A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

77 ratings
Making a Chapter
By Onion and 2 collaborators
Whoa, WHAT?! Crazy, right? Modding has progressed to the point where you can make your own custom Chapters! Here's a guide that will cover the basics of making your own.

Coming in, you must have an understanding of:
-The layout of the Content Browser
-Content packages
-Kismet (You only need a basic understanding of this one.)

Special Thanks to TheGreatAndPowerfulWeegee for the images!

NOTE: Having any Chapter Mod that is NOT yours will crash your Editor on startup.
Chapter Info Basics
This section will include the basics of the structure of your files, and what everything in your chapter mod's chapter package will do.

So, you want to hit the ground running with your next mod and make it a full chapter, but you're not sure how to go about doing that? The first thing you should do upon starting the process of making your Chapter Info is to create a new Chapter Info in the Content Browser by right clicking on an empty space and creating that object. You want this to be in a new package to avoid storage limits and to keep things organized! A Chapter Info is a file that stores the information for your Chapter, acting as the glue between your Acts and maps and the rest of the game. Upon creating your Chapter Info, right click on the file and click "Copy Full Name to Clipboard" from the options that appear. From there, you want to head to your mod settings outside of the Editor and paste that "Full Name" into the ChapterInfo box of the Scripting tab. Then, head back into the Editor. You just made your Chapter Info! Later sections will include a guide on how to make your Chapter Info yours.

Now, try right clicking in the same package and creating a Chapter Act Info in that package. A Chapter Act Info stores the information for each act, like Title Cards, Act number, and the Map itself. Therefore, you must place one down for each Act, including Time Rifts. To connect these to your Chapter Info, head into its Properties by double clicking the file and then single click your Chapter Info. Then in the Chapter Info section of your Chapter Act Info's Properties, press the green arrow to use the selected item in your Content Browser as the Chapter Info, which should be your Chapter Info.

In your Chapter Content Package, you should have these things and these things ONLY:
-Chapter Info
-One Chapter Act Info for each Act (including Time Rifts)
-Title Card Texture2D Files
-Time Rift and Chapter Portrait Texture2D FIles

I say "only" because the Chapter Info package has a size limit. This is because the package is always loaded within the game.

Also, it's probably important that I also go over Time Piece Identifiers. These are a series of letters and numbers that define your Time Piece so the game can refer to it later to see if you've completed it or not. It is set in the Properties of your Time Piece actor, which is placed into your maps.

You must also have .umap, or map files for your acts to be in so you can reference those map files in Chapter Act Infos. You always reference them by file name. And, in your World Properties of each of your .umap files (accessed by hovering over "View" in the top bar of your Editor while your .umap file is loaded, then clicking "World Properties"), you should scroll to the "World Info" tab, then press the blue arrow under "My Map Info" to create a new Hat_MapInfo. Then, in the Chapter section of your Hat_MapInfo, you will see a space for a Chapter Info. Single click your Chapter Info in the Content Browser, then press the green arrow by the space for your Chapter Info to use the object you have selected; your ChapterInfo.
Filling in Your Chapter Info
This section will go over filling in your Chapter Info and its Properties.

To make your Chapter Info yours, you must first head into its Properties by double-clicking the file. There you will see a ton of settings broken up into tabs. This section will be broken up the same way.


Chapter ID: This is a number used to define what number Chapter your Chapter is. Since mod Chapters don't use Chapter numbers. all it really does is affect where you spawn in the Spaceship when going back to the hub from your mod level.
Chapter Name: This is the name of your Chapter! Name it whatever you want.
Portrait: Set this as a Texture2D file to make every map using your Chapter in its World Properties have this image as its portrait. Y'know, the one in the top-right corner of the pause menu?
Chapter Color: This is the color used to color the background and planet in your Act Select.

Required Hourglass: Punch in a Time Piece Identifier here to make your Chapter only unlockable when you've gotten that Time Piece.
Required Hourglass Count: Put a number in here to make your Chapter only unlockable once you've hit a certain number of Time Pieces.
Unlocked By Level Bit: Put in a Level Bit here to make your Chapter only unloackable once that Level Bit is added to your save file.

Is Actless: Check this to make your Acts "Mountain Peaks" instead of numbered "Acts". This is also REQUIRED to have a functioning Free Roam!
Is Standoff: Check this to make your Chapter a battle between the Conductor and DJ Grooves.
Has Free Roam: Check this to give your Chapter a Free Roam option. Since Alpine Skyline uses the Act 99 alternative to Free Roams, this was left unused and therefore doesn't work.
Finale Is Blocking: Check this to make the Finale the only option to choose from in the Act Select once it's available.
Finale Disappear On Complete: Check this to make your Chapter's Finale only completable once.
Has Lava Planet: Check this to give your Chapter a planet in the Act Select screen that is used for the Finale.

The "Finale Act ID" setting is gone over in more detail in the Free Roams and Finales section.

Since your mod cannot give achievements, do not worry about this tab.
Filling in Your Chapter Act Infos
This section will go over filling in your Chapter Act Infos and their Properties.

To make your Chapter Act Infos yours, you must first head into their Properties by double-clicking the files. There you will see a ton of settings broken up into tabs. This section will be broken up the same way.

Chapter Info: Defines what Chapter this Act is a part of.
Is Time Rift: More details are in the Act Requirements and Time Rifts section.
Act ID: This number defines what number Act this Act Info is. For example, setting it to 1 makes this Act Act 1.
Hourglass: This is your Act's Time Piece Identifier. Once you've gotten the Time Piece, the Act will register as complete.

Act Name: This is the name of your Act.
In Development: This causes your Act to disappear!
Is Mini Boss: Gives your act the Boss Act Skull Icon.
Is Boss: Gives your act the Boss Act Skull Icon.
Retry Prompt On Failure: Check this to make a retry prompt appear when players die in this Act.

Stand Off
Hourglass Uncanny: This Time Piece Identifier is the Identifier that counts as a Mod Rift Token, but doesn't count towards completion of the act beacsue Dead Bird Basement stuff. This was meant to be used for Battle of the Birds, after all.
Supports Highscore: Check this to have this Act show your high score on the Act Select screen. This requires your Chapter Info to be a Standoff.

Map Name: This is the name of the .umap file that this Act takes place in.
Map Name Complete: Once your level is completed, going into this Act will now refer to this .umap file.

Planet Rotation: This sets however the planet is rotated when you hover over this Act in the Act Select screen.
Act Info Box Details: More details are in the Act Info Box Details section.
Title Card Background: More details are in the Title Cards and Photos section.
Photo: More details are in the Title Cards and Photos section.
Render Priority: Don't mess with this. I don't even know what it does.

Orb Cost: More details are in the Act Requirements and Time Rifts section.
Death WIsh Cost: Use this to determine how many Death Wishes are required to unlock this act!
Required Act ID: More details are in the Act Requirements and Time Rifts section.
Required Items: More details are in the Act Requirements and Time Rifts section.
Not On Consoles: I don't get why you'd use this, because it's not like modding is coming to consoles.
Act Requirements and Time Rifts
This section will go over Act Requirements and Time Rifts.

Want to make one Act unlock when another is completed? Want to make one Act inaccessile until you've paid pons? Want to make your Time Rifts appear correctly on the Act Select?

Unlocking Acts
To make an Act only accessible by playing and completing previous acts, you have to make a list of Required Act IDs that list all of the previous Act IDs (for example, Act 4 would have 1, 2, and 3 in its Required Act ID list). To make an Act appear with a lock symbol on it with a warning if you haven't gotten a specific item yet, you must set the Required Items to whatever you desire. To make the player pay pons to play your Act, set the Orb Cost number to the amount of Pons you want the player to pay.

How Time Rifts Work
To make your Act a Time Rift, you must check "Is Time Rift" in your Chapter Act Info's properties. To have your Time Rift appear as Blue, it MUST have an Act ID Requirement! In order to have your Time Rift appear as Purple, it MUST not have any ACT ID requirements! This will make the game think that the Time Rift is unlocked by getting the mod chapter's Relics.

