Hotel Anatolia

Hotel Anatolia

41 ratings
Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
By hitodama
A simple guide of how to get through the game and get all the achievements while doing so!
Here's a really simple walkthrough of how to get through the game. This doesn't really touch the story or lore side of the game, so if you are interested in that take time to read through the game's dialogue and notes scattered throughout the building.

1. The game starts when you and your wife arrive to Hotel Anatolia. Talk to the receptionist and choose "check-in" to proceed.

2. You get the room 207, which is the last room of the second floor. Follow your wife to the room and interact with the bed to go to sleep.

3. After you wake up leave the room and walk to the end of the corridor. A monster will attack and you are teleported back to your room.

4. A woman comes to knock on your door to complain about noises. Save before you open the door, as your answer to her will determine some events later! On your first playthrough you can choose either of the options ("be nice" or "be aggressive") as either will get you through the game. After that go back to sleep.

5. When waking up this time you'll be locked in your room. In the right side of the room there's a Morse code sheet and apparently a telephone that lets out some beeping. The code is 5493 and you need to enter it to a safe that's in the closet at the left side of the room.

6. Leave your room and go downstairs. Check out the dead hotel receptionist. It's a bit hard to find the exact spot where the game lets you do that, so walk around him and smash the examining button. He'll give you a key to the room 205.

7. Go to 205, which is close to your own room. There's a key to the room 102 in a drawer at the left side of the room, so pick it up. After you have it a monster will try to attack you, so get out of the room as fast as possible.

8. Go to the room 102, which is in the first floor, on the left side of the reception desk. There's a bottle of chemical in a closet. Pick it up.

9. Go upstairs, where you finally are reunited with your wife, but a monster is trying to get her. Choose to either "help her" or "run". If you run she'll be dead, but if you help her out you'll tell her to get into the nearest room. So:

10. A) If you choose to help your wife she goes into the room. Go quickly after her and talk to her. When you leave the room you'll get a timer because you need to check her out every once in a while. Annoying, but fortunately you don't need to do it too many times. If the timer runs out before you visit her room she'll die.

10. B) If you choose to run your wife will get killed. You can just continue the game without her and the timer.

11. Go to the room 206 and melt some goo on the door that's preventing you from getting in. Pick up a key from a drawer at the back of the room.

12. Go downstairs. Now you need to go to the dining hall, which is down from the reception desk. In the hall circle the big table from the lower side of the room and open a box that's in a closet. After you've gotten a code 9827 from the closet a monster tries to attack. Circle the table now from the upper side of the room (if you do this the game automatically puts a chair to the monster's way to block its path) and get out.

13. Now go to the corridor on the left and try to go to the last room. The woman who previously was complaining about the noise is in a room before that and depending if you were nice to her or not she either tells you to leave or get in that room. So:

14. A) If you were nice you can go to her room. Talk to her and she'll give you a key.

14. B) If you were mean to her go to the last room instead. There's a closet and a box with number lock in it. Enter the code you got from the dining hall to get an axe. Then go to the woman's room and take the key by force.

15. The game tells you you got the exit key, but you actually didn't. The key goes to a janitor's closet behind the reception desk, so go there and grab a bunch of colored keys from a drawer.

16. A) If your wife is still alive you can now go to her room and get her, as you are about to escape the hotel.

16. B) If your wife is dead, proceed without her.

17. Go to the exit, which is on the right side of the reception desk. Go there and interact with the door. A monster tries to attack you for one last time and you have to go through the colored keys to find the right one. Use the green key to open the door and get to safety. Watch some cutscenes that change based on if your wife was alive in the end or not. Game finished!
The game has six achievements and here's how you get all of them!

1. Welcome to Hotel Anatolia
Just play the game and it'll unlock when the first monster attacks you.

2. Decoder
This one is also inevitably unlocked when you enter the first number code to open the safe in your room.

3. Murderer
Choose "be aggressive" when a woman comes to complain about noises and play through the game. It'll unlock a little bit before the ending.

4. Savior
Choose "be nice" when a woman comes to complain about noises and play through the game. It'll unlock a little bit before the ending.

5. Death Did Us Part
Escape the hotel without your wife. This unlocks after the ending.

6. Until Death Do Us Apart
Escape and finish the game with your wife. This unlocks after the ending.
Loravolpes 5 Feb, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
Thanks for guide :epiangel:
DeathHero® 11 Jan, 2023 @ 8:35am 
THX :cupup:
Seenu 19 Oct, 2018 @ 8:08am 
Thanks :csd2smile:
LyndaSmiles ᴱᴳ 29 May, 2018 @ 9:01pm 
Thanks for the guide and it helped alot!
hitodama  [author] 21 May, 2018 @ 4:39am 
Yes, two playthroughs are needed, if in one you are mean to the woman who comes knocking your door and then let your wife die, and another one were you are kind to the woman and keep your wife alive. You can skip the beginning on your second playthrough though if you save just before opening your door to the woman (part 4 in the guide).
jackplazma 20 May, 2018 @ 1:00pm 
as I understand it takes 2 walkthrought to get all achievments?