Finish the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above by securing all additional money bags while not using the loot vent bag shortcut for the additional money bags.

Video - Cloaker Fear (Stealth)

Do-able in stealth, though loud is probably easier. Of the 14 money piles in the vault, only throw the minimum required into the vent, 6 on Overkill and 8 on Mayhem+, into the shortcut, and move the remainder by hand.

Interesting note; On Mayhem, less bags to carry around but tougher enemies. Reverse is true for Overkill.

Au Ticket
In the First World Bank job, find the Titan safe and collect the special item inside.

A Titan safe spawns in the offices in the escape portion. As drilling is involved, stealth is substantially easier. Used to grant a limited time safe as well. Grab the envelope to get the achievement.

In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT. To complete this challenge, you have to have played the heist from start to end.

Video - Overdrill 2023

Achievement hunters must play from the start, and also on at least the Death Wish difficulty. 4 players are required only to activate the lobby sequence. Drop-in is disabled once the drill is finished. The achievement is awarded upon entering the vault, so the gold is optional.

It was previously do-able on Mayhem when the difficulties update was available, then removed on Update 130.

Some stealth:
The lobby sequence can only be attempted loud, but we can stealth as much as we like beforehand. Stealthing to the inner lobby skips the outer drill, opening the vault prevents the 2nd floor security barrier from dropping down, and having the insider open the exit skips the C4 objective (infinite assault).

Lobby sequence:
4 players have to get in position in the inner lobby after going loud (diagram[]). A solo mod is available to skip this portion. If the enemies are too disruptive, wait for an assault break.

The proper way to activate each position is to stand in place for 2 seconds to enable the direction check, then face that way. Sometimes the direction check doesn't register, so we can simply look down and then back up at eye level. If we can't remember the direction, just simply look in all 4 cardinal directions. Note that for the furthest position (from the vault), we shouldn't be standing on the carpet (image).

Once done correctly, the right side of the lobby security desk will have C4 beeping sounds while flashing red. We can then place the drill.

Waiting for the drill:
It is best to secure 8 money into the vents, as this disables the elevator spawns and reduces the difficulty of the assault. Cloakers can still spawn from the vents though. Do not complete the "Blow a Hole in the Wall", as this brings on an infinite assault.

Tile Puzzle:
The tile puzzle (image[]) can only be attempted once. Doing it wrong will require a restart. It is best to look out for the white outline to confirm the tile we're pushing. They need not be pushed in order.

Complete the First World Bank job in stealth under 13 minutes and 37 seconds.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Hidden Hostages
Finish the First World Bank job with 6 or more hostages alive behind the wall by the elevators in the main lobby.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]

Federal Assurance
In the First World Bank job, kill all Bulldozers in the vault within 30 seconds after jumping down the hole.

Overkill+ only. Bulldozer spawns: 3/4, OVK/MH+.
Four Stores
Yeah, He's a Gold Digger
In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.

Video - Yeah, He's a Gold Digger

2 to 6 safes spawn across the four stores and each has a 15% chance to spawn a gold bar. Open them with shaped charges, restart and repeat until we get it. Achievement unlocks on the safe opened.
Framing Frame/Art Gallery
Throwing paintings out

Video - How to Throw Paintings

(Credits to a very old Payday 2 Steam guide, which I can't find at the moment, I'd be happy to credit that guide)
Once we pick up paintings, we can move them out of the gallery by throwing it through the window slot (only in Halls A, C and E). What we want to do is to move ourselves directly under the slot, so that we can only see a bit of the night sky (Image - Window position).

From here, we want to aim slightly upwards. Imagine a parallel line from where the steel beam meets the wall (Image - Window position).

Then aiming our lasers as a guide (Image - Window aim), we want to jump and throw the painting and it should land nicely out (Image - Painting outside). Check out the GIF.

Image - Window position
Image - Window aim
Image - Painting outside
GIF - Painting throw

The Wolf Lures You to Your Grave
In the Art Gallery job, kill two of the patrolling guards in stealth in the bathroom. Unlocks the "E.M.O. Foregrip" and the "OVAL Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family and the "Aftermarket Shorty" for the PARA submachine gun.

Also do-able in Framing Frame Day 1. We can lure guards in by crouching past the hand dryer, the sound will lure nearby guards in. Code checks for 2 guard deaths, within bathroom area, while in stealth, so even the 15% chance event of the extra guard spawning in the bathroom, or any other form of getting guards into the bathroom, counts.

Van Gogh to Hell
In the Art Gallery heist, throw a painting onto a toilet.

Do-able in Framing Frame Day 1. Consumes a painting, but funny as hell.

In the Art Gallery heist, secure all paintings in stealth without killing any security guards.

All 9 paintings must be secured in loot zone and not carried into escape. Do-able in Framing Frame Day 1. The patrols cannot be killed (dominate is safe), while the lobby guard, camera guard, RNG toilet guard and reinforcement guards can be killed without voiding the achievement. Alerting guards is safe as well, so ECM Rush is a valid approach.

Painting Yourself Into a Corner
On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.

Same as above, except killing is allowed.

Big Deal
On day 2 of the Framing Frame job, trade 9 paintings.

Since Update 95, it was permanently set to 9 paintings (both Day 1 and Art Gallery). Before that, it could be randomly from 6 to 9 so don't get confused by videos older than 24th Feb 2016.

The Turtle Always Wins
In the Art Gallery job, complete the heist in stealth within 4 minutes with each crew member wearing the Improved Combined Tactical Vest and no Armor Kit deployable equipped. Unlocks the "Classic Stock" for the AK weapon family, "2 Piece Stock" for the AK and CAR weapon families, "Pachy" mask, "Fossil" material and "Prehistoric Predator" pattern.

Video - Turtle Always Wins

Solo-able comfortably with the right setup. ECM Rush-able.

Difficulty - Normal
On Normal there will only be 4 guards patrolling the halls and broken cameras will not be investigated. This allows us to take out guards and break cams freely, which makes it easier for a multiplayer team. The reinforcement takes 2m25s to spawn. We'll be long gone by then so no need to worry about him.

Generally spycams are useful. For solo, I recommend Entry Point in Hall A and Roof Access (explained later).

AI Abilities and Boosts
The Quick ability is straightforward, no need for explanations. For Boosts, Invigorator reduces the ICTV speed penalty and adds stamina, while Concealer gives us +3 concealment. If we only have room for one (3 player team), go for Invigorator.

Skills wise, apart from the mandatory ICTV, Parkour (basic) for movement speed and maxed ECMs, we'd want a few other skills.

Transporter (basic) to throw paintings through the window slot, Optical Illusions (aced) and Inner Pockets (basic) to bring our Detection Risk down. Nimble (basic) allows us to loop cameras as we don't have time to search for the security room.

Image - Skill tree (Enforcer)
Image - Skill tree (Ghost)

The most concealable primary in the game is the akimbo Chimano Compact, going up to 34 concealment without DLC. The Bernetti 9 secondary will go up to 34. This brings us to 32 Detection Risk.

Akimbo Chimano Compact, 34 concealment; any suppressor better than -3, Concealment boost (+3), Micro Laser (to guide in throwing paintings).
Bernetti, 34 concealment; any suppressor better than -3, Concealment boost (+3), Micro Laser.
Melee, 30 (+2) concealment.

With the Crew Boost Concealer (+3 concealment), this brings our DR down to 23 (not visible from inventory).

An alternate glitch method (credits to fragtrane), is to equip the armour bag in the secondary deployable as the achievement only checks for the primary one. This allows us to go in with 3 DR. Just remember to equip the ICTV before escaping.

Gaining entry
From the start, enter the gallery through the front to complete the first objective, then enter through the toilet. Doing this disables the RNG toilet guard from spawning (15% chance). Or just take the chance.

If going for Halls ABC, it is also possible to jump in through the roof access:
GIF - Drop to Hall A
GIF - Drop to Hall B

Approach (Solo)
On a good run, we can hit below 3 minutes comfortably. I recommend entering Hall A from the skylight (Entry Point asset optional) as it is closer to the escape and saves a good bit of time from chaining the paintings. Some luck is required to find 6 paintings before hitting lasers though. Both killing guards/breaking cams or just sneaking/waiting is fine.

Enter in, find and toss 5 paintings through the slits in Hall A. Then grab the last painting and try to sneak through the lobby to the escape and start securing. Drop ECMs if spotted.

With the Roof Access asset, we can spend less time chaining by securing from the top of the truck. Standing at the top, aim upwards to have the van at the bottom of our screen and throw.

GIF - Throw to van

Approach (Multiplayer)
One player should take the left (Hall A) and the other from the right. This will always give us 6 paintings regardless of laser position. Then kill patrolling guards/break cams freely, this will ensure safety within the halls. Additional players can help secure the paintings on the roof, spot guards, or go in along with the others.
Framing Frame/Art Gallery (cont.)
I Wasn't Even There!
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.

All 8 bags of gold must be secured via zipline (don't carry into escape), then escape in stealth.

Check out the video below for one way to stealth Day 3:
Video - Easy Framing Frame Day 3 + All Gold

Afraid of the Dark
On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, while doing plan B, don't let law enforcers pull the power.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Sommelier En Herbe
Finish day 3 of the Framing Frame Heist in stealth, having stolen the antique bottle of wine.
Check Section [Side Jobs - Aldstone's Heritage Jobs]
GO Bank
Upside Down
In the GO Bank job, leave a mark on the bank logo.

On the roof of the bank hold the words "Roberts Bank of Savings & Trust". Break the T of "Roberts" and it should hang upside down.

Image - Upside Down

We Are All Professionals
In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without the alarm going off and without killing any civilians on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - We Are All Professionals (Solo) + Alert Range Mechanics

Full crew approach
A little reliant on RNG as extra GenSec guards may screw things up.

For a full crew, 24 cable ties are enough as long as it is spent appropriately. When timelock is running, civilians will constantly spawn with no limit, so it is recommended to do some prep work.

3 civilians will wander the streets before timelock is opened, tie and hide them. After ECM rushing (with silenced weapons to avoid alarming gas station civilians), tie all civilians and lead them either behind the counter or rear of the bank. Keep 1 cable tie for the civilian using the portable toilet in the back. During the timelock rundown, stray civilians entering the bank will flee after a while, without causing alarm so just crouch behind the counter and answer the phone until timelock completes and carry on from there.

Stockholm Syndrome (basic) approach
Frequently used for soloing. Usually a loud saw is used to keep civilians under control until other objectives can be completed. Revving the saw itself does not have enough range to cover the whole map so players can be usually seen sawing random stuff (spending ammo). If solo, try to enter the vault after answering the phone and leave immediately with 1 money bag as bad timing can cause a fail.

Sewer Rats
In the GO Bank job, complete the heist having secured all bags of cash via the sewers on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Sewer Rats

Solo-able with bots. Load the cage with 1 money, raise the balloon, then retrieve the money so that it is empty when lifted away.

There are 3 layers of RNG; number of bags (8 to 10), sewer entrance (4 entrances) and the underground tunnels. Apart from the sewer entrance, the tunnel layout would be the greatest factor as it can be really easy or extremely difficult, very similar to the Diamond puzzle. Overkill difficulty has best point-of-no-return timer (extra 30s if 1 human player, or 4 min). Important, bags must be secured in the van and not carried into escape, completing the heist is not needed.

The columns are sewer locations, ranked from closest/best (1), to furthest/worst (4).
Here's what I have tested so far (solo with AI):

8 bags
9 bags
10 bags

I won't bother testing all combinations, so for a solo player, we can attempt with at least the 2nd best entrance (the one in between bank and empty store), with any amount of bags. For two players, at least the 3rd best entrance.

Point-of-no-return timer only starts when a player enters the sewers, so we can toss a few bags in first to save time. For the AI (if any), load them up with 1 bag each to carry all the way to the end. From here, we just chain the bags.

Usually, 1 person (fastest or with a saw for gates) will scout ahead for the shortest path to the escape while the others move bags.

For faster movement, use Yakuza, Second Wind aced (multiplayer self harm), Partners in Crime aced, together with lighter armours.

All Eggs in One Basket
In the GO Bank job, have the plane pick up all bags of cash with the skyhook.

As the number of cash is random (8 to 10), make sure to open up all the deposit boxes. There is a 10% chance the plane would be destroyed if the ace pilot asset isn't bought. This is only known when the plane tries to pick up the cage so don't waste our efforts, buy the ace pilot asset.
Goat Simulator
Hazzard County
Complete the second day of the Goat Simulator heist within 4 minutes from when the escape car is available. Unlocks the "Goat Goat" mask, "Flamingo Eye" material and "Illumigoati" pattern.

Video - Hazzard County

Timer starts once the car is accessible, and ends when the car is secured in the truck. It's best to do on Normal for easier enemies, and the gas in the control room doesn't deploy on Very Hard and below. A saw can be used to open the control room door quickly. The bridge takes 80 seconds to turn.

Goat In 60 Seconds
In the first day of the Goat Simulator heist, secure 6 goats in the escape truck within 1 minute of it arriving. Unlocks the "Scout Goat" mask, "Goat Eye" material and "Giraffe" pattern.

Video - Goat In 60 Seconds Solo

Solo-able, even better with bots for protection and interaction speed because of the glass cannon cops.

Boris arrives pretty quickly, slightly before the 3 minute mark. The 1 minute timer starts from when the secure loot icon shows. The map itself is a triangle, with 3 corners and Boris will arrive randomly at 1 corner. Where we spawn has no bearing on where Boris will arrive.

The number of goat spawn varies based on difficulties: 5/7/10/12/15, N/H/VH/OVK/MH+
Not to mention 3 goats will be taken to be placed in obstacles: fan/scaffold, shop/lamp post, burning building, effectively turning it into 2/4/7/9/12 goats pickable. In short, do-able from at least Hard if we can get the obstacled goats out in time and at least Very Hard if we skip those. Overkill is the most balanced in terms of goats and difficulty.

Moving the goats is pretty basic; load up the car, leave it at a corner and then grab two more. It is possible to determine the corner without leaving it to RNG.

Determine corner, glitch method
Credits to a drunken squirrel, at the start of the heist, invisible collision blocks will be set when Boris' location is chosen.

Only two corners can be checked for the collision box; the corner where Winters spawns and the other where a sniper can spawn on the overhead walkway. An invisible block corresponding to the base of the cages in the truck will be set and we won't be able to pass through it while standing. It is best to walk up to both locations and check for the box. If no collision boxes are found, Boris will arrive at the corner with the burning building/fire engine. Winter's corner has an unrelated collision box on the road that stops the Longfellow, so check for the actual collision box by walking up to it.

Image - Winter's corner (in front of double glass doors)
Image - Winter's corner collision box
Image - Winter's corner after truck arrives

Image - Overhead walkway (in front of parking meter)
Image - Overhead walkway collision box
Image - Overhead walkway after truck arrives

Determine corner, using loot steal mechanic
We can also determine the corner by using the enemies' tendency to steal loot (and deposit them somewhere). When one corner is for Boris to arrive at, the other two corners will be loot deposit zones. By leaving a goat each at two corners, we can determine the right corner by seeing if cops deposit the goat at the same corner or move away.

In any order (or at the same time), we can load up the car with 4 goats first and attempt to locate the correct corner. We can then leave the car safely at the escape corner since cops can't steal from it. Then we can move the last 2 goats by hand (usually from the park in the centre) to the escape corner and secure them all when the truck arrives.
Golden Grin Casino
Hail to the King, Baby
In the Golden Grin Casino heist, kill "The King" and complete the heist in stealth. Unlocks the "Sports Utility Mask" mask, "Carpet" material and "Dices" pattern.

