Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

1,038 ratings
Full Achievement guide (Vanilla & DLC-Walkthrough) + Herbs, Hunting and overall Tips [EN]
By Ary
This Guide is WORK IN PROGRESS! So far it covers the MAIN GAME, From the Ashes, Amorous Adventures, Band of Bastards and A Woman's Lot DLC + the Content that got patched in later (Hardcore & Tourney)!

Feel free to write down in the comments if you think i should add or correct something! I'll answer & read everything you post, even if some time between updates goes by.

Note: Due to the Guide clustering up, i decided to split it into a pure Achievement Guide. All Help for Quests not directly tied to an Achievement can be found in its new silbling: "Difficult Quests & how to solve them!"-Guide. [this should be up in some time]
Also: i plan on releasing a german version when this guide is finished. (Wenn dieser Guide fertig ist, wird er ins Deutsche übersetzt!)
How to use this guide. What is this guide for? What does it tell you?
Note: Due to the Guide clustering up, i decided to make it into a pure Achievement Guide. All Help for Quests not directly tied to an Achievement can be found in its new silbling: "Difficult Quests & how to solve them!"-Guide. it should be up soon, please be patient!

This Guide is for anybody looking to get a specific or all Achievements and wants to look for overall Help with Quests or Gameplay (Hunting, Herbs...). A lot of the Achivements and Quests are easy, but some are harder, missable or bugged - i skimmed the internet & put my hours in to find help with them - wich is what i am sharing here with you now :)

  • Overwhelmed by all this information? No problem!
    1. If you know excatly what you're looking for use Crtl+F and type in the name of the achievement (names are as listed in the steam achievement page!)
    2. If you want to look at achievements from a DLC, check the DLC-sections (each DLC has their own)
    3. if you need help for normal non-DLC achievements, checkout the List ordered from A-Z to find them all listed up for you with wquick notes, before you can dive into what you want to know exactly
  • This Guide contains Spoilers (obviously), BUT i'll try to hide them as best as i can so you can savely scroll to the part you need and just look up some hints. Hard help will be provided in hidden spoiler tags!
  • For now this is work in progress! People be patient and comment if stuff is missing that you need or that you want added!
  • This Guide is acurate and working as of the game version:
    1.2.5., 1.3.3, 1.4.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.1 / 1.7,
    1.8.1 (current game version), if there any changes that mess up work arounds or quests, please write in the comments below so i can update!
  • This Guide will feature all DLC Achievements as well, when they become available! The whole package in one - just for you ;)
  • This Guide has multiple sections wich i'll explain in short:
    1. Notes, Explanation, Important Hints etc that are about the Guide or what you should know before using it are written in the first section (wich is where you are currently)
    2. 2nd section: A List of all Achievements, just bare Information on what section you can find the/a Achievement, if it is missable etc... also DLC Achievemnents & their how to's have a home here.
    3. 3rd section: Here you'll find a List for each TYPE of Achievement (means if its obtainable via Main quest, Side Quest or Gameplay) ordered alphabetically like before. To each Achievement there is a lil text on how to actually get it ingame, for harder ones some additional hints and tricks...
    4. And at last you'll find a section that gives more help for specific Achievements that take somewhat more effort to obtain and overall tips for gameplay

Thank you for reading... and here we go...
[important] HINTS regarding the GAME itself (no really spoilers, but stuff you probably should know going in)
There are some things you should keep in mind when you play and want to do all Achievements or most of the Quests:
  • Some Quests are timed, you need to complete them in a couple of days after you got them. Mostly its obvious (like someone is sick and dieing or there is someone fleeing)
  • You need to complete every Quests that leads to Talmberg before you progress to the later Main Quests (meaning the 19th~21th)
  • Generally i would recommend not to sit on all those quests but to do them when they come up - or as soon as possible. That way its not to bad if you miss a timed event / or fail an objective because you can just reload the last save
  • Also, think about sleeping in an Inn before you do anything in the city you're at. If you take on a quest you dont have time for yet or do something you regret, you can just reload and do it later
  • Some quests need to be completed during one sitting, cause the ai is heavily scripted and bugs out a lot when you load or do stuff in the wrong oder. You'll get hints in this Guide for important quests where this can happen and should make a hard save (see below) beforehand.
    Quests that need to / should be completed in one sitting: Pestilence , Hare Hunt / Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Cherchez la Femme)
  • If you reach endgame and need to kill bandits for leveling stats, kills or other purposes but have all camps raided already - try using the Route from Prybislawitz to Rowna at night. There should always be bandits ambushing you (maybe not so many if you run around in heavy, polished armor though! try wearing normal cloths / take those of a bandit to look more vulnurable)!
  • I noticed a lot of people have Agility as their last stat not maxed, to level this try archery (archery tournaments, killing enemies with bow or go hunting) to level this stat and reach level 20 ;)

  • Some special advice: make "hard saves"
    ALL saves (and i mean ALL of the auto-saves) are not deleted as of what i know. I looked into the files and saw all my 200+ auto saves when i wanted to restore a specific one because i had a bug. You can find them under:

    C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Saved Games\kingdomcome\saves\playline0
    ** 0 stands for your playline. if this isnt your first playthrough, check for the right number!
    (i recommend to make some back ups, because there are (at this point, until they fix it) bugs that kinda break the game, and people lost 5h of gameplay or more because they had to backtrack or even start from scratch)

    The thing is, that the game only shows you the most recent ones. So if you are comfortable with it and have back ups, you can just delete the newest ones and restore the old ones / back ups. If you copy them from your back up space, don't forget to delete all newer ones (or delete the whole save folder so you're sure) and put the back uped ones in.

    i dont want you to loose those and probably so do you :)

Use Crtl+F in this guide to find the Achievement you're looking for! Names should be as you'd find them on the steam achievement page* *if it is not, pls notify me
Regarding Changes, Version and Patches of KC:D & this Guide
Warhorse Studio is eager to patch bugs and help with quests and requirements that were to harsh.
Therefore some of this information is not accurate anymore (as for example the Freud Achievement Guide)
. This guide was written while one of the very first Builds was online and has been updated for each Version & will be updated for all DLC too.
As you'll likely see, this might mean trouble in the future...

For now though i'll refrain from deleting the (outdated) guidance, since it could help for new solutions if any new problems come up! I'll update evrything it if needed ofc, but what i mean is that if a problem is fixed by patches, the help provided here will just stay (even though its not nescessary anymore), until i deem it save to delete.

If you have some new information or an updated solution on any achievement or a solution here doesnt work anymore, please leave a comment down below or in the disscussion threat!
I'll update the guide with it and rewrite the article in question!

thank you :)
Sibling Guides / Additional Guides to this one!
[A-J] List of all achievements
There are a total of 49 Achievements... 26 of wich are obtained through gameplay, 7 automatic + 7 optional in the Main Story and 9 available through Side Quests.
I will list them all below in alphabetical order (post got to long for steam, so i had to split, sry!) and write down how you get them or where you can find help in this guide.
DLC Achievements are not listed here, you can find them under "new / added Achievements"!

*Method to obtention:
  • main quest -> these achievements are obtained during the main quests. Most of them can't be missed but some are and you will be warned if so. Use the Section "Main Quests: achievement Overview and Guidance" for the basics (spoiler free!) & "achievements obtained by Main Quests" for more specific help on those.
  • side quest -> achievement of this category are obtained via side quests and generally HIGHLY MISSABLE. Some of those are tied with main quests or thier quests unlocked by a specific main quest (see "Main Quests: achievement Overview and Guidance" for more info on this). For specific info on achievements obtained by a side quest, see "achievements obtained by Side Quests (highly missable!)".
  • gameplay -> you should be able to get these achievement during "normal" gameplay, or with some work at any point in time. These are usually obtainable after you get to Rattay or about the 4th~5th Main Quest, when the game lets you loose on the world. Use the Section "achievements obtained by gameplay (without Quests)" if you want to know more about a specific achievement.

Method to obtention*
Become addicted to alcohol.
Starve for three days.
Join Sir Radzig's garrison.
main quest
Level up Speech to maximum.
Find out who your real father is.
main quest
Bad Trip
Dance with the Devil.
side quest
Blacksmith's Son
Complete the first quest.
main quest
Read twenty books.
Save Lord Capon from the Cumans.
main quest
Court Lady Stephanie.
side quest
Save Theresa from the Cumans.
main quest
Complete all quests. (its a set amount not really "all")
Conquer the enemy camp in Vranik.
main quest
Spend three days in prison.
David Horak
Collect 10,000 herbs.
Edward Kelly
Brew fifteen types of potion
Be stuffed to bursting for two days.
Carry out 100 combos in combat.
Get jailed in Skalitz.
Find out about Erik's past.
main quest
yes (fixed in 1.4?)
Win 1,000 Groschen in the dice minigame.
Save Ginger from the bandits.
main quest
Save 2000 Groschen by haggling.
Bag fifty game animals.
Don't sleep for two days and nights.
Betray your friends in the Gallows Brothers quest.
side quest

**Note: really steam? xD Its just called "Bastard", what can i do?^^

[K-Z] List of all achievements
There are a total of 49 Achievements... 26 of wich are obtained through gameplay, 7 automatic + 7 optional in the Main Story and 9 available through Side Quests.
I will list them all below in alphabetical order (post got to long for steam, so i had to split, sry!) and write down how you get them or where you can find help in this guide.
DLC Achievements are not listed here, you can find them under "new / added Achievements"!

*Method to obtention:
  • main quest -> these achievements are obtained during the main quests. Most of them can't be missed but some are and you will be warned if so. Use the Section "Main Quests: achievement Overview and Guidance" for the basics (spoiler free!) & "achievements obtained by Main Quests" for more specific help on those.
  • side quest -> achievement of this category are obtained via side quests and generally HIGHLY MISSABLE. Some of those are tied with main quests or thier quests unlocked by a specific main quest (see "Main Quests: achievement Overview and Guidance" for more info on this). For specific info on achievements obtained by a side quest, see "achievements obtained by Side Quests (highly missable!)".
  • gameplay -> you should be able to get these achievement during "normal" gameplay, or with some work at any point in time. These are usually obtainable after you get to Rattay or about the 4th~5th Main Quest, when the game lets you loose on the world. Use the Section "achievements obtained by gameplay (without Quests)" if you want to know more about a specific achievement.

Method to obtention*
King Charming
Be popular in every town and village.
side quest(s)
(specific conditions)
Win the Talmberg horse race.
side quest
Level Cap
Reach maximum level.
Master Huntsman
Become the Talmberg Huntsman.
side quest
Court Theresa.
side quest
Don't kill anyone during main quest line (except Runt).
whole playthrough
Become a monk.
main quest
Plague Doctor
Heal all the sick in Merhojed.
main quest tie-in
Find all wayside shrines and conciliatory crosses.
Walk more than 50 Km.
Robber Baron
Complete Robber Baron quest.
side quest
Kill Runt.
main quest
Hoard 5,000 Groschen.
Serial Killer
Kill 200 people.
Get drunk with Father Godwin.
main quest
Kill 50 enemies with headshots.
Sabotage all three executions.
side quest
Stealth Killer
Kill twenty enemies by stealth
Complete all Optional Objectives in Siege quest
side quest
The End
Complete the main story line.
main story
Steal things with a total value of 30,000 Groschen.
Discover all locations on the map.
(conditions because bugged)
Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin.
whole playthrough
Additional Achievements / DLC [Overview]
in the following Segment i'll list up all Achievements that were added later into the game!
As you can see in the following official Picture there will be a lot of content added:
For these DLC some newly Achievements have been added into Steam already, mainly for for Hardcore mode and From the Ashes! For now i'll have to leave this space open, but with time and more information help for these Achievements will be added here.

