Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

2,383 ratings
All Game Collector Badges
Steam provides badges for the number of games you have in your account. The more games, the higher the level of the insignia and consequently the greater will be the XP of the insignia. This Guide came to show these gaming collectors' badges.
As more insignia come out I will update the Guide. Please, if you find any errors, please let me know, my English is far from perfect.

Don't forget to press RATE and FAVORITE :]
Since I first met Steam, I asked myself who were the people who had the most games on the platform, how many Steam games were in the catalog, etc., how can I check out this topic I opened in 2014: "Qual é o brasileiro que tem mais jogos e DLCs na Steam?".

This curiosity took me a while to research and found that Steam had a lot more games than I had imagined.

This Guide is the conclusion of my curiosity. I want to keep the Guide up to date with reference sources whenever new information appears. Almost everything on this subject is in English and I decided to write this Guide also in English to have a greater reach, unfortunately I am not very fluent in that language and most probably some errors will appear. If you can, leave corrections and tips for new information in the comments.
  • DLC's, F2P games, etc., does not count.
  • The variable G below is for the number of games that one wants to calculate according to the badge level.
  • Originally posted by Baken:
    PLEASE keep in mind that since you cannot have fractions of a point of XP, the XP is rounded. If Valve is truncating instead of rounding, well, it would probably make the equations a bit more elegant or something, but this is enough work as it stands. I'm also basing this off the assumption that the constant in the equation for each badge is a whole number, which I think may be reasonable for a programming point of view.
Table of the collectors' game insignia
Number of games
Minimum XP
XP Calculation
One-Stop Shopper
1 to 4
100 XP
XP = 94 + (6 x G)
Selected Collector
5 to 9
125 XP
XP = 100 + (5 x G)
Adept Accumulator
10 to 24
150 XP
XP = 150 + (3.31 x (G - 10))
Sharp-Eyed Stockpiler
25 to 49
200 XP
XP = 150 + (2 x G)
Collection Agent
50 to 99
250 XP
XP = 250 + (1.49 x (G - 50))
Power Player
100 to 249
325 XP
XP = 325 + (1.1585 x (G-100))
Game Mechanic
250 to 499
500 XP
XP = 250 + G
Director of Acquisitions
500 to 999
750 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Industry Guardian
1000 to 1999
1250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Gaming God
2000 to 2999
2250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Accrual Expert
3000 to 3999
3250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Ambassador of Amassment
4000 to 4999
4250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Digital Deity
5000 to 5999
5250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Collection King
6000 to 6999
6250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Magnate of Amassment
7000 to 7999
7250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Stockpiler Supreme
8000 to 8999
8250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Almighty Aggregator
9000 to 9999
9250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Master Gatherer
10000 to 10999
10250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Omnipotent Assemblert
11000 to 11999
11250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Acquisition Idol
12000 to 12999
12250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 13,000+
13000 to 13999
13250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 14,000+
14000 to 14999
14250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 15.000+
15000 to 15999
15250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 16.000+
16000 to 16999
16250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 17.000+
17000 to 17999
17250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 18.000+
18000 to 18999
18250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 19.000+
19000 to 19999
19250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 20.000+
20000 to 20999
20250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 21.000+
21000 to 21999
21250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 22.000+
22000 to 22999
22250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 23.000+
23000 to 23999
23250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 24.000+
24000 to 24999
24250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 25.000+
25000 to 25999
25250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Table of the collectors' game insignia (Part II)
Number of games
Minimum XP
XP Calculation
Game Collector: 26,000+
26000 to 26999
26250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 27,000+
27000 to 27999
27250 XP
XP = 250 + G
Game Collector: 28,000+
28000 to 29999
28250 XP
XP = 250 + G

Special thanks to SɢᴛFᴏᴘᴘᴇʀ™ for helping to find the 28K badge. Thank you!
About formula to discover XP
Badge level
Account example
1+ One-Stop Shopper
XP = 94 + (6 x G)
XP = 94 + (6 x 2)
XP = 94 + 12
XP = 106
5+ Selected Collector
XP = 100 + (5 x G)
XP = 100 + (5 x 7)
XP = 100 + 35
XP = 135
10+ Adept Accumulator
XP = 150 + (3,31 x (G - 10))
XP = 150 + (3,31 x (23 - 10))
XP = 150 + (3,31 x 13)
XP = 150 + 43,03
XP = 193,03
25+ Sharp-Eyed Stockpiler
XP = 150 + (2 x G)
XP = 150 + (2 X 42)
XP = 150 + 84
XP = 234
50+ Collection Agent
XP = 250 + (1.49 x (G - 50))
XP = 250 + (1,49 x (80-50))
XP = 250 + (1,49 x 30)
XP = 250 + 44,7
XP = 294,7
100+ Power Player
XP = 325 + (1.1585 x (G-100))
XP = 325 + (1.1585 x (173 - 100))
XP = 325 + (1.1585 x 73)
XP = 325 + 84,5705
XP = 409,5705
250+ Game Mechanic
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 486
XP = 736
500+ Director of Acquisitions
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 550
XP = 800
1K+ Game Industry Guardian
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 1606
XP = 1856
2K+ Gaming God
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 2232
XP = 2482
3K+ Accrual Expert
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 3335
XP = 3585
4K+ Ambassador of Amassment
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 4300
XP = 4550
5K+ Digital Deity
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 5765
XP = 6015
6K+ Collection King
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 6917
XP = 7167
7K+ Magnate of Amassment
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 7522
XP = 7772
8K+ Stockpiler Supreme
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 8049
XP = 8299
9K+ Almighty Aggregator
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 9265
XP = 9515
10K Master Gatherer
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 10181
XP = 10431
11K Omnipotent Assemblert
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 11939
XP = 12189
12K Acquisition Idol
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 12976
XP = 13226
13K Game Collector: 13,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 13198
XP = 13448
14K Game Collector: 14,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 14779
XP = 15029
15K Game Collector: 15,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 15486
XP = 15736
16K Game Collector: 16,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 16513
XP = 16763
17K Game Collector: 17,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 17681
XP = 17931
18K Game Collector: 18,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 18000
XP = 18250
19K Game Collector: 19,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 19035
XP = 19285
20K Game Collector: 20,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 20822
XP = 21072
21K Game Collector: 21,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 21923
XP = 22173
22K Game Collector: 22,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 22111
XP = 22361
23K Game Collector: 23,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 23802
XP = 24052
24K Game Collector: 24,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 24223
XP = 24473
25K Game Collector: 25,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 25042
XP = 25292
About formula to discover XP (Part II)
Badge level
Account example
26K Game Collector: 26,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 26061
XP = 26311
26K Game Collector: 27,000+
XP = 250 + G
XP = 250 + 27504
XP = 27754

Special thanks for ⓜᴺ.Quantom finding level 23K! Thank you for your help.
Special thanks for иoвяuмosяa finding level 24K! Thank you for your help.
Dwight schrute changed links. Current link is this: Special thanks to Aipo for reporting this change.
Special thanks to иoвяuмosяa for helping to find the 25K level!
So much for the help in finding the 26K Emblem, 接舆 and TheBalu
Thank you very much for the notice of the 27K badge, lbinagt
The 10K Game Collector Badge, "10000+ Purchased Master Gatherer" had a first version, which was later changed.

Original Badge
Current Badge
Ylvox. (2018). Comprador Casual. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

★ Kevex ★. (2017). Colecionador Seleto. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

󰀗 Danvitinho 󰀗. (2018). Acumulador Adepto. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Shanez . (2018). Estoquista de Olhar Aguçado. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

♦ Henrique ♦. (2018). Agente de Coleção. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Murkal. (2018). Jogador Entusiasta. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

★BLVCK'VLON★. (2018). Especialista em Jogos. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Wandering. (2018). Diretor de Aquisições. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

DEIVIDH. (2018). Guardião da Indústria de Jogos. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Sib3riX . (2018). Deus dos Jogos. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Kraigz. (2018). Perito em Acréscimo. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018]

Shino. (2018). Embaixador da Acumulação. Available in [consulted in July 15, 2018] [bluestreak]. (2018). Divindade Digital. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Shoes. (2018). Rei das Coleções. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Fint™. (2018). Magnata da Acumulação. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

|.:M.A.D:.| LARGATICHA. (2018). Estoquista Espetacular. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

ddsb78. (2018). Agregador Abastado. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Durtro. (2018). Mestre Coletor. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

blau. (2018). Colecionador Onipotente. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Kreutzer. (2018). Ídolo das Aquisições. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Dark Zone. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 13.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Wrecker. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 14.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Teddy FreiBär™. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 15.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Stuntman (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 16.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Tony Montana. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 17.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Sonix. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 18.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Axtor. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 20.000+. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Kongzoola. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 21.000+. Available in [consulted in July 17, 2018] (2018). Badges Jogos de propriedade. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

steamtreasurehunt. (2018). Steam Treasure Hunt Wiki. Available in [consulted in July 16, 2018]

Fandon. (2018). Distintivos. Available in [consulted in July 19, 2018]

Baken. (2013). Game Collector levels. Available in [consulted in July 19, 2018]

Biohazard. (2018). Guardião da Indústria de Jogos. Available in [consulted in July 21, 2018]

dwight schrute. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 17.000+. Available in [consulted in July 21, 2018]

dwight schrute. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 19.000+. Available in [consulted in december 27, 2018]

Kongzoola. (2018). Colecionador de Jogos: 22.000+. Available in [consulted in december 27, 2018]

Sonix. (2020). Colecionador de Jogos: 23.000+. Available in [consulted in december 01, 2020]

Sonix. (2021). Colecionador de Jogos: 24.000+. Available in [consulted in january 18, 2021]

Sonix. (2021). Colecionador de Jogos: 25.000+. Available in [consulted in April 25, 2021]

Sonix. (2021). Colecionador de Jogos: 26.000+. Available in [consulted in August 6, 2021]

Sonix. (2022). Colecionador de Jogos: 27.000+. Available in [consulted in January 3, 2022]
螃蟹螃蟹螃蟹 10 hours ago 
Wow, 37,000+ games!
VinTJ 20 Mar @ 2:50pm 
Sonix now has 37K lol... fella's going wild with that game count
dashstar 24 Feb @ 11:44am 
The free ones dont count
I ❤️ HOT MOMS 21 Feb @ 11:52am 
Why does it say that i am 1 stop shopper even though i have many games?
Guason ☠ 1 Feb @ 8:35am 
Nice Awesome :phoenixheart:
ᶦᶜᵉᵇᵉʳʳʸ 30 Jan @ 4:00pm 
Aesthezel 23 Jan @ 10:54pm 
SonixLegend its a true legend... Its the myth
Dudis 22 Jan @ 6:07pm 
@Bloody Harry bro completely wrong lmaooo, you can open any Valve employee profile btw, they have normal amount of games, and the only ones they get for free are Valve ones. Who has 27K are actually arab sheikhs.
AFAK 20 Jan @ 5:27pm 
you're missing 10 badges :)
. 13 Jan @ 11:20am 
+rep good :federation::Honored: