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Using the Dowsing Rod on Linux
By almos
I mean doing something smarter than mashing the "f" button.
The problem
To use the damned thing you need to tap "f" quickly for a long time, which is tiring, frustrating and plainly stupid. I think it's an f-you from the developers.

This guide will tell you how to avoid doing that, provided you play the game on Linux, and you have at least a basic knowledge about the system.
The solution is a script
On Linux everything can be solved with a script. -- Albert Einstein

First you have to install xdotool (apt-get install xdotool). What this tool can do is to send fake keyboard or mouse input events or any X Window System event to any window. It's a really nifty tool with more features you'll ever need, just man xdotool if you want to know more. We'll use it to convince the game that the "f" button is pressed repeatedly.

The xdotool can read commands from a file, so the best solution is to create a two-liner script for it (yes, I know it can be done in one line, but I like it this way). The file should contain this:
#!/usr/bin/xdotool type --delay 100 ffffffffffffffffffff
but with a lot more f's. To do that you can either copy-paste them in the editor, or you can do something like this:
for ((I=0; $I<10000; I++)); do echo -n f >> typef ; done
(I call the script "typef", but you can call it whatever you want)

The command tells xdotool to emit "f" ten times per second to the active window, so the above example will work for 1000 seconds (about 16 minutes). It is important to have all f's on a single line, or it won't work.

Finally, make it executable (chmod 755 typef), so you can start it as "./typef", and stop it with Ctrl-C when you're done.

Now you are ready for some serious treasure-hunting.
How to use the script?
You need to open a terminal window, and run it, of course. Some important things:
  • Only start the script after you equipped the rod, or you won't be able to do it
  • Don't try to enter an other area while xdotool is running, or the game will crash
  • If you run the game with wine, you can simply alt-tab to a terminal window to start the script
  • If you play the Linux port of the game (you shouldn't, because it has visual bugs, and gives no achievements), you need to activate the steam in-game overlay to be able to alt-tab to the terminal window
  • The deep arrowheads respawn each time you enter an area, so you can collect as many as you want

With the script running you simply need to walk around the camp, and the deep arrowheads will be unearthed as you approach them. You only need to collect 1200 arrowheads (800 for the cobweb duster, and 400 for the magnet), which shouldn’t take much more than 10 minutes. All the other things you'll need to buy later are cheap, and once you have the magnet you'll have all the money you need, because you automatically collect the dropped arrowheads from fallen enemies and destroyed props.
unfortunatalie 30 Aug, 2021 @ 11:28am 
For me this is way easier, use and then use the macro


to spam the f button
DanDan 24 Aug, 2021 @ 3:02pm 
I used both the DS4 'triangle' and the keyboard 'F' at the same time and it still was hard. Bet someone could add a way to use the scroll wheel.
nerketur 10 Jul, 2021 @ 8:34pm 
given that this was released to consoles first, and the PC port is a bit more buggy, i don''t believe this was intended to cause pain with tapping a key.

that said, this is arguably cheating, but that doesn't really matter here. just that you're missing out on the feeling of doing it yourself.

the intended mechanic is to make it easier to get the closer you are to it. ten times a second is way more than you need if you;re right on it. only need about 5 a second, for about 2 seconds not long at all.

all that said, the same can be accomplished on Windows with AHK

or you can be a sane person and use a controller instead :P
rusty_dragon 8 Jul, 2021 @ 6:49am 
Not interested in using the script. But I appreciate that you're using scripting and X11 tools on Linux.
danneeboi 30 Dec, 2020 @ 11:46pm 
I always just bind a secondary key to do the same action in the game's settings menu. Mashing two keys makes it soooo much easier than one.
Chrogion 2 Dec, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
Thanks! This is exactly what I needed! That made unburying those arrowheads a ton more pleasant. I really dislike this part of the game.
DeaDGoDXIV 6 Dec, 2017 @ 12:45am 
I'm playing on Win10 but with a G910 keyboard and I just setup a toggleable macro to repeatedly press "F" every 100 milliseconds until I toggle the macro off. Say what you want about "Linux people", Extra, it's actually efficeincy and better for your keyboard/gamepad in the long run to not be hammering the same key/button.
Crag Bandiboo 12 Nov, 2015 @ 1:29pm 
Or you could just do the work yourself. Far be it from me to tell you linux enthusiasts how to play the game, it's just we all have to work our arrowheads. That's what makes them valuable in this game.
RocketRobby 21 Jun, 2014 @ 6:52pm 
i agree with the ones below
piripiago 12 Jan, 2014 @ 9:14am 
Watch the color of the pointer. It changes colors as you move around. Its default color is light blue and it turns purple when you are facing the direction of the nearest burried arrowheads. Turn till it is purple and walk forward. As you walk around it will change back to blue, so turn until it is purple again. Tap the button to dig as you move and as you get closer the gauge will go up faster. It is significantly easier to dig if you are right on top of the burried arrowheads. If you are too far away, you can mash the button as fast as you can all you want, but you still will not dig up any arrowheads.