For those of us that don't get the reference, "The King" is Elvis, so it's the Elvis impersonator. Easiest to first trigger the escape, then drop an ECM, kill and leave.

City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears
Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist without having the Big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Drill ever break in loud. Unlocks the "Murmillo Galea Helmet" mask, "Casino" material and "Royale" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

High Roller
Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist under 14 minutes. Unlocks "The King" mask, "Plush" material and "Cards" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]
Green Bridge
Video - Green Bridge/Caution! Wet Floors stealth

Beat the Shield
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

Check out my "Green Bridge/Caution! Wet Floors stealth" video above, it makes completing it on DSOD a piece of cake!

Caution! Wet Floors
On the Green Bridge job, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above finish the heist having never touched the ground while escorting the convict from the van to the scaffolding.
Check Section [Misc: Escorts]

Back to Prison
On the Green Bridge job, free and zip-tie all extra prisoners in the prison vans.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]

Attacked Helicopter
In the Green Bridge job, kill the helicopter turret before the plane picks up the prisoner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Turrets]

Trophy - Tied Up
Find at least four out of the six pairs of handcuffs in the Green Bridge heist.

Video - Green Bridge Handcuff Locations

6 cuffs will spawn in 15 possible locations. Description starts from the last prison truck and goes into the direction of the escape.

Image - #1 Top of black car boot
Image - #2 Ledge near dead man, #3 Floor in corner of opposite side
Image - #4 Police car hood, #5 Headlight of prison truck
Image - #6 Taxi hood next to red truck, #7 Street light base
Image - #8 Front left wheel, slanted white truck
Image - #9 Front right wheel white truck, #10 Cement mixer base, #11 Brick pile near GenSec truck
Image - #12 Crate 1F scaffold
Image - #13 Striped divider, #14 Street light base, #15 Orange drum
Heat Street
Patience Is Key
Complete the Heat Street job without using any gas cans.

No difficulty requirement. More tedious than difficult. We must reach the van itself, not just the crash site construction zone. The timer starts when we can see the gas can outline on the floor. Just let the game pass for 30 minutes and Matt will exit the van on his own. Shooting any gas can voids the achievement. Just don't pick up any and no mistakes will be made.

On the Heat Street job, find and steal all animal posters and escape.

Video - Zookeeper + Not So Fast (Turtle Trophy)

Only for players playing from the start, achievement awarded on escape, so don't forget to pick up all 8 posters first.

1 - Byrne
Found right at the start of the heist. Instead of going out, head left around the corner.
Image - Byrne

2 - Stoibs
Right where Eddie (the getaway driver) crashes, the Stoibs poster is on the opposite side of the wall where the white car is.
Image - Stoibs

3 - Cavebear
On the street with a lot of SWAT vans and before the crane, this poster is on the wooden boards at the building under construction.
Image - Cavebear

4 - Fluffedup
Turning left after the crane, the next poster is on a advertisement stand next to the hotdog cart.
Image - Fluffedup

5 - Shah
Directly across the road from Fluffedup, Shah's poster is on the side of the newspaper box.
Image - Shah

6 - Remorze
On the way to the crash site but before the flyover, this poster is on the wall of the "Public Gallery" shop.
Image - Remorze

7 - General Jameson
On escorting Matt up the section of stairs, we arrive onto the flyover. After the final flight of stairs, this poster is on the wall below the pizza sign.
Image - General Jameson A
Image - General Jameson B

8 - Tempy
All the way to the end of the map, this last poster is on the big plant pot just before the barricades.
Image - Tempy

Trophy - Not So Fast
Find the hidden tortoise in the Heat Street heist.

Video - Zookeeper + Not So Fast (Turtle Trophy)

Awarded to players playing from the start upon picking up the turtle.

Tortoise 1
Bottom area before climbing the section of stairs, Tortoise 1 can be found just next to the mailbox.
Image - Tortoise 1A
Image - Tortoise 1B

Tortoise 2
Before the flyover and crash site, head left into the alley. All the way to the end, Tortoise 2 will be behind the car.
Image - Tortoise 2A
Image - Tortoise 2B
Image - Tortoise 2C

Tortoise 3
Up the section of stairs but before the flyover is a courtyard. Tortoise 3 is behind a tree in the corner.
Image - Tortoise 3A
Image - Tortoise 3B

Tortoise 4
Just like the Tempy poster, Tortoise 4 is just before the barricades all the way to the end, but on the right side instead.
Image - Tortoise 4

It's Nice to be Nice
Complete the Heat Street job without killing any civilians on the Hard difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]
Henry's Rock
Video - All 3 achievements

The Red Button
In the Henry's Rock job, push the red button and escape.

The red button can only be activated on at least Overkill difficulty and must be activated before hacking the mainframe. Achievement is awarded on completion of heist.

Hidden Secrets
You found something really weird.

Must access the archaelogy lab to do. After grabbing the box from the case, there will be 3 buttons on the sides of the case that can be interacted with. The correct sequence is: pyramid symbol, snake? circle symbol and diamond-shaped symbol, or when facing the case opening, centre, right, left. Enjoy the secret!

Boom, Headshot!
In the Henry's Rock job, headshot all five test mannequins in the Weapons Lab using a Pistol and/or Akimbo Pistols within 3 seconds.
Check Section [Misc: RNG Achievements]

Hack This!
In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Turrets]
Hostile Takeover
Texas Treasures, Part 3
In the Hostile Takeover job, use the USB stick to find and open the hidden safe and steal the content.

Video - Texas Treasures, Part 3

  1. In either the north or south carpark, find a white Buffler SUV and use the laptop in the back to decrypt the USB stick. This enables a button. Players who have done Texas Treasures Part 2 will spawn with the USB.
  2. A button will be found in 3 possible places: The CSO's desk, the reception backroom or the CEO's desk. Pressing this button enables a special safe's keypad.
  3. Use a code to open the safe, which can be found near the rear entrance of the lab, then grab the blueprints within for the achievement. The RGB code will be found in computer briefcases a la Golden Grin, with each colour code having 3 possible locations.

Image - White Buffler SUV

Image - CSO desk button
Image - Reception backroom button
Image - CEO desk button

Image - Red code 1, near default entrance
Image - Red code 2, between outdoor dining areas
Image - Red code 3, northwest corner of heist

Image - Green code 1, blue car near hot dog stand
Image - Green code 2, outside admin building next to south carpark
Image - Green code 3, under golf cart in cart parking

Image - Blue 1, at bull statue in park
Image - Blue 2, corner of storage room
Image - Blue 3, under 2F meeting room table

System Shocked
In the Hostile Takeover job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, while remaining in the flooded lab, lure at least 50 enemies to a shocking death.

Video - System Shocked

To get the flooded lab, instead of breaking the 8 equipment in the lab one by one, destroy the lab itself by placing C4 on the glass. The C4 can be found either in the office building's second floor washroom, or the stashed equipment preplanning asset.

Once the lab is destroyed and flooded, all players must enter and remain in the electrified region until enemies are electrocuted 50 times. Note that the storage room, CSO office and rear stairs area are not part of the flooded lab. If any player exits this zone, the zap counter will reset to zero and all players must enter the zone again to restart the process. The achievement is awarded when the zap counter hits 50.

Only 1 enemy can be electrocuted every 2 seconds, so it should take about 3 to 5 minutes. If it takes longer than that, have all players exit the zone before entering again.

My approach is to take the south entry and stashed equipment in the campus admin building. At the start, I'll take the C4 and use the PA system to lure the scientists out. This will cause the lab door to open without needing a keycard. Then I blow up the lab, head to the research offices and hop atop a chair and idle until the achievement pops.

Payday Kart 64
In the Hostile Takeover job, use golf carts to smash every shuttle pick up sign in numerical order in under 1 minute.

Video - Payday Kart 64

No loud/stealth requirement. There are 16 shuttle signs. The timer starts from hitting sign 1 and achievement is awarded on hitting sign 16.

Image - Solo route

The tough parts of this achievement would be to drive without swerving or hitting other objects because that would slow the cart down. To avoid turning hard, let go of the gas when approaching bends/turns, and go slow on the trickier areas to avoid hitting things, like between 3 and 4, avoiding the bench after 6 and between 11 and 12.

Multiplayer approach
With a team, we can split up the route to cut short the longer spaces/sharper turns. Each player will have to signal the next when they're done, like a relay race.

4 players: P1 takes 1 to 8, P2 9 to 11, P3 reverses into 12 then up to 15, P4 finishes with 16.
3 players: P1 1 to 8, P2 9 to 11 and P3 12 to 16.
2 players: P1 1 to 11, P2 12 to 16.
Hostile Takeover (cont.)
Just Passing Through
Complete the Hostile Takeover job in stealth within 7 minutes on solo, or 4 minutes on multiplayer, on the OVERKILL difficulty and above without killing any civilians.

Video - Just Passing Through Solo
Video - Just Passing Through Duo Strategy

Heist Tips
CSO path: Upon the game being loaded in preplanning, the mission scripts gets executed, which in turn makes the CSO spawn and start his patrol. The CSO will then have 50% chance of walking through the rear exit, where we can grab and hide him easily. To make use of this, we preplan, restart the heist, immediately rebuy preplan and then start the game, to hopefully catch the CSO before he exits the lab. For multiplayer I'm unsure of the specifics, but ECM rush works there so it's not critical. He heads up to the meeting room after the blackmail is completed.

NEO-2: The display case can be opened easily by taking the marketing lead hostage and leading her to it, instead of going for the password in the safe. The marketing heads upstairs to meet the CSO if we complete the blackmail, so do this first.

PA system: The PA system when interacted with, lures all the scientists in the lab out so we don't have to sneak around them. For multiplayer, the masked player can perform this for a casing mode player to waltz right in while the scientists exit. Just avoid bumping into nearby guards.

Keycard: The guard at the lab's rear entrance has a keycard but it takes time to answer his pager, and he might patrol out into the open. There will be 2 other keycards in 4 possible spots: The open dining area, the 2F restroom, the 3F meeting room, or Rainey's desk. Personally, I go straight for the 2F restroom, then the meeting room and Rainey's desk to be guaranteed a keycard. The civilian cleaning the lab offices window does have a keycard, but he's not guaranteed to spawn on Overkill and below.

Blackmail - Email: A waypoint to show the general area will pop up some time after we enter the building, thus it's best to go for the NEO-2 first to trigger this. Some players like to enter the backrooms of the event hall to do this, before going for the CSO.

Blackmail - Phone call: The correct phone will always be in Gabriel Santiago's office. In some spots, we can lean against the wall to trigger the phone's outline but checking for the office nameplate is enough.

Golf cart: The cart has space for 4 loot, which matches the number of minimum bags. Just be careful to not run down civilians.

Inspection: The inspectors only spawn after the 3rd or 4th objective when we do them in sequence. So just start with something else to skip this.

Cameras: For areas where guards don't patrol (or we have secured), breaking of cameras can be helpful, like when in the lab.

ECM Rush: There are no ECM-blocked objectives. Go nuts in multiplayer.

Walkie Talkie: The walkie talkie at the lab's rear entrance can be used to distract a few guards but I don't feel that it is necessary.

Solo strategy
I like to take the south entry, because it's close to the PA system. Mask up, use the PA, then check if the CSO takes the back exit. If so, we'll grab him but otherwise, hack his schedule and leave him for later. Go for the NEO-2 first to trigger the waypoint and to avoid the marketing lead from heading upstairs.

The email waypoint should show up, we should be able to complete the blackmail objective without much issue. Tie civilians, use pagers and break cameras as needed. Don't forget to check the 2F restrooms first for the keycard, then the meeting room and Rainey's desk.

Once done, we can head to the labs and break stuff. If we don't have the CSO by then, he should be outlined and heading up to the meeting room. We can grab him in the park area and try to hide him as much as possible, then start grabbing the documents, load them onto the golf cart nearby and secure them. Take some time to practice throwing the loot into the van if needed.

Duo strategy (2 players)
Preplanning: South Entry and Open Door

P1 masks up immediately and uses the PA system (for P2 to sneak into lab), before going for the Neo-2 and blackmail, before joining up to help P2 with the evidence. Remain undetected until P2 starts the ECM rush, which should be around 1m30s. The assisted waypoint will help narrow down the email.

P2 stays in casing and sneaks through the open lab door (from the PA system). Mask up, break the 8 equipment and cross over to the research offices for the CSO's schedule, then immediately grab him for the access tag. We can start the ECM rush now or wait till he gets discovered. Continue with the evidence (P1 should join up at this point) and watch out for civilians when driving the golf cart to the escape.
Hotline Miami
On day two of the Hotline Miami job, save someone in need. Unlocks the Aubrey mask, Ergo Grip, Extended Mag and Unfolded Stock for the Cobra submachine gun, "Sunset" material and "Doodles" pattern.

On our way up the building, we'll find a bomb strapped man tied to a chair. Interact (defuse) the bomb to unlock, be prepared as the countdown to detonate starts when we get near. Be careful not to shoot him (the bombs) by accident as it will blow up. There are 8 possible locations but I won't list them as he should be pretty common to find.

Image - Bomb strapped man

Video - Walk Faster

Walk Faster
In day two of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar’s apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the Rasmus mask, Tactical Foregrip and the Ergonomic Stock for the Uzi submachine gun, “Chromescape” material and "Palmtrees" pattern.

210 seconds, or 3 minutes 30 seconds, is a generous time, I've managed 2m to 2m30s with an ICTV build. Here's some tips:
  • Bring a saw for the grilled door.
  • To find the C4 quicker, walk up to the very first door (to be blown open) and a guided waypoint will appear.
  • Feel free to rescue the bomb strapped man if yet to get the Phew! achievement, but leave the money, don't get greedy.
  • Watch for booby traps before and after opening doors. The trip mines can be destroyed by shooting.
  • Doors also be opened quickly by shooting the handles.
  • The ramp will always be on the 3rd floor, second door after the lift, regardless left or right path (see images).
  • After the ramp, look for wire cables which starts from the door and ends at a circuit box. Interact with it 3 times.
Image - 3rd floor layout
Image - Left path
Image - Right path

Cook and secure six bags of meth on day one of the Hotline Miami job. Unlocks the Graham mask, Ghetto Blaster, Extended Mag and Just Bend It for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun, "Error" material and "Be Somebody" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Meth]
Hoxton Breakout
Watch The Power Switch!
On day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout job, don't let the cops turn off the power while Hoxton is in the server room on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Situation Normal
In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete day 2 without using a single keycard on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

6 shaped charges and a secondary ECM jammer (with ECM Overdrive aced), is enough to open unpickable objective doors without having to drill.

Gameplay - Shaped Charge and Jammer
Jewelry Store
Private Party
In the Jewelry store job, don't let the cops enter the jewelry store until the van comes back on OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "DMR Kit AMR-16" and the "L5 Magazine" for the CAR weapon family, "Vincent" mask, "Feathers" material and "Dinosaur Scars" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]
Lab Rats
Skill Shot
In the Lab Rats job, secure a bag in the secret area. Unlocks the "Invader" mask.

Video - Skill Shot Achievement Guide

The secret area is the tall slim beaker to the right of the marked secure zone. First, we'll need a loot bag that allows sprinting, so the meth will do just fine. ICTV works but we'll have at least Parkour (basic) just in case.

Get up to the pill bottle to the right of the meth tray, aim at the top of the window, at the 3rd quarter mark (from left, see image for example) and sprint forward and jump. As soon as we hit the invisible wall (when it feels like we're no longer moving forward), throw the bag.

Everyone in the game gets the achievement when the bag lands nicely into the beaker.

GIF - Pill Bottle
Image - Aiming at the window
GIF - Making the throw

Trick or Treat!
In the Lab Rats job, complete the Cloaker event on OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Satan" mask.

The Necrocloaker event is only enabled after the first batch of meth is all bagged and the 2nd bag of epinephrine is loaded. Then he will appear and hang around for 30 seconds during assault breaks. If he leaves due to time up, wait for the next break. All human players must be in the circle to start and survive for 2 minutes without leaving it, else it's a fail. Can only attempt once per heist.

Some tips to survive the event:
  • Bots. Bots have unlimited downs, making them the perfect tank, alongside converts of course.
  • ECM feedback. 2 players with 4 maxed ECMs can last the entire 2 minutes. Of course, enemies out of range can still fire at us.
  • Revenant subtree (Messiah, Feign Death, Maxed Doctor Bags).

After surviving the event, players might want to leave the zone quickly as they can get downed from the safe blasting open (100 damage), not to mention a headless dozer spawning.
Lost in Transit
Video - Lost in Transit Achievements

Tabula Railroad and Victimless Crime
I chose to place these two achievements here instead of their usual categories as both can be done in a single run. Saves time for stealth mains.

Victimless Crime is awarded on entering the escape box, while Tabula Railroad at the mission success screen. There's a 3 second delay after escaping, so as long as we break stealth within this 3 second window we can acquire both in a single run.

To do so, we can alert a camera (7 seconds to alarm after alerted) and wait 5 seconds before escaping. It can also be done with a pager's 12 second timer, or we can escape then immediately fail the pager.

Texas Treasures, Part 2
In the Lost In Transit job, find the hidden safe locked with the sheriff star and steal the content.

At least one player must have done Texas Treasures (Midland Ranch) to spawn with the sheriff star in their inventory. If the star doesn't appear, do Texas Treasures again on at least Overkill (credits to blinya).

Non-spoiler version, as intended by developers
Clue 1: Check the photo on the board, first floor of the main security building right at the start. The voiceline (not essential) can get interrupted by Locke, so wait for silence before looking at it or mute the contractor.

Clue 2: That photo points to the admin office. Maybe there's something in there?

Clue 3: In the admin office, find a special note under a destructible pile of papers.

Clue 4: "The key to the meaning of life is contained near the turning point". One of the stealth objective turns. Or maybe check out the preplanning map to look for a similarly shape or named object.

Clue 5: It's immediately around the Freight Storage or area with containers, next to the turntable. Climbing around is required.

Clue 6: Key 42. There are objects marked with numbers. Find the one numbered 42.

Clue 7: Containers are marked with numbers. Container 42 is north of the loading garage. Hop down to it from a nearby train.

Spoiler version
Near the turntable/stealth escape (see image), hop up to the back of the red container using the boxes/white container to key 42 in the box.

North of the loading garage (see image) from the top of the train, hop down to the tiny ledge of container 42 and open it up with the key, then the safe with the sheriff star. The USB does not need to be picked up (even for Texas Treasures Part 3 in future).

Image - Map
Image - Key 42
Image - Container 42

Tabula Railroad
Complete the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above in Loud, with each crew member wearing a two-piece suit, wielding a Castigo .44 Revolver with a Mosconi 12G shotgun, and using no equipped skills.

Credits to Jabberwork, make sure we're using the double-barreled base game Mosconi instead of the DLC one.

This is essentially Tabula Rasa, except that it must end in loud since this heist is stealthable. That also means it is 90% stealthable as long as we trigger the alarm before the escape. Note that there is currently a softlock if stealth is broken before all plates are secured.

Otherwise in loud, AI bots (any setup) will be invaluable. I personally like shaped charges to open up the admin office quickly since the rest can be bought with preplanning. The RFID preplan cuts the timer from 1 minute to 30 seconds, and Ilija can help snipe enemies.
  • need_full_job = true
  • difficulty = overkill_and_above
  • loud = true
  • equipped_team:
    • num_skills = 0
    • armor = Suit
    • primaries = Mosconi (base game, not DLC)
    • secondaries = Castigo

Billy The Kid
In the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, get 5 enemy headshot kills within 10 seconds using a revolver.
Check Section [Misc: Kill-x-in-y-seconds]

Victimless Crime
Complete the Lost In Transit job without raising the alarm or killing anyone.

No difficulty requirement so normal is best (no drones). Broken cameras don't trigger a special investigation so do so as long as no one patrols nearby. Guards can be dominated.

I'll take spycams (turntable building, garage and warehouse) with a spotter (east trainyard) and then dominate the guards (plus break cams if necessary) in between the trains on the west.
$1.8M Speedrun
In the Mallcrasher job, loot $1,800,000 in loose cash within 50 seconds of starting the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty. Unlocks the "Scope Mount" and "PBS Suppressor" for the AK weapon family, "Alfred" mask, "Dawn" material and "Dinosaur Skull" pattern.

Video - $1.8M Speedrun Solo


Chameleon aced from the Ghost tree increases loose loot value by 30%, reducing ATMs-to-open from 8 to 7.

Portable Saw, twin saws, both modded to reach 37.5 damage. Various ways:
  • Portable Saw aced + Fast Motor + Durable Blade (assuming full perk deck)
  • Portable Saw aced + Fast Motor + Sharp Blade (without full perk deck)
  • Berserker

Switch to the other saw instead of reloading. 2 ECMs with the crew boost can help open ATMs. I used Rogue + Overkill aced for faster switching and Lock N Load basic to remove the re-equip time (after sprinting).

Self Checkout
In the Mallcrasher job, finish the heist and escape within 3 minutes.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Shoot the Glass!
In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all windows in the mall.

Video - Shoot the Glass! (simple)
    Of 176 targets, we just need to break 171. Check out video for targets.
  • Front of mall, 27
  • Latticed windows, 35
  • Store windows, excluding doors, 102
  • Roof glass, 12
They Don’t Pay Us Enough
In the Meltdown job, secure all additional loot. Unlocks the "Rad Mutant" mask.

Video - They Don't Pay Us Enough

Total of 8 extra loot. 1 crate (gold) will be found in a container where the bulldozer spawns, while the rest are usually in crates scattered around the warehouse but can occasionally be in the upper floor cages. On Mayhem+, only 3 crowbars spawn so make sure we open up all crates before using them all on the vault container.

There Was a Car?!
In the Meltdown job, complete the heist without using the "Longfellow".

Video - Meltdown Speed Tips

Use the forklifts, obviously. Entering the car voids the achievement even if we don't drive so avoid it. There is a shortcut for forklifts to use so we can avoid the long route, check out the video link at 3:45.

For the turrets, either bring explosives/bots to deal with the turrets or play on lower difficulties for an easier time.

For solo players, we can stack the remainder of 5 bags on the forklift to carry all 8 together. Drive in reverse when getting out of the complex as the bags will weigh down the forklift. As for the train rails area, dropping the bags are inevitable. Stacking works in multiplayer as well but other players will see it on the ground (where we first stacked it) and may pick it up, so either communicate in advance ("Please don't touch the bags") or go solo.

Trophy - Long Fellow
Finish the Meltdown job within 7 minutes, on OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]
Midland Ranch
In the Midland Ranch job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, kill 100 enemies with a golf cart.

This means running enemies over with the golf cart, not shooting them (from passenger seat). Both driver and passenger will receive progress. There are two carts; the left pathway leading to the barns, and another near the weapons range, so 4 players can immediately go left and farm.

Tiny note; doesn't work with dominated enemies.

Lucky Streak
In the Midland Ranch job, find all horseshoes hidden around the ranch.

5 horseshoes will spawn in 16 possible locations. All players will get the achievement on the 5th picked up.

Locations, listed in anti-clockwise manner:
1 - Image - Boat shed near spawn, mooring bollard
2 - Image - Right pathway, SE hay bale
3 - Image - After right pathway, on barrel
4 - Image - Extreme NE corner of map (outside garage), behind boxes near tractor and loaded forklift
5 - Image - Inside garage next entrance
6 - Image - Ranch parking shelter, behind parked car
7 - Image, Image - Ranch shed closest to RFID reader, rusty shelf
8 - Image - N barn, wall outside
9 & 10 - Image - Weapons range; haystack & top of crate
11 - Image - W barn upstairs, north entrance closest to weapons range
12 - Image - W barn, top of truck, east entrance
13 - Image - W barn, on wall near south entrance
14 & 15 - Image - S barn south end, next to plank stack and side door
16 - Image - Left pathway, shed floor

Marshal Law
In the Midland Ranch job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, use the turret to kill 4 U.S. Marshal Sharpshooters.

Kills belong to the individual player and there is only one turret, so take turns. Since the marshals have a lengthy spawn cooldown as well as low spawn limit, don't bring AI, don't bring converts, don't buy the Ilijia preplan and look before shooting. Turrets also have limited ammo (per turret base), so save some for the marshals.

I find the original turret position to be the best, due to its firing arc and the sketchy AI pathing. Just hang around there until we spot the Marshals then get onto the turret and work our magic. Rinse and repeat.

Limited 200 ammo (per turret base), pierces shields, walls and body armour.
125 damage, 131.25 with perk deck, no falloff.
Technically a weapon, can be boosted with Berserker/crits and also affected by Bulletstorm.
Turret base disappears (gets deactivated) when disassembled; consider them single use.
Bases will have an assembly box to help guide players.
Each turret part can be carried into the escape for twice the value of weapons.

Turret bases
Truck between weapon barns (default)
West barn, upstairs of each entrance (x3)
West barn, downstairs of south entrance
South barn, west entrance

U.S. Marshal Sharpshooters
540 health on OVERKILL.
Spawns as part of assault, limit of 2, usually in pairs.
Can only spawn 90s after first assault units spawn.
After spawning, the next time they can spawn is 60s later, if under their spawn limit. This timing is absolute, so if there is an assault break, they will usually spawn immediately when next assault begins.

Texas Treasures
In the Midland Ranch job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, acquire a rare treasure.

Can be done on any difficulty but recommended on at least Overkill (required for Texas Treasures Part 2).

Find a hammer and mould around the map, then assemble them on the anvil in the northern weapons barn. We'll also need silver ingots from the western barn; grab a crowbar (preplan or around the map), crack open the wooden panel at the staircase (see image) to find them. With both hammer and mould on the anvil, interact to craft a sheriff star and grab it for the achievement (individual player only). Repeat for other players; get ingot, craft, pick up. A player can only pick up one star each and the anvil produces only 4 stars per playthrough.

Image - N barn, floor right of anvil
Image - W barn upstairs, north entrance closest to weapons range
Image - Outdoor rec area, table inside back room

Image - W barn upstairs, south entrance near zipline
Image - W barn upstairs, west entrance near turret base
Image - South of ranch house, on barrel next to red shed

Image - Ingots (W barn staircase)

Image - W barn second cage from south
Image - N barn east of weapons crate near south entrance
Image - S barn on table next to east entrance
Mountain Master
Mad Hatter
Collect and secure the tea sets from all heists in the City of Gold campaign. Unlocks the "Laohu Dashi" Outfit.

Video - Mad Hatter Tea Set Locations

Tea sets have been added to Ukrainian Prisoner and Black Cat on the Mountain Master update. For Dragon Heist, it has to be played again even if already completed before.

No need to play from start, secure the tea set and complete the heist. No difficulty or approach (loud/stealth) restrictions.

Dragon Heist and Mountain Master's tea set is always fixed in the same location, while Ukrainian Prisoner and Black Cat has 3 possible locations each.

Dragon Heist: Auction hall backroom safe (image)
    Ukrainian Prisoner:
  • Under northern staircase in first warehouse (image)
  • Turn right at the first choice, to the left of ramp (image)
  • In the container behind the white truck and boat (image)
    Black Cat:
  • Storage shelf (image)
  • Eastern massage room (assume casino north) (image)
  • Meeting room (image)
Mountain Master: Meeting room before roof (image)

Did You Inhale Some Demon Speed?
In the Mountain Master job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, find and press the 3 buttons on the roof within 2 minutes of activating the timer, while in stealth.

Video - Did You Inhale Some Demon Speed?

Buttons only appear on Overkill and above. No need to play from the start, awarded when 3rd button pressed while timer is valid (and in stealth of course).

The 120s timer is in the stairwell to the roof. Once started, press the other 3 buttons on the roof. If we don't have enough time, we can wait for the timer to run out and then try again.

Since the achievement is awarded upon the button press and is not blocked by ECMs, it can be done easily even solo by ECM rushing.

Timer in roof stairwell (image)
Overview (image)
Button 1 (image)
Button 2 (image)
Button 3 (image)

No Gnome Left Behind
In the Mountain Master job on the Very Hard difficulty or above, find someone in need of a lift, and help him to the helicopter, while playing in loud.

Video - No Gnome Left Behind

No need to play from the start. Awarded after securing on escape helicopter and then escaping.

Gnome spawns only on Very Hard and above, in the back of the white SUV in the basement carpark. It has a red blinking light on its dashboard. Opening the back triggers the alarm, so there's no way to attempt this in stealth. Best to have the host carry it on the zipline, in case clients fall to their death due to desync, leaving the bag downstairs.

Crouching Bomber, Hidden Flamer
In the Mountain Master job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member wearing a variant of the dragon bomber suit, kill Yufu Wang in loud using only flamethrowers and steal his mask. Unlocks the "Mountain Master Crown" mask.

Video - Crouching Bomber, Hidden Flamer

Yufu Wang can only sustain damage from players using flamethrowers and wearing any Dragon Bomber suit (even duplicates). Any other types of damage (guns/grenades/bots/converts/sentries) will invalidate the achievement, preventing the mask from dropping. Basically, no mask means achievement failed.

So AI can be brought along but must be holding position elsewhere and not fighting Yufu Wang.

Do-able on Normal at the moment, should be an oversight.
Murky Station
No Witnesses
Complete the Murky Station job by killing all guards and not using any ECM jammers on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - No Witnesses (Includes Solo)

Solo-able achievement but better with a crew. Fun fact: We can bring ECMs but not use them (including Hacker's Pocket ECMs). Also called "No Witnesses" but civilians are excluded.

Best done on Overkill as escape timer gets lower on higher difficulties and Mayhem+ adds 1 more guard. Escape timer: 25/20/15 (OVK/MH/DW+DS). 3 guards always spawn in the basement and 7 in the trainyard (8 on MH+). It is usually easier to spend pagers on the basement guards and 1 in the trainyard before starting the killing spree. Wait for the camera drones to go off before starting so that the pagers can countdown as long as possible.

Activate the escape first as the escape can vary and spend the pagers as we wish. Then when ready, start our killing run and escape.

For multiple players, we can split up the trainyard into areas for each to cover. It is best to communicate in chat as to how many we've killed. E.g. Player 1: "Killed 3" etc.

For soloing, bring sentries and place them in spots where we won't be able to cover. Snipe from overhead if it's a van escape and run-and-gun through the train yard if it's the boat.

Complete the Murky Station job after hiding one body bag in each dumpster.

