144 ratings
The best build in payday 2
By Astrophage
For eons people have sought for the perfect build for Payday 2, they have traversed oceans, scaled mountains and toppled empires all in search of this elusive treasure. Rejoice my friends for the search is over.
Before we get into the build I feel the need to express the pure unadulterated genius of this build. The raw power and destructive force you shall wield will be beyond your fellow team mates’ comprehension.

Some may doubt my words and attempt to discredit this build for it's unconventional choices and point allocations. Others may claim that this build isn't viable on overkill, never mind deathwish but you must take their words for what they are, slander.

How it feels to use this build.

I'm guessing at this point you're thinking, okay, so all this guy has done is talk about how great his build is, where's the evidence?

Sales pitch: Here we go. This build has the speed and mobility of dodge and the astounding regenerative qualities of grinder. You want team support? You got it. Powerful weapons? You've got it. Everything you could want, you have.

Finally to top it all off this build has the potential to regenerate 60% of its armour per kill, that's impressive right?

Skills are perhaps the most important parts of any build as they alone differentiate one from many, seperate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.


Mastermind is important, okay? Not paramount, but important, if I had to I'd compare it to feeding pets, you know that you should do it but sometimes the little buggers just have to learn the hard way…moving on.

Controller is the only tree we will be investing in here, forced friendship is the only perk that really matters in this entire build, the rest are just for show. Friends are important and hard to come by, in game and real life, so we’re going to need some help.

This skill provides us with more cable ties and the ability to tie faster, meaning we can make more friends at a faster rate, which is great!

Some "friends" will attempt to run away in fear because they can’t commit to a proper relationship. They are wrong and should either be convinced through tying (pretty kinky) or more direct measures (give them a gentle tap with melee or bullets).

Joker provides you with the ability to make loyal friends and increase their longevity because unfortunately friends don't last forever, sigh.....

Confident allows you to make friends from a greater distance and convert one more of the uninitiated to your righteous cause.

Partners in crime gives your newly found friends more longevity as well as more health and speed for you.

Finally hostage taker provides you with the plentiful health regeneration I lied about above mentioned previously.


Here is where the bulk of the build comes in, allowing you to survive for longer and hopefully block out all the mean things people say about your build on the internet.

Resilience aced gives increased armour regeneration, as well as the ability to reduce the effect of the red bleeping flashes firing high velocity milk at your eyes. ie. Flash bangs

EDIT: They should have called this skill no point crying, get it spilt milk no point crying, pretty good right?

Transporter is a series of films starring Jason Statham in which he plays a FedEx delivery man who has to move bags around. He was such a legend among the competitive FedEx delivery crowd that he earned the name "Transporter", thus the eponymous nature of this complex film series is explained.

Oh yeah, the skill (probably named after the films, who knows?) provides an increase in bag throwing capabilities by 50% which is necessary for not hanging yourself during intense sections of bag moving.

Bullseye is where the real magic of the build comes in so we'll talk about this later.

Shock and awe provides increased armour regeneration for both you, and your crew which, technically counts as team support…so that's nice.

That is unless all of your team runs stoic

Remember kids, don't use stoic, it's not worth the pain your family and friends go through.

Finally, we have the weapon skills, that's right we're running shotguns.

The first skill in this tree is underdog which provides us with some cheap damage when enemies are near. Shotgun impact aced provides 15% extra damage along with a boost to stability.

Shotgun CQB aced is crucial for most shotgun builds as it provides 50% extra reload speed and increased zoom speed which are both great effects.

Close by allows us to sprint n’ shoot at the same time but acts mainly as a stepping stone to get to overkill. This provides 75% damage increase for 20 seconds, killing an enemy with a shotgun which is pretty damn nice.


This is actually my favourite part of the build because we get to our deployable, Sentry guns.

Stop laughing.

This is a serious build guys come on!

Anyway, turrets are the best deployable in the game and anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or an evil lizard person. One day, those who mock and deride the power of turrets shall finally see their folly and cast off their medic or ammo bags, joining theenlightened in a new glorious age of Payday, the age of the sentry turret.

For the skills you will want to ace Third law, targeting package and eco sentry for an assortment of buffs to your turrets. Finally you are going to want tower defense basic for an extra sentry turret.