Additional DLC Achievements are implemented in this guide, just look for the DLC you are searching...
  • 3 Achievements from the Hardcore Mode Update
    Help is found in the section:
    see "Hardcore Mode Achievements" under this post.
    The corresponding achievements are:

  • 4 Achievements from the From the Ashes DLC
    Help is found in the section:
    "From the Ashes DLC: Achievements" right under "Hardcore Mode Achievements".
    The corresponding achievements are:

  • 1 Achievement from the Tournament Update
    Help is found in the section:
    "Tournament Achievement" (right under "From the Ashes: Achievements")
    The corresponding achievement is:

  • 7 Achievements from the The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon DLC
    Help for these found in the section:
    "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Main Quest" and "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Revenant Quest" (right under "Arena Mode Achievement")
    The corresponding achievements are:

  • 7 Achievements from the Band of Bastards DLC
    Help for these found in the section:
    "Band of Bastards DLC: Achievements" (right under "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Revenant Quest")
    The corresponding achievements are:

  • 11? Achievements from the A Womans Lot DLC
    Help for these found in the section:
    DLC is not released yet!
    The corresponding achievements are:
Hardcore Mode Achievements
(More hints etc coming ♥♥♥♥)
Kingdom did not come:
Die in hardcore mode, you'll get that no problem probably xD

Hardcore Henry
:to start hardcore mode, just choose new game in main menu and then pick 2 weaknesses. Easiest are Nightmares, Claustrophobic and Tapeworm - just take what you think you can handle best. For more Hints and things to know, see the next Achievement.

'Tis but a scratch:
Well now we're talking about challenge! And here comes the guide you're probably looking for:
The rules and notes for this playthrough/mode:
ATTENTION! If you have the Capon DLC,
decide before you start if you want to play it in Hardcore or not - if its enabled
you can NOT finish the game as soon as you reach the Epilogue, but HAVE TO finish capons Quests FIRST!
If you dont want to do this, disable the DLC in the Steam menue before starting hardcore mode.
  1. First off: There is no permanent death but there are no auto saves when you start or finish a quest.
    Sleeping in bed (this still includes the bath options) or drinking saviors snaps still saves, so just make a habit of doing the saving yourself!
  2. Other changes you should know beforehand:
    • No fast travel, no compass or (your) location marked on the map.
      If you played the game before, you'll hopefully find your way around by now. (workaround: you can use the "birds in the hand" quest that gives you some cages. If you drop them, you can see their location on the map! Dont forget to pick them back up though xD)
    • Hits deal more damage, so you should go out of harms way as much as possible!
    • Also, no cooking pots! Yeah thats right, buy your food like everybody else has to you slugger :P This was patched in the newer version of the game and works again! yay!
    • And for all these troubles, enjoy beeing paid less ! All reward money gets reduced... so get used to repair your equipment, loot what you can etc... not likely getting rich this time around.
    • Oh yeah, and you have no HUD to speak of. (no health or staminar bar, no combat icons etc)
  3. As this is the most challenging playthrough possible, i suggest making little to no sidequests and rushing through main. I for my own way (this is my decision and not obligatory!) will do it similiarto the mercyfull-achievement, as i think it would go well with the fighting restrictions and i only have to focus on speech and money. - this does not mean i wont grind! Grind is essential on this run as you need certain skills and levels and you need money wich is harder to aquire anyway!
  4. Last but utterly important: some negative perks can be countered to some degree via positive ones.
    • brittle bones (more fall damage) countered by agility perk featherweight
    • claustrophobic (lowers your attack damage) - no perk counter, but just weak a helmet without visor...
    • consumption (slow stamina reg.) strenght perks like stronghold and tight grip help with this one - at least a little.
    • Haemophilia (bleed fast/much) countered by vitality perk thickblooded. Also get good armor and a lot of bandages!
    • Nightmares (stats -2 after sleeping, lats 10 min or about 2 ingame hours) - no counter. Since you can save and regen health with sleep, you either have to deal with it or you wait the debuff out. Sleeping in the bathhouse prevents the debuff. As it is skipable, if you wake up and wait 2 h you can cheat the debuff :P
    • Numbskull (low exp gain) - no counter.
    • Shakes (get shakes) - annoying but doable. Some people claim beeing drunk helps? Also, all Lockpicking skills help with this, at least for locks..
    • Somnambulant - no counter. If you have a time sensitive quest, you should wake up earlier than expected in case you have to hike there from out of the woods etc... usually you land a mile away from your bed. So dont panic, just try to find a landmark or path to guide you.
    • Tapeworm - be carefull if you pick the perk asket as counter, as the debuff is harsh. If you pick up all food you find and brew potions to make food fresh again. Just stuff yourself and make a habit of eating and you're fine.

Now, a few guiding points for the actual playthrough that i wanted to share:
  • Pick Skalitz clean! - get everything thats not nailed down (be carefull with lockpicking though) and store it in your chest. This will be your first income later. Maybe start to gather... like a lot. Theres lots of nettle etc around.
  • Also when you're nearly done with your task make a save and crouch behind one of the guards. twoo i like to use are the one over at kunesh by the gate (but its a bit risky, with people around) and the one by deutschers house (along the way your friends flee). Try to knock them out, if you get caught you'll likely fail the duel - if that happens load again and try some more. After a while you might get luck and get a full armor for free -! i mean, it was probably a mercy kill with what happens next anyway - right?
  • If you remember the main quest you can skip A LOT of stuff. when escaping tamberg, jup down the bridge. When looking for what happend in the raid on the stable, just run into the woods to the bandits. You can even go directly to ginger if you know (or look up) the location. Same with some other NPCs later.
From the Ashes DLC: Achievements
From the Ashes DLC has 4 additional Achievements to get
and all of them can be achieved in one run! Each Achievement has some kind of prerequisite though wich i will list up below. At the end of this Post you'll find a thorough walkthrough on how to get the easiest and fastest way through the rebuilding Process (and why).

To get this one you have to construct every possible building in Pribyslavitz. (just look at the constuction guide @Perfectionist below, if you want the easiest way laid out to you in detail)

Friends without benifits:
Get Fritz and Mathew to join your village. You have to finish their Questline first! You can find more on the F&M Questline in the sibling guide to this one soon! Also they only join if you have a tavern available - check out the walkthrough below for help ;)

Trial and Error:
Highly missable. You need to be illiterate while rebuilding Pribyslavitz!

Make 2,000 Groschen a day from Pribyslavitz. (this achievement might be missable if you make bad judgements, and build the Church + hire the worst NPCs)

Before you start....
  1. Have at least 15k Groschen to start, if you dont want to go bancrupt & anger your citizens, before making a profit!
  2. if possible try to convince Marius to stay with current payment (or less)
  3. and hold off on repairing Rathaus and Church (as they cost you and dont generate income) (you actually can build both and have over 2k income if you do judgements well and have Quest NPCs as Worker!)
  4. About setteling disputes / Judgement: You dont need to do them but you should because some are really good for you! For that reason i wrote a new guide about it for you guys!
  5. Fun fact: you actually can upgrade the Rathaus to max and still make a Profit over 2k (i had 2.4k in the end before Church and about 2,3k after Church with nearly all good Judgments) - but only if you have hired some NPCs from Quests and made good Judgements. Judgements can really ruin everything, if you're not careful! That means though, if you dont care that it slows down the rebuilding process and need a house - go for it. BUT be carefull when you do :P

Here's the best way to do it (meaning, with minimal Investment / least time consuming):
  1. Build Woodcutter's Camp (costs 2.5k G), then go to the Camp under Glades Inn and get Rasberry to join (40 G/day). You can also ask Kunesh (35 G/day) if you finished the quest with Beran & the Loot hidden in Skalitz. You can hire both!
  2. Build Road (costs 4k G) and Trader (costs 4k G). At this point you can also try hire Kornelius in Rattay for +75 Groschen a day, if you finished the "Aquarius" Quest.
  3. From there i recommend Bakery over Butcher to build, as it gives slightly more profit - so get the Grain from Samopesh for lowest Price (its 80 G everyday). If you wanna build a Butcher though, you would need Livestock from Ledetchko (30 G/day).
  4. If you did follow my recommendation - build Beehives and you are either even or make some Groschen a day - so with the worry over bankruptcy out of the way...
  5. Time to make PROFIT! Upgrade Bakery, do Judgement until you get the Baker Silvester and hire him (gives you +75 G a day), then farm new money either by waiting or doing stuff outside.
  6. Next Steps can be done out of order / as you see fit but the following order is the fastest way if you are dependent on the profit from the village itself to expand it:
  7. If you want to build the Forge, you need Charcoal, if you wanna build the tavern first you need the stone. Up to you - in the long run tho, i think tavern first is better, since it generates more Income.
  8. Get rescourses you need for you Project: you get the lowest price for Charcoal from Gingers Friends if you helped him (180 G/day) if you didnt, its 220 everywhere. Lowest Price for Livestock is fom Ledetchko (30 G/day). And Stone is a one off Payment wich costs you 4 or 3k Groschen, depending on your Speech skill (he has Speech 6).
  9. For the Tavern we need 8k Groschen, the Stone (so another ~3k G) and the Grain - wich we already have. The 12k are a ONE OFF Payment, so even though its a lot, its a great deal actually and should be done as soon as possible. This gives you 550 G/day and with Upgrades for 3k even 1150 G/day.
  10. After that its easy to build the Forge since its only 8 days of wait even if you do nothing. In the meanwhile you can take some money and get the Charcoal. Also at this point you can get new help / workers. Possible are Adam (found in the tavern outside of rattay, gives +30 G/day), Mirka if you didn't hurt Timmy (+50 G/day) and Fritz&Mathew if you finished their Quest for -30 at first but possible +20 later (by Judgement). I got them all except F&M because they where unavailable due to... other achievement reasons. At this point you should be close to 2k Groschen a day already (i had 1935G/d after Forge).
  11. With the Forge build, of course you want to upgrade... the decision is up to you but this one is a bit tricky, as you can only choose one upgrade. Armorsmith is endorsed by most players because you get more armor pieces than weapons, making it a better trader over all + you get access to the best shield. If you take Weaponsmith you get access a special Longsword (wich is reportedly worse than St. Georges though). For both there are Workers available but the Armory will be tied to who you sided with in the Quest "Rattled" - Zach gives 70 while Ota gives 10 G/day. The hired weaponsmith counterpart is Fink with 60 G/day.
  12. Congratz, if you followed all the steps above and got all helpers/workers then you got the "Perfectionist" achievement just now! If not or if you just wanna finish up for the "Bailiff" Achievement, just read on! :)
  13. Next and final decision is Stable vs Guardtower - wich is an easy one, since the Guardtower gives little profit and no other benefits and a stable enables you to get a merchant that can buy anything. (though if you already unlocked the Perfectionist, it doesnt really matter)
  14. Now you can upgrade the Stable (or Guardtower if you chose that one) and maybe hire Vashek Groom in Ushitz, from Pie Quest (+45G/d) or Marek from the Neuhof Mainquest, who wants to leave but doesnt know where to (+55G/d) - if you want to.
  15. With those out of the way, lets dive into the things that actually make you loose money... so be sure to have Perfectionist dont before you start the next Projects!
  16. First one should be Rathaus, i mean... you want a proper home right? Comes with the Chest that is behind Marius - but withou proper bed and shared chest (like in Inns)
  17. If you want that later stuff, you need to upgrade - again!
  18. Side note: i actually still made a profit of 2395.
  19. Now its just grinding the Money and getting the Church first repaired and then Build up. Do the upgrades on everything, maybe look into judgements while passing days...
  20. AND BOOM - you are done! Congratz, dear player, you get awarded with the "Bailiff" Achievement for your troubles (by Divish)! :D
In the End with all things Build and max. upgraded, with all Workers (except Fritz&Mathew) and all "good" Judgements i made a wooping 2310 Groschen a day ;)

If you need more help with the "From the Ashes DLC" maybe have a look at this guide.
Tournament / Tourney / Arena Mode Achievement
Arenamode came out with the "The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon" DLC, only 1 achievement is be related to this mode:

You'll have to get a full armor set (and not by overpowering the guard in rattay at the beginng of the game *gg*) - wich means all 5 pieces. To get 1 piece you need to win the tournament (can be re-tried any number of time until you get the full set, but you have to wait until the next tournament).

