Sunless Skies

Sunless Skies

129 ratings
How to edit Savegames & use Cheat Engine
By 1410c
A guide that wants to show which values you can edit and where & how you can edit them. Thanks to a ton of contribution it has grown quite a bit and by now contains a lot of useful information on how to alter the game to your liking!
General Information
Compared to Sunless Seas it is - for a variety of reasons - more complicated to edit data in Sunless Skies, at least for the time being. So, before I get to the things you can change, here’s a short overview of the things I haven’t found out how to do yet – if you should find out how to edit one of them, please let me know, and giving a good instruction would be highly appreciated! This list, by the way, was quite long once - thanks to the contributions of lots of players it shrank down to one single point, which I think is quite a feat. Let me know if there's more you'd like to have included in the guide but don't know how to do, and I'll include it in this list!

  1. What I liked most about Sunless Seas was that you could edit your ship (speed, fuel consumption) nearly effortless. While the values are there in the save game, changing them doesn’t seem to do anything and gets overwritten on the next save, so I suspect the game pulls them from another location.

But now, enjoy the guide, I hope you'll find everything you're looking for. If something is missing or you have an idea on how to improve the guide, just let me know. Rating the guide would be appreciated :-)

And one special announcement:
Nostalgia created the initial release of a save editor, which features things such as editing posessions, weapons, teleportations, removing Fog of War, etc.

It is available here
Cheat Engine
Before I get to the actual savegame editing I'd like to point out that some things can only be achieved by manipulating them via CheatEngine - especially convenience things like faster speed, invulnerable ship, rapidfire guns and no terror. Since every value I found so far is 4 Bytes and can be found quite easily in the normal way of searching by increased/decreased value it is not complicated to do, and all the values in the list below can be changed or frozen as desired. The (useful) values I found so far are as follows, but going above the max values or entering negative values will most likely crash your game:

  • Terror
  • Hull (Freezing at max value turns you invulnerable)
  • Heat (Freezing at 0 enables rapidfire)
  • Crew
  • Possessions

Fuel & Food refuses to be treated this way, all the values you can find are just display values, but there is a way of editing your savegame to get near unlimited fuel. And white I have found no way to change the ships speed per se, Speedhacking the game to double speed via Cheat Engine is not only possible but also quite stable. You should consider that everything is sped up to double speed, though, so combats are a tad more difficult and the faster speed also changes the tone of the game quite a bit. Since I've last checked somebody created a separate guide with pictures on how to speedhack the game if you don't know how to do that, it is quite simple though, so don't be afraid to try it out!

Finding and freezing the Values
Since it was asked in the comments, here's a short tutorial on how to do the aforementioned things.

Open Cheat Engine and select Sunless Skies as the Process. Now you check - for example - how much Hull you have left. If it's 100, you search for 100 with "First Scan". Now you hit your ship against a rock and check the Hull. If it's now 98, you go back to CE, enter 98 and hit "Next Scan". You repeat this process until you have only two adresses left. You then "pull" them into the lower area with your mouse. I recommend renaming them to "Hull" to avoid confusion. You can then change the value (doubleclick) to the Max Hull and set the entry on Active (the little Checkbox at the start). The Value is now frozen at the max value, and you are basically indestructable. The same method is used to find and freeze Terror, by the way!

How to freeze Heat
Since the instructions about this were a bit unclear I'll try to go a bit more indepth about it. Since Heat doesn't show you the exact value it is at the moment you can't enter the number. The only numbers you know is when it's empty (it's at 0 then) and when it's full (100). Since it's not convenient to freeze the game at 100 we'll use the 0 as our go-to-value. So what to do?
With Heat at 0, go to Cheat Engine and search for the exact value "0". It'll find millions, but that's okay. Now fire your guns until the heat is at about halfway full and press escape to pause the game. Go to Cheat Engine and search for "Increased Value". Wait until it's done, go back to the game, unpause and let the heat reduce by a bit, pause again, go to Cheat Engine and search for "Decreased Value". Now let the heat drop to zero, pause, go to Cheat Engine and search for "Exact Value = 0". After repeating it for a bit you'll end up at about 10-20 entries. Nearly all of them will have 5-8 digits, or are 0, but what you're looking for is two entries that have the same two digit number when you have a bit of heat, like 32. Pull both of them down, fire your weapon again and pause. If they are the right ones both of the numbers should immediately adjust to the new heat. You can then set the Value to 0 and freeze them like mentioned above with the checkbox, this will prevent any kind of overheat and allow you to spam whatever weapon is at your disposal.

