240 평점
Barony 20XX v1.0 (Total Conversion)
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163.787 MB
2020년 6월 13일 오전 8시 50분
2020년 6월 25일 오전 3시 18분
업데이트 노트 4개 (보기)

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Barony 20XX v1.0 (Total Conversion)

What is Barony 20XX?
Barony 20XX is a total conversion mod for Barony - New books, models, sounds, icons, music, and more! Currently the content goes as far as completely converting everything in the initial release of the game, so hell and the crystal mines haven't been replaced just yet, however a lot of the content that carries over into a new game and early game loot tables has been replaced for consistency, though you will notice some items (like Quivers) from newer patches are missing. These will be implemented eventually!

Our goal is to recontextualise the setting of Barony, while taking care to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible - be it the books, the items, or the nomenclature - we're hoping this mod can be seen as an alternative skin for the base game for those who prefer Cyberpunk to Fantasy rather than a must-have replacement.

This has been 2 years in the making, and we at Studio Dreamlance truly hope you enjoy it. Thank you!

The Story so Far...
Once, there was a great city of glass and steel.

For many years this city stood as a monument to industry and commerce,
its citizens wanting for nothing.

That was, until Wallace Herx took control of the corporations.

Ruthless and uncaring, Herx saw value only in the bottom line,
Profit, no matter the cost.

Conditions for the workers decreased ever more drastically, miring the city in crime,
drug abuse, and poverty. With wages decreasing and property prices inflating,
those who could not afford the luxury of space in this new metropolis were priced out into the slums.

Herx, rich beyond compare, retreated to the summit of his great skyscraper,
which towers menacingly over the city. His fortune, however, did not go unnoticed by envious eyes.
A hit was put out on Herx by an unknown party, promising their share of the spoils to any who could
reach and kill him. But a maddening Herx only fortified his redoubt, hiding away behind layers of the
best security money could buy. Nobody has seen him in years.

And the city around him fell into decay. Grand towers imposing over the hungry masses
below - their wealthy occupants blissfully ignorant of the numbing poverty below.

And though many have tried and failed, they say that you too could attain
the vast wealth of those above, if only you can reach the top.

  • A full recontextualisation of the original Barony story. Through filler text and books, the futuristic setting will be explained to you much as the original story was presented, while keeping themes and the tone accurate to the original
  • Full graphical redesign! Tiles, models, icons, UI, and more!
  • New soundtrack, featuring Synthwave and Industrial tracks
  • New sound effects
  • A brand new bestiary of robotic enemies to best on your way to assassinating Wallace Herx
  • Fully rewritten books
  • Completely rewritten terminology - all text now serves to immerse you in the Cyberpunk world!
  • Almost 1:1 map design with vanilla Barony, only changing floors if they would otherwise ruin immersion

Installation Instructions
Asset swapping is no longer a requirement - just subscribing should install the mod just fine!

Who are Studio Dreamlance?
We are an ever-expanding group of volunteer game developers and modders, slowly putting together a multitude of projects in our spare time with the hope we can one day make the dream of a full-time game studio a reality.

Bugs & Feedback
If you'd like to leave us any feedback or make us aware of any problems with this mod, please let us know using the appropriate forms

Feedback form:
Bug report form:

Known Issues
  • Rare spawn minbosses are not renamed
  • Certain assets need to be swapped out manually
  • Some icons are a bit too dark to see clearly in the inventory. This may need a rethink on how 20XX icons are designed.
  • Content from later versions (hell, crystal caverns) still remaining
  • No "victory" screen, as it ties in with content that hasn't been added yet
  • A lot of the models were made 2 years ago when I had 0 voxel experience. Lots has been learned since then, and there's room for improvement across the board (lots of recolours and weird voxelshop hackiness)
  • Spell names unfortunately cannot be changed
Lead Artist & Designer, Producer, Sound Design, Cyborg Voice, - Caladrius
Tile Art, Special Forces Voice, Additional Writing - Ryan Newell
Wallace Herx Voice - Kyle Wallace
Writer (Books) - Bertie Titterton
Writer (Books, Additional), Replicant Voice - Callum Craig
3D Artist - Cyrano

CC0 Public Domain music sourced from
CC0 Public Domain sounds sourced from
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2020년 8월 4일 오전 6시 03분
Barony 20XX broke 100 subscribers!
2024년 9월 17일 오전 1시 16분
Barony 20XX for non-steam users
댓글 40
CosmoCossack 2025년 3월 9일 오후 2시 31분 
lol dead ass mod lmao
Krombopulos Michael 2024년 9월 3일 오후 7시 33분 
The sounds are bad.. really bad... the constant static, the deafening spell sounds. Aside from this it seems like it would be fun but I called it quits after the first floor
Frission 2024년 8월 24일 오후 11시 15분 
I miss this D: Update please <3
[BOT] spiralling_flesh 2024년 7월 20일 오전 4시 59분 
Jeez, this is damn impressive.
Mouxo Mancer 2024년 1월 6일 오후 9시 32분 
please update, this is amazing
Atomic Assault Butler 2023년 12월 11일 오후 4시 43분 
I am begging you to be rid of the buzzing
Rovole 2023년 10월 23일 오후 7시 59분 
For those of you wondering, you can still play this mod with the legacy 3.3.7 blessed addition available under betas.
Rusty 2023년 10월 6일 오전 11시 08분 
3.3.4 version of barony is no longer available on steam. Any way I can still play this?
Ren 2022년 12월 26일 오후 2시 01분 
will this be updated for the QoD update/beta?
GrimRose0w0[TTV] 2022년 7월 31일 오전 10시 03분 
Just stumbled upon this gem.