Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

732 ratings
How to become better at Black Ops: 2 Easily! (Top tricks!)
By chaz
This guide will show you (as a newbie, or an experienced player) how to become better at Black Ops: 2 (BOPS 2) very quickly!
Ok so a lot of people have asked me to help them with their BOPS 2 playing skills. I get called the typical "wall hacker/WH" a lot. Normally, this comes from average CoD players that assume someone is hacking because they do good and they get mad that they get beat; which is totally understandable. However, in this case, most CoD players are not cheaters. You can easily check if they cheat by looking at their stats and weapon stats. Most players that do cheat have stats like 3,000,000,000+ headshots on their gun stats by using an auto gun unlocker for camos or attachments. This is an easy giveaway. Back on topic, this guide will tell you how to become a greater players overall and should be very quickly. There will also probably be an In-depth video on this on my YT channel, so I'll link that if you don't like reading.
Watch out.
This is something that a lot of players never do. It is CRUCIAL that you see who is better than you and how they play. This will start in the lobby, if you join a lobby first. Check their stats, and their gun stats. If they're cheated, report them and leave. If they're really good, play them. This sounds like a stupid idea off the bat, but how do you become better at a game by constantly versing people you know you can beat? Start by doing this after the match starts:
1: Watch for common flanking routes. Keep your eye on that mini-map at all times. You can see where the battlefield will be most dense and where to keep your eyes out for heavy fire and partied groups of some serious enemy battlefire. You can flank behind them using the mini-map routes and take them all down. Surpressed is a nice way to take them down so the first person you shoot down doesn't have time to realize you're there. Better yet, his teammates will be so caught up in battle they probably won't realize you're about to go ham on them. Secretly of course.
Keen hearing.
2: Use your ears. You can tell where enemies will be when they shout phrases like "Charges, back it up!" or "Gun down, stand by!" This is a great way to tell where enemies are coming from their sources, and where they will be. This is great to enforce espionage tactics into gameplay. Or just by simply meeting them face on and battle it out. This is normally good for stealthy operations and should probably not be used in OBJ gameplay because chances are, more than one person will be following the one guy you plan on taking down. Enemies may be heard better using awareness, which is a great perk for owners of headsets like Turtle Beaches or Tritons or things like that. Once you latch onto that enemies sound set, you should automatically lock onto where their feet are headed for.
Eyes are the prize.
3: Use your eyes. Your visibile prowess and agility will be the key to your gameplay. Shouldn't probably be playing videogames if you're blind though. Your eye sight and how fast your eyes can comprehend something is happening is what will determine how long you can live on BOPS 2. If you don't have fast eyes, stay to the back of the map and watch out for enemies by sticking or camping on that one area. If your eye sight is moderate and you can semi-assess what is happening, stick to running between the medium range of the map, take out a couple people, then run to the back of the map, and repeat the process. This is a great strategy when trying to earn high streaks, or for just the average "I want to kill people and live" run and gun plan. If your eye sight is keen and you can comprehend what happens and what will happen like me, plaster your character to the middle area of the map and play the objectives or just stick to the center and use what you have for cover. This is a god like strategy if you really know what you're doing. I know what you think; "stick to the center? What the heck are you smoking kid?" I'm not smoking anything. Players that know how to comprehend battlefield strategies will be able to take down large sums of enemies without running to the back, thus giving them a high chance of getting high streaks and taking out majorities of the enemies. It is better if you have more than one keen memeber on your team so that more than just one of you has to play the center battlefield. Lastly, if you want to rack kills over time and play the objective, do the zig-zag play; run from your spawn to the enemy spawn points and take out the enemies in the process. Stick to cover and try to cap flags or go for the occasional bomb plant, however, the zig-zag play works best if you want to provide cover for players playing the objective.
Play the objective. (For objective gameplay only, not TDM.)
4: Play the objective. You're not going to win if you don't play the objective and just slay enemies. If you want to play the objective, that is great. Good players are concerned more about playing the objective or 'PTO' then slaying enemies endlessly. Players who want to slay enemies, should cover their teammates in the process of going for streaks or camos. It's also great to hop in and plant the bomb or capture or 'cap' the flag once in a while to give you a nice extra couple of points.
Playing the objective means you have to have a good class set up in mind. I use Flak jacket, Toughness/Scavenger, and Tac mask, a gun w/ two attachments, preferrably ext. mags or fast mags w/ quickdraw. Use a semtex and emp for playing this style.
1, Flak jacket to save me from being blown to bits.
2, Toughness for not flinching when shot, or, Scavenger for picking up ammo for a gun I'm comfortable with.
3, Tac mask which is really a 'This can never go wrong on any class' perk. Tac mask reduces the effects of tactical grenades by about 90%. So they're more of an annoying bug trying to bite you while playing the game.
4, Quick draw and Fast mags to keep a steady and fast enemy killing output while capturing flags or before/after planting the bomb.
5, Semtex for a quick grenade toss and cluster killing, on the other hand grenades you have to cook them and explode a while after cooking, in which time you're cooking the grenade you will probably die PTO.
I normally play offensive but I found some nice stealth PTO class setups. I use: (+ means I use the same perks as listed on a same class. IE: Flak jacket + Blindeye = Double perk class.)
Blind eye + Ghost. No flak jacket means no explosive protection, just play around the objective and have team mates play it out, or if you have time, capture or plant the bomb/flag.
Cold Blooded / Hardwired to avoid those annoying EMP grenades and counter UAV spam. Cold blooded is great for those pesks that lay on the ground and spray from the back of the map with target finders or dual bands.
Use claymores OR C4 for defensive positions, and shock charges to tell enemies to 'Gtfo, we're taking your objectives.'
Outplaying enemies.
5. Use your knowledge and take advantage of enemy weakness. Most players will be using common flanking routes and common battle strategies. Use something that is completely new and will catch your enemies off gaurd and focus their attention on how to out play your strategy. It is tough coming up with these kind of strategies but once you come up with a couple, you can string off that plan and plan even more plans with that plan. SO MANY PLANS!
If someone is camping with an LMG, flank/wall/grenade/outaim him.
If someone is running with a shotgun, flank/wall/grenade/outaim him. Stay away from people using shotguns. Stick to an area you know shotgunners will not be able to one shot you.
If someone is sniping, flank/wall/grenade/outaim him. Snipers are normally easy to take care of since they will be 'hard scoping' for the majority of their time, (A.K.A hard scoping is how I snipe, A.R.K.A [Also REALLY Known As...] how to really snipe.) you can come into areas their scopes can't view and shoot them out from there. However, I find it tricky to take out the guy camping and bullet hosing with the XPR-50. This is a little bit more tricky to deal with. However, if you make a sneaky get away and flank him out, it's not that tough. He's just a nuisance from that point on.
If someone is rushing, flank/wall/grenade/outaim him. Rushers are easy to deal with as long as your team knows what they're doing. Set up defensive positions in the back of the map to get ready for them. Use shotguns and get ready for them if you really want to show them who they're messing with.
How to deal with enemy scorestreak spammers...(Oh LORD no...)
This is actually very simple. Use a class with a good primary, like the AN-94 or the M27 for accurate ranges. Equip the following things ONLY!
1: Blind eye + Flak Jacket
2: Cold Blooded
3: Engineer
Primary, AN-94 w/ Surpressor | M27 w/ Surpressor.
Lethal : None
Tac: Black hats
Secondary: The second launcher, I'm not sure what it's called because I keep forgetting it, but it's the second one and it's basically the Stinger from MW2/3.

Now for the tips.

The primary is what you'll use to actually remain positive and help your team out after dealing with streaks. AN-94 / M27 give you auto advantages with their insane accuracy. Although the M27 is the slowest time to kill rifle in the whole game, it's insanely low recoil will provide a higher advantage over all other players when you have it equipped. AN-94 is great because of it's moderately low kick and insane high damage. It's easy to use and should be used on all ANTI-STREAK classes. Blind eye/Cold blooded for avoiding all target finding and AI streaks as well as human controlled streaks. This will give you time to whip those black hats out or launcher and blow them out of the sky. I find the black hats are the greatest because they can take out UAVS with a single click of a button pretty much. With those black hats and Engineer equiped, you'll be the ultimate armageddon of equipment sabatoge, as Engineer allows you to see all enemy equipment through walls highlighted in red. Great for making players angry about randomly dying sentry guns or gaurdians or other things.
This guide...
...Has taken me over more than 2 and a half months to show to you guys, so I'd love it if you guys can like it or whatever you have to do to make it popular on Steam or like my page or whatever. I'm a newbie at Steam so whatever you do to thank people for things please do it for me. I did a lot of math statistics in this and I had to try a lot of gameplay tactics since Christmas of 2012 to make this guide for you. It works nicely for me, so it should work nicely for you. Also check out I will upload a video showing you guys how to do this all sometime soon, and I will start a series called BOPS 2 Gun Review. I'll basically just show you guys what guns you should be using and how to use them. Also, if you have trouble using this guide to it's full potential, send me a friend request on steam (DO NOT SEND FRIEND REQUESTS ANYMORE! YOU WILL BE AUTO-BLOCKED). Anyways, credits and thanks below.

Divine Mitch for playing multiple games with me and sharpening my skills up.
XHK clan for letting me play with you guys.
Useless Banana for showing me proper streaks.
Everyone that has shown me all your tips that I've compiled into one big strategy.
Me for creating this guide.

Special thanks to:

Divine Mitch for helping me on this quest to find data.
Useless Banana for helping me with strategies.
XHK clan for showing me your greatest gameplay strategies.
Treyarch for making a good game.
Everyone else that is reading this.

Chaz out.
Final Update. (10/23/14)
Edited on 3/29/15:

This guide is now outdated, and nolonger relevant to Black OPS : II.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


P.S: Thank you for making this guide (I'm pretty sure) the best guide on Steam for Black OPS : II! I really appreciate all the support you've given me up to this point, really I do. It's nice to finally be appreciated for something in life. Good luck to all of you in the future CoD titles to come.

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Teo G 11 Jun, 2024 @ 6:16am 
left mouse button i think
LightningFinger 30 Oct, 2023 @ 3:28pm 
how do i shoot tho
groggypissyeastlager69 22 Dec, 2022 @ 6:45am 
just gid gud
aiden. 28 Aug, 2022 @ 8:54pm 
yeah but how do you move
AxCxExFxHxJ 23 May, 2021 @ 11:57pm 
Ahahaha reporting them doesnt do anything. Plus a good amount of people have modded accounts so...
ESCO 26 Nov, 2020 @ 4:53am 
I played Call of Duty Black Ops 2 4500 hours in multiplayer, and about 3 months ago, all the prestige and perks, everything I earned was gone, I had everything upgraded to a diamond except for the shield and launchers. My account is chingizkhan_. Please see why this happened.
MasterBoi22 24 Aug, 2020 @ 11:14am 
+rep nice
@subboLLo on tiktok 20 Apr, 2020 @ 9:42am 
im shook tho
GOLDEN- 19 Oct, 2019 @ 3:22am 
+Rep Nice
nikop[ohbuippi;lnk 13 Aug, 2019 @ 5:36am 