Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

307 ratings
By Luna O' Blue
Description of getting all 5-grade materials for engineering at the time of Elite Dangerous 3.0.


Guide is relevant for 07.09.18
Last changes 07.09.18

Pay attention that relevance and last changes are not the same thing. I could change only one guide section, not checking relevance of the others. However, such changes consider only design, text or minor information, not touching the basics. If guide is extensively updated all of its sections are checked to be relevant.

Nevertheless, information «oldness» does not mean its invalidity because it can stay the same for a long period of time and author just have nothing to update. To make sure that guide is not forsaken you just need to look at the dates of last comments from author or write yours and wait for the answer. If it comes – the guide is not forgotten, and information is still relevant.

In this guide ways of getting all 23 materials of the last grade are presented. All of them can be exchanged for lower grade materials with a material trader. It is confirmed that it is far more profitable to get high-grade material and exchange it for lower one than trade low-grade materials for high-grade. Nevertheless, because material capacity is in fact unlimited, it recommended to pick all the materials you find because their total quantity is increased.

Warning! Systems presented in the guide cover Bubble only and do not touch Colonia!


Unlike other materials, raw have only 4 grade levels (nevertheless, in some parts of the game their grade is still displayed incorrectly) and at the moment it is unknown if there will be any changes in the future. This fact does not affect process of searching and exchanging them at all but it has to be mentioned.

The way of getting is almost the same: driving on the planet, searching for objects that contain materials, their destruction with a turret, picking dropped materials.

The objects that contain materials on a planet and their signatures:

Bronzite Chondrite

The sound of scratching metal is heard while scanning.


The sound of scratching metal is heard while scanning.


The sound of Geiger counter is heard while scanning.

Metallic Meteorite

The sound of Geiger counter is heard while scanning.

In addition, material containers can sometimes be found on the crash sites but appearance of those is very random as well as materials appearing there.

The way of planets numeration: System Name – Star Number (if needed/always a letter) – Planet Number by distance from the star (always a numeral) – Planet`s moon number by distance from the first (if needed) – Moon`s satellite number by distance from the first. For more convenient numeration letters and numerals alternate for every position. Number of positions also changes depending on the situation. If the body is a moon of a planet or of the other moon, it is designated with a lowercase letter. If several numerals or letters are written together, the object rotates around the center of mass of these bodies.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Fengiri (planet Fengiri A 2), 80 e Piscium (planet 80 e Piscium 1), Dharragense (planet Dharragense 1), Epsilon Ceti (planet Epsilon Ceti A 1), LTT 4586 (planet LTT 4586 1).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 2.6%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Iah Lanitei (planet Iah Lanitei С 1), Vestani (planet Vestani 1), Norn (planet Norn A 1), HIP 53196 (planet HIP 53196 1), LTT 8419 (planet LTT 8419 A 1).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 1.5%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Mortel (planet Mortel A 1), Alpha Chamaelontis (planet Alpha Chamaelontis B 1 a), Aurgel (planet Aurgel 1), 50 Upsilon-1 Eridani (planet 50 Upsilon-1 Eridani B 3), Balmung (planet Balmung A 1).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 2.6%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
CPD-51 3323 (planet CPD-51 3323 1 d a), Kunabi (planet Kunabi 5 g a), LHS 417 (planet LHS 417 9 E A), Lalande 10797 (planet Lalande 10797 ABCD 1 g a), LTT 1349 (planet LTT 1349 3 e a).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 4.9%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Ongkala (planet Ongkala 1 a a), Zeta Pictoris (planet Zeta Pictoris A 6 e a), Frey (planet Frey 4 c a), Tau-3 Eridani (planet Tau-3 Eridani 16 c a), Kandha (planet Kandha 1 a a).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 1.7%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Mictlan (planet Mictlan 1), Balmung (planet Balmung A 3), 5 Puppis (planet 5 Puppis B 1), BD-18 394 (planet BD-18 394 A 3), Epsilon Fornacis (planet Epsilon Fornacis A 1).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 1.2%.
Collected on the planet`s surface. Most frequently drops from Metallic Meteorite.

The material presence and its percentage can be checked by selecting the planet on the system map, opening second from the right tab and scrolling down to «Planet Materials».

Systems with planets with high percentage of this material:
Bokip (planet Bokip 1), Mufrid (planet Mufrid A 1 a), BD-02 4304 (planet BD-02 4304 C 1), Nurundere (planet Nurundere 1), Lezaei (planet Lezaei 2).

Max percentage of this material on the planet – 1.6%.

Their way of getting is not connected to a single place and depends on the system state. Many of them can be obtained in the High Grade Emissions, as a mission reward and after other ships destruction.

To find the signal you need to fly 1000-1500 light seconds from the main star of the system, set filter to show only stars and signal sources on the left ship`s panel, fly at the speed of 20 light seconds per second, circling around the system and regularly glancing at the left panel. To scan the signal you need to target it and turn your ship`s nose to it for 5 seconds.
Pharmaceutical Isolators
Can be obtained as a mission reward and in High Grade Emissions in a system with Outbreak. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «State» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.
Military Grade Alloys
Can be obtained as a mission reward and in High Grade Emissions in a system with War or Civil War. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «State» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.
Proto Heat Radiators
Can be obtained as a mission reward and in High Grade Emissions in a system with Boom. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «State» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.

Biotech Conductors
Can be obtained only as a mission reward. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of quests with good rewards. It was noted that rare material rewards appear more often for passenger missions. Also do not forget that your reward level for offered quests depends on your reputation with the faction, you get them from.

Systems with missions with this material as a reward:
NLTT 9447, Quince, Yucan, Ngalinn, HIP 64706
Military Superconductors
Can be obtained as a mission reward and in High Grade Emissions in a system with War or Civil War. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «State» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.

Imperial Shielding
Can be obtained as a mission reward and in High Grade Emissions in an Empire system. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by allegiance on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «Allegiance» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.
Core Dynamics Composites
Can be obtained for destroying combat ships and in High Grade Emissions in a Federation system. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with good rewards.

You can sort out systems by allegiance on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «Allegiance» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

Easer to obtain using the second way.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.
Exquisite Focus Crystals
Can be obtained only as a mission reward. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of quests with good rewards. It was noted that rare material rewards appear more often for passenger missions. Also do not forget that your reward level for offered quests depends on your reputation with the faction, you get them from.

Systems with missions with this material as a reward:
G 141-21, Okinura, Achelous, Yucan, Ngalinn.
Proto Radiolic Alloys
Can be obtained only in High Grade Emissions in a system with Boom. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals.

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «State» parameter. You also can use «Population» parameter, which is placed lower, moving sliders of min and max population. Thus you will be able to remove low populated systems from your map.

System states change and data becomes invalid, so there is no point in mentioning any certain place.

Most of it is obtained by scanning different Data Beacons, Data Points, and other ships. Nevertheless, you will have to spend a decent amount of time to find some of it because the chance of getting is quite random.

To find the signal you need to fly 1000-1500 light seconds from the main star of the system, set filter to show only stars and signal sources on the left ship`s panel, fly at the speed of 20 light seconds per second, circling around the system and regularly glancing at the left panel. To scan the signal you need to target it and turn your ship`s nose to it for 5 seconds.

To scan settlements you need to drive and scan all of the Data Points in it during a limited amount of time. There can be from one to five of such points at the base and their number depends on the base size. Data Points also fall into public and private. Scanning the last will entail opening fire at you. The bigger settlement is – the higher change of getting rare data. On the big bases you are recommended to firstly memorize all Data Point locations and only then start scanning them. The settlement size is indicated by pluses in before its name from zero to three.

Settlement can have three security levels: Low Security, Medium Security and High Security. Flying too close to a base will anyway result in a warning about trespassing, but there are differences while approaching base on the SRV. Low Security settlements are completely open for driving, Medium Security settlements have some trespass zones, which indicated as red walls on the radar, violating which for a long time will entail opening fire. High Security settlements are completely restricted along the perimeter with such zone. It is not recommended to get data in big settlements with High Security because you can simply not have enough time to scan all the Data Points and be destroyed. Moreover, the chance of getting rare data does not highly depend on the security base level. This parameter can be checked on the ship`s left panel near the settlement name while being in the system.

You cannot scan the same base using relogs (regular quitting from the game to the main menu and back) and get the data. Bases refresh every week and to get data from the scanned base you have to come back there not earlier than after this time passed.
Abnormal Compact Emission Data
Can be obtained as a mission reward, by scanning Data Beacons in Encoded Emissions and by scanning combat ships. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of ships, signals and quests with a good reward.

Combat ships are considered to be: Eagle, Vulture, Federal Dropship, Federal Assault Ship, Federal Gunship, Federal Corvette, F63 Condor, Viper Mk III, Viper Mk IV, Taipan, Imperial Eagle, Imperial Fighter, Alliance Chieftain Fer-De-Lance.

Combat ships could be: Sidewinder, Cobra Mk III, Cobra Mk IV, Python, Anaconda, Imperial Courier, Imperial Clipper, Imperial Cutter, Asp Scout, Asp Explorer, Adder.

Practice shows that this data drops more often from wanted ships, so it is easier to scan them, flying in the system in supercruise, Hazardous Resource Extraction Site or High Intensity Conflict Zone.

Easer to obtain using the last way in these systems:
BD-15 447, Yz Ceti, V886 Centauri, HIP 4907, Noti.

Datamined Wake Exceptions
Can be obtained as a mission reward and by scanning FSD wakes. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of ships and quests with a good reward.

To scan wake you need to have FSD Wake Scanner that is a Utility Module. You must set a fire group for it, target the wake, turn your ship`s nose to it and hold the set key for 5 seconds. It is recommended to have a «Long Range Scanner» engineering upgrade because ships sometimes fly out and into in different directions and you can simply not manage to scan all of the wakes before they disappear.

It is also recommended to use systems with minimum stations in it, to increase the traffic near them.

Easer to obtain using the second way in these systems:
(station Haisheng Orbital), Okinura (station Bennett Gateway), 13 Orionis (station Underwood Port), Marki (station Crossfield Market), G 123-16 (station Shiner Station).

Peculiar Shield Frequency Data
Can be obtained as a mission reward and by scanning other ships. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of ships and quests with a good reward.

Practice shows that this data drops more often from wanted ships, so it is easier to scan them, flying in the system in supercruise, Hazardous Resource Extraction Site or High Intensity Conflict Zone.

Easer to obtain using the second way in these systems:
BD-15 447, Yz Ceti, V886 Centauri, HIP 4907, Noti.
Adaptive Encryptors Capture
Can be obtained as a mission reward and by scanning Data Beacons in Encoded Emissions. The higher system population is – the higher chance of appearance of such signals and quests with a good reward. It was noted that rare material rewards appear more often for passenger missions. Also do not forget that your reward level for offered quests depends on your reputation with the faction, you get them from.

Easer to obtain using the first way in these systems:
NLTT 9447, Quince, Yucan, Ngalinn, HIP 64706
Classified Scan Fragment
Can be obtained as a mission reward and by scanning Data Points in the settlements. The higher system population is – the more settlements the system can contain and higher chance of appearance of quests with a good reward.

You can check the presence of settlements on the system map. You need to find a planet with a blue crescent, on which there are 3 lines like a signal level.

You need to zoom in the map, targeting the planet, and the planet map will open. Rotate it and look for settlements. They have an icon that looks like a factory.

Settlement map icon

Settlement icon on the left ship panel

Easer to obtain using the second way. Some systems with settlements:
89 Leonis, B2 Carinae, HIP 41844, Gabraceni, LFT 992.
Modified Embedded Firmware
Can be obtained as a mission reward and by scanning Data Points in the settlements. The higher system population is – the more settlements the system can contain and higher chance of appearance of quests with a good reward.

