

411 ratings
Achievement Guide
By Link
Some of the other guides on Steam mention achievements or secrets here and there, but none contain all of the answers in one single easy to read place. That's what this guide is for! I've done my best to avoid spoilers and provide tips (and answers within spoiler tags) for some of the various puzzles/riddles.
An easy solution to an impossible problem - Use the plasma torch to weld the conduit pieces together. Can't be missed.
Charged up
That hit the spot. But for how much longer? - Repair the emergency generator and recharge yourself. Part of the main story, can't be missed.
Peeping tom
Look at all the sensor coordinates - Look through all the coordinates listed in your data pouch through the telescope on top of the UNNIIC. This includes the ones for Metropol.

NOTE: Sometimes you need to leave the area and reenter it for the achievement to unlock.
Needle in a haystack
Use technology to do the impossible - Use the mobile energy sensor to find the battery in the junkyard. Part of the main story, can't be missed.
Keeping it reel
Find the hidden tape deck - The hidden tape deck can be found out in the wastelands prior to going inside The Dome. Make sure you find it before you leave. You'll want to comb the ground with your Mobile Sensor.

If you're still having trouble, use this helpful image from Pillow Master's guide.
Pass Ever-Faithful's test on the first try - Self-Explanatory enough. Read your Gospel of Man before talking with Ever-Faithful about Humanism.

Question 1: Why are we here?
Answer: 3: Because Man created us.

Question 2: What is Man?
Answer: 2: A perfect machine.

Question 3: With what duty did Man charge us?
Answer: 1: To maintain the world.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: These steps are required as part of the We're all in this together and Three musketeers achievement. If you don't pass on your first try, you are locked out of these achievements!
Wake a slumbering giant - Inside the giant robot, when dealing with Gamma, if you destroy the three monitors that he is not hiding in, you will trap him. You can then go and tell Alpha and Beta that Gamma is trapped. When you leave, Goliath will wake up and give you a Decryption Module. You will also unlock the achievement.

TIP: To make sure you don't accidentally destroy Gamma and kill Goliath only start this part of the quest when you have the Mobile Sensor. Use the sensor on the monitors in Gamma's room. If the monitor isn't giving off an energy signal, destroy it with your Plasma Torch.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: In order to unlock the Smells of rotten custard achievement, you must have the Decryption Module you receive for completing THIS achievement. Additionally, these steps are required in order to get the key item that is used in the I told you to stop and Thanatos endings.
Call me David
Use brawn instead of brains - In Gamma's room inside the Goliath, just start smashing monitors with the Plasma Torch until they're all destroyed and/or until you destroy Gamma.

WARNING: This will lock you out of the Smells of rotten custard achievement and some of the endings. It is recommended you either perform this on a second playthrough, or you save before unlocking this achievement, and then reload after.
Train Crispin for his big date - After meeting the cute floating robot by the broken down bus, go to a different area of Metropol and use the Lantern from your inventory on Crispin. Crispin will practice his pick-up lines and the achievement will unlock.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: These steps are required in order to get the We're all in this together achievement.
Lawyer robot hero
Pass a legal test on the first try - When you first go to the area outside the Courtroom there will be two snappily dressed robots arguing with each other. Ask Oswald and Cornelius if you can settle their dispute it.

They will give you a logic puzzle in in three parts. The details are as follows:
  • There are 7 robots, all built by Factor or Sturnweiler.
  • The robots have a quad-core, a linear-type or a multiplex processor architecture.
  • Factor built more robots than Sturnweiler.
  • All robots with a quad-core were built by Factor.
  • Sturnweiler never built a linear-type robot.
Question 1 - 4: four robots were built by Sturnweiler.
Question 2 - 3: three of the robots were built by Sturnweiler.
Question 3 - 1: Sturnweiler only built robots with multiplex cores.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: You will want to choose "Factor" as the surname if you plan on getting the We're all in this together achievement.
Machina ex Machina
Get help from a new friend - Received when you meet your new friend, after crossing the bridge in the Underworks.

WARNING: Do not use the Decryption Module to bypass the bridge code. This will lock you out of the Three musketeers achievement. Enter the access code manually by solving the puzzle. If you're having trouble, or lazy, the bridge code is (137)
Gone courting
Unlock the courthouse - Use the keycard you were given in the Underworks. This is part of the main story, can't be missed.
Gear head
Clean two gears using different methods - You get the two gears in the Underworks when trying to visit Factor. There are three methods to cleaning the gears, just use two different ones.

Methods of cleaning:
  • The Submersibles by Primer will eat the rust off a gear.
  • The robot arm will clean the gear at the bar.
  • You can use the oil you stole from the bar to clean one yourself.
Melted heart
Change Factotum's mind - Give a certain familiar looking shell's head (Laurence) to Factorum's flying assistant in the Underworks.
Help a lost pilgrim find his way - Find your Gospel of Man in the Underworks next to the Golden Chain you get for Oswald. Once you TRADE (hint hint) your Gospel of Man to a particular robot this achievement will unlock.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: These steps are required in order to get the We're all in this together achievement.
Know it all
Find every entry in the information kiosk - The following is a list of terms to search in the Information Kiosk in Metropol. Many thanks to user Gyumaou for posting this in the forums.