Total of 4 dumpsters on the ground floor almost at each corner of the map. Do this just before escape and use civilians if we're not confident and want to save some pagers.

Crouched and Hidden, Flying Dagger
Kill 8 guards with a Throwing Weapon while crouching on the Murky Station job. The heist must be completed for any kills to count. Unlocks the "Hotelier" mask, "Club Lights" material and "Piety" pattern.

Must be crouching while the kill is made. Civilians don't count and the heist must be finished to record the kills. Kills will be accumulated, so we can complete it 8 times, each time killing 1 guard, or complete it 2 times, each time killing 4.

With U240.3, DLC is no longer required, and any grenade can be used, even grenade launchers!

Ghost Run
Complete the Murky Station job within 7 minutes of starting it. Unlocks the "Cloaker-san" mask, "Rusty" material and "Rebel" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

The Pacifist
Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone. Unlocks the "Augmentation" mask, "Spaceship" material and "Squares" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]

Looting in the Dark
Complete the Murky Station job by finding and securing all loot without killing anyone on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]
Hey Mr. DJ
In the Nightclub job, have 12 hostages or more on the dance floor when you escape. Unlocks the "Aluminum Grip" for the AK weapon family, the "Aluminum Foregrip" for the Krinkov submachine gun and the "LW Upper Receiver" for the CAR weapon family.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]
No Mercy Hospital
Keeping the Cool
Complete the No Mercy job on the hard difficulty or above without raising the alarm before reaching the ICU.

Unmasking after disguise guarantees the achievement, awarded on escape. I've encountered a rare chance of failing this achievement of alarm during disguise, from a civilian calling the cops, possibly a delayed spawn of the repairman or elevator civilian. Apart from the usual, alarm is instantly raised by the following:
  • Loud shots (Just like PDTH, non-host loud gunshots triggers alarm)
  • Panic buttons (one at reception, one in the corridor next to stairs, one outside the elevator)
  • Killing a civilian (all but repairman)
  • Failure to break cams by countdown
Panic Buttons
One un-intimidated civilian per panic button area (even unalerted), is selected to press the button. If the selected civilian is intimidated, another un-intimidated one will be newly selected so it is best to intimidate all of them to block this special objective. Watch out for the elevator civilian, as well as the repairman, who can get selected right as they spawn, and yet go unnoticed.

Fake Sentries
Fake sentries will block off the panic button objectives as well as force intimidate civilians, in their own respective areas, so we can leave the sentry-ed areas with ease.

Not killing civilians and breaking the cameras is straightforward and will not be discussed. The main cause of failure will be the panic buttons, as civilians can be called to press it even if they didn't spot any criminal. Thus the focus is to intimidate all civilians (get them to the ground), even if unspotted.

Stockholm Syndrome (basic) - Host only
Again, only the host's loud gunshots don't trigger the alarm. This is the easiest surefire method. The host, with this skill and a loud weapon (non-flamethrower), can stand in the corner furthest away from the ICU, either at the potted plant corner or in the cafeteria and fire shots until all civilians are on the ground. If solo, one can restart until all cameras are clustered together at the reception, shoot out cameras with a silenced weapon before racing to the potted plant to fire loud shots.

Image - Potted plant corner

...or was it the blue one?
In the No Mercy job, cut the correct wire opening the ICU door security system.

In case it's not obvious, we have to stealth the first part. Achievement granted upon cutting the correct wire. Upon reaching the ICU, the female doctor will explain each patient's description and blood pressure once, which we can use to deduce the right patient. Once deduced, we have 7 seconds after masking up, to cut the correct coloured wire. Each ward has their own coloured wire, located outside it.

Image - Coloured wire outside ward

This is something new, compared to Payday: The Heist. The correct patient has a tattoo on the neck, which is only visible from outside the glass of ward C. This is the easiest way to locate the patient. Subject to game resolution, texture quality and ability to squint.

So if we can see the tattoo on patient C, we've found the correct one. If not, it's either patient A or B.

Image - Tattoo, from outside ward C
Image - Tattoo, close up

Doctor Speech Mechanics
The mechanics of the doctor speech is rather interesting and I have mapped it out (more or less). If you're curious you can check it out: Thread - Doctor Speech Mechanics

Deducing - Round 1
The patient description is made up of different parts, like background/history/situation of patient or heart rate etc. Some of these are random and ambiguous, which can be confusing. For example, all patients regardless correct/wrong, will always have a background/history/situation. Example, "bitten by a monkey at the Fairfield Zoo" or "woke up in the morgue". Totally unhelpful and confusing.

The correct patient has some telltale lines to watch for. One of Bain's hint is very accurate; blood poisoning, "We found traces of (random) toxin/venom in his blood/bloodstream". Not to be confused with "food poisoning".
  • Tetrodotoxin
  • Fugu neurotoxin
  • Tetraodontidae neurotoxin
  • Bufotoxin
  • Advanced disassociative drugs. Not to be confused with "psychoactive drugs/cocaine in his blood".
  • Datura Stramonium venom
  • Tetanus toxin
  • Botulinum toxin
There is also a rare 10% chance of a special voiceline: "This could be what we call the 'Green Flu'." I don't recommend relying on this special voice line as there is a similar one that is totally wrong "definitely not the Green Flu".

Bain's other hint of heart rate is not helpful, because the wrong patients will have heart rate mentioned in round 1. And not being medically trained, I have no idea if a heart rate is healthy when I hear it.

The other lines are too many to remember and can get really confusing. But generally if it's some generic symptoms (epilepsy, cancer) or if positive news (slowly recovering, will be ok, responding to treatment) it's definitely the wrong patient.

Deducing - Round 2
Round 2 of speech is a mess as well. Just like the history/background of patient, all patients will have their blood pressure mentioned. Wrong patients will have the same category of voice lines as round 1; generic symptoms and positive news. The only clear indication in round 2, is that the correct patient will have heart rate mentioned.

Length of voice lines
Credits to Blake-辉 for this. Based on the first round of voice lines, ones for the correct patient are very long (14 to 19 seconds), while ones for the wrong patient are usually very short (9 to 14 seconds). However, notice that there is a little bit of overlap at 14 seconds, which can confuse the situation. With that said, if the doctor has already ended her speech but still moves like she's speaking, it's the wrong patient. On the other end, if she walks to the next ward even when she's still speaking, the current patient is correct.

The best approach is, in round 1, to listen out for the blood poisoning lines, check for very short or very long voice lines, and also check patient C for the tattoo. If still undecided, listen for heart rate in round 2. Worst case, it's a 50/50 between patient A and B (since C either has tattoo or not).
No Mercy Hospital (cont.)
Complete the No Mercy on the hard difficulty or above, getting the power back up within 5 seconds of it being shut down.

Video - Nyctophobia Solo

Achievement granted upon restoring power, to players playing from start. Do-able only on first power cut. Power cuts only happen after calling the elevator.

Two types of power cuts; Manually by enemies; they interact with a breaker and we have to interact with the same one. Second one is random, breaker chosen is random as well.

Only random power cuts will happen (cops ignore the breakers on this heist).

Total 7 breakers. 2 at the start area, while other 5 are distributed evenly in other areas.

Best to station players in each area in reach of breakers. 1 player at start area, while another, at the cross junction, to reach the other 5 (assuming one critical wall is blown by cops). With more players, the 5 can be split up. Once in position, the player closest to the elevator will call it and return to position. Either allow cops to reach the breakers or wait for the random event power cut.

Solo approach
The solo approach is the same as a two player approach, except sentries are used to guard the 2 breakers in the starting area, except the starting area is ignored as there is less chance of the 2 breakers being selected. The player waits at the junction and hope RNG selects one of those 5 (5/7 = 71% chance).

Image - Solo/2 Player Approach
Panic Room
Cardio Training
Complete Panic Room while having the entire crew on the roof when the escape triggers and open the basement door within 20 sec.

Video - Cardio Training

Solo-able with bots. Just make sure we're on the roof (everywhere that is beige, do not stand on the metal staircase on both ends) before the escape objective shows up. Place a couple of first aid kits on the ground floor with Uppers (aced) skilled and jump straight down for a shortcut.

Don't You Dare Miss
Complete Panic Room on any difficulty with a total crew hit accuracy above 200%
Check Section [Misc: Accuracy]

Quick Draw
In the Panic Room job, kill all gangsters within 60 seconds after masking up on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Solo, no DLC in 2023

Video - Easy Quick Draw Solo 2023

Credits to blinya for this one. We'll be using the Viper grenade or Basilisk launcher with poison since they have the biggest gas cloud (8m radius). They penetrate walls and will clear the panic room even without the key.

We'll immediately rush in up the stairs to mask up the bots (to kill off gangsters on the outside). Then drop one grenade at the space after the first stairs, and another at the leg of the table nearest the balcony door (see video). The second grenade position is fine-tuned to also cover the gangster outside next to the bin, as the bots can sometimes fail to kill him.

Then check outside for the gangster at the car if he's still alive, and another down the hallway on the second floor or far end of the coke room. The rest of the gangsters upstairs should run down into the cloud and die off. If it doesn't work just restart and try again.

We could head upstairs to guarantee the achievement but it involves triggering more spawns and is simpler to just let RNG do the work.

General information

Timer starts from masking up, either manually or by force (ambush/walking upstairs). The gangsters in the vault room are included, so Chavez has to be killed as well.

On Overkill difficulty gangsters have 240 HP (40 head HP) and Chavez has 6000 HP (3000 head HP). Body Expertise (aced) with 65 damage rifles/SMG or LMGs one-shots them and incendiary grenades are great for clearing rooms (throw and forget). Guns don't work as well on Chavez due to the low headshot multiplier, so I recommend Bloodthirst (basic) and Pumping Iron (aced) instead. Kill 7 enemies with guns and then charge a high damage melee to full for a one shot.

Chavez will spawn in one of 4 rooms that will also spawn additional gangsters when a player gets close. These rooms are on the 3rd, 4th and 5th (x2) floors. To save time, once Chavez is found, don't go any higher so there are less gangsters to kill. With good RNG, we'll only need to clear up to the 3rd floor, where the vault room is, but an occasional gangster may stay on the 4th floor so it is still better to check after clearing the vault room.

Some gangsters need to be watched out for as they can be missable due to them not moving much:
  • One immediately straight ahead of game start, sitting on the car (RNG)
  • Two behind the counter of the main entrance (RNG)
  • One in room directly across red door
  • Multiple in coke room, they will run out to the balcony if doors are open
Multiple players/bots are recommended as the amount of gangsters don't scale. Converts are impossible as cops don't spawn at this point.

Solo, no DLC (before Viper grenades)

Video - Quick Draw Solo

Possible to solo this with no DLC by clearing areas on by one. Sentries can be placed in key places where enemies will walk to take them out:
  • 1st floor lobby
  • 2nd floor coke room
  • 2nd floor
  • 3rd floor
Assuming no ambush, gangster on car didn't spawn and coke room balcony is open, what I did was to start in the 1st floor lobby, kill the gangsters behind the counter, drop a sentry then head out. Kill the gangsters on the outside then head up the outside stairs to the balcony, into the coke room.and drop a sentry. Move out to the 2nd floor, drop a sentry and clear out the closed room with an incendiary grenade. Sentry on 3rd floor and then clear the closed room. Then sentry on 4th and closed room again. Then 2 closed rooms on the 5th floor. At any point if Chavez is found, kill with a fully charged melee then grab key and clear the vault room.

The Dentist Delight
Find and secure the giant toothbrush in the Panic Room job.

Trophy - But It's The Tooth!
Find and secure the toothbrush in the Panic Room heist.

Video - Panic Room Toothbrush

Secure the toothbrush to instantly unlock the achievement, total 12 possible locations. All descriptions are oriented with the building as the south and the main road to the north. Click link for screenshot.
Prison Nightmare
A Long Night of Horrors
Complete the Prison Nightmare job, getting at least 15 keycards on the Mayhem difficulty or above without any player ever going into custody. You have to have played the heist from start to end. Unlocks the "Risen Chains" mask.

Check Section [Misc: No Downs/Custody]
Picking up any keycard counts, even if it's the first keycard to unlock the gate or the keycard used for the escape. Recommended to keep count by typing it in chat. Bots going into custody is ok, as the custody check is only for players.

Salem Asylum
On the Prison Nightmare job, get on the train in less than 4 min and 44 sec on the Mayhem difficulty or above. You have to have played the heist from the start. Unlocks the "Risen Wolf" mask.

This is a tough achievement; Mayhem requires a certain loud proficiency, light armour builds is a must and there is very little room for error. This is a personal achievement and the achievement hunter has to get onto the train. Achievable solo.

Trophy - Spooky Pumpkin
Destroy the pumpkin on the Prison Nightmare job.

Video - Prison Nightmare Pumpkin Trophy

1 of 9 possible locations will be chosen, find and break it.

1 - Near the zipline before the train (Image)
2 - Top of cabinet, small room after main entrance (Image)
3 - Staircase along escape route (Image, Image)
4 - Top of basketball hoop (Image)
5 - Room below keycard platform (Image)
6 - Above control room where timer is (Image)
7 - Small room on the way to laundry area (Image, Image)
8 - Top area of staircase near laundry area (Image, Image)
9 - Upper floor of laundry area (Image)

Cloaker Charmer
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Very Hard difficulty or above, while wearing "PNV BriteNite" mask and kill at least one Cloaker. Unlocks the "Cloaker Mascot" Weapon Charm.

Achievement hunter must play from the start. PNV BriteNite can be found in the Normal tab. Technically doable on all difficulties except that Cloakers only spawn on Very Hard and above.
Caribbean Pirate
On day 2 of the Rats job, bring additional meth bags to the trade but steal your payment instead.

Video - Caribbean Pirate

Here are the steps required to be strictly followed to get the achievement:
  1. Cook at least 4 meth on day 1
  2. Interrupt the deal by going loud
  3. In any order, bag at least 1 money (no need to secure) and pick up intel.
  4. Escape.

Another achievement made complicated by day 2 stealth, as going loud is an important requirement. We can still pick the safe open in advance, just be sure to only pick it up after breaking stealth.

Short Fuse
On day 3 of the Rats job, get away with 7 bags without defusing any bombs.

Video - Short Fuse (2020)

Must be secured on heli and not carried into escape. Careful not to drop them into the water. Throw them out the bus doors as the fire will destroy the bags. The Ace Pilot asset is recommended for the guaranteed helicopter spot.

Short version
Grab the intel on Day 2 and hold a secondary pistol (non-revolver or the LEO). Assuming all suitcases are open and no lag, each player can get 3 bags out the bus before the C4 blows.

C4 chance
After bagging money, there is an 80% chance to spawn C4 or inversely 20% chance to not. Thus the calculated chance of having no C4 in a row is, 20%/4%/0.8%/0.16% for 1/2/3/4 bags.

Theoretically possible to solo, but the most realistic is at least 2 players, get 1 money without C4 then 3 bags each. More players is a bonus. Recommend to open all suitcases first and begin at the same time, e.g. "Start at 1:00".

Long explanation
Having the intel extends the C4 timer by 1 second to a final 6 seconds. This makes 3 bags per player possible. After bagging, weapons must be re-equipped before bags can be thrown. Secondary non-revolver or not-LEO pistols have the shortest equip time at 0.35s. Akimbo Kross Vertex SMGs have the shortest equip time at 0.3s (credits to Captain Alpha). This re-equip time cannot be shortened further by skills, decks and AI boosts. After dropping the money, there is a random 1.2 to 1.5 second cooldown before another can be bagged. Bagging speed is fixed at 0.75s, the AI interaction boost has no effect.

The maximum number of bags per person (assume best cooldown RNG, no lag, perfect execution) is:
Time used (s)
Total time (s)
Bag money 1
Re-equip gun/drop bag
Bag money 2
Equip gun/drop bag
Bag money 3

But it's most likely impossible to have the best luck and god-like reflexes, so grab the intel and hold the Akimbo Kross Vertex SMG to get 3 bags per player.

I Am the One Who Knocks
On day 1 of the Rats job, cook 3 bags worth of meth without letting any law enforcer enter the house.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]
Reservoir Dogs
Waste Not, Want Not
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, loot and secure all available bags of diamonds and jewelry in the Garnet Group boutique on the Overkill difficulty or above.

Video - United We Heist + Waste Not Want Not

19 jewellery/diamond bags must be secured in loot zone and not carried into escape. Best to do it all at Mr Blonde's car, as the objective diamonds doesn't count at the escape van secure point. The jewellery and diamonds will not be in the safes or GenSec truck. Use TAB to keep track.
  • 4 in the display cases
  • 2 at the security door (one on each side)
  • 3 in the offices; two on the centre table, one in the office facing the street
  • 10 in the vault

Get Off My Property
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, keep the law enforcers from entering the warehouse until Twitch arrives with the escape van.
Check Section [Misc: Defense]

Pinky Swear
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, escort Mr. Pink back to the warehouse within 60 seconds after rescuing him from the car on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Escorts]

United We Heist
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Overkill difficulty or above using only the Union 5.56 Rifle.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Bots allowed]
Safehouse Nightmare
Video - Easy Safehouse Nightmare Strategy (DSOD)

A Horrible Seventh Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

Check out my "Easy Safehouse Nightmare Strategy" video above, it makes completing on DSOD a piece of cake!

Video - Safehouse Nightmare achievements

Safehouse Nightmare achievements have been renamed, previously the 4 "pick-up mask" achievements were called First Nightmare/Second Nightmare/Third Nightmare/Fourth Nightmare. Since the achievement descriptions for 1st to 7th Nightmare is no longer being cryptic and mysterious, they are removed.

Cheerful Child
In the Safe House Nightmare job find the correct baby mask on the Normal difficulty. Unlocks the "Happy Baby" mask.

Gilliam's Sweet Little Baby
In the Safe House Nightmare job find the correct baby mask on the Hard difficulty. Unlocks the "Brazil Baby" mask.

Temper Tantrum
In the Safe House Nightmare job find the correct baby mask on the Very Hard difficulty. Unlocks the "Angry Baby" mask.

Water Works
In the Safe House Nightmare job find the correct baby mask on the OVERKILL difficulty. Unlocks the "Cry Baby" mask.

For these 4 achievements, after gaining access to the ground floor, search around for floating baby masks. These masks will only appear on Overkill difficulty and below.

5 sets of masks will be generated around the safehouse. Grabbing the correct one will grant the achievement immediately, while grabbing the wrong mask has a 75% chance of doing nothing (smoke) or 25% chance of downing the player grabbing it, so best to play with bot/players. Check out the video to see the baby masks and easter egg.

Image - Floating Baby Mask
San Martin Bank
Now Hit Me With The Music
The rhythm is the boss. Unlocks the "Sombrero" Mask.

Use the El Ritmo melee to kill any of the mariachi band members. Need to own the San Martin Bank heist DLC.

Gunpowder Glory
In the San Martín Bank job, let the heist go loud before anyone enters the bank and keep all enemies away from the fountain plaza until the escape is available on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Skull White" weapon color.

Video - Gunpowder Glory
Video - Gunpowder Glory Sentry Exploit

The alarm must go off before entering the bank. Enemies (converts excluded) must not enter the fountain area throughout the entire heist. Achievement awarded on escape, NOT WHEN escape arrives.

The zone where enemies are not to enter is the dark grey tiled area. It is common, and safe for cops to stand on the stairs, so don't panic when we see that happen.

The Ilijia sniper asset will help to snipe down enemies in the area, while the zipline asset can help move the loot quickly, since AI bots travel very slowly while carrying them.

There are two different strategies we can adopt here, to protect or avoid, which leads to three different approaches we can take for this achievement.

Approach 1 - Protect the Plaza
This approach only makes sense in multiplayer as most of the objectives require defending so it's hard for a solo player to divide their effort. Split the team to have some do the objectives while the rest keep the plaza safe and secure. Sentries and converts can help add firepower, but sentries are vulnerable to SWAT turrets so watch the placements or take down the turrets. A Muscle build (panic) will be useful to keep common cops locked down.

Approach 2 - Avoid the Plaza
Recommended for solo. During assaults, enemies will home in on players and sentries, so if we stay away from the plaza, cops will never enter it. We will only move to, and do objectives in the plaza area during assault breaks. Make sure to have hostages so the break will last longer. Lighter armour builds and movement skills (Partners in Crime aced, Transporter aced) are recommended for mobility. We will face minimal resistance from SWAT turrets during assault breaks as long as we stay away.

Right at the start, kill off the civilians in the plaza before the alarm goes off, so that cops will not walk in to rescue them before the first assault. Don't forget to wait till the alarm goes off before entering the bank. Purchase the Vlad Surprise asset so we can access the inner areas as soon as possible.

After the server hack, all other objectives (except maybe the Beast drill repair kits) will only be done when the assault ends. We MUST as much as possible, wait around the vault or rear area of the bank, and only make a move when the assault ends. The reason is that cops when retreating, will run straight to their despawn zone. If we hold position in the bank lobby, cops in front of the bank (street) can cut across the plaza as soon as the assault ends.

This is a slow but steady approach. This is what I typically get on a solo run with AI:
  • First assault break - Pop signal smoke
  • Next break - Move Beast drill bags from plaza to bank lobby (no time to go all the way to vault)
  • Next break(s) - Grab repair parts. If the parts are at the mechanics shop we can grab it during the assault. Worst case scenario we need 2 assault breaks for 3 jams.
  • Next break(s) - Secure loot

The AI will never be able to carry the heavy bags to the secure point within the assault break. So without AI, we'll need two trips. But with the zipline asset we can shorten it to one: Load two AI with heavy bags and one with the light Faberge egg. Carry one heavy bag ourselves, move up to the back of the office on the second floor and wait for the assault break. Once the assault ends, move to the zipline, set it up and use it to move all 3 heavy bags. Then grab the light bag from the AI, sprint to the escape and finish up.

Approach 3 - Sentry Glitch
Credits to Santiago Lobo, the two dumpsters outside the bank make great spots for glitching with sentries. This will lock down enemies during the assault, keeping them from following us to the objectives. Having AI or not is optional since the two spots work very well. Approach 2 can also be used here.

At the start of each assault, we wait as far away from enemy spawn points so that they will path to the sentry, as well as give them a short amount of time to reach it, like 30 seconds or so. Then we will work on objectives as usual. Be sure to kill of any enemies that are near the plaza as we move around, but leave the stuck enemies alone.

Image - Sentry in dumpster, left of bank
Image - Sentry in dumpster, right of bank

Silencioso y Codicioso
In the San Martín Bank job, complete the heist in stealth having secured all loot and emptied all deposit boxes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Dollar Green" weapon color.

Video - Silencioso y Codicioso

All 11 loot has to be secured (not carried into escape), all 240 deposit boxes must be opened and then escape in stealth.

Regarding saws; The silent saw can be heard both from the first floor and second floor. After clearing out the first floor of guards and civilians, it is possible to saw the lower deposit boxes without the second floor detecting by crouching (credits to fragtrane), as the noise generated from revving the saw is lowered just out of hearing range.

The upper deposit boxes however, is a different thing altogether. Sawing can be heard by anyone in the areas around the outside of the manager's office, which includes guards and the manager himself (when in the pantry or small room).

The safest way is to just pick these upper deposit boxes. The second way would be to completely secure the second floor. This approach also allows us to safely hack the computer for the vault code. When the camera guard spawns in the northwest of the bank, he is out of hearing range of the saw, so he can be left alive. With this, we can spend 4 pagers on both the first and second floor, and break any cameras (except the one near the ATMs). However, we must prevent the second floor lobby guard from pathing in the offices by leaving the side door (behind mechanic's shop) and the two double white doors closed. We can only enter using the fire escape ladder on the right side of the bank (shoot the catch for the ladder to release). Once done, we can saw with complete ease.

The last method, for when the camera guard spawns east of the vault, is a combination of the above two. We can pick half of the upper boxes closest to the manager while sawing the other half. Or we could take down the manager and saw them all. Since we need to watch out for guard(s) patrolling around the manager's office, we will need to keep of their positions with trip mines.

As for moving the loot, it is recommended to purchase the rubbish truck loot drop asset near the mechanic's shop as it is a safe path once the civilians there are tied down. The side door here, as well as the double white doors to the offices are recommended to be opened only when looking for the powerboxes or after the vault is opened, as the second floor lobby guard (uniform and hat) can path through them. After the first few minutes of the game, he should permanently stop moving on the second floor of the lobby.
San Martin Bank (cont.)
Trophy - Vlad's Tape
Search a little extra in the vault of San Martin Bank.

Vlad's tape is guaranteed to be hidden in one of the deposit boxes. Try to pick this up while doing SIlencioso y Codicioso. If not, here are the 60 possible locations. Assume we just walked in and am now facing the vault entrance. From left to right, here are the possible Vlad Tape boxes:

Lower left 1: B24,C5,D12,E1,F45,G2,H5
Lower left 2: A135,C2,D4,E2,F24,G3,H4
Central 1: A2,B4,C3,D2,E4,F3,G23,H24
Central 2: A1,B5,C13,D3,E15,F3,G2,H4
Lower right 1: A4,B23,C2,D3,E4,F2,G3,H15
Lower right 2: A2,B4,C2,D1,E4,F3,G25,H24
Santa's Workshop
Bots work pretty well on Santa's workshop as the distance is close enough to station 1 bot at each elf and bots will constantly shout at the elf when needed (we'll still have to bag the presents}.

Santa Slays Slackers
In the Santa’s Workshop job, keep all the elves alive for 30 minutes after the first assault starts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Achievement is awarded, if all 4 elves are alive, upon a 30 minute timer finishing. This 30 minute timer is started on the first assault (yellow assault bar). Other than keeping them alive, nothing else is needed to be done, no need to pack presents, no need to secure etc.

When the first assault starts, the game will constantly spawn special "sneaky cops" to kill the elves. 3 on Overkill and 4 on Mayhem+.

Currently bugged as said sneaky cops don't spawn at all. Good for us I guess.

Euro Bag Simulator
Complete the Santa’s Workshop job after having secured at least 100 bags in the chimney on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the “Rudolph” mask.

Used to include only presents but was patched to include loot from the safe.

Only Santa Brings Gifts
In the Santa’s Workshop job, secure 10 bags of loot without using any player equipment or assets.

A little misleading here. "Without using" means that no deployables are ever deployed, including buying of assets, so bringing them is fine as long as we secure 10 bags first. Pressing X to switch deployables (Jack of All Trades) will also void the achievement, so watch out (credits to fragtrane).
Scarface Mansion
What? You Want Me to Dance?
Complete the Scarface Mansion job in stealth in 13 minutes or less on the Mayhem difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Barrori Flex" mask, "Red Velvet" material and "Coin" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Settling a Scar
Complete the Scarface Mansion job within 15 minutes in loud on the OVERKILL difficulty and above.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Look at These Pelicans Fall
On the Scarface Mansion job, find and shoot the two pink flamingos. Unlocks the "Exalted" mask, "Oxidized Copper" material and "Liberty Flame" pattern.

Video - Pelicans (Flamingo) Locations

There are 5 spots for the flamingos to spawn. A few are pretty far away so bring an appropriate weapon (scoped rifle/sniper, LMG with bipod, rocket launcher).

1 & 2 - Beach to the left of mansion, look from Sosa's bedroom balcony. Spot 1 can be accessed early by jumping in place from on of the big umbrellas. Spot 2 can be accessed near the dock walls. (Image, Image).
3 - Small islet NE of the garage. Look right from the docks (Image, Image).
4 - Across to the right of the white garden ring (Image, Image).
5 - River mouth south of the driveway between guardhouse and gate (Image).

Trophy - Pelican Killer
You just don't like 'em. 's all.

Same as above, just shoot the flamingos, restart the heist and repeat.
Video - Heavy Metal, Press F to Pay Respects

Press [F] to Pay Respects
Press [F] to pay respects.

Interact with the mummy exhibit in the west exhibit hall, 2nd floor. Both stealth (glass cutter) or loud works.

Heavy Metal
In the Shacklethorne heist, use the metal detectors to find a civilian that is carring something heavy. Unlocks the Monkey Wrench weapon.

The civilian in question is the blue-clothed maintenance guy in the storage room. Lead him through the metal detectors to spawn a monkey wrench on the ground, which grants the achievement upon pickup. Stealth only since metal detectors get disabled in loud.

To set up, we can spend pagers on guards on the 2nd floor and break all the cams we come across (guards won't be called to investigate), so that we can lead the hostage without anyone spotting him. We then gain access to the storage room (watch for cameras here too), and tie up the hostage.

The ideal path would be to lead said hostage, would be to the second floor from left staircase (east staircase is in view of civilians in hall), then through the west exhibit hall (to prevent the main hall civis from spotting the hostage), and finally where the 2nd floor utility room is.

At this point we might not have enough pagers for the entrance guards, so drop pager-blocking ECMs and lead the hostage out through the metal detectors. However, players walking through the metal detectors breaks stealth instantly, so jump over the red railings on the sides instead to get out. Then pick up the wrench for the achievement.

The Auction Cry
Complete the Shacklethorne job in Stealth within 5 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]
Shadow Raid
Video - Solo Shadow Raid Vault & Helicopter Trick

Helicopter trick
We may have seen this in some gameplay videos. Basically what happens in a regular Shadow Raid game, is that 300 seconds (5m) after a player enters the compound, a helicopter will spawn. It's a 50/50 chance of either backup Murkywater guards (with pagers) or a container with a guaranteed artifact. At 290 seconds (or 10 seconds before the event occurs), an announcement will sound.

The trick here is that we can force either of these to happen, which obviously we want the container. So to perform this trick, first we'll need to be standing on 1 half of the helipad, the half that is closer to the main gate, which is marked in the image using trip mines (Image - Helipad Position). By entering the zone, we disable the reinforcements as a valid choice. Note that entering disables the zone and leaving enables the zone, so it is possible for 2 players to both enter and then 1 leaves, enabling back the zone, so it is best to be done by 1 player.

When done correctly, we will see a helicopter and container silhouette (Image - Helicopter Container Silhouette).

Image - Helipad Position
Image - Helicopter Container Silhouette

Securing the Warehouse (and Vault)
So why do we want to secure the warehouse and vault? Most importantly, an open vault will alert patrolling Murkies and cause an alarm sound off. Extra Murkies from the helicopter reinforcement will also further aggravate this, which is why the helicopter trick is needed to deny reinforcements.

So without the reinforcements, there are 4 patrolling Murkies and 1 camera operator. So how do we spend our pagers then?

