Men of War: Assault Squad

Men of War: Assault Squad

German Soldiers Mod IX - US Vs Germany 42' | FullHD maxed out
HaZZarD  [author] 9 Jun, 2013 @ 9:59am 
Mucchio Selvaggio 9 Jun, 2013 @ 9:17am 
i love sandbags (end mine!) XD
HaZZarD  [author] 8 Jun, 2013 @ 5:09pm 
try the Arma serie and you will see what I'am talking about , in something more close to real life like Arma you as soldier can find lot more natural covers, you are smarter than mow soldiers and you dont need artificial sandbags to protect your ass

then there are flat places also in real life but like you know in russia soldiers started to dig in ( were they lamers/exploiters too building those trenches ?.. :S )

sandbags are a nerfed way to represent the "dig in part" of the WWII ,considering foxholes are not possible with this engine , I see nothing lamer in that and you have not to be scared beacuse there are tons of weapons for sweeping out those """impenetrable""" defenses
HaZZarD  [author] 8 Jun, 2013 @ 5:09pm 
thats your opinion and I understand it beacuse sandbags are what you were searching for when looking at my video and I dont expect you finding something good or constructive

but you play this game since forever so you should know that looking at a MOW video you are going to see sandbags used , is a feature of the game like repairing a tank in few minutes or towing a gun in a second or "capping flags" etc etc

its called COMPROMISE , this is just an RTS game not a WWII sim , you have to find compromises according to the engine

Ultimaratio 8 Jun, 2013 @ 10:40am 
I only see tons of sandbags.
HaZZarD  [author] 7 Jun, 2013 @ 1:52pm 
davvero gran partita !
Ade 7 Jun, 2013 @ 12:19pm 
Mucchio Selvaggio 7 Jun, 2013 @ 10:23am 
gran vittoria gg :)