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DMCA - How to Deal with Art Theft on Steam
Von Aevoa
This guide shows you how to remove stolen content using Steam's internal copyright system.
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Found someone using your artwork or other content on Steam without your permission? Using Steam's internal copyright system it only takes a few minutes to issue a takedown notice on any stolen content.

To begin, navigate to the copyright takedown form:

The first thing the form asks you to do is identify the stolen content. You must do this in three ways:
  • Provide a permanent URL to the stolen content.
    Paste a link to the stolen artwork or content in the first box provided. If the stolen content is something like a profile avatar and doesn't have a direct link, simply link to the page it's found on.

  • Describe which parts of the content belong to you.
    For example, if your artwork is made on top of a Steam background, you should clarify that the background doesn't belong to you and you're only claiming the graphical imagery on top of it. If you couldn't provide a direct link in step 1, and could only provide a link to the page the content is found on, point out where your content can be found on the page. If it's an avatar and you linked someone's permanent profile URL, make sure you specify that the avatar is the only thing you're claiming.

  • Provide proof that the content belongs to you.
    Include any relevant information such as URLs, dates, account names involved, and where the original content can be found. I suggest also including things such as a screenshot or GIF of the original artwork open in a photo editing software with all the layers viewable.

The last two things the form needs is contact information and authorization. Simply fill out everything, proofread what you've written to make sure all the links work and that you answered everything correctly, and click the submit button. Copyright reports are viewed by Valve only.

Once your report is processed by Steam and verified as authentic, a takedown notice will be sent to the person that uploaded your content.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This guide was inspired by the original DMCA guide by Janni and Curse.
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22 Kommentare
Enj3ru 13. Jan. 2024 um 10:01 
ENG: Choose something from this list and write in my profile, I will answer you mutually
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу взаимно
ESP: Escoge algo de la lista y escribemelo en mi perfil, respondere en tu perfil de la misma manera.
+rep good player
+rep nice player
+rep gg wp
+rep gamer
+rep fast and nice trade
+rep good teammate
+rep nice teammate
+rep AWP GOD
+rep Cool friend
+rep Good job
+rep so good
+rep AK GOD
+rep I like you
+rep Love <3
+rep clutch Ministr
+rep Clutch King 👑
+rep 300 iq 🧠
Mettico 15. Dez. 2021 um 6:53 
Mettico approved
Gharren 4. Juni 2021 um 8:15 
Concise and well put, thank you!
-Le0n- 9. Juli 2020 um 3:19 
Add me for Cheap Artworks, +rep to this guide.
ally 25. Sep. 2018 um 12:33 
What if Steam doesn't want to take down the user's artwork when their shit is a blatant copy of mine?
electra 16. Sep. 2018 um 13:17 
@Aevoa well that is cool in the future...
Aevoa  [Autor] 15. Sep. 2018 um 11:10 
@Alectra I make guides for myself because they're fun to design and write. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.
N3onxKrachx 5. Sep. 2018 um 7:22 
Good job so far
electra 20. Aug. 2018 um 15:05 
Great guide... Well done Aevoa... btw why aren't u working for steam? Making guides is cool but it takes too much time and I am not sure if it is worth of all that trouble? You should ask steam to give you a job or something... You deserve to earn some money from all this. Good luck in the future!
Settlo 4. Aug. 2018 um 9:18 