If anything should still be unclear about it, don't hesistate to ask! Also please keep in mind that Cheat Engine should never be used in Multiplayer Games :-)
Introduction to Editing
As SeeYaTonight pointed out it is quite important to actually quit the game before editing – simply going back to title won’t suffice. Also I'd reccomend a Software like Notepad++ to make editing a lot easier. The location of the savegame you want is at:
C:\Users\name\AppData\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless Skies\storage\characterrepository

Pick your most recent lineage and open the autosave_s to begin!
Some last general advice before you start to avoid a bad outcome:
  • Always create a backup file - but as fnord3125 pointed out, don't create a backup folder inside the folder with the lineages. This will confuse the game and lead to weird results.
  • Don't edit autosave_m. It's an internal backup save that should not be messed with.
  • Try to use reasonable values. Setting your hull to 9 billion or your crew to -10 will end in tears.
  • I strongly advise against editing event-counters. It is possible, but it can not only easily crash your game but also tends to corrupt your savegame. It is way easier to alter your stats to get through an event than to mess with the event itself.
  • The longer you play, the bigger the savegame gets and the more matches for your IDs you will find. Most of the time it's the last location/hit you find in the savegame unless specified otherwise. I would recommend checking the value of the Level and EffectiveLevel before editing them, they should be identical to the ingame values.
Since starting this guide this segment got longer and longer, so I try to separate it into meaningful segments. If you feel that something is missing, wrong or explained badly, let me know!

Fuel & Supply
If you are stuck somewhere with just not enough supplies to get home, you can alter the amounts of fuel and supplies still left in the current crate. The first line in the savegame contains "PercentageThroughFuel" and "PercentageThroughSupply", which is a bit misleading since it actually shows how much is left, not how much has been used. A value of 0.7 for example means the container has 70% left. Setting this value to 1.0 means that the game will consider the current drum/crate to be full.

This can also be used to achieve near-infinite fuel:
Setting the value to 9.0 means the crate is 900% full. A value of 100.0 tells the game that the current drum contains 10000% fuel, meaning you will only have to refill when the ship would ordinarily have used up 100 drums of fuel. Sadly this trick won't work for supplies, since the game always resets values above 1.0 back down to 100%.

Manipulating Stats & Items

Before we get to the most interesting part, you need to know about the "problem" with Fuel Efficiency. Sunless Skies calculates the efficiency based on how many Items you have in your hold - but it keeps this value at some not yet fully understood place. So if you delete items from your hold only through CE or Save edit, your fuel efficiency will never go up and will only get worse the more you do it. Dinonumber came up with a fix for it, which is fiddling with ID 137555. She/he set it to 2 with good results, mine is at 255 with good results, so I'm not quite certain what's the optimum, all I know is that values above 255 are bad and that the ID is assigned to the ship's weight. So if you notice that your fuel efficiency is terrible, this ID is the place to go to! If anyone finds out more about this or finds a better fix, let me know! Thanks in advance!

Just as an addendum and clarification, as Sir Laser has pointed out the values (Level & EffectiveLevel) you need to edit for Fuel Efficiency are in this line:

Modifying Stats & Quantities
I personally have not tried it with hold-items so far, but according to Dissonant it works equally as well. Since there was no instruction regarding this, just an "It's possible", please let me know if you managed to do so (and, especially in older saves with hundreds of hits, which one to change) or are having problems!