Without Monocle:
  • arbiter
  • cdep
  • central station
  • clarity
  • courthouse
  • cycles
  • dunes
  • efficiency initiative
  • factor
  • goliath
  • help
  • history
  • horus
  • humanism
  • humans
  • landmarks
  • law
  • main street
  • memorious
  • metromind
  • metropol
  • other cities
  • power
  • primer
  • primordium
  • progress
  • refuge rule
  • robot council
  • scraper
  • shell
  • steeple
  • sturnweiler
  • council tower
  • underworks
  • war

With Monocle:
  • arbiter
  • art
  • cathedral
  • central station
  • charity
  • clarity
  • council tower
  • courthouse
  • created
  • crier
  • escape
  • factor
  • goliath
  • help
  • history
  • horus
  • humanism
  • humans
  • landmarks
  • law
  • lies
  • main street
  • memorious
  • metromind
  • oblique
  • other cities
  • primordium
  • redlien
  • refuge rule
  • robot council
  • scraper
  • starport
  • steeple
  • sturnweiler
  • tower
  • war

WARNING: This must be done before speaking to Memento Moribuilt! Do not type in the final search term (ORACLE) while working on this achievement. It doesn't count towards it anyways.

BONUS ADVICE: Thanks to user dgkblood for pointing out that you need to click the "MORE" button and read ALL pages related to each term.
Ghost whisperer
Find Memento Moribuilt - Use your shiny new Monocle on the Information Kiosk on Main Street. There will be a series of encoded keywords that you must look up that solve a greater puzzle.

WARNING: Before entering the FINAL search phrase (ORACLE) into the Kiosk be sure to search up ALL the words both with and without using the Monocle in order to unlock the infamous Know it all achievement. It is recommended you save before using the Monocle just in case you mess up.
Open sesame
Unlock the tower door, without outside help - Piece together the code for the door without asking Primer to do it for you.

HINT: The numbers overlap, for example one string of numbers might be "110" and another might be "02" and another might be "0213", which means you'd have 1102 13 as a string of numbers. Make sense? The 0 and 2 that were in those strings were the SAME 0 and 2, so instead of 110020213, we just counted them as one instance of the number.

LAZY PERSON ANSWER: 4402 4803 0675 1026

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: Asking Primer for help and confirming that you want his help will void his presence in Three musketeers and We're all in this together achievements. Solve it on your own!
Victory at what cost? - Occurs near the end of your journey in the Metropol Subway. This is part of the main story and can't be missed (or avoided T_T)
Smells of rotten custard
Unlock Horatio's past - This achievement requires the Decryption Module from Goliath, earned by getting the Defragmented achievement. Use the Decryption Module on the Datachip that Metromind drops in the Subway, then use the Datachip on the Data Pouch + Reader. A cutscene will ensue and the achievement will unlock.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: These steps are required in order to get the Virus that is used in the I told you to stop and Thanatos endings.
Live free or die
Stay true to yourself - During the ending scene of the game, you will be confronting Metromind (*GASP* Spoiler, as if you didn't expect that.) Metromind will make you an offer. You may inquire about this offer, ask her other questions, etc. in order to unlock the achievement however you must simply refuse to accept her offer.
Resistance is futile
Join your foe for the greater good - As in the above achievement, Metromind will make you an offer. You may inquire about this offer, ask her other questions, etc. in order to unlock the achievement however you must simply accept her offer.
Too much power
Resort to blackmail, and emerge the victor - During the talk with Metromind, you can tell her you need to think about it. Walk over to the Power Core and use your Plasma Torch on it. You will eventually be presented with two options, choose "Very well." The achievement will unlock.
Not bluffing
She pushed you too far - As above, walk over to the Power Core and use your Plasma Torch on it. You will eventually be presented with two options, choose "No. You must be destroyed." The achievement will unlock. TAKE THAT METROMIND, YOU JERK!
I told you to stop
Stop Scraper once and for all - You must have the Virus obtained by following the steps to get the Smells of rotten custard achievement. During the talk with Metromind, you can tell her you need to think about it. Then use the Virus+Transmitter on Scraper. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TAKIN- AHEM... STEALING OUR POWER CORE!
Fulfill your true mission - You must have the Virus obtained by following the steps to get the Smells of rotten custard achievement. During the talk with Metromind, you can tell her you need to think about it. Walk past the fallen robot to your right towards an exit and you'll go to a rooftop. Use the Transmitter + Virus on the radio tower. The achievement is unlocked. Wow, you're a jerk.
I always wanted to fly. . .
Take a leap of faith - During the talk with Metromind, you can tell her you need to think about it. Walk past the fallen robot to your right towards an exit and you'll go to a rooftop. Walk towards the edge of the roof, and jump. The achievement is unlocked. Didn't expect that ending did you?
Three musketeers
Reunite Surly Company - This achievement can be tricky unless you follow these steps/guidelines:

  • Help 187th at the courthouse, show him your decoder (maybe? doesn't hurt), after you exit the courthouse, DO NOT let Scraper count down. Scraper just so happens to have one of the small bombs that you detonated at the bomb on him, so blow that up as quick as you can.
  • Give Primer the Medal, which is found after pressing the green button that opens the window near Factor. Additionally, as mentioned in an earlier achievement, DO NOT hack the bridge with the Decryption Module. The game doesn't tell you this, but Primer dislikes cheaters. Solve his riddle and enter the appropriate code (137) Don't even ask Primer to solve the tower door code for you either (Open sesame), as he will also frown upon that if you confirm that you want his help, bro.
  • In order to get Ever-Faithful to tag along, all you need to do is ace his quiz on the first try (see Robomitzvah achievement for details.) If you have to go on the repenting side-quest, you're locked out of this achievement.

GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE: These steps are required as part of the We're all in this together achievement.

DISCLAIMER: This achievement can only be unlocked by getting either the Too much power and I told you to stop endings.
We're all in this together
Finish the game with all possible robots. - You need to complete the game, with a good ending, and have rescue/convince every single robot you meet to come back with you. This achievement can be tricky unless you follow these steps/guidelines:

FLASHBACK: Follow all of the steps listed in the Three musketeers achievement for those 3 robots.

  • For Oswald and Cornelius you'll want to make sure that you solve their law test (see the Lawyer robot hero achievement) and then decide upon the last name of "Factorfactorbuilt" for Rex.
  • Grab the datacore from the Sacrifice (Crispin) in the Subway.
  • Tell Metromind you want to wait, and pick up the head from the robot's remains (Clarity) to the far right of the area.
  • Give Leopold the Gospel of Man (see the KEEPINGTHEFAITH achievement.)
  • Make sure Crispin and his gal pal hit it off. (See the Wingman achievement.)
  • Use the Copper Wire received during Wingman to repair the motor before giving it back to Gimbal.

DISCLAIMER: This achievement can only be unlocked by getting either the Too much power and I told you to stop endings.
Lucky Thirteen 27 Nov, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
Can't edit my previous comment, so here's a new one:

Nevermind that about Ever-Faithful. The game actually does explain how he's related to 187th and Primer. Must have missed that dialogue during my first playthrough.
Lucky Thirteen 26 Nov, 2023 @ 2:48pm 
I don't think you actually GIVE the Gospel of Man to Leopold.
I got the "KEEPINGTHEFAITH" achievement by SHOWING the book to Leopold (which seems to be unmissable anyway, because that's how you convince him to share his codes for the Council Tower). The Gospel of Man was still in my inventory after this.

Also, I don't understand what does Ever-Faithful have to do with 187th and Primer ("Three Musketeers" achievement). Ever-Faithful wasn't Legionbuilt, was he? :cwat:

Anyway, thank you for the guide, it's gonna help me hunt for the missing achievs! :superb:
Link  [author] 23 Nov, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
Wow. I'm glad this guide was helpful all these years later. Thanks for taking the time to patch it!
James Spanos  [developer] 4 Nov, 2023 @ 12:50am 
startport is a typo, so, that explains that, we're looking to patch the game regardless, to avoid having people to press more, because in the case of LANDMARKS that contains 3 pages, that's what i think most people miss.
James Spanos  [developer] 2 Nov, 2023 @ 6:21am 
Funningly enough, had I ever read this achievement guide, we'd have solved the issue with the two achievements years ago, today, I finally cracked it and I was looking at this guide to make sure I'm not heavily mistaken in some way. Apparently, this guide confirms it!
papa skele 1 Nov, 2023 @ 11:07pm 
For the know it all achievement, the word "startport" with the Monocle doesn't work anymore. Instead type "ROCKETS" this should make the achievement appear. Initially when I was trying to get the achievement, startport would show the normal welcome console.
Knyaz_Drankoii |S Team| 25 Oct, 2023 @ 2:34am 
For the "Three musketeers" you can safely use Decryption Module on the bridge if you never talk to Primer before that.
OfficeSpider 16 Sep, 2023 @ 8:08am 
council tower isn't in the non-monicle search
Sarawr 22 Jan, 2023 @ 6:41pm 
if anyone else is having trouble with the Know it All achievement, there is a 3rd page for the monocle Landmarks entry. Somehow I missed that multiple times, so I thought I'd share in case anyone else has the same problem. I believe the rest all have max 2 pages. :fomthappy:
Dr. Oc 26 Jun, 2022 @ 6:07pm 
For the know it all achievement the only word I added was central station to the monocle search and it popped for me