Streets of Rogue

Streets of Rogue

309 ratings
Detailed Achievement Guide
By Tleno
This guide covers all the achievements in game, and offers multiple detailed strategies on how to unlock them. Also qualifies as a walktrough guide, seeing how closely the achivements are tied to progression and character unlocks. Note: Feel free to offer suggestions and corrections and notify me if the guide becomes outdated.
Introductory Cakewalks
Didn't Skip The Tutorial
  • Just follow trough the tutorial. It's surprisingly amusing, so worth your time even if you prefer to skip them. Follow the instructions. You can't fail it.

Adapting To City Life
  • Complete your first floor. Slums 1-1 has no police, easy enemies, and no major hazards.
  • If you struggle not dying, try to avoid combat and look for other approaches, like bribes, intimidaion, getting drugged up with good drugs to get stronger, weakening or luring out enemies by dumping drugs into ventilation system, stealth or just running trough.
  • Giving a try to another character is also a good idea. Soldiers are unlocked from the start and offer enough firepower to take out anyone.
Level Unlocks
Savior Of The Slums
  • You have to complete the first three floors, and use the elevator to move on from slums to industrial area.
  • This can be done with any of early game characters, although combat proves and no major restrictions make Crepe and Soldier easy options. Hacker may need some practice but is also easy to get by with. Scientist also offers versatile abilities and can be unlocked pretty early.
  • If you struggle surviving, the the F button to quickly consume food.
  • Third level contains some random gimmick which may make it way harder, or in some cases easier. Just be prepared for surprises, stock up on food and other supplies if really lacking confidence.

  • Beat all three floors of Slums with 5 different characters.
  • Custom characters don't count.
  • Soldiers, gangsters, cannibals, gorillas and werewolves are an easy option seeing how they have superior combat proves.

Industrial Idol
  • Complete the Industrial area.
  • More numerous fighting NPC presence and many environmental hazards make this area rather lethal, but the hazards can be exploited against enemies, so try to position yourself in a way to throw enemies into pits or flames, given chance.
  • Hackers are a pretty good choice for this, seeing how common factories full of computer-controlled hazards are in Industrial. Jock wall breaking may help get inside factories another facilities too, and Wrestler can exploit all the barrels and oil spills on the floors to take out large groups of enemies.

  • Beat all three floors of Industrial with 5 different characters.
  • Custom characters don't count.
  • Police presence on every floor and lack of overwhelming enemy force makes Cop a viable option, Slavemasters can use slaves to detonate barrels and set oil on fire while fighting next to them, previously mentioned hackers and wrestlers are also great.

Park President
  • Complete the Park area.
  • Differs from other areas greatly, full of open spaces, and has NPCs you won't encounter anywhere else replacing more commonplace ones.
  • Gorillas and soldiers present will be friendly if you're one of them and make strong and numerous allies, but cannibals and vampires (could be wrong on the last one) will remain hostile if you're one of them.
  • Easiest when using strong melee character like werewolves, cannibals and such. Speed is also handy is it helps to dodge local melee-centric enemies and traps.
  • Hostile attackers like cannibals are often hostile to the rest of park denizens and thus can be lured into their homes.

  • Beat all three floors of Park with 5 different characters.
  • Custom characters don't count.
  • Aforementioned melee fighters, esp. gorillas, and soldiers were already mentioned as an easy option.

Downtown Diva
  • Complete the Downtown area.
  • Contains large groups of enemies, and some can call in supercop reinforcements. Do not attack upper-crusties while they're close to alarm buttons
  • High mobility or survivalability characters like jocks, ninjas, werewolves and such are pretty handy as majority of major fights are likely to escalate into a massive police vs mafia shootouts where most of killing is done for you as long as you dodge the bullets and lure enemies to fight where you want them to.
  • Ranged fighters like soldier and gangster can find plenty of ammo here, so provoking firefights in ways that will lead to a shootout between several groups can be very worthwhile if you can get out alive.
  • Bartender can get a free pass inside most bouncer-guarded buildings and poison NPCs with a delay, which comes in very handy in the downtown.

  • Beat all three floors of Downtown with 5 different characters.
  • Custom characters don't count.
  • Aforementioned mobile or ranged fighter characters are a reliable option here.

Uptown Upper-cruster
  • Complete the Uptown area.
  • Being the final planned area it is naturally really hard. If you don't have the Upper-crusty status trait, you'll be deported by cop-bots, other bots will confiscate all booze and alcohol, there are popup walls for isolating different areas of the floor when police are alerted, the supercops and guards are everywhere. Also, everything is expensive.
  • You are best off starting in downtown or park instead of starting off in uptown area, to rack up levels and items.
  • Assasins can use the narrow streets to easily hide, but that may not help with how many cops there are around the place.
  • Slavers can enslave even stronger enemies to fight for them, which won't help in a mass fight but will even your chances. Don't enslave upper-crusties, they're useless.
  • Hackers can hack cop teleport booths and other equipment, which makes them super useful if you can find a nuke to do hacking from.
  • Shapeshifters are really effective here with such a massive presence of upper-crusties and supercops, but the early phase when you're just trying to posses a body may be very tough.
  • The more narrow space means firefights caused by stray shots won't be as common, and police presence is overwhelming.
Character Unlocks
  • Clear a level without killing or alterting anyone.
  • This one is somewhat random as depending on character you pick to earn it, you will want the level to generate with specific mission types.
  • Easiest way to earn this one early on is using a doctor. Don't let enemies or cameras see you, and sneak in from behind to knock out enemies with chloroform - it doesn't count as a kill. The Slums floor 1 shopkeepers seldom have guards so they are easy to knock out. This will work with almost all mission types.
  • Thieves have short range teleports for jumping trough walls, and equipment for breaking safes and doors, avoiding the sneaking, but shopkeepers and other business owners won't let you in or even negotiate with you, so you may want to find some drugs to smoke them out of there, and then steal their items if nobody is looking. This won't work with objectives involving getting rid of a person, as you have no non-lethal options, though.
  • Cops can arrest people which is very similar to doctor's chloroform knockdown, but it's more noisy thus likely to attract target's allies if it's not alone.
  • Shopkeepers can trade any item, as long as you have enough money you can trade for whatever is needed for a mission - although you'll still need to find a way to get inside larger compounds. Some compounds and factories have two doors, one of which is locked, that can be knocked to call the closest NPC inside - if it turns out to be the one you need an item from, you can trade with them.

  • Consume 15 alcoholic beverages in a single game.
  • Just pick a high HP fighter and you'll certainly need lots of healing items. Then buy up and scavenge all the beers and whiskeys. It is preferable to do it in the slums or industrial as prices go up on each level.

Blahd Gangster
  • Kill or neutralize 10 crepes, in a single playtrough.
  • Crepes in groups may be rather hard to take out, and you have to neutralize them yourself and not just draw them into a fight with crepes or cops.
  • Try looking for single crepes in bars and huts and taking them one on one.
  • Explosives are pretty powerful against the three crepe groups in corridors. Landmines may be easier to use than grenades due to lack of detonation time though.
  • Doctor can knock them out stealthily, as long as they're looking away from you and are spaced out enough. Assasin can also backstab them one by one while hidden but his kills can cause some commotion and you gotta act fast.
  • One way to cheese it is starting as crepe yourself, using friend phone to summon some allies to kill them off yourself, and then finding or buying more friend phones or finding more gang members on the street. You can always roughen them up by sending them against easier enemies, and then finish them off once they're out of weapons and slightly damaged.

  • Kill 20 people in a single level.
  • Not hard to pull off with a combat-centric character by just shooting up everyone. Easier to pull off in later levels when NPC count rises, but if you go after everyone it can be done back in 1-1.

  • Kill anyone (even self!) with a banana.
  • Easiest way is just getting a single peel, getting your hp down to 5 or less, throwing a banana and running into it.
  • If you don't want to kill yourself, just damage enemy until only sliver of health is left, and then throw the peel. Can throw several just to be sure.

  • Free a gorilla from a lab cage.
  • Labs are pretty common even back in slum areas. Just destroy or access the computer in the lab, or unlock the cage door.
  • Easiest way to pull this off is bribing the bouncer with beer so nobody would object to you being there, and then using the computer.

Investment Banker
  • Have your money equal or above 500.
  • You'll never play as this one.
  • Just hold off buying any items until you have 500. This is pretty easy to pull off with doctor as you can sell off all the collected weapons, or gorilla that is able to sell useless firearms, and as soldier you don't need to resupply ammo with kill ammunizer, although you'll still have to fight in melee once in a while.
  • Thief pickpocket brings rather measly sums and thus isn't worth time, you're better off breaking into every backroom and home and emptying all the chests.

  • Just... wreck lots of environmental objects like furniture and walls in a single level.
  • This can be done by just breaking into multiple homes, killing their owners and breaking every single furniture piece inside. Just wreck every single streetlight and trash can on your way unless cops are watching. Then end the level.
  • Clumsyness Accepted makes earning this achievement a cakewalk as few will object to you breaking stuff.

  • Destroy 20 gravestones in a single playtrough.
  • Destroying gravestones may spawn angry ghosts, so you're better off either using explosives like grenades and rocket launchers to destroy several at a time and flee, or play as a fast character like gorilla or jock and wrecking them one by one and outrunning spawned ghosts.
  • The gravestones can only spawn in graveyards which makes this achievement somewhat random, but biggest graveyards contain enough of them - though destroying them all means you'll have a whole crowd of ghosts to run from!

  • Kill a ghost.
  • Unlock a scientist, find a graveyard, attack a ghost with Ghost Gibber you start with, destroy tombstones to spawn a ghost if there are none.

  • Beat slums with just fists.
  • Not exactly JUST fists - special abilities are ok too. Just not melee weapons or anything you shoot with. If you get points for "used only fists" by end of level, you did it right.
  • Just pick am exclusively melee fighter - gorilla is easy to get, werewolf also works. Don't use melee weapons if you pick them up.

  • Beat slums as vampire.
  • Unlock vampire, then beat slums.
  • Don't fear the cameras as they can't see you.
  • When injured, prey for single individuals and suck them off dry. Avoid doing this to enemies when they're not alone in the building as sucking is loud.
  • Vampire is a tricky character, but you can sell the abundant useless food to get handier items.
Cumulative Character Unlocks
Due to some arbitrary guide section size limits and the fact these achievements have to be grinded trough multiple playtroughs, I put them in a separate category.

  • Bribe cops three times across multiple playtroughs.
  • You have to approach a cop and give them a flat sum to ignore crimes on that floor. Better do it earlier on as prices go up with each floor.

  • Pollute 5 air filtration systems, across multiple playtroughs.
  • Just grab those syringes you find and dump them into the air conditioneer-like things next to some buildings. It's pretty handy, can lure out people outside.

  • Beat any floor with 5 different characters.
  • Obviously easiest to pull off with slums. Should earn it together with Industrial one, playing the characters you're best at one after another until you have beaten the Slum floors with 5 different characters.

  • Spend 1500 money, over multiple playtroughs.
  • Just keep playing and using shopkeepers and all sorts of vending machines and bribing people until you unlock this. These cumulative achievements are boring and free of strategy or nuance.

  • Purchase 4 slaves over multiple playtroughs.
  • Another cumulative achievement, just approach the gimp-looking types and buy slaves.
Quest Conqueror
  • Complete any big quest.
  • Big quests require you to complete a character-specific object each level. Usually you can't skip the challenge on any of levels, although some may be more flexible, like Slum Dweller has to pay 750 cash over single playtrough, but can submit up to 100 each level, thus it's possible to achieve it earlier, or make up for skipped level.
  • The optional objectives get marked on the map when you open it, if appropriate. The objective counter is also there, so I recommend popping the objective list and exploring a bit if you're not sure what needs to be done.
  • Because of how different these big quests are, just pick the character class you're best with, and try to reach the final )Mayor Village) area. Although I would recommend against picking Scientist due to amount of steps required, Investment Banker because dude's hardcore, Shopkeeper due to long-windedness, or Shapeshifter due to trickyness of pulling this off right - especially on later levels.
  • I'd argue gorilla and soldier missions are most straightforward and thus simple but your milleage may vary.

Hostile Takeover
  • Kill mayor, take his hat.
  • The mayor will be hanging out on the last level, his location marked on the map. He's got plenty of supercops guarding him, and they won't let you stay too close to him.
  • Despite the amount of cops present, it's pretty comparable to average uptown assaination, so any ways of getting rid of cops will work. Splash damage explosives and cyanide and other poisonings may be the quickest option.
  • Once supercop entourage is gone, the mayor is a very defenseless target.

Peaceful Takeover
  • Get the hat without killing mayor or winning elections.
  • You have a chance to get the hat by asking for it or threatening for it, but you need the mayor to like you (with items like hypnotizers or perfume) and secure a pass from town hall, so cops wouldn't be aggroed by you approaching mayor .
  • Other options are more class-specific: thief steal, trade as a shopkeeper, capture the mayor as slavemaster. Comedian also has a chance to make mayor like them.

Legal Takeover
  • The hardest of ways to get the hat.
  • You are better off starting at the very beginning, even if you ace every floor you won't have sufficient votes if you start in Park or later levels.
  • If you press R (or whatever you have mapped to displayed current level stats), you'll see indicators showing your total, and current level support. Total support starts at negative, and changes at the end of level. If there are more people who hate you than like you, it decreases by one, if more that like you, it increases by one. Having it at zero leads to no change. You have to make sure your total support is at least at +1 by the time you reach mayor village.
  • Everyone hostile, annoyed at or with a class that automatically hates you (Say, crepes always hate blahds, scientists always hate gorillas) don't decrease the vote if they don't encounter you, but killing them increases your support on floor. Every single character that is aligned, loyal or friendly to you counts as positive vote.
  • Everyone aligned with you by default and of same class are a secured vote so try to keep them safe.
  • Everyone you aggro or annoy count as negative vote, that's why it's best to kill them outright, unless you already have the vote secured for floor.
  • You can secure votes by giving food items or cigarettes to office workers, liberating lab and prison captives (although zombies will be hostile unless you're a zombie yourself), completing optional quests, bribing bouncers.
  • Using the perfume makes everyone like you and secures their vote unless aggroed, which immediatelly makes the item super useful when going for legal takeover.
  • Playing as comedian you can kill off everyone who doesn't like your jokes, and keeping those who liked them alive.
  • You can pay downtown or uptown mafia members to influence elections, increasing your total support by few points, but this works only once.

You Rule
  • Once you got the hat, get to the podium and deliver a speech.
  • Just follow trough the takeover acheivement guides to get the hat, it shouldn't be a problem reaching podium after that.

The Bad Ending
  • When you got the hat, instead of going to a podium, find those four fences off bottomless pits, and dump the hat into one of them.
  • Only complication is that you need to break the fence first. You can do this with explosives, or if your character is strong enough you can punch somebody neraby so they would hit the fences while knocked away, potentially breaking the walls. Should be a piece of cake for a jock in particular.
  • You can also drop the hat into the bottomless pit at the edge of level but that's way more effort.
1.0 Achievements
None of these unlock anything.

  • Kill everyone on a map.
  • Easier to perform in the slums or the park where amount of NPCs is smaller.
  • Best performed with caombat-centric character like wrestler or soldier.

The Best Around
  • Win an Arena fight.
  • Arenas are only found in Downtown area, and require you to defeat several NPCs without any weapons after signing up for a fight.
  • Pick a character with high strength stat that won't aggro business owners by entering, sign up at the counter, leave the weapons by the bouncer, and enter and kill off the wrestlers. You don't even need to pick up the prize to get the achievement.

Slaver Enslaver
  • Enslave a slaver.
  • Pick a slaver, stun and enslave them.
  • Watch out, they attend their slave sales in pairs or more! Take down the rest before you capture the one.

  • Electrocute someone in water.
  • Start the game as slavemaster or custom character with tazer in the park or downtown, those areas always have large pools of water. Aggro somebody to attack you by hitting them, run into water, shoot them when they're also in water. It will deal extra damage.

Murderous Mixologist
  • Give somebody a Cyanide Cocktail.
  • Start the game as bartender. Look up the drug dealers offers to see if they have cyanide. Buy it, and use the mixing device bartenders come with, then offer the cyanide drink to anyone.

Ironic Killer
  • Kill somebody with a gravestone throw.
  • Start as wrestler or custom character with throw ability. Find a floor with graveyard, then damage somebody so they drop down to like half the health, then have them chase you to graveyard or just return with a picked up gravestone, throw it at them.

Safe Travels
  • Nicely asked an NPC to leave a level.
  • You have to get a quest to "eliminate" an NPC, and make it so you're better than Friendly with them, and tell to leave town.
  • Easiest way is to start as bartender, find an elimination target, and use the hyponotizer on them. Then ask them to leave.

