For Honor

For Honor

54 ratings
How 2 Professionally Play Centurion.
By zeredis
Back at it again with another pro guide, on the updated centurion. prepare for a good ol fashioned fisting
They hurt my boy
You sweaty nerds out there complained loud enough, complained to nerf the Centri-OWN, and it happened. They slowed down his punches, they slowed down his kicks, that means he has been eating a bit, but he wasn't getting fat. he was getting beefy.

He's so strong his own powerful muscles force him to take extra time with a punch, he wouldnt want to completely oneshot you now, would he?
how 2 get good (revised)
don't be like every other 12 year old that thought he was op and spam punches and kicks, you'll get outplayed by sweaty shaman 53 and die and want to bash their head in with your trashy ps4 controller.

wait these nerds out, Poke em with your lights or your 420mlg speed heavies. unless they are autoparry nerds you're in the clear

in the case of autoparrybois you're basically done im sorry man.
can you still give people cancer?
of course you can lmao, you can really give it to some nerds who deserve it. they cried out to nerf centurion but now everyones cries to nerf the overpowered shaman will be muffled.

you can be MLG and make up your own crazy-spooky combos, bashing peoples head in with your GB lights, throwing them into walls and making sure to push someone on the ground, and hop on their lap for a sexy sunday afternoon.

but you gotta remember this fact at the end of the day. facing 100 centurions over the length of a week is 420times better than facing one shaman. these are facts. trust me, I am a renowned MLG person.

This is an accurate picture of every centurion after seeing someone who plays shaman.

If you didn't get good from reading this guide, watch this (do it tho)
ICEWALLOWCOME 21 May, 2020 @ 2:41am 
Im waiting for that rework ubisoft
madvillainy 16 May, 2020 @ 12:01pm 
Biscuit™ 6 Dec, 2018 @ 5:07pm 
danke mann
Boner Grin™ 5 Dec, 2018 @ 5:46pm 
A good guide for a good boy. Thanke
zeredis  [author] 5 Dec, 2018 @ 7:56am 
thank you dad :]
General Jam 5 Dec, 2018 @ 4:14am 
I am the..INCREDIBILIS centurion....and i am very..very proud of you son.
mike hawk 4 Dec, 2018 @ 6:59am 
but how will u parry when u get wallsplat hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
YUHYUHYUHYUH 29 Nov, 2018 @ 11:08pm 
yall just mad you cant parry
SkyVan1eM 26 May, 2018 @ 10:13am