Unlocking Purple Rift
Now that you know that setting no Act Requirements on a Rift makes it a Purple Rift, how do you unlock a purple rift? Well, that's easy! Just copy and paste this code into a .uc file in your Classes folder (be sure to name the file "Hat_UnlockTimeRift"!) in your mod, then Compile Scripts. You should see a new Kismet node pop up in the Game Data section of Sequence Actions after that called Unlock Purple Rift! Then, you just have to hook up an On Interaction event with your Time Piece and this node, with "Rift to Unlock" being the Time Piece Identifier of your Time Rift! Also, be sure to give your class a unique name to avoid conflicts!

Major credits to Jawchewa for making the following code!

class Hat_UnlockTimeRift extends SequenceAction;
var() string RiftToUnlock;

event Activated()
if (InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse && RiftToUnlock != "")

ObjName="Unlock Purple Rift"
ObjCategory="Game Data"

VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_String',LinkDesc="String",PropertyName=RiftToUnlock, bWriteable=true)
Title Cards and Photos
This section will go over Title Cards and Photos.

Importing Texture2D Photos
To import a photo as a Texture2D file in your chapter content package, simply drag and drop the .png files with resolution lengths that are powers of 2 into the SAME package as your Chapter Info and Chapter Act Infos.

Title Cards
In your Chapter Act Info's Properties, there is a space for a Title Card Background. With this, single click the Title Card you want and press the green arrow to put it in the Chapter Act Info.

Time Rift Location Photos
In your Time Rift Chapter Act Info's Properties, there is a space for a Photo in the Visuals tab. From this, just single click the location picture you want and press the green arrow to put it in the Chapter Act Info.

Chapter Portraits
In your Chapter Info's Properties, there is a space for a Portrait. From these Properties, simply single click the portrait you want and press the green arrow to put it in the Chapter Info.
Act Info Box Details
This section will go over Act Info Box Details.

To have Act Info Box Details, you must first have a .int file called "HatinTimeGame" in this path:


Then, in that file, you must have a header above all of your Act Info Box Details that reads "[actinfoboxdetails]". Then, under that, you can start typing your Act Info Box Details as Localization. I will not go into detail about Localization because it is a topic you should know going into this guide. After setting up your localizations, simply copy and paste the localization names into your Act Info Box Details list in your Chapter Act Info's Properties.
Free Roams and Finales
This section will go over how to implement Finales and Free Roams into your Chapter Mod.

Setting your Act Info as a boss act is a good alternative to making it a Finale, as right now Finales are not functional.

To have an Act be a Free Roam, check "Is Actless" in your ChapterInfo AND make a new ChapterActInfo with your map filled in, no hourglass, no name, but with the Act ID set to 99.
Dr. Treefrog 26 Oct, 2022 @ 4:01pm 
Probably worth noting that, as of a recent update to the game, finales now seem to work properly without any community-made fixes
TheHispterFizz 16 Dec, 2020 @ 6:09pm 
Render Priority: Don't mess with this. I don't even know what it does.

Onion  [author] 22 Sep, 2020 @ 7:26am 
@cool If your act does not have a Time Piece yet, it won't show up on the map screen.
Dr. Treefrog 21 Sep, 2020 @ 5:07pm 
@Cool does your act have a Time Piece?
FIMPCHUS 21 Sep, 2020 @ 1:38pm 
I put my Chapter Act Info's Act ID to 1 but it won't show up on the map screen.
Hi-Vis 9 Jul, 2019 @ 6:12am 
@Dr. Treefog Thank you
It actually worked
Hi-Vis 9 Jul, 2019 @ 1:07am 
@Dr. Treefog Is that changes anything?
Dr. Treefrog 8 Jul, 2019 @ 11:38pm 
@FransKristen Are you selecting "Act 2" From the "Hat in Time" menu at the top of the interface?
Hi-Vis 8 Jul, 2019 @ 11:29pm 
@Dr. Treefog Yes
Dr. Treefrog 8 Jul, 2019 @ 11:21pm 
@FransKristen In the editor, you mean?