You can check the presence of settlements on the system map. You need to find a planet with a blue crescent, on which there are 3 lines like a signal level.

You need to zoom in the map, targeting the planet, and the planet map will open. Rotate it and look for settlements. They have an icon that looks like a factory.

Settlement map icon

Settlement icon on the left ship panel

Easer to obtain using the second way. Some systems with settlements:
89 Leonis, B2 Carinae, HIP 41844, Gabraceni, LFT 992.
Though 5-grade materials cannot be obtained in these places, they have to be mentioned. They are abandoned planetary bases and crashed ships that have 3-4 grade materials lying around them and sometimes a Data Point that can also be scanned and data from it obtained. After relogs (regular quitting from the game to the main menu and back) even from and to the same game mode bases refresh, so you, in fact, can endlessly pick materials there. Though I still would recommend to search for 5-grade materials and their further exchange for lower ones but if you are completely unlucky in finding the first you can use this method.

Raw Materials Sites:

Orrere 2 B and Koli Discii C 6 A

On both planets two crashed Anacondas lie and near both of them there are several Cargo Racks, that drop various raw materials after being destroyed.

Ships Location:

System Orrere – Planet Orrere 2 B – Coordinates 43.81 -173.97

System Koli Discii – Planet Koli Discii C 6 A – Coordinates 28.57 7.21

After arrival you need to scan Ship Data Core, and then it will appear on your navigation panel in this system, and you will be able to come back there easily, not having to use coordinate navigation, in the future.

Dav`s Hope and Exploration Camp C-NO4

On both bases various manufactured materials lie around them, and there is also a Data Point that can also be scanned after relogs to give you additional data.

Bases location:

Dav`s Hope

System Hyades Sector DR-V C2-23 – Planet Hyades Sector DR-V C2-23 A 5 – Coordinated 44.83 -31.39

Exploration Camp C-NO4

System Synuefe JB-G B58-6 6 – Planet Synuefe JB-G b58-6 6 h - Coordinates -22.13, 177.70

After arrival you need to scan Data Point and base logs, then it will appear on your navigation panel in this system, and you will be able to come back there easily, not having to use coordinate navigation, in the future.

There are 3 types of them for each type of materials:

Raw Trader
Manufactured Trader
Encoded Trader

Raw Trader appears in systems with Extraction or Refinery Economy.

Some systems with Raw Traders:

G 173-53 (station McArthur Landing), Cennicenino (station Zahn Enterprise), Kokoller (station Utley Hub), Caill Reddi (station Armstrong Station), Otshirvani (station Xuanzang Station).

Manufactured Trader appears in systems with Industrial Economy.

Some systems with Manufactured Traders:

Tabit (station Haber City), Karka (station Chandler Ring), Wulganda (station Cassidy Orbital), LP 350-75 (station Butler Dock), Ross 129 (station Yang Hub).

Encoded Trader appears in systems with High Tech Economy.

Some systems with Encoded Traders:

LHS 235 (station Shatalov Gateway), Caeritis (station Bernoulli Vision), CD-28 12950 (station Keyes Port), Urvantju (station Onufrienko Terminal), Wolf 406 (station Hamilton Gateway).

You can sort out systems by states on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «Service» parameter. However, this parameter updates as you visit stations with such traders and will not show the traders where you have not been to yet. So it is easier to use Inara[inara.cz] site in this way: «Engineers» section upward - «Components» tab on the left side - «Find Nearest Material Trader» button. Type system where you are currently on the right, press «Search» and the site will give you the list of nearest Material Traders with the reference to type of traded materials, system, station, and distance from the main star to it.

