Aliens: Colonial Marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines

ModWatch: Aliens Survival Experience (Can These Modders Save Aliens: Colonial Marines?)
battou 7 May, 2023 @ 10:30am 
Ah. Heatwarming to encounter a post vith a video of a passion project of mine at that time.) Im the original creator of this mod. I was even banned on Gearbox forum for creating instructions on how to mod game using hex editor. Unfortunetly after they released and Addon that changed almoat all game files I was forced to stop my work because I didnt have it at that time. And modding it using hex additing and other resource hacks wasnt easy task. But I glad that someone else also found my work enjoyable.) Hope they will someday release a propper Aliens game with the feel of Aliens movie and AvP 2 game.
Viper84 15 Aug, 2021 @ 4:23pm 
if you played the original aliens game like me you would think this game is actually pretty awesome, who is to say that ya couldnt go hand to hand with the xeno like ya do in the game, the xeno isnt all powerful it can bleed, which means it can die, just watch out for the blood
GoAZwerG 30 May, 2013 @ 5:13am