Now you don't have to follow this set up exactly, you could take points from other trees that you deem unnecessary and get tower defense aced. To be honest it doesn't really matter how you build turrets because they're going to be f***ing awful whatever you do with sentries you can't go wrong.



Now ghost is clearly a waste of time for the most part.

What are you gonna do, make a dodge build? Do you want to know what that looks like.......

Yep doesn't end well.

Back to ghost, we’ll be getting duck and cover basic for increased movement speed and stamina regeneration.

Finally parkour aced gives a further increase to movement speed as well as the ability to run in any direction and reload while running.

You may be wondering why movement speed is so important for this build, this is very simple, police are scary and have guns. You on the other hand have a bunch of automatic nerf guns on glorified lazy suzans, pretty self explanatory if you ask me.

Actual damage output of sentry guns.


Final stretch now, here we're going to pick up equilibrium basic and gun nut aced to get increased holster speed, clip size, as well as reload speed.

So now you’re thinking, wait pistol skills as well WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? Honestly I don't know lets just move on.

Nine lives and swan song are also aced because face it, if you're using this build you’re really going to need it.

I’m sure you’re thinking "Oh we're getting nine lives aced so we can use this on higher difficulties right?" No. No no no no no no no no NO!

This build barely works on overkill never mind anything above that

Moving on.

Equipment + Perk deck
Equipment can both make and break a build, guess what it’s going to do to this?


The primary of this build is actually a good weapon, contrary to everything you have previously seen there is actually an aspect of quality to it, shocking I know.

This is the 12g Joceline shotgun, a high powered small clip shotgun. Basically, a non stealthy variant of the Mosconi.

  • 000 buckshot
  • Wrist wrecker stock

This weapon is a great way to deal with large groups of enemies or just tougher cops, like tasers or some mission specific enemies. The only drawback is the small clip size which means you’ll often have to resort to your secondary in which case you're screwedbecause this is pretty much the only "good" part of this build.

The more astute among you will have realised that the modifications to this weapon make no sense whatsoever. Do you know what? You're absolutely correct. Why would you have a concealment boosting modification for a build that's clearly not a dodge build?

Be patient, soon all will become clear.


The secondary weapon is the best weapon in the game, the Bernetti 9.

Wait, sorry, wrong picture.

There. Much better

The Bernetti really is a good weapon… for stealth that is. In loud the Bernetti is very simply the inferior choice for a secondary pistol and that's exactly why we're using it.
  • Jungle ninja supressor
  • Combined module
  • Engraved bernetti grip
  • Custom titanium frame
  • Extended magazine
  • Marksman sight
  • Elite slide
Once again very odd modifications but we'll get to this later


Contrary to popular belief there actually is a point to melee but its not what you might imagine.
For this build we are going to use the Alabama razor but we're not going to use this offensively, the razor is for killing yourself after seeing how awfully the build performs.

Remember kiddos sideways for attention, lengthways for results.


There really is only one choice for armour and that of course is the two piece suit. This amazing suit provides "high protection", an astounding 5 base dodge and an unlimited supply of style.

Think about it, Peter Parker wears a suit and he's Spiderman, are you really going to argue with Spiderman? Nope, didn't think so.


Ace of spades is a great throwable as it can never run out, it also means you are completely walled by shields and have to awkwardly jive around them to dispose of them.

Perk Deck

Finally, I get to talk about the main attraction of the build ladies and gentlemen, I present to you armorer.

Yes, that’s right, armorer with two piece suit.

With this perk deck the two piece suit hits the dizzying heights of 27 armour, allowing you to tank a whopping 2 bullets before losing armour.

I know you’re impressed by the sheer brilliance of the build and the amazing longevity on display but we really need to move on because we've got one last thing to talk about.

Maths (yay)
Right now I know what you're thinking "Why on earth do you need a maths section in a Payday guide?" only through the power of numbers can I convey to you the true brilliance of this build.

So we have a whopping 33 armour and we regenerate 20 armour per headshot.

(20/33)*100 = 60.6%

See the beginning wasn't a lie, this you really can regenerate high percentages of your armour, grossly exaggerated maybe, but not lying.

We're also going to discuss the very odd weapon modifications seen in the equipment section. This is very simple, using this exact set up allows you to reach a very specific concealment rating, 31.

Now what's special about 31 concealment? Well, this number actually broadcasts to all other players in the lobby that you are a childish idiot who should be reviled and spat upon for your uncleanliness.

Pixelated for additional effect.

Just kidding guys we all know how friendly and welcoming pubs and the payday 2 community can be.....…
Pros and Cons

Turrets are cool.

It’s a great way to make the most out of the game as heists take twice as long as usual. That’s if you’re even able to finish them. You can get even more enjoyment out of great, well balanced, and fun, well designed maps like goat simulator.

How it feels to play the goat simulator heist.

This build does not work on cursed kill room regardless of difficulty, so now you have an excuse to never play that joke of a heist.

You'll have less friends which means less birthdays so you save money, which is nice.

Umm it provides a challenge?


Oh boy this is going to be a long list.


Any entity that has the capacity to harm you in this game can easily and quickly kill you, this build is in no way qualified or capable of taking down almost any enemy in the game.

If you don't believe me then let me rephrase this, you have 33 armour and 5 dodge, a dog in a Chinese restaurant has better survival odds than you do.

Special mention should go to shields and bulldozers as this build was constructed with those two enemies in mind, by this I mean that the build was built specifically to struggle with both.

Your only chance is to die, go into swan song and try and fill them with enough bullets to kill them, that is the only way.

Other players

Not sure why but a lot of players like to kick you from the game when you tell them what you’re using, not sure why though…

Playing the game

With this build there is only one thing that remains constant, you will be miserable, the build was constructed with this in mind.

The thing about this build is that it is so close to working, there are parts of it that actually come close to being an actual build but fall just short. Beautiful isn’t it.
This build was the worst I could concoct while still being "useable" and hopefully provided you with some entertainment.

However, this still doesn't mean you should use it because it really is that bad.

Thanks for reading!

PS: None of the images or resources used in this guide are my own (except for the awful branding image) and I do not claim ownership over any of them.

TL:DR Pls don't sue me
i wanna motorboat clown titties 12 Feb, 2024 @ 3:10am 
This build is so good it made me stop playing payday 2 and go outside! :steamhappy:
gumirex 3 Mar, 2020 @ 7:44am 
great build, i'll use it everyday since it shows how usefull i am irl
Astrophage  [author] 24 Dec, 2018 @ 2:09pm 
No it is not, do not use this build.
[S.A.S]sephchan 24 Dec, 2018 @ 12:08pm 
I don't get it, are you trying to be clever?
Is this a viable build or not?
Dani1o 1 Nov, 2018 @ 11:03am 
Hey, nice build. Perfectly works on every heist on DS OD. Except the Cursed kill room. And the Goat Simulator. And the Mall Crusher. And the Ukrainian Job. And... Well, the only thing I would like to change - the weapons. Instead of Bernetti, which doesn't give you any advantage against the shields and big enemy crowds, I would rather take OVE9000. Firstly, you can easily deal with the shields and captain. Secondly, you look so tough and dangerous with it. Enemies (especially cloakers) will afraid to coming close to you. Big crowds of enemies will start to panic, so they will not be dangerous for you anymore. And highly recomended to use the saw only to kill the enemies so don't waste ammo for doors and gates. Ammo pickup of this weapon isn't the best and we don't have ammo bags, don't forget about it. For any obstacles on your way you have unlimited amount of absolutely free drills. So why don't use them?
Dani1o 1 Nov, 2018 @ 11:00am 
Without Bernetti we doesn't gave long range weapon, so instead of Joceline better to use something different. Sure we can use sniper rife or DMR, but if somebody sneak up behind you, we won't be able to kill him fast. So, the best choice it's the classic weapon, which is built for heist - the AMCAR rifle. It's equally effective at close and long distances. And better to mod it for high concealment, to be silent and deadly with it.
Breathlessly Forbidden 25 Oct, 2018 @ 2:18pm 
CROWLIBEARSHARK 9 Jul, 2018 @ 11:51pm 
this guide and build its painfull to watch k bye
Jmcgee1125 2 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Hey I use stoic...
. 2 Jul, 2018 @ 8:40am 
bad build not enough c4 skills