About Tournaments:
  • You can participate in a tournament by talking to Herald.
  • You need the "Rattay Tourney" Activity-Quest though!
    If you dont have the Quest:first you'll need to pay Samopesh a visit and either talk to the smith directly or to the innkeeper to get guideed to his quest. He will tell you when the next tourney is, wich in turn will trigger them to take place from now on every week.
  • If you have the Quest:
    The Herald will tell you the rules.You need to hear them ONCE, if you did you can enter any trouney taking place.
  • When do tournaments take place?
    There should be one each week (after the mandatory one from the Quest), so it can take up a maximum of 7 days before a tournament takes place again. They start at around 6 o'clock and last until evening.
  • How do i know a tournament is about to take place? I dont want to miss it!
    The day before a tournament, the upper Castle of Rattay will be decorated for it as early as 9 o'clock.
    << new picture >>
    On this day (the day where its already decorated / the day before the tournament) you'll get an Activity Tracker at around 10 o'clock that informs you that a tournament is beein held the next day.
    << new picture >>
    It will update the next day too.
  • What happens at a tourney then?
    You will have to pay a fee of 60 Groschen to enter and a weapon of choice. The Weapon will be featured in the majority of fights (out of 2 fights, one will be with your chosen weapon + 1 fight of the final duel) so choose well. In a normal tournament you'll have 3 enemys wich you have 2-3 rounds with (see more on this in the tips below ), but accounts differ. If you lose to much, you drop out of the tourney.
  • I won the tournament! What now?
    Congratz! Go seek Sir Hanush (he always watches over the tournaments, so keep an eye out for him after it concluded. I always meet him at the bridge from the upper castle to the upper city) and talk to him. He'll give you a piece of the Lords of Leipa Armor and 400 Groschen. Do this 5 times and you have the full set & an Achievement to show for it ;)

As for tips:
  • If you loos 1 match you're not out. Each Round / Enemy has multiple fights ("best out of 3"-rule. If you win 2 times, you're done, if you loose one, 3rd fight decides who moves on) and each tournament has usually around 2-4 Rounds / Enemies (you can ask Herald about the number of rounds planned for the courrent tourney before participating)
  • Its very effective to use the stomp / foot key (F) to push your enemy to open up his guard, and push him of balance. If you manage to trap him at the fence, you can even land more than one hit because he wont fall back enough to get out of range.
  • the stab is a very fast and mostyl underestimated, you can use it inbetween other hits or when you opponment prepares an attack (you'll likely hit him first). Even if they block or step back, you drain their stamina with it and if you keep the tirade up, you'll get them to a point where they simply CAN'T block you anymore.
  • the game is very forgiving with stamina overuse, with this you can easily spamm the first contestors out of the game (if you like this kind of "tactics")
  • The final enemy is harder than the others - use ruses to get hits on him, be patient while draining his stamina and look for openings though hitting where hes unprotected. Combat techniques that you unlocked with your combat / weapon points do a lot of your work here! (try to look them up before going into a tourney, as you cant open you menu while participating in it)
Sir Hans Capon DLC: Main Quest
In "The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon"-DLC there are a total of 7 Achievements to get.

ATTENTION: Some of these foreclose another! Meaning, you cant get all Achievements in one go (theoretically)! These are:
  • either "Capons Ghost" OR "I can quit at any time"
  • either "Christian burial" OR "Not so Christian burial"
however, the following Walkthrough will tell you in detail how to get all of the Achievements in one go by saving and loading at the right times!

Well then... lets beginn!
  1. Pre-requisites: You have to open a very heavy lock (either have enough skill or a potion with you), have nice cloths (plate or noble mans), money (a lil over 1k or 3k if you dont want to do the revenant quest) OR high charisma/speech, 1 cave mushroom, 1 sage, 1 Marigold, 1 Comfrey, speech skill of at least 7
  2. Go to Capon and agree to help hin with wining the fair maidens heart!
    (Start the quest "Game of Throws" & "Honeyed Words" - they dont have to appear right away tho, dont worry just continue)
  3. Head over to Ledetschko, there will be an NPC called "ledetschko player", ask him about the necklace, then follow the new information. There you'll need to talk to a fella then wants your help, listen to him and agree - continue your journey afterwards
  4. at the camp, remember to wear good cloths (like a plate armor or noble mans to pass the test) also theres a times answer event! You need to pick: alphonse and then from Slany! (or from prag - thx @SexyBrummbär)
  5. Make a save, enter the camp...
    • To get "Capons Ghost":
      the necklace is in a hidden storage that can be accessed either by ...
      (use the pictures below for help (click to enlarge). There is a guard patroling but shouldnt be an issue. The Door should be open but the chest has a very heavy lock)
      ...sneaking in from the outside through a tunnel
      ...or from inside the camp through a broken down wooden wall.
    • To get "i can quit anytime":
      You have to win the dice tournament. You need to beat most of the bandits at dice - talk to Old Blaha to enter a tournament round. DO NOT continue with the quest or talk to the leader before getting this achievement! Also, its really helpful to have special dice and/or prybislawits beer! You can loose once, and then get in a rematch at the end to still win - i dont know if you can loose twice and still get it!
  6. Now, you do one of these things (steal or win the necklace) and then load your save from before entering/just entering the camp and get the other one. After 2 matches in dice you'll get notice that you can talk to their leader - if you got all 2 achievements, proceed to go to him if you can/want to but i dont think you can after the tournament. But you can still tell the Knight who the killer is if you want (its the one with the shiny dice, named Mladota)
  7. Go back to Hans Capon and give him the Necklace - this finished the Quest "Game of Throws"
  8. Now for "Honeyed Words"...
  9. Wait until night, then break into the Butchers House. The Chest you need is in the upper Level (in daytime its probably near the daughter so you have to wait till night).
  10. Give Capon the news and get the new task - time to go to Ledetschko (again)!
  11. See the following section called "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Revenant Quest" for the Charlatan Quest and the following three Achievements:
  12. If you dont want to do the revenant quest, just buy the recipe for 2k, learn it and brew it! Either way, if you have the potion (from charlatan or brewed yourself) continue with the next step:
  13. Bring the Potion to Hans Capon, read the Book. Technically you have to remember the first sentences but i'll write them down, so dont sweat it! Wait until eveing (around 21:00)
  14. Tell capon, that he doesnt look so good, then proceed to tell him that apperance doesnt matter (speech check, but its 0). Follow him to the rendezvous, make a save!!! and then hide.
  15. ATTENTION, the following Choises are ALL timed! The Butcher has speech skill of 6, you need to pick the speech option everytime!
  16. 1) Gentle night... 2) And now my heart in sorrow... 3) Ah Lord, let me not wait... 4) blame the french!
  17. To the Butcher: 1) grandmas grave 2) What was what? 3) You're hearing things other people cant hear 4) You missheared - i was praying 4) start singing. 5) continue to sing. 6) CONTINUE TO SING!!!!
  18. If the butcher says your a madman and he will not waste his time with you, you should have gotten the Achievement! Congratz!
  19. Next morning... to talk to capon (you can wake him up too!) and if his rendezvous worked out, you can ask him about it and he will thank you, tell you it was great - and that hes done with her xD
    Even though true love doesnt seem to be Capons thing, a true friend is what he found in you! And you got a new achievement to proof it :)

This concludes the DLC and if you followed through these 2 sections, you should have all its 7 achievements :)
Sir Hans Capon DLC: Revenant Quest
--will be edited soon
In "The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon"-DLC there are a total of 7 Achievements to get.
ATTENTION: Some of these foreclose another! Meaning, you cant get all Achievements in one go (theoretically)! These are:
  • either "Capons Ghost" OR "I can quit at any time"
  • either "Christian burial" OR "Not so Christian burial"
however, the following Walkthrough will tell you in detail how to get all of the Achievements in one go by saving and loading at the right times!

This is a continuation of the section before it called "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Main Quest".
For questions please refer to the other corresponding section!

  1. For this quest you need: 25 spoiled mutton, 50 spoiled roe-deer venison, 4 spoiled chicken, a spade, St. John Wort, Poppy and Thistle
  2. Give Capon the news and get the new task - time to go to Ledetschko (again)!
  3. There you'll find the Charlatan - you might know him from other Quests already.
    He will ask you for a favour wich will be to a spook the Townsfolk
    (i didnt buy the potion for the price he said). For this we need to dig up a grave, gossip and do something with the remains.
  4. Get a Spade if you dont have one, and go to the grave. Dig it up, remove every bone and the quest should tell you go talk local gossip (wich is the name of the woman, actually). You can see her location on the map further down if you need help.
  5. Tell the tale to the charlatan. Plan the 4 main tasks: to steal eggs, switch the meat and steal rosaries and paint the baths red. Also tell the charlatan that you want to burry the remains, insted of selling them. (you ned them for later) - and when your at it, ask him about the recipe for the blood paint
  6. Talk to the Gossip again, she has 0 speech so you should have no problem to make her talk. Hear about the guilt and brutal death by fire.
  7. Next talk to the local Trader and hear about the rotten eggs
  8. Go to Rattay.
  9. The recipe for fake blood was not very precise, huh? Well here is what you need: Wine, St. John Wort, Poppy and Thistle. Put them all in, grind , boil it 1 time and take the potion out. Voila!
  10. Also when you're there buy 25 raw mutton from the butcher (if he doesnt have enough, buy the rest at ledetschko) and 3 charcoal from the apothecary. Then go hunt some roe deer (need 50 meat), you can find them at the location or the famous quest with the bird cages!
  11. And here comes the next achievements:
    • To get "Christian burial":
      make a save / load a save where you still have the remains.Then head over to the Church of rattay. In the yard in front by the big cross you'll get a promt to burry. This will reward you the "christian burial"-achievement!
    • To get "Not-so-Christian burial":
      make a save / load a save where you still have the remains. Then head over to Ledetschko and you'll find the burial grounds of the charcoalers wife & child (after talking to the Gossip). Burring him here will gant you the achievement.
  12. Go back to Ledetschko. This is a good point to make a save in case you get caught somewhere!
  13. Okay, so for the "ledetschko revenant" achievement you need to do more than what the charlatan wants. I think you only need to do 1 optional thing (rumored! needs confirmation!), but for completions sake i'll add ALL optional things here too:
    • TASK 1: Spoiled Meat. Outside of the butchers house, theres Chicken hanging down -1-, examine them, then at night, sneak into the main house. Right in the front of you, theres mutton hanging down -2- and behind a locked door to the right (when you enter) you'll find roe-deer venison -3- examine both too. You can replace both if you happen to have the meat spoiled already, if not you have to come back later.
    • TASK 2: Eggs. The big -C- on the map are Hatch locations. If theres an Egg in the Hatch, take it and put 1 charcoal back. Repeat 3 times. I found 5 hatches total but you just need to put 1 charcoal in 3 (even if there are no eggs it counts).
    • TASK 3: Missing Rosaries. You need to pickpocket them. Best method is probably at night breaking into houses...
    • TASK 4: Bloodbath. Go to the Baths -B- and put the fake blood in one of the water "tubs" near the entrance.
    • TASK 5: Hellfire in the woods. Talk to the bailiff about the revenant. He'll tell you about some itinerants that he wants to get rid of discretely - instead of threatening them or driving them away, SIDE with them. Propose that they help you and they'll gladly agree to fright them with a lil fire here and there for 20 Groschen. Go back to the Bailiff and tell him, they wouldnt be the ones messing with the village.
      Originally posted by 'VegetableBurns':
      [...]I did the for charlatan tasks, "hellfire in the woods" and "bad water" and then it worked.[...]
      judging by this commenters report and from what i heared, it seems Hellfire IS a Task and not just optional, even though it seems optional at first glance!
    • OPTIONAL 1: Bad water. Go to the well -W- and examine it. You can throw in a rotten egg (like the ones you stole before, hehe )
    • OPTIONAL 2: Trouble-friends. you can ask Fritz & Mathew to help and scare the villagers (if they left the ledetschko mill already, in my playthrough i cant do it so i wont be able to specify on this)
    • OPTIONAL 3: Eye for an Eye. you can also just kill people, just dont be seen. I dont know if this alone is enough, but people usually kill 2-3 "villagers" and to get a reaction from the charlatan. He will ask if you are responsable - and you probably should lie and say no.
  14. Now that you did all of the main tasks (you can also add the optional stuff later!) check in with the Charlatan and he will tell you of a brave lad. Talk to the gossip and then check back again.
  15. To learn the call, look for the Dog with the special bark (-D-). Check back again.
  16. ATTENTION, if you convince to brave lad Felix, the quest will end after the last scare wich will trigger automatically - make sure you did at least one optional thing and ALL main tasks!
  17. Its optional to practise. Go to the brave lad Felix and talk him into going to the grave (he will want a beer but i could convince him without it too).
  18. You need to shoot down the lantern as planned & howl by pressing the key you use to whistle your horse. Sneak up to the grave / top of the hill and then bark, wait for the cooldown and repeat. You can shoot the lantern from here too, it should be visible as a faint glowing light:
  19. Watch as the Revenant scares away the brave lad and then talk to the charlatan. After a big laugh, you are finished and can return to sleep through the night. (if you didnt burry the remains of the revenant yet, this is your last chance. Eventhough the quest states you can do it afterwards, the trigger is removed!) Talk to the charlatan after 10 am and congratz to your new achievement! :D
  20. that we have the potion, lets go back to the Main Quest of the DLC! (section "Sir Hans Capon DLC: Main Quest" step 13)
Band of Bastards DLC: Achievements
**Pictures will be added soon**

In "Band of Bastards"-DLC there are a total of 7 Achievements to get:
Anyhow, this is probably the easiest (and shortest) DLC and all Achievements are pretty straight forward, so you shouldnt need much help. Nonetheless, heres a complete walkthrough! xD

Important note: If The Stone, Stephan Fletchling, Jan Bearman or Petr Bearman die before finishing at least Mission 2, some Achievements become unavailable!
These Achievements are: Game Over and Lost Trinket You have been warned!
Mission Nr.
What happens
Exact eplanation
Mission 1
On Patrol your Band comes around a raided Farm
At the location, look for blood. If you are unsure where to start, talk to Stephan Fletchling
Behind the Field (east) where Fletchling stands, theres a Shack by the forest edge and a garden in the forest itself. Around both there is a lot of blood all around, wich leads you on a trail (ground+trees) through the woods. If you get to the path, look on your right side. Once you saw the Raiders, the Achievement "Tracker" should pop. You can get the others or fight them alone
Mission 2
On Patrol your Band comes around a Mill unter attack
Press Sir Kuno to take action
Use the Speech-Skill option. (other options not confirmed to work fro Achievement "Chivalrous Soul")
(At Camp)
Jan Bearman tells you The Stone wants to talk to you
Listen to whats beeing said around you. Take up the Offer, and recieve the "Ring of Bacchus"-Quest -- more on this below the Table! You can finish the whole Ring-Questline now or at anytime when you are at camp.
If you proceed further, the warning above this Table applies further until you finish the Quest or reach the conclusion of the DLC
(meaning: it gets more likely that you f*ck up and have to reload at some point --- IF you dont want to miss out on some achievements)
Mission 3
Your Band heared of some foreigners staying at Sasau, but it seems the enemy was prepared
Prepare yourself - this aint gonna be pretty
If you havent finished the Ring-Questline, the warning above this table still applies.
Mission "4"
Go to the Glade Inn (and talk to the Keeper about Jackey to get a marker) then go to the Forrest south of it
Find Jackey. If you want both achievements, dont be easy on him. Refuse to give him what he wants and let him think about his situation for a day. Afterwards talk to him again and have mercy with the guy.
When you find Jackey, DON'T take the speech option. Say "You don't want to talk? Alright." and wait 24h hours (for Achievement "Torturer". Return to him and when he told you everything, let him go free (for Achievement "Pinky Promise")
Mission 5
You Band has found Hagen Zhoul and will bring justice to him.
Be prepared. Remind Sir Kuno of his honor.
When Kuno thinks about Hagens Offer, use the Speech option (Sir Kuno has only 5 Speech) to convince him to fight for you, rather than paying him off. + If you havent finished the Ring-Questline, the warning above this table still applies.

Questline "The Ring of Bacchus":
  1. At Camp after Mission 2 talk to Jan Bearman, then to The Stone
  2. Accept the Offer and steal the Ring from Dangler, then bring it to The Stone
  3. (You can Progress the Story (heed my Warning though!) or wait about 1 day and proceed to the next step of the Ring-Questline)
  4. Next, Stephan Fletchling wants you to steal the Ring from the Stone for him
  5. (You can Progress the Story (heed my Warning though!) or wait about 1 day and proceed to the next step of the Ring-Questline)
  6. This time its Jan Bearman that wants the Ring from Fletchling. But the current Ring-holder hid his precious away!
    Your hint: "Find the dead standing among the living - and turn your eyes heavenwards!"
    (Picture with exact location comming soon!)
  7. (You can Progress the Story (heed my Warning though!) or wait about 1 day and proceed to the next step of the Ring-Questline)
  8. The Brother of the current Ring-holder wants you to either bring him a sleep potion or tthe ring itself. Your choice.
  9. (You can Progress the Story (heed my Warning though!) or wait about 1 day and proceed to the next step of the Ring-Questline)
  10. And finally: Sir Kuno has enough of it all! He asks you to get the Ring back to him, bad enough that Petr hid it away too!
    His poem & your hint: "Steeples guard the fields in a line, on one of them a cross you'll find. Off you go from east to west - find the steeple, that"s your Test!"
    (Picture with exact location comming soon!)

Thanks to Blastaz and LiL CougarCS93 for their Comments and Help ! :)
A Womans Lot DLC: Achievements
Big thank you to Teun2408 for gifting me the DLC so i can complete this guide! <3
In "A Womans Lot"-DLC there are (potentially?) a total of 11 Achievements to get.

**Script for a Walkthrough in progress! For now please use the hints below & in the Comments there are LOTS if you go back 1 or 2 pages!**

We do not know how to get them or if there are foreclosing paths, since the DLC is not out yet, but here is a list of what they added so far:

these seem to be Achievements for Theresa

while these green ones potentially are for Heinrich

only time will tell :)

Since i cant get the DLC rn, i can only write a walkthrough later... for now, i'll collect tips for you guys tho!
Originally posted by Blastaz:
Death by splinter:
help Bianca at the inn, bring the beer to henry, beat him in training. Give him the cut on the hand he has at the start of the game.
is on day 3 Aftermath - Follow tinker at the beginning to find a survivor then help all of them to get the achievement.
Originally posted by weirdman:
Bad Girl:
Once you start as Theresa fail all the first morning quests by walking up the way to skalitz a bit until they fail. After that go back and talk to your father. Then just walk up to Skalitz again to make the new quests fail too. Achievement unlocked.
Originally posted by Honkler:
Just pickpocket Henslin when she is beating Adela. He has only blue colored item take him without being detected. Achievement pops up after few seconds
Full House Sin:
Steal, have sex with Lady Stephanie and wenches, kill, take your time in prisons commit all sins you can think. If you had an honest walkthrough you cant get this achievement. Probably you have done it till DLC comes out. Achievement will pop up after the second preach of Johanka when he is talking you about your sins

for now, a commenter has offered his own guide for the dlc to use. So if you cant find your help in this section, maybe try it here until i added more:
Achievements by Main Quest (automatic)
You should get the following Achievements during the main quests these are not missable:
(these are in order of obtention!)
  1. Blacksmith's Son
  2. Awakening
  3. Buddy
  4. Runt
  5. Bastard (Ba-tard)
  6. Conqueror
  7. The End
Achieve. by Main Quests (missable)
There are some Achievements that are not just given to you. For these you need to take a special path in the main quest, meet optional objective or choose a dialogue option:
  1. Cavalier
    Obtainable during: 2th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: none
    When Skalitz is attacked and you have to get a horse and flee, you'll hear a woman shouting for help, cause shes cornered by 3 soldiers. For this Achievement you need to distract them -
    you can do this by running into them and triggering combat (but be carefull, you cant win and have to flee fast) or whistle (same button as mounting the horse).

  2. Freud
    Obtainable during: 28th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: Have a Speech Level of 12 (confirmed by Commenter SexyBrummbär). Its best to have all Stats (speech, charisma and strength on at least 15, so you can max out with potions)
    When you interrogate Erik, ask every possible Question. Thing is, his Stats change and can be in a state thats actually not beatable (like 23 speech for exp.) or he cant be beaten by normal advantage (like his 12 strength cant be beaten by your 18). So, for all Skillchecks beeing a success, you need to play a little with his stats until it works.
    Make a save before you talk to him or hanush.
    Go to rattay and do a little havok. For starters there are two things: if you punch someone it will cost you around 5 rep points, if you sleep 12 hours you'll lose around 25 more. Lowering your rep with Rattay will change Eriks (lower strength and buff speech & charisma). You need to find a balance of stats you can beat.
    Around 70 rep in Rattay is usually what is beatable (his stats turn into 14,11,11 and can be beaten by 20,20,20 possibly a little lower)

    Thx to Vtir[A]lovec, Ritter in Rot, fabula_rasa & Smackx

  3. Ginger
    Obtainable during: 10th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: none
    When you need to find the redhead, you'll either find him yourself or the twins. Both paths will ask you to kill the bandits - if you agree on killing them AND REALLY DO IT (dont lie!) you'll get this achievement later.
  4. Monk
    Obtainable during: 19th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: beeing able to read!
    After you met the bandits in the Church, you need to get into the monastery by cloth or by break in. For his achievement you need to take the fist option.
    how to do it:
    Go to the Inn near the Monastery and you'll find 2 guys (Karl and his Keeper), talk to them and you'll find out that Karl is supposed to become a monk but actually doesnt want to. You can get the Guardian to leave you for a bit to talk but either way you need to steal the permit entry or make them drunk and make them give it to you (needs confirmation).
    (For stealing: You can sneak in at night, its the last room on the 1st floor)

    After you got the permit (and gave Karl his coins maybe) you go to the Monastery and say you're him.
    Note: leave everything you have / dont want to loose behind. You will be tasked to give everything up and need to get it back later!
    After the ceremony you get the Achievement.

  5. Plague Doctor
    Obtainable during: 16th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: beeing able to read, know alchemy
    Note: Play through the Main quest and Side Quest without loading or saving, just stay these 1~2 ingame days awake.
    In theory its an easy achievement, follow the instructions first to the sick people (there are 5, pay attention to what they tell you), then to the monastery. The sickness is caused by contaminated water.
    The important part to get this achievement is to DO IT ALL YOURSELF.
    Originally posted by "guillerm_17":
    since 1.6 you can let the monk do the alchemy part. Just have to go to the village when hes done and help take care of all villagers + bandit.
    Study the texts on your own when promted, make the potion on your own when asked etc. If you leave it to the monk people will die and you'll loose the achievement. When you get back to the village, give every one the potion (4 people, cause the monk tends one of them himself)
    Finish up the main quest by giving the bandit the medicine and talking to him, get all the information. Settle the argument with "lets talk about it" and remind the father to "not become a murderer" so that the bandit stays alive too (dont know if this has to be, but i did it just to be sure).
    Then you need to let some time pass (just finish this main quest, wait about 2~3 days) and go back. Talk to the Bailiff to hear that everybody is well and healthy, get praised for this wonder you brought them and get a nice Achievement.

  6. Sinner
    Obtainable during: 11th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: none
    Be aware that this locks you out of the virgin Achivement!
    When you are in the tavern with Father Godwin and he asks you to drink some more with him, say yes. Then look how the evening goes.... when you wake up, you should get the Achievement.
  7. Talmberger
    Obtainable during: 25th Main Quest
    Prerequisite: in the Quest "in God's Hands" do not fail the objective to search for the Priest!
    Complete all Optional Objectives in Siege quest
    To start, you'll need to ask Sir Robard (at starting point), Sir Bernard & the Quartermaster (at the Quarry) and Sir Divish (Camp, by the wounded soldiers) if they need any help. I recommend doing this before talking to Feyfar, so you dont trigger the Main Quest per mistake.

    They'll give you the following taks:
    • Robard: ask the Charcoal burners for pitch
      You'll get some as a thank you for helping Ginger at the Twins (the nearest, on the map its to the right of the camp with Divish.