Method 1 - Frozen guards
When the 2 balcony doors on the 2nd floor are left closed, patrolling Murkies can become frozen when trying to path to 2 waypoints on the balcony but are unable to (Image - Frozen Guard). They will stand in a spot and replay the standard animation over and over and when they do freeze in a good spot, this means less pagers spent. Of course this is considered by many to be an unfixed glitch and may or may not be fixed by the time support ends.

So with at least 1 guard frozen, we can take out the remaining patrolling Murkies and/or camera operator, securing the warehouse and vault for easy pickings.

Image - Frozen Guard

Method 2 - The legit way
Method 1 may be useful but it's still good to learn how to do things the proper way. With the helicopter trick, we can leave the camera operator alive and spend 4 pagers on the 4 patrolling Murkies. We'd still have to watch out for cameras but at least no one will bother us (except civilians). Breaking cameras on OVK- is ill-advised, as external guards will investigate.

If all 4 pagers are spent inside, what about the container yard?
Don't be fooled by the size of the container yard. It only contains 4 baggable cash, which is way less profitable and riskier compared to the warehouse and vault. The artifact in the helicopter container, if desired, can be retrieved last and covered by ECMs if things go wrong.

Opening the vault
Opening the vault requires 2 keycards, which can be obtained in 3 ways: the camera operator (guaranteed), the orange civilian (guaranteed) or patrolling Murkies (not guaranteed). Once the 1st keycard is inserted, we have 10 seconds to put in the 2nd keycard or it will be locked forever. Opening with a crew is definitely easy, so we'll look at how to open it solo instead.

Opening the vault solo
If we used the frozen guard method, we would have taken out the camera operator and gained the 1st keycard. With the 10 second keycard input limitation, we will need our 2nd keycard nearby.

For the orange civilian, it is best to kill/tie him at close as possible to the vault, which is either in the main warehouse (Image - Orange Civilian Warehouse) or in the hallway of the first floor (Image - Orange Civilian Hallway).

Image - Orange Civilian Warehouse
Image - Orange Civilian Hallway
Image - Orange Civilian Keycard

For Murkies, we'd want to take them out when they are near the vault and hope for a keycard drop. However since this is RNG based, we'd have to expect possible restarts.

Image - Murky keycard 1
Image - Murky keycard 2

With method 2, we have more work to do; hope for multiple Murky keycard drops and/or grab the orange civilian. Pick up whichever keycard is further away from the vault first.

With 1 keycard in hand and another keycard near by, we can proceed to open the vault solo. Put the 1st keycard in, grab the 2nd keycard and be back to put it in. The GIF below shows it done in 4 seconds, well within the 10 second limit.

GIF - Opening Vault Solo

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
In the Shadow Raid job, complete the heist in stealth while having the Vulcan Minigun and HRL-7 Rocket Launcher equipped.

The easy way is to do it on Normal and ECM rush when spotted, since only 3 bags are needed. For a non-rush way, we can wait by the van and get others to carry, since only the achievement hunter needs to equip the required setup.

For a solo player, we can either secure the warehouse (which is a lot of effort) or just try to get 3 bags and get out. We can enter via the rear of the warehouse, which might have a guard (1 pager), or the via the roof. The area close to the roof staircase will have 1 coke spawn and possibly 1 cash and/or 1 server for us to finish on Normal. Entering via the rear can be more dangerous but has potentially more loot; coke in the basement or 1st floor, weapons on the 1st floor etc, with the manhole close by for a safe way out (don't forget thermal paste).

I Will Take With Impunity
In the Shadow Raid job, secure a piece of every available type of loot, including money, gold, cocaine, artifact, painting, weapons and server.

7 types of loot needed, one of each: money, coke, gold, weapon, server, artifact and painting. Armour not needed.

With the helicopter trick, we'd have a guaranteed artifact. The rest is also guaranteed except for gold, which is the biggest factor. Of 9 crates in the warehouse, only 6 can contain loot. Each crate has equal chances for coke, artifact, gold and money except for 1 crate which can possibly contain the other 3 types but gold. So if trying for this achievement, checking for gold is our priority. Since armour is not included, keycards can be spent on the cages.
Shadow Raid (cont.)
I Am Ninja
In the Shadow Raid job, secure 16 bags of random loot including all 4 pieces of the samurai armor.

The warehouse itself can contain potentially 20 loot, so we don't have to risk the container yard for the 4 money bags.

I Will Walk Faceless Among Men
In the Shadow Raid job, secure all 4 pieces of the samurai armor. Unlocks the “Somen Mempo” mask.

The tips above should cover this.

Trophy - Bushido
In the Shadow Raid heist, steal all the Samurai Armour before grabbing or securing any other loot, playing on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Bushido Trophy

Awarded on escape. All 4 pieces of armour has to be secured first. Bagging any other loot before doing so voids the trophy. Body bags are ok. Considering that the vault has to be opened, which can turn Murkies suspicious, I recommend securing the warehouse first (read Securing the Warehouse (and Vault) above).

I Will Pass Through Walls
In the Shadow Raid job, secure at least 6 bags of loot and escape without killing anyone.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]
Not Hard Enough
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above while Captain Winters is still present on the level.

Video - Not Hard Enough

Following the usual rules, Winters spawns only on Very Hard and above and only in Crime.NET Online. In Slaughterhouse, there is an extra rule, the enabling/disabling only happens when we exit the slaughterhouse, and the SWAT van arrives. 20% chance for SWAT turret to spawn, else enable Winters. An additional detail is that the SWAT van turns on its spotlights when it's not a turret.

The roll to spawn Winters only happens during the early phases of an assault, so extending Fade or the assault breaks with hostages can delay his arrival. To speed up this achievement, try to get the escape (infinite assault) started as soon as possible. Assuming we rush the objectives, the worst possible delay for Winters to spawn is around 28 minutes gametime. Mayhem and upwards only has an additional 4% base chance and it not worth the difficulty increase.

It is sufficient for Winters to physically spawn, he does not need to be in position (shield icon). Of course, without HUD mods while near the escape it can be difficult to tell, so let him do so before escaping.

But How?
In the Slaughterhouse job, get the armored truck to drop without shooting at the wires on which it is suspended.

Video - But How?

At the beginning, crack the windshield of the first truck by shooting at it before it gets rammed. If done correctly, when we first enter the slaughterhouse the truck will be head-facing down and we will be prompted to shoot the wires instead of using the remaining C4 to "Get the Van Down". Do nothing for 5 minutes and it'll fall on its own, earning us the achievement.

Image - Correct truck position

Pork Royale
In the Slaughterhouse job, find the marked pig, secure it in the container and then finish the heist on OVERKILL or above.

Video - Pork Royale

This special objective only activates on Overkill+. We'll have to search for a pig marked with an "X" on its body, secure it and complete the heist. This pig is only in the main area and not the smaller corridors and the mark is extremely faint. The best way to locate is to check each pig individually for an interaction prompt.

Image - Marked pig

In the Slaughterhouse job, pick up two gasoline tanks within 30 seconds of entering the slaughterhouse.

Definitely needs at least 2 players, since the objectives to use the gasoline happens way later.

Making a Statement
Finish the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone killing a single sniper.

Video - Making A Statement (Solo)

On Overkill 3 snipers spawn in the container yard, and another 2 during the escape sequence. Since bots and converts cannot be controlled directly, it is better to do without them and replace with sentries. Marshal sharpshooters can be safely killed (credits to kaiba).

Sniper spawn function
  • First activated 5 seconds after exiting conveyor belt area, into container yard
  • 30 to 50 second delay before rolling chance
  • Base chance 15% to spawn, add 15% on fail and call function again (includes the 30 to 50 second delay)
  • Depending on RNG, possible to reach 7 "stages"
  • Roll chance on each "stage" (percent): 15/30/45/60/75/90/105
  • Chance of hitting nth "stage" (percent): 19/5.7/33.9/24.9/12.4/3.7/0.4

Looking at the spawn function, with some math, the possibility of activating the escape sequence before the sniper spawns (completing objectives as fast as possible), is 1.06%. Not a practical approach. Instead we should aim to avoid sniper fire as much as possible.

Move only required bags to save time (6 gold). Secure the bags and place gas cans as soon as possible. Best done before sniper spawns but if they do, don't panic. Sicario can be used to cover movement or Stoic to tank. If sniper fire covers more of the left side of the yard, the right side will provide better cover, and vice versa.

The crane objectives are much simpler to work with. Smoke grenades, Stoic tanking or First Aid Kits with Uppers (aced) will cover that. While waiting for the crane objectives to complete, hiding in containers will reduce exposure. Repeat for second crane objective and then escape.
Stealing Xmas
The Grinch
On the Stealing Xmas job, secure all additional loot on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Imitations & The Grinch
    Total of 9 extra loot:
  • 6 jewelry bags in jewelry store, in the display cases
  • 1 money in shoe store office
  • 2 in Pear store office: 1 money lying around and 1 money in safe
A saw and shaped charges can help open all of these quickly. Achievement awarded on the 9th extra loot secured. The loot point is activated when bagging the first cocaine.

On the Stealing Xmas job, find and take both Paycheck masks. Unlocks the "Paycheck Dallas" and "Paycheck Chains" masks.

Video - Imitations & The Grinch

Awarded upon picking up both masks. 3 possible locations for each mask.

Image - Chains 1 - Near bin in inner corridor, level 1
Image - Chains 2 - Stairs to roof near jewelry store
Image - Chains 3 - Corner of wine store

Image - Dallas 1 - Left bench, Christmas tree
Image - Dallas 2 - Inside bin, right of main stairs
Image - Dallas 3 - Exiting from jewelry store stairs to roof, turn left, then left again

Christmas Party
On the Stealing Xmas job, escape the heist while keeping at least 10 zip-tied civilians alive within the 4 pillars around the Christmas tree.
Check Section [Misc: Hostages]
Transport Heists and Escapes
Video - Escapes and achievements

Escapes are enabled when the alarm goes off (Transport DLC and older heists), with the exception of Framing Frame D1 and Rats D2 having a timed delay before enabling but we won't be using those.

Each dead civilian adds a 5% chance to the heist's base chance so it's in our interest to take out as many before escaping. Exceptions are Nightclub and Transport Park.

And don't get the Expert Driver asset since it will disable escapes completely.

Café, Street, Park
Best way to trigger is Ukrainian Job on Normal difficulty (30% base chance) and it can be completed within a minute. Use shaped charges to open the safes for the tiara, and bring some explosives to take down the civilians inside the shop. Be sure to escape within 45 seconds of going loud, else the van will leave and we'll have to wait for it to come back. Ignore the jewellery bags.

Cappuccino to Go, Please
In the Cafe escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.

The café escape map has 3 corners (T-junction). We'll start in one corner, while the escape van will arrive in either of the other 2.

Interestingly, the game actually compares bags spawned VS bags secured so having zero bags works. Just complete the escape normally within 30 seconds of van arriving.

King of the Hill
In the Park escape, ensure that no law enforcement enters the park before the escape van arrives.

Previously, my strategy was to stay away from the park right from the start, thus cops will not path into the park.

However, a more reliable method would be to bring sentries, play on Normal solo without bots, as that would mean easy cops and less spawns. Spread out our 6 sentries around the park entrances and it should be an easy task.

Bullet Dodger
In the Street escape, complete the escape without letting any enemy snipers die.

Play on Normal solo without bots, else they take out the snipers by accident.

Do Rats D1 on Normal and blow the lab for a 100% chance of an escape. If we get Garage instead, quit and try again.

You Shall Not Pass!
In the Overpass escape, don't let the cops set foot on the bridge before you can escape.

I recommend we try to get the spawn under the bridge, otherwise press Esc and Restart.
Again, bringing sentries and doing it Normal and solo will ensure easy enemies and less spawns.
Place sentries on both ends and watch out for any sneaky cops. Once the escape arrives it will unlock.

Trying to trigger Garage is a pain, expect many restarts until the god of RNG smiles upon us.

Transport Harbour is our best chance. Try to take out the 4 civilians for an added 20% chance.
Below Overkill, restart until we get at least 3 trucks so we can get 8 bags, otherwise play on Overkill to ensure at least 3 trucks. It's doable with gold bags but more tedious so I recommend jewellery or cash. Whether a boat or van arrives will not affect our chance.

A no DLC way to trigger will be Nightclub. However the base chance is 25%, killing civilians has no effect and since there are 4 possible escapes, the chance dwindles to 6.25%. Playing below Very Hard will never get 8 bags and Very Hard doesn't guarantee 8 as well. Overkill to One Down has the same chances for bags so just do it on Overkill.

Either shaped charge the safes or lockpick, which is easier and bring a saw to open the doors and pray for 8 bags. Then after, pray for Garage.

They See Me Baggin', They Hatin'
On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.

Check Section [Misc: RNG Achievements] for farming tips

For this escape, there is a shortcut all the way to the top. However the first part involves throwing bags up so gold bags are out of the question. Bring along shaped charges to blow open the doors. It is possible to lug the gold bags all the way up but it will test our patience so bring bots or players for that.

Check out 9:29 of the video to see the shortcut with a full explanation.

If You Liked It You Should Have Put a Ring on It
Finish any Armored Transport heist, Having Secured at Least 9 Bags of Gold.

All 9 bags have to be secured into the loot zone, not carried on criminal backs.

For Transport Heists, range of truck spawns varies based on difficulty.

Normal spawns 1 - 4, Hard/Very Hard 2 - 4, Overkill+ 3 - 4. So for 9 bags we'll need at least 3 trucks, else restart. And since we'll need 9 bags, avoid shaped charges and go for drills instead.

All Transport Heists have 75% chance of getting money, 12.5% chance of jewelry, 12.5% chance of gold. Underpass is the only exception and has equal chances for all 3 types (33% each), so Underpass is our best bet.

And since gold has a relatively low chance of spawning, we wouldn't want to further lower the chance by getting the wrong number of trucks. So play at least on Overkill open up a truck and hope for gold.

Let Them Watch
Finish the Train heist without any of your crew members killing any enemy snipers.

This unlocks if we complete in stealth. Otherwise do it on the Normal difficulty solo without bots.

But Wait - There's More!
On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans for the Train Heist.

50% chance to occur in a Transport Heist on any difficulty. It can spawn in a explodable deposit box, so no shaped charges, just drills. In any case, it should spawn often enough. Just pick up the plans and the achievement unlocks.

Trophy - Escape Van
Successfully complete 10 Escapes.

We should get this naturally through our plays. But if not, Ukrainian Job is our best way to farm (read "Café, Street, Park" above)
Ukrainian Job
Let's Do Th...
In the Ukrainian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.

Bring shaped charges and play on Normal to avoid Titan safes. Might have to restart if we don't get the correct safe on the 1st try. ECMs not needed as the van only leaves 45 seconds after it goes loud.

I'm Sure No One Heard That
On the Ukrainian Job, finish the heist in stealth after triggering the alarm with the metal detectors.

Very Hard+ has 70% chance to spawn a metal detector. The alarm from the metal detector only emits sound but doesn't directly cause the heist to go loud. So ECM, trigger the detector, and escape.
Ukrainian Prisoner Heist
Thinking Ahead
In the Ukrainian Prisoner job, find and steal what Yufu Wang has hidden away.

Video - Thinking Ahead

Both stealth/loud works, must play from the start. Three buttons must be pressed in order; at the main warehouse, then just after the security gate, and the harbour office. The loot area will then be enabled. Secure all 10 loot (not carry on back) then escape.

