Sid Meier's Pirates!

Sid Meier's Pirates!

187 ratings
Quick Start Guide to Sid's Pirates!
By WaKKO151
This guide wil get you started with basic strategy. It is a simple guide for those looking to get high scores.
So you want to be a Pirate?
1. Get a ship
2. Raise the Difficulty to Adventurer
3. Get a huge crew and a hauling ship
4. Raid a port on the spanish main and give it to the Dutch.
5. Raid from the spanish main until your crew gets sad
6. Dump all your food and travel to St. Martin to Divide the plunder
7. Travel to all the friendly ports on the way to your raiding city hiring people and start over.

The game starts automaticly in 1660. You start with a crappy ship and almost no money or crew. Your first goal should be to get a better ship. Here are some good chioces.

Sloops and Brigs are very fast and manuverable. It makes catching small weak targets easy and are actually the 2 best starter ships. You can use these to get yourself some stupid merchants and smugglers quickly. They have alot of crew so catching and boarding are easy.

Galleon's are slow but pack a huge punch. They can fit alot of cargo and people so its good to have one in your fleet so you can store your goods and raid ports.

Frigates are what you should be shooting for eventually. They are fast, pack a punch, and are very manuverable. They are honestly the best ship in the game because they are the best all around ship. But its not gonna happen in the beggining of the game. Frigates are rare. If you see one go for it. Its ussually named New Warship and has some great named versions out there as well.

What i do is find a Brig of War or a Fast Galleon right away.

Now that you have a ship its time to increase the diffuculty to at least adventurer. You are not getting the high score if you play it on easy. Raising the diffuculty level will make the game harder but more rewarding and fun as well as give you a larger share of the loot when you divy it up every couple of years. You will be given this option when you Divide the Plunder at any port. Choosing when to do this is an important part of getting a high score.

When you divide the plunder on Adventurer diffuculty you recieve 20% of the take. Every single person on the ship will get a portion as well. Its the only time you can increase the diffuculty and you may never lower the difficulty once its been raised. You want to have as little assets and crew as possible and as much money as possible before you spit the loot.

Never attack the dutch. No matter what scenario you play in the dutch are always the weakest in the game. That makes them great fall back guys if everyone else hates you. Spanish are always the best targets. France and England I try to stay allied with but its hard. France and England tend to make alliances during the game to the spanish. So they may get upset at times that you are pillaging the spanish main. Just pay them off and keep raiding.

When your crew gets unhappy keep raiding. Don't stop. But start making your way to where you do your recruiting from and stop buying food so people get really mad and leave. Make sure you kill off some of your troops slowly and do not replenish them. By the time you get to St. Martins you will have a tiny crew and no assets but cash. Divide your plunder and then start recruiting and heading back to the spanish main.

Using this strategy you can get a really high score and just keep an eye out after you hit 28 for named pirates and start hunting the quest toons and looking for pirates buried treasure. You want to wait until you are older so the pirates bet bigger stash's, more unique items, and keep the economy in demand. After a couple of years you will get substantially more from these already high value targets and once all the pirates are gone there will be less demand for your stolen goods in other ports. So wait a bit before you decide to blow these guys up.

Hope this helps.
shuatahumaxt 9 Aug @ 8:34pm 
I'm a mail carrier kind of guy myself. Don't need all the guns if you can just slink in there quick and board!
tbradell 19 May @ 12:11am 
I hope you never become president lol Thank you for the guide
cfehunter 17 Feb @ 6:42am 
Get at least 500 gold per crew member and they'll never mutiny. Never divide the plunder and sail until you retire.
#1AverageJonasFan 16 May, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
东阿说挺好is 身体里来 我入坑 3491 Afghanistan 视频 审批 四点 梅儿 Meier pirates?2023?
Mad Moham The Barbarian 12 Aug, 2022 @ 8:00pm 
You can also do this strategy with the Indian villages, but you need a fast ship to take the canoes down consistently. I don't remember if you can do it with the Jesuit Missions because they may spawn ships from other nations to intercept the immigrants/crop delivery, same thing with escorting governors or priests.

In most eras, there seems to be a lot of pirate towns that spawn on the coasts of eastern Mexico (around where Cozumel is IRL), down to Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras-- that whole 'L' shape the coastline forms on the map. You can make a circuit from Cuba to sail down there, abuse as many pirates as you can, then loop back to Cuba to get your advancements-- then repeat the circuit as needed.

After getting Montalban out of the way, I always turn on Spain and raid the Spanish Main. That's where your guide really comes in handy.
Mad Moham The Barbarian 12 Aug, 2022 @ 8:00pm 
Decent guide, but if you play on highest difficulties you need to take out Montalban ASAP because sword fighting gets harder the older your character gets.

My recommendation is to befriend the Spanish or stay neutral at the beginning of the game while you chase Raymondo all around the Spanish main. The reason being is because Montalban's hideout always seems to spawn around Mexico. And because of this, you need to be able to visit several ports to build up a crew of 200-300 and restock supplies as you approach the hideout for the final, massive battle. All the ports in the area are Spanish so being hostile towards them is shooting yourself in the foot while preparing for the final boss fight.

You can stay neutral by sending pirates to attack the nearest town, intercepting the 2-3 pirate ships that spawn, and finally attacking the ship you sent in the first place. All the nations like it when you take out pirates, and taking out 4 pirate ships at once will score you major points.
ZeFoo 25 Jul, 2022 @ 2:24am 
pick latest time period there are a lot of SOLs
simontox2000 27 Sep, 2020 @ 10:40pm 
How to get Ship of the Line fast :
1. Start as Englishmen (Apprentice/Journeyman).
2. Attack Dutch and English ships (merchants, privateers, pirate hunters, invasion force, escorts) in eastern isles area (St. Kitts, St. Martin etc). Don't attack new governor, immigrants ships. Keep 1-2 merchant ships for supply storage.
3. After several attacks, English/Dutch will produce Large Frigate, capture it.
4. Replenish your force at French cities (Montserrat and surrounding).
5. Keep attacking English and Dutch. Later English/Dutch will produce Ship of the Line. Quick capture it with your Large Frigate.
6. One SOL is enough serve as flagship.

John Shepard 8 Aug, 2020 @ 1:21am 
Instructions Unclear, hand caught in computer fan
quandarian 6 May, 2020 @ 12:50pm 
Good work!

You may wish to add, "get yourself a Brig of War, and stick with it until you get a Ship o' the line (also some cargo storage on ships that can keep up, as needed)"

Also, if you help the Spanish first, you can use those perks later when they no longer hate you, and you are just trying to find all the lost cities etc which will only cause manageable annoyance as you confront certain villains