    • Quartermaster: ask the local Taverns for Beer
      You'll get some from Andrew at the Glade Inn (even if hes dead, he'll respawn for this quest. needs to be fixed / changed)

    • Quartermaster: get 30 Meat
      Just buy or hunt some, doesnt matter.

    • Sir Bernard: get a potion against fatigue
      You can ask around, but only the Herbalists of Samopesh & Ledetchko will have the right recipe, the others will not advance your quest. After you gave her what she needed, talk to her again after 1 day, when the quet updated.
      For this you'll need:
      • 60 mint
      • 30 valerian
      • 6 wormwood

    • Sir Divish: get a physician from the monastery
      Just ask Brother Nicodemus for help.

    • Sir Divish: get a Priest
      You can either talk to Godwin or Simon even though only one might be marked.
      Personally i would never ask the first one for anything serious like this, so i'll simply post where you can find the latter one :P
      If you talked Simon to leave for the Village during the Quest "in God's Hands", this is the location:
Achieve. by Side Quests (highly missable!) part 1
  1. Bad Trip

  2. Casanova
    After the Prologue return to Lady Stephanie and she'll give you the Quest "At your service my lady". There are 3 Tasks:
    • get the Horse. Get the Song from teh Stable Boy for it, you need Speech Level ~5 (or a potion) for this.
    • get the crown. just follow the path to look for the merchand and you'll find that he was ambushed. Follow the blood to the river and deal with the bandits. One of them had a key for the Chest, where they locked the stone in. Bring it back to the smith.
    • get the wine. To win the Contest you can drink a potion and / or use the crosshair cheat if you need to (you can find it here under the gamplay achievement "Sniper"). If you loose you'll need about level 5 Speech to get it or about 150 Groschen. Maybe you can steal it too? (needs confirmation)

    When you have all 3 things, go back and talk to the Lady.
    Beware of the cloth she wants to give you, if you're going for the virgin Achivement!

  3. Judas
    Betray your friends in the Gallows Brothers quest.
    see "Matthew & Fritz Questline" (M&F Questline) for help!

  4. King Charming
    This one if very tricky! You need to be popular (means 80+ reputation) in the 10 main Town/Villages + the Monastery for this Achievement. So its only obtainable during the 19th and 20th Main Quest and locked out entirely if you mess this up or take the wrong path (i.e. not become a monk)

    **Acording to commenter Xelian, you no longer need the Monastery for this Achievement :)

    > also maybe take a look at the "List of Side Quests (for King Charming Achievement)" section & the new "Difficult Quests and how to solve them!"-Guide linked down below and at the top!

    How to do this:
    get at least 80 reputition in all the other Town/Villages, these are:

    So that you can do the 3 side quests in the Monastery during these main quests and unlock the achievement.
    A word of warning here: a lot of people have their game bugged by not becoming a monk, so you should at least make a hard save before and/or consider reloading after the achievement and taking the other route to complete the main quest, wich is working just fine.

    The reputation is calculated by all people of the town/village depending on the place (This means rep. with soldiers, villagers etc). You do not need to have all on 80, you can have one at 100 and the other(s) at a lower state, but you need 80+ in the total calculation!

    What you can do to better your reputation:
    • If you commited a crime and are still fined, go to jail. This restores your reputation to 10/20. (or so i heared, i hardly play injust and if i do i dont get caught. need confirmation)
    • Do quests there -> "List of Side Quests (for King Charming Achievement)" section will help you
    • Trade there, but haggle and give them extra Money. They like you more for it, regardless of how much it is. Example: buy a carrot for 1.2 groschen, haggle and give them 1.5 groschen.
      This will give you 1 rep. point with this trader, wich counts overall for all traders there. Repeat as much as you like and need (be ware that it seems to only work the first 8~10 times, before there is a cooldown). If you reach this point, just walk/ride away from the place and sleep or wait for at least 8 hours before trying again.

      Suggestions by Commenters:
      Originally posted by SexyBrummbär:
      For King Charming take infamous perk. You gain faster rep with the towns if you do something good. No need for the stat boosts. Helpful for the monostary and if you got cought by the guards and suffer a bad rep.

  5. Knightrider
    Note: This Quest is timed!
    Quests for this Achievement: The Sport of Kings
    You need to have completed the 9th Main Quest (Ginger in a Pickle) for it to be unlocked. The Quests is started by talking to Zora at Neuhof picking the dialogue option “I’m looking for work”.

    You will find the horse mentioned nearby, take it (not your own!) to talmberg and ride all the way up to the stables (until a cunscene plays out).
    Then you go up to talk to Divish and he will come up with the race. (I asked zora about a race before, so i dunno if you have to go back for this maybe?). Talk to the Stablemaster and then you're off until it happens. (I just sleep / waited through)
    The race is the next day at exactly 12. You can take the horse to the starting place and wait there (it should trigger you out of waiting, if i saw it correctly).

    The race itself is fairly easy, i would recomment taking the paths but then cutting through the woods everyime there is the option to.
    The red circle is the Pole/Band (you do not get off your horse, just ride to the villages that are cheering near the pole, the quest should update).
    The yellow string is the route I TOOK TO GET THERE, the orange is the route i took FROM THERE.
    Just a suggestion, i know the terrain in and out so i had no trouble taking off the roads. Be carefull not to get stuck if you are not used to it.
    Here is how i won with so much time on my hands, after the first band i didnt even saw the competition anymore....

    To the first one you can ride down the river (wich is open field and nice), when i left the village i saw 3 of the other riders coming so i cut my time quite a bit.

    I didnt see my competition anymore after this. I cut a bit through the forrest and then rode along the border of talmberg (i was carefull not to enter the town, cause its harder to ride fast in there). I rode all around the mill cause i once got stuck there and remembered, was a good call cause i dint have to turn for the next location.

    As i arrived i even waited for a bit, cause i waswondering what to do now. No one showed up so i guess i had a looong head start - so dont panik even if you get stuck.
    To finish the quest you have to get off your horse and talk to Divish. This completes the race and you can go back and tell Zora about it :)

Achieve. by Side Quests (highly missable!) part 2
  1. Master Huntsman
    Prerequisite: completed Main Quest 15, (beeing Level 10+ < needs confirmation)
    Note: this Questline has so, so many routes you can take. People can end up dead depending what you choose, you can abide the law or pursue your own justice or coop with Robart or rat out people... for this Guide i'll just tell you the way i got the Achievement for sure.

    Talk to Andrew at the Glade Inn and ask if there are any issues. He'll tell you to go to the Huntsman of Talmberg (Nicholas Angel), wich will start the Quest "Hare Hunt".

    Ask around the Village and you'll hear of Hanekin Hare and Thomas & Jake Piper. Doesnt matter wich you persue but i think Hanekin Hare is easier and i enjoyed it more. So for now i'll guide you through his route (doesnt change the outsome, and if you want to go the other, its easy enough to figure out):

    • You need to get enough information to get either (or both) Betty and Margaret (the Huntsmans Wife) to talk about what they know of Hare. I asked Betty who was eager to talk no matter wich dialogue option and told me about Margeret, after wich i could confront her. you can meet Hare like this already
    • Ask Andrew of the claimes about pochers and instead of snitching or threaten him, asked to join. This will start the Quest "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing". You'll have to win a little turnament and hunt something to prove yourself, and then you'll meet Hare
    Note: Hare Hunt will fail now - i heared that if you play very careful, you can snitch and still get the good end, but thats your own risk!). If you try it, keep in mind that you have to help Hare to win the fight, to get "the good end".

    At their camp, he'll tell you all about him and start the quest "Cherchez la Femme" if you agree to kidnap Margeret to make Nicholas sign the Paper.
    Now this Quest is timed and fragile! Its recommendet to not save/load & to not skip time if possible!
    Go to the Huntsmans House and wait for him to leave. Then you can sneak in and persuade Margeret to follow or you knock her out. You can wait for her to come out herself and until the Horn is blown to get Nicholas away, but you dont have to. I would recommend taking your time though and not reaching the camp before the Horn Sound is heared.

    After this, you'll find Nicholas on a Path back to his house (so if you go there directly, just wait until hes back). And tell him about his wife and the papers. Let him sign and bring it back.
    A Cutscene will play out and you'll gain the Achievement, the title "Masterhuntsman of Talmberg" and the House (the one that belonged to Nicholas) that comes with that :P CONGRATZ!

    If you're interessted: The house has 5+ chests (one of wich is your normal tavern Save Chest), there's 2 storage rooms and a main room, an additional stairway room, has 2 cooking pots and a barn for your horse. But sadly no fasttravel point, but its not far from the talmberg one.

  2. McLovin
    This Quest has 3 parts, wich each have some days inbetween that have to pass:
    Beware of this Quest, if you're going for the virgin Achivement! Other than with Lady Stephanie there is NO option to skip this part!
    • Talk to Theresa and she'll bring up a walk together. Visit her in the morning & with good weather to trigger it. You should habe a Speech Level of ~10 for it to work out good (dont know if you can really fail though)
    • Next date is at the tavern. You'll get into a fist fight, win it and its done.
    • Last date is at the barn. Play with her, shouldnt matter is you win or loose.

Achieve. by Side Quests (highly missable!) part 3
  • Robber Baron
    Prerequisite: The Prey (8th Mainquest) updated: Questions and Answers (16th Main Quest), Next to Godliness, maybe speech level 15+
    Old Note: This Quest can break your save system. This only affects saves AFTER the quest is done.
    if its broken to you, you should not turn it in at the end so that you can do it when its fixed. (Might be fixed since 1.3 - needs confirmation!)
    Note 2: I've confirmed that my way works on Version 1.3 without breaking saves!

    "Next to Godliness"

    Now for "Robber Baron":
    (SAve before!) Talk to Hans Capon after some days have passed, this will trigger the Mini-Quest "Clothes Make the Man". You should wear these Cloths until you spoke to Sir Hanush. I had a bugg where the riders go stuck on each other, if that happend to you reload the save you made. Be sure to talk to Bernard right after the Conversation, mount your horse and get out of the way, follow them when they left the castle successfully.
    At the camp ask Bernard about the stories he told, then ask for a task. The one in the south rewards you with some 70 Groschen and a lead, the one in the north is where you get your main information if you get the woman to open up (tell her you dont buy her story).
    Follow one of these options to the camp, now theres the options:
    • Count the Bandits and report back (about ~10) (this is what i did)
    • Attack the Bandits yourself. (only recommendet if you're a good fighter!) (this is one of the old workarounds if you want to fight them (needs to be confirmed in Version 1.3)
    If you go back to Bernard tell him about what you saw. You can now attack or you can ask that you'll go as a messenger (15 Speech or 17 Charisma). To talk it out is what Hanush wants so its the right (but hard) pick.
    As messenger:
    Equip the Coat of arms and UNEQUIP all your weapons before going to the camp. In negotiation you'll need Speech level 15/16+ (or a potion to make up for it), ask for his side of the stories told by bernard, then you can make an offer. Best and hardest ofc is the one where he leaves his loot and gives you money as an excuse. He'll ask why and you tell him "You have no quarrel with Hanush".

    After you took either of the paths (Attack/talk) you report back to Bernard, he sends you back to Hanush.
    (Here is where you should save and look if it buggs out for you!)
    If you can save and load savely after completing the quest, you're save to go! :D
    If not, wait to complete it until a fix comes (or redo the quest from the first save i recommended) :(

  • Spoilsport
    Prerequisite: be able to read (Quest "Mightier than the Sword") and have completed the Quest “Tough Love”. You can find help with these in the Section "Normal Quests".
    Note: this Quest is timed!
    First off, have saviours snaps to make some hard saves, get some poison (either buy it or brew it yourself) and make some time. You have 1 week to finish the quest and there is no repeat (except for loading).