Stealth has a 4 minute point of no return timer while loud has none. The secure zone is enabled once Vlad enters the boat. For solo players, be careful to not escape by accident ;)

Map (Image)

First button (5 locations)
Warehouse to break room (Image)
Under break room stairs (Image)
Jump on crates to reach (Image)
Jump on ledge to reach (Image)
Storage room (Image)

Second button (3 locations)
Enter open container (Image)
Between crates & boxes (Image)
Area behind containers (Image)
Bottom of container (Image)
In blue container (Image)

Last button (2 locations)
Near lever (Image)
Across the room (Image)

Loot area
Loot area entrance (Image)
Loot container (Image)

Just to Cheese Them Off
In the Ukrainian Prisoner job, find and destroy all dragon vases.

Video - Just to Cheese Them Off

Break 8 red dragon vases (40 possible positions). Awarded on 8th vase broken, must play from start.

Map (Image)

Not-so-obvious locations
First warehouse - near gong (Image)
First warehouse - to reception (Image)
First warehouse - kitchen upstairs (Image)
Main entrance (Image)
Northeast between warehouse A and B (Image)
After security gate (Image)
Southern container yard (Image)
Open container before harbour office (Image)
Harbour office - exposed false ceiling (Image)
Harbour office - on metal beam (Image)
Ship NE of map (Image)
Big crane west (Image)
Big crane center (Image)
Big crane east (Image)
SE of map (Image)
Waters E of dockyard (Image)

This Calls for a Round of Sputniks!
In the Ukrainian Prisoner job, kill at least 100 enemies with a sniper rifle and complete the level with 100% or higher accuracy on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Bots allowed]
Complete the Undercover job on OVERKILL difficulty or above, using only a grenade launcher or rocket launcher.
Check Section [Misc: EQ - Bots allowed]

Not Even Once
Complete the Undercover job on OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone in your crew getting downed or cuffed.
Check Section [Misc: No Downs/Custody]
White Xmas
Impossible, It Can't Be. Is It?
In the White Xmas job, secure the rare Almir's Toast.

Rare is right. A present has a 1% chance to contain the toast. Fortunately there is no difficulty requirement so Normal is our best friend.

So 2 ways to go about doing this, or we can combine both.

First way is that 40 presents will spawn at the start. 14 to 18 will contain coke. Check all 40 for the toast and restart if we don't find it and repeat the process.

Second way is that after the pilot is rescued, presents will continuously spawn every 30 to 60 seconds (assuming we open them, else it will stop when all 13 locations are still unopened). This drop chance remains at 100% for 20 minutes, drops to 50% and then repeatedly dropping again every 10 minutes (50%/40%/30%/20%). So if we've been opening presents for 20 minutes after the pilot goes, time for a restart.

Either way, once we get the toast, secure it on the helicopter.

What's in the Box?
On the White Xmas job open 40 packages before escaping on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Achievement unlocks upon opening the 40th present so we don't have to keep count (thankfully). Just opening them will do, need not secure/pick up the contents. Both the 40 starting presents and presents dropped at the trees count.
Yacht Heist
Blood in the Water
Complete the Yacht Heist job after having killed every security guard on the boat. Unlocks the "Captain" mask, "Black Suede" material and "Continental" pattern.

Video - Blood in the Water

Solo-able achievement, easiest to do on Normal since there are only 8 guards. Be sure to bring pager blocking ECMs. The general plan would be to activate the escape first before proceeding to ensure all 8 (or the remaining) are killed. Note that ECMs can block some of the final objectives. Also, don't forget to kill instead of dominating.

Of 8, 4 guards are fixed spawns and is closest to the escape, thus preferred to keep them for the ECM rush kills. They are on the main deck, kitchen, cargo hold and server room. The other 4 can vary slightly and are much further away and recommended to use our pagers on. They are on the upper decks, room corridors, dining hall and upper aquarium areas.

So make our way to complete the objectives as per normal while spending our pagers on the further guards. Once we're ready to escape, drop ECMs and take out the remaining 4 before escaping. Video has gameplay for reference.

Trophy - Gone Fishing
Complete The Yacht Heist in stealth with all team members at maximum detection.

Does not require a full crew, solo-able with bots. Easily done with the armour bag and ICTV instead of low concealment weapons, just make sure the build is at 75 Detection Risk. Then use the armour bag before escape. Beware the Crew Boost Concealer messing with the final DR, remove it for this trophy.

Complete the Yacht Heist job within 6 minutes, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Check Section [Misc: Speedruns]

Complete the Yacht Heist job without killing anyone. Unlocks the "Sailor" mask, "Neon Blue" material and "Hotel Pattern" pattern.
Check Section [Misc: Pacifist (no kill)]
Coming in Hot
On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.

The escape vehicle will always spawn in the same location. Get the armoured car asset to increase the chance of the driver's survival. Either stick with the basic 4 bags and escape, or secure only 3/4 and then the rest when our crew is ready to leave all at once, else the driver dies and we'll have to wait for the helicopter.

Fish A.I.
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.

This is related to a joke mocking one of the Call of Duty? games, where the fish was detailed to the point of having an A.I. programmed for it. The bag after being thrown into the water, will respawn back at the initial truck.

Trophy - Snipe It
Complete the Watchdogs heist using only sniper rifles, with an accuracy of 100% or above.
Check Section [Misc: Accuracy]

Out Of Bounds
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, secure 12 bags without letting any law enforcer enter the warehouse on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Out of Bounds (Easy)

The bags must be secured via the boats and not on the back of criminals entering the escape. The achievement is granted upon the 12th bag reaching the boat. Easiest way is to do on Mayhem, since the warehouse will be closed.
White House Heist
Big Brother
Complete The White House job in stealth and without destroying a single camera on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Video - Big Brother

Credits to Zdann: Must be done on Overkill difficulty or above. Killing the camera operator doesn't void this achievement.

Only 2 things void the achievement; breaking cams and raising alarm. An easy way to avoid breaking cams is to play on Mayhem/Deathwish (not Death Sentence, there are more guards etc) and no accidents will happen. Awarded to all players on escape, even drop-ins, so stealthers can help friends with this achievement by stealthing all the way until before exiting PEOC, inviting friends in to escape.

Here's a few tips for the escape sequence:
  • Upon exiting the building, stay at the entrance and wait for the helicopter to land (spawn escape zone) before moving. Even if Murkies get alerted, we will make it in time before a phone call goes through.
  • Depending on the spawn, one side of the stairs may not have Murkies, making it less likely to get detected. Use Sixth Sense to check.
  • Or get forced masked up by walking close to the Murkies and then dropping ECMs to prevent phone calls from succeeding.

A Heist to Remember
Find a fitting souvenir from the White House and take it with you.

Grab the half eaten toast in the meeting room of the PEOC and the achievement will be granted at the end of the mission.

President For a Day
Complete the White House job while wearing any presidential mask on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

Usable masks:
  • Armoured Transport (4)
  • Big Bank (4)
  • No DLC; 2 Trump masks, Biden mask.
Do-able w/o DLC - Notes
This section details achievements and trophies related to DLC but can be achieved without. They can be done either with the base game itself (e.g. community weapons) or can be achieved through Crime Spree, Storyline or joining a host with relevant DLC. Obviously, rewards will not unlock. There will only be brief instructions/explanations here, check out their own sections for detailed explanations.

Easiest way is to have a friend with DLC, host the heist. But for whatever reasons, if only able to play solo (offline for example), Crime Spree and Storyline can be used.

Blow-Out has specific steps. Check out the details in its section.

Goat and The World Is Yours, if doing through the storyline, don't complete the heist until the trophy unlocks. Secure goats/yayo and restart until trophy unlocks. Or use the Replayable Story Line[] mod.

A goat can be found in Firestarter Day 2 (at least Overkill difficulty) for BAAaa...*BANG*...aaAAH.

Video - Crime Spree Trick

Crime Spree Trick
This trick requires Spree 0, naturally unsuitable for those to want to keep their Spree levels.
  1. Start new Spree at 0.
  2. Didn't get the heist we wanted? Stop (not suspend), repeat from step 1 until we get it.
  3. Failed the attempt? We can retry once at 0 coin cost.
    Go back into Crime Spree and it should show "Crime Spree Failed".
    Click continue (it should cost 0 coins), then select the same heist and start (don't exit!).
    If we exit and return, the 3 listed heists will be different and we have to stop the Spree and restart from step 1.
All that mouse clicking will be very tiring, so use the keyboard instead, with just the Enter and arrow keys. Make sure that the mouse cursor is over the Crime Spree icon in Crime Net and it will respond to the Enter key.

Replayable Story Line mod
Already finished Storyline? Here's a mod to replay any stage (or even reset):
Link to mod[], courtesy of fragtrane.

Storyline progression (theory)
This details the steps to take whenever a branch is allowed (pick Heist A or Heist B), to get the most DLC achievements attainable just with Storyline, with restarting involved. Again, seems convoluted but some of us might have reasons they cannot play online with others, which by extension means solo with AI. There is also another way of progression below. I also investigated this for fun. Or just get the Replayable Story Line[] mod.

#7 - Time to Show Off (8 achieves)

Credits to blinya, this is the best time to get war documents for "The Historical Report" of Aldstone's Heritage Jobs. Open up trucks, grab documents, restart until it's complete. Otherwise, use Crime Spree for it.
  • Restart Transport Heist until gotten intel ("But Wait - There's More!") 1/8
  • Restart Transport Heist until 3 gold trucks for 9 total, secure and escape ("If You Liked It You Should Have Put A Ring On It" and Normal difficulty achieve) 3/8
  • Complete 2 other Transport Heists (Normal difficulty achieve) 5/8
  • Complete Train Heist, no sniper death (stealth works), 20 ammo. ("Let Them Watch", "We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat", Normal difficulty achieve) 8/8

#21 - Big Time - Big Bank (10 achieves, 1 trophy)
  • Spend 10 preplanning points ("You Owe Me One") 1/10
  • Sandwich in safe ("It's Not Even Fresh") 1/1 Trophy
  • Correct first hack ("It Takes Two to Tango") 2/10
    Get without completing and restart:
  • Pig drop ("It Takes A Pig to Kill A Pig") 3/10
  • Bring Bob to vault ("Backing Bobblehead Bob") 4/10
Remaining achievements: "Entrapment", "12 Angry Minutes", "Sweet Sixteen", "Don't Bring the Heat". A stealth run can get all but "12 Angry Minutes". 8/10
Then for completing on VH. 10/10

#22 - Takedown Tango - Hotline Miami (5 achieves)
  • Day 1, restart until enough for 6 sets of meth ("Overdose") 1/5
  • Day 2, defuse the C4 on hostage ("Phew!") 2/5
  • Completing Hotline Miami on VH. 5/5

#25 - Some Things Are Forever - The Diamond (6 achieves)
    In a single run:
  • Secure 10 additional loot and escape ("Culture Vultures") 1/6
  • Escape under 10 minutes ("Smoke and Mirrors") 2/6
  • Escape in stealth ("Cat Burglar") 3/6
  • Completing on VH. 6/6

#26 - A Gamble - Golden Grin Casino (6 achieves)
Loud route gets only "City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears" while stealth gets "Hail to the King" and "Blind Eye in the Sky" so stealth it is. Speedrun it as well for "High Roller". 3/6
Complete on VH. 6/6

#27 - A New Friend - Dockyard OR Forest (10 achieves)
    Get without completing and quit (Dockyard):
  • Find meth container ("Breaking Dead") 1/10
  • No powercut during loud hack ("I've Got the Power") 2/10
  • 2 keycards within 60 seconds ("Done in 60 Seconds") 3/10
  • Cook and secure 2 meth ("High Times") 4/10
    Get without completing and restart:
  • Cut trees within 5 seconds ("Beaver Team") 5/10
  • No water cut from river pump ("Pump It Up") 6/10
Complete the heist with no civilian escape/death ("Oppressor"), 7/10
Complete on VH, 10/10

#28 - Shipping Fees - Scarface Mansion (4 achieves, 2 trophy)
    Get without completing and restart:
  • Secure 24 yayo (8 per heist, play 3 times total) ("The World Is Yours") 1/2 Trophy
  • Shoot flamingoes ("Pelican Killer"/"Look at these Pelican Fall") 1/4, 2/2 Trophy
Complete on VH, 4/4

#30 - Back From Vacation - Alesso Heist OR Counterfeit (9 achieves)
    Get without completing and quit (Counterfeit):
  • Secure 1 million worth of counterfeit money in heli ("Dr. Evil") 1/8
    Recommended to do in Crime Spree (Spree 0) for less bags, but I'll count it here.
  • Body bag on grill ("Why?") 2/8
  • No civis run off or die until safe is opened ("Crowd Control") 3/9
    Complete in a single run or restart (Alesso Heist):
  • C4 the parking meter in basement in loud ("Even Steven") 4/9
  • No mistakes with pyrotechnics ("M.F. Stev") 5/9
  • Complete with no civi/enemy deaths ("Sound of Silence") 6/9
  • Complete on VH, 9/9

#34 - Animal Farm - Goat Sim OR Santa's Workshop (6 achieves, 1 trophy)
Obviously, do Goat Sim instead of Santa's Workshop. "BAAaa...*BANG*...aaAAH" can be done on Firestarter Day 2 on OVK but I'll include it here. 1/6

Day 1, secure 6 goats within a minute of truck arriving ("Goat In 60 Seconds"), 2/6
Day 2, secure all goats and restart until 25 goats secured ("Goat"), 1/1 Trophy
Day 2, complete heist within 4 minutes after car objective starts ("Hazzard County"), 3/6
Day 2, complete on VH, 6/6

#36 - Chrome, Rubber & Tattoos - Biker Heist (5 achieves)
These can be done in Crime Spree too.

Day 1, find the bottle ("Scavenger") 1/5
Day 2, restart until turret heli, destroy it ("Eye for an Eye") 2/5
Complete on VH, 5/5

#38 - New York Situation - Brooklyn 10-10 (3 achieves)
Complete on VH, 3/3

#39 - Money in the Water - Yacht Heist (4 achieves, 1 trophy)
Complete in max detection risk ("Gone Fishing") 1/1 Trophy
Pick 1, "Pacifish" (can dominate, no kills) or "Blood in the Water" (kill all guards), 1/4
Complete on VH, 4/4

#40 - Clowns, Death and Tax Returns - Undercover (5 achieves)
Use 10 planks ("The Saviour") 1/5
Keep Clear of the Windows ("No snipers killed") 2/5
Complete on VH, 5/5

#42 - Cat Bites Dog - Beneath the Mountain (4 achieves)
Secure all 10 loot ("Clean House") 1/4
Complete on VH, 4/4

#43 - Clowns From Above - Birth of Sky (5 achieves, 1 trophy)
Land through diner's broken roof ("Pinpoint Landing") 1/5
Find 9 rings ("Mellon"/"The Ring") 2/5, 1 Trophy
Complete on VH, 5/5
Do-able w/o DLC - Notes (cont.)
Storyline progression v2
Game progress is only saved after exiting the "End Mission" screen where the money, EXP and leveling up is, so it's possible to Alt + F4 at this point and relaunch the game to play another branch, since achievements are saved to Steam. But it doesn't work for trophies that require completing heist. I'll not repeat Storyline stages that don't benefit from the Alt + F4.

