The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored - Standard 1k Texture
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21 mag 2013, ore 12:58
26 mag 2013, ore 12:12
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Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored - Standard 1k Texture

Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored

When I started the Dark Brotherhood quest line for the first time, I spotted the tenets sign on the wall and strolled over to take a look. I was very disappointed to see that the tenets were completely illegible.

Even after restoring the Dark Brotherhood, the tenets remained grungy and unreadable. This simply did not sit well with me, so here is my first Skyrim Mod, just to fix the 'issue'.

NOTE: This mod only updates the Dark Brotherhood sign texture and does NOT have any scripting whatsoever. The change does not take effect at the end of the Dark Brotherhood questline. This is by design to maximize compatibility with the wide array of mods that are available.

A workaround for the Dark Brothers and Sisters still working to restore the Brotherhood is to simply have patience - wait until the right moment, then strike true upon the Subscribe button above.

Hail Sithis!

-=- New in Version 1.3 -=-

All of the textures have been re-mastered from my original source files. They are now optimized and have brand new normal maps.

For those using the Nexus versions, I have created three versions of the mod - Standard, Performance and Extreme. The Standard and Performance version each include two resolutions and utilize a simple installer for use with your favorite FOMOD-compatible mod manager.

At this time, the Steam workshop version is available in the 1024x1024 version only, but this may change in the future. All versions are available at the Skyrim Nexus :

-=- Editions -=-

The Performance Edition package contains the 512x512 texture, which is still quite readable, but has a greatly reduced impact on VRAM usage and FPS.

Both the Performance and Standard Edition packages contain the 'standard-resolution' 1024x1024 texture. This texture is the same size as the Vanilla Skyrim texture, and is slightly more legible than the low resolution version. (but significantly more so than the Vanilla texture).

The 1024x1024 texture is the recommended version for Baseline STEP.

The Standard Edition package includes the enhanced-resolution 2048x2048 texture which has now been optimized, with a smaller, optimized normal map to reduce FPS impact.

The Extreme Edition includes only the 4096x4096 version of the texture, also fully optimized and including a smaller, optimized normal map.

-=- Installation -=-

For simplicity, I recommend downloading and installing this with a mod manager. As an alternative, you can download it manually and extract the files into your Skyrim data folder.

The files that contain multiple versions have named folders representing the size of textures within. Simply copy the appropriate .DDS files into your "...\Skyrim\Data\Textures\Clutter\" folder.

-=- Un-installation -=-

Uninstall the mod using your chosen mod manager or, if you installed the mod manually, simply remove the two files from your Skyrim data folder.

... Skyrim\Data\Textures\Clutter\
... Skyrim\Data\Textures\Clutter\

-=- Compatibility -=-

This should not conflict with any other mod except those that replace the Dark Brotherhood sign. (Such as New Tenets[] by RbtRvltin)

-=- Credits -=-

The background paper texture is a modified version of the 'Aged Paper Texture' created by 'firesign24-7' which can be found at DeviantArt[]

A special thank you goes out to the STEP[] team for their fantastic noob-friendly guide to enhancing the Skyrim gaming experience. Thanks for including my humble mod!

Of course, I have to thank Bethesda for creating yet another fantastic game - great job guys!
125 commenti
Raven 3 apr 2019, ore 12:28 
i was also using my old Broken PC

i mean, this mod is defenitely good, it worked for me, but i treat skyrim like gmod with all my damn mods XD
Rathinosk  [autore] 3 apr 2019, ore 11:54 
I don't see how it could crash your game, it's just a texture swap. If you installed other mods at the same time, you may want to look at those. :D:

Skyrim mods can be super picky when it comes to load order, you may want to hunt down the "LOOT" tool if you are not already using it. My mod is just a texture swap with no complex moving parts and doesn't care about load order.
Raven 2 apr 2019, ore 13:04 
not sure if i mentioned, but this crashed my game
Valex310 19 giu 2016, ore 11:13 
is this yolo or work?
GothKing 11 set 2015, ore 8:42 
can u make so that u can make your own tenets when you are the listener in dawnstar
Laika L. Gagarin 13 giu 2015, ore 21:13 
"What is the music of life"
"Your Mother!"
"Dont talk about my mother like that!"
"Your mother was an outhouse door."
"How dare you!I will have you know she was the door of a Jarl's palace!And my father was the Emperor's closet door"
"Oh I am sorry I didnt know.So can I go in now?Please?"
"I have a sweetroll"
"I dont eat."
"Okay,I have three sweetrolls"
"Welcome Home"
Moose 2 mag 2015, ore 20:31 
*knocks on door* *door asks* What is the color of my underwear?....

You'r not wearing underwear....

Welcome home.....

Wistler 7 ott 2014, ore 12:12 
nope nothing!
Wistler 7 ott 2014, ore 12:12 
damn the whiterun thing did not work! D: I will try again!
Wistler 7 ott 2014, ore 12:11 
:whiterun: cool mod, thanks!