The Curse of Monkey Island

The Curse of Monkey Island

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The Curse of Monkey Island - Mega Monkey Walkthrough
โดย Axxxel
Welcome to my "The Curse of Monkey Island - Mega Monkey" Walkthrough! This is the 3rd part of Guybrush Threepwood's adventure and my personal favorite! I will try to make this guide as brief as possible, meaning that i will mainly focus on game progress rather than providing information and details about this great game itself. Don't get frustrated when you see so many bulletpoints for each chapter, as it's a matter of seconds to complete each one. I hope you will enjoy it as much as i did! If you liked this guide, rate it up and add it in your favorites! Also feel free to leave feedback in the comment section below for possible mistakes or suggestions. Have fun!
Here's my playthrough on Twitch:
Part I: The demise of the zombie pirate LeChuck

  • Talk to Wally (kid pirate).
  • Choose answers that indicate he is not made for a pirate. He'll eventually start crying.
  • Pick up the plastic hook
  • Pick up the ramrod (wall)
  • Use the cannon and shoot at the 4 boats.
  • Combine the plastic hook with the ramrod to make a gaff
  • Go outside the window and use the gaff on the debris (yellow armband) to pick up the skeleton arm and the cutlass
  • Go back inside and use the cutlass with the cannon restraint rope
  • Fire the canon
  • Pick up the bag (in front of you, a few steps away)
  • Pick up the ring (it was under the bag)
  • Use the ring with the porthole (round window).
Part II: The curse gets worse

  • Pick up the glowing ember (to your right)
  • Walk to the right until you find a path that takes you to the island's map.
  • Go to the middle, where the shipwreck is (Swamp - location names will be revealed after you visit them).
  • Enter the ship to trigger a conversation with Murray
  • End the conversation and enter the ship.
  • Pick up the paste and the pin (both in front of you on the floor)
  • Open your inventory and use the bag of nickels with the gumball machine (left) to pick up a pack of gum
  • Pull the alligator tongue
  • Talk to the Voodoo priestess until Guybrush goes to the beach and returns.
  • End the dialogue after choosing any options that you see fit (or fun!) and go back to the island's map
  • Go to the town (Puerto Pollo) entering from the bottom left side (harbor)
  • Talk to the small pirate (Kenny Falmouth) and buy a lemonade (best "policy" ever!)
  • Walk to the right, past the bridge and enter the theater from the side-door on the left (tall building with a clock, which by the way is showing your local time, based on your PC's clock!)
  • Look at the pirate coat
  • Pick up the dandruff (which turns out to be lice)
  • Open the pocket of the coat and pick up the glove
  • Pick up the magic wand (table) and use it on the magic hat
  • Pick up the book
  • Exit the theater and go to the Barbery Coast (bottom right, docks)
  • When the barber pirate (Haggis McMutton) leaves his comb on the table, quickly combine it with the lice from your inventory
  • Ask Haggis for a haircut and use the handle
  • Pick up the paperweight and Haggis leaves, use the handle again, 3 times
  • Pick up the scissors
  • Talk to the salty pirate (Cutthroat Bill). End the conversation and push him. Then push him again.
  • Pick up the jawbreaker
  • Leave the Barbery Coast and head back towards Kenny Falmouth. Before you reach him, you'll see a wooden house (it's a restaurant called Blondebeard's Chicken Shoppe). On its left side, use the scissors to the mysterious flowers (you now have an ipecac flower)
  • Use the scissors with the remaining undergrowth
  • Walk forward. After you get swallowed by the snake, pick up the Faberge egg, the vacuum cleaner attachments and the lots-o-stuff
  • Combine the ipecac flower with the pancake syrup
  • Use the syrup of ipecac with the snake head
  • Pick up the reeds (right) and the thorn form the thorn plant
  • Combine the helium balloon with the paperweight
  • Blow on the floating balloon
  • Combine the thorn with the hollow reed and make a pea shooter
  • Use the pea shooter with the floating balloon
  • Exit Danjer Cove and go to Puerto Pollo and Blondebeard's Chicken Shoppe
  • You can freely enter because you have a reservation slip, found in the snake's belly.
  • Pick up a tasty, buttery biscuit and then eat it
  • Use the maggots on the gross chicken and pick up the club card
  • Push the quiet patron and pick up the serrated breadknife
  • Pick up the biscuit cutter and the pie pan
  • Give the jawbreaker to Captain Blondebeard and then give him the pack of gum
  • When he makes a bubble use the pin on it and pick up the gold tooth
  • Select "chew" on pack of gum and combine chewed gum with gold tooth
  • Select "inhale" on helium balloon and then "chew" on tooth on gum
  • Exit the restaurant and use the pie pan with the mudpuddle to get the gold tooth
  • Walk past the theater to the right under the arch
  • At the field, walk towards the grassy knoll and use the serrated breadknife on the sawhorse
  • Use the ember on stick with the trail of rum
  • Go to the Barbery Coast and talk to Cutthroat Bill. Go through the conversation options until he asks for proof that you can actually find real treasure. End the conversation and use the gold tooth on him
  • Ask Haggis to join your crew. Accept his caber toss challenge, which you will easlily win
  • Talk to the dapper pirate (Edward VanHelgen) and ask him to join your crew. When he tells you about the gentlemen's duel end the conversation and insult him by using the glove on him
  • Close the middle box lid and open the banjo case
  • The banjo duel works simply: when Edward starts playing, he occasionally plays a single string. You have to memorize the sequennce of the single strings and play them when it's your turn. I numbered the strings from top to bottom from 1 to 5, so i kept in mind the sequence i.e. like this, 2-3-1-5. You have to play correct 3 sequences to proceed.
  • When he starts playing fast behind his head go to the gun pile and pick up the pistol
  • Shoot him when he plays the banjo in front of his chest
  • After the cutscene, go back to the field where you had the duel. Use the biscuit cutter to the rubber tree (next to the one you blew up!)
  • Go to Danjer Cove
  • In your inventory, use the paste with the rubber plug and then use that with the boat's gaping hole
  • Use the boat and go to the pirate ship. Use the serrated breadknife with the plank and climb up the ship
  • After you get tarred and feathered go back to Blondebeard's Chicken Shoppe in Puero Pollo
  • Use the book (inventory) with Captain LeChimp
  • Open the porthole and exit. Go to the theater in Puerto Pollo and go up the stairs
  • Use the handle and press the buttons with the following sequence: bottom-right, top-left, middle-left, bottom-middle, middle-right, top-right two times, middle-right, bottom-left. An "X" should appear on the stage if you did it correct
  • Use the chicken grease with the cannonballs
  • On the stage, use the shovel
  • Exit the ship. Then use the boat to go to the beach and from there to the island's map and the east part of the island (Cabana)
  • Give the club card to the cabana boy
  • Pick up a towel and combine it with the ice bucket then use it on the cabana boy
  • Pick up the cooking oil, two more towels and put them into the ice bucket
  • Walk towards the beach and use the wet towels on the hot sand
  • Pick up the mug (talk to the guy if you want, it's optional), open the gate and go to Kenny in Puerto Pollo
  • Use the mug with the bottomless mug and buy a lemonade
  • Pick up the pitcher and use it with the dye vat (to the right)
  • Go to Brimstone Beach and use the bottomless mug on the sunbather
  • Use the pitcher with red dye with the bottomless mug
  • Use the cooking oil with the map and pick it up. Exit the beach
Part III: Three sheets to the wind