#7 - Time to Show Off (10 achieves)

Credits to blinya, this is the best time to get war documents for "The Historical Report" of Aldstone's Heritage Jobs. Open up trucks, grab documents, restart until it's complete. Otherwise, use Crime Spree for it.
  • Restart Transport Heist until gotten intel ("But Wait - There's More!") 1/10
  • Restart Transport Heist until 3 gold trucks for 9 total, secure and escape ("If You Liked It You Should Have Put A Ring On It" and Normal difficulty achieve) 3/10
  • Complete (with Alt + F4) 2 other Transport Heists (Normal difficulty achieve) 5/10
  • Complete 2 other Transport Heists (Normal difficulty achieve) 7/10
  • Complete Train Heist, no sniper death (stealth works), 20 ammo. ("Let Them Watch", "We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat", Normal difficulty achieve) 10/10

#21 - Big Time - Big Bank (11 achieves, 1 trophy)
  • Sandwich in safe ("It's Not Even Fresh") 1/1 Trophy
  • Spend 10 preplanning points ("You Owe Me One") 1/11
  • Correct first hack ("It Takes Two to Tango") 2/11
    Get without completing and restart:
  • Pig drop ("It Takes A Pig to Kill A Pig") 3/11
  • Bring Bob to vault ("Backing Bobblehead Bob") 4/11
Remaining achievements: "Entrapment", "12 Angry Minutes", "Sweet Sixteen", "Don't Bring the Heat". Multiple runs (with Alt + F4) can be done to get them all. Most noticeably, "Sweet Sixteen" and "12 Angry Minutes" cannot be gotten together. 8/11
Then for completing on VH. 11/11

#22 - Takedown Tango - Hotline Miami (5 achieves)
#25 - Some Things Are Forever - The Diamond (6 achieves)

#26 - A Gamble - Golden Grin Casino (7 achieves)
Loud for "City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears", stealth for "Hail to the King" and "Blind Eye in the Sky". Do either loud/stealth first, Alt + F4 and do the other. 3/7
Speedrun it as well for "High Roller". 4/7
Complete on VH. 7/7

#27 - A New Friend - Dockyard OR Forest (13 achieves)
  • Find meth container ("Breaking Dead") 1/13
  • No powercut during loud hack ("I've Got the Power") 2/13
  • 2 keycards within 60 seconds ("Done in 60 Seconds") 3/13
  • Cook and secure 2 meth ("High Times") 4/13
  • Complete on VH, then Alt + F4. 7/13
    Get without completing and restart:
  • Cut trees within 5 seconds ("Beaver Team") 8/13
  • No water cut from river pump ("Pump It Up") 9/13
Complete the heist with no civilian escape/death ("Oppressor"), 10/13
Complete on VH, 13/13

#28 - Shipping Fees - Scarface Mansion (4 achieves, 2 trophy)

#30 - Back From Vacation - Alesso Heist OR Counterfeit (12 achieves)
  • Secure 1 million worth of counterfeit money in heli ("Dr. Evil") 1/12
    Recommended to do in Crime Spree (Spree 0) for less bags, but I'll count it here.
  • Body bag on grill ("Why?") 2/12
  • No civis run off or die until safe is opened ("Crowd Control") 3/12
  • Complete on VH, then Alt + F4. 6/12
    Complete in a single run or restart (Alesso Heist):
  • C4 the parking meter in basement in loud ("Even Steven") 7/12
  • No mistakes with pyrotechnics ("M.F. Stev") 8/12
  • Complete with no civi/enemy deaths ("Sound of Silence") 9/12
  • Complete on VH, 12/12

#34 - Animal Farm - Goat Sim OR Santa's Workshop (6 achieves, 1 trophy)
Obviously, do Goat Sim instead of Santa's Workshop. "BAAaa...*BANG*...aaAAH" can be done on Firestarter Day 2 on OVK but I'll include it here. 1/6

Day 1, secure 6 goats within a minute of truck arriving ("Goat In 60 Seconds"), 2/6
Day 2, secure all goats and restart until 25 goats secured ("Goat"), 1/1 Trophy
Day 2, complete heist within 4 minutes after car objective starts ("Hazzard County"), 3/6
Day 2, complete on VH, 6/6

#36 - Chrome, Rubber & Tattoos - Biker Heist (5 achieves)
#38 - New York Situation - Brooklyn 10-10 (3 achieves)

#39 - Money in the Water - Yacht Heist (5 achieves, 1 trophy)
Complete in max detection risk ("Gone Fishing") 1/1 Trophy
"Pacifish" (can dominate, no kills) or "Blood in the Water" (kill all guards), get both with Alt + F4 2/5
Complete on VH, 5/5

#40 - Clowns, Death and Tax Returns - Undercover (5 achieves)
#42 - Cat Bites Dog - Beneath the Mountain (4 achieves)
#43 - Clowns From Above - Birth of Sky (5 achieves, 1 trophy)

Through a single fresh Storyline offline run, it is possible to attain 90 achievements (101 with Alt + F4) and 6 trophies from the DLC packs.
Do-able w/o DLC - Was DLC
These achievements were either released as part of a DLC pack, or were once DLC until community weapons came about.

AK/CAR Mod Pack
The Collector can be done with the CAR-4, AK Rifle, AK.762 Rifle and Golden AK.762 Rifle. The rest does not require DLC.
  • $1.8M Speedrun
  • Here Comes the Pain Train
  • Hey Mr. DJ
  • OVE SAW 72000
  • Private Party
  • The Collector
  • The Turtle Always Wins
  • The Wolf Lures You to Your Grave

The DECA Technologies Compound Bow is classified as a bow. It also has poison arrows for Fugu Fighter. I Feel Like Robin Hood! can only be done joining a DLC host (Crime Spree not possible).
  • Fugu Fighter
  • Hedgehog
  • I Feel Like Robin Hood!
  • Recycling

Incendiary, Fire mines and community Flamethrower. Global Warming cannot be done as it requires a primary flamethrower.
  • Disco Inferno

HEF, concussion, Matryoshka and incendiary only for Fire in the Hole!. Share the Love requires the host to own Gage Weapon Pack #01 to allow purchase. Buy the asset whenever in a public game, even if stealth.
  • Fire in the Hole!
  • Share the Love

  • Killin’s As Easy As Breathing
  • They Drew First Blood, Not Me

  • Bang for the Buck
  • No Heist for Old Men
  • Seven Eleven
  • Shotguns 101

Without owning DLC, Lab Rats has reusable ziplines for "Didn't See That Coming Did You?". Just load up on Normal difficulty and zipline around while sniping.
  • Arachne’s Curse
  • Didn’t See That Coming Did You?
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Pest Control
  • Seer of Death
  • Triple Kill

Christmas soundtrack
The Christmas soundtrack previously was a paid DLC, but is now free.
  • Reindeer Games

John Wick Weapon Pack
Previously it required DLC weapons to complete but was updated to allow any weapon of the same type (compared to before), at Update 240.3. "For Daisy" technically was already doable without but I'll list it as well.
  • Nothing Personal
  • Crouched and Hidden, Flying Dagger
  • UMP for me, UMP for you
  • For Daisy
Do-able w/o DLC, using Crime Spree or Storyline
Crime Spree
DLC Host
1... 2... 3... JUMP!
12 Angry Minutes
A Rendezvous With Destiny
Backing Bobblehead Bob
Basement Dwellers
Beaver Team
Blind Eye in the Sky
Blood in the Water
Breaking Dead
But Wait - There's More!
Cat Burglar
City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears
Clean House
Commando Crew
Crowd Control
Culture Vultures
Cutting the Red Wire
Diamonds in the Rough
Don't Bring the Heat
Done in 60 Seconds
Dr. Evil
Even Steven
Eye for an Eye
♥♥♥♥ It, We're Walking
Full Throttle
Goat In 60 Seconds
Gunpowder Glory
Hail to the King, Baby
Hazzard County
High Roller
High Times
I've Got the Power
If You Liked It You Should Have Put a Ring on It
It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig
It Takes Two to Tango
Keep Clear of the Windows
Let the Man Work
Let Them Watch
Low Murder Rate
Look at These Pelicans Fall
M.F. Stev
No Blood on the Carpet
Not Even Once
Paid in Full
Pass the Ammo
Pinpoint Landing
Pump It Up
Settling a Scar
Silencioso y Codicioso
Smoke and Mirrors
Sound of Silence
Stolen Valor
Sweet Sixteen
The Saviour
Walk Faster
We Expect You to Die, Mr Buluc
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
You Owe Me One

Crime Spree
DLC Host
It's Not Even Fresh...
Pelican Killer
The Healer's Coffer
The Ring
The Robber
The World Is Yours
List: Not do-able without DLC
This list refers to achievements that looks do-able without owning the DLC, but unfortunately requires it.

Global Warming
Complete the Alaskan Deal job with all crew members using only Flamethrowers.

Not do-able due to this one requirement, since the new flamethrower is a secondary.
  • equipped_team:
    • primary = Flamethrower

Gage Packages
Although it looks like it can be achieved without DLC, the tracking count doesn't update at all.

Single versions only, no akimbos
A good bit of akimbo versions were released for free but only the single secondary counterparts qualify.

License to Kill
Kill 378 enemies using the Gruber Kurz handgun.

Hard Corps
Kill 100 enemies using only the SpecOps submachine gun.

Above the Law
Kill 100 enemies using only the Signature .40 pistol.

Swiss Cheese
Kill 100 enemies in a single day of a heist with the Kross Vertex Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "Kage" mask, "Sakura" material and "Oni" pattern.

Spray Control
Kill 32 enemies without reloading with the Tatonka Submachine Gun. Unlocks the "War Balaclava" mask, "Russian Camouflage" material and "Red Star" pattern.

Have Nice Day!
Kill 300 enemies using any weapons from the Gage Russian Weapon Pack. Unlocks the "Kokoshnik" mask, "Propaganda Palette" material and "Bear Fight" pattern.
List: DLC Required
84 achievements absolutely require owning the DLC. In other words, maximum achievable achievements without owning any DLC is 1244 (updated to U240.3).

Check Section [Misc: Kills] for a possible way to do Ducking Awesome/Shock and Awe/Knock, Knock at minimal or zero cost.

Armored Transport (5)
License to Kill
I'm Not a Crook!
I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Bulldozer
Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again
Affordable Healthcare

Gage Weapon Pack #01 (7)
3000 Miles to the Safe House
Public Enemies
Hard Corps
Above the Law

Gage Mod Courier (10)
Praying Mantis
My Spider Sense is Tingling
Eagle Eyes
Like A Boy Killing Snakes
There and Back Again
High Speed, Low Drag
Point 'n' Shoot
Mall Ninja
Russian Operator

Gage Sniper Pack (9)
Far, Far Away
Last Action Villain
Maximum Penetration
Dodge This
Surprise ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Return to Sender
You Can’t Hide
Double Kill
Public Enemy No. 1

The Big Bank Heist (1)
Funding Father

Gage Shotgun Pack (8)
Police Brutality
Lock, Stock & Eight Smoking Barrels
Knock, Knock
Every day I’m Shovelin'
Clay Pigeon Shooting
Shock and Awe
Four Monkeys
The Safe Words are Police Brutality and Irony

Gage Assault Pack (10)
Precision Aiming
Big Bada Boom
Army of One
So Many Choices
Artillery Barrage
Unusual Suspects
Not Today
Rabbit Hunting
Tour de Clarion

Hotline Miami (2)
Do You Like Hurting Other People?
Sounds of Animals Fighting

Gage Historical Pack (5)
Death From Below
Special Operations Execution
Wind of Change
So Uncivilized
Bullet Hell

The Diamond Heist (1)
Honor Among Thieves

The OVERKILL Pack (3)
Cooking With Style
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
Oh, That’s How You Do It

The Butcher's BBQ Pack (3)
Stick a Fork in Me, I'm Done
Not Invited
Global Warming

The Butcher's Western Pack (2)
The Nobel Prize
Fastest Gun in the West

Gage Ninja Pack (3)
Names Are for Friends, so I Don't Need One
Swiss Cheese
Shuriken Shenanigans

Gage Chivalry Pack (4)
Heisters of the Round Table
Their Armor Is Thick and Their Shields Broad
Black Knight

Gage Spec Ops Pack (4)
Ducking Awesome
Let Them Fly
The Reckoning
Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Gage Russian Weapon Pack (4)
Russian Arsenal
Spray Control
Have Nice Day!
Sneaky Beaky Like

San Martin Bank Heist (1)
Now Hit Me With The Music

McShay Weapons Pack 2 (2)
Field Test
Heister With A Shotgun
Translating this guide + Changelog
Anyone is welcome to translate this guide, just drop me a credit in it. As for what to translate, I recommend just the requirements of the achievement, and to write up your own ideas/strategy.

Intended for the translators, so they can keep track of what I've changed. The Google document will contain full details, otherwise here will only contain the latest/recent.

Google Document Changelog[]

21-6-2024: Updated "Obsessive Opening" and "All the Gold in Brooklyn".
14-6-2024: Updated "1337".
28-5-2024: Updated "Juggernauts".
18-1-2024: Updated "Hazzard County".
15-1-2024: Updated "Afraid of the Dark".
Help this guide!
Help me to reach the top, give it a "Rate Up"!
I am also grateful for the awards, thank you!
CodeRedDev 21 Apr, 2024 @ 4:51pm 
Absolute legend for this guide, man. Never would've gotten most of these achievements done without it.
Nameless 6 Mar, 2024 @ 10:33pm 
Is System Shocked still bugged and unobtainable? Should we expect for this to be addressed some time or will it most likely remain as such?
Unknown Knight  [author] 2 Feb, 2024 @ 11:42pm 
Hi Abby. Thanks for popping by to leave a comment. I’ll have to check if the achievement is working or not and get back.
cherry 1 Feb, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
Thank you for this guide. It has been a lifesaver. And sorry if this was asked before or if it's a known issue, but could it be that the achievement "Hidden Hostages" is bugged? I've tried to do it a couple of times, both loud and stealth, but it doesn't seem to trigger. I made sure to have 6 hostages behind the wall on the main lobby by the elevators, but it simply won't trigger. I'm not sure if it's bugged or if there is a very specific area to drop off the civilians and I'm missing it. I tried to drop them exactly where some tutorials dropped them but even then it's not giving me the achievement.
Unknown Knight  [author] 30 Jan, 2024 @ 6:03pm 
@MiMiMaoMao, Judge no, it’s a shotgun. We can only fire pistols.
MiMiMaoMao 30 Jan, 2024 @ 2:43pm 
Can I use akimbo pistols and the judge shotgun for achievement "For Daisy" in day 3 ?
Unknown Knight  [author] 21 Dec, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
@funny gay animal. Yup, no DLC for those achievements are needed now. I will update the various sections once I have some spare time. Thanks.
funny gay animal 21 Dec, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
Some achievements are more lenient now: "UMP for Me, UMP for You" can be any SMG, not specifically Jackal. "For Daisy" can be any pistol, not specifically Contractor.
Unknown Knight  [author] 13 Dec, 2023 @ 4:11am 
Yes, environmental damage is broken, as well as AI in the most recent update. We will have to wait for a fix.
Kaleto_Chan 13 Dec, 2023 @ 3:36am 
Now it seems System Shocked in the Hostile Takeover cant be done,because no one can be shocked by electric wire except players.
And we cant lure cops with hostages to do the It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig in Big Bank,because cops never try to rescue them in this map.
I'm just wondering if these two has relation,maybe OVK try to change the logic of action of AI and finally lead to these bug.:steamfacepalm: