Rocket League

Rocket League

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By Testiboule
List of Rocket League Scammers
Rocket League Scammers
I have created a list of NEW and Common Tactics Scammers are using to take your precious items. If you read and understand this guide you will never be scammed of your Rocket League items. If I missed any scamming methods, please let me know and I will update the guide immediately.

Scamming Tactics
1. The most successful scam to date is adding uncommon items to the trade box hiding the valuable item, then removing said item and accepting the trade. To prevent this common scam, always double check the valuable item is in the trade box before clicking accept. Here is an example video of said scam:

2. Duplication: If you see this word, it is a scam.

3. Lying about item colors, always click SHOW DETAILS. For example, black and grey can look to be the same color.

4. Paypal, CS GO SKINS, Wallet Codes: Be very careful when trading for outside items. There is ZERO protection and always a risk when dealing anyone claiming to offer these items. Keep in mind trading for real money is against the Terms of Service.

5. Impersonations: Users have reported individuals impersonating popular youtubers and streamers in order to get free items, do not fall for it.

6. If your being offered OUTSIDE ITEMS, I highly urge you to use a middle man to make it safe for both individuals.

7. False +Rep: Anyone can fake having +Rep from past trades, thus having +rep on a profile means literally nothing. There are even groups/guides that offer fake +rep for fake +rep.

8. Trade Banned & Private Profiles: Be very cautious around private profiles and accounts with trade bans. Luckily, even private profiles cannot hide from being already trade banned. If your trading 50+ Keys or outside items, be careful.

9. Steam Level: Like +rep, steam level means nothing. A scammer can be rank 0 or rank 100, the best scammers are high levels, do no trade outside items or 50+ keys to people without a reputable middleman.

10. Fake Price Guide Scam: Be very careful with untrusted price guides promoting fake or low prices for expensive items. Certain creators of guides are purposely lowering prices on popular items so they can buy them cheaply and sell them for more.

11. Certification Bug: As some of you experienced traders may already know, there is an occasional bug where certification of an item doesn't appear in the trade box. Scammers have taken advantage of this bug to take your precious items. Screenshots can be a solution to this, however reports have shown scammers can switch the bugged certified item for a non certified item and the other individual will have no idea. The best method to counter this bug is ask the trader to broadcast the trade so you can see the bugged certified item. Steam has a free broadcast option you can use at any time.