Gal*Gun: Double Peace

Gal*Gun: Double Peace

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How to skip Opening Logos and Setup menu
By KingKrouch
This guide explains how to skip the opening logos and setup menu in GalGun Double Peace
When the game starts up, you are met with opening logos, specifically the Unreal Engine and Flash GUI logos, alongside the whole setup screen, where you can change the screen resolution before starting the game up.

I will teach you how to skip these entirely, and go right to the main menu. Keep in mind, that due to a somewhat weird issue with one of the game's menus, the game starts up in a Windowed 720p mode. I will also teach you how to get around that issue, without needing to press a key at startup (Like what the PCGaming Wiki suggests at the moment), by editing a config file that is easily accessible in the game's directory.

Buckle up, because this might be somewhat lengthy.

Current issues:

2. Save data mysteriously disappears. I am unsure how this happens. After starting a new game, and attempting to save, the save data seems to be wiped once you restart the game. It seems as if the startup map loads some save related functions. Considering this, I am going to look into doing a modification to the game's unrealscript files, so then the opening logos and such can be skipped without needing to mess around with map files. This should also fix the save issue too. Stay tuned.

3. After doing the skip startup tweak, you will need to make any system settings adjustments (like resolution, shadows, MSAA anti-aliasing, etc) through the "DefaultSystemSettings.ini" file, instead of doing them through the "GG2SystemSettings.ini" file.
Skipping the Opening Logos and the Setup Screen
1. Go to the SteamApps folder where you installed GalGun Double Peace (For me, the directory was Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\GalGun Double Peace\)

2. Go into the "CookedPC" directory, and then the "Maps" directory.

3. Make a quick copy/backup of the "GG2Startup.umap" and the "Title.umap" files where you will remember, just in case if anything happens.

4. Delete the "GG2Startup.umap" file in the Maps folder, make a copy of "Title.umap", and rename said copy of "Title.umap" to "GG2Startup.umap".

This should skip the opening logos and the setup menu.

Now onto Step Two: Fixing the game going into Windowed 720p by default, to a fullscreen resolution
Fixing the Game's Resolution and Window Mode
Now that you got it so the opening logos and the setup menu is skipped entirely, it should bring you to the title screen right away.

However, the issue now is that the game will automatically default to 720p (1280x720) in Windowed mode, instead of Fullscreen, which is NOT what we want. Sites like the PCGaming Wiki suggest to bind a console command to a key (Like F3 or something), but you would have to do this every single time when you start the game, so I'll give a permanent fix, that will even include adjusting the resolution to your liking.

1. Go to the SteamApps folder where you installed GalGun Double Peace (For me, the directory was Z:\Steam\steamapps\common\GalGun Double Peace\)

2. Go into the "GG2Game" directory, and then the "Config" directory.

3. Open "DefaultSystemSettings.ini" with a text editor, like Notepad (Which is built into Windows, it should do the trick), or Notepad++ (Which is far more feature rich, and you can download online for free).

4. Scroll down the "[SystemSettings]" section, until you see the "ResX", "ResY", "Fullscreen", and "Borderless" lines.

5. Change "Fullscreen" from "False" to "True"

6. Change "ResX" from "1280" to the horizontal pixel count of your screen resolution. For a 1080p Display, this should be changed to "1920".

7. Change "ResY" from "720" to the vertical pixel count of your screen resolution. For a 1080p Display, this should be changed to "1080".

8 (OPTIONAL). Change the "Borderless" value from "False" to "True".