Sorting out systems by Economy can be done on the galaxy map in the fourth from the left tab, in «Map» section, «Economy» parameter. The presence of trader at the station can be checked by selecting it on the system map, opening the second tab from the left and scrolling down to «Facilities».
Trade Lines

There are totally 23 trade lines: 7 at Raw Trader, 10 at Manufactured Trader, and 6 at Encoded Trader. Every line assembles all materials of the same type from first to fifth grade (from first to fourth for Raw Materials), and you can exchange them inside one line as well as between them, but you cannot trade materials of one kind for materials of another kind (Data for Manufactured Materials, for instance). To make an exchange you need to select material that you want to get, than choose material you want to trade, and select the quantity of material you are looking for, that you will receive after trade is done. If you select a material you want to get, game will automatically show two arrows near every other material: right arrow shows how many units of this material you will spend, and left arrow shows how many units of the wanted material you will get.

Exchange prices:

They are a bit unfair but that`s all we have for now.

Inside one line:

6 units of a lower grade material for 1 unit of a higher grade material and 3 units of a lower grade material for 1 unit of a higher grade material. You can also trade a material of lower grade for several grades higher material or conversely, and in this case the game will automatically calculate number of materials for trade.

Between different lines:

1 unit of a material from one line for 6 units of the same grade material from the different line. You can also trade a material of one grade from one line for a different grade material from another line, and in this case the game will automatically calculate number of materials for trade.

Trade lines:


Category 1

Carbon <-> Vanadium <-> Niobium <-> Yttrium

Category 2

Phosphorus <-> Chromium <-> Molybdenum <-> Technetium

Category 3

Sulphur <-> Manganese <-> Cadmium <-> Ruthenium

Category 4

Iron <-> Zinc <-> Tin <-> Selenium

Category 5

Nickel <-> Germanium <-> Tungsten <-> Tellurium

Category 6

Rhenium <-> Arsenic <-> Mercury <-> Polonium

Category 7

Lead <-> Zirconium <-> Boron <-> Antimony



Chemical Storage Units <-> Chemical Processors <-> Chemical Distillery <-> Chemical Manipulators <-> Pharmaceutical Isolators


Tempered Alloys <-> Heat Resistant Ceramics <-> Precipitated Alloys <-> Thermic Alloys <-> Military Grade Alloys


Heat Conduction Wiring <-> Heat Dispersion Plate <-> Heat Exchangers <-> Heat Vanes <-> Proto Heat Radiators


Basic Conductors <-> Conductive Components <-> Conductive Ceramics <-> Conductive Polymers <-> Biotech Conductors

Mechanical Components

Mechanical Scrap <-> Mechanical Equipment <-> Mechanical Components <-> Configurable Components <-> Improvised Components


Grid Resistors <-> Hybrid Capacitors <-> Electrochemical Arrays <-> Polymer Capacitors <-> Military Supercapacitors


Worn Shield Emitters <-> Shield Emitters <-> Shielding Sensors <-> Compound Shielding <-> Imperial Shielding


Compact Composites <-> Filament Composites <-> High Density Composites <-> Proprietary Composites <-> Core Dynamics Composites


Crystal Shards <-> Flawed Focus Crystals <-> Focus Crystals <-> Refined Focus Crystals <-> Exquisite Focus Crystals


Salvaged Alloys <-> Galvanising Alloys <-> Phase Alloys <-> Proto Light Alloys <-> Proto Radiolic Alloys


Emission Data

Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data <-> Irregular Emission Data <-> Unexpected Emission Data <-> Decoded Emission Data <-> Abnormal Compact Emission Data

Wake Scans

Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes <-> Anomalous FSD Telemetry <-> Strange Wake Solutions <-> Eccentric Hyperspace Trajectories <-> Datamined Wake Exceptions

Shield Data

Distorted Shield Cycle Recordings <-> Inconsistent Shield Soak Analysis <-> Untypical Shield Scans <-> Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis <-> Peculiar Shield Frequency Data

Encryption Files

Unusual Encrypted Files <-> Tagged Encryption Files Open Symmetric Keys <-> Atypical Encryption Archives <-> Adaptive Encryptors Capture

Data Archives

Anomalous Bulk Scan Data <-> Unidentified Scan Archives <-> Classified Scan Databanks <-> Divergent Scan Data <-> Classified Scan Fragment

Encoded Firmware

Specialised Legacy Firmware <-> Modified Consumer Firmware <-> Cracked Industrial Firmware <-> Security Firmware Patch <-> Modified Embedded Firmware
I am not an author or discoverer of the presented information! I have only systemized and collected it in one guide to help other players!