    Now for "Money for Old Rope"
    • You'll have to hear about the executions at the Tavern, after that (maybe make a hard save before starting) you can ask the executioner herman what the fuss is about. Agree to help him and go off to find out more.
    • Go to the bailiff in the rathaus of rattay and ask about all 3 of the convicts.
      After that you have to check out the black book.
    • Its on the upper floor in the intersection of the two rooms (the bailiffs and the scribes). If the door is still locked you can either pick it or ask the scribe to open it.
    • ( The scribe can be found on the room on the other side of the bailiffs table in the rathaus (means, above the storeroom and prison). If the scribe isnt down there you should check the room above his workstation, where hes likely in a bed with backpain - wich you can solve with a potion. )
    • After you got to the black book, go back to herman. Tell him of the sentences:
    • After you talked your plans through, go to the camp of the guest executioner. Make a save. The camp consists of a Wagon, a Barn, two tents and a dog thats usually around the firepit.
    • Wagon: On the Drivers seat of the Wagon, theres is the tongues you need to poison.
    • Barn: you have to go in and immediately take the ladder up. Right before you is a rope, just press E to switch it.
    • The Sword is in the left tent, where a person will be sleeping if its night time. Pick the lock of the chest and take it, then up your horse and into rattay. Go to the smith (not armor- / or weapons-merchant!) and use the grindstone.
      Tilt the sword so that the blade is in the stone when you grind and black smoke comes up from time to time. Do this to all the blade (move from part to part) until its durability is down (i did it until it was 0).
    • Go back and put the sword back into the chest.
    • Tell Herman that you did everything. Wait until the execution starts (next day at 2 pm, if you are in quest area, you can just wait and the cutscene starts automatically)
    • Now go talk to herman, have a good laugh and get your achievement :D
Achieve. by gameplay (w/o Quests) part 1
Achievements uptained by Gameplay:
These can be done at any point in time after you get to Rattay (though, some are not recommended to get before a certain point in the main quest).

*Note: You can find your statistics under
Player > Statistics > (category you're looking for)
I'll tell you the category to each achievement, if its listet on there!

  1. Alcoholic: For this Achievement you need to be drunk
    There is a mechanic in the game, that punished you for drinking / beeing drunk to much. For this you need to be really drunk and then stay drunk & drink more.
    The very left one if the icon that you got an alcohol addiction, the one right to it means you are really drunk (the yellow circle is full, means 100% drunk xD)

    How much booze it takes for you depends on how much your Henry can handle! Mine was at Drinking Level 13 and it took me
    • 10 90% spirits (Gold bottle)
    • 1 80% spirits (silver bottle)
    • 2 wines
    to get him drunk enough (order is from top to bottom, had him at 4 hunger starting). I skiped and passed out after the first 10 spirits, woke up and drunk the rest. after some hours (took me about half a day~day in total) i was an Alcoholic! ....yay, i guess? xD

    Bonus picture, look at how drinking messes henry up! (this was right before i got the achievement!)

  2. Anorectic: Have the "starve" icon on you for 3 days.
    Its pretty easy, you get it when your hunger drops under 50. Just eat some apples or bread and calculate it that way that you dont got over 50 hunger. You can just wait it out too, keep in mind that you loose 2 hunger for every hour you sleep / wait.

  3. Bard: Level up Speech to maximum.
    Max Level of the Speech skill (and all the others) is Level 20.

  4. Bookworm: Read twenty Books.
    Catergory: Craft
    I dont know if you have to be able to read, really, cause the Treasure maps count too (and there is 25 of those). Books that you encounter in quests count too (only confirmed if your Henry can read).

  5. Completionist: Complete "all" quests.
    Catergory: Quest
    Note: If you're playing lawabiding or rightful, you should not try this. I havent counted but (IIRC) since you miss out on all the "pickpocket" and "rob" quests (like the millers) you will not have enough Quests
    To get this Achievement you need to get 80 Quests done out of 105 possible in the game (some quests cancel each other out, Activities count).
    This boils down to 30 Main Quests (if you do all) and at least 40 Side Quests.
    You do not need to unlock Monastery (and its quests) for this achievement.

    Some of the Quests we cover here and you can recommend me whatever you need in the comments. If you need a quick overlook for ALL quests in the game, check out this site:
    (but be warned, it contains Spoilers): all quests ([]

  6. Convict: Spend three days in prison.
    Category: Crime
    Go out, do a crime and then surrender, take the option to go to prision. It does not matter if you stay in longer than 3 days (and i think you dont even have to do it in one sitting, you can go to jail for multiple sessions and just stay shorter, it should count together).
    When you get out, you get this achievement.

  7. David Horak: Collect 10,000 herbs.
    Category: Craft
    Easy as it sounds - and not as daunting, really. You pick herbs = you increase your herbalism skill.
    you increase your herbalism skill = your area of picking herbs gets bigger.
    All you really need is a meadow. About nearly all of them have flowers you can pick, but some are denser. Its the denser ones that you want, to get it over quickly.
    It should look kinda like this:
    Here are some Commenter suggestions (by Buddy, JendaT and Tiercel):
    If you want to know where to find specific herbs, check out the "Hunting & Herbs" section of this guide!

  8. Edward Kelly: Brew fifteen types of potion
    Category: Craft
    Get 15 recipes (you can buy them, or find them though the tresure maps <- way cheaper and you get really good loot, but takes longer*), then just gte the herbs yourself or buy them and brew on. If you have alchemy high enough, you can just auto-brew. It should count.
    Statistics > Craft:
    *Commenter Smackx suggested that you can just steal all recipes by going through the back door from the "Alchemy Table Room".

  9. Fatso: Be stuffed to bursting for two days.
    Just have the pig icon up for 2 days straight. You get it when your hunger is over 100 and its max on 120. You can wait through if you're carefull and eat up in between. You loose 2 Hunger every hour you wait.
    Be carefull on what you eat: you cannot eat more than your stomach holds (so no Wurst when you're stuffed). Take something light to micro manage (like apples or bread).

  10. Fighter: Carry out 100 combos in combat.
    Category: Combat
    Nothing much to say, its fairly simple and only takes time. For people who struggle: try to focus on one technique, an easy one like the one with the long sword where you just hit down-left and then middle and middle. You need to do it fast and you need to hit, so that the combo triggers.
    Commenter Dexter suggested to use the "combat arena" for example Captain Bernard to fight against repeatedly and combo all you like. This will take a while (but so would it in the open field) and it 100% counts for the statistics and therefore for the Achievement (confirmed by Commenter Smackx). Thx to you both!

  11. Firestarter: Get jailed in Skalitz.
    You should get this, before you complete the first Main Quest. Attack someone in Skalitz, a guard will attack you (they dont so if you attack kunesh because quest). Just surrender and then pick the option to go to jail.

  12. Gambler: Win 1,000 Groschen in the dice minigame.
    Category: Gambling
    Fairly easy, usually good plays balance out bad luck. Heres a trick to earn it in 20 games:

    You can rack up the amount you win by loosing, as long as the NPC has at least 10 Groschen left!
    Just bet as much as you can, go into the game and as soon as you get the first dices, give up. (If you do before, it migth get buggy) After loosing, immediately start um again. Bet max again, loose. Repeat until you have the NPC at 100 Groschen as bet, thats the maximum. Thing is, even though it doesnt show more, the NPC stacks. So if you loose 10x 100 Groschen, he actually has all 1000 Groschen fo you to earn back :P (if you dont have the money, then just repeat the first steps!)

  13. Haggler: Save 2000 Groschen by haggling.
    Category: Dialogue
    You should always haggle since every time you succed you get Exp. on Speech, so with time you should get this easy.

  14. Hunter: Bag fifty game animals.
    Category: Combat
    Kill 50 Animals. No need to loot. (confirmed by Commenter Buddy & myself)
    If you want to know where to easy find animals, check out the "Hunting & Herbs" section of this guide!

  15. Insomniac: Don't sleep for two days and nights.
    Idk if you can pass out, but just in case: drink some alkohol. You will probably be drunk these 2 nights and days but oh well... at least you're not tired. Remember to buy or brew a potion against the backlash though xD

    Post to long, have to splitt.... AGAIN! Damn you steam! xD
Achieve. by gameplay MERCIFUL

AH! the bane of all players!
Merciful is one of the hardest achievements to get in KC:D so i wanted to talk a bit more about this... while the task sounds easy it isnt at all. You'll need luck - and a lot of it in fact in the end game. You might need to grind a lot.
Technically you can kill people outside of main quest, but so far its hard to say when you are. The main quest ahs to be untagged in the questlog, but some people still had trouble regardless when they killed then.
So the savest (and hardest) option would be to not kill anyone the whole game...

That beeing said, some people i talked to wanted to do merciful on hardcore and i beg of you - think about it. Like REALLY hard. 'Cause i think merciful harcore is the hardest you might be able to do in the game! merciful-ish harcore if fine, but really never killing anyone is super hard!

Anyhow, here is the how to:
  • Dont kill anyone - duh!
    For this dont use any sharp weapons - and be carefull with blunt ones. while you can knok out people with a blunt weapon if you have low streght you have a chance of killing them. So be careful.
  • Always check your stats for the numbers of "people killed" and "enemies killed"
    - after each fight and each major quest - specially before you save. It should always say 0 and only say 1 after runt if you do a complete no-kill-run.
  • Speech is your weapon number 1.
    Try to get speech to 12 or more, brew or buy bard potions to help with difficult opponments.
  • Money is weapon number 2.
    Make sure you have a lot of it and use the pay option if you cant use anything else.
  • Be sneaky, rob people for money, lean how to pick locks and pickpocket! A lot of combat can be subverted and skiped if you just play stealthy.
  • Learn and progess the barehands/fists skill. Its your only save weapon!
  • And when you DO have to fight in the main story (meaning Runt, Ulrich, Master swordsmen Vanshek) use your bow!
    These people are bound to cutscenes. If you "kill" them, the cut scene starts and you dont get a penalty.
  • For battles: Sabotage everything when you can / are promted to. In the battle itself stand back or fight with fists & drink potions to tank the hits inbetween. You might have to redo the battles tho, they take ages in themselfs and specially in the siege of talmberg if you are unlucky your soldiers die and the immortal ones get stuck. Try to distract as much as possible so the soldiers can get hits on them, try to save them with taking hits for them. Dont let them be outnumbered and help soldiers that are alone against multiple guys!
  • Suggestion: skip all that you can! Make it a short run!
    - there are a lot of main story short cuts, whenever you have to find someone just go to their position, if you know it from a previous run etc. Dont report stuff to radzig if hes not around / you can do other stuff. Or skip like the whole cloister by telling Antonius you know its him and doing all tasks on first and second day before morning prayer. Be out by the second day evening. etc etc.

    Do little to no side quest (or be careful that you only do non lethal ones/non lethal option)

Originally posted by Eldritch:
  • For preparation of battles (in Main Story) do all the sabotage & side quest options
  • In Main Story battles stand back and watch the fights. (jab punch the enemies once and a while incase the battle is taking forever.)
  • Items needed : a starter bow to kill Runt and lots of bard potions.
  • As for perks you need golden tongue, local hero, lowborn and empathetic.
  • (in the whole run, I only made 6 people unconscious)
Thank you very much for comment! (i formated the quote to save space, original can be seen in the discussion thread !)
Achieve. by gameplay (w/o Quests) part 2
Achievements uptained by Gameplay:
These can be done at any point in time after you get to Rattay (though, some are not recommended to get before a certain point in the main quest).

*Note: You can find your statistics under
Player > Statistics > (category you're looking for)
I'll tell you the category to each achievement, if its listet on there!

  1. Level Cap: Reach maximum level.
    The maximum Level is 20. Main & Side Quests give good exp, so does leveling your skills. You need to have all 4 main skills (strenght, agility, vitality & speech) at Level 20. Check in the Tips section for help on this :P

  2. Merciful: Don't kill anyone during the main quest, except runt
    >> not enough space, see its own section above called "Achieve. by gameplay MERCIFUL" !

  3. Pilgrim: find all (means 90) wayside shrines and conciliatory crosses.
    Category: Quest (Art objects found!)
    Originally posted by Smackx:
    You need 90+ Crosses / Arts (i acutally found much more than 90 not so difficult as it sounds)
    Thank you for your help!