  • In order to interrupt the rhyming song, go through the dialogue options until you see the line "We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange" and select it
  • Select the "I think i'll let you guys help me out" line to have easier sea combats
  • Look at the navigational chart
  • Now you there is a patern that you must repeat a few times. A) You must defeat other ships B) win the insult duel with each pirate C) Spend the treasure you've just earned at Kenny's new shop, buying an upgrated cannon. You must repeat that until you're ready to face Captain Rottingham. Let's see each part seperately.
  • A)That part is really easy since you've chosen easier sea combats earlier. One shot (right click) will defeat the enemy ship (considering you upgrade your cannons after every win) and allow you to proceed to step B) insult duel. Note that if you lose the insult duel, you won't have to defeat the same ship again, just click on it when you see it on the map
  • B)To win the insult duel is a matter of trial and error. When an enemy pirate is throwing you a new insult, you automaticaly memorize it. Use it next time you encounter a pirate and learn the appropriate answer. Losing duels and repeating will eventually provide you with all the insults and insult answers you need to beat Captain Rottingham
  • C)DON'T forget to spend your treasure at Kenny's new shop, buying new cannons every time you win an insult duel
  • When you are ready to fight Captain Rottingham (after you have purchased all the available cannon upgrades), note that he uses different insults but the answers you need to use are the ones you've learned. Check the following dialogues if you have trouble matching them
  • My attacks have left entire islands depopulated! - With your breath, I'm sure they all suffocated.
  • You have the sex appeal of a shar-pei! - I look that much like your fiancee?
  • Never before have I faced someone so sissified! - Is that your face? I thought it was your backside.
  • Your lips look like they belong on the catch of the day! - When I'm done with you, you'll be a boneless filet.
  • I give you a choice. You can be gutted, or decapitated! - With you around, I'd rather be fumigated.
  • You're a disgrace to your species, you're so undignified! - At least mine can be identified.
  • Nothing can stop me from blowing you away! - I could, if you would use some breath spray.
  • I have never lost a melee! - You would have, but you were always running away.
  • Your mother wears a toupee! - Oh, that is so cliche.
  • Your looks would make pigs nauseated! - If you don't count all the ones you've dated.
  • When I'm done, your body will be rotted and putrefied! - Then killing you must be justifiable fungicide.
  • My skills with a sword are highly venerated! - Too bad they're all fabricated.
  • Your stench would make an outhouse cleaner irritated! - Then perhaps you should switch to decaffeinated.
  • I can't tell which of my traits have you the most intimidated! - Your odor alone makes me aggravated, agitated, and infuriated
  • Nothing on this earth can save your sorry hide! - The only way you'll be preserved is in formaldehyde
  • You'll find I'm dogged and relentless to my prey! - Then be a good dog, Sit! Stay!
Part IV: The bartender, the thieves, his aunt, and her lover

  • Pick up the bottle and leave the area, to the island's map and go to the hotel (middle)
  • Enter and pick up the cushion (walk left)
  • Talk to the bartender
  • Pick up the recipe book (blue, on his left) and read it. There is "A Pirate's First Hangover Cure" after some pages
  • Go to the left side of the island (windmill) and pick up a pepper next to the door
  • Go to the cemetery (between the windmill and the hotel)
  • Walk to the next screen and pick up the mallet and chisel next to the dog
  • Use the half-eaten maggoty biscuit with the dog
  • Pick up the smelly dog hair from the dog
  • Go to the beach (east from the lighthouse)
  • Use the cushion on the rocks under the rubber tree
  • Use the mallet with the rubber tree
  • Go to the hotel and hotel and give the egg, the pepper and the smelly dog hair to the bartender
  • Ask for a drink, "a big fruity one with an umbrella in it"
  • Drink it and walk right, to the door and open it (next to the neon sign)
  • Pick up the refrigerator magnet. Exit the hotel
  • Go to the strange lights (next to the volcano) and pick up the measuring cup (walk to the right)
  • Go to the beach and use the measuring cup with the seawater
  • Open your inventory and bite the bottle to get a cork
  • Combine the pin with the refrigerator magnet and then with the cork. Combine that with the measuring cup and you now have a compass
  • Go to the hotel and order a drink
  • Use the chisel on the Head-B-Clear and then use it with the grog and drink it
  • Use the chisel on the coffin lid
  • Use the chisel on the coffin in the middle of the room
  • Pick up the coffin nails from the coffin you were in
  • Go to the hotel and go upstairs. Enter the left room
  • Use the mallet on the nail in the wall
  • Exit the room and pick up nail and the portrait
  • Use the laminated business card to the right door
  • Pull down the bed and use the coffin nails and the nail on it
  • Pick up the book
  • Go downstairs and talk to the bartender. Go through all dialogue options
  • Tell him you are a Goodsoup and choose a name
  • Go upstairs and use the scissors on the portrait
  • Put the portrait on the left door. Open it, enter and put your head in the porthole
  • Go downstairs and ask the bartender if you look like a Goodsoup. Then tell him "you could talk about Goodsoup family history all day"
  • Go to the cemetery and ask an insurance from Stan. Give him the gold tooth
  • Go to the hotel and order another drink. Combine it with Head-B-Clear and drink it
  • Walk to the left and talk to the ghost of Minnie Goodsoup. Go through all dialogue options
  • Walk to the left and pick up the crowbar
  • Go around the coffin and when Murray drops, pick him up
  • Look through the crack in the wall
  • Use the paste with the skeleton arm and then use it to to pick up the lantern
  • Put the lantern on the coffin lid and use Murray with the lantern
  • Go to the hotel and in the back room, pick up the death certificate
  • Go to the cemetery and show the death certificate to Stan
  • Go back to the hotel and pick up the mirror next to Griswold Goodsoup
  • Uset the face (inventory) with the mirror frame and pick up the empty jar (right)
  • Talk to Madame Xima and insist until she agrees to "read" your fortune
  • Pick up the tarot card and get ask her "read" your fortune again. Repeat until you collect 5 cards
  • Go to the windmill and use the umbrella with the windmill blades
  • Use the empty jar with the barrel (sugar water)
  • Go to the left of the shipwreck (Elaine)
  • Put the jar of water on the stump
  • Use the chisel with the jar lid
  • Use the jar lid on the jar with the fireflies
  • Go to the lighthouse and use the mirror with the mirror from the hotel
  • Use the lantern with the lantern post
  • Go to the beach and talk to the mysterious figure in the boat
  • Ask him to take you to Skull Island and then give him the compass.
  • Ask the winch operator to lower you down to the smugglers' cave
  • While you are falling, quickly open your inventory and use the umbrella
  • Talk yo the smugglers inside the smugglers' cave and claim that you have SO much money, it's "embarrassing". Then ask for the diamond and eventually you will be offered a deal
  • When you are looking at the cards, give the 5 tarot cards to King Andre
  • Go to the hotel and in the room where the skeleton was, use the crowbar with the boarded hole and then with the bed
  • Pick up the engagement band and leave
  • Go to the shipwreck and talk to Haggis about the bottle of lotion
  • Go to the hotel and enter the back room. Use the chisel with the wheel-o-cheese
  • Go to the village and pick up the block of tofu the auger (right) and combine them
  • Put on the tofu mask and walk towards the volcano
  • Throw the un-melted hunk of nacho cheese in the massive seething caldera
  • Go to the hotel and put the rest of the un-melted hunk of nacho cheese in the cooking pot (outside, to the right) then pick up the cooking pot
  • Pick up the greasy slippery hand lotion
  • Go to the clearing and combine the enormous diamond with the engagement band
  • Use the greasy slippery hand lotion with the cursed diamond ring on Elaine and then use completed diamond ring on her
Part V: Kiss of the spider monkey