Potent Mix
  • Have four status effects at once.
  • Just collect enough syringes and other non-lethal status inducers. Then consume them all at the same time.

Fountain of Life
  • Poison a water body with Resurrection Shampoo.
  • Acquire the resurrection shampoo. Instead of consuming, find a water hose near lake in the parks area, or near a pool in uptown or mayor's village, and use the shampoo on it.

Creative Genius
  • Create a custom character.
  • In character selection menu, click on one of black outlines at the bottom and create a new character.

Flat Earther
  • Fall off the edge of map.
  • Either jump off the very edge of one of those railroads you can find in the industrial and downtown areas, or use explosives to blow the wall all the way to edge of map and jump off it.

Creature Featuret
  • Kill a vampire as a werewolf.
  • Start the game in Park area as a werewolf, find and kill a vampire.

Fast Food
  • Make the fridge "run".
  • Start as a hacker or find the hacking tool item, hack the fridge and make it "Run".

True Believer
  • Encounter an alien.
  • The trickiest one. For this you will require a special type of building that only shows up in uptown, looks like a square building with some rooms inside and a courtyard in the very middle, and there's a satelite dish there. You will also need a wrench and a character with expanded computer usage options perk like Hacker or Scientist.
  • Interact with the satelite dish when you have the wrench, this will give you an option to use it on the dish. Then interact with computer, and pick Overcharge Dish option, which will then spawn an alein you can interact with.

  • Kill the Killer Robot.
  • Third floors have a chance to feature a killer robot sent after you. Taking down the robot requires a lot of offensive weaponry.
  • Please note that robot is immune to a lot of effects and items so you cannot steal it's ammo or shrink ir, etc.
  • Make sure you have enough offensive options against it, and at least some option to restock them, such as money and ammo vendor or kill ammunizer. Simply dodge the thing's rockets, avoid right spaces and proximity to walls, while shooting the thing. You can try engaging it in melee but only if you have the invincibility effect on, otherwise it may be impossible to dodge rockets and they deal great damage.
Azi Karnage 18 May @ 11:58pm 
"suck them off dry"
浩然 24 Apr @ 7:40am 
Nystul 7 Dec, 2023 @ 8:44pm 
Tips for Killer Robot:
-Stealing its ammo DOES work, and can be used to fully render it stuck as melee.
-It's basically trivial to beat if you're playing as Robot or a custom character with the same ability, since EMP will paralyze it for an extended period. Steal its ammo, and then EMP it from a safe distance until it dies. For bonus points, EMP while it's standing in a puddle and the water will damage it over time.
Pinski 8 Sep, 2023 @ 3:43am 
@Frank Sinatra
It tells you how to do it in the guide.


Beat all three floors of Slums with 5 different characters.
Custom characters don't count.
Soldiers, gangsters, cannibals, gorillas and werewolves are an easy option seeing how they have superior combat proves.
Frank Sinatra 25 Aug, 2023 @ 11:41pm 
Maybe someone here can help me out because I don't know what I am doing.

How do you unlock specific floors with the elevator? I only have the slums and I have gone through the story with the Gorilla and Doctor. I see the requirements, and for Industrial I have Thief, Cop, Soldier, and Robot, but I can't seem to progress. I completed the Slums with Doctor and Gorilla but those do not show up as progress for any of my floors. I don't have any other floor progress and confused to what I am missing.

Can someone help?
ChihiroAE21 16 Aug, 2023 @ 9:34am 
Makes me wonder if the crusher can be used against the Killer Robot, if they do manage to appear on a level that has crushers. Then the achievement will be true to the name.
Volterknight 5 Aug, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
For those trying to find a way to the bad ending, you have to drop the hat and the ground and then punch it into the hole. It doesn't exactly spell it out for you, but that's exactly what you do.
Gru445 11 Jul, 2023 @ 8:29am 
This is better than the wiki.
westrichark 11 Jun, 2023 @ 1:44am 
Another easy-ish way to complete the legal takeover would be to class as vampire and simply buy perfume every floor and use it after you have completed all of your quests. I did it this way and had a +10 election run so even if you miss a few floors due to insufficient funds you should be able to win the election very easily.
HeraldOfOpera 6 Mar, 2023 @ 10:48pm 
I defeated the Killer Robot with mostly its own rockets, just baiting it into firing in such a way that it hurt itself. It's pretty dumb!