    What counts for this Achievement:
    • crosses (there are 42 in total)
    • shrines (thre are 56 of those)
    • arts (Sasau 9, Ushitz 4, Rattay 3)

    The arts mentioned are around the churches of Rattay & Sasau and inside the towns mostly. You have to interact with them to count (not only uncover them, use the "read" option when standing before it). HEre are some pictures to help you:

    For this Achievement i highly recomment the interactive world map of kingdom come[], you can set what you want to see and what you dont so you dont get spoiled!
    For those who want it easy, here are all crosses and shrines (taken from the interactive map). Look it up there if you need an exact location!

  4. Ranger: Walk more than 50 Km.
    Category: General
    This should unlock during your play regardless of what you do.

  5. Scrooge: Hoard 5,000 Groschen.
    Just have 5k Groschen in your inventory at some point and this Achievement will unlock!

  6. Serial Killer: Kill 200 people.
    First look up how many you already have under Category: Combat
    I recommend saving and then making a snap run. Just wait until night and go into the town (harder) or to a farm / tavern (easier) and then kill everybody when they sleeping. Either with the sword or stealth kill, if you have it.
    Its pretty messed up - BUT you get the last missing people you need for the Achievement!
    ...and you reload afterwards, so nobody knows, right?

    yeah, no. WE know, buddy, we know :>

  7. Sniper: Kill 50 enemies with headshots.
    Category: Combat
    These really have to be enemies, so as far as i know it does not count shoting sleeping civilians in the head (tooking at you, person that just got / is looking for the serial killer achievement).

    If you are stealthy, go to a bandit camp at night and try your luck there. If not... well there are some mods for helping you aim, you can look them up on nexus mods or elsewhere. If you are to lazy for this or dont want mods you can go to the ingame console by pressing ^ and then type:

    wh_pl_showfirecursor 1
    This unlocks the crosshair even in bow-mode. (You have to pull it out again, if you had it in hand while typing).
    If you want to turn it off again, type in the same but change 1 to 0.

  8. Stealth Killer: Kill twenty enemies by stealth
    Category: Combat
    You need to kill enemies (bandits, cumans etc) with the stealth kill option. This skill has to be unlocked via perk (stealth level 5) and you need a dagger in your inventory for the stabbing. If you need to level stealth, wait until night and then knock out sleeping people or lone travelers from behind (you need to crouch for this). Can be done on enemies too ofc but its a lot harder, specially on low levels.

  9. Thief: Steal things with a total value of 30,000 Groschen.
    Category: Crime
    You need to steal (not sell!) stuff worth of 30k Groschen, this unlocks.
    Originally posted by Buddy:
    Talmberg castle is a good location for stealing a good amount of groschen.

    You can get "stolen" Stuff in 3 ways:
    • go poaching. All meat, hide etc. you get is stolen and will count. (I did it like this in no time, but i saw they nerfed the loot a bit so it will take you a bit)
    • pickpocket people. On low levels preferably sleeping or drunk folks. (Skill can be learned through Pashek).
    • lockpick chests / loot out houses and vendors. (lockpick can be learned through Pashek too). Lockpicking is really easy when you get the hand of it, so dont give up! There are mods out there to help you to - if you are unpatient and really need it.
    If you want to actually sell stuff you should think about the "the good thief" quest and unlock the millers (wich will fence stuff). Else you can try your luck on a normal vendor (not all take it and they give you less - though some have more Groschen to spend).

  10. Traveller: Discover all locations on the map.
    The ones you need to discover aeUzhitz, Rattay, Neuhof, Sasau, Ledetchko, Talmberg, Skalitz, Merhojed, Samopesh, Rovna, Pribyslavitz and Vranik (confirmed by Buddy)
    Be carefull before going to Vranik though, as the game will warn you that some Sidequests will be terminated / failed if you enter.

  11. Virgin: Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin
    Watch out for these four things and you're golden:
    • Beware of the Quest "At your service my lady". DON'T take the cloth she wants to give you.
    • Dont Court Theresa. There are three steps of her Quest but other than with Stephanie you have no option to choose. After the 2nd date (Tavern) dont go any further or this Achievement is lost.
    • In the 11th Main Quest, dont stay to drink some more with Father Godwin
    • Don't order the "special" offer in the bathouses. Its obvious, but dont forget about it!

Main Quests: Achievement Overview and Guidance
Listed below are all Main Quests, with notes you should be aware of, Achievements they unlock and important Quests / missable Achievements that come available once you complete the Quests mentioned.

Use this mini Walkthrough if you want to play the game with minimal spoilers, so you can only pay attention to the next Achievement and not miss out on it.

All 30 Mainquests:
  1. Unexpected Visit
    Note: this quest is somewhat timed, but its no biggy if you fail. If you dont get the drink to your father soon after you got it, it will be warm and you need to get it again (from your own money?)
    Automatic Achievements: Blacksmith's Son
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  2. Run!
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Cavalier
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  3. Homecoming
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  4. Awakening
    Automatic Achievements: Awakening
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none
  5. Vengeance
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

    Note: You are in the proper Game now, congratz!
    You can do whatever you want technically - i would recommend sticking to the main quest until you reach the 9th/10th one, so you get the combat training and a horse.

  6. Train Hard, Fight Easy
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  7. Keeping the Peace
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  8. The Prey
    Automatic Achievements: Buddy
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: Next to Godliness (Prerequisite for Robber Baron Quest & Achievement)

  9. The Hunt Begins
    Note: This quest is timed but (as far as i'm aware) no biggy if you fail to leave on time and take long searching for the bandits that raided Neuhof
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  10. Ginger in a Pickle
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Ginger
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: Sport of Kings / Knightrider (see Achievements uptained by Quests (missable))

  11. Mysterious Ways
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Sinner
    Note: getting the Achievement above closes up another Achievement (Virgin) later. Keep this in mind.
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: Playing with the Devil / Bad Trip.

  12. On the Scent
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  13. My Friend Timmy
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  14. Nest of Vipers
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  15. Baptism of Fire
    Automatic Achievements: Runt
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: Hare Hunt and Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Cherchez la Femme) wich you need for the Achievement Master Huntsman and your very own House.

  16. Questions and Answers
    Note: This quest is timed and tied to the side quest mentioned down here. If you take to long in the side quest people die, each day you waste. I think you have about 5~7 days time for this quest but i did it easy in 1~2 so its only speculation.
    Also: i recommend doing the main quest and the tied in side quest in one go. This should keep it from getting buggy.
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Plague Doctor
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: Pestilence / Plague Doctor

  17. All that Glisters
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  18. If You Can't Beat 'em
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  19. Poverty, Chastity and Obedience
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Monk
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: not by quest but gameplay! You need to do Quests in the monastery to be able to get the King Charming Achievement. If you leave this area out, this Achievement is 100% gone.

  20. A Needle in a Haystack
    IMPORTANT: before you proceed to the next Main Quest complete all Quests in Talmberg or they might fail, become buggy or unable to be completed.
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: none
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked: none

  21. The Die is Cast
    IMPORTANT: again, before you start this Quest complete all Side Quests in Talmberg or they might fail, become buggy or unable to be completed. This is somewhat the last save spot in the story so i would recommend making a lasting hard save here too!
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  22. Payback
    Automatic Achievements: Conqueror
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  23. Out of the Frying Pan
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  24. Night Raid
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  25. Siege
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements: Talmberger
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  26. Rocketeer
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  27. Cold Steel, Hot Blood
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  28. Family Values
    Automatic Achievements: none
    Missable Achievements: Freud
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  29. An Oath is an Oath
    Automatic Achievements:
    Missable Achievements:
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:

  30. Epilogue
    Automatic Achievements: The End
    Missable Achievements:
    Playthrough-Achievements: Virgin, Merciful
    Important Quests / Achievements unlocked:
Matthew & Fritz Questline (Judas Achivement)
ATTENTION: As has been brought to my attention, since the newest update these quests are now TIMED when you start them.
We are trying to find out where exactly but for now, finish them as soon as possible or they will automatically FAIL / be completed after the week is over!! Sometimes you might NOT get time notification, please refer to your questmenu to check on how much time is left on this quest etc!
if you fail these quests / mess up, this achievement becomes unavailable to you (on this playthorugh / save)!

  • A Rock and a Hard Place & Gallow Brothers
    Note: These quests are timed! Also i recommend doing a hard save before you start them, just to be sure. Also, all Quests in the Glade Inn / with Andrew will fail afterwards, keep this in mind (even though it should be only activities)

    How to do this:
    To start this Quest you need to talk to Matthew in the Gale Inn, he will tell you about his new plan. You can get all the information or leave it, it shouldnt matter (but awards exp for Speech). Take the offer now or later, this gives you the "A Rock and a Hard Place" quest (Also you should talk to Fritz about the distraction). Talk to Andrew about the plan and you'll get the "Gallow Brothers" Quest. You can complete and will complete both at the same time, only thing you change is the outcome!

    Point A: how to get the money:
    • either go to the Talmberg, up the stairs to the tower in the very south of the castle.There is a hard locked chest. Pick it open and take out the gold for miners (the empty sack will come with it automatically). > this works again in Version 1.3 confirmed by Commenter Buddy! <
      If you follow this route Skip till Point B
    • Follow the Quest

    The Quest will lead you to the Stable Groom of Talmberg, wich will tell you that the Horses are sick. If your Riding Skill is high enough you can tell him what to do, other than that you can (but dont need to) seek help from the Herbalist in the woods. You have to choose whether you want to heal or poison the horses. outcome: healing does nothing, poison leads to fewer guards. Also you can request Robart to send fewer Guards (you use Radzigs name and lie) but you'll need 13+ Charisma for it to work.
    You CAN snitch on him, but you are the one doing the robbing and will only make it harder for yourself so i would nto recommend it.

    What you do (and if you help at all) is up to you, important part is that you ask the Stable groom when they're leaving. Now the Quest is timed (i dont think it is before). You'll get a notification every day until they come:
    Be sure to go to the Quarry and talk to Matthew and Fritz before the last day (they're on top of the Quarry at the cliff or at the tiny camp)! Ask them about the plan and everything, then wait until these 5 days have passed. You can use the bed there, but you'll need something to eat or drink, 5 days is a long time.

    When the quest is ready this note will appear. You'll have to let Fritz & Matthew know and talk about how to do it. I suggest you take the distration option, its a sealth skill check but a pretty low one (i had it only on 9, so i guess 5 is minimum?). They'll agree to fight and the guards will leave to watch them. The loot is in the house to the very right in a easy locked chest.
    After you took the gold for miners (the empty sack will come with it automatically), dont go to the clearing but make off with the loot (i dont know if you have to do this, but i was hoping to give it back and i couldnt. So maybe you CAN go to the clearing before but i cant confirm).

    Point B: Frame them
    To frame Andrew you need to go back to glade inn and go to his cellar. Pick the 2nd door and leave the bag on the barrel to the left. Then head back to Talmberg and snitch to Robart. For the Judas Achievement you need to tell him that Andrew, Fritz and Matthew where behind the robbery. He'll leave for the Glade Inn and therefore complete "A Rock and a Hard Place" because you took the loot.

    Following "Gallows Brothers", go back to the Glade Inn and see what happend. The Achievement unlocks when you interact with them at the entrance of the Glade Inn.

    Kinda sad, but they took it to far and had it coming.... though the Title of the Achievement is really on point!
List of Side Quests (for King Charming Achievement)
Just a little List of Quests (and activities), so you can see what you did and didnt do in the place you need reputation still.
This does NOT mean you need to complete all of these, they are only options its just for the reputation boost.
Only mandatory quests are the ones in the monastery (but you dont need to do all of them, if you dont missbehave)!

For More information check out the Entry to this Achievement under the "Achievements obtained by Side Quests - part 1" section!

Note: Some of these seem to have been removed in an update. Ask in the discussion or comments if you have problems or need help!

  1. Restless Spirit (completing this before Libri Prohibiti might bug the later quest and make it unable to finish. But you need Libri Prohibiti to get King Charming - so be careful, better make them at the same time or right after each other.)
  2. Tricks of the Trade

  1. Pestilence (done during main quest - if you didnt just break into the shed, killed the bandit and robbed the letter off him) > see "Achievements obtained by Main Quests"
  2. Last Will and Testament (Sasau/Merhojed?)