Basic information taken from Elite Dangerous Wiki[ru.elite-dangerous.wikia.com] and Frontier Forums[forums.frontier.co.uk].

Additional information taken from:
Down To Earth Astronomy
ED: Board[ed-board.net]

Took screenshots and wrote guide:

CMDR Vovva The Bluehaired

If you have any questions left, found a typos, out-of-date information or just want to discuss material searching – do not hesitate to write in comments below!

Fly safe!

T3chnation187 22 Oct, 2024 @ 4:10pm 
WONDERFUL source of info. thank you for your dedication to the ED community!
funkynutz 5 Mar, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
Might be a bit old now, but most of it is still accurate... It's just missing a few new/improved things, like the Selenium trees on the edge of the bubble...
Tom Ripple 29 Jan, 2024 @ 1:14pm 
NICE GUIDE nice systematization thank you for you time spend writing all that.
ждун 13 Oct, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
Most of it still works, in the 4.0 version the farming of shards is slightly different, but not so much that it would be wasting time. Now there are also better places to farm materials like selenium which was a huge pain to farm in 3.0
FiberOptck 27 Mar, 2023 @ 8:58am 
If you read the comments first:


Ah, lacking dedication to the craft of writing guides. Clearly the original guide maker lost passion for the game. Honestly this needs to be updated. Why take time to make something so great only to just leave it to age and misguide new people reading this then realizing its aged to death.

Delete your Aged Guide.
Tokfan 21 Dec, 2019 @ 2:43am 
And if travelling isn't something you're afraid of, then crystalline shards (not present in the bubble) is the way to go to stock up on high grade raw mats;
Outotz hd-j d9-3 - B 8 D - Antimony
HIP 36601 C 1 A - Polonium
HIP 36601 C 1 D - Ruthenium
HIP 36601 C 3 B - Tellurium
HIP 36601 C 5 A - Technetium
Outotz ls-k d8-3 B 5 A - Yttrium
(All those sites are "just past" witch head nebulae)
Selenium however is the opposite way -just past Mammon, Col 359 Sector w0-0 b49-4 2 E. roughly the same distance as the other sites.
If it's any faster than driving around a crashed ship then trading can be debated, but it sure beats random planet surface roaming. Besides.... after the umpteenth time going to the darn condas it gets really boring really fast.
Tokfan 21 Dec, 2019 @ 2:43am 
Unless ofc you're only after data and not raw materials, then there's nothing beating Jameson's crashed cobra in HIP 12099 1B.
Park yourself behind the cobra a few yards/meters behind it so when you jump into your turret you can scan all 4 cores in a single rotation.
Again, a bit of a trek to get there, but nothing with a jumping ship. Doesn't matter if the data is the wrong kind, you get so much so fast and of so high grade every other method pales in comparison.
Tokfan 21 Dec, 2019 @ 2:42am 
I'd highly advice against going to Orrere crash site, damn thing is on a slope so the stuff at the top has a tendancy to roll down hill and get stuck in debris. Then it's a matter of navigating the debris up and down. And the site is almost always in darkness (less of an issue now after night vision).

Instead I highly recommend "Bug killer" at HIP 16613 - 1 A. Yeah, it's a bit out there but the travel will be worthwhile, just get in a jumping ship and it's 3 jumps tops to the closest material trader.
It's flat, it's easy to navigate around the debris and it has a proper day/night cycle. And to top that off it has 3 scannable data cores each run, so you'll fill up with data long before you fill up on mats.