Blood Code

Blood Code

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Star-Mirror Academy of Magic Manual: Story & Lore Edition
By Novmaryllis
Each route is a puzzle piece and only by completing all the routes can you get the entire picture.

This guide is for the people who simply want to know more about the Blood Code's story and in-game lore, and for those who finished the game and want a recap of everything. Here in the manual, we are gathering it all. All spoilers are tagged.
The game begins with the following:

  • The new world is not only nice for vampires, but in it everybody is able to learn light, wind, water and fire magic. For this purpose there are special schools, one of them being the Star-Mirror Academy of Magic, where the action takes place in the VN.

  • Since the beginning of the new world a church was also founded: The Kirk. The head of the church is called the Pope and it worships the God who made the world. Nonetheless to say, the church primary magic type is the light magic.

  • In Blood Code you play as Leia Ephelis, the daughter of a priest in the Kirk, who also begins to attend the Star-Mirror Academy of Magic. This is thanks to her father. Everything seems perfect till Leia’s father is mysteriously murdered by a group of rogue vampires at the beginning of the school year. The resident church has put her in charge of finding her father’s killers, but Leia has problems of her own. Since she missed a significant part of the year to handle the funeral she has to make up for the lost time by studying hard. This is when the micro-management comes in. You have to balance study, making money and of course dating.
Main Characters
  • Leia Ephelis
    She is the protagonist and daughter of a priest in the Kirk. Her mother died when she was really young. Leia grew up in a small village surrounded by mountains called Asimi.
    Her motivation: She wanted to attend the Star-Mirror Academy because one day a merchant passed through the village and brought fun stuff from Sartrady, including the magic shadows used for acclamation in the activities of the city. She was impressed by everything and she decided to work hard to go to the city's academy of magic.
    Her family situation: She later discovers that she is actually from the noble human family of Phelis and the current Pope, Jude Phelis, is her uncle. Her father took the name of Ephelis when he eloped with Leia's mother, while she was still pregnant. Her mother was of common origin.
    The family truth * big spoilers*: Jude Phelis envied his talented brother, so he threatened him that he will hurt his wife if he does not give up the candidacy for the Pope position. Thus Leia's father fled into hiding to protect his new-born family. In the recent years Jude started to abuse his power and to experiment on vampires. This brought the attention of his brother who decided to stop him. This did not end good, as Leia's father was tortured and presumably dead. I say presumably because on the normal ending route and on Jesse's route, he makes a brief appearance in order to save the day. This appearance is more implied and on the normal ending the protagonist goes on a journey to search for her father, believing him to be alive. This is interesting because in only two endings is her father mentioned as alive. In the rest he is very much considerate dead and gone.

  • Locke Tremere
    He is the Student Council president and the most popular guy in the school. He manages the local vampire activity as he is part of a really prestigious vampire clan. He is mentioned as being gifted and rich, having a strict upbringing. He likes ancient books and musical pieces. Also he plays the piano really well and it is implied that he is older than he looks. His primary magic type is wind magic.
    His family situation: His parents had a political marriage with the purpose of consolidating the clan's position and power, so they were not in love with one another. His mother left with her lover when he was still young and his father had another child with the woman he was in love with. The child name was Helena and she is Locke's step-sister. When the woman his father was in love with died, he took Helena in. She was looked down upon and treated poorly by the others, as she was not of noble blood. Still she was optimistic and showered Locke with sibling love. They grew close and she taught him the Melody of the Soul piano piece. When Helena died she made Locke promise that he will take care of her step-sister Ann. Locke being a child promised that he will marry her.
    Endings: Leo marries Ann as per promise in the sad ending. In the happy one Leo makes Leia a vampire and they are seen after sixty years in the epilogue having a child named Ann. In the good ending Leia does not become a vampire and after sixty years of being together she dies leaving her daughter behind. I assume that Locke is the main guy, since he has three types of endings and is the only one seen with a kid later.
  • Christ Bruch
    He is your best buddy throughout school. He stands out as being a really good fighter and champion fencer. He is driven, brave and ambitious, training all the time. He is also a half-vampire. His primary magic type is fire magic.
    The family situation: Christ is the son of Scheer Bruch, the family leader of Bruch clan, and a human. His parent were in love with one another, but his mother refused to turn into a vampire, as she was raised in a church /pious environment. She gave birth to Christ, but she became very sick. So she decided to leave the clan leader so that he will not be burdened by her death. She hid in a tiny village with Christ and died while he was young. Thus Christ was raised by his grandma, unaware of his father's love and assuming that he abandoned them.
    Endings: At some point in the story Christ's father founds him and proposes for him to become the heir of the clan, with the help of his training. This happens because Christ had a vampire awakening, becoming a full vampire. Because of Leia's situation he accepts to train with his father, in order to become stronger for Leia. In the sad ending, while protecting Leia Christ nearly dies and goes into a coma for decades. His father furiously blames Leia and forbids her to approach him. After decades Christ finally awakens with a memory loss and when he goes back to the academy, he does not recognize an aged Leia. Leia does not tell him who she is and bids him goodbye reminscing about him. In the happy ending, Leia and Christ get married under the blessing of the clan leader. Christ is assumed the become the new head of the clan.
  • Leo Digator
    He is the doctor at Star-Mirror Academy and a professor in the Light Department of magic. He can usually be found in the medical clinic and church. Leo was a former member of the Kirk, but left because of personal reasons. His route is filled with desserts and potions. He likes silver crosses and cottage rose specimens. He is the only human who you can date. His primary magic type is light magic.
    His truth: He left the church because of the corruption inside.
    Endings: Leo has a brain tumor. In the sad ending he is killed by the disease and in the happy ending he is cured by the protagonist.

  • Jesse Iroul
    He is the vampire who Leia unknowingly chases during her investigations of the vampire rogues.
    He can be found in the basement of the piano room after his route is unlocked. He likes pocket watches and blue cups. His primary magic type is water magic.
    His situation: He is introduced as Alison's brother. Later we discover that he actually has lots of sisters, with his second eldest sister being Sophie, the magic shop's owner. His mother while she was pregnant fought demons and before they were defeated, they cursed Jesse while he was in her womb. Thus he was cursed to have great misfortune. This led to a lot of people being hurt in order to protect him. Jesse then considered that the cursed actually brought misfortune to those around him, so from a happy child he became more isolated. At some point before the story became, he had a human friend named Kilu, who was hurt while he protected Jesse from massive rocks falling. Jesse blamed himself for it. We also discover that Sophie gave Jesse a pendant telling him that it neutralises the curse, when in fact it only has a calming effect on the owner. Jesse is part of the hidden vampire clan of Idoul. However this is only mentioned in one of his endings.
    Endings: In the sad ending he leaves Leia alone after the battle, thinking that he is too dangerous to stay with her. In the happy ending he turns Leia into a vampire with the help of his sister, Sophie, and they leave happily together.
  • Alison
    She is Leia's best friend. Cheerful and positive, she is a master crafter, kniting and making chocolate like a pro. Her secret: She is a vampire from Iroul clan and sister of Jesse and Sophie.
Secondary Characters
  • Sophie
    She is the magic shop's owner. Her secret: She is a vampire from Iroul clan and sister of Jesse and Alison.
  • Dina
    She is the cafe's owner and a really good dessert maker. She secretly works for the Kirk and she is a really good friend of Leo. In Leo's route you interact with her the most. Most likely because of their connection to the church. Even if she works for the Kirk, it is implied that she has no idea about the experiments on the vampires . Early on she is seen helping the protagonist's investigation into the vampire rougues, by giving her the bracelet detector and the cloak.
  • Hank
    One of the three orphans from the resident church of the Kirk. He is actually Crain Venture, a vampire that got close to the Pope by promising to give his blood once per month. He plots to destroy the church completely.
  • Saria
    She is the assistant teacher in the Light Magic Department and she is the childhood friend of Locke Tremere, having a one-sided crush on him. He always rejects her advances but she keeps trying anyway. She bullies the protagonist in the first part of the story as she is very jealous of the attention she gets from Locke. After Lock threatens her, she does not appear anymore.
Vampire clans
There are four main vampire clans, each having their own practices and trainings:
  • Tremere
  • Bruch - the guarding clan
  • Iroul - the original clan, currently into hidding.
  • Venture

The game tells us that vampires need blood to survive. Thus clans employ blood slaves for their survival. At the same time, we learn that a wounded vampire craves fresh blood, so they can be dangerous as well. In one route we discover that for vampires it is really hard to have children and it can take a long time till it happens. Fortunately they are also long-lived, so there is no rush needed.
It is implied that pure-blooded vampires are stronger.

*Although vampires are a big thing in the Mirror World, there are not many mentions of their history.Please feel free to add things that you encountered in the comment section below. I will add you as contributor.
Star-Mirror Academy

It is a school in the city of Sartrady and it is where almost all the action takes place.
    On Campus
  • School Gate
  • Classroom
  • Main Hall
  • Dorm
  • Student Council Room
  • Campus Garden - dating spot
  • Medical Clinic
  • Piano Room
  • The Basement
  • Central Park - dating spot
  • Cafe - part-time location & dating spot
  • Happy shop - part-time location & dating spot
  • Magic Shop - part-time location
  • Library - part-time location & dating spot
  • Amusement Park - part-time location & dating spot
  • Church - part-time location & dating spot
  • Music Hall

The Kirk church
It is the resident church next to the academy and it can only be visited during cutscenes.
  • Entrance
  • Orphanage
  • Hall
  • Laboratory
  • Autumn memory (blue dress)
  • Winter dream (red-brown dress)
  • Spring rain (green dress)
  • Summer love (pink dress)
  • Niveous Butterfly - gain favor +5 from handing out presents, gain favor +1 from encounters during free activities +50 bonus to all your attributes when equipped
  • Surreal Dream - gain attribute +2 from main courses +50 bonus to all your attributes when equipped
  • Grief Dispel - gain gold +10 from work +50 bonus to all your attributes when equipped
  • Redolph - gain crystal +5 from work +50 bonus to all your attributes when equipped
*good for crafting
  • Lemon Pudding
  • Tiramisu
  • Angel cake
  • Blueberry mousse
  • Classical Music Collection(best) & Ancient Book for Locke
  • Hourglass (Best) & the Kaleidoscope for Christ
  • Silver Cross (best) & Cottage Rose Specimen for Leo
  • Pocket Watch(best) & Blue Cup for Jesse
Blood Code
This section is pure spoiler and it explains why the game has this title:
  • Jude Philis, the main antagonist and the uncle of Leia, was doing experiments on vampires in order to unlock the blood code that God left into their bodies at the creation of the Mirror World. He was trying to create a method to expel the vampires back into the darkness. It is implied that he envied the power that vampires held in society and he wished that only The Kirk to dominate the world.
In the end I want to say that I loved the story, but it was hard to keep track of everything, especially if I took a break before going on another route. So I wanted to make it simple by bringing everything together. Feel free to contribute to the guide with your findings, in case I missed something ^^

kokonight 6 Jul, 2020 @ 6:41am 
robinrescues 26 Jun, 2020 @ 9:04pm 
What a wonderful description of the Mirror World and the lore in Blood Code.
Thank you for creating & sharing this! :bcshy: