Blackwell Convergence

Blackwell Convergence

121 ratings
Achievement Guide
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An achievement guide for Blackwell Convergence. Apparently the only one on the entire Internet.
Soft Touch
Give Allen some hope before he goes - On the ledge, inquire about why he's on the ledge. Ask about his wife. Tell him his wife is inside. Then, contrary to what you might expect, have Rosa tell him she was right to leave him.

Lush Life
Have a few drinks, but you might regret it in the morning - At the Park Gallery, when you're on your way out, you're asked to stay for drinks. Choose to stay.
Sober Solidarity
Keep a clear head, but others might think less of you - At the Park Gallery, when you're on your way out, you're asked to stay for drinks. Choose to leave.
Cat Trick
Distract the cat only once - When it's raining, enter Monique's office. A cat will come inside and lay on the chair. Have Joey go over to the cat and play with it. Then immediately switch to Rosa and click on the cat. You MUST click on the cat while Joey is playing with her for this to count. Save before attempting, just in case!

TIP: Position Rosa right near the cat before switching to Joey. To save even more time use the TAB key to swap back to Rosa.
Leading Lady
While holding Frank's script, get though a performance without flubbing a single line - DO NOT TALK TO FRANK WITH ROSA UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN TO HIS APARTMENT! Once you've obtained the script, talk to him with Rosa and recite the appropriate lines back to him. The only tricky part is the 2nd answer where you must "Tell him he's dead" in order to recite the appropriate line.

A cheat sheet has been included below for your benefit.

Art Medium
Convince Claude that you are an artist on your first try - If you're not looking for the easy way out, Oogle "Artists" on Rosa's computer and follow the advice. If you are looking for the easy way out, follow the guide below.

  • Painting 1: Say you like the hard lines.
  • Painting 2: Ask if it represents Darkness in Shadow.
  • Painting 3: Ask about the color.

Note: The achievement says Frank, but they mean Claude, the artist, not Frank the dead actor. :)
Reluctant Savior
Save Charlie Meltzer's life - Take your ghostly cigarette and click on the Countess when she's attacking Charlie. I don't think you can miss this one actually.
Wonder Woman
Defeat the Countess with one throw of an improvised lasso - When the Countess is attacking Joey, he will drop his tie. Use Rosa to pick up the tie, then click on the tie in your inventory. Once you have the Tie selected WAIT for the Countess to raise her fist back, a *woosh* sound effect will play. This is when you want to click on the Countess with the Tie. You will lasso her. Then swap to Joey and click on the Countess. The achievement should pop if you managed to do this all on your first try. Save before attempting, just in case!

TIP: To save even more time hover the Tie over the Countess and wait for the animation, click, then use the TAB key to swap to Joey.
Medium Well Done
Finish the game at least once - If I have to explain to you how to unlock this, you need more help than my Achievement Guide can provide.
Finish the game without asking Joey for a single hint - Don't be afraid to talk to Joey. Joey is your friend. He is hilarious. You can chat with him, you can go over your notepad together, you can even play as Joey and talk to Rosa. What you SHOULDN'T do is choose the 3rd option and ask about what your next move should be. That's the Hint button you want to avoid using otherwise you'll lock yourself out of this achievement.
Convergence Commentary
Finish the game in commentary mode, from the opening menu till the end - Self explanatory. Before you start a new game, turn on the commentary. Don't turn it off. Complete the game. I recommend saving this for a second playthrough so you can actually enjoy the main plot and dialogue without breaking your immersion.
Secret Finder
Find the secret extras menu - In order to get this achievement you'll need access to Oogle on Rosa's computer. This means you want to have a save file BEFORE you leave the apartment to rescue someone from a vengeful ghost. Otherwise, you'll have to replay the tutorial. The code in question can be found at the end of the credits. If you're too impatient to wait for the credits, or forgot what the code was, I've included it in the image below (you're welcome by the way, I couldn't find this code ANYWHERE on the Internet and had to rewatch the credits. I even Oogled it!)

MirandaKym 2 Mar @ 6:58am 
The comment under Medium Well Done had me laughing for a long time. Thanks for that. :D
Zyro 30 Jan, 2022 @ 7:03am 
About While Leading Lady: You can talk to him before having been in his apartment as often as you want. The achievemnt is about doing it right the first time when "holding Frank's script". Works all fine that way.

Reluctant Savior: Well, I managed to miss that one allright. And it didn't give me too much time (or attempts?) either. He'll get his neck broken and lies around afterwards...
.ms 17 Aug, 2020 @ 5:43am 
Thanks a lot! :bujoey:
kazerniel 5 Jul, 2020 @ 6:04am 
hmm Convergence Commentary didn't unlock for me, even though I had it on from start to finish. Maybe because I did skip a few of the more irrelevant commentaries?
Impracticalmagic 25 Jun, 2020 @ 1:48am 
Thank you for the Oogle code :blissful_creep: Replaying the game a few years later and no idea what I did with it!
Dragorn421 25 May, 2020 @ 7:23am 
can confirm what Mitzi Moo indicated
Mitzi Moo 7 Feb, 2016 @ 10:48am 
For 'Leading Lady' I let Rosa talk to Frank before and chose some wrong answers. After I got to the apartment, I spoke with him again, with all correct answers as you have shown. I still have gotten the achievement, so I think it only matters, that you click the options right AFTER you visit the apartment and get the script.
somnolentsurfer 6 Jul, 2015 @ 2:33am 
I've got some of them in game, from a single play through, but none of them are showing up on Steam. Played the game on OS X.
iceicewater 9 Jan, 2015 @ 8:21pm 
Great guide, but for constructive purposes, can you put the improtant things that people should actually do or not do at the beginning of the guide?

Like the 'Solo' and 'Convergence Commentary' should be on the first part since moving without doing or not doing these won't give the achievement :)
iceicewater 9 Jan, 2015 @ 6:45pm 
In 'Soft Touch' you don't have to pretend to be his wife. I think you get the achievement as long as you get him inside with Rosa then have Rosa give him a bad comment.