The Sims™ 3

The Sims™ 3

133 ratings
[繁中] The Sims 3 Cheat Codes for PC Version 《模擬市民3》PC版秘技列表
By Dr.Stan #2
Activating and using cheat codes in The Sims 3 computer video game on PC is very simple. There are no files to edit, no special shortcuts to create, and no need to download a trainer for the game.

Display the console
Display the console by pressing the following key combination: CTRL + SHIFT + C, Then enter one of the following cheat codes and press Enter to activate the code.

在遊戲中輸入 CTRL + SHIFT + C 叫出指令欄,輸入對應代碼後按Enter 即可。
Cheat Codes List
Add 1,000 More Simoleons 增加1000金錢

Add 50,000 More Simoleons 增加50,000金錢

Exits the game. 離開遊戲

Lists most of the available commands at the moment. 叫出所有指令

:[/b][/h1] Displays specific information about the cheat. 輸入help [指令名稱] 列出該指令相關資訊
Gives a joke. 顯示一則笑話
placeFriezes on/off:
Allows use of foundations on top of tiled floors. 允許在屋頂上建造基地
DiscoTags [on/off]:
Show or hide disco tag over the map. 大地圖上小房子圖標會隨機變色
resetSim [First Name] [Last Name]:
Resets the Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home. 重置模擬市民,「卡住」時,可使用此指令讓模擬市民恢復正常
View Career Outfits And Service Uniforms. (must be entered before you go into create a sim mode.) 解鎖所有職業服裝 (必須先輸入完指令後再進入模擬市民創建模式)
Allows Sims to buy lots for free. 在遊戲中所有的消費都不用錢
moveobjects on/off:
Furniture and other objects (including Sims) can be placed in areas where they normally wouldn't be able to go 移動任何物品(包括模擬市民)
hideHeadlineEffects [on/off]:
Shows or hides talk/thought balloons and the plumbbob above Sim heads. 顯示或隱藏市民頭上出現對話及思想框框
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] :
When on, objects will not snap to slots. 開啟時,按住ALT鍵不放,物件便可以不貼齊格線移動
fadeObjects [on/off]:
Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. 啟動時,鏡頭拉進物品不會成現透明狀
constrainFloorElevation [true/false]:
Allows terrain adjustment regardless of objects/Sims/etc. on them. 調高或降低牆壁的高度,即使牆壁上有物件或地板也可以
familyfunds [Familyname] [Moneyamount]:
This code, with the family name as the modifyer and an amount as a variable, will add the given number of funds to the Sim family. 輸入familyfunds [家庭名稱] [金額]後,該家庭會獲得輸入的金額
Advanced cheats
testingCheatsEnabled [true/false]:
allows a ton of option to become available to you. Many of these options are available either by typing in additional codes after the code has been activated, or by Shift-clicking different items to see more options. 超強大終極開發者指令

yeresin 8 Jun, 2021 @ 11:30am 
@PoliteHoppip this thread is dead but yeah that was kind of tricky for me when i first entered familyfunds, i was expecting it to ADD, not make it that number
Bread 1 Feb, 2020 @ 5:00pm 
Someone put a post of a website sayin theres a blue bar at the top of le screen
and I could type on it
Bread 1 Feb, 2020 @ 5:00pm 
Nevermind! :3
Bread 30 Jan, 2020 @ 7:20pm 
I bet it worked, but sadly Ctrl Shift C just pauses my game and makes the screen darker :/
安条克公爵 27 Jan, 2020 @ 8:38am 
Eason Clarke 26 Jan, 2020 @ 8:33am 
頂 !
MissPrincessMoon 31 Dec, 2019 @ 5:40pm 
Its Britney Bitch 13 Dec, 2018 @ 12:12pm 
so theirs no skill cheat codes for the sims 3?
溜溜为食猫 21 Jul, 2018 @ 7:25pm 
PoliteHoppip 15 Nov, 2015 @ 6:17pm 
"familyfunds" actually CHANGES their money amount to that number, not ADD it. Huge difference.