  • You can optionally talk to LeChuck about many interesting things to make your whole experience of the game more complete and when you are ready finish the conversation.
  • Open the door and walk out. Ask Dinghy Dog how can you win one of the prizes. Then ask him to guess your age and pick the anchor as your prize
  • Check the bottle in your inventory (Cap'n Nick's Shaving Soap) and combine it with the pie pan to make a fake pie. Then combine it with the anchor
  • Use the heavy fake pie with the meringue pies (next to the Wharf Rat)
  • Open the gate and look through the hole (you'll pick up a meringue pie)
  • Push the Dinghy Dog as many times needed until he bites you (you'll get Dinghy Dog hair)
  • Walk towards the soda jerk (right) and pick up the pepper mill
  • Order a snow cone from the soda jerk
  • Combine the pepper mill, the Dinghy Dog hair and the meringue pie with the snow cone and it!
Part VI: Guybrush kicks butt once again

  • Get out of the car at the three-headed monkey theme and pick up the fallen rope
  • Ride the next car and get out at the pirate ship theme to pick up a keg o' rum
  • Catch the next car and get out at the Guybrush, LeChuck and Wally theme
  • Open the lantern and blow out the flame, then pick up the flask o' oil
  • Take the next car and get out at snow theme
  • Walk up towards the Giant Snow Monkey and put the keg o' rum under it's arm
  • Combine the fallen rope with the flask o' oil and then with the keg o' rum
  • Go down the tracks and when LeChuck appears and tries to set you on fire, quickly open your inventory and use the pepper mill on him
  • Enjoy the final cutscene!!!

Well done swashbuckling adventurer, you've made it!

42 ความเห็น
Axxxel  [ผู้สร้าง] 28 ต.ค. 2021 @ 7: 51am 
Axxxel  [ผู้สร้าง] 10 มี.ค. 2021 @ 5: 20am 

Thanks for sharing :dwarven:
Vold 9 มี.ค. 2021 @ 1: 53am 
Controls I use
the letters E, T & U
E for looking
T for talking
U for using

Finished the game without using the pop up control "coin".

I used quick saves and load via:
Saving Alt-#
Loading Ctrl-#

Also speed walking
Axxxel  [ผู้สร้าง] 28 ก.พ. 2021 @ 2: 01am 

You are welcome, i hope you enjoyed it :dwarven:
//Sunny// 27 ก.พ. 2021 @ 10: 02am 
To SAVE/LOAD the game, press F5.
A menu will appear.
Thanks for the walkthrough @Axxxel :steamthumbsup:
Fozzforus 3 ม.ค. 2021 @ 2: 36pm 
I figured it out and you're only half right.

This game, Full Throttle, and probably one or two other games featured a hovering picture menu. In order to get it come up on this you need to hold in the left mouse button while touching something. While you're holding the button a menu will come up showing the interaction commands. The menu in this game is in the shape of coin and it might take a second to figure out because I can't think of any other system that uses a hold-click and drag for the commands.
Axxxel  [ผู้สร้าง] 3 ม.ค. 2021 @ 5: 36am 

It's a point-and-click game so simply put the cursor over an item/character that you want to interact with and by clicking you can chose an action. Sometimes you will have to open your inventory to use/combine an item that you possess. That's all :steamhappy: Happy new year :2016villain:
Fozzforus 2 ม.ค. 2021 @ 9: 37am 
Can someone please make a guide showing the basic controls? I don't understand how to do anything in this game.
Axxxel  [ผู้สร้าง] 30 ธ.ค. 2020 @ 10: 47am 

Greetings Luigi! Did you try doing Haggis' sequence first (comb with lice, chair etc) to make him leave the shop and then try Bill? Let me know if it worked.

Best wishes and much love to Italy :2016villain: Stay safe :cozybethesda:
saulgoodman90 30 ธ.ค. 2020 @ 9: 15am 
Hello to all the community; I write from Italy, so I apologize in advance for my english.

I'm stuck at one point (playing the easy mode: yes, I'm a noob, but this game reminds me of my childhood) and I'm breaking my head trying to understand what to do: in chapter two, I'm at the barber shop in Puerto Pollo, and I already beat Edward at playing banjo (and I already have the map).
I know I should push Cutthroat Bill in order to make him spit the jawbreaker, but Guybrush doesn't want to push him.
What should have I missed?

Thank to you all and stay safe
