

9,333 ratings
Community Badge Guide
By Matt and 2 collaborators
A comprehensive guide showcasing Steam Community Badges.

A badge is a small icon found in the top-right corner of your Steam Community profile. They recognize your membership, community contributions, and game involvement. Earning badges increases your XP and Steam Level. In turn, this may unlock showcases, emoticons, coupons, and profile background images. Collect one badge, or collect them all.
Event Badges
Receive event badges by participating in summer, winter, or other community events. Often times, these require you to complete tasks or achievements. Visit the Steam news page and discussion forums to learn about upcoming events. Badges listed below are sorted newest to oldest.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Steam Summer Getaway
Released: July 2013
Description: Craft 10 Getaway Trading Cards.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
No L2 Badge
No L3 Badge
Steam Holiday Sale 2012
Released: December 2012
XP: 100 (max)
Description: Completing four or more out of six holiday event tasks unlocked the Steam badge.
Steam Summer Sale 2012
Released: July 2012
XP: 100 (max)
Description: Based on tasks completed (Community Choice votes and joining the Steam group), a Steam badge was granted.
Steam Holiday Sale 2011
Released: December 2011
XP: 200 (max)
Description: The Great Gift Pile included daily objectives. The prize for completing events was coal, a coupon, or a game.
No L2 Badge
No L3 Badge
Steam Summer Camp
Released: June 2011
XP: 200 (max)
Description: Collected tickets during summer events by completing daily objectives. This granted a Steam badge.
The Potato Sack
Released: April 2011
XP: 200 (max)
Description: The Potato Fools Day alternate reality game (ARG) included 36 potatoes to collect. Finding them unlocked a badge.
The Great Steam Treasure Hunt
Released: December 2010
XP: 100 (max)
Description: This event included 28 objectives. Completing objectives unlocked a Steam badge and Team Fortress 2 hat.
Games Badges Intro
Receive game badges by crafting trading cards from select games. You can automatically receive up to one-half of a game's total cards. Then trade with friends or browse the Steam Market to complete your set of cards. Visit your profile page to craft trading cards into a badge.
Game Badges I
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
1... 2... 3... KICK IT!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
7 Grand Steps, Step 1: What Ancients Begat
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
99 Spirits
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
A Valley Without Wind
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards

A Virus Named TOM
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Ace of Spades
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges II
Agarest: Generations of War
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Age of Empires II: HD Edition
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Age of Empires® III: Complete Collection
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Alan Wake
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges III
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Anomaly 2
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Beat Hazard
Released: July 23th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Bioshock Infinite
Released: July 11th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Binding of Isaac, The
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges IV
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 25th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Blocks That Matter
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Borderlands 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Brütal Legend
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Call of Juarez
Released: July 24th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Released: July 23th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Castle Crashers
Released: July 15th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 29th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges V
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Released: July 12th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 26th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Cities in Motion 2
Released: July 18th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Company of Heroes 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Costume Quest
Released: July 25th 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Counter Strike: GO
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Crusader Kings II
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Cubemen 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Dark Fall: Lost Souls
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Day of Defeat: Source
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Dead Island
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges VI
Dead Island Riptide
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Defender's Quest
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Devil May Cry
Released: July 16th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
DLC Quest
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Don't Starve
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Drunken Robot Pornography
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges VII
Dungeons of Dredmor
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Eador: Masters of the Broken World
Released: July 14th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Endless Space
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Ether Vapor Remaster
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Expeditions: Conquistador
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Faerie Solitaire
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Farming Simulator 2013
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards

Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Football Manager 2013
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Fortix 2
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges VIII
FTL: Faster Than Light
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Garry's Mod
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Gratuitous Space Battles
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
Need Image
Gun Monkeys
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Guns of Icarus Online
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges IX
Half-Life 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Hitman: Absolution
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Hotline Miami
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Indie Game: The Movie
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Ion Assault
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Ittle Dew
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Jagged Alliance
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Joe Danger
Released: July 25th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Released: July 25th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Kerbal Space Program
Released: July 14th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges X
Killing Floor
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Left 4 Dead 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Lunar Flight
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XI
Magical Diary
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
MacGuffin's Curse
Released: July 18th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Mark of the Ninja
Released: July 16th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Mars: War Logs
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Metro: Last Light
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Monster Loves You!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XII
Mount & Blade
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Mount & Blade: Warband
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
NASCAR the Game: 2013
Released: July 29th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Natural Selection
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
The Night of the Rabbit
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Noitu Love 2 Devolution
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Nuclear Dawn
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Offspring Fling!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Orcs Must Die! 2
Released: July 16th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Organ Trail
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XIII
PAYDAY: The Heist
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
Need Image
Penny Arcade's...
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
PixelJunk Eden
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Portal 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Port Royale 3
Released: July 18th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
POSTAL 2 Complete
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Primal Carnage
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XIV
Need Image
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Really Big Sky
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Red Orchestra 2
Released: July 17th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Retro City Rampage
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Rush Bros
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XV
Saints Row: The Third
Releaseda: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sanctum 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Secret World, The
Released: July 16th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sid Meier's Civilization V
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
Skulls of the Shogun
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XVI
Skyward Collapse
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sleeping Dogs
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Sol Survivor
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Soldier Front 2
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Space Pirates and Zombies
Released: July 23th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XVII
Released: July 25th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Released: July 25th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Stellar Impact
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Strike Suit Infinity
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Super Meat Boy
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Swapper, The
Released: July 14th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
System Shock 2
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Released: July 24th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XVIII
Team Fortress 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
They Bleed Pixels
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Toki Tori 2
Released: July 11th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Tomb Raider
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Total War: SHOGUN 2
Released: July 14th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Torchlight II
Released: July 14th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Tower Wars
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Trine 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Triple Town
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Tropico 4
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XIX
Universe Sandbox
Released: July 16th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XX
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Walking Dead, The
Released: July 12th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Wanderlust: Rebirth
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Released: July 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
War of the Vikings Early Access
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Need Image
Need Image
Need Image
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Wargame: Airland Battle
Released: July 15th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Winter Voices
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Game Badges XXI
Witcher 2, The
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Worms Clan Wars
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Worms Revolution
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
X Rebirth
Released: July 13th, 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Zack Zero
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Zeno Clash 2
Released: 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Zombie Driver HD
Released: June 2013
XP: 100 (min) to 500 (max)
Description: Craft trading cards
Foil Badges I
Receive foil game badges by crafting foil trading cards from select games. Once your Steam XP level is 10 or greater, you may be lucky and receive a rare foil card drop. A complete set of foil cards is needed in order to craft them into a foil badge. Unlike game badges which have five levels, the foil badges only have one level.

Level 1
1... 2... 3... KICK IT!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! foil trading cards. ()
Alan Wake
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Alan Wake foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Anodyne foil trading cards. ()
Anomaly 2
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Anomaly 2 foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting A.R.E.S. foil trading cards. ()
Beat Hazard
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Bioshock Inifite, The foil trading cards. ()
Binding of Isaac, The
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Binding of Isaac, The foil trading cards. ()
Bioshock Inifite
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Bioshock Inifite foil trading cards. ()
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting BIT.TRIP RUNNER foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting BIT.TRIP RUNNER 2 foil trading cards. ()
Released: July 25th, 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Bleed foil trading cards. ()
Blocks That Matter
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Blocks That Matter foil trading cards. ()
Borderlands 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Borderlands 2 foil trading cards. (I can see... the code)
Foil Badges II
Brütal Legend
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Brütal Legend foil trading cards. ()
Call of Juarez
Released: July 24th 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Call of Juarez foil trading cards. ()
Company of Heroes 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Company of Heroes 2 foil trading cards. ()
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Counter Strike: GO foil trading cards. (Eilte Crewman)
Crusader Kings II
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Crusader Kings II foil trading cards. ()
Cubemen 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Cubemen 2 foil trading cards. ()
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten foil trading cards. ()
Don't Starve
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Don't Starve foil trading cards. (I am one heck of a scientist)
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting DOTA 2 foil trading cards. (Hard Carry)
Endless Space
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Endless Space foil trading cards. ()
Faerie Solitaire
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Faerie Solitaire foil trading cards. (Faerie Legend)
FTL: Faster Than Light
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting FTL: Faster Than Light foil trading cards. ()
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Go Home Dinosaurs! foil trading cards. ()
Gratuitous Space Battles
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Gratuitous Space Battles foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting GRID 2 foil trading cards. ()
Gun Monkeys
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Gun Monkeys foil trading cards. ()
Guns of Icarus Online
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Guns of Icarus Online foil trading cards. ()
Half-Life 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Half-Life 2 foil trading cards. (Citadel)
Foil Badges III
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Jagged Alliance - Back in Action foil trading cards. ()
Left 4 Dead 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Left 4 Dead 2 foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Magicka foil trading cards. ()
Metal Drift
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Metal Drift foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Monaco foil trading cards. ()
Monster Loves You!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Monster Loves You! foil trading cards. ()
Offspring Fling!
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Offspring Fling! foil trading cards. ()
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Penny Arcade's... foil trading cards. ()
Portal 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Portal 2 foil trading cards. (Aerial Foil Core)
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Psychonauts foil trading cards. ()
Really Big Sky
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Really Big Sky foil trading cards. ()
Sanctum 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Sanctum 2 foil trading cards. ()
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Serious Sam 3: BFE foil trading cards. ()
Need Image
Skulls of the Shogun
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Skulls of the Shogun foil trading cards. ()
Speed Runner
Released: 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Speed Runner foil trading cards. ()
Foil Badges IV
Strike Suit Infinity
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Strike Suit Infinity foil trading cards. ()
Super Meat Boy
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Super Meat Boy foil trading cards. ()
Team Fortress 2
Released: May 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Team Fortress 2 foil trading cards. (The Gentle Mann of Leisure)
They Bleed Pixels
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting They Bleed Pixels foil trading cards. ()
Tower Wars
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Tower Wars foil trading cards. ()
Trine 2
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Trine 2 foil trading cards. ()
Triple Town
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Triple Town foil trading cards. ()
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Released: July 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting War of the Roses: Kingmaker foil trading cards. ()
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Warframe foil trading cards. ()
Need Image.
Help Find It.
Post Below.
Zack Zero
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Zack Zero foil trading cards. ()
Zombie Driver HD
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Awarded for crafting Zombie Driver HD foil trading cards. ()
Exclusive Badges
These extremely rare badges are given to members who contribute to Steam, game development, or the Community.

Valve Employee
Released: May 2013
XP: 1000
Description: The most elite of all badges. Given to those who made all of this possible.
Steam Community Moderator
Released: May 2013
XP: 500
Description: Awarded to global moderators of the Steam Community, Discussions, and workshop.
Steamworks Developer
Released: May 2013
XP: 500
Description: Awarded to community members who are also game developers.
Steam Community Translator
Released: December 2012
XP: 100
Description: Awarded to those who've made significant contributions to the Steam Community Translation effort, making Steam a great place for everyone regardless of language.
Common Badges
Receive common badges by simply becoming a Steam community member, registering at least one CD key or product, or completing various community tasks.

Pillar of Community
Released: July 2012
XP: 100
Description: Completed many Steam Community tasks (level 1 badge).
Community Ambassador
Released: May 2013
XP: 200
Description: Completed all Steam Community tasks (level 2 badge).
Trading Card Beta Tester
Released: June 2013
XP: 100
Description: Participated in the Steam Trading Card Beta.
Years of Service
Released: multiple dates
XP: 50 (min) to 500 (max) [50 points per year]
Description: Represents number of years since you created your account and joined in Steam.

Level 1 / 6
Level 2 / 7
Level 3 / 8
Level 4 / 9
Level 5 / 10
Game Badges
Released: June 2013
XP: multiple amounts
Description: Games owned.
Game Badges
Released: June 2013
XP: multiple amounts
Description: Games owned.
Good luck on your quest to find Steam Community badges! If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback please post in the Public User Comments box below. Also, please report any errors in this guide below. I plan to update this guide as new badges are added, so add this guide to your favorites and check back often!
PinkyVanes 27 Jan @ 9:39pm 
Good post.
GoldAlex30 26 Oct, 2024 @ 2:31pm 
very helpfull
vioxy 16 Oct, 2024 @ 3:17am 
Great post:steamthis:
Demand Hawk 5 Oct, 2024 @ 2:37pm 
Evil santa claus 14 May, 2024 @ 9:02am 
jesus who the hell even owns 2 thousand games, and why would you even need that many
Zloblinoshka 18 Apr, 2024 @ 5:02pm 
This manual is historical.

Even if something is outdated, it stands as a pillar that has helped many people to understand, start keeping statistics and systematization.
I was interested with reading the content as someone who doesn't know it! Thanks.
gabriel 4 May, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
Actual good work was put into this. Great effort, you deserve more.
Shortbread Head 6 Nov, 2022 @ 8:41am 
I just want to be able to put the wee rare achevements showcase on my profile lol :(
SgtFopper™ 17 Feb, 2022 @ 5:42pm 
Unfortunatelly the guide is totally outdated! :steamsad:
ladiesman217 24 Nov, 2021 @ 8:38pm