The lines you are looking for are constructed like this, the Item-ID being the last part of the line ("Id":123456). This example is for the "Hearts"-Value:

Here you need to change the Effective Level and the Level to the Value you want. For example, to change the Hearts-Stat from 40 to 75, it would look like this:

The same is true for everything with a fixed value or quantity. So it is actually quite easy:
  • Save and close the game
  • Open autosave_s in Notepad++
  • Search for the ID
  • Change "EffectiveLevel" and "Level" to the value you want
  • Save the changes

Editing Items after having none left
As Brisk Albatross pointed out, you can also do this for items where you have none left. If, for example, your Cryptic Benefactor ("Id":131129) has a Value of Zero, it looks like this:

To change the value back to a positive number you simply have to add the missing part back in to make it look like this:

Adding Items
After I didn't think it's possible for months Fichtl actually worked out how to add Items! Thank you so much! Since it's easier I'll begin with the Items you stored in the bank:

Search for "SavedBankItems". You will find a list of IDs with their current Level, looking like this:
To add an Item, simply add its ID and its Level to the List, for example like this:

As for adding other items I'll just post her/his explanation. It was pointed out by several users that it is important "where" you post which item, but sadly not elaborated how to figure out which items belongs in which position, except for the clearly distinguishable banking part. If anyone would care to elaborate I'd be immensly thankful and will add it immediately! Here's the description by Fichtl:

Here's how to add items that you don't have, you go somewhere where you have an item for example:
and so on.

Then you just add a new item by adding a new line (Just copy the line then change the id) between them. Example:
{"EffectiveLevel":1,"Level":1,"AssociatedQuality":{"Tag":"","Id":135355}}, {"EffectiveLevel":1,"Level":1,"AssociatedQuality":{"Tag":"","Id":131658}}
Editing Hull, Hold & Factions
Since Steam wants the Guide in smaller portions, here's the rest of the editing instructions. The same rules and ideas as in the segment above apply!

Maximum Hull
Lys_xen worked out that it is possible to increase the maximum amount of Hull way beyond the normal value by adding a level Modifier. To achieve this, first go to your Hull-ID (131237), where by default the entry should look like this:

Now you just have to insert the "EffectiveLevelModifier"-Tag and give it a value. You need to add the value you enter here to the "EffectiveLevel", so that "Level" + "Modifier" = "EffectiveLevel". If you want to have a 1000 hull it would look like this for example:

Maximum Hold
Warning: This is not fully tested yet so it may crash your game. Please provide feedback if that should happen to you

Horizon managed to increase the max hold without falling into the automatic reversion the game likes to pull off whenever editing a ship value, and it's done not quite unlike the Hull, albeit a bit different. By default, after going to the Hold-ID (132788) it will look like this:

Now you have to insert the missing "Level"-Modifier and construct the new EffectiveLevel out of the existing LevelModifier (since this always reverts back) and the newly inserted Level. If you wanted to have a Hold of 100 for example it would look like this:

lys_xen found out that the same holds true for secret compartments, which have the ID 139041. As lys_xen confirmed it is necessary to first equip an item that grants secret compartments to be able to increase the amount of secret compartments.

Editing Faction-Affiliations
As SeeYaTonight found out you can also edit your faction affiliations, which are constructed in a slightly different way than items but can still be manipulated. After you searched for them via their ID, you have to look for the part where it says:

Here you have to insert the missing "Level"-Parameter between the EffectiveLevel and the EffectiveLevelModifier, so it looks like this:

You can then change the value of both EffectiveLevel and Level to the Value you want as you did with regular items.
Uncovering the Map
Nostalgia discovered a way how you can remove the entire Fog of War from your Ingame Maps without the need to explore every least bit of it. When you open your Savegame you'll find 4 vast areas that basically read "True, true, true, false, false, true, true ..." - those flags represent all the tiny areas of the map that are covered with fog and mark if it has been discovered (true) or not (false).

If you simply replace all the "false" in those 4 segments with "true" by using search and replace in those areas, all your maps will be revealed. Discovery EXP for locations will still be granted as far as it is known, but feedback to this topic is very welcome!

Edit: According to a recent comment it's now actually the other way round - true stating the area is hidden while false stating the area is revealed, so it may be necessary to perform it exactly the other way round. As stated this only reveals the map areas but does not "discover" them, so the EXP is still there.
IDs for Stats, Gold, Affiliations and Misc.
Important notes about changing your captains stats:
  • If you have an Officer equipped that raises your stats, the EffectiveLevel will be higher than the Level by that amount. Remember to keep that difference when editing.
  • Keleviel pointed out that - when editing your level - you also need to edit your experience to match it, since you otherwise need to earn the "missing" experience.
  • Neongrey, who also found the Charakter Points, explained that they are relative to your character level, so if you want to add points they should be lower than your level.

IDs for Captain-Skills, Condition, Crew and Gold so far:
131137 = Gold
131138 = Hearts
131139 = Iron
131140 = Veils
131141 = Mirrors
131221 = Condition (Careful! This can easily crash your game!)
131232 = Terror
131233 = Character Level
131234 = Experience
131235 = Crew
131237 = Hull
132055 = Date
132788 = Hold
132996 = Character Points
139041 = Secret Compartments

IDs for Gratitudes so far:
132085 = The Windward Company's Gratitude
135546 = The Ministry's Gratitude
135547 = The New Street Line's Gratitude
139092 = The Gratitude of The Embassy of Albion
135399 = The Royal Society's Gratitude

IDs for Heirlooms so far:
137375 = Song of the Sky
137376 = Vast Wealth

IDs for Fortunes so far:
131219 = Stovepipes
131220 = Tackities
134260 = Strength of the Sun

IDs for Reputations so far:
136768 = The Windward Company
136769 = Tackities
139066 = Smuggler

IDs for Affiliations so far:
131173 = Boheme
131174 = Establishment
131167 = Academe
131175 = Villainy

IDs for The Penances of Carillion:
133350 = Penance: Indulgence
133351 = Penance: Ordeal
133352 = Penance: Deprivation
133353 = Penance: Endurance
133354 = Penance: Enlightenment
133355 = Penance: Shift of Perspective
133364 = Penance: Excess
133365 = Penance: Inescapable Truth

IDs for Event Counters and Miscellaneous things so far:
138981 = Caprices of the Forge (Forge of Souls Event Counter)

If you find any more IDs please let me know in the comments, I will add them as soon as possible. Also please tell me if something is wrong, double or in the wrong section ... after a while one only sees a bunch of numbers to be quite honest.
IDs for Cargo, Smuggling and Possessions
For the sake of convenience I split the List into two parts, so you can see all the Items and Possessions on one glance.

IDs for Cargo-Items so far:
131657 = Jumble of Undistinguished Souls
131658 = Selection of Immaculate Souls
131659 = Caged Catch
131660 = Pane of Stained Glass
131661 = Caddy of Dried Tea
131662 = Bronzewood
131663 = Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions
131664 = Gourd of Chorister Nectar
131665 = Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
131666 = Crate of Nostalgic Crockery
131667 = Ministry-Approved Literature
131668 = Sack of Verdant Seeds
131669 = Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
131740 = Cask of Navaratine Gemstones
132096 = Fuel
132186 = Supplies
135269 = Curators Egg

IDs for Contraband-Items so far:
138994 = Hogshead of Starshine
138995 = Trunk of Illicit Literature
138996 = Firkin of Red Honey

IDs for Possessions so far:
131115 = Sky-Story
131116 = Vision of the Heavens
131117 = Moment of Inspiration
131118 = Captivating Treasure
131119 = Tale of Terror
131120 = Savage Secret
131121 = Unlicensed Chart
131122 = Crimson Promise
131123 = Uncanny Specimen
131124 = Otherworldly Artefact
131125 = Condemned Experiment
131126 = Searing Enigma
131127 = Salon-Stewed Gossip
131128 = Ministry-Stamped Permit
131129 = Cryptic Benefactor
131130 = Royal Dispensation
135123 = Green Amber
135124 = Golden Amber
135125 = Red Amber
135126 = Blue Amber
135134 = Soft Amber
132976 = Mangled Tackety Nameplate (for Port Prosper)
133455 = Charred Stovepipe Nameplate (for Lustrum)
134274 = Invitation to Perdurance
135357 = Experimental Modification (for Royal Society)
137370 = Eleutherian Mysteries
137371 = Scrap of Ancient Knowledge
137409 = Charred Empyrean Nameplate
137621 = Plaque from a Douser Engine
138072 = Testament of Roses
138073 = Testament of Salt
138074 = Testament of the Feather
138080 = Indulgences
138934 = Aspect of Incarnadine
138935 = Aspect of Verdance
138937 = Aspect of the Hourglass
138938 = Aspect of Dominion
139064 = Captive Guests
139095 = Volumes of Notes on The Blue Kingdom
IDs for Modules, Scouts and Ships
The following List contains only things you can equip onto your locomotive. So far the easiest and most reliable way is to simply add 1 piece of the ID into your bank inventory and take it out the next time you're at a hub port!

I will only add Items that are either unique, hard to get or Tier 4 - the rest can be bought in the shops and including everything would make this list very messy. Small excpetion for Tier 3 Weapons though since they are quite rare.

Behind the Weapon you'll find the following values: ( Damage / Range / Heat / Requirement )

Small Weapons
137211 = Caminus Yards 'Blackjape' - T3 Shotgun - (20 / 400 / 30 / Iron 50+)
137212 = Cotterell & Hathersage 'Vala' - T3 Missile - (18 / 750 / 25 / Mirrors 25+)
139073 = Wit & Vinegar 'Zounderkite' - T4 Mine - (25 / 1000 / 50 / Iron 75+)

Large Weapons
139070 = Portsmouth House 'Her Renewed Majesty's Jubilee' - T3 Missile - (15 / 1000 / 60 / Veils 50+)
137214 = Cotterell & Hathersage 'Golgonooza' - T4 Shotgun - (40 / 400 / 60 / Iron 75+)
137213 = Cominus Yards 'Saintfire' - T4 Machine Gun - (4 / 650 / 6 / Veils 75+)

Unique Weapons
137196 = Reclaimed Marauder Mangonel - Unique Cannon - (25 / 750 / 50 / No Req.)
137197 = The Uninvited - Unique Rockets - (27 / 750 / 45 / Hearts 25+)
137198 = The Tears of Astolat - Unique Machine Gun - (4 / 750 / 6 / Hearts 50+)
137199 = The Wrath of Heaven - Unique Mine - (50 / 1000 / 60 / Hearts 75+)

Behind the Module you'll find the following values: ( Effect 1 / Effect 2 / Requirement )

Warning: Adding hidden Compartments without doing the prequisite Quests first can lead to severe consequences.

137244 = Adjustable Infirmary - (Crew +10 / Hearts 75+)
135543 = 'Pluto' Miniature Law-Furnace - (Hold +3 / Crew +3 / Hidden Cargo +2 / Iron 75+)

135708 = Contentable Cabins - (Crew +6 / Hidden Cargo +2 / Veils 75+)
137246 = Gates of Ivory - (Hold +15 / Veils 75+)
135545 = The 'Osiris' Patented Divider - (Butchery +1 / Cargo +8 / Mirrors 75+)

135534 = Amniotic Crew Containment/Anti-Breach System (Armor +13 / Crew +5 / Veils 75+)
135538 = Adamant-Reinforced Windshield - (Armor +17 / Veils 75+)
137245 = Rose & Adamant Plating - (Armor +33 / Iron 75+)
137247 = The Watchers in Azure - (Assaying +1 / Armour +16 / Hearts 75+)

Behind the Scout you'll find the following values: ( Range / Max Discoveries / Information / Requirement )

133856 = Diffident Bat - (Small / 1 / Little / None)
136733 = Star-Smitten Bat - (Good / 1 / Little / Mirrors 25+)
136734 = The Ratronaut - (Good / 3 / Little / Mirrors 75+)
136735 = Cyclopean Owl - (Small / 3 / Little / None)
136736 = Intrepid Cavy - (Good / 1 / More / Mirrors 50+)

137084 = Obviously Delicious Rabbit

132785 = Spatchcock
134928 = Parsival
134929 = Pellinore
134930 = Bedivere
134943 = Medea
134944 = Altani
134946 = Agravain
134947 = Medea
Teleporting 1: The Reach & Albion
Editing your Location
Thanks to FinetalPies, Xenobiologista and The Horrors of Estro-Terrorism we now know how to teleport to different locations. To achieve this, you "only" have to know the exact IDs for Region and Port as well as the LocationName and the SegmentPosition, which Redadare tirelessly collected. The locations found out so far are as follows, if you should work out more, just let me know and I'll add them!

The Reach

New Winchester
"CurrentRegionId":"9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId":"8576ef12-9e4d-4f30-8116-db5eb80f9543","LocationName":"New Winchester","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}


Polmear and Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
"CurrentRegionId": "9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId": "8fcc687f-1e9b-444a-a758-c402d0608733","LocationName": "The Inconceivable Circus","CurrentSegmentPosition": {"Ring": 1,"Index": 3}}

Port Avon
"CurrentRegionId":"9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId":"89aff93f-4b2e-4e03-bb41-d6054a84c5ee","LocationName":"Port Avon","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}

Traitor's Wood
"CurrentRegionId":"9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId":"660ff730-50ea-4190-8210-a232c6e7b087","LocationName":"Traitor's Wood","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}

Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
"CurrentRegionId":"9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId":"a3e0d4ac-b595-42b6-8b10-349478fc7874","LocationName":"Leadbeater & Stainrod Reserve","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1}}



Port Prosper





The Ministries
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"289aa8ac-754d-4610-9639-cc888c3f6eac","LocationName":"The Ministries","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

Floating Parliament
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"b301a570-2040-44e9-b679-aca62bac89f7","LocationName":"Floating Parliament","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1}}

The Brabazon Workworld
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"86643f84-680c-415a-bf00-d4dceb891189","LocationName":"Brabazon Workworld","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1}}

The Royal Society
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"731c7b0d-d06d-4681-a3b3-d265eaea8d82","LocationName":"Royal Society","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}

The Clockwork Sun
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"bfc72a01-6af5-4c74-9354-74848b97c35d","LocationName":"Clockwork Sun","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}


Avid Horizon
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"1b331350-d950-4c06-94e0-38dd736859d7","LocationName":"Avid Horizon","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":3}}



Wit and Vinegar Lumber Company
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"495ca56d-e543-417b-a431-8e3ce0a4f8cc","LocationName":"Wit & Vinegar Lumber Co.","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

The Stair to the Sea
"CurrentRegionId":"3ea179aa-2a9c-47c5-9dc3-20fee32fc228","CurrentPortId":"da9669de-b852-4587-b68d-a8830e555840","LocationName":"The Stair to the Sea","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}
Teleporting 2: Eleutheria & The Blue Kingdom



Eagle Empyrean
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"dad2e4cc-5983-41db-8e20-d07104e92666","LocationName":"Eagle's Empyrean","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1}}

House of Rods and Chains
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"b14c0b6b-839c-4311-bfd5-518edeea28ad","LocationName":"House of Rods and Chains","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":2}}

Langley Hall
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"418df4ef-902a-4ae9-9673-31e2978ce7b7","LocationName":"Langley Hall","CurrentSegmentPosition":{"Ring":1,"Index":1}}



Winter's Reside
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"83901830-f638-46e2-a130-b198d0552c84","LocationName":"Winter's Reside","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

The Brazen Brigade
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"495ca56d-e543-417b-a431-8e3ce0a4f8cc","LocationName":"The Brazen Brigade","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

The Gentlemen
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"72c7faeb-59a4-4726-9ebd-2b76b94c749b","LocationName":"The Gentlemen","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

Heart-Catcher Gardens
"CurrentRegionId":"7e3ccf00-f0a8-47c1-b444-33e2f84a82b1","CurrentPortId":"3b960cb2-0335-4e16-935b-0e8000c0628a","LocationName":"Heart-Catcher Gardens","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

The Blue Kingdom

The Forge of Souls
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"8a6a2b39-691a-4373-a2d6-d0ef8f9853c7","LocationName":"The Forge of Souls","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

Sky Barnet
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"f6d9ca88-cece-47ea-a973-264a37df87d7","LocationName":"Sky Barnet","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

House of Days
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"c74be88b-b3dc-48e8-8659-ace9a2ca719a","LocationName":"House of Days","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

The Shadow of the Sun
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"692cba21-55a3-4b38-b493-ba8849d0d123","LocationName":"The Shadow of the Sun","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}

Death's Door
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"97191169-a980-43eb-b965-d23c80cb0f85","LocationName":"Death's Door","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}


The Stone Faced Court
"CurrentRegionId":"25d750b5-bb46-409c-8a94-5676bad0df17","CurrentPortId":"27259fac-64b1-4385-ae4c-f84235504dee","LocationName":"The White Well","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}}
Conclusion, Thanks & Open Questsions
It seems that the way in which the save games work is very different from Seas, but it's still possible to mod a fair bit! I do hope some of you may have found this helpful, and if you have any further information I'd be very greateful if you'd share it in the comments! If you liked the guide I'd be thankful for a thumbs up to let me know :-)

Since so many people participated in working on this guide I'll have to turn it into a list by now, and I'm deeply grateful to each and every one of you! If I forgot a name don't be mad at me, it's just such a vast amount of contributors that someone may slip through. So even if you're not listed here - thank you all for your help in collecting data and trying stuff out, but especially to:
  • SeeYaTonight
  • Posh
  • lys_xen
  • Maxn
  • Redadare
  • Brsik Albatross
  • Keleviel
  • Romeupsidedown
  • BiscuitCookie
  • Fichtl
  • Dimensionist
  • Dinonumber
  • Tentacle Monster
  • Horizon
  • NoirReaper
  • Ravellon
  • BiscuitCookie
  • Mycelia
  • Marin
Open Questions
One thing I'm really curious about, as mentioned several times in the guide, is that several Users pointed out there are Locations in the Savegame where certain items have to be added. So far I could only figure out the bank as a distinctive location. So if anyone would be so kind to explain the location-thingy to me, I'd be very grateful. As soon as I figure it out I will add an instruction how to add the suitable items to their corresponding locations.
Barracuda 8 Sep @ 11:34am 
Um alle Bereiche komplett aufzudecken muss man (in der Steam-Version) alle Werte mit "true" auf "false" ändern. Bei diesen Werten wird praktisch abgefragt, ob der Nebel vorhanden ist. Deswegen "false". Ansonsten sind die anderen tricks sehr gut :-)
Aikedh 16 Mar @ 5:30am 
Probably a couple years late, but regarding Reputations, the ID for the New Street Line Gratitude is 134523
Virtue 7 Oct, 2023 @ 12:18pm 
So, I can say without a doubt that it is possible to edit a save by just going back to the main menu, as I've done so multiple times without restarting the game, with no issues.

Also, it seems that adding an effective level modifier to the hull may result in the hull being invulnerable, as I added 970 to the Spatchcock to get it to 1K (as it normally only has 30) and it's just sitting at 970 now, even if I slam it into walls on purpose or get shot deliberately, with only the base 30 ever being lost.

This is with the latest GOG download of the Sovereign Edition, but I believe the version on Steam should behave the same way at this point.
Jim 15 Jul, 2023 @ 6:34am 
The formatting is autosave.json and autosave_backup.json, no more _s and _m.
Jim 15 Jul, 2023 @ 6:32am 
Guide is outdated in regards to editing saves using the github tool, it seems like with Sovereign edition, or some recent patch, the game now uses just an autosave and and an autosave backup inside of character repository. It seems the editor cannot recognize the saves. My lineage that existed pre-Sovereign edition still had a readable file the editor could edit, but I did not test if it worked. It can not even see the new autosave files for my new lineage using the editor.
Seel 22 Mar, 2023 @ 7:30pm 
I want to say thanks for this guide. Unlocking the map was my main gripe, always found it stupid how I couldn't buy a map or get hard directions from talking to people.
Sanctuary 13 Dec, 2022 @ 8:37pm 
"CurrentRegionId":"9f50ee22-a594-4c42-939c-022cbe2fb677","CurrentPortId":"039b9a23-952d-4305-a427-de3c302bd210","LocationName":"Company House","CurrentSegmentPosition":{}

I don't suppose anyone has one of these for the well we are supposed to bring our navigator to. Tom's Well i think it is? I can never seem to find it.
Troliveir 22 Jul, 2022 @ 2:55pm 
Does anyone know how to edit an officer as to reset them to their non upgraded form or to change their upgrade? Thx
Kamikaze_Egg 29 Jun, 2022 @ 6:56pm 
cant find where my save files are at :(
lulu-bugg 11 Jun, 2022 @ 8:01am 
I've managed to get the save editor downloaded, but when I follow the instructions to find my save file there's nothing inside the single lineage folder that pops up.
I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing wrong; is it not reading my files, do I need to put it somewhere specific in order for it to work, or did I miss something else important entirely?