  1. Besmirched (#4 in Questline M&F even though they're not involved)
    Note: The Quest "Masquerade" is the #3 in the M&F Questline, you need to complete that before this one becomes available
  2. The Sport of Kings > see "Achievements obtained by Side Quests"

  1. A Bird in the Hand...
  2. Aquarius
  3. Clothes Make the Man
  4. Courtship > see "Achievements obtained by Side Quests"
  5. Honeyed Words
  6. Money for Old Rope
  7. Next to Godliness
  8. No Rest for the Wicked
  9. Robber Baron > see "Achievements obtained by Side Quests"
  10. Scavenger
  11. The Good Thief
  12. Tough Love
  13. Waldensians

  1. A Man of the Cloth

  1. Sick Ba-tard (not available right now)

  1. A Friend In Need... (#1 in Questline M&F)
  2. ...Is a Friend Indeed (#2 in Questline M&F)
  3. A Costly Brawl
  4. Damsel in Distress
  5. Foreign Steel
  6. in vino veritas
  7. Last Will and Testament (Sasau/Merhojed?)
  8. Miracles While You Wait
  9. New Herbarium
  10. Rattled

Sasau Monastery
  1. In God's Hands
  2. Saintly Remains
  3. The House of God
  4. Weeds
    Note: The following are only available during the 19th&20th Main Quest and only if you choose the right route:
  5. The Trials of a Novice
  6. Worldly Goods
  7. The Abbot's List
  8. Libri Prohibiti
  9. Nasty Habits
  10. Scattered Pages
  11. In the Cloister

  1. The King's Silver

    Note: these Quests need to be completed before the 20th~21th Main Quest or you'll miss out on them.
  1. At Your Service, My Lady
    Note: Cherchez la Femme, Sheep in Wolf's Clothing and Hare Hunt belong together. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing and Hare Hunt cancel each other (but apperently you CAN finish them all and not fail one of them).
  2. Cherchez la Femme
  3. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
  4. Hare Hunt
  5. Emergency Supply (need to be triggered during the Quests above? I didnt encounter it)
    Note: A Rock and a Hard Place and Gallows Brothers belong together. They cancel or influence each other. You need to trick it in their disfavor for the Judas Achievement.
  6. A Rock and a Hard Place (#5-1 in Questline M&F)
  7. Gallows Brothers

  1. Mightier than the Sword
  2. Playing with the Devil > see "Achievements obtained by Side Quests"
  3. The Horse That Bolted
Hunting & Herbs
Hunting and Poaching is a curcial part of Kingdom Come, even if you dont do it at all you'll enchounter it a lot in the Main Quest and Side Quests.
What you should know is that you can come pretty close to the animals if you're silent (just look it up in your inventory). Stags are the hardest to hunt, cause they are on high alert and sense you good 4~5 meters away and run off pretty fast. Hind and Boar are easier and rabbits are the easiest way to get meat. Though (if you have the sprint perk that makes you faster) you can sprint after Boars and kill hem with your sword.

Here are some good places to hunt, if you ever need something:
Originally posted by Buddy:
The best place to hunt animals (in my opinion) is the forest where you went hunting with young Lord Capon during on of his quests. Also hunting hares seems to be the easiest and fastest solution, since there are a lot of them and they don´t run as fast and wide as bigger animals would do.
The Woods of Talmberg
I dont know if these are all the deer / boar hunting spots, but these are all that i found in my playthrough (in the Talmberg Woods).
If i need some quick meat i'll usually go to spot where the boar & deer spawns are closer.
Like this Spot just over Merhojed:

Note: I'll add where to find them in a later update! For now i added a list of all Gardens in next Section
If you want to have a good run, doing Alchemy is something you'll want to look at. But for this, you'll need herbs and vendors have them in low quantity, so you're better of looking for them yourself.
Here is a List of all Herbs ingame:
Rarety chain: Very Common (everywhere you go) > Common (easy to find) > Frequently (have an eye open for) > Rare (have to look or go out of your way for)
  1. Wormwood
    Rarety: Rare, Found on open Fields, besides roads
    .<<add picture>>
  2. Belladonna
    Rarety: Rare, Found in the Woods at shady places
  3. Thistle
    Rarety: Common, Found on open Fields (& Monastery Garden)
  4. Marigold
    Rarety: Common, Found on open Fields& beside Roads
  5. Eyebright
    Rarety: Rare, Found ... (& Monastery Garden)
  6. Henbane
    Rarety: Rare, Found ...
  7. St. Jonn's Wort
    Rarety: Common, Found on open Fields & beside Roads
  8. Chamomile
    Rarety: Frequently, Found on open Fields
  9. Mint
    Rarety: Rare, Found nearby houses and in the woods (& Monastery Garden)

  10. Poppy
    Rarety: Frequently, Found on open Fields
  11. Herb Paris
    Rarety: Rare, Found in the Woods

  12. Sage
    Rarety: Frequently, Found on open Fields, besides roads (commonly between other herbs)
    .<<add picture>>
  13. Comfey
    Rarety: Rare, near roads, Frequent in the woods between trees or clearings (& Monastery Garden)
    .<<add picture>>
  14. Dandelion
    Rarety: Very Common, Found everyhwere where grass is

  15. Nettle
    Rarety: Very Common, Found everywhere. Besides Houses, Fences & Roads, in the Woods by Trees ... (& Monastery Garden xD)

  16. Valerian
    Rarety: Frequently, Found on open Fields, near Rivers / Riverbeds
  17. Mushrooms:
    A good place to find a lot of Mushrooms (all kinds) is nearby the Samopesh Herbalists House (Player Location & generally in that area/side of the forest):
    There you'll find:
    • Lepiota (very common in woods, shady or moist places)
    • Fly agaric
    • Boletus edulis (very common in woods, shady or moist places)
    • Cave Mushroom will be added soon! :P Easiest locations are the Mines around Skalitz (like the one you enter in "King's Silver" Quest) or sometimes in Barns or rotten Buildings.
Originally posted by Buddy:
Best locations to gather herbs are around the monastery and near the Skalitz fast travel point. Also dandelions seem to get you the most herbs.If you don´t want the gathering animation, use this: nexusmods[]
Garden Locations and Herbs in them
You can find little gardens all over the Map, here are all locations and what they hold if you need something specific quick:

  1. Valerian, Belladonna, Herb Paris
  2. Mint, Valerian, Herb Paris, Comfrey, Belladonna
  3. Sage, Mint, Valerian, Herb Paris
  4. (Einbeere), Valerian
  5. (Salbei), Belladonna

  6. (Einbeere), Mint, (Beinwell)
  7. Mint, (Beinwell)
  8. Mint, Valerian, Comfrey, Belladonna
  9. Mint (lots!), Comfrey, Belladonna
  10. Mint, Valerian, Herb Paris, Comfrey
  11. Mint, Valerian, Herb Paris, Comfrey, Belladonna
    + just some feet away at the bruned house: John's Wort

  12. Belladonna...?
  13. Valerian, Sage, Eyebright, Comfrey
  14. Mint, Valerian, Herb Paris
    + There is a large Garden of a Village containing Marigold, Eyebright, John's Wort
  15. Nettle, Herb Paris, Mint
  16. Mint, Comfrey
  17. Mint, Herb Paris, Comfrey, Belladonna
  18. Sage, Belladonna
  19. Belladonna, Mint, Herb Paris
  20. (a little:) Mint, Comfrey, Belladonna, Wormwood,
  21. This is a Wierd one, its not organized and just little quantities but i found: Lepiota, Boletus edulis, Valerian, Mint, Dandelion, Sage, John's Wort, Nettle
  22. Comfrey, Mint
  23. (a little:) Comfrey, Mint, Sage, Belladonna
  24. Wormwood, Herb Paris, Marigold
  25. (a little) Marigold, Wormwood
  26. Herb Paris, Sage, Comfrey, Mint
  27. Mint, Sage, Marigold (a little Herb Paris & Comfrey around it)
  28. (a little to very little) Herb Paris, John's Word Comfrey, Marigold, Belladonna
  29. (a little) Mint, Comfrey, Sage
  30. Mint, Comfrey, Sage, Wormwood
  31. Mint, Sage (a little Herb Paris, Belladonna)
  32. (a little:) Mint, Sage, John's Wort
  33. (a little:) Belladonna, (Beinwell), Mint, Nettle
  34. (Beinwell), Valerian, Belladonna

Also the Herbalists have gardens...
the one near Prybiz/Ushitz has lots of Nettle & John's Wort and a little (Augentrost) & (Wermut)
Last Words...
Like stated in the beginning, i would like for people to tell me what they need help with - or stuff wich they think could help other players! :)

You can write down in the comments, in this discussion or just pm me directly if you want to :)
Thanks to all the diligent Commenters!
Many thanks to Smackx and Buddy, for their recurring help all along the Main Game! :)
And special thanks to
  • Teun2408 for gifting me the "A Womans Lot"-DLC so i can complete this guide! Thank you very much!! <3
  • Blastaz and LiLCougarCS93 for their help with the "Bands of Bastards"-DLC
  • Blastaz (again xD) and Honkler for their help with the "A Womans Lot"-DLC

I hope this guide helped you - the rest is coming soon!
If it did, maybe leave a comment or like the guide to lift my spirits? :D
Making a guide is hard work (since i update frequently and respond to all requests right now!) and since i got so many Questions/requests from Commenters its been growing and growing into a way bigger project that i anticipated! I'm glad that i can help and i'll try to work hard to compile all information about Kingdom come that you want and need in this guide!

11.1.19: We got noticed and featured by Warhorse, guys!
Thank you all for your help and awareness with the guide! I'm really glad to work with you awesome people and make this guide more comprehensable and usefull step by step :)
esteemed garlic 8 Mar @ 12:06pm 
A tip for the Fighter achievement - When I got into combo training with Bernard, I picked a very easy combo (NOT the one he shows you) and just did that repeatedly until he ended the training. I was able to get around 15 combos per combo training and it didn't take very long :) Buck's blood will also help get more combos.
Also for Pilgrim, you HAVE to interact with the cross/shrine/mural otherwise it does not count.
Rayous 17 Jan @ 1:37pm 
Hi! About the King Charming Achievement, I got it without the monestary as you have corrected, but I also got it with Ledetchko at 71 reputation, so that should mean you only need over 70 on every town or village for king charming to pop! :)
Ary  [author] 12 Dec, 2024 @ 1:56am 
@Captain Duck i'm very happy to hear that. I'm sad that i never got around to finishing this guide, maybe someday i will but i took 100+ hours to make and reading comments like yourse make me feel like it was worth it :)
Captain Duck 8 Dec, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
Dude, your guide is awesome. I am doing my 6 playthrough already (i did play first time on the release and played to the end) and third time i will end this game BUT..i will first time do all quest. I already done all side quest and now i am doing DLC. Some DLC like Johanka and Hans Capon i never did. Now i though, i could do all achievements from DLC (and others too) when possible. I found your guide and it helped me a lot. I did all achievements from Hans Capon DLC :)
Big_Bluntz 9 Sep, 2024 @ 9:58am 
I get that but every play through ive done i encounter the quests the exact same way at the exact same times, maybe im just lucky/unlucky.
Ary  [author] 8 Sep, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
@mace two reasons: 1) there's no way every player encounters the same quests in the same order 2) I wrote this guide when the game came out and i was playing the game myself. I did order follow up quests or multiparter quests like the main story in their own section chronologically though
Big_Bluntz 7 Sep, 2024 @ 3:12pm 
why is this guide all over the place, just do a typical roadmap starting with what quests you encounter chronologically
kriss 2 Jul, 2024 @ 11:34am 
Great guide. Just wanted to point out for anyone worried about the prerequisite for Talmberger that you dont need to have found father Simon previously. I failed to get the Cleric achievement for this reason earlier as I wasn't following the guide, but for Talmberger father Godwin is good enough.
Yurple 20 Feb, 2024 @ 1:45pm 
Pretty good guide . Would like to see the hunting & herbs guide updated with pictures but all in all very informative.
.#Sewix 27 Jul, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
I never gave the quartermaster beer but did all of the other quests and